Exemple #1

/// Copyright (c) 2004-2012, Needlworks  / Tatter Network Foundation
/// All rights reserved. Licensed under the GPL.
/// See the GNU General Public License for more details. (/documents/LICENSE, /documents/COPYRIGHT)
define('__TEXTCUBE_IPHONE__', true);
require ROOT . '/library/preprocessor.php';
$context = Model_Context::getInstance();
if (empty($suri['id']) && empty($suri['value'])) {
    printMobileHTMLMenu('', 'list');
    $blog['entriesOnList'] = 8;
    if (!($listWithPaging = getEntriesWithPaging($blogid, $suri['page'], $blog['entriesOnList']))) {
        $listWithPaging = array(array(), array('total' => 0));
    $list = array('title' => empty($suri['value']) ? getCategoryLabelById($blogid, 0) : $suri['value'], 'items' => $listWithPaging[0], 'count' => $listWithPaging[1]['total']);
    $paging = $listWithPaging[1];
    print printMobileEntryListView($list['items'], 'blog_posts_' . $suri['page'], _text('글목록'), $paging, $list['count']);
    print printMobileListNavigation($paging, 'entry');
} else {
    if (!empty($suri['id'])) {
        list($entries, $paging) = getEntryWithPaging($blogid, $suri['id']);
    } else {
        if (!empty($suri['value'])) {
            $entryPrint = true;
            list($entries, $paging) = getEntryWithPagingBySlogan($blogid, $suri['value']);
            //	printMobileHTMLHeader();
    printMobileHTMLMenu('', 'list');
Exemple #2
" selected="true">
    $blogAuthor = User::getBlogOwnerName($blogid);
    $blogLogo = !is_null($context->getProperty('blog.logo')) && $context->getProperty('blog.logo') != "" ? printMobileImageResizer($blogid, $context->getProperty('blog.logo'), 80) : $context->getProperty('service.path') . "/resources/style/iphone/images/textcube_logo.png";
    $itemsView = '<li class="blog_info">' . CRLF;
    $itemsView .= '	<div class="logo"><img src="' . $blogLogo . '" /></div>' . CRLF;
    $itemsView .= '	<div class="blog_container">' . CRLF;
    $itemsView .= '		<span class="title">' . htmlspecialchars($context->getProperty('blog.title')) . '</span>' . CRLF;
    $itemsView .= '		<span class="author">by ' . $blogAuthor . '</span>' . CRLF;
    $itemsView .= '		<span class="description">' . htmlspecialchars($context->getProperty('blog.description')) . '</span>' . CRLF;
    $itemsView .= '	</div>' . CRLF;
    $itemsView .= '</li>' . CRLF;
    print $itemsView;
    // Recent posts
    if ($listWithPaging = getEntriesWithPaging($blogid, 1, 3)) {
        $list = $listWithPaging[0];
        $paging = $listWithPaging[1];
        $list = array('title' => '', 'items' => $listWithPaging[0], 'count' => $listWithPaging[1]['total']);
        print '<li data-role="list-divider" class="group">' . _text('최근 글') . '</li>' . CRLF;
        print printMobileEntryListView($list['items'], 'recent_posts', _text('글목록'), $paging, 0, false);
		<li data-role="list-divider"><?php 
    echo _text('메뉴');
		<li><a href="<?php 
    echo $context->getProperty('uri.blog');
/entry" rel="external" class="link"><?php 
Exemple #3

/// Copyright (c) 2004-2016, Needlworks  / Tatter Network Foundation
/// All rights reserved. Licensed under the GPL.
/// See the GNU General Public License for more details. (/documents/LICENSE, /documents/COPYRIGHT)
$IV = array('GET' => array('category' => array('int', 0, 'mandatory' => false), 'page' => array('int', 1, 'default' => 1), 'mode' => array(array('mobile', 'desktop', 'tablet'), 'mandatory' => false), 'commentId' => array('int', 0, 'mandatory' => false), 'commentInput' => array('bool', 'mandatory' => false)));
require ROOT . '/library/preprocessor.php';
if (empty($suri['value'])) {
    list($entries, $paging) = getEntriesWithPaging($blogid, $suri['page'], $blog['entriesOnPage']);
} else {
    if (isset($_GET['category'])) {
        // category exists
        if (Validator::isInteger($_GET['category'], 0)) {
            list($entries, $paging) = getEntryWithPagingBySlogan($blogid, $suri['value'], false, $_GET['category']);
    } else {
        // Just normal entry view
        list($entries, $paging) = getEntryWithPagingBySlogan($blogid, $suri['value']);
        if (isset($_GET['commentId']) || isset($_GET['commentInput'])) {
            if (isset($_GET['commentId']) && Validator::isInteger($_GET['commentId'], 1)) {
                $commentId = $_GET['commentId'];
            } else {
                $commentId = 1;
            $suri['page'] = getCommentPageById(getBlogId(), $entries[0]['id'], $commentId);
            $context->setProperty('blog.showCommentBox', true);
require ROOT . '/interface/common/blog/begin.php';
Exemple #4

/// Copyright (c) 2004-2011, Needlworks  / Tatter Network Foundation
/// All rights reserved. Licensed under the GPL.
/// See the GNU General Public License for more details. (/documents/LICENSE, /documents/COPYRIGHT)
define('__TEXTCUBE_MOBILE__', true);
require ROOT . '/library/preprocessor.php';
// Redirect for ipod touch / iPhone
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'iPod') || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'iPhone')) {
    header("Location: " . $pathURL . getFancyURLpostfix() . "/i");
if (empty($suri['id'])) {
    list($entry, $paging) = getEntriesWithPaging($blogid, 1, 1);
    if (empty($entry)) {
        printMobileErrorPage(_text('페이지 오류'), _text('글이 하나도 없습니다.'), $blogURL);
    } else {
        header("Location: {$blogURL}/{$entry[0]['id']}");
} else {
    list($entries, $paging) = getEntryWithPaging($blogid, $suri['id']);
    $entry = $entries ? $entries[0] : null;
	<div id="content">
    echo htmlspecialchars($entry['title']);
		<hr />