 * check for csrfs
 * @param  string $action action to pass to check_nonce
 * @param  string $file   file to pass to check_nonce
 * @param  bool   $die    if false return instead of die
 * @return 
function check_for_csrf($action, $file = "", $die = true)
    // check for csrf
    if (!getDef('GSNOCSRF', true) || GSNOCSRF == FALSE) {
        $nonce = $_REQUEST['nonce'];
        if (!check_nonce($nonce, $action, $file)) {
            if ($die) {
                die("CSRF detected!");
            return true;
Exemple #2
 * update plugin_info with additional info from api
function plugin_info_update()
    global $plugin_info;
    foreach ($plugin_info as $key => $plugin) {
        $api_data = json_decode(get_api_details('plugin', $key . '.php', getDef('GSNOPLUGINCHECK', true)));
        // on api success
        if (is_object($api_data) && $api_data->status == 'successful') {
            $apiver = $api_data->version;
            $apipath = $api_data->path;
            $apiname = $api_data->name;
            $plugin_info[$key]['name'] = $apiname;
            // $plugin_info[$key]['apiname'] = $apiname;
            $plugin_info[$key]['apipath'] = $apipath;
            $plugin_info[$key]['apiver'] = $apiver;
 * check for csrfs
 * @param  string $action action to pass to check_nonce
 * @param  string $file   file to pass to check_nonce
 * @param  bool   $die    if false return instead of die
 * @return bool   returns true if csrf check fails
function check_for_csrf($action, $file = "", $die = true)
    // check for csrf
    if (!getDef('GSNOCSRF', true)) {
        $nonce = $_REQUEST['nonce'];
        if (!check_nonce($nonce, $action, $file)) {
            // @hook csrf a csrf was detected
            if (requestIsAjax()) {
                $error = i18n_r("CSRF", "CRSF Detected!");
                echo "<div>";
                // jquery bug will not parse 1 html element so we wrap it
                include 'template/error_checking.php';
                echo "</div>";
            if ($die) {
                die(i18n_r("CSRF", "CRSF Detected!"));
            return true;
     $htmleditor = '';
 # check to see if passwords are changing
 if (isset($_POST['sitepwd'])) {
     $pwd1 = $_POST['sitepwd'];
 if (isset($_POST['sitepwd_confirm'])) {
     $pwd2 = $_POST['sitepwd_confirm'];
 // do password checking
 if ($pwd1 != $pwd2 || $adding === true && (empty($pwd1) || $pwd1 !== $pwd2)) {
     # passwords do not match if changing or adding users passwords
     $error = i18n_r('PASSWORD_NO_MATCH');
     $password = '';
 } else {
     if ($pwd1 != '' && strlen($pwd1) < getDef('GSPASSLENGTHMIN')) {
         # password cannot be shorter than GSPASSLENGTH
         $error = i18n_r('PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT');
         $password = '';
     } else {
         if ($pwd1 != '') {
             # password changed
             $newpassword = $pwd1;
             // set new password
             // @hook profile-password-changed a users password was changed
             $password = passhash($newpassword);
             // set new password
Exemple #5
// @hook header backend before html head closes

		.tab{ display:block; clear:both;}
		.tab fieldset legend{ display: block; }
		#cm_themeselect, #cm_themeselect_label { display:none;}
		#theme_filemanager ul ul {
			display: block;

$headerclass = getDef('GSHEADERCLASS', true) ? getDef('GSHEADERCLASS') : '';
<body <?php 
echo ' class="' . $bodyclass . '"';
	<div class="header <?php 
echo $headerclass;
" id="header" >
		<div class="wrapper clearfix">
// @hook header-body backend header body wrapper html
Exemple #6
echo find_accesskey(i18n_r('MENU_MANAGER'));
" <?php 
// @hook pages-sidebar sidebar list html output

<p id="js_submit_line" ></p>

if (get_filename_id() === 'edit') {
    if (getDef('GSAUTOSAVE')) {
	<p id="autosavestatus"><?php 
        echo sprintf(i18n_r("AUTOSAVE_STATUS"), getDef('GSAUTOSAVE'));
	<p id="autosavenotify"></p>
Exemple #7
} else {
    echo '<tr><td>SimpleXML Module</td><td><span class="OKmsg" >' . i18n_r('INSTALLED') . ' - ' . i18n_r('OK') . '</span></td></tr>';
if (server_is_apache()) {
    echo '<tr><td>Apache web server</td><td><span class="OKmsg" >' . $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] . ' - ' . i18n_r('OK') . '</span></td></tr>';
    if (function_exists('apache_get_modules')) {
        if (!in_arrayi('mod_rewrite', apache_get_modules())) {
            echo '<tr><td>Apache Mod Rewrite</td><td><span class="WARNmsg" >' . i18n_r('NOT_INSTALLED') . ' - ' . i18n_r('WARNING') . '</span></td></tr>';
        } else {
            echo '<tr><td>Apache Mod Rewrite</td><td><span class="OKmsg" >' . i18n_r('INSTALLED') . ' - ' . i18n_r('OK') . '</span></td></tr>';
    } else {
        echo '<tr><td>Apache Mod Rewrite</td><td><span class="OKmsg" >' . i18n_r('INSTALLED') . ' - ' . i18n_r('OK') . '</span></td></tr>';
} else {
    if (!getDef('GSNOAPACHECHECK') || GSNOAPACHECHECK == false) {
        echo '<tr><td>Apache web server</td><td><span class="ERRmsg" >' . $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] . ' - <b>' . i18n_r('ERROR') . '</b></span></td></tr>';
			<p class="hint"><?php 
echo sprintf(i18n_r('REQS_MORE_INFO'), "http://get-simple.info/docs/requirements");
if ($kill != '') {
Exemple #8
<h1 class="sitename"><a href="<?php 
echo $SITEURL;
" target="_blank" ><?php 
echo cl($SITENAME);
 <i class="icon fa fa-external-link"></i></a></h1>
<ul class="nav <?php 
echo $plugin_class;

$tabs = explode(',', getDef('GSTABS'));
// $tabs  = array_keys($sidemenudefinition); // debug all
$current = get_filename_id();
// if current tab is not in GSTABS, then set its parent tab as current
if (!in_array($current, $tabs)) {
    if (isset($sidemenudefinition[$current]) && !empty($sidemenudefinition[$current])) {
        $current = $sidemenudefinition[$current];
if ($tabs) {
    foreach ($tabs as $tab) {
        if (empty($tab)) {
        $tabtitle = i18n_r('TAB_' . uppercase($tab));
        $class = $tab == $current ? ' current' : '';
	<li style="float:right;" id="sb_filesize" ><small><?php 
: <strong><?php 
echo toBytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')) / 1024 / 1024;

# show normal upload form if Uploadify is turned off
if (getDef('GSNOUPLOADIFY', true)) {
	<form class="uploadform" action="upload.php?path=<?php 
    echo $path;
" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
		<p><input type="file" name="file[]" id="file" style="width:220px;" multiple /></p>
		<input type="hidden" name="hash" id="hash" value="<?php 
    echo $SESSIONHASH;
" />
		<input type="submit" class="submit" name="submit" value="<?php 
" />
Exemple #10
 * strip shortcodes based on pattern
 * @since  3.3.6
 * @param  str $str     input string
 * @param  string $pattern regex pattern to strip
 * @return str          new string
function strip_content($str, $pattern = '/[({]%.*?%[})]/')
    if (getDef('GSCONTENTSTRIPPATTERN', true)) {
        $pattern = getDef('GSCONTENTSTRIPPATTERN');
    return preg_replace($pattern, '', $str);
Exemple #11
    // @hook common common.php has completed loading resoruces, base not yet loaded
    // debugLog('calling common_callout');
    if (function_exists('common_callout')) {
    // @callout common_callout callout after common loaded, before templating
 * debug plugin global arrays
// debugLog($live_plugins);
// debugLog($plugin_info);
// debugLog($plugins);
// debugLog($pluginHooks);
if (isset($load['login']) && $load['login'] && getDef('GSALLOWLOGIN', true)) {
    require_once GSADMININCPATH . 'login_functions.php';
// do the template rendering
if (GSBASE) {
    require_once GSADMINPATH . 'base.php';
// common methods that are required before dependancy includes
 * Debug Console Log
 * @since 3.1
 * @param $txt string
function debugLog($mixed = null)
    global $GS_debug;
 * Generate standard thumbnails
 * @param  string $path path to image
 * @param  string $name file name
 * @uses   GD
function genStdThumb($subpath, $file)
    // set thumbnail width from GSIMAGEWIDTH
    if (!getDef('GSIMAGEWIDTH')) {
        $width = 200;
        //New width of image
    } else {
        $width = getDef('GSIMAGEWIDTH');
    generate_thumbnail($file, $subpath, 'thumbnail.' . $file, $width);
Exemple #13
    // if ajax we are done
    changedataAjaxSave($url, $oldslug);
    // redirect user back to edit page or redirectto
    if (isset($_POST['redirectto']) && $_POST['redirectto'] != '') {
        $redirect_url = $_POST['redirectto'];
    } else {
        $redirect_url = 'edit.php';
    if ($pageIsNew) {
        $redirect_url .= "?id=" . $url . "&upd=edit-success&type=new";
    // new page
    if ($slugHasChanged) {
        $redirect_url .= "?id=" . $url . "&old=" . $oldslug . "&upd=edit-success&type=edit";
    } else {
        $redirect_url .= "?id=" . $url . "&upd=edit-success&type=edit";
    // update
    if ($draft) {
        $redirect_url .= "&upd-draft";
    // add nodraft arg if we are force editing a live page
    if (getDef('GSUSEDRAFTS', true) && !$draft) {
        $redirect_url .= '&nodraft';
} else {
    // nothing submitted
Exemple #14
    echo find_accesskey(i18n_r('ASK_DELETE_ALL'));
" class="confirmation"  ><?php 
    exec_action(get_filename_id() . '-edit-nav');
				<div id="filter-search">
					<form><input type="text" autocomplete="off" class="text" id="q" placeholder="<?php 
    echo strip_tags(lowercase(i18n_r('FILTER')));
..." /> &nbsp; <a href="<?php 
    echo getDef('GSDEFAULTPAGE');
" class="cancel"><?php 
    exec_action(get_filename_id() . '-body');
				<table id="editpages" class="highlight paginate">
Exemple #15
    $widepages = explode(',', getDef('GSWIDEPAGES'));
    // get ids of pages that are wide
    $widepagecss = '';
    if ($width == '0' or $width == '') {
        $width = 'none';
    // allow for no max-width
    // set max width for wide pages using custom wide width
    foreach ($widepages as $pageid) {
        $widepagecss .= "#{$pageid} .wrapper {max-width: {$width_wide};}\n";
    include 'css-wide.php';
// include custom theme/admin.css if exists
if (file_exists(GSTHEMESPATH . getDef('GSCSSCUSTOMFILE')) && getDef('GSCSSCUSTOMENABLE', true)) {
// You can include your own css here
// @hook style-save called after css files are included before cache is saved
// save cache
$ob_get_contents = ob_get_contents();
save_file($cachefile, cssCompress($ob_get_contents));
* Convert a hexa decimal color code to its RGB equivalent
* @param string $hexStr (hexadecimal color value)
* @param boolean $returnAsString (if set true, returns the value separated by the separator character. Otherwise returns associative array)
* @param string $seperator (to separate RGB values. Applicable only if second parameter is true.)
* @return array or string (depending on second parameter. Returns False if invalid hex color value)
 * Get Page Meta Description
 * @since 2.0
 * @uses $metad
 * @uses strip_decode
 * @param bool $echo Optional, default is true. False will 'return' value
 * @return string Echos or returns based on param $echo
function get_page_meta_desc($echo = true)
    $metad = getPageGlobal('metad');
    $desc = '';
    if ($metad != '') {
        $desc = encode_quotes(strip_decode($metad));
    } else {
        if (getDef('GSAUTOMETAD', true)) {
            // use content excerpt, NOT filtered
            $desc = strip_decode($content);
            if (getDef('GSCONTENTSTRIP', true)) {
                $desc = strip_content($desc);
            $desc = cleanHtml($desc, array('style', 'script'));
            // remove unwanted elements that strip_tags fails to remove
            $desc = getExcerpt($desc, 160);
            // grab 160 chars
            $desc = strip_whitespace($desc);
            // remove newlines, tab chars
            $desc = encode_quotes($desc);
            $desc = trim($desc);
    $str = exec_filter('metad', $desc);
    // @filter metad (str) meta description in get_page_meta_desc
    return echoReturn($str, $echo);
echo find_accesskey(i18n_r('MENU_MANAGER'));
" <?php 
// @hook pages-sidebar sidebar list html output

<p id="js_submit_line" ></p>

if (get_filename_id() === 'edit') {
    if (getDef('GSAUTOSAVE', true)) {
	<p id="autosavestatus"><?php 
        echo sprintf(i18n_r("AUTOSAVE_STATUS"), (int) getDef('GSAUTOSAVEINTERVAL'));
	<p id="autosavenotify"></p>
Exemple #18
        $labelAlphas .= '.label_' . $i . '_' . floor($alpha * 100) . ' {background-color: ' . getRGBA($defaultcolors['label_' . $i], $alpha) . "!important ;}\n";
    $labelAlphas .= "\n";
// include main css file css.php
// output label alphas
echo "/* label alphas */\n";
echo $labelAlphas;
// if GSTYLEWIDE ( default )
if (isset($_GET['s']) and in_array('wide', explode(',', $_GET['s']))) {
    $width = getDef('GSWIDTH');
    // get page width
    $width_wide = getDef('GSWIDTHWIDE');
    // get wide page width
    $widepages = explode(',', getDef('GSWIDEPAGES'));
    // get ids of pages that are wide
    $widepagecss = '';
    if ($width == '0' or $width == '') {
        $width = 'none';
    // allow for no max-width
    // set max width for wide pages using custom wide width
    foreach ($widepages as $pageid) {
        $widepagecss .= "#{$pageid} .wrapper {max-width: {$width_wide};}\n";
    include 'css-wide.php';
// include custom theme/admin.css if exists
if (file_exists(GSTHEMESPATH . GSCSSCUSTOMFILE) && $useadmincss) {
Exemple #19
function getPublishedPageHead($editing = true, $path = '')
    global $id, $draftExists, $pageExists;
    echo '<h3 class="floated">' . ($editing ? i18n_r('PAGE_EDIT_MODE') : i18n_r('CREATE_NEW_PAGE')) . '</h3>';
    if (getDef('GSUSEDRAFTS', true) && $pageExists && getDef('GSSDRAFTSPUBLISHEDTAG', true)) {
        echo '<div class="title label label-ok unselectable">' . i18n_r('LABEL_PUBLISHED') . '</div>';
    echo '<!-- pill edit navigation -->', "\n", '<div class="edit-nav clearfix" >';
    if ($editing) {
        echo '<a class="pageview" href="' . $path . '" target="_blank" accesskey="' . find_accesskey(i18n_r('VIEW')) . '" >' . i18n_r('VIEW') . '</a>';
        if ($path != '') {
            echo '<a class="pageclone" href="pages.php?id=' . $id . '&amp;action=clone&amp;nonce=' . get_nonce("clone", "pages.php") . '" >' . i18n_r('CLONE') . '</a>';
    exec_action(get_filename_id() . '-edit-nav');
    echo "\n</div>";
Exemple #20
# create default 403.xml page
$temp = GSADMININCPATH . 'tmp/tmp-403.xml';
if (!file_exists($init)) {
    if (copy($temp, $init)) {
        $message .= msgOK(sprintf(i18n_r('COPY_SUCCESS'), 'tmp/403.xml'));
    } else {
        $message .= msgError(sprintf(i18n_r('COPY_FAILURE'), 'tmp/403.xml'));
/* create new folders */
foreach ($create_dirs as $dir) {
    if (!file_exists($dir)) {
        if (getDef('GSCHMOD')) {
            $chmod_value = GSCHMOD;
        } else {
            $chmod_value = 0755;
        $status = mkdir($dir, $chmod_value);
        if ($status) {
            $message .= msgOK(sprintf(i18n_r('FOLDER_CREATED'), $dir));
        } else {
            $error .= msgError(i18n_r('ERROR_CREATING_FOLDER') . "<br /> - {$dir}");
# remove the pages.php plugin if it exists.
if (file_exists(GSPLUGINPATH . 'pages.php')) {
    unlink(GSPLUGINPATH . 'pages.php');
if (getDef('GSNOSITEMAP', true)) {
    echo 'class="last_sb"';
><a href="components.php"  <?php 
echo find_accesskey(i18n_r('SIDE_COMPONENTS'));
" ><?php 
if (!getDef('GSNOSITEMAP')) {
 <li id="sb_sitemap" class="last_sb"><a href="sitemap.php" <?php 
    echo find_accesskey(i18n_r('SIDE_VIEW_SITEMAP'));
" ><?php 
</a></li> <?php 
Exemple #22
 * Get Page Header HTML
 * This will return header html for a particular page. This will include the 
 * meta desriptions & keywords, canonical and title tags
 * @since 1.0
 * @uses exec_action
 * @uses get_page_url
 * @uses strip_quotes
 * @uses get_page_meta_desc
 * @uses get_page_meta_keywords
 * @uses $metad
 * @uses $title
 * @uses $content
 * @uses $site_full_name from configuration.php
 * @return string HTML for template header
function get_header($full = true)
    global $metad;
    global $title;
    global $content;
    include GSADMININCPATH . 'configuration.php';
    // meta description
    if ($metad != '') {
        $description = get_page_meta_desc(FALSE);
    } else {
        if (getDef('GSAUTOMETAD', true)) {
            // get meta from content excerpt
            if (function_exists('mb_substr')) {
                $description = trim(mb_substr(strip_tags(strip_decode($content)), 0, 160));
            } else {
                $description = trim(substr(strip_tags(strip_decode($content)), 0, 160));
            $description = str_replace('"', '', $description);
            $description = str_replace("'", '', $description);
            $description = preg_replace('/\\n/', " ", $description);
            $description = preg_replace('/\\r/', " ", $description);
            $description = preg_replace('/\\t/', " ", $description);
            $description = preg_replace('/ +/', " ", $description);
    if (!empty($description)) {
        echo '<meta name="description" content="' . $description . '" />' . "\n";
    // meta keywords
    $keywords = get_page_meta_keywords(FALSE);
    if ($keywords != '') {
        echo '<meta name="keywords" content="' . $keywords . '" />' . "\n";
    if ($full) {
        echo '<link rel="canonical" href="' . get_page_url(true) . '" />' . "\n";
    // script queue
Exemple #23
 * Setup
 * Second step of installation (install.php). Sets up initial files & structure
 * @package GetSimple
 * @subpackage Installation
# setup inclusions
$load['plugin'] = true;
if (isset($_POST['lang']) && trim($_POST['lang']) != '') {
    $LANG = $_POST['lang'];
include 'inc/common.php';
# default variables
if (getDef('GSLOGINSALT')) {
    $logsalt = GSLOGINSALT;
} else {
    $logsalt = null;
$kill = '';
// fatal error kill submission reshow form
$status = '';
$err = null;
// used for errors, show form alow resubmision
$message = null;
// message to show user
$random = null;
$success = false;
// success true show message if message
$fullpath = suggest_site_path();
Exemple #24
function doVerCheck()
    return !isAuthPage() && !getDef('GSNOVERCHECK');
Exemple #25
            echo '<td style="width:70px;text-align:right;"><span>' . $fileOwnerName . '/' . $filePerms . '</span></td>';
        echo '<td class="file_date right"><span class="' . (dateIsToday($upload['date']) ? 'datetoday' : '') . '">' . output_date($upload['date']) . '</span></td>';
        echo '<td class="delete" >' . $directory_delete . '</td>';
        echo '</tr>';
// will regenerate all thumbnail. thumbsm. in current folder, ideally used when changing smthumb size
// can take a very long time if you have massive images, it would be wise to keep folders small if using large gallary images
// if you have a lot to regen simply delete the images form the thumbs folder and keep refreshing until they are all regenerated
if (isset($_REQUEST['regenthumbsm']) || isset($_REQUEST['regenthumbnail'])) {
$thumbsm_w = (int) getDef('GSTHUMBSMWIDTH');
$thumbsm_h = (int) getDef('GSTHUMBSMHEIGHT');
// show files
if (count($filesSorted) != 0) {
    foreach ($filesSorted as $upload) {
        $thumbnailLink = '';
        $primarylink = getRelPath(GSDATAUPLOADPATH) . $urlPath . rawurlencode($upload['name']);
        echo '<tr class="all ' . $upload['type'] . '" >';
        echo '<td class="imgthumb" >';
        // handle images
        if ($upload['type'] == 'image') {
            $gallery = 'rel="fancybox_i"';
            $pathlink = 'image.php?i=' . rawurlencode($upload['name']) . '&amp;path=' . $subPath;
            $thumbLink = $urlPath . 'thumbsm.' . $upload['name'];
            $thumbLinkEncoded = $urlPath . 'thumbsm.' . rawurlencode($upload['name']);
            $thumbLinkExternal = $urlPath . 'thumbnail.' . $upload['name'];
Exemple #26
 * Alias for checking for debug constant
 * @since 3.2.1
 * @return  bool true if debug enabled
function isDebug()
    return getDef('GSDEBUG', true);
Exemple #27
 * get the default language user->site->gsconfig->GSDEFAULTLANG->filesystem fallback
 * @since  3.4
 * @return str IETF langcode
function getDefaultLang()
    global $USRLANG, $SITELANG;
    if (isset($USRLANG)) {
        return $USRLANG;
    if (isset($SITELANG)) {
        return $SITELANG;
    if (getDef('GSLANG')) {
        return getDef('GSLANG');
    // get language files
    $filenames = glob(GSLANGPATH . '*.php');
    $cntlang = count($filenames);
    if ($cntlang == 1) {
        // 1 file , assign lang to only existing file
        return basename($filenames[0], ".php");
    } elseif ($cntlang > 1 && in_array(GSLANGPATH . GSDEFAULTLANG . '.php', $filenames)) {
        // prefer GSDEFAULTLANG as default if available
        return GSDEFAULTLANG;
    } elseif (isset($filenames[0])) {
        // else fallback to first lang found
        return basename($filenames[0], ".php");
    } else {
        return '';
        // no languages available
Exemple #28
 * get the chmod value for a file path
 * will check if path is a directory or file and return appropriate value
 * @since  3.4
 * @param str $path file path
 * @return chmod value
function getChmodValue($path)
    if (is_dir($path)) {
        $writeOctal = getDef('GSCHMODDIR');
    } else {
        if (getDef('GSCHMODFILE')) {
            $writeOctal = getDef('GSCHMODFILE');
        } else {
            if (getDef('GSCHMOD')) {
                $writeOctal = getDef('GSCHMOD');
            } else {
                $writeOctal = 0755;
    return $writeOctal;
Exemple #29
 * Add javascript for cdn fallback to local
 * get_scripts_backend helper
 * @param  array $script gsscript array
function cdn_fallback($script)
    global $GS_script_assets, $GS_asset_objects;
    if (getDef('GSNOCDN', true)) {
    // if nocdn skip
    if ($script['name'] == 'jquery' || $script['name'] == 'jquery-ui') {
        echo "<script>";
        echo "window." . $GS_asset_objects[$script['name']] . " || ";
        echo "document.write('<!-- CDN FALLING BACK --><script src=\"" . $GS_script_assets[$script['name']]['local']['url'] . '?v=' . $GS_script_assets[$script['name']]['local']['ver'] . "\"><\\/script>');";
        echo "</script>\n";
Exemple #30
                     $fileInArchiv = $dir . $element->getFilename();
                     // add file to archive
                     $archiv->addFile($file, $fileInArchiv);
     // check if file exists, close will fail if bad file added, addfile always returns true
     if (file_exists(GSROOTPATH . '.htaccess')) {
         $archiv->addFile(GSROOTPATH . '.htaccess', '.htaccess');
     if (file_exists(GSROOTPATH . 'gsconfig.php')) {
         $archiv->addFile(GSROOTPATH . 'gsconfig.php', 'gsconfig.php');
     // testing custom extra files, will need a iter wrapper to get dirs
     if (getDef('GSBACKUPEXTRAS', true)) {
         $extras = explode(GSBACKUPEXTRAS, ',');
         foreach ($extras as $extra) {
             if (file_exists($extra)) {
     // attempt to save and close
     $status = $archiv->close();
     if (!$status) {
         //ziparchive failed
         $zipcreated = false;
 } else {
     // ziparchive non existant