    $template->setVariable("ORDER_TOTAL", sprintf("\$%4.2f\n", $orderTotalPrice));
    $template->showWinestore(NO_CART, B_HOME);
// ----------
// Connect to a authenticated session
// Check the correct parameters have been passed
if (!isset($_GET["cust_id"]) || !isset($_GET["order_id"])) {
    $_SESSION["message"] = "Incorrect parameters to order-step4.php";
    header("Location: " . S_SHOWCART);
// Check this customer matches the $cust_id
$connection = DB::connect($dsn, true);
if (DB::isError($connection)) {
    trigger_error($connection->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
$cust_id = pearclean($_GET, "cust_id", 5, $connection);
$order_id = pearclean($_GET, "order_id", 5, $connection);
$real_cust_id = getCust_id($_SESSION["loginUsername"]);
if ($cust_id != $real_cust_id) {
    $_SESSION["message"] = "You can only view your own receipts!";
    header("Location: " . S_HOME);
// Show the confirmation HTML page
show_HTML_receipt($cust_id, $order_id, $connection);
    if (checkMandatory("loginPassword", "password", "custErrors", "custFormVars")) {
        checkMinAndMaxLength("loginPassword", 6, 8, "password", "custErrors", "custFormVars");
// Now the script has finished the validation,
// check if there were any errors
if (count($_SESSION["custErrors"]) > 0) {
    // There are errors.  Relocate back to the client form
    header("Location: " . S_DETAILS);
// Is this an update?
if (isset($_SESSION["loginUsername"])) {
    // Check the user is properly logged in
    $cust_id = getCust_id($_SESSION["loginUsername"], $connection);
    $query = "UPDATE customer SET \n             title_id =    {$_SESSION["custFormVars"]["title_id"]},\n             surname =     '{$_SESSION["custFormVars"]["surname"]}',\n             firstname =   '{$_SESSION["custFormVars"]["firstname"]}',\n             initial =     '{$_SESSION["custFormVars"]["initial"]}',\n             address =     '{$_SESSION["custFormVars"]["address"]}',\n             city =        '{$_SESSION["custFormVars"]["city"]}',\n             state =       '{$_SESSION["custFormVars"]["state"]}',\n             zipcode =     '{$_SESSION["custFormVars"]["zipcode"]}',\n             country_id =  {$_SESSION["custFormVars"]["country_id"]},\n             phone =       '{$_SESSION["custFormVars"]["phone"]}',\n             birth_date =  '{$_SESSION["custFormVars"]["birth_date"]}'\n             WHERE cust_id = {$cust_id}";
    $result = $connection->query($query);
    if (DB::isError($result)) {
        trigger_error($result->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
} else {
    // Lock to get the next available customer ID
    $result = $connection->query("LOCK TABLES customer WRITE");
    if (DB::isError($result)) {
        trigger_error($result->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
    // Find the max cust_id
    $result = $connection->query("SELECT max(cust_id) FROM customer");
    if (DB::isError($result)) {
        trigger_error($result->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);