public function payment()
     if (!Session::get('order.schedule')) {
         return Redirect::route('order.schedule');
     $data = ['title' => __FUNCTION__, 'list_cities' => getCities(), 'form_data' => Session::get('order.payment')];
     return View::make('order.payment', $data);
Exemple #2
function crawl($tname, $year, $monthArr)
    $dealType = $GLOBALS['dealType'];
    $stateArr = $GLOBALS['stateArr'];
    if ($monthArr == null) {
        die("monthArr must be set!");
    $period = intval(($monthArr[0] - 1) / 3) + 1;
    echo "Working on {$year} ({$period}) " . implode(" ", $monthArr) . "\n";
    $db = new mysqli("p:localhost", "trend", "only!trend!", "rtrend");
    // Check connection
    if ($db->connect_error) {
        die("Connection failed: " . $db->connect_error);
    // Set utf8
    if (!isset($dealType[$tname])) {
        die("No args for {$tname}\n");
    // get deal type and table name
    $args = $dealType[$tname];
    foreach ($stateArr as $state => $stateCode) {
        echo "Working on {$year} ({$period}) on {$state} for {$tname}\n";
        $cities = getCities($year, $period, $stateCode, $args);
        $cityArr = json_decode($cities, true);
        foreach ($cityArr['jsonList'] as $city) {
            $counties = getCounties($year, $period, $stateCode, $city['CODE'], $args);
            $countyArr = json_decode($counties, true);
            foreach ($countyArr['jsonList'] as $county) {
                $deals = getDeals($year, $period, $stateCode, $city['CODE'], $county['CODE'], $args);
                $dealArr = json_decode($deals, true);
                foreach ($monthArr as $month) {
                    // echo("Working on $year/$month ($period) on $state " . $city['NAME'] . " " . $county['NAME'] . "\n");
                    $infoArr = ['year' => $year, 'month' => $month, 'state' => $state, 'city' => $city['NAME'], 'county' => $county['NAME']];
                    // update
                    // function update($db, $tname, $metaArr, $json) {
                    update($db, $tname, $infoArr, $deals);
    // make aggregation
    foreach ($monthArr as $month) {
        echo "Make agg {$tname} on {$year}/{$month}";
        mkagg($db, $tname, $year, $month);
 function index()
     $allUrls = array();
     $otherPages = array("classified/search", "contactus", "contactus-m", "about", "how-to-use", "terms-and-condition", "privacy-policy", "about-m", "how-to-use-m", "terms-and-condition-m", "privacy-policy-m");
     foreach ($otherPages as $page) {
         $crDate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime('-3 day'));
         $allUrls[] = array("loc" => $page, "priority" => "0.8", "lastmod" => $crDate);
     $categories = $this->common_model->getCategoryArray();
     $cities = getCities();
     foreach ($categories as $cat) {
         foreach ($cities as $city) {
             $allUrls[] = array("loc" => "search/" . $cat['cat_slug'] . "/" . urlencode($city->city_name), "priority" => "0.8", "lastmod" => $crDate);
     		$categories = $this->common_model->getCategoryOrderedArray();
     		foreach ($categories as $category)
     			$crDate	= date("Y-m-d",strtotime('-1 day'));
     			$allUrls[] = array("loc"=>createUrl("category",array($category['category']['cat_id'],$category['category']['cat_name'])),"priority"=>"0.8","lastmod"=>$crDate);
     			if (isset($category["children"]))
     				foreach ($category["children"] as $cat)
     					$allUrls[] = array("loc"=>"classified/search?category=".urlencode($category['category']['cat_id']."-".@$cat['category']['cat_id']."-"),"priority"=>"0.8","lastmod"=>$crDate);
     $classifieds = $this->common_model->selectData(CLASSIFIEDAD, "clad_id,clad_title,clad_modified_date", array("clad_active" => 1, "clad_expiry_date >=" => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')), "clad_modified_date", "DESC");
     foreach ($classifieds as $classified) {
         $time = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($classified->clad_modified_date));
         $crDate = $time;
         $allUrls[] = array("loc" => createUrl("detail", array($classified->clad_id, $classified->clad_title)), "priority" => "0.8", "lastmod" => $crDate);
     $data['urls'] = $allUrls;
     header("Content-Type: text/xml;charset=iso-8859-1");
     $this->load->view("sitemap", $data);
Exemple #4
    } else {
<error>invalid id specified</error>
function checkValid($id)
    global $location;
    $table = 'wp_blogs';
    $query = 'SELECT *
FROM ' . $table . '
WHERE blog_id = ' . $id . ' 
ORDER BY blog_name ASC';
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        return $row['domain'];
    } else {
        return false;
if ($type == "cities") {
} elseif ($type == "topics") {
} elseif ($type == 'categories') {
} else {
    echo "<error>incorrect type specified</error>";
Exemple #5
 * Include helpers
include_once app_path('helpers.php');
Route::get('/tes', function () {
    $order = \User::with('city')->find(1);
    // return $order;
    $data = ['user' => $order];
    return View::make('emails.admin-new-user', $data);
 * Register view composer
View::composer(array('partial.modal'), function ($view) {
    $view->with('list_cities', getCities());
View::composer(array('user._side'), function ($view) {
    $view->with('space_credit', app('UserRepo')->getCustomerSpaceCredit());
Route::get('/', ['as' => 'page.index', 'uses' => 'PageController@index']);
/* Page that Require Authentication */
Route::group(['before' => 'auth'], function () {
    Route::get('/dashboard', ['as' => 'user.dashboard', 'uses' => 'UserController@dashboard']);
    Route::get('/member-list', ['as' => 'user.member_list', 'uses' => 'UserController@memberList']);
    Route::get('/add-member', ['as' => 'user.member_add', 'uses' => 'UserController@memberAdd']);
    Route::post('/add-member', ['as' => '', 'uses' => 'UserController@memberAddPost']);
    Route::get('/edit-member/{num}', ['as' => 'user.member_edit', 'uses' => 'UserController@memberEdit']);
    Route::put('/edit-member/{num}', ['as' => 'user.member_edit.put', 'uses' => 'UserController@memberEditPut']);
    Route::get('/delete-member/{num}', ['as' => 'user.member_delete', 'uses' => 'UserController@memberDelete']);
    Route::post('/set-stored', ['as' => '', 'uses' => 'UserController@setDeliveryStored']);
  * show modal form return schedule
  * @return View
 public function modalStorageReturn($id)
     $storage = app('UserRepo')->getStorageDetail($id);
     $cities = getCities();
     $data = ['storage' => $storage, 'list_cities' => $cities, 'modal_title' => 'Return Schedule Order : #' . $storage['order_payment']['code']];
     return View::make('modal.storage_return', $data);
 public function edit($id)
     if ($id == "" || $id <= 0) {
     $where = 'clad_id = ' . $id;
     $this->common_model->updateData(CLASSIFIEDAD, array('is_readed' => 1, 'clad_modified_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')), $where);
     $post = $this->input->post();
     if ($post) {
         $error = array();
         $e_flag = 0;
         /*update deal id to uploaded image link*/
         $newimages = array_filter(explode(",", $post['newimages']));
         foreach ($newimages as $img) {
             if (strpos($img, "tmp") !== false) {
                 $from = './uploads/ad/' . $img;
                 $to = './uploads/ad/' . str_replace("tmp/", "", $img);
                 rename($from, $to);
             $imgArray[] = str_replace("tmp/", "", $img);
         $newimages = implode(",", $imgArray);
         if ($e_flag == 0) {
             $data = array('clad_title' => $post['clad_title'], 'clad_description' => $post['clad_description'], 'clad_image' => $newimages, 'clad_category' => $post['clad_category'], 'clad_price' => $post['clad_price'], 'clad_city' => $post['clad_city'], 'clad_locality' => $post['clad_locality'], 'clad_modified_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'clad_active' => isset($post['clad_active']) ? 1 : 0, 'is_readed' => 1, 'clad_is_premium' => isset($post['clad_is_premium']) ? 1 : 0, 'clad_remark' => $post['clad_remark']);
             foreach ($this->otherFields as $key => $value) {
                 if (isset($post[$key])) {
                     $data[$key] = $post[$key];
             $ret_deal = $this->common_model->updateData(CLASSIFIEDAD, $data, $where);
             if ($ret_deal > 0) {
                 ## send mail n sms to owner
                 $uData = $this->common_model->selectData(USER, '*', array("u_id" => $post['clad_uid']));
                 $uName = $uData[0]->u_fname ? $uData[0]->u_fname : '';
                 $uEmail = $uData[0]->u_email ? $uData[0]->u_email : '';
                 if ($uEmail != '') {
                     $emailTpl = $this->load->view('email_templates/adupdatenotification', array('name' => $uName, 'adtitle' => $post['clad_title'], 'adid' => $id, 'adUrl' => createUrl("detail", array(@$id, @$post['clad_title']))), true);
                     $retemail = sendEmail($uEmail, SUBJECT_ADDUPDATE_INFO, $emailTpl, FROM_EMAIL, FROM_NAME);
                 ## Send sms to seller
                 $phonemsg = ADUPDATE_MSG_NOTIFICATION;
                 ## take msg content from constant
                 $phonemsg = str_replace('{name}', $cnt, $phonemsg);
                 $phonemsg = str_replace('{clad_id}', "#" . $id, $phonemsg);
                 $phonemsg = str_replace('{clad_title}', $post['clad_title'], $phonemsg);
                 $response = connectMobile($phonemsg, $phoneNumber);
                 $res = json_decode($response->raw_body, true);
                 $flash_arr = array('flash_type' => 'success', 'flash_msg' => 'Classified ad updated successfully.');
             } else {
                 $flash_arr = array('flash_type' => 'error', 'flash_msg' => 'An error occurred while processing.');
         $data['error_msg'] = $error;
     $classified = $this->common_model->selectData(CLASSIFIEDAD, '*', $where);
     $data['classified'] = $classified[0];
     $data['customer'] = $this->common_model->customerTitleById($classified[0]->clad_uid);
     if (empty($classified)) {
     $data['cityArr'] = getCities();
     $data['view'] = "add_edit";
     $data['categories'] = $this->common_model->getCategoryOrderedArray();
     $data['otherFields'] = $this->otherFields;
     $data['id'] = $id;
     $this->load->view('admin/content', $data);
 public function newadd1()
     //$p_categories = $this->common_model->getCategoryOrderedArray();
     $data['p_categories'] = $p_categories;
     $data['view'] = "newadd1";
     $data['nosearchbar'] = false;
     if ($this->user_session['uid'] != '') {
         $uArr = $this->common_model->selectData(USER, '*', array("u_id" => $this->user_session['uid']));
         $data['uArr'] = (array) $uArr[0];
     } else {
         $data['uArr'] = array();
     $data['categories'] = $this->common_model->getCategoryOrderedArray(true);
     $data['otherFields'] = $this->otherFields;
     $data['cityArr'] = getCities();
     $this->load->view('content', $data);
Exemple #9
if (!defined('hcAdmin')) {
    header("HTTP/1.1 403 No Direct Access");
include HCLANG . '/admin/tools.php';
appInstructions(0, "Filter_Link", $hc_lang_tools['TitleFilter'], $hc_lang_tools['InstructFilter']);
echo '
	<form name="frmToolLink" id="frmToolLink" method="post" action="" onsubmit="return false;">
		<legend>' . $hc_lang_tools['Link'] . '</legend>
		<input name="filterLink" id="filterLink" type="text" size="95" maxlength="200" value="' . CalRoot . '/link.php" />
		<legend>' . $hc_lang_tools['Cities'] . '</legend>';
$cities = getCities();
$cnt = 1;
$columns = 3;
$colWidth = number_format(100 / $columns, 0);
$colLimit = ceil(count($cities) / $columns);
echo '
		<div class="catCol">';
foreach ($cities as $val) {
    if ($cnt > $colLimit) {
        echo $cnt > 1 ? '
		</div>' : '';
        echo '
		<div class="catCol">';
        $cnt = 1;
    echo $val != '' ? '
 public function userAdEdit($id)
     //echo $id;die;
     $session = $this->session->userdata('user_session');
     if (!isset($session['uid'])) {
     $uid = $this->user_session['uid'];
     $post = $this->input->post();
     $adArr = $this->common_model->selectData(CLASSIFIEDAD, '*', array("clad_id" => $id), 'clad_modified_date', 'desc');
     $data['resArr'] = $prevImgArr = (array) $adArr[0];
     if ($post) {
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('category', 'Category', 'trim|required');
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('heading', 'Heading', 'trim|required');
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('price', 'Price', 'trim|required');
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('textcomment', 'Comment', 'trim|required');
         if ($this->form_validation->run() !== false) {
             $curDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $where = 'clad_id = ' . $id;
             ## check for blocked word
             $cladtitle = trim($post['heading']);
             $claddesc = trim($post['textcomment']);
             $blockedWordArr = getBlockedWords();
             $searchTitleArr = explode(' ', $cladtitle);
             $searchDescArr = explode(' ', $claddesc);
             foreach ($blockedWordArr as $token) {
                 //if (strpos($cladtitle, $token) !== FALSE) {
                 if (in_array($token, $searchTitleArr)) {
                     $flash_arr = array('flash_type' => 'error', 'flash_msg' => 'Your Ad Title contains some bad words which is not accepted in our system.');
                 //if (strpos($claddesc, $token) !== FALSE) {
                 if (in_array($token, $searchDescArr)) {
                     $flash_arr = array('flash_type' => 'error', 'flash_msg' => 'Your Ad Description contains some bad words which is not accepted in our system.');
             //echo $previmgstr = $prevImgArr['clad_image'];
             //$files = processAdImages($_FILES);
             //$previmgstr = $prevImgArr['clad_image'];
             $newimagesArr = array();
             /**  Old popup based image upload code :Mitesh
             				$newimages = array_filter(explode(",",$post['newimages']));
             				foreach ($newimages as $img)
             				$newimagesArr = implode(",",$imgArray);*/
             $resimg = array();
             $prevImgArr['clad_image'] = trim($prevImgArr['clad_image'], ',');
             $prevImgArr = explode(',', $prevImgArr['clad_image']);
             //$newimages = array_filter(explode(",",$post['newimagesid']));
             $newimagesArr = $post['newimagesid'];
             $unlinkimgarr = array();
             $ij = 1;
             //$curoldimg = explode('||',$post['newimagesid']);
             //$curoldimg = explode(',',$curoldimg[1]);
             $newimagesArr = trim($newimagesArr, ',');
             $curoldimg = explode(',', $newimagesArr);
             foreach ($prevImgArr as $k => $v) {
                 if (!in_array($v, $curoldimg)) {
                     $unlinkimgarr[] = $v;
             ##get first image to set mainimage
             /*if(isset($post['firstimage']) && $post['firstimage']!='')
             			$xArr = explode("||",$post['firstimage']);
             			$firstimage = '';
             			if($xArr[1] != "")
             				$firstimage = $xArr[1];
             /*foreach($newimages as $img)
             					$imgdata = $post[$img];
             						$resimg[] = $retval = base64_to_jpeg($imgdata,$ij);
             						//if($firstimage == '' && $xArr[0]==$img)
             						//	$firstimage = $retval;
             						//if(isset($prevImgArr[$ij-1]) && $prevImgArr[$ij-1] != '')
             							//$unlinkimgarr[] = $prevImgArr[$ij-1];
             						if(isset($prevImgArr[$ij-1]) && $prevImgArr[$ij-1] != '')
             							$resimg[] = $prevImgArr[$ij-1];
             				foreach ($resimg as $img)
             				$firstimage = str_replace("uploads/ad/tmp/","",$firstimage);
             				$imgArray = array_diff($imgArray, array($firstimage));
             				$newimagesArr = implode(",",$imgArray);*/
             $param = array('clad_title' => $post['heading'], 'clad_price' => $post['price'], 'clad_category' => trim($post['clad_category']), 'clad_description' => $post['textcomment'], 'clad_city' => trim($post['city']), 'clad_image' => $newimagesArr, 'clad_modified_date' => $curDate);
             if (isset($post['locality']) && $post['locality'] != '') {
                 $param['clad_locality'] = trim($post['locality']);
             			$param['clad_image']=implode(',', array_filter($files['images']['name']));
             			if(isset($_POST['images']) && !empty($_POST['images']))
             				foreach($_POST['images'] as $k=>$v)
             					if(isset($_FILES['images']['name'][$k]) && $_FILES['images']['name'][$k] != '')
             				$param['clad_image'] = $param['clad_image'].','.implode(',',$_POST['images']);
             foreach ($this->otherFields as $key => $value) {
                 if (isset($post[$key])) {
                     $param[$key] = $post[$key];
             $update = $this->common_model->updateData(CLASSIFIEDAD, $param, $where);
             if ($update) {
                 ## Upload images
                 /*$config['upload_path'] = DOC_ROOT_CLASSIFIED_AD;
                 					$config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png|bmp|jpeg';
                 					$this->load->library('upload', $config);
                 					$fileParam = array('name', 'type', 'tmp_name', 'error', 'size');
                 					for ($i = 0; $i < count($files['images']['name']); $i++) {
                 						$imgName = $files['images']['name'][$i];
                 						foreach ($fileParam as $j)
                 							$_FILES['images'][$j] = $files['images'][$j][$i];
                 						$_FILES['images']['name'] = $imgName;
                 						//echo $imgName;die;
                 						if (!$this->upload->do_upload('images')) {
                 							$error = $this->upload->display_errors();
                 						if ($error != "")
                 							echo "Error:" . $error;
                 // Old popup based image upload code :Mitesh
                 /*$newimages = array_filter(explode(",",$post['newimages']));
                 		foreach ($newimages as $img)
                 				$from = './uploads/ad/'.$img;
                 				$to = './uploads/ad/'.str_replace("tmp/","",$img);
                 				rename($from, $to);
                 //move files from tmp to upload folder
                 foreach ($curoldimg as $img) {
                     $from = './uploads/ad/tmp/' . $img;
                     $to = './uploads/ad/' . $img;
                     rename($from, $to);
                 // unlink old file
                 if (!empty($unlinkimgarr)) {
                     foreach ($unlinkimgarr as $v) {
                         if (file_exists(DOC_ROOT_CLASSIFIED_AD . $v)) {
                             unlink(DOC_ROOT_CLASSIFIED_AD . $v);
                 $flash_arr = array('flash_type' => 'success', 'flash_msg' => 'Your Ad has been updated successfully');
             } else {
                 $flash_arr = array('flash_type' => 'error', 'flash_msg' => 'Error Occured during processing..Please try again later.');
         $data['error_msg'] = validation_errors();
     $data['otherFields'] = $this->otherFields;
     $data['cityArr'] = getCities();
     $data['view'] = 'myAdEdit';
     $data['categories'] = $this->common_model->getCategoryOrderedArray();
     $this->load->view('content', $data);
Exemple #11
 * Writes cache files.
 * @since 2.0.0
 * @version 2.2.1
 * @param int $cID Cache file to be created 0 = settings.php, 1 = settings_named.php, 2 = locList(a).php, 3 = meta.php, 4 = selCity(a).php, 5 = selPostal(a).php, 6 = Cache Age File (Default:0)
 * @param int $a [optional] Version of file to create. 0 = public calendar, 1 = admin console (Default:0, Used for $cID = 2/4/5 only.)
 * @return void
function buildCache($cID = 0, $a = 0)
    global $hc_cfg, $hc_lang_search;
    if (!is_writable(HCPATH . '/cache/')) {
        exit("Cache directory cannot be written to.");
    $f = $a == 1 ? 'a' : '';
    $hc_fetch_settings = '1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,40,41,42,43,44,45,48,49,';
    $hc_fetch_settings .= '50,51,52,54,53,55,56,59,60,61,62,63,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,';
    $hc_fetch_settings .= '90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,113,114,115,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134';
    switch ($cID) {
        case 1:
            if (defined('HC_Named')) {
                if (!file_exists(HCPATH . '/cache/settings_named.php')) {
                    $result = doQuery("SELECT PkID, Name FROM " . HC_TblPrefix . "settings WHERE PkID IN (" . $hc_fetch_settings . ") AND SettingValue != '' AND Name IS NOT NULL ORDER BY Name");
                    if (hasRows($result)) {
                        $fp = fopen(HCPATH . '/cache/settings_named.php', 'w');
                        fwrite($fp, "<?php\n//\tHelios Named Config Cache - Delete this file when upgrading.\n\n");
                        fwrite($fp, "\$hc_cfg_named = array(\n");
                        while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                            fwrite($fp, "'" . $row[1] . "'\t=>\t\$hc_cfg[" . $row[0] . "],\n");
                        fwrite($fp, "'category_columns'\t=>\t\$hc_cfg['CatCols'],\n");
                        fwrite($fp, ");\n?>");
                    } else {
                        exit(handleError(0, "Setting Data Missing."));
        case 2:
            if (!file_exists(HCPATH . '/cache/locList' . $f . '.php')) {
                $q = $a == 0 ? 'AND IsPublic = 1' : '';
                $result = doQuery("SELECT PkID, Name FROM " . HC_TblPrefix . "locations WHERE IsActive = 1 " . $q . " ORDER BY Name");
                $fp = fopen(HCPATH . '/cache/locList' . $f . '.php', 'w');
                fwrite($fp, "<?php\n//\tHelios Location List - Delete this file when upgrading.\n\n");
                fwrite($fp, "\$NewAll = (isset(\$NewAll)) ? \$NewAll : '';?>\n\n");
                echo '<select name="locListI" id="locListI" onchange="if(isNaN(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)){splitLocation(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);}">';
                if (hasRows($result)) {
                    echo "\n\t" . '<option value="0|"><?php echo $NewAll;?></option>';
                    echo "\n\t" . '<option value="-1">-------------------------</option>';
                    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                        echo "\n\t" . '<option value="' . $row[0] . '|' . cOut($row[1]) . '">' . cOut($row[1]) . '</option>';
                } else {
                    echo "\n\t" . '<option value="0">' . $hc_lang_core['NoLocList'] . '</option>';
                echo "\n" . '</select><br />';
                fwrite($fp, ob_get_contents());
        case 3:
            if (!file_exists(HCPATH . '/cache/meta.php')) {
                $fp = fopen(HCPATH . '/cache/meta.php', 'w');
                fwrite($fp, "<?php\n//\tHelios Meta Cache - Delete this file when upgrading.\n\n");
                fwrite($fp, "\$hc_meta = array(\n");
                $result = doQuery("SELECT * FROM " . HC_TblPrefix . "settingsmeta");
                $x = 1;
                $pairs = array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 'submit', 4 => 'search', 5 => 'searchresult', 6 => 'signup', 7 => 'send', 8 => 'rsvp', 9 => 'tools', 10 => 'rss', 11 => 'newsletter', 12 => 'archive', 13 => 'filter', 14 => 'digest', 15 => 'signin', 16 => 'acc');
                while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                    fwrite($fp, "\n'" . $pairs[$x] . "'\t=>\tarray('title' => '" . cIn($row[3]) . "', 'keywords' => '" . cIn($row[1]) . "', 'desc' => '" . cIn($row[2]) . "'),");
                fwrite($fp, "\n);\n?>");
                fwrite($fp, ob_get_contents());
        case 4:
            if (!file_exists(HCPATH . '/cache/selCity' . $f . '.php')) {
                $fp = fopen(HCPATH . '/cache/selCity' . $f . '.php', 'w');
                fwrite($fp, "<?php\n//\tHelios City Select List Cache - Delete this file when upgrading.\n?>\n");
                fwrite($fp, "\n<select name=\"city\" id=\"city\" disabled=\"disabled\">");
                fwrite($fp, "\n<option value=\"\">" . $hc_lang_search['City0'] . "</option>");
                $cities = getCities($a);
                foreach ($cities as $val) {
                    if ($val != '') {
                        fwrite($fp, "\n<option value=\"" . $val . "\">" . $val . "</option>");
                fwrite($fp, "\n</select>");
                fwrite($fp, ob_get_contents());
        case 5:
            if (!file_exists(HCPATH . '/cache/selPostal' . $f . '.php')) {
                $fp = fopen(HCPATH . '/cache/selPostal' . $f . '.php', 'w');
                fwrite($fp, "<?php\n//\tHelios Postal Code Select List Cache - Delete this file when upgrading.\n?>\n");
                fwrite($fp, "\n<select name=\"postal\" id=\"postal\" disabled=\"disabled\">");
                fwrite($fp, "\n<option value=\"\">" . $hc_lang_search['Postal0'] . "</option>");
                $codes = getPostal($a);
                foreach ($codes as $val) {
                    if ($val != '') {
                        fwrite($fp, "\n<option value=\"" . $val . "\">" . $val . "</option>");
                fwrite($fp, "\n</select>");
                fwrite($fp, ob_get_contents());
        case 6:
            $cache_date = date("Ymd");
            if (!file_exists(HCPATH . '/cache/' . $cache_date . '.php')) {
                $fp = fopen(HCPATH . '/cache/' . $cache_date . '.php', 'w');
                fwrite($fp, "<?php\n/*\n\tHelios Cache Age File. - Delete this file when upgrading.\n*/\n?>");
            if (!file_exists(HCPATH . '/cache/settings.php')) {
                $result = doQuery("SELECT PkID, SettingValue FROM " . HC_TblPrefix . "settings WHERE PkID IN (" . $hc_fetch_settings . ") ORDER BY PkID");
                if (hasRows($result)) {
                    $fp = fopen(HCPATH . '/cache/settings.php', 'w');
                    fwrite($fp, "<?php\n//\tHelios Config Cache - Delete this file when upgrading.\n\n");
                    fwrite($fp, "\$hc_cfg = array(\n");
                    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                        fwrite($fp, $row[0] . " => \"" . str_replace("\"", "'", $row[1]) . "\",\n");
                    fwrite($fp, "200 => \"hc_" . sha1(md5(CalRoot) . HC_Rando) . "\",\n");
                    fwrite($fp, "201 => \"helios_" . md5(CalRoot . HC_Rando) . "\",\n");
                    fwrite($fp, "\"CatCols\" => \"3\",\n");
                    fwrite($fp, "\"CatLinks\" => \"1\",\n");
                    fwrite($fp, "\"IsRSVP\" => \"1\",\n");
                    fwrite($fp, "\"OLImages\" => \"" . CalRoot . "/img/ol/\",\n");
                    $resultE = doQuery("SELECT MIN(StartDate), MAX(StartDate) FROM " . HC_TblPrefix . "events WHERE IsApproved = 1 AND IsActive = 1");
                    if (hasRows($resultE)) {
                        $first = strtotime(mysql_result($resultE, 0, 0)) < date("U", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"))) ? strtotime(mysql_result($resultE, 0, 0)) : date("U", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")));
                        fwrite($fp, "\"First\" => \"" . $first . "\",\n");
                        fwrite($fp, "\"Last\" => \"" . strtotime(mysql_result($resultE, 0, 1)) . "\",\n");
                    $news = date("Y-m-d");
                    $resultN = doQuery("SELECT MIN(SentDate) FROM " . HC_TblPrefix . "newsletters WHERE STATUS > 0 AND IsArchive = 1 AND IsActive = 1 AND ArchiveContents != ''");
                    if (hasRows($resultN) && mysql_result($resultN, 0, 0) != '') {
                        $news = mysql_result($resultN, 0, 0);
                    fwrite($fp, "\"News\" => \"" . $news . "\",\n");
                    fwrite($fp, ");\n?>");
                } else {
                    exit(handleError(0, "Setting Data Missing."));
function getRegions($countries)
    getInCycle('getRegions', $countries, 'country_id', 'regions');
function getCities($countries)
    getInCycle('getCities', $countries, 'country_id', 'cities');
function getUniversities($cities)
    getInCycle('getUniversities', $cities, 'city_id', 'universities');
function getSchools($cities)
    getInCycle('getSchools', $cities, 'city_id', 'schools');
function getFaculties($universities)
    getInCycle('getFaculties', $universities, 'university_id', 'faculties');
function getChairs($faculties)
    getInCycle('getChairs', $faculties, 'faculty_id', 'chairs');
 public function getCityList()
     $post = $this->input->get();
     if ($post) {
         $cityArr = getCities($post['term']);
         if (!empty($cityArr)) {
             $res = array();
             foreach ($cityArr as $k => $v) {
                 $res[$v->city_name] = $v->city_name;
             echo json_encode($res);
Exemple #14
 * Output RSS Feed Builder tool.
 * @since 2.0.0
 * @version 2.0.0
 * @return void
function tool_rss()
    global $hc_cfg, $hc_lang_core, $hc_lang_tools;
    if ($hc_cfg[106] == 0) {
        return 0;
    $cmnts = $hc_cfg[56] == 1 && $hc_cfg[25] != '' ? '<li><a href="http://' . $hc_cfg[25] . '" class="icon rss" rel="nofollow">' . $hc_lang_core['Comments'] . '</a></li>' : '';
    $cnt = 1;
    $cities = getCities();
    $colWidth = number_format(100 / $hc_cfg['CatCols'], 0);
    $colLimit = ceil(count($cities) / $hc_cfg['CatCols']);
    $city = $category = '';
    $city .= '
		<div class="catCol">';
    foreach ($cities as $val) {
        if ($cnt > ceil(count($cities) / $hc_cfg['CatCols']) && $cnt > 1) {
            $city .= '
		<div class="catCol">';
            $cnt = 1;
        if ($val != '') {
            $city .= '
			<label for="cityName_' . str_replace(' ', '_', $val) . '"><input onclick="updateLink();" name="cityName[]" id="cityName_' . str_replace(' ', '_', $val) . '" type="checkbox" value="' . $val . '" />' . cOut($val) . '</label>';
    $city .= '
    $result = doQuery("SELECT c.PkID, c.CategoryName, c.ParentID, c.CategoryName as Sort, NULL as Selected\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . HC_TblPrefix . "categories c \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . HC_TblPrefix . "eventcategories ec ON (c.PkID = ec.CategoryID)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE c.ParentID = 0 AND c.IsActive = 1\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY c.PkID, c.CategoryName, c.ParentID\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tUNION SELECT c.PkID, c.CategoryName, c.ParentID, c2.CategoryName as Sort, NULL as Selected\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . HC_TblPrefix . "categories c \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . HC_TblPrefix . "categories c2 ON (c.ParentID = c2.PkID) \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . HC_TblPrefix . "eventcategories ec ON (c.PkID = ec.CategoryID) \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE c.ParentID > 0 AND c.IsActive = 1\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY c.PkID, c.CategoryName, c.ParentID, c2.CategoryName\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY Sort, ParentID, CategoryName");
    if (hasRows($result)) {
        $cnt = 1;
        $category .= '
			<div class="catCol">';
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
            if ($cnt > ceil(mysql_num_rows($result) / $hc_cfg['CatCols']) && $row[2] == 0) {
                $category .= $cnt > 1 ? '
			</div>' : '';
                $category .= '
			<div class="catCol">';
                $cnt = 1;
            $sub = $row[2] != 0 ? ' class="sub"' : '';
            $check = $row[4] != '' ? 'checked="checked" ' : '';
            $category .= '
				<label for="catID_' . $row[0] . '"' . $sub . '><input onclick="updateLink();" name="catID[]" id="catID_' . $row[0] . '" type="checkbox" value="' . $row[0] . '" />' . cOut($row[1]) . '</label>';
        $category .= '
    echo '
		<h3>' . $hc_lang_tools['RSSPreset'] . '</h3>';
    echo '
		<h3>' . $hc_lang_tools['RSSBuilder'] . '</h3>
		<p>' . $hc_lang_tools['CreateInstruct'] . '</p>
		<form name="frmEventRSS" id="frmEventRSS" method="post" action="' . CalRoot . '/index.php?com=rss" target="_blank" onsubmit="return false;">
			<legend>' . $hc_lang_tools['Cities'] . '</legend>
			' . $city . '
			<legend>' . $hc_lang_tools['Categories'] . '</legend>
			' . $category . '
			<legend>' . $hc_lang_tools['PasteInstruct'] . '</legend>
			<input onclick="this.focus();;" readonly="readonly" name="rssLink" id="rssLink" type="text" style="width:95%;" maxlength="200" value="' . CalRoot . '/rss/feed.php" />
		<input name="reset" id="reset" type="reset" value="' . $hc_lang_tools['StartOver'] . '" />
Exemple #15
 * Output Calendar Filter Form
 * @since 2.0.0
 * @version 2.0.0
 * @return void
function filter()
    global $hc_cfg, $hc_lang_filter;
    if (isset($_GET['msg'])) {
        switch ($_GET['msg']) {
            case "1":
                feedback(1, $hc_lang_filter['Feed01']);
            case "2":
                feedback(1, $hc_lang_filter['Feed02']);
    $cnt = 0;
    $cookie = isset($_COOKIE[$hc_cfg[201] . '_fc']) || isset($_COOKIE[$hc_cfg[201] . '_fn']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
    $cities = getCities();
    $colWidth = number_format(100 / $hc_cfg['CatCols'], 0);
    $colLimit = ceil(count($cities) / $hc_cfg['CatCols']);
    $actCities = isset($_SESSION['hc_favCity']) ? $_SESSION['hc_favCity'] : array();
    $city = $category = '';
    $city .= '
		<div class="catCol">';
    foreach ($cities as $val) {
        if ($cnt > ceil(count($cities) / $hc_cfg['CatCols']) && $cnt > 1) {
            $city .= '
		<div class="catCol">';
            $cnt = 1;
        if ($val != '') {
            $chk = in_array(html_entity_decode($val, ENT_QUOTES), array_filter($actCities, 'html_entity_decode')) === false ? '' : ' checked="checked"';
            $city .= '
			<label for="cityName_' . $val . '"><input' . $chk . ' name="cityName[]" id="cityName_' . $val . '" type="checkbox" value="' . $val . '" />' . cOut($val) . '</label>';
    $city .= '
    $query = NULL;
    if (isset($_SESSION['hc_favCat'])) {
        $query = "SELECT c.PkID, c.CategoryName, c.ParentID, c.CategoryName as Sort, c2.PkID as Selected\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . HC_TblPrefix . "categories c \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . HC_TblPrefix . "categories c2 ON (c.PkID = c2.PkID AND c.PkID IN (" . $_SESSION['hc_favCat'] . "))\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . HC_TblPrefix . "eventcategories ec ON (c.PkID = ec.CategoryID)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE c.ParentID = 0 AND c.IsActive = 1\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY c.PkID, c.CategoryName, c.ParentID, c2.PkID\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tUNION \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT c.PkID, c.CategoryName, c.ParentID, c2.CategoryName as Sort, c3.PkID as Selected\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . HC_TblPrefix . "categories c \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . HC_TblPrefix . "categories c2 ON (c.ParentID = c2.PkID)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . HC_TblPrefix . "categories c3 ON (c.PkID = c3.PkID AND c.PkID IN (" . $_SESSION['hc_favCat'] . "))\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . HC_TblPrefix . "eventcategories ec ON (c.PkID = ec.CategoryID)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE c.ParentID > 0 AND c.IsActive = 1\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY c.PkID, c.CategoryName, c.ParentID, c2.CategoryName, c3.PkID\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY Sort, ParentID, CategoryName";
    echo '
		<form name="frmEventFilter" id="frmEventFilter" method="post" action="' . CalRoot . '/filter.php" onsubmit="return validate();">
		<input type="hidden" name="f" id="f" value="1" />
		<span class="frm_ctrls">
			<label><input name="cookieme" id="cookieme" type="checkbox"' . $cookie . '>' . $hc_lang_filter['Remember'] . '</label>
			<legend>' . $hc_lang_filter['Cities'] . '</legend>
			' . $city . '
			<legend>' . $hc_lang_filter['Categories'] . '</legend>';
    getCategories('frmEventFilter', $hc_cfg['CatCols'], $query, 1);
    echo '
		<input name="submit" id="submit" type="submit" value="' . $hc_lang_filter['SetFilter'] . '" />&nbsp;
		<input name="clear" id="clear" type="button" onclick="window.location.href=\'' . CalRoot . '/filter.php?clear=1\';return false;" value="' . $hc_lang_filter['ClearFilter'] . '" />
Exemple #16
        $response->withJson(array("status" => 1, "message" => "City Id {$args['id']} does not exists"));
// select one language, using it's id
$app->get("/language/{id}/", function ($request, $response, $args) use($link) {
    $language = getId($args['id'], 'languages');
    if ($language) {
        return $response->withJson(array("status" => 0, "Id" => $language['id'], "Name" => $language['name']));
    } else {
        $response->withJson(array("status" => 1, "message" => "Language Id {$args['id']} does not exists"));
// select all cities usind id wia ajax (service handler)
$app->get("/cities/{id}/", function ($request, $response, $args) use($link) {
    $output = getCities($args['id']);
    return $response;
// select all languages usind id wia ajax (service handler)
$app->get("/languages/{id}/", function ($request, $response, $args) use($link) {
    $output = getLanguages($args['id']);
    return $response;
/* Edit country using Id */
$app->put("/country/{id}/", function ($request, $response, $args) use($link) {
    $put = $request->getParsedBody();
    $name = clearStr($put['Name']);
    $id = getId($args['id'], 'countries');
    $radio = 'textfield';
$form['#attached']['js'] = array(drupal_get_path('module', 'agent') . '/js/validate.js');
$form['#attached']['css'] = array(drupal_get_path('module', 'broker') . '/css/global-c2s.css');
// ==========  Form Starts  ================ //
$form['Charity Edit Buttons'] = array('#type' => 'item', '#suffix' => '<div class="seperator" style="height: 10px;width: 100%;float: left;clear: both;"></div>');
$form['form_start'] = array('#type' => 'item', '#suffix' => '<div id="main-form-wrapper">' . '<div id="icon-block">' . '<div id="edit-icon" style="float:left"> <a href="../add/' . $charity_organization_id . '"> Edit </a>  &nbsp; | &nbsp; </div>' . '<div id="delete-icon" onclick="window.location=\'' . base_path() . 'c2s/broker/deactivate/' . $charity_organization_id . '/' . $charity_organization_id . '\'" style="float:left" > <a href="#"> Delete </a> </div> ' . '</div>' . '<div id="form_sections" class="form_sections">');
$form['charity_organization_id'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#default_value' => $charity_organization_id);
$form['charity_organization_name'] = array('#title' => 'Charity Organizations Name', '#type' => 'textfield', '#maxlength' => 50, $required_disabled => 'true', '#value' => $charity_org_name, '#attributes' => array('placeholder' => t('Charity Organizations Name'), 'class' => array($input_class), 'onKeyPress' => array('return isAlphaNumeric(event, this);')), '#prefix' => '<span class="wrapper-w50">', '#suffix' => '</span>');
$form['number_501_c_3'] = array('#title' => '501 (c)(3) Number', '#type' => 'textfield', '#maxlength' => 10, $required_disabled => 'true', '#default_value' => $number_501_c_3, '#attributes' => array('placeholder' => t('Type Min 3 Chars'), 'class' => array($input_class), 'onKeyPress' => array('return isAlphaNumeric(event, this);')), '#prefix' => '<span class="wrapper-w50">', '#suffix' => '</span>');
$form['street_address'] = array('#title' => 'Street Address', '#type' => 'textfield', '#maxlength' => 100, $required_disabled => 'true', '#default_value' => $charity_org_address, '#attributes' => array('placeholder' => t('Street Address'), 'class' => array($input_class), 'onKeyPress' => array('return isAlphaNumeric(event, this);')), '#prefix' => '<span class="wrapper-w50">', '#suffix' => '</span>');
//--------------  Ajax CallBack for Cities and ZipCodes  ---------------------
$selected_state_id = isset($form_state['values']['state_id']) ? $form_state['values']['state_id'] : $charity_org_state;
//drupal_set_message('state = '.$form_state['values']['state_id']);
$form['state_id'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('State'), '#options' => $state_options, '#default_value' => $selected_state_id, $required_disabled => 'true', '#attributes' => array('class' => array($select_class), 'autocomplete' => 'off'), '#ajax' => array('callback' => 'find_cities_callback', 'wrapper' => 'cities-wrapper'), '#prefix' => '<span class="wrapper-w16">', '#suffix' => '</span>');
$city_options = getCities($selected_state_id);
if (isset($form_state['values']['city'])) {
    $selected_city = isset($form_state['values']['city']) ? $form_state['values']['city'] : key($city_options);
} else {
    $selected_city = '';
$form['city'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('City'), $required_disabled => 'true', '#default_value' => $charity_org_city, '#options' => $city_options, '#attributes' => array('placeholder' => t(''), 'class' => array($select_class)), '#ajax' => array('callback' => 'find_zip_callback', 'wrapper' => 'zip-wrapper'), '#prefix' => '<div id="cities-wrapper"> <span class="wrapper-w16"> state = ' . $selected_state_id, '#suffix' => '</span></div>');
$zip = getZip($selected_city, $selected_state_id);
$form['zip_code'] = array('#title' => 'Zip Code', '#type' => 'textfield', '#maxlength' => 25, $required_disabled => 'true', '#default_value' => $zip, '#attributes' => array('placeholder' => t('Zip Code'), 'class' => array($input_class), 'readonly' => 'readonly'), '#prefix' => '<div id="zip-wrapper"><span class="wrapper-w16">', '#suffix' => '</span></div>');
// ========================================================================
//--------------  Ajax CallBack for Cities and ZipCodes  ---------------------

	if (isset($form_state['values']['state_id'])) {
		$selected_state_id = isset($form_state['values']['state_id']) ? $form_state['values']['state_id'] : key($state_options);
Exemple #18
require_once 'AWSSDKforPHP/sdk.class.php';
require_once 'include/';
// Get city and state from request
if (isset($_GET['city']) && isset($_GET['state']) && preg_match("/^[A-Za-z\\+ ]{1,}\$/", $_GET['city']) && preg_Match("/^[A-Z]{2}\$/", $_GET['state'])) {
    $currentCity = urldecode($_GET['city']);
    $currentState = urldecode($_GET['state']);
} else {
    $currentCity = null;
    $currentState = null;
// Create access object
$sdb = new AmazonSDB();
// Fetch city list
$cities = getCities($sdb);
// If City and State supplied, generate list of items
$itemCat = array();
if ($currentCity != '' && $currentState != '') {
    // Fetch list of items
    $items = getItems($sdb, $currentCity, $currentState);
    // Reorganize by category
    foreach ($items as $key => $attrs) {
        $category = $attrs['Category'];
        if (!isset($itemCat[$category])) {
            $itemCat[$category] = array();
        $itemCat[$category][$key] = $attrs;
include 'include/cloudlist.html.php';
Exemple #19
                        <label for="countryName"><em>Please enter country name: </em></label>
                        <input type="text" id="countryName" name="countryName" value="<?php 
echo $countryName;
                        <input type="submit" value="Submit">
            <div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 selection" >
                <h5><em>Select city:</em></h5>
                <select name="city" id="cities" onchange="citySelect(this.value)" >
if ($cities = getCities($selectedCountry, $selectedCity)) {
    echo $cities['options'];
    $selectedCity = $cities['selected'];
echo $selectedCity;
                <div class="row">
                    <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-5 col-xs-5 col-lg-offset-9 col-md-offset-9 col-sm-offset-7 col-xs-offset-7 editor" id="cityEditor"></div>
                <div class="row">