Exemple #1
 // fot debugging purpose
 // var_dump($biblio);
 // die();
 // insert biblio data
 $sql_op->insert('biblio', $biblio);
 echo '<p>' . $sql_op->error . '</p><p>&nbsp;</p>';
 $biblio_id = $sql_op->insert_id;
 if ($biblio_id < 1) {
 // insert authors
 if ($authors) {
     $author_id = 0;
     foreach ($authors as $author) {
         $author_id = getAuthorID($author['name'], strtolower(substr($author['author_type'], 0, 1)), $author_cache);
         @$dbs->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO biblio_author (biblio_id, author_id, level) VALUES ({$biblio_id}, {$author_id}, " . $author['level'] . ")");
 // insert subject/topical terms
 if ($subjects) {
     foreach ($subjects as $subject) {
         if ($subject['term_type'] == 'Temporal') {
             $subject_type = 'tm';
         } else {
             if ($subject['term_type'] == 'Genre') {
                 $subject_type = 'gr';
             } else {
                 if ($subject['term_type'] == 'Occupation') {
                     $subject_type = 'oc';
                 } else {
Exemple #2
         // echo 'Author: ';
         foreach ($author_flds as $tag => $auth_fld) {
             if ($tag == '710') {
                 $author_type = 'o';
             } else {
                 if ($tag == '711') {
                     $author_type = 'c';
                 } else {
                     $author_type = 'p';
             if ($auth_fld) {
                 $author = $auth_fld->getSubfields('a');
                 if (isset($author[0])) {
                     // echo $author[0]->getData();
                     $author_id = getAuthorID($dbs->escape_string(trim($author[0]->getData())), $author_type, $author_cache);
                     @$dbs->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO biblio_author (biblio_id, author_id, level) VALUES ({$biblio_id}, {$author_id}, 1)");
     // create biblio index
     if ($sysconf['index']['type'] == 'index') {
 $end_time = time();
 $import_time_sec = $end_time - $start_time;
 utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'bibliography', 'Importing ' . $updated_row . ' MARC records from file : ' . $_FILES['importFile']['name']);
 echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
 echo 'top.jQuery(\'#importInfo\').html(\'<strong>' . $updated_row . '</strong> records updated successfully to item database, from record <strong>' . $_POST['recordOffset'] . ' in ' . $import_time_sec . ' second(s)</strong>\');' . "\n";
Exemple #3
     // insert corporate body authors
     if ($authors_corp) {
         $author_id = 0;
         $author_type = 'o';
         foreach ($authors_corp as $author_corp) {
             $author_id = getAuthorID($author_corp, $author_type, $author_cache);
             @$dbs->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO biblio_author (biblio_id, author_id, level) VALUES ({$biblio_id}, {$author_id}, 1)");
     // insert conference/meeting authors
     if ($authors_conf) {
         $author_id = 0;
         $author_type = 'c';
         foreach ($authors_conf as $author_conf) {
             $author_id = getAuthorID($author_conf, $author_type, $author_cache);
             @$dbs->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO biblio_author (biblio_id, author_id, level) VALUES ({$biblio_id}, {$author_id}, 1)");
     // insert subject/topical terms
     if ($subjects) {
         foreach ($subjects as $subject) {
             $subject_type = 't';
             $subject_id = getSubjectID($subject, $subject_type, $subject_cache);
             @$dbs->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO biblio_topic (biblio_id, topic_id, level) VALUES ({$biblio_id}, {$subject_id}, 1)");
     if ($biblio_id) {
         // echo 'Author: ';
         foreach ($author_flds as $tag => $auth_fld) {
             if ($tag == '710') {
                 $author_type = 'o';
             } else {
                 if ($tag == '711') {
                     $author_type = 'c';
                 } else {
                     $author_type = 'p';
             if ($auth_fld) {
                 $author = $auth_fld->getSubfields('a');
                 if (isset($author[0])) {
                     // echo $author[0]->getData();
                     $author_id = getAuthorID($author[0]->getData(), $author_type, $author_cache);
                     @$dbs->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO biblio_author (biblio_id, author_id, level) VALUES ({$biblio_id}, {$author_id}, 1)");
     echo '</pre>';
 $end_time = time();
 $import_time_sec = $end_time - $start_time;
 utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'bibliography', 'Importing ' . $updated_row . ' MARC records from file : ' . $_FILES['importFile']['name']);
 echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
 echo 'parent.$(\'#importInfo\').html(\'<strong>' . $updated_row . '</strong> records updated successfully to item database, from record <strong>' . $_POST['recordOffset'] . ' in ' . $import_time_sec . ' second(s)</strong>\');' . "\n";
 echo 'parent.$(\'#importInfo\').css( {\'display\': \'block\'} );' . "\n";
 echo '</script>';