 * Add new subnet - set query
function setModifySubnetDetailsQuery($subnetDetails, $api)
    # add new subnet
    if ($subnetDetails['action'] == "add") {
        # api?
        if ($api) {
            $query = 'insert into subnets ' . "\n";
            $query .= '(`subnet`, `mask`, `sectionId`, `description`, `vlanId`, `vrfId`, `masterSubnetId`, `allowRequests`, `showName`, `permissions`, `discoverSubnet`, `pingSubnet`) ' . "\n";
            $query .= 'values (' . "\n";
            $query .= ' "' . $subnetDetails['subnet'] . '", ' . "\n";
            $query .= ' "' . $subnetDetails['mask'] . '", ' . "\n";
            $query .= ' "' . $subnetDetails['sectionId'] . '", ' . "\n";
            $query .= ' "' . $subnetDetails['description'] . '", ' . "\n";
            $query .= ' "' . $subnetDetails['vlanId'] . '", ' . "\n";
            $query .= ' "' . $subnetDetails['vrfId'] . '", ' . "\n";
            $query .= ' "' . $subnetDetails['masterSubnetId'] . '", ' . "\n";
            $query .= '' . isCheckbox($subnetDetails['allowRequests']) . ',' . "\n";
            $query .= '' . isCheckbox($subnetDetails['showName']) . ',' . "\n";
            $query .= ' "' . $subnetDetails['permissions'] . '", ' . "\n";
            $query .= '' . isCheckbox($subnetDetails['discoverSubnet']) . ',' . "\n";
            $query .= '' . isCheckbox($subnetDetails['pingSubnet']) . '' . "\n";
            $query .= ' );';
        } else {
            # remove netmask and calculate decimal values!
            $subnetDetails['subnet_temp'] = explode("/", $subnetDetails['subnet']);
            $subnetDetails['subnet'] = Transform2decimal($subnetDetails['subnet_temp'][0]);
            $subnetDetails['mask'] = $subnetDetails['subnet_temp'][1];
            # custom fields
            $myFields = getCustomFields('subnets');
            $myFieldsInsert['query'] = '';
            $myFieldsInsert['values'] = '';
            if (sizeof($myFields) > 0) {
                /* set inserts for custom */
                foreach ($myFields as $myField) {
                    # empty?
                    if (strlen($subnetDetails[$myField['name']]) == 0) {
                        $myFieldsInsert['query'] .= ', `' . $myField['name'] . '`';
                        $myFieldsInsert['values'] .= ", NULL";
                    } else {
                        $myFieldsInsert['query'] .= ', `' . $myField['name'] . '`';
                        $myFieldsInsert['values'] .= ", '" . $subnetDetails[$myField['name']] . "'";
            $query = 'insert into subnets ' . "\n";
            # is folder?
            if ($subnetDetails['isFolder']) {
                $query .= '(`isFolder`,`subnet`, `mask`, `sectionId`, `description`, `vlanId`, `vrfId`, `masterSubnetId`, `allowRequests`, `showName`, `permissions`, `discoverSubnet`, `pingSubnet` ' . $myFieldsInsert['query'] . ') ' . "\n";
                $query .= 'values (' . "\n";
                $query .= '1, ' . "\n";
            } else {
                $query .= '(`subnet`, `mask`, `sectionId`, `description`, `vlanId`, `vrfId`, `masterSubnetId`, `allowRequests`, `showName`, `permissions`, `discoverSubnet`, `pingSubnet` ' . $myFieldsInsert['query'] . ') ' . "\n";
                $query .= 'values (' . "\n";
            $query .= ' "' . $subnetDetails['subnet'] . '", ' . "\n";
            $query .= ' "' . $subnetDetails['mask'] . '", ' . "\n";
            $query .= ' "' . $subnetDetails['sectionId'] . '", ' . "\n";
            $query .= ' "' . $subnetDetails['description'] . '", ' . "\n";
            $query .= ' "' . $subnetDetails['vlanId'] . '", ' . "\n";
            $query .= ' "' . $subnetDetails['vrfId'] . '", ' . "\n";
            $query .= ' "' . $subnetDetails['masterSubnetId'] . '", ' . "\n";
            $query .= '' . isCheckbox($subnetDetails['allowRequests']) . ',' . "\n";
            $query .= '' . isCheckbox($subnetDetails['showName']) . ',' . "\n";
            $query .= ' "' . $subnetDetails['permissions'] . '", ' . "\n";
            $query .= '' . isCheckbox($subnetDetails['discoverSubnet']) . ',' . "\n";
            $query .= '' . isCheckbox($subnetDetails['pingSubnet']) . '' . "\n";
            $query .= $myFieldsInsert['values'];
            $query .= ' );';
    } else {
        if ($subnetDetails['action'] == "delete") {
            /* get ALL slave subnets, then remove all subnets and IP addresses */
            global $removeSlaves;
            $removeSlaves = array_unique($removeSlaves);
            $query = "";
            foreach ($removeSlaves as $slave) {
                $query .= 'delete from `subnets` where `id` = "' . $slave . '"; ' . "\n";
                $query .= 'delete from `ipaddresses` where `subnetId` = "' . $slave . '"; ' . "\n";
        } else {
            if ($subnetDetails['action'] == "edit") {
                # custom fields
                $myFields = getCustomFields('subnets');
                $myFieldsInsert['query'] = '';
                if (sizeof($myFields) > 0) {
                    /* set inserts for custom */
                    foreach ($myFields as $myField) {
                        if (strlen($subnetDetails[$myField['name']]) == 0) {
                            $myFieldsInsert['query'] .= ', `' . $myField['name'] . '` = NULL ';
                        } else {
                            $myFieldsInsert['query'] .= ', `' . $myField['name'] . '` = "' . $subnetDetails[$myField['name']] . '" ';
                $query = 'update subnets set ' . "\n";
                $query .= '`description` 	= "' . $subnetDetails['description'] . '", ' . "\n";
                if ($subnetDetails['sectionId'] != $subnetDetails['sectionIdNew']) {
                    $query .= '`sectionId`      = "' . $subnetDetails['sectionIdNew'] . '", ' . "\n";
                $query .= '`vlanId`        	= "' . $subnetDetails['vlanId'] . '", ' . "\n";
                $query .= '`vrfId`        	= "' . $subnetDetails['vrfId'] . '", ' . "\n";
                $query .= '`masterSubnetId` = "' . $subnetDetails['masterSubnetId'] . '", ' . "\n";
                $query .= '`allowRequests`  = "' . isCheckbox($subnetDetails['allowRequests']) . '", ' . "\n";
                $query .= '`showName`   	= "' . isCheckbox($subnetDetails['showName']) . '", ' . "\n";
                $query .= '`discoverSubnet` = "' . isCheckbox($subnetDetails['discoverSubnet']) . '", ' . "\n";
                $query .= '`pingSubnet`   	= "' . isCheckbox($subnetDetails['pingSubnet']) . '" ' . "\n";
                $query .= $myFieldsInsert['query'];
                $query .= 'where id      	= "' . $subnetDetails['subnetId'] . '"; ' . "\n";
                # if section changes
                if ($subnetDetails['sectionId'] != $subnetDetails['sectionIdNew']) {
                    # add querry to change slaves!
                    global $removeSlaves;
                    $removeSlaves = array_unique($removeSlaves);
                    foreach ($removeSlaves as $slave) {
                        if ($subnetDetails['subnetId'] != $slave) {
                            $query .= 'update `subnets` set `sectionId` = "' . $subnetDetails['sectionIdNew'] . '" where `id` = "' . $slave . '"; ' . "\n";
                # if vrf changes
                if ($subnetDetails['vrfId'] != $subnetDetails['vrfIdOld']) {
                    # add querry to change vrfId!
                    global $removeSlaves;
                    $removeSlaves = array_unique($removeSlaves);
                    foreach ($removeSlaves as $slave) {
                        $query .= 'update `subnets` set `vrfId` = "' . $subnetDetails['vrfId'] . '" where `id` = "' . $slave . '"; ' . "\n";
            } else {
    # return query
    return $query;
function getAllSlaves($subnetId, $multi = false)
    # check cache
    if ($vtmp = checkCache("allslaves", $subnetId . "_{$multi}")) {
        return $vtmp;
    } else {
        global $removeSlaves;
        $end = false;
        # breaks while
        $removeSlaves[] = $subnetId;
        # first
        # db
        global $db;
        # get variables from config file
        $database = new database($db['host'], $db['user'], $db['pass'], $db['name']);
        while ($end == false) {
            /* get all immediate slaves */
            $query = "select * from `subnets` where `masterSubnetId` = '{$subnetId}' order by `id` asc; ";
            /* execute query */
            try {
                $slaves2 = $database->getArray($query);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                $error = $e->getMessage();
                print "<div class='alert alert-danger'>" . _('Error') . ": {$error}</div>";
                return false;
            # we have more slaves
            if (sizeof($slaves2) != 0) {
                # recursive
                foreach ($slaves2 as $slave) {
                    $removeSlaves[] = $slave['id'];
                    $end = true;
            } else {
                $end = true;
        # save cache
        if (sizeof($removeSlaves) > 0) {
            writeCache("allslaves", $subnetId . "_{$multi}", $removeSlaves);
Exemple #3
	<!-- description -->
		<td colspan="2"><hr></td>
print _('Select new subnet');
			<select name="newSubnet" class="ip_addr form-control input-sm input-w-auto">
/* get ALL slave subnets, then remove all subnets and IP addresses */
global $removeSlaves;
$removeSlaves = array_unique($removeSlaves);
foreach ($removeSlaves as $subnetId) {
    $subnet = getSubnetDetailsById($subnetId);
    print "<option value='{$subnet['id']}'>{$subnet['description']} (" . Transform2long($subnet['subnet']) . "/{$subnet['mask']})</option>";
</table>	<!-- end edit ip address table -->
</form>		<!-- end IP address edit form -->

require_once '../../functions/functions.php';
/* verify that user is logged in */
/* verify that user is admin */
/* verify post */
/* get posted permissions */
foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
    if (substr($key, 0, 5) == "group") {
        if ($val != "0") {
            $perm[substr($key, 5)] = $val;
/* save to json */
$update['permissions'] = json_encode($perm);
/* id */
$update['subnetId'] = $_POST['subnetId'];
/* get ALL slave subnet id's, then remove all subnets and IP addresses */
global $removeSlaves;
getAllSlaves($_POST['subnetId'], true);
$update['slaves'] = array_unique($removeSlaves);
/* do action! */
if (updateSubnetPermissions($update)) {
    if (sizeof($update['slaves']) > 1) {
        print '<div class="alert alert-success">' . _('Subnet permissions set for subnet and underlying subnets') . '!</div>';
    } else {
        print '<div class="alert alert-success">' . _('Subnet permissions set') . '!</div>';
 *	Get changelog entries for all IP addresses in subnet
function getSubnetIPChangelogEntries($subnetId, $limit = 50)
    /* set query, open db connection and fetch results */
    global $database;
    // get all slave subnets
    global $removeSlaves;
    $removeSlaves = array_unique($removeSlaves);
    // get all hosts and their ID's
    $ips = array();
    if (sizeof($removeSlaves) > 0) {
        foreach ($removeSlaves as $sid) {
            $stemp = getIpAddressesBySubnetId($sid);
            if (sizeof($stemp) > 0) {
                foreach ($stemp as $ipline) {
                    $ips[] = $ipline['id'];
    //if some
    if (sizeof($ips) > 0) {
        # query
        $query = "select \n\t    \t\t\t`u`.`real_name`,`o`.`id`,`o`.`ip_addr`,`o`.`description`,`o`.`id`,`o`.`subnetId`,`c`.`caction`,`c`.`cresult`,`c`.`cdate`,`c`.`cdiff` \n\t\t\t\t\tfrom `changelog` as `c`, `users` as `u`, `ipaddresses` as `o` \n\t\t\t\t\twhere `c`.`cuser` = `u`.`id` and `c`.`coid`=`o`.`id` \n\t\t\t\t\tand (";
        foreach ($ips as $ip) {
            $query .= "`c`.`coid` = '{$ip}' or ";
        $query = substr($query, 0, -3);
        $query .= ") and `c`.`ctype` = 'ip_addr' order by `c`.`cid` desc limit {$limit};";
        # execute
        try {
            $res = $database->getArray($query);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $error = $e->getMessage();
            print "<div class='alert alert-danger'>" . _('Error') . ": {$error}</div>";
            return false;
        # return result
        return $res;
    } else {
        return false;
 * Get all ip addresses in requested subnet by provided Id, sort by fieldname and direction!
function getIpAddressesBySubnetIdslavesSort($subnetId, $fieldName = "subnetId", $direction = "asc")
    global $db;
    # get variables from config file
    /* get ALL slave subnets, then remove all subnets and IP addresses */
    global $removeSlaves;
    $removeSlaves = array_unique($removeSlaves);
    /* set query, open db connection and fetch results */
    $query = 'select * from `ipaddresses` where subnetId = "" ';
    foreach ($removeSlaves as $subnetId2) {
        if ($subnetId2 != $subnetId) {
            # ignore orphaned
            $query .= " or `subnetId` = '{$subnetId2}' ";
    $query .= 'order by `' . $fieldName . '` ' . $direction . ';';
    $database = new database($db['host'], $db['user'], $db['pass'], $db['name']);
    /* execute */
    try {
        $ipaddresses = $database->getArray($query);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $error = $e->getMessage();
        print "<div class='alert alert-error'>" . _('Error') . ":{$error}</div>";
        return false;
    /* return ip address array */
    return $ipaddresses;
# check for name length - 2 is minimum!
if (strlen($_POST['description']) < 2 && $_POST['action'] != "delete") {
    die("<div class='alert alert alert-danger'>" . _('Folder name must have at least 2 characters') . "!</div>");
# set folder flag!
$_POST['isFolder'] = true;
# failed
if ($_POST['action'] == "delete" && !isset($_POST['deleteconfirm'])) {
    # for ajax to prevent reload
    print "<div style='display:none'>alert alert-danger</div>";
    # result
    print "<div class='alert alert-warning'>";
    # print what will be deleted
    getAllSlaves($_POST['subnetId'], false);
    $removeSlaves = array_unique($removeSlaves);
    # check if folder?
    $foldercnt = 0;
    $subnetcnt = 0;
    foreach ($removeSlaves as $s) {
        $f = getSubnetDetailsById($s);
        if ($f['isFolder'] == 1) {
        } else {
    $ipcnt = countAllSlaveIPAddresses($_POST['subnetId']);
    print "<strong>" . _("Warning") . "</strong>: " . _("I will delete") . ":<ul>";
    print "\t<li>{$foldercnt} " . _("folders") . "</li>";