Exemple #1

error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
// check for right of current admin on this module
if (cfr('TARIFFS')) {
    $dirs = getAllDirs();
    if (empty($dirs)) {
        $alert = '
            <script type="text/javascript">
                alert("' . __('Error') . ': ' . __('No traffic classes available, now you will be redirected to the module with which you can add traffic classes') . '");
        print $alert;
    function tariff_name_filter($tariffname)
        $tariffname = trim($tariffname);
        return preg_replace("#[^a-z0-9A-Z\\-_\\.]#Uis", '', $tariffname);
    function web_TariffCreateForm()
        global $dirs;
        $dbSchema = zb_CheckDbSchema();
        if ($dbSchema > 0) {
            $availOpts = array('month' => __('Month'), 'day' => __('Day'));
            $periodCells = wf_TableCell(__('Period'));
            $periodCells .= wf_TableCell(wf_Selector("options[Period]", $availOpts, '', $tariffdata['period']));
            $periodRows = wf_TableRow($periodCells);
            $periodControls = $periodRows;
Exemple #2
function billing_edittariff($tariff, $options)
    $dhour = $options['dhour'];
    $dmin = $options['dmin'];
    $nhour = $options['nhour'];
    $nmin = $options['nmin'];
    $PriceDay = $options['PriceDay'];
    $PriceNight = $options['PriceNight'];
    $Fee = $options['Fee'];
    $Free = $options['Free'];
    $PassiveCost = $options['PassiveCost'];
    $TraffType = $options['TraffType'];
    if (isset($options['Period'])) {
        $period = $options['Period'];
    } else {
        $period = '';
    $dirs = getAllDirs();
    $string = "<SetTariff name=\"{$tariff}\">";
    $string .= "<Fee value=\"{$Fee}\"/>";
    $string .= "<Free value=\"{$Free}\"/>";
    $string .= "<PassiveCost value=\"{$PassiveCost}\"/>";
    $string .= "<TraffType value=\"{$TraffType}\"/>";
    if (!empty($period)) {
        $string .= "<period value=\"" . $period . "\"/>";
    foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
        $key = $dir['rulenumber'];
        $string .= "<Time{$key} value=\"{$dhour[$key]}:{$dmin[$key]}-{$nhour[$key]}:{$nmin[$key]}\"/>";
    foreach ($options['PriceDay'] as $key => $value) {
        $arr = explode('/', $value);
        if ($arr[0] && $arr[1]) {
            $PriceDayAa = $arr[0];
            $PriceDayBb = $arr[1];
        } else {
            $PriceDayAa = $value;
            $PriceDayBb = $value;
        $PriceDayAc[$key] = $PriceDayAa;
        $PriceDayBc[$key] = $PriceDayBb;
    if (isset($options['PriceNight'])) {
        foreach ($options['PriceNight'] as $key => $value) {
            $arr = explode('/', $value);
            if ($arr[0] && $arr[1]) {
                $PriceNightAa = $arr[0];
                $PriceNightBb = $arr[1];
            } else {
                $PriceNightAa = $value;
                $PriceNightBb = $value;
            $PriceNightAc[$key] = $PriceNightAa;
            $PriceNightBc[$key] = $PriceNightBb;
    for ($i = 0; $i <= 9; $i++) {
        if ($PriceDayAc[$i]) {
            if (isset($PriceDayA)) {
                $sep = '/';
            $PriceDayA .= $sep . $PriceDayAc[$i];
        } else {
            if (isset($PriceDayA)) {
                $sep = '/';
            $PriceDayA .= $sep . '0';
        if ($PriceDayBc[$i]) {
            if (isset($PriceDayB)) {
                $sep1 = '/';
            $PriceDayB .= $sep1 . $PriceDayBc[$i];
        } else {
            if (isset($PriceDayB)) {
                $sep1 = '/';
            $PriceDayB .= $sep1 . '0';
        if ($PriceNightAc[$i]) {
            if (isset($PriceNightA)) {
                $sep2 = '/';
            $PriceNightA .= $sep2 . $PriceNightAc[$i];
        } else {
            if (isset($PriceNightA)) {
                $sep2 = '/';
            $PriceNightA .= $sep . '0';
        if ($PriceNightBc[$i]) {
            if (isset($PriceNightB)) {
                $sep3 = '/';
            $PriceNightB .= $sep3 . $PriceNightBc[$i];
        } else {
            if (isset($PriceNightB)) {
                $sep3 = '/';
            $PriceNightB .= $sep3 . '0';
        if ($options['Threshold'][$i]) {
            if (isset($Threshold)) {
                $sep4 = '/';
            $Threshold .= $sep4 . $options['Threshold'][$i];
        } else {
            if (isset($Threshold)) {
                $sep4 = '/';
            $Threshold .= $sep4 . '0';
        if ($options['SinglePrice'][$i]) {
            if (isset($SinglePrice)) {
                $sep5 = '/';
            $SinglePrice .= $sep5 . $options['SinglePrice'][$i];
        } else {
            if (isset($SinglePrice)) {
                $sep5 = '/';
            $SinglePrice .= $sep5 . "0";
        if ($options['NoDiscount'][$i] != false) {
            if (isset($NoDiscount)) {
                $sep6 = '/';
            $NoDiscount .= $sep6 . $options['NoDiscount'][$i];
        } else {
            if (isset($NoDiscount)) {
                $sep6 = '/';
            $NoDiscount .= $sep6 . '0';
    $string .= "<PriceDayA value=\"{$PriceDayA}\"/>";
    $string .= "<PriceDayB value=\"{$PriceDayB}\"/>";
    $string .= "<PriceNightA value=\"{$PriceNightA}\"/>";
    $string .= "<PriceNightB value=\"{$PriceNightB}\"/>";
    $string .= "<SinglePrice value=\"{$SinglePrice}\"/>";
    $string .= "<NoDiscount value=\"{$NoDiscount}\"/>";
    $string .= "<Threshold value=\"{$Threshold}\"/>";
    $string .= "</SetTariff>";