  * Implements parseToken to format the XML tags.
  * It uses the syntax <token type="TYPE" link="URL">.
  * The URL is only there if specified.
  * @param string $token         The token to put tags around
  * @param string $context_name  The name of the context that the tag is in
  * @param array  $data          Miscellaneous data about the context
  * @return string               The token wrapped in XML
  * @todo [blocking 1.2.2] Make it so that CSS is optional
 function parseToken($token, $context_name, $data)
     // Ignore blank tokens
     if ('' == $token || geshi_is_whitespace($token)) {
         return $token;
     // Initialize the result variable
     $result = '';
     // Add the basic tag
     $result .= '<token type="' . $context_name . '"';
     // Check if we should use an URL
     if (isset($data['url'])) {
         // Hey, we got an URL! Yayy~
         $result .= ' url="' . GeSHi::hsc($data['url']) . '"';
     // Are we gonna add in CSS?
     if ($this->_addCSS) {
         // Heh...
         $result .= ' css="' . $this->_styler->getStyle($context_name) . '"';
     // Finish the opening tag
     $result .= '>';
     // Now add in the token
     $result .= '<![CDATA[' . $token . ']]>';
     // Add the closing tag
     $result .= '</token>\\n';
     // Return the result
     return $result;
 public function parseToken($token, $context_name, $data)
     if (geshi_is_whitespace($token) || false !== strpos($context_name, 'comment')) {
         return array($token, $context_name, $data);
     // make sure that the NEXT token after this is not a (, because
     // then we would be clobbering a function name
     $ctype = substr($context_name, strlen($this->_language) + 1);
     if ((',' == $this->_prevToken || '(' == $this->_prevToken) && in_array($ctype, array('type', 'keyword/nonreserved'))) {
         $context_name = $this->_language;
     $this->_prevToken = $token;
     $this->_prevContextName = $context_name;
     $this->_prevData = $data;
     // needed?
     return array($token, $context_name, $data);
  * Implements parseToken to format the XML tags.
  * @param string $token         The token to put tags around
  * @param string $context_name  The name of the context that the tag is in
  * @param array  $data          Miscellaneous data about the context
  * @return string               The token wrapped in Pango markup
  * @todo [blocking 1.2.2] Make it so that CSS is optional
 function parseToken($token, $context_name, $data)
     // Ignore blank tokens
     if ('' == $token || geshi_is_whitespace($token)) {
         return $token;
     // Initialize the result variable
     $result = '';
     $style = $this->_styler->getStyle($context_name);
     // Add the basic tag
     $result .= '<span ';
     $result .= self::_styleToAttributes($style);
     // Finish the opening tag
     $result .= '>';
     // Now add in the token
     $result .= GeSHi::hsc($token);
     // Add the closing tag
     $result .= '</span>';
     // Return the result
     return $result;
  * Implements parseToken to put HTML tags around the tokens
  * @param string $token         The token to put tags around
  * @param string $context_name  The name of the context that the tag is in
  * @param array  $data          Miscellaneous data about the context
  * @return string               The token wrapped in the appropriate HTML
 function parseToken($token, $context_name, $data)
     // ignore blank tokens
     if ('' == $token || geshi_is_whitespace($token)) {
         return $token;
     $result = '';
     if (isset($data['url'])) {
         // There's a URL associated with this token
         $result .= '<a href="' . GeSHi::hsc($data['url']) . '">';
     if (!isset($this->contextCSS[$context_name])) {
         $this->contextCSS[$context_name] = self::_styleToCSS($this->_styler->getStyle($context_name));
     $result .= '<span style="' . $this->contextCSS[$context_name] . '" ';
     $result .= 'title="' . GeSHi::hsc($context_name) . '">' . GeSHi::hsc($token) . '</span>';
     if (isset($data['url'])) {
         // Finish the link
         $result .= '</a>';
     return $result;
  * Implements parseToken to output tokens
  * @param string $token        The token to output
  * @param string $context_name The name of the context that the tag is in
  * @param array  $data         Miscellaneous data about the context
  * @return string Debug string
 function parseToken($token, $context_name, $data)
     static $counter = 0;
     $flags = '';
     if ($token == '') {
         $flags .= 'E';
     } elseif (geshi_is_whitespace($token)) {
         $flags .= 'W';
     } else {
         $flags .= '-';
     $nSlashes = substr_count($context_name, '/');
     $nPos = strrpos($context_name, '/');
     if ($nPos === false) {
         $contextTail = $context_name;
     } else {
         $contextTail = substr($context_name, $nPos + 1);
     $context = str_repeat(' ', $nSlashes) . $contextTail;
     return sprintf("%8d %1s %4d %-40s - %s\n", $counter++, $flags, strlen($token), $context_name, $this->outputTokens ? addcslashes($token, "..") : '');
  * This method can either return an array like
  * this one is doing, or nothing (false), or an
  * array of arrays. This way, it can hold onto
  * data it needs for parsing
  * @todo [blocking 1.1.5] delphi fixes:
  *   - highlight default keyword if after ; in property context
  *   - don't highlight functions if not before "(" brackets (alpha)
 function parseToken($token, $context_name, $data)
     geshi_dbg('GeSHiDelphiCodeParser::parseToken("' . substr(str_replace("\n", '\\n', $token), 0, 15) . '"...,' . $context_name . ')');
     //Check for linebraks...
     if (false !== strpos($token, "\n")) {
         $this->_semicolonFlag = false;
         $this->_instrExpected = true;
     //Check if we got a whitespace
     if (geshi_is_whitespace($token)) {
         //If there's anything in the storage, simply add the whitespace
         if ($this->_stack) {
             $this->push($token, $context_name, $data);
             return array();
         } else {
             //Return the token as is ...
             return $this->flush($token, $context_name, $data);
     $token_l = strtolower(trim($token));
     // @todo for ben: here is an example of how this could work. You can make it better and
     // experiment with how this functionality works. I tested this only on simple examples, and
     // I know that currently the _defaultFlag could be reset to 0 earlier than it is if there is
     // a mistake with parsing.
     if (2 == $this->_defaultFlag) {
         if ('default' == $token_l) {
             $context_name = $this->_language . '/keyword';
             $this->_defaultFlag = 0;
         } elseif ('' != trim($token)) {
             $this->_defaultFlag = 0;
     // @todo for ben: I don't think alias_name is set anymore, maybe you want to check
     // that this functionality works now?
     if (0 == $this->_defaultFlag && isset($data['alias_name']) && $data['alias_name'] == $this->_language . '/property') {
         $this->_defaultFlag = 1;
     if (1 == $this->_defaultFlag && ';' == trim($token)) {
         $this->_defaultFlag = 2;
     // @todo for ben: now symbols are handed in one at a time, maybe this can be optimised?
     if ($context_name == $this->_language . '/brksym') {
         geshi_dbg('Detected bracket symbol context ...');
         for ($t2 = 0; $t2 < strlen($token); $t2++) {
             $t2sub = substr($token, $t2, 1);
             // Count opening and closing brackets to avoid highlighting of parameters called register in procedure\function declarations
             if ('(' == $t2sub || '[' == $t2sub) {
                 geshi_dbg('Detected opening bracket "' . $t2sub . '" on level BC' . $this->_bracketCount . '\\OBC' . $this->_openBlockCount . '...');
             if (')' == $t2sub || ']' == $t2sub) {
                 if (--$this->_bracketCount < 0) {
                     $this->_bracketCount = 0;
                 geshi_dbg('Detected closing bracket "' . $t2sub . '" on level BC' . $this->_bracketCount . '\\OBC' . $this->_openBlockCount . '...');
     if (!stripos($context_name, 'comment')) {
         if (in_array($token_l, array('begin', 'case', 'class', 'object', 'record', 'try', 'asm'))) {
             geshi_dbg('Detected opening block "' . $token_l . '" on level BC' . $this->_bracketCount . '\\OBC' . $this->_openBlockCount . '...' . stripos($context_name, 'comment'));
             $this->_openBlockType[] = $token_l;
             if (2 <= ($obc = $this->_openBlockCount)) {
                 //Check if we have a casxe statement inside a record definition.
                 if ('record' == $this->_openBlockType[$obc - 2] && 'case' == $this->_openBlockType[$obc - 1]) {
             $this->_instrExpected = true;
             $this->_inASMBlock = true;
         if ('end' == $token_l) {
             if (--$this->_openBlockCount < 0) {
                 $this->_openBlockCount = 0;
             geshi_dbg('Detected closing block "' . $token_l . '" on level BC' . $this->_bracketCount . '\\OBC' . $this->_openBlockCount . '...' . stripos($context_name, 'comment'));
             if ($this->_inASMBlock) {
                 $this->_inASMBlock = true;
     if ($this->_inASMBlock && strpos($this->_language, 'delphi/asm')) {
         if ($this->_instrExpected) {
             $this->_instrExpected = false;
         } else {
             if (in_array($token_l, array('and', 'not', 'or', 'shl', 'shr', 'xor'))) {
                 $context_name = $this->_language . '/asm/keyop';
         if ($token_l == ';') {
             $this->_instrExpected = true;
     // If we detect a semicolon we require remembering it, thus we can highlight the register directive correctly.
     if ($context_name == $this->_language && $this->_semicolonFlag) {
         geshi_dbg('Detected token ' . $token . ' after semi-colon on level BC' . $this->_bracketCount . '\\OBC' . $this->_openBlockCount . '...');
         // Register is a directive here
         $this->_semicolonFlag = false;
         // Highlight as directive only if all previous opened brackets are closed again
         $isDirective = 0 == $this->_bracketCount;
         if ('register' == $token_l) {
             if (1 == $this->_openBlockCount) {
                 $isDirective &= 'class' == $this->_openBlockType[$this->_openBlockCount - 1] || 'object' == $this->_openBlockType[$this->_openBlockCount - 1];
                 if ('record' == $this->_openBlockType[$this->_openBlockCount - 1]) {
                     $isDirective = true;
             $context_name .= $isDirective ? '/keyword' : '';
         } elseif ('message' == $token_l) {
             if (1 == $this->_openBlockCount) {
                 $isDirective &= 'class' == $this->_openBlockType[$this->_openBlockCount - 1];
             $context_name .= $isDirective ? '/keyword' : '';
     // There will be something else than a semicolon, so we finish semicolon detection here
     $this->_semicolonFlag = false;
     if ($token_l == ';') {
         $this->_semicolonFlag = true;
     if ($this->_stack) {
         // Check for various conditions ...
         // If we have a store we can check now to see if the current token is a bracket
         if ($context_name != $this->_language . '/brksym' || substr(trim($token), 0, 1) != '(') {
             // Modify context to say that the keyword is actually just a bareword
             $this->_stack[0][1] = $this->_language;
         //return $this->_stackFlush($token, $context_name, $data);
         return $this->flush($token, $context_name, $data);
     // If we detected a keyword, instead of passing it back we will make sure it has a bracket
     // after it, so we know for sure that it is a keyword. So we save it to "_store" and return false
     if (substr($context_name, 0, strlen($this->_language . '/stdproc')) == $this->_language . '/stdproc') {
         $this->push($token, $context_name, $data);
         return array();
     // Default action: just return the token (including all stored)
     return $this->flush($token, $context_name, $data);
  * Implements parseToken to put ANSI codes around the tokens
  * @param string $token        The token to highlight
  * @param string $context_name The name of the context that the tag is in
  * @param array  $data         Miscellaneous data about the context
  * @return string The token wrapped in ANSI codes
 public function parseToken($token, $context_name, $data)
     // ignore blank tokens
     if ('' == $token || geshi_is_whitespace($token)) {
         return $token;
     $code = $this->getAnsiCode($context_name);
     if ($code !== null) {
         return $code . $token . $this->resetCode;
     } else {
         return $token;
  * Handles any parsing that uses the stack.
  * The stack is used to find function calls (note: different to function definitions)
  * and also to find static classes that haven't otherwise been detected.
  * @param  string $token        The source token
  * @param  string $context_name The context of the source token
  * @param  array  $data         Additional data
  * @return mixed                As for the return value of {@link parseToken()}
  * @todo [blocking 1.1.5] this method could take a fourth parameter to say whether to
  * detect just function calls, classnames or both, when it comes to configuring what
  * the code parser actually highlights.
 function _handleStackParsing(&$token, &$context_name, &$data)
     if (!$this->_stack) {
         if ($this->_language == $context_name && !$this->_tokenIsWhitespace) {
             $this->push($token, $context_name, $data);
             return array();
         // Some other random token that we don't care about
         return array($token, $context_name, $data);
     } else {
         if ($this->_language . '/symbol' == $context_name) {
             // Worth pointing out: the object splitter is :: and is forced to be
             // in the symbol context so that's why we check for :: instead of :.
             // Incidentally, that's actually quite a nice side effect of OO support.
             if ('(' == $token || '::' == $token) {
                 // Change the last non-whitespace token to be a user function or static
                 // class as depending on $token
                 for ($i = count($this->_stack) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
                     // If the token is not whitespace, we have found the one place where
                     // a function call could be
                     if (!geshi_is_whitespace($this->_stack[$i][0])) {
                         // If the token is a bareword then we convert it to a function call
                         if ($this->_language == $this->_stack[$i][1]) {
                             $this->_stack[$i][1] = $this->_stack[$i][1] . ('(' == $token ? '/functioncall' : '/classname');
                             // Add the token to the list of class names if it is one
                             if ('::' == $token && !in_array($this->_stack[$i][1], $this->_classNames)) {
                                 $this->_classNames[] = $this->_stack[$i][1];
             // Add the symbol onto the stack and return
             return $this->flush($token, $context_name, $data);
         } else {
             // Store this token (either whitespace or a & symbol) on our mini-stack
             $this->push($token, $context_name, $data);
             return array();
  * Implements parseToken to put ANSI codes around the tokens
  * @param string $token        The token to highlight
  * @param string $context_name The name of the context that the tag is in
  * @param array  $data         Miscellaneous data about the context
  * @return string The token wrapped in ANSI codes
 public function parseToken($token, $context_name, $data)
     // ignore blank tokens
     if ('' == $token || geshi_is_whitespace($token)) {
         $num = ord(strpos($token, -1));
         if ($num == 10) {
             return $token;
         return $token . "\\c\n";
     list($color, $bold) = $this->getAnsiCode($context_name);
     $text = str_replace('\\', '\\e', $token);
     $prefix = '';
     if ($bold) {
         $prefix .= '.B ';
     } elseif ($token[0] == '.' || $token[0] == '\'') {
         //zero-width space
         $prefix .= '\\&';
     if ($color == 'black') {
         $retval = $prefix . $text . "\\c\n";
     } else {
         $retval = '.gcolor ' . $color . "\n" . $prefix . $text . "\\c\n" . ".gcolor\n";
     return $retval;
 function parseToken($token, $context_name, $data)
     $flush_stdhdr = false;
     $ret = array(&$token, &$context_name, &$data);
     // Detect the start of a preprocessor directive and set state.
     if (($context_name == $this->_language . '/preprocessor/start' || $context_name == $this->_language . '/preprocessor/directive') && $this->_state == GESHI_C_NORMAL) {
         $this->_state = GESHI_C_PPSTART;
         $this->_initial_hash = false;
         $this->_hltIfElifPPkeyWords = false;
     $skipfirst = false;
     // Highlight and link preprocessor directives; set preliminary state.
     if ($context_name == $this->_language . '/preprocessor/end') {
         $this->_state = GESHI_C_NORMAL;
     } elseif ($this->_state == GESHI_C_PPSTART) {
         if ($token == '#') {
             $this->_initial_hash = true;
         } elseif (in_array($token, geshi_c_get_start_of_line_PP_directives_hashsym())) {
             $skipfirst = true;
             $data['url'] = geshi_c_get_start_of_line_PP_directives_hashsym_url($token);
             $this->_state = $token == 'include' ? GESHI_C_PPINCLUDE : ($token == 'error' ? GESHI_C_PPERROR : ($token == 'pragma' ? GESHI_C_PPPRAGMA : ($token == 'line' ? GESHI_C_PPLINE : GESHI_C_PP)));
             $this->_hltIfElifPPkeyWords = in_array($token, geshi_c_get_if_elif_PP_directives());
             $context_name = $this->_language . '/preprocessor/directive';
         } elseif (in_array($token, geshi_c_get_start_of_line_PP_directives_nohashsym()) && !$this->_initial_hash) {
             $skipfirst = true;
             $data['url'] = geshi_c_get_start_of_line_PP_directives_nohashsym_url($token);
             $context_name = $this->_language . '/preprocessor/directive';
             $this->_state = $token == '_Pragma' ? GESHI_C_PPPRAGMA : GESHI_C_PP;
         } elseif ($this->_initial_hash && !geshi_is_whitespace($token) && $token != '\\') {
             $data['url'] = geshi_c_get_non_std_preproc_directives_url();
             $context_name = $this->_language . '/preprocessor/directive';
             $this->_state = GESHI_C_PPNONSTD;
     // Perform highlighting/context adjustments based on preliminary state;
     // adjust state as required.
     switch ($this->_state) {
         case GESHI_C_PPPRAGMA:
         case GESHI_C_PPERROR:
             // Remove from #pragma and #error directives the highlighting of
             // all sub-contexts except comments and the directives themselves
             $start = $this->_language . '/preprocessor/';
             $start_len = strlen($start);
             if (substr($context_name, 0, $start_len) == $start) {
                 $sub_context = substr($context_name, $start_len);
                 if (!in_array($sub_context, array('directive', 'multi_comment', 'multi_comment/start', 'multi_comment/end', 'single_comment', 'single_comment/start'))) {
                     $context_name = substr($start, 0, -1);
                     $data['url'] = null;
         case GESHI_C_PPNONSTD:
             // Mark everything following a non-standard preprocessor directive;
             // also mark the directive itself.
             $context_name = $this->_language . '/preprocessor/nonstd';
         case GESHI_C_PPINCLUDE:
             // Highlight and link standard headers; also concatenate tokenised
             // header names into a single token to remove symbol contexts.
             if ($token[0] == '<') {
                 $this->_state = GESHI_C_PPHDRSTART;
                 // special-case handling for e.g. </dir/file.h> where "</" will
                 // be tokenised as a single symbol
                 $this->_provisional_hdr = substr($token, 1);
                 $token = '<';
                 $context_name = $this->_language . '/preprocessor/symbol/stdinclude';
             } elseif ($token == '"') {
                 // Override the highlighting as a string literal of
                 // "headername.h" in #include "headername.h" (mostly to avoid
                 // the highlighting of escape sequences such as \n and \t -
                 // they aren't defined in that context)
                 $this->_state = GESHI_C_PPIMPLHDRSTART;
                 $context_name = $this->_language . 'preprocessor/implheader';
             } elseif (trim($token) != '' && !$skipfirst) {
                 // String literals and < and > characters could occur as part of
                 // a macro that's substituting for the header that follows
                 // #include, so allow their highlighting in that context.
                 $this->_state = GESHI_C_PPINCLUDEMACROSTART;
                 // Don't highlight the macro name itself though; an exception
                 // can be made of any standard macros that resolve to a quoted
                 // string (TODO).
                 $context_name = $this->_language . '/preprocessor';
                 $data['url'] = null;
         case GESHI_C_PPLINE:
             if (trim($token) != '' && !$skipfirst) {
                 // Avoid highlighting when a macro substitutes for the #line
                 // line number (optionally +filename) in the same way as when a
                 // macro substitutes for a #include header.
                 if ($context_name != $this->_language . '/preprocessor/num/int') {
                     $this->_state = GESHI_C_PPINCLUDEMACROSTART;
                     $context_name = $this->_language . '/preprocessor';
                     $data['url'] = null;
                 } else {
                     $this->_state = GESHI_C_PP;
             if ($token == '(') {
                 $this->_state = GESHI_C_PPINCLUDEMACRO;
             // Per the comments in c.php, restrict highlighting for the
             // arguments of macros that substitute for a #include's header or a
             // #line's line number (and filename).
             if ($context_name == $this->_language . '/preprocessor/declarator-keyword' || $context_name == $this->_language . '/preprocessor/ctlflow-keyword') {
                 $context_name = $this->_language . '/preprocessor';
                 $data['url'] = null;
         case GESHI_C_PPHDRSTART:
             if ($token == '>') {
                 $context_name = $this->_language . '/preprocessor/symbol/stdinclude';
                 if (in_array($this->_provisional_hdr, geshi_c_get_standard_headers())) {
                     $flush_stdhdr = 'STDLINK';
                 } else {
                     $flush_stdhdr = true;
                 $this->_state = GESHI_C_PP;
             } else {
                 $this->_provisional_hdr .= $token;
                 $ret = false;
             $context_name = $this->_language . 'preprocessor/include/implheader';
             if ($token == '"') {
                 $this->_state = GESHI_C_PP;
     if ($flush_stdhdr) {
         $hdrtoken[0] = $this->_provisional_hdr;
         $hdrtoken[1] = $this->_language . '/preprocessor/include';
         if ($flush_stdhdr === 'STDLINK') {
             $hdrtoken[1] .= '/stdheader';
             $hdrtoken[2]['url'] = geshi_c_get_standard_headers_url($this->_provisional_hdr);
         } else {
             $hdrtoken[1] .= '/nonstdheader';
             // consider: would it be appropriate to instead implement and
             // call a geshi_c_get_non_std_stdheader_url()?
             $hdrtoken[2]['url'] = null;
         $tmp = array($hdrtoken, $ret);
         $ret = $tmp;
         $this->_provisional_hdr = '';
         // redundant but included for safety
     // Highlight and link sub-directives that can only occur within a #if or
     // #elif preprocessor directive (i.e. "defined").
     if ($this->_state & GESHI_C_PP && !$skipfirst && $this->_hltIfElifPPkeyWords) {
         if (in_array($token, geshi_c_get_if_elif_PP_subdirectives())) {
             $data['url'] = geshi_c_get_if_elif_PP_subdirectives_url($token);
             $context_name = 'c/c/preprocessor/directive';
     // Now we look at the data we have from looking at the source before
     // parsing began.  This data tells us where "\\\n" occurs in the
     // source. We took them out then so that the parser could highlight
     // everything normally, but now we need to put them back in.
     // The possibility that sometimes $ret may contain an array of tokens
     // complicates things somewhat, but hopefully this code is portable
     // enough to handle that.
     // Firstly: if we are storing data for later, return
     if (false === $ret) {
         return array();
     // Check that there is a location to search for. Code below removes
     // occurrences as they happen so once there are no more occurrences
     // this will never execute.
     if (isset($this->_escapedNewlineLocations[0])) {
         $result = array();
         $location = $this->_parseLocation;
         // Get a copy of the token (not a reference) that we can clobber as
         // we please, and put into the "array of tokens" form.
         if (!is_array($ret[0])) {
             $thetokens = array($ret);
             $length = strlen($thetokens[0][0]);
         } else {
             // This makes the assumption that returned array of arrays only
             // has two elements. This is true for the code parser as of
             // 2006/06/17, if it is not true in the future then a more
             // portable length gathering loop will have to be written
             $thetokens = $ret;
             $length = strlen($thetokens[0][0]) + strlen($thetokens[1][0]);
         foreach ($thetokens as $eachtoken) {
             $sublocation = 0;
             // Check to see if the next occurrence happens inside this
             // token (the while loop allows the check to be done multiple
             // times for the same token)
             while (isset($this->_escapedNewlineLocations[0]) && $location + strlen($eachtoken[0]) - $sublocation >= $this->_escapedNewlineLocations[0]) {
                 // If inside the loop then we found an occurrence, this
                 // gets the position of the occurrence inside the current
                 // token.
                 $pos = array_shift($this->_escapedNewlineLocations) - $location;
                 // Store the part before the occurrence
                 $result[] = array(substr($eachtoken[0], $sublocation, $pos), $eachtoken[1], $eachtoken[2]);
                 // Store the occurrence
                 $result[] = array("\\\n", $this->_language . '/symbol/line-continuation', array());
                 // Do some fancy math:
                 //   - the base location ($location) has increased
                 //   - the location inside the token ($sublocation) has
                 //     increased
                 //   - the length of the string has increased because of
                 //     the occurrence
                 $location += $pos + 2;
                 $sublocation += $pos;
                 $length += 2;
             // Now we add what ever is left after adding occurrences. This
             // may be the entire token if no occurrences happened inside it.
             $result[] = array(substr($eachtoken[0], $sublocation), $eachtoken[1], $eachtoken[2]);
         // Increment where we are up to
         $this->_parseLocation += $length;
         return $result;
     // No fancy "\\\n" replacement happening (note at this point we have
     // given up incrementing the parse location because it's no longer
     // needed).
     return $ret;
 function parseToken($token, $context_name, $data)
     // Ignore whitespace. We put it on the store for flushing later
     if (geshi_is_whitespace($token)) {
         $this->push($token, $context_name, $data);
         return array();
     // Ignore doxygen
     if ('doxygen/doxygen' == substr($context_name, 0, 15)) {
         $this->push($token, $context_name, $data);
         return array();
     $flush = false;
     // Easy things first
     if ($this->_language == $context_name) {
         if (in_array($token, $this->_variableNames)) {
             // Variables
             $context_name = $this->_language . '/variable';
             $flush = true;
         } elseif (in_array($token, $this->_classNames)) {
             // Class Names
             $context_name = $this->_language . '/class_name';
             $flush = true;
         } elseif (in_array($token, $this->_interfaceNames)) {
             // Interfaces
             $context_name = $this->_language . '/interface';
             $flush = true;
         } elseif (in_array($token, $this->_enumValueNames)) {
             // Enum Values
             $context_name = $this->_language . '/enum_value';
             $flush = true;
         } elseif (in_array($token, $this->_exceptionNames)) {
             // Exception Names
             $context_name = $this->_language . '/exception';
             $flush = true;
         } elseif (in_array($token, $this->_annotationNames)) {
             // Annotation names
             $context_name = $this->_language . '/annotation';
             $flush = true;
     //Check for all important language features
     $this->packageImportCheck($token, $context_name);
     $this->staticClassCheck($token, $context_name);
     $this->abstractStaticCheck($token, $context_name);
     $this->classCheck($token, $context_name);
     $this->exceptionCheck($token, $context_name);
     $this->enumCheck($token, $context_name);
     $this->variableCheck($token, $context_name);
     $this->methodCheck($token, $context_name);
     $this->genericCheck($token, $context_name);
     $this->annotationCheck($token, $context_name);
     $this->push($token, $context_name, $data);
     // Keep references to the previous data
     $i = count($this->_stack) - 1;
     $this->_prev_token =& $this->_stack[$i][0];
     $this->_prev_context =& $this->_stack[$i][1];
     $this->_prev_data =& $this->_stack[$i][2];
     // And data just before that
     // If $i, i.e. if count($this->_store) - 1, which if > 0 means there is still one
     // more element at least at position 0
     for ($j = $i - 1; $j > 0; $j--) {
         if (!geshi_is_whitespace($this->_stack[$j][0])) {
             $this->_prev_prev_token =& $this->_stack[$j][0];
             $this->_prev_prev_context =& $this->_stack[$j][1];
             $this->_prev_prev_data =& $this->_stack[$j][2];
     if ($flush) {
         return $this->flush();
     return array();
  * Parses the given code
 function parseCode(&$code, $context_start_key = -1, $context_start_delimiter = '', $ignore_context = '', $first_char_of_next_context = '')
     geshi_dbg('*** GeSHiContext::parseCode(' . $this->_contextName . ') ***');
     geshi_dbg('CODE: ' . str_replace("\n", "\r", substr($code, 0, 100)) . "<<<<<\n");
     if ($context_start_delimiter) {
         geshi_dbg('Delimiter: ' . $context_start_delimiter);
     // Skip empty/almost empty contexts
     if ('' == $code || geshi_is_whitespace($code)) {
     // Add the start of this context to the parse data if it is already known
     // NOTE: related to bug 75: if remove childLanguage check, then the
     // start delimiter is marked as lang/dialect/start instead of whatever the
     // language would have marked it as.
     // This means that, for example with doxygen, beginning
     // doxygen within java means that the doxygen starter
     // is parsed as doxygen code. I guess that is reasonable
     // and the intended thing for GESHI_CHILD_PARSE_LEFT/BOTH
     // NOTE: say we use GESHI_CHILD_PARSE_RIGHT for doxygen delimiter.
     // Then the left delimiter will be parsed as java/java/multi_comment_start
     // then the doxygen, then the ender for doxygen. But the multi_comment
     // will end immediately. I don't think this is a bug, it's more of a caveat.
     // I think this happens for embedded languages also.
     if ($context_start_delimiter && !$this->_isChildLanguage) {
         $code = substr($code, strlen($context_start_delimiter));
     $original_length = strlen($code);
     while ('' != $code) {
         $code_len = strlen($code);
         if ($code_len != $original_length) {
             geshi_dbg('CODE: ' . str_replace("\n", "\r", substr($code, 0, 100)) . "<<<<<\n");
         // Second parameter: if we are at the start of the context or not
         // Pass the ignored context so it can be properly ignored
         $earliest_context_data = $this->_getEarliestContextData($code, $code_len == $original_length, $ignore_context);
         $finish_data = $this->_getContextEndData($code, $context_start_key, $context_start_delimiter, $code_len == $original_length);
         geshi_dbg('@bEarliest context data: pos=' . $earliest_context_data['pos'] . ', len=' . $earliest_context_data['len']);
         geshi_dbg('@bFinish data: pos=' . $finish_data['pos'] . ', len=' . $finish_data['len']);
         // If there is earliest context data we parse up to it then hand control to that context
         if ($earliest_context_data) {
             if ($finish_data) {
                 // Merge to work out who wins
                 if ($finish_data['pos'] <= $earliest_context_data['pos']) {
                     geshi_dbg('Earliest context and Finish data: finish is closer');
                     if ($this->shouldParseEnder() && $this->_isChildLanguage) {
                         $finish_data['pos'] += $finish_data['len'];
                     // Add the parse data
                     $this->_addParseData(substr($code, 0, $finish_data['pos']), substr($code, $finish_data['pos'], 1));
                     // If we should pass the ender, add the parse data
                     if ($this->shouldParseEnder() && !$this->_isChildLanguage) {
                         $this->_addParseDataEnd(substr($code, $finish_data['pos'], $finish_data['len']));
                         $finish_data['pos'] += $finish_data['len'];
                     // Trim the code and return the unparsed delimiter
                     $code = substr($code, $finish_data['pos']);
                     return $finish_data['dlm'];
                 } else {
                     geshi_dbg('Earliest and finish data, but earliest gets priority');
                     $foo = true;
             } else {
                 $foo = true;
                 /** no finish data */
             if (isset($foo)) {
                 geshi_dbg('Earliest data but not finish data');
             // Highlight up to delimiter
             ///The "+ len" can be manipulated to do starter and ender data
             if (!$earliest_context_data['con']->shouldParseStarter()) {
                 $earliest_context_data['pos'] += $earliest_context_data['len'];
                 //BUGFIX: null out dlm so it doesn't squash the actual rest of context
                 $earliest_context_data['dlm'] = '';
             // We should parseCode() the substring.
             // BUT we have to remember that we should ignore the child context we've matched,
             // else we'll have a wee recursion problem on our hands...
             $tmp = substr($code, 0, $earliest_context_data['pos']);
             $this->parseCode($tmp, -1, '', $earliest_context_data['con']->name(), $code[$earliest_context_data['pos']]);
             // parse with no starter
             $code = substr($code, $earliest_context_data['pos']);
             $ender = $earliest_context_data['con']->parseCode($code, $earliest_context_data['key'], $earliest_context_data['dlm']);
             // check that the earliest context actually wants the ender
             if (!$earliest_context_data['con']->shouldParseEnder() && $earliest_context_data['dlm'] == $ender) {
                 geshi_dbg('earliest_context_data[dlm]=' . $earliest_context_data['dlm'] . ', ender=' . $ender);
                 // second param = first char of next context
                 $ender_len = strlen($ender);
                 $this->_addParseData(substr($code, 0, $ender_len), $code[$ender_len]);
                 $code = substr($code, $ender_len);
         } else {
             if ($finish_data) {
                 // finish early...
                 geshi_dbg('No earliest data but finish data');
                 if ($this->shouldParseEnder() && $this->_isChildLanguage) {
                     $finish_data['pos'] += $finish_data['len'];
                 // second param = first char of next context
                 $this->_addParseData(substr($code, 0, $finish_data['pos']), $code[$finish_data['pos']]);
                 if ($this->shouldParseEnder() && !$this->_isChildLanguage) {
                     $this->_addParseDataEnd(substr($code, $finish_data['pos'], $finish_data['len']));
                     $finish_data['pos'] += $finish_data['len'];
                 $code = substr($code, $finish_data['pos']);
                 // return the length for use above
                 return $finish_data['dlm'];
             } else {
                 geshi_dbg('No earliest or finish data');
                 // All remaining code is in this context
                 $this->_addParseData($code, $first_char_of_next_context);
                 $code = '';
                 // not really needed (?)
 function parseToken($token, $context_name, $data)
     if (geshi_is_whitespace($token)) {
         if ($this->_last_token) {
             $this->push($token, $context_name, $data);
             return array();
         } else {
             return array($token, $context_name, $data);
     $result = false;
     if ($this->_last_token) {
         // we have a previous token which we couldnt figure out. maybe now we have enough information
         if ($token == ':') {
             // after a token we look at the parse context to see if we are in a 'tag' section
             $result = $this->flush();
             switch ($this->_parse_context) {
                 case GESHI_EIFFEL_TAG_BEFORE_COLON:
                     $result[0][1] .= '/tagname';
                 case GESHI_EIFFEL_UNKNOWN:
                     $result[0][1] .= '/featurename';
             $result[] = array($token, $context_name, $data);
         } else {
             // here we can still have an attribute name, feature name or a feature call.
             // we default to feature name
             $result = $this->flush();
             $result[0][1] .= '/featurename';
             $result[] = array($token, $context_name, $data);
         $this->_last_token = NULL;
     } else {
         // no token on the stack. check if current token is properly categorized
         if ($context_name == 'eiffel/eiffel') {
             // token has no specific context. we need to figure out one
             if (preg_match('#^[A-Z_]+$#', $token)) {
                 // maybe its a class name
                 // this works as long as the highlighted code follows standard naming conventions
                 // but it could also be a generic parameter which would be nice
                 // to format differently (this needs a stateful parser)
                 $context_name = $context_name . '/classname';
                 $result = array($token, $context_name, $data);
             } else {
                 // we save the token and see if we can decide better when we see the next token
                 $this->push($token, $context_name, $data);
                 $this->_last_token = $token;
                 $result = false;
         } elseif ($context_name == 'eiffel/eiffel/comment/classname') {
             // we have a classname in a comment. maybe we can provide a link
             // todo: check against default class names and add link data
             $result = array($token, $context_name, $data);
         } elseif ($context_name == 'eiffel/eiffel/keyword') {
             // we check if the parse context changes because of the keyword
             switch ($token) {
                 case 'indexing':
                 case 'note':
                 case 'require':
                 case 'ensure':
                 case 'invariant':
                 case 'check':
                     $this->_parse_context = GESHI_EIFFEL_TAG_BEFORE_COLON;
                 case 'local':
                 case 'agent':
                 case 'create':
                 case 'feature':
                     $this->_parse_context = GESHI_EIFFEL_FEATURE_BEFORE_COLON;
                 case 'end':
                 case 'do':
                 case 'once':
                     $this->_parse_context = GESHI_EIFFEL_UNKNOWN;
             $result = array($token, $context_name, $data);
         } else {
             // normal token
             $result = array($token, $context_name, $data);
     if ($result === false) {
         return array();
     return $result;