 * Force update review count.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @package GeoDirectory
 * @return bool
function geodir_term_review_count_force_update($new_status, $old_status = '', $post = '')
    if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'geodir_import_export') {
    //do not run if importing listings
    if (isset($post->post_type) && ($post->post_type == 'nav_menu_item' || $post->post_type == 'page' || $post->post_type == 'post')) {
    if ($new_status != $old_status) {
    return true;
Exemple #2
 * Force update review count.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @package GeoDirectory
 * @return bool
function geodir_term_review_count_force_update($new_status, $old_status = '', $post = '')
    if (isset($post->post_type) && ($post->post_type == 'nav_menu_item' || $post->post_type == 'page' || $post->post_type == 'post')) {
    if ($new_status != $old_status) {
    return true;
     * Front-end display content for best of widget.
     * @since 1.3.9
     * @since 1.5.1 Added filter to view all link.
     * @since 1.5.1 Declare function public.
     * @param array $args     Widget arguments.
     * @param array $instance Saved values from database.
    public function widget($args, $instance)
         * Filter the best of widget tab layout.
         * @since 1.3.9
         * @param string $instance['tab_layout'] Best of widget tab layout name.
        $tab_layout = empty($instance['tab_layout']) ? 'bestof-tabs-on-top' : apply_filters('bestof_widget_tab_layout', $instance['tab_layout']);
        echo '<div class="bestof-widget-tab-layout ' . $tab_layout . '">';
        echo $before_widget;
        $loc_terms = geodir_get_current_location_terms();
        if ($loc_terms) {
            $cur_location = ' : ' . ucwords(str_replace('-', ' ', end($loc_terms)));
        } else {
            $cur_location = '';
         * Filter the current location name.
         * @since 1.3.9
         * @param string $cur_location Current location name.
        $cur_location = apply_filters('bestof_widget_cur_location', $cur_location);
         * Filter the widget title.
         * @since 1.3.9
         * @param string $instance['title'] The widget title.
        $title = empty($instance['title']) ? wp_sprintf(__('Best of %s', 'geodirectory'), get_bloginfo('name') . $cur_location) : apply_filters('bestof_widget_title', __($instance['title'], 'geodirectory'));
         * Filter the post type.
         * @since 1.3.9
         * @param string $instance['post_type'] The post type.
        $post_type = empty($instance['post_type']) ? 'gd_place' : apply_filters('bestof_widget_post_type', $instance['post_type']);
         * Filter the listing limit.
         * @since 1.3.9
         * @param int $instance['post_limit'] No. of posts to display.
        $post_limit = empty($instance['post_limit']) ? '5' : apply_filters('bestof_widget_post_limit', $instance['post_limit']);
         * Filter the category limit.
         * @since 1.3.9
         * @param int $instance['categ_limit'] No. of categories to display.
        $categ_limit = empty($instance['categ_limit']) ? '3' : apply_filters('bestof_widget_categ_limit', $instance['categ_limit']);
        $use_viewing_post_type = !empty($instance['use_viewing_post_type']) ? true : false;
         * Filter the use of location filter.
         * @since 1.3.9
         * @param int|bool $instance['add_location_filter'] Filter listings using current location.
        $add_location_filter = empty($instance['add_location_filter']) ? '1' : apply_filters('bestof_widget_location_filter', $instance['add_location_filter']);
        // set post type to current viewing post type
        if ($use_viewing_post_type) {
            $current_post_type = geodir_get_current_posttype();
            if ($current_post_type != '' && $current_post_type != $post_type) {
                $post_type = $current_post_type;
        if (isset($instance['character_count'])) {
             * Filter the widget's excerpt character count.
             * @since 1.3.9
             * @param int $instance['character_count'] Excerpt character count.
            $character_count = apply_filters('bestof_widget_list_character_count', $instance['character_count']);
        } else {
            $character_count = '';
        $category_taxonomy = geodir_get_taxonomies($post_type);
        $term_args = array('hide_empty' => true, 'parent' => 0);
        if (is_tax()) {
            $taxonomy = get_query_var('taxonomy');
            $cur_term = get_query_var('term');
            $term_data = get_term_by('name', $cur_term, $taxonomy);
            $term_args['parent'] = $term_data->term_id;
        $terms = get_terms($category_taxonomy[0], $term_args);
        $term_reviews = geodir_count_reviews_by_terms();
        $a_terms = array();
        foreach ($terms as $term) {
            if ($term->count > 0) {
                if (isset($term_reviews[$term->term_id])) {
                    $term->review_count = $term_reviews[$term->term_id];
                } else {
                    $term->review_count = '0';
                $a_terms[] = $term;
        $terms = geodir_sort_terms($a_terms, 'review_count');
        $query_args = array('posts_per_page' => $post_limit, 'is_geodir_loop' => true, 'post_type' => $post_type, 'gd_location' => $add_location_filter ? true : false, 'order_by' => 'high_review');
        if ($character_count >= 0) {
            $query_args['excerpt_length'] = $character_count;
        $layout = array();
        if ($tab_layout == 'bestof-tabs-as-dropdown') {
            $layout[] = $tab_layout;
        } else {
            $layout[] = 'bestof-tabs-as-dropdown';
            $layout[] = $tab_layout;
        echo $before_title . __($title) . $after_title;
        //term navigation - start
        echo '<div class="geodir-tabs gd-bestof-tabs" id="gd-bestof-tabs" style="position:relative;">';
        $final_html = '';
        foreach ($layout as $tab_layout) {
            $nav_html = '';
            $is_dropdown = $tab_layout == 'bestof-tabs-as-dropdown' ? true : false;
            if ($is_dropdown) {
                $nav_html .= '<select id="geodir_bestof_tab_dd" class="chosen_select" name="geodir_bestof_tab_dd" data-placeholder="' . esc_attr(__('Select Category', 'geodirectory')) . '">';
            } else {
                $nav_html .= '<dl class="geodir-tab-head geodir-bestof-cat-list">';
                $nav_html .= '<dt></dt>';
            $term_icon = geodir_get_term_icon();
            $cat_count = 0;
            foreach ($terms as $cat) {
                if ($cat_count > $categ_limit) {
                if ($is_dropdown) {
                    $selected = $cat_count == 1 ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
                    $nav_html .= '<option ' . $selected . ' value="' . $cat->term_id . '">' . ucwords($cat->name) . '</option>';
                } else {
                    if ($cat_count == 1) {
                        $nav_html .= '<dd class="geodir-tab-active">';
                    } else {
                        $nav_html .= '<dd class="">';
                    $term_icon_url = !empty($term_icon) && isset($term_icon[$cat->term_id]) ? $term_icon[$cat->term_id] : '';
                    $nav_html .= '<a data-termid="' . $cat->term_id . '" href="' . get_term_link($cat, $cat->taxonomy) . '">';
                    $nav_html .= '<img alt="' . $cat->name . ' icon" class="bestof-cat-icon" src="' . $term_icon_url . '"/>';
                    $nav_html .= '<span>';
                    $nav_html .= ucwords($cat->name);
                    $nav_html .= '<small>';
                    if (isset($cat->review_count)) {
                        $num_reviews = $cat->review_count;
                        if ($num_reviews == 0) {
                            $reviews = __('No Reviews', 'geodirectory');
                        } elseif ($num_reviews > 1) {
                            $reviews = $num_reviews . __(' Reviews', 'geodirectory');
                        } else {
                            $reviews = __('1 Review', 'geodirectory');
                        $nav_html .= $reviews;
                    $nav_html .= '</small>';
                    $nav_html .= '</span>';
                    $nav_html .= '</a>';
                    $nav_html .= '</dd>';
            if ($is_dropdown) {
                $nav_html .= '</select>';
            } else {
                $nav_html .= '</dl>';
            $final_html .= $nav_html;
        if ($terms) {
            echo $final_html;
        echo '</div>';
        //term navigation - end
        //first term listings by default - start
        $first_term = '';
        if ($terms) {
            $first_term = $terms[0];
            $tax_query = array('taxonomy' => $category_taxonomy[0], 'field' => 'id', 'terms' => $first_term->term_id);
            $query_args['tax_query'] = array($tax_query);
        <input type="hidden" id="bestof_widget_post_type" name="bestof_widget_post_type"
        echo $post_type;
        <input type="hidden" id="bestof_widget_post_limit" name="bestof_widget_post_limit"
        echo $post_limit;
        <input type="hidden" id="bestof_widget_taxonomy" name="bestof_widget_taxonomy"
        echo $category_taxonomy[0];
        <input type="hidden" id="bestof_widget_location_filter" name="bestof_widget_location_filter"
        if ($add_location_filter) {
            echo 1;
        } else {
            echo 0;
        <input type="hidden" id="bestof_widget_char_count" name="bestof_widget_char_count"
        echo $character_count;
        <div class="geo-bestof-contentwrap geodir-tabs-content" style="position: relative; z-index: 0;">
            <p id="geodir-bestof-loading" class="geodir-bestof-loading"><i class="fa fa-cog fa-spin"></i></p>
        echo '<div id="geodir-bestof-places">';
        if ($terms) {
            $view_all_link = add_query_arg(array('sort_by' => 'rating_count_desc'), get_term_link($first_term, $first_term->taxonomy));
             * Filter the page link to view all lisitngs.
             * @since 1.5.1
             * @param array $view_all_link View all listings page link.
             * @param array $post_type The Post type.
             * @param array $first_term The category term object.
            $view_all_link = apply_filters('geodir_bestof_widget_view_all_link', $view_all_link, $post_type, $first_term);
            echo '<h3 class="bestof-cat-title">' . wp_sprintf(__('Best of %s', 'geodirectory'), $first_term->name) . '<a href="' . esc_url($view_all_link) . '">' . __("View all", 'geodirectory') . '</a></h3>';
        echo "</div>";
        //first term listings by default - end
        echo $after_widget;
        echo "</div>";