$pass = sanitise('currentpassword', 'p');
 $newpass1 = sanitise('newpassword1', 'p');
 $newpass2 = sanitise('newpassword2', 'p');
 $query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE UserID='{$user}'";
 $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
 if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 1) {
     $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
     $hash = sha1($pass . $row['Salt']);
     //check that they've provided the correct password:
     if ($hash == $row['Password']) {
         //check that provided passwords match:
         if ($newpass1 == $newpass2) {
             //check that new password is long enough:
             if (strlen($newpass1) > 5) {
                 //generating some salty hashes:
                 $salt = generatesalt();
                 $hash = sha1($newpass1 . $salt);
                 //now we change their password...
                 $query = "UPDATE users SET Password='******', Salt='{$salt}' WHERE UserID='{$user}'";
                 $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
                 //tell the user that it has been sucessfull:
                 $msg = $msg . "Successfully changed your password!";
                 $success = True;
             } else {
                 $msg = $msg . "New Password is too short - make sure it's at least 6 characters long. ";
                 $sucess = False;
         } else {
             //passwords didn't match:
             $msg = $msg . "New Passwords don't match. Please try again. ";
             $sucess = False;

include_once 'functions.php';
$conn = opendb();
$email = sanitise('email', 'p');
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE Email='{$email}'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 1) {
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
    if ($row['Validated'] == 1) {
        if ($row['ResetKey'] == NULL || time() > $row['ResetTimeout']) {
            $resetkey = sha1(generatesalt(64));
            $timeout = time() + 604800;
            //One Week
            $UserID = $row['UserID'];
            $query = "UPDATE users SET ResetKey='{$resetkey}', ResetTimeout='{$timeout}' WHERE Email='{$email}'";
            $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
            sendpasswordreset($email, $resetkey, $UserID);
            echo "email: " . $email . " resetkey: " . $resetkey . " UserID: " . $UserID;
        } else {
            echo "You've already tried to reset";
    } else {
        echo "You haven't validated your account yet! Check your emails, including the spam folder";
} else {
    echo "your email wasn't found :(";
        $query = "INSERT INTO users (Email, Password, Salt, ValidatedTimeout, ValidationKey, PrefCurrency, PrefPaymentMethod) VALUES ('{$email}', '{$hash}', '{$salt}', '{$time}', '{$validationkey}', '&pound;', 'Card')";
        mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
        $UserID = mysql_insert_id();
        $query = "INSERT INTO accounts (UserID, AccountName) VALUES ('{$UserID}', 'Current')";
        mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
        sendvalidationkey($email, $validationkey, $UserID);
        $success = 1;
        $msg = $msg . "Success! Before you can use your account, you'll need to validate it - we've sent you an email with a link to do that. If you can't find it, check your spam folder or click here to send it again. ";
    } elseif (mysql_num_rows($result) == 1) {
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        if ($row['Validated'] == 0 && time() > $row['ValidatedTimeout']) {
            $time = time() + 604800;
            $salt = generatesalt();
            $hash = sha1($pass . $salt);
            $validationkey = sha1(generatesalt(64));
            $query = "UPDATE users SET Password='******', Salt='{$salt}', ValidatedTimeout='{$time}', ValidationKey='{$validationkey}' WHERE Email='{$email}'";
            mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
            sendvalidationkey($email, $validationkey, $UserID);
            $msg = $msg . "Successfully re-registered. Before you can use your account, you'll need to validate it - we've sent you an email with a link to do that. If you can't find it, check your spam folder or click <a href=\"resendvalidationkey.php\">here</a> to send it again.";
        } else {
            $msg = $msg . "You've already registered that email! Please validate it by clicking the link in the email you received. If you can't find the email, click <a href=\"resendvalidationkey.php\">here<a/> to resend it ";
if ($success == 1) {
    include 'index.php';
} else {
    include 'register.php';