if (!IS_ADMIN) { $this->ajax_die($lang['NOT_ADMIN']); } $table = BB_BT_USERS; $value = (double) str_replace(',', '.', $this->request['value']); foreach (array('KB' => 1, 'MB' => 2, 'GB' => 3, 'TB' => 4) as $s => $m) { if (strpos($this->request['value'], $s) !== false) { $value *= pow(1024, $m); break; } } $value = sprintf('%.0f', $value); $this->response['new_value'] = humn_size($value, null, null, ' '); if (!($btu = get_bt_userdata($user_id))) { require INC_DIR . 'functions_torrent.php'; generate_passkey($user_id, true); $btu = get_bt_userdata($user_id); } $btu[$field] = $value; $this->response['update_ids']['u_ratio'] = (string) get_bt_ratio($btu); break; case 'user_points': $value = htmlCHR($value); $value = (double) str_replace(',', '.', $this->request['value']); $value = sprintf('%.2f', $value); $this->response['new_value'] = $value; break; default: $this->ajax_die("invalid profile field: {$field}"); } $value_sql = DB()->escape($value, true);
<?php if (!defined('IN_AJAX')) { die(basename(__FILE__)); } global $userdata, $lang; $req_uid = (int) $this->request['user_id']; if ($req_uid == $userdata['user_id'] || IS_ADMIN) { if (empty($this->request['confirmed'])) { $this->prompt_for_confirm($lang['BT_GEN_PASSKEY_NEW']); } if (!($passkey = generate_passkey($req_uid, IS_ADMIN))) { $this->ajax_die('Could not insert passkey'); } tracker_rm_user($req_uid); $this->response['passkey'] = $passkey; } else { $this->ajax_die($lang['NOT_AUTHORISED']); }
function send_torrent_with_passkey($filename) { global $attachment, $auth_pages, $userdata, $ft_cfg, $lang; if (!$ft_cfg['bt_add_auth_key'] || $attachment['extension'] !== TORRENT_EXT || !($size = @filesize($filename))) { return; } $post_id = ''; $user_id = $userdata['user_id']; $attach_id = $attachment['attach_id']; // Get tracker config $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . BT_CONFIG_TABLE . "\r\n\t\tWHERE config_name = 'auth_key_name'\r\n\t\t\tOR config_name = 'allow_guest_dl'"; if (!($rowset = @DB()->sql_fetchrowset(DB()->sql_query($sql)))) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not query tracker config', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } foreach ($rowset as $rid => $row) { $tr_cfg[$row['config_name']] = $row['config_value']; } if (!($auth_key_name = $tr_cfg['auth_key_name'])) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not add passkey (wrong config auth_key_name)'); } // Get post_id foreach ($auth_pages as $rid => $row) { if ($row['attach_id'] == $attach_id) { $post_id = $row['post_id']; break; } } // Redirect guests to login page if (!$userdata['session_logged_in'] && (!$tr_cfg['allow_guest_dl'] || $ft_cfg['bt_force_passkey'])) { if ($post_id) { redirect(append_sid("login.php?redirect=viewtopic.php&" . POST_POST_URL . "={$post_id}", TRUE)); } else { redirect(append_sid("login.php?redirect=index.php", TRUE)); } } // Get torrent tracker status $sql = 'SELECT d.tracker_status, u.user_allow_passkey FROM ' . ATTACHMENTS_DESC_TABLE . ' d, ' . USERS_TABLE . " u\r\n\t\tWHERE d.attach_id = {$attach_id}\r\n\t\t\tAND u.user_id = {$user_id}\r\n\t\tLIMIT 1"; if (!($result = DB()->sql_query($sql))) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not query information for this torrent', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } $row = DB()->sql_fetchrow($result); if (!$row['tracker_status']) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, $lang['Passkey_err_tor_not_reg']); } if (!$row['user_allow_passkey']) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not add passkey<br /><br />You are not authorized to use passkey'); } $auth_key = get_user_passkey($user_id); if (!$auth_key && $userdata['session_logged_in']) { if ($ft_cfg['bt_gen_passkey_on_reg']) { $auth_key = generate_passkey($user_id, TRUE); if (!defined('AUTH_KEY_INSERT_OK')) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not insert passkey', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } } else { $mess = sprintf($lang['Passkey_err_empty'], append_sid("profile.php?mode=editprofile#bittorrent")); message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, $mess); } } $ann_url = $ft_cfg['bt_announce_url']; if (!($tor = bdecode_file($filename))) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'This is not a bencoded file'); } $passkey = !$userdata['session_logged_in'] || isset($_GET['no_passkey']) ? '' : "?{$auth_key_name}={$auth_key}&"; // replace original announce url with tracker default if ($ft_cfg['bt_replace_ann_url'] || !@$tor['announce']) { $tor['announce'] = strval($ann_url . $passkey); } // delete all additional urls if ($ft_cfg['bt_del_addit_ann_urls']) { unset($tor['announce-list']); } // add publisher & topic url $publisher = $ft_cfg['bt_add_publisher']; $publisher_url = $post_id ? make_url("viewtopic.php?" . POST_POST_URL . "={$post_id}") : ''; if ($publisher) { $tor['publisher'] = strval($publisher); unset($tor['publisher.utf-8']); if ($publisher_url) { $tor['publisher-url'] = strval($publisher_url); unset($tor['publisher-url.utf-8']); } } // add comment $comment = ''; $orig_com = @$tor['comment'] ? $tor['comment'] : ''; if ($ft_cfg['bt_add_comment']) { $comment = $ft_cfg['bt_add_comment']; } else { $comment = $publisher_url ? $publisher_url : ''; } if ($comment = trim($comment)) { $tor['comment'] = strval($comment); unset($tor['comment.utf-8']); } // DHT $ft_cfg['bt_disable_dht'] = 1; if ($ft_cfg['bt_disable_dht']) { $tor['private'] = intval(1); unset($tor['nodes']); $tor['azureus_properties'] = array('dht_backup_enable' => intval(0)); } // Send torrent $output = bencode($tor); $output_size = strlen($output); header("Content-length: {$output_size}"); header('Content-Type: application/x-bittorrent'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . clean_filename($attachment['real_filename']) . '"'); echo $output; exit; }
} // Unregister torrent from tracker if ($mode == 'unreg') { tracker_unregister($attach_id, 'request'); exit; } // Delete torrent if ($mode == 'del' && $confirm) { delete_torrent($attach_id, 'request'); $redirect_url = append_sid("viewtopic.php?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "={$topic_id}"); redirect($redirect_url); } // Delete torrent and move topic if ($mode == 'del_move' && $confirm) { delete_torrent($attach_id, 'request'); $redirect_url = "modcp.php?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "={$topic_id}&mode=move&sid=" . $userdata['session_id']; redirect($redirect_url); } // Generate passkey if ($mode == 'gen_passkey') { if ($req_uid == $user_id || $userdata['user_level'] == ADMIN) { generate_passkey($req_uid, FALSE); if (!defined('AUTH_KEY_INSERT_OK')) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not insert passkey', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $lang['Bt_Gen_Passkey_OK']); } else { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $lang['Not_Authorised']); } } message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Not confirmed or invalid mode');
function send_torrent_with_passkey($filename) { global $attachment, $auth_pages, $userdata, $bb_cfg, $tr_cfg, $lang; if (!$bb_cfg['bt_add_auth_key'] || $attachment['extension'] !== TORRENT_EXT || !($size = @filesize($filename))) { return; } $post_id = $poster_id = $passkey_val = ''; $user_id = $userdata['user_id']; $attach_id = $attachment['attach_id']; if (!($passkey_key = $bb_cfg['passkey_key'])) { bb_die('Could not add passkey (wrong config $bb_cfg[\'passkey_key\'])'); } // Get $post_id & $poster_id foreach ($auth_pages as $rid => $row) { if ($row['attach_id'] == $attach_id) { $post_id = $row['post_id']; $poster_id = $row['user_id_1']; break; } } // Get $topic_id $topic_id_sql = 'SELECT topic_id FROM ' . BB_POSTS . ' WHERE post_id = ' . (int) $post_id; if (!($topic_id_result = DB()->sql_query($topic_id_sql))) { bb_die('Could not query post information'); } $topic_id_row = DB()->sql_fetchrow($topic_id_result); $topic_id = $topic_id_row['topic_id']; if (!$attachment['tracker_status']) { bb_die($lang['PASSKEY_ERR_TOR_NOT_REG']); } if (bf($userdata['user_opt'], 'user_opt', 'dis_passkey') && !IS_GUEST) { bb_die('Could not add passkey'); } if ($bt_userdata = get_bt_userdata($user_id)) { $passkey_val = $bt_userdata['auth_key']; } if (!$passkey_val) { if (!($passkey_val = generate_passkey($user_id))) { bb_simple_die('Could not generate passkey'); } elseif ($bb_cfg['ocelot']['enabled']) { ocelot_update_tracker('add_user', array('id' => $user_id, 'passkey' => $passkey_val)); } } // Ratio limits $min_ratio = $bb_cfg['bt_min_ratio_allow_dl_tor']; if ($min_ratio && $user_id != $poster_id && ($user_ratio = get_bt_ratio($bt_userdata)) !== null) { if ($user_ratio < $min_ratio && $post_id) { $dl = DB()->fetch_row("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT dl.user_status\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . BB_POSTS . " p\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . BB_BT_DLSTATUS . " dl ON dl.topic_id = p.topic_id AND dl.user_id = {$user_id}\n\t\t\t\tWHERE p.post_id = {$post_id}\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1\n\t\t\t"); if (!isset($dl['user_status']) || $dl['user_status'] != DL_STATUS_COMPLETE) { bb_die(sprintf($lang['BT_LOW_RATIO_FOR_DL'], round($user_ratio, 2), "search.php?dlu={$user_id}&dlc=1")); } } } // Announce URL $ann_url = $bb_cfg['bt_announce_url']; if (!($tor = bdecode_file($filename))) { bb_die('This is not a bencoded file'); } $announce = $bb_cfg['ocelot']['enabled'] ? strval($bb_cfg['ocelot']['url'] . $passkey_val . "/announce") : strval($ann_url . "?{$passkey_key}={$passkey_val}"); // Replace original announce url with tracker default if ($bb_cfg['bt_replace_ann_url'] || !isset($tor['announce'])) { $tor['announce'] = $announce; } // Delete all additional urls if ($bb_cfg['bt_del_addit_ann_urls'] || $bb_cfg['bt_disable_dht']) { unset($tor['announce-list']); } elseif (isset($tor['announce-list'])) { $tor['announce-list'] = array_merge($tor['announce-list'], array(array($announce))); } // Add retracker if (isset($tr_cfg['retracker']) && $tr_cfg['retracker']) { if (bf($userdata['user_opt'], 'user_opt', 'user_retracker') || IS_GUEST) { if (!isset($tor['announce-list'])) { $tor['announce-list'] = array(array($announce), array($tr_cfg['retracker_host'])); } else { $tor['announce-list'] = array_merge($tor['announce-list'], array(array($tr_cfg['retracker_host']))); } } } // Add publisher & topic url $publisher_name = $bb_cfg['server_name']; $publisher_url = make_url(TOPIC_URL . $topic_id); $tor['publisher'] = strval($publisher_name); unset($tor['publisher.utf-8']); $tor['publisher-url'] = strval($publisher_url); unset($tor['publisher-url.utf-8']); $tor['comment'] = strval($publisher_url); unset($tor['comment.utf-8']); // Send torrent $output = bencode($tor); $dl_fname = $bb_cfg['torrent_name_style'] ? '[' . $bb_cfg['server_name'] . '].t' . $topic_id . '.torrent' : clean_filename(basename($attachment['real_filename'])); if (!empty($_COOKIE['explain'])) { $out = "attach path: {$filename}<br /><br />"; $tor['info']['pieces'] = '[...] ' . strlen($tor['info']['pieces']) . ' bytes'; $out .= print_r($tor, true); bb_die("<pre>{$out}</pre>"); } header("Content-Type: application/x-bittorrent; name=\"{$dl_fname}\""); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$dl_fname}\""); bb_exit($output); }