function pw_validate_encrypt($plain) { global $db; if (gen_not_null($plain)) { $sql = "select configuration_value from " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " where configuration_key = 'ENCRYPTION_VALUE'"; $result = $db->Execute($sql); $encrypted = $result->fields['configuration_value']; $stack = explode(':', $encrypted); if (sizeof($stack) != 2) { return false; } if (md5($stack[1] . $plain) == $stack[0]) { return true; } } return false; }
function btn_update() { // updates the currency rates global $db, $messageStack; /* commented out so everyone can update currency exchange rates if ($this->security_id < 1) { $messageStack->add(ERROR_NO_PERMISSION,'error'); return false; } */ $server_used = CURRENCY_SERVER_PRIMARY; $currency = $db->Execute("select currencies_id, code, title from " . $this->db_table); while (!$currency->EOF) { $quote_function = 'quote_' . CURRENCY_SERVER_PRIMARY . '_currency'; $rate = $quote_function($currency->fields['code']); if (empty($rate) && gen_not_null(CURRENCY_SERVER_BACKUP)) { $messageStack->add(sprintf(SETUP_WARN_PRIMARY_SERVER_FAILED, CURRENCY_SERVER_PRIMARY, $currency->fields['title'], $currency->fields['code']), 'caution'); $quote_function = 'quote_' . CURRENCY_SERVER_BACKUP . '_currency'; $rate = $quote_function($currency->fields['code']); $server_used = CURRENCY_SERVER_BACKUP; } if (gen_not_null($rate)) { $db->Execute("update " . $this->db_table . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t set value = '" . $rate . "', last_updated = now()\r\n\t\t\t\t\t where currencies_id = '" . (int) $currency->fields['currencies_id'] . "'"); $messageStack->add(sprintf(SETUP_INFO_CURRENCY_UPDATED, $currency->fields['title'], $currency->fields['code'], $server_used), 'success'); } else { $messageStack->add(sprintf(SETUP_ERROR_CURRENCY_INVALID, $currency->fields['title'], $currency->fields['code'], $server_used), 'error'); } $currency->MoveNext(); } return true; }
// | published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of | // | the License, or any later version. | // | | // | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | // | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | // | GNU General Public License for more details. | // | | // | The license that is bundled with this package is located in the | // | file: /doc/manual/ch01-Introduction/license.html. | // | If not, see | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // Path: /modules/install/index.php // require_once 'includes/application_top.php'; if (!isset($_GET['main_page']) || !gen_not_null($_GET['main_page'])) { $_GET['main_page'] = 'index'; } $current_page = $_GET['main_page']; require_once '../../includes/version.php'; require_once '../general/functions/general.php'; require_once '../general/functions/html_functions.php'; require_once 'language/' . $language . '/language.php'; require_once 'language/' . $language . '/' . $current_page . '.php'; require_once 'pages/' . $current_page . '/header_php.php'; // make sure someone is not trying to hack in $result = load_company_dropdown(); $blocked_modules = array('index', 'license', 'inspect', 'system_setup'); if (sizeof($result) > 0 && in_array($current_page, $blocked_modules)) { die('This installation already has been set up. Please use Company Manager.'); }
function FormatRateRequest() { global $pkg; $crlf = chr(13) . chr(10); $sBody = '<?xml version="1.0"?>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<AccessRequest xml:lang="en-US">'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<AccessLicenseNumber>' . MODULE_SHIPPING_UPS_ACCESS_KEY . '</AccessLicenseNumber>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<UserId>' . MODULE_SHIPPING_UPS_USER_ID . '</UserId>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<Password>' . MODULE_SHIPPING_UPS_PASSWORD . '</Password>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '</AccessRequest>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<?xml version="1.0"?>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<RatingServiceSelectionRequest xml:lang="en-US">'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<Request>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<TransactionReference>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<CustomerContext>Rating and Service</CustomerContext>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<XpciVersion>1.0001</XpciVersion>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '</TransactionReference>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<RequestAction>' . 'rate' . '</RequestAction>'; // must be rate for tool to work $sBody .= $crlf . '<RequestOption>' . 'shop' . '</RequestOption>'; // must be shop to $sBody .= $crlf . '</Request>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<PickupType><Code>' . $pkg->pickup_service . '</Code></PickupType>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<CustomerClassification><Code>' . '01' . '</Code></CustomerClassification>'; // wholesale (default for PickupType 01) $sBody .= $crlf . '<Shipment>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<Shipper>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<ShipperNumber>' . MODULE_SHIPPING_UPS_SHIPPER_NUMBER . '</ShipperNumber>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<Address>'; if (COMPANY_CITY_TOWN) { $sBody .= $crlf . '<City>' . COMPANY_CITY_TOWN . '</City>'; } if (COMPANY_ZONE) { $sBody .= $crlf . '<StateProvinceCode>' . COMPANY_ZONE . '</StateProvinceCode>'; } if (COMPANY_POSTAL_CODE) { $sBody .= $crlf . '<PostalCode>' . COMPANY_POSTAL_CODE . '</PostalCode>'; } // $country_name = gen_get_country_iso_2(COMPANY_COUNTRY); $sBody .= $crlf . '<CountryCode>' . gen_get_country_iso_2_from_3(COMPANY_COUNTRY) . '</CountryCode>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '</Address>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '</Shipper>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<ShipTo>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<Address>'; if ($pkg->ship_to_city) { $sBody .= $crlf . '<City>' . $pkg->ship_to_city . '</City>'; } if ($pkg->ship_to_state) { $sBody .= $crlf . '<StateProvinceCode>' . strtoupper($pkg->ship_to_state) . '</StateProvinceCode>'; } if ($pkg->ship_to_postal_code) { $sBody .= $crlf . '<PostalCode>' . $pkg->ship_to_postal_code . '</PostalCode>'; } // $country_name = gen_get_country_iso_2($pkg->ship_to_country_code); $sBody .= $crlf . '<CountryCode>' . $pkg->ship_to_country_iso2 . '</CountryCode>'; if ($pkg->residential_address) { $sBody .= $crlf . '<ResidentialAddress></ResidentialAddress>'; } $sBody .= $crlf . '</Address>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '</ShipTo>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<ShipFrom>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<Address>'; if ($pkg->ship_city_town) { $sBody .= $crlf . '<City>' . $pkg->ship_city_town . '</City>'; } if ($pkg->ship_state_province) { $sBody .= $crlf . '<StateProvinceCode>' . strtoupper($pkg->ship_state_province) . '</StateProvinceCode>'; } if ($pkg->ship_postal_code) { $sBody .= $crlf . '<PostalCode>' . $pkg->ship_postal_code . '</PostalCode>'; } // $country_name = gen_get_country_iso_2($pkg->ship_country_code); $sBody .= $crlf . '<CountryCode>' . $pkg->ship_from_country_iso2 . '</CountryCode>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '</Address>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '</ShipFrom>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<ShipmentWeight>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<UnitOfMeasurement><Code>' . $pkg->pkg_weight_unit . '</Code></UnitOfMeasurement>'; $ShipmentWeight = 0; foreach ($this->package as $pkgnum) { $ShipmentWeight += $pkgnum['weight']; } $sBody .= $crlf . '<Weight>' . $ShipmentWeight . '</Weight>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '</ShipmentWeight>'; foreach ($this->package as $pkgnum) { // Enter each package $sBody .= $crlf . '<Package>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<PackagingType><Code>' . $pkgnum['PackageTypeCode'] . '</Code></PackagingType>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<Dimensions>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<UnitOfMeasurement><Code>' . $pkgnum['DimensionUnit'] . '</Code></UnitOfMeasurement>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<Length>' . $pkgnum['Length'] . '</Length>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<Width>' . $pkgnum['Width'] . '</Width>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<Height>' . $pkgnum['Height'] . '</Height>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '</Dimensions>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<PackageWeight>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<UnitOfMeasurement><Code>' . $pkgnum['WeightUnit'] . '</Code></UnitOfMeasurement>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<Weight>' . $pkgnum['Weight'] . '</Weight>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '</PackageWeight>'; $temp = ''; if (gen_not_null($pkgnum['DeliveryConfirmation'])) { $temp .= $crlf . '<DeliveryConfirmation>'; $temp .= $crlf . '<DCISType>' . $pkgnum['DeliveryConfirmation'] . '</DCISType>'; $temp .= $crlf . '</DeliveryConfirmation>'; } if (gen_not_null($pkgnum['InsuranceCurrencyCode'])) { $temp .= $crlf . '<InsuredValue>'; $temp .= $crlf . '<CurrencyCode>' . $pkgnum['InsuranceCurrencyCode'] . '</CurrencyCode>'; $temp .= $crlf . '<MonetaryValue>' . $pkgnum['InsuranceValue'] . '</MonetaryValue>'; $temp .= $crlf . '</InsuredValue>'; } if ($temp) { $sBody .= $crlf . '<PackageServiceOptions>' . $temp . $crlf . '</PackageServiceOptions>'; } if ($pkgnum['AdditionalHandling']) { $sBody .= $crlf . '<AdditionalHandling></AdditionalHandling>'; } $sBody .= $crlf . '</Package>'; } $temp = ''; if ($pkg->saturday_pickup) { $temp .= $crlf . '<SaturdayPickupIndicator>' . $pkg->saturday_pickup . '</SaturdayPickupIndicator>'; } if ($pkg->saturday_delivery) { $temp .= $crlf . '<SaturdayDeliveryIndicator>' . $pkg->saturday_delivery . '</SaturdayDeliveryIndicator>'; } if ($pkg->cod) { $temp .= $crlf . '<COD><CODCode>3</CODCode>'; if ($pkg->cod_payment_type == 1 || $pkg->cod_payment_type == 2 || $pkg->cod_payment_type == 3) { $payment_type = '9'; // check, money order, cashier's check } else { $payment_type = '1'; // cash } $temp .= '<CODFundsCode>' . $payment_type . '</CODFundsCode>'; $temp .= '<CODAmount><CurrencyCode>' . $pkg->cod_currency . '</CurrencyCode>'; $temp .= '<MonetaryValue>' . $pkg->cod_amount . '</MonetaryValue></CODAmount>'; $temp .= '</COD>'; } if ($temp) { $sBody .= $crlf . '<ShipmentServiceOptions>' . $temp . $crlf . '</ShipmentServiceOptions>'; } if ($pkg->handling_charge) { $sBody .= $crlf . '<HandlingCharge><FlatRate><CurrencyCode>' . $pkg->handling_charge_currency . '</CurrencyCode>'; $sBody .= '<MonetaryValue>' . $pkg->handling_charge_value . '</MonetaryValue></FlatRate></HandlingCharge>'; } $sBody .= $crlf . '<RateInformation>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '<NegotiatedRatesIndicator>1</NegotiatedRatesIndicator>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '</RateInformation>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '</Shipment>'; $sBody .= $crlf . '</RatingServiceSelectionRequest>'; $sBody .= $crlf; return $sBody; }
function tableBox($contents, $direct_output = false) { $tableBox_string = '<table border="' . gen_output_string($this->table_border) . '" width="' . gen_output_string($this->table_width) . '" cellspacing="' . gen_output_string($this->table_cellspacing) . '" cellpadding="' . gen_output_string($this->table_cellpadding) . '"'; if (gen_not_null($this->table_parameters)) { $tableBox_string .= ' ' . $this->table_parameters; } $tableBox_string .= '>' . "\n"; for ($i = 0, $n = sizeof($contents); $i < $n; $i++) { if (isset($contents[$i]['form']) && gen_not_null($contents[$i]['form'])) { $tableBox_string .= $contents[$i]['form'] . "\n"; } $tableBox_string .= ' <tr'; if (gen_not_null($this->table_row_parameters)) { $tableBox_string .= ' ' . $this->table_row_parameters; } if (isset($contents[$i]['params']) && gen_not_null($contents[$i]['params'])) { $tableBox_string .= ' ' . $contents[$i]['params']; } $tableBox_string .= '>' . "\n"; if (isset($contents[$i][0]) && is_array($contents[$i][0])) { for ($x = 0, $n2 = sizeof($contents[$i]); $x < $n2; $x++) { if (isset($contents[$i][$x]['text']) && gen_not_null($contents[$i][$x]['text'])) { $tableBox_string .= ' <td'; if (isset($contents[$i][$x]['align']) && gen_not_null($contents[$i][$x]['align'])) { $tableBox_string .= ' align="' . gen_output_string($contents[$i][$x]['align']) . '"'; } if (isset($contents[$i][$x]['params']) && gen_not_null($contents[$i][$x]['params'])) { $tableBox_string .= ' ' . $contents[$i][$x]['params']; } elseif (gen_not_null($this->table_data_parameters)) { $tableBox_string .= ' ' . $this->table_data_parameters; } $tableBox_string .= '>'; if (isset($contents[$i][$x]['form']) && gen_not_null($contents[$i][$x]['form'])) { $tableBox_string .= $contents[$i][$x]['form']; } $tableBox_string .= $contents[$i][$x]['text']; if (isset($contents[$i][$x]['form']) && gen_not_null($contents[$i][$x]['form'])) { $tableBox_string .= '</form>'; } $tableBox_string .= '</td>' . "\n"; } } } else { $tableBox_string .= ' <td'; if (isset($contents[$i]['align']) && gen_not_null($contents[$i]['align'])) { $tableBox_string .= ' align="' . gen_output_string($contents[$i]['align']) . '"'; } if (isset($contents[$i]['params']) && gen_not_null($contents[$i]['params'])) { $tableBox_string .= ' ' . $contents[$i]['params']; } elseif (gen_not_null($this->table_data_parameters)) { $tableBox_string .= ' ' . $this->table_data_parameters; } $tableBox_string .= '>' . $contents[$i]['text'] . '</td>' . "\n"; } $tableBox_string .= ' </tr>' . "\n"; if (isset($contents[$i]['form']) && gen_not_null($contents[$i]['form'])) { $tableBox_string .= '</form>' . "\n"; } } $tableBox_string .= '</table>' . "\n"; if ($direct_output == true) { echo $tableBox_string; } return $tableBox_string; }
function tableBlock($contents) { $tableBox_string = ''; $form_set = false; if (isset($contents['form'])) { $tableBox_string .= $contents['form'] . "\n"; $form_set = true; array_shift($contents); } $tableBox_string .= '<table border="' . $this->table_border . '" width="' . $this->table_width . '" cellspacing="' . $this->table_cellspacing . '" cellpadding="' . $this->table_cellpadding . '"'; if (gen_not_null($this->table_parameters)) { $tableBox_string .= ' ' . $this->table_parameters; } $tableBox_string .= '>' . "\n"; for ($i = 0, $n = sizeof($contents); $i < $n; $i++) { $tableBox_string .= ' <tr'; if (gen_not_null($this->table_row_parameters)) { $tableBox_string .= ' ' . $this->table_row_parameters; } if (isset($contents[$i]['params']) && gen_not_null($contents[$i]['params'])) { $tableBox_string .= ' ' . $contents[$i]['params']; } $tableBox_string .= '>' . "\n"; if (isset($contents[$i][0]) && is_array($contents[$i][0])) { for ($x = 0, $y = sizeof($contents[$i]); $x < $y; $x++) { if (isset($contents[$i][$x]['text']) && gen_not_null(isset($contents[$i][$x]['text']))) { $tableBox_string .= ' <td'; if (isset($contents[$i][$x]['align']) && gen_not_null($contents[$i][$x]['align'])) { $tableBox_string .= ' align="' . $contents[$i][$x]['align'] . '"'; } if (isset($contents[$i][$x]['params']) && gen_not_null(isset($contents[$i][$x]['params']))) { $tableBox_string .= ' ' . $contents[$i][$x]['params']; } elseif (gen_not_null($this->table_data_parameters)) { $tableBox_string .= ' ' . $this->table_data_parameters; } $tableBox_string .= '>'; if (isset($contents[$i][$x]['form']) && gen_not_null($contents[$i][$x]['form'])) { $tableBox_string .= $contents[$i][$x]['form']; } $tableBox_string .= $contents[$i][$x]['text']; if (isset($contents[$i][$x]['form']) && gen_not_null($contents[$i][$x]['form'])) { $tableBox_string .= '</form>'; } $tableBox_string .= '</td>' . "\n"; } } } else { $tableBox_string .= ' <td'; if (isset($contents[$i]['align']) && gen_not_null($contents[$i]['align'])) { $tableBox_string .= ' align="' . $contents[$i]['align'] . '"'; } if (isset($contents[$i]['params']) && gen_not_null($contents[$i]['params'])) { $tableBox_string .= ' ' . $contents[$i]['params']; } elseif (gen_not_null($this->table_data_parameters)) { $tableBox_string .= ' ' . $this->table_data_parameters; } $tableBox_string .= '>' . $contents[$i]['text'] . '</td>' . "\n"; } $tableBox_string .= ' </tr>' . "\n"; } $tableBox_string .= '</table>' . "\n"; if ($form_set == true) { $tableBox_string .= '</form>' . "\n"; } return $tableBox_string; }
function table_import_csv($structure, $db_table, $filename) { global $db, $messageStack; $data = array_map('str_getcsv', file($_FILES[$filename]['tmp_name'])); // read the header and build array if (sizeof($data) < 2) { $messageStack->add('The number of lines in the file is to small, a csv file must contain a header line and at least on input line!', 'error'); return false; } $header = array_shift($data); foreach ($header as $key => $value) { $header[$key] = trim($value); } // build the map structure $temp = $structure->Module->Table; $map_array = array(); foreach ($structure->Module->Table as $table) { if ($table->Name == $db_table) { foreach ($table->Field as $field) { $key = array_search($field->TagName, $header); if ($key !== false) { $map_array[$key] = array('cnt' => 0, 'table' => $table->Name, 'field' => $field->Name); } } break; } } // build dependent map tables $ref_mapping = array(); if (is_object($table->LinkTable)) { $table->LinkTable = array($table->LinkTable); } if (isset($table->LinkTable)) { foreach ($table->LinkTable as $subtable) { foreach ($structure->Module->Table as $working) { if ($subtable->Name == $working->Name) { $ref_mapping[$subtable->Name] = array('pri_field' => $subtable->PrimaryField, 'ref_field' => $subtable->DependentField); for ($i = 1; $i <= MAX_IMPORT_CSV_ITEMS; $i++) { foreach ($working->Field as $field) { $key = array_search($field->TagName . '_' . $i, $header); if ($key !== false) { $map_array[$key] = array('cnt' => $i, 'table' => $subtable->Name, 'field' => $field->Name); } } } } } } } foreach ($data as $line) { $line_array = $map_array; $sql_array = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($line); $i++) { $line_array[$i]['value'] = $line[$i]; } foreach ($line_array as $value) { if (!$value['table']) { continue; } $sql_array[$value['table']][$value['cnt']][$value['field']] = $value['value']; } foreach ($sql_array as $table => $count) { foreach ($count as $cnt => $table_array) { if ($cnt == 0) { // main record, fetch id afterwards if (sizeof($table_array) > 0) { //echo "inserting main record to table $table data: ".print_r($table_array, true).'<br>'; db_perform(DB_PREFIX . $table, $table_array, 'insert'); } $id = db_insert_id(); } else { // dependent table $data_present = false; foreach ($table_array as $value) { if (gen_not_null($value)) { $data_present = true; } } if ($data_present) { $table_array[$ref_mapping[$table]['ref_field']] = $id; //echo "inserting main record to table $table data: ".print_r($table_array, true).'<br>'; db_perform(DB_PREFIX . $table, $table_array, 'insert'); } } } } } }
function btn_update() { // updates the currency rates global $db, $messageStack; $message = array(); /* commented out so everyone can update currency exchange rates validate_security($security_level, 1); */ $server_used = CURRENCY_SERVER_PRIMARY; $currency = $db->Execute("select currencies_id, code, title from " . $this->db_table); while (!$currency->EOF) { if ($currency->fields['code'] == $this->def_currency) { // skip default currency $currency->MoveNext(); continue; } $quote_function = 'quote_' . CURRENCY_SERVER_PRIMARY; $rate = $this->{$quote_function}($currency->fields['code'], $this->def_currency); if (empty($rate) && gen_not_null(CURRENCY_SERVER_BACKUP)) { $message[] = sprintf(SETUP_WARN_PRIMARY_SERVER_FAILED, CURRENCY_SERVER_PRIMARY, $currency->fields['title'], $currency->fields['code']); $messageStack->add(sprintf(SETUP_WARN_PRIMARY_SERVER_FAILED, CURRENCY_SERVER_PRIMARY, $currency->fields['title'], $currency->fields['code']), 'caution'); $quote_function = 'quote_' . CURRENCY_SERVER_BACKUP; $rate = $this->{$quote_function}($currency->fields['code'], $this->def_currency); $server_used = CURRENCY_SERVER_BACKUP; } if ($rate != 0) { $db->Execute("update " . $this->db_table . " set value = '" . $rate . "', last_updated = now()\n\t\t where currencies_id = '" . (int) $currency->fields['currencies_id'] . "'"); $message[] = sprintf(SETUP_INFO_CURRENCY_UPDATED, $currency->fields['title'], $currency->fields['code'], $server_used); $messageStack->add(sprintf(SETUP_INFO_CURRENCY_UPDATED, $currency->fields['title'], $currency->fields['code'], $server_used), 'success'); } else { $message[] = sprintf(SETUP_ERROR_CURRENCY_INVALID, $currency->fields['title'], $currency->fields['code'], $server_used); $messageStack->add(sprintf(SETUP_ERROR_CURRENCY_INVALID, $currency->fields['title'], $currency->fields['code'], $server_used), 'error'); } $currency->MoveNext(); } if (sizeof($message) > 0) { $this->message = implode("\n", $message); } return true; }
$zc_install->error = true; $zc_install->fatal_error = true; $err_text = ERROR_TEXT_PHP_VERSION; $err_code = ERROR_CODE_PHP_VERSION; $this_class = 'FAIL'; } else { $php_ver = phpversion(); $this_class = 'OK'; } $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Critical', 'Title' => LABEL_PHP_VER, 'Status' => $php_ver, 'Class' => $this_class, 'HelpURL' => $err_code, 'HelpLabel' => $err_text); // SAFE MODE check $safe_mode = ini_get("safe_mode") ? "<span class='errors'>" . ON . '</span>' : OFF; $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Critical', 'Title' => LABEL_SAFE_MODE, 'Status' => $safe_mode, 'Class' => $safe_mode == OFF ? 'OK' : 'FAIL', 'HelpURL' => ERROR_CODE_SAFE_MODE_ON, 'HelpLabel' => ERROR_TEXT_SAFE_MODE_ON); //OpenBaseDir setting $open_basedir = ini_get("open_basedir"); $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Recommended', 'Title' => LABEL_OPEN_BASEDIR, 'Status' => $open_basedir, 'Class' => gen_not_null($open_basedir) ? 'WARN' : 'OK', 'HelpURL' => '', 'HelpLabel' => 'Could have problems uploading files or doing backups'); //PHP support for Sessions check $php_ext_sessions = @extension_loaded('session') ? ON : OFF; $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Critical', 'Title' => LABEL_PHP_EXT_SESSIONS, 'Status' => $php_ext_sessions, 'Class' => $php_ext_sessions == ON ? 'OK' : 'FAIL', 'HelpURL' => '', 'HelpLabel' => 'Session Support required in PHP.'); //session.auto_start check $php_session_auto = ini_get('session.auto_start') ? ON : OFF; $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Recommended', 'Title' => LABEL_PHP_SESSION_AUTOSTART, 'Status' => $php_session_auto, 'Class' => $php_session_auto == ON ? 'WARN' : 'OK', 'HelpURL' => ERROR_CODE_PHP_SESSION_AUTOSTART, 'HelpLabel' => ERROR_TEXT_PHP_SESSION_AUTOSTART); //session.trans_sid check $php_session_trans_sid = ini_get('session.use_trans_sid') ? ON : OFF; $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Recommended', 'Title' => LABEL_PHP_SESSION_TRANS_SID, 'Status' => $php_session_trans_sid, 'Class' => $php_session_trans_sid == ON ? 'WARN' : 'OK', 'HelpURL' => ERROR_CODE_PHP_SESSION_TRANS_SID, 'HelpLabel' => ERROR_TEXT_PHP_SESSION_TRANS_SID); /* // Check for 'tmp' folder for file-based caching. This checks numerous places, and tests actual writing of a file to those folders. $script_filename = $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']; if (empty($script_filename)) { $script_filename = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']; }
break; } } $sql_data_array = array('group_id' => $definitions->fields['group_id'], 'custom' => '1', 'security' => $definitions->fields['security'], 'title' => $definition_name, 'description' => $definition_description, 'table_name' => $definitions->fields['table_name'], 'primary_key_field' => $definitions->fields['primary_key_field'], 'params' => serialize($params), 'criteria' => serialize($criteria), 'options' => serialize($options)); db_perform(TABLE_IMPORT_EXPORT, $sql_data_array, 'update', "id = " . $id); gen_add_audit_log(IE_LOG_MESSAGE . TEXT_RENAME, $definitions->fields['title']); break; case 'copy': if ($security_level < 2) { $messageStack->add_session(ERROR_NO_PERMISSION, 'error'); gen_redirect(html_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, gen_get_all_get_params(array('action')), 'SSL')); break; } $definition_name = db_prepare_input($_POST['definition_name']); $definition_description = db_prepare_input($_POST['definition_description']); if (!gen_not_null($definition_name)) { $messageStack->add(IE_ERROR_NO_NAME, 'error'); break; } $duplicates = $db->Execute("select id from " . TABLE_IMPORT_EXPORT . " where title = '" . $definition_name . "'"); if ($duplicates->RecordCount() > 0) { $messageStack->add(IE_ERROR_DUPLICATE_NAME, 'error'); break; } $sql_data_array = array('group_id' => $definitions->fields['group_id'], 'custom' => '1', 'security' => $definitions->fields['security'], 'title' => $definition_name, 'description' => $definition_description, 'table_name' => $definitions->fields['table_name'], 'primary_key_field' => $definitions->fields['primary_key_field'], 'params' => serialize($params), 'criteria' => serialize($criteria), 'options' => serialize($options)); db_perform(TABLE_IMPORT_EXPORT, $sql_data_array, 'insert'); $id = db_insert_id(); $sql = "select id, group_id, custom, security, title, description, table_name, primary_key_field \r\n\t from " . TABLE_IMPORT_EXPORT . " where id = '" . $id . "'"; $definitions = $db->Execute($sql); gen_add_audit_log(IE_LOG_MESSAGE . TEXT_COPY, $definitions->fields['title']); break;
function cfg_select_drop_down($select_array, $key_value, $key = '') { $name = gen_not_null($key) ? 'configuration[' . $key . ']' : 'configuration_value'; return html_pull_down_menu($name, $select_array, (int) $key_value); }
$heading[] = array('text' => '<b>' . (defined($cInfo->configuration_title) ? constant($cInfo->configuration_title) : $cInfo->configuration_title) . '</b>'); if (ADMIN_CONFIGURATION_KEY_ON == 1) { $contents[] = array('text' => '<strong>Key: ' . $cInfo->configuration_key . '</strong><br />'); } if ($_SESSION['admin_security'][SECURITY_ID_CONFIGURATION] > 2) { $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => html_button_field('edit', TEXT_EDIT, 'onclick="location.href=\'' . html_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, gen_get_all_get_params(array('gID', 'cID', 'action')) . 'gID=' . $_GET['gID'] . '&cID=' . $cInfo->configuration_id . '&action=edit', 'SSL') . '\'"')); } $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . (defined($cInfo->configuration_description) ? constant($cInfo->configuration_description) : $cInfo->configuration_description)); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . SETUP_INFO_DATE_ADDED . ' ' . gen_date_short($cInfo->date_added)); if (gen_not_null($cInfo->last_modified)) { $contents[] = array('text' => SETUP_INFO_LAST_MODIFIED . ' ' . gen_date_short($cInfo->last_modified)); } } break; } if (gen_not_null($heading) && gen_not_null($contents)) { echo ' <td width="25%" valign="top">' . "\n"; $box = new box(); echo $box->infoBox($heading, $contents); echo ' </td>' . "\n"; } ?> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table></td> <!-- body_text_eof //--> </tr> </table> </form>
function html_pull_down_menu($name, $values, $default = '', $parameters = '', $required = false) { $id = strpos($name, '[') ? false : $name; $field = '<select name="' . gen_output_string($name) . '"'; if ($id) { $field .= ' id="' . gen_output_string($id) . '"'; } if (gen_not_null($parameters)) { $field .= ' ' . $parameters; } $field .= '>'; if (empty($default) && isset($GLOBALS[$name])) { $default = stripslashes($GLOBALS[$name]); } if (sizeof($values) > 0) { foreach ($values as $choice) { $field .= '<option value="' . gen_output_string($choice['id']) . '"'; if (is_array($default)) { // handles pull down with size and multiple parameters set if (in_array($choice['id'], $default)) { $field .= ' selected="selected"'; } } else { if ($default == $choice['id']) { $field .= ' selected="selected"'; } } $field .= '>' . htmlspecialchars($choice['text']) . '</option>'; } } $field .= '</select>'; if ($required == true) { $field .= TEXT_FIELD_REQUIRED; } return $field; }
function combine_rates() { //$rate_accounts, $tax_auth_id_add = '', $tax_auth_id_delete = '') { $tax_auth_array = explode(':', $this->rate_accounts); $new_tax_auth_array = array(); while ($tax_auth = array_shift($tax_auth_array)) { if ($tax_auth != $this->tax_auth_id_delete) { $new_tax_auth_array[] = $tax_auth; } } if (gen_not_null($this->tax_auth_id_add)) { $new_tax_auth_array[] = $this->tax_auth_id_add; } $this->rate_accounts = implode(':', $new_tax_auth_array); return; // implode(':', $new_tax_auth_array); }
function db_executeSql($sql_file, $database, $table_prefix = '', $isupgrade = false) { if (!defined('DB_PREFIX')) { define('DB_PREFIX', $table_prefix); } //echo 'start SQL execute'; global $db; $ignored_count = 0; // prepare for upgrader processing // if ($isupgrade) gen_create_upgrader_table(); // only creates table if doesn't already exist if (!get_cfg_var('safe_mode')) { @set_time_limit(1200); } $lines = file($sql_file); //echo 'read number of lines = ' . count($lines) . '<br />'; $newline = ''; foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = trim($line); $keep_together = 1; // count of number of lines to treat as a single command // split the line into words ... starts at $param[0] and so on. Also remove the ';' from end of last param if exists $param = explode(" ", substr($line, -1) == ';' ? substr($line, 0, strlen($line) - 1) : $line); // The following command checks to see if we're asking for a block of commands to be run at once. // Syntax: #NEXT_X_ROWS_AS_ONE_COMMAND:6 for running the next 6 commands together (commands denoted by a ;) if (substr($line, 0, 28) == '#NEXT_X_ROWS_AS_ONE_COMMAND:') { $keep_together = substr($line, 28); } if (substr($line, 0, 1) != '#' && substr($line, 0, 1) != '-' && $line != '') { $line_upper = strtoupper($line); switch (true) { case substr($line_upper, 0, 21) == 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ': $line = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $table_prefix . substr($line, 21); break; case substr($line_upper, 0, 11) == 'DROP TABLE ' && $param[2] != 'IF': if (!($checkprivs = db_check_database_privs('DROP'))) { $result = sprintf(REASON_NO_PRIVILEGES, 'DROP'); } if (!install_table_exists($param[2]) || gen_not_null($result)) { install_write_to_upgrade_exceptions_table($line, gen_not_null($result) ? $result : sprintf(REASON_TABLE_DOESNT_EXIST, $param[2]), $sql_file); $ignore_line = true; $result = gen_not_null($result) ? $result : sprintf(REASON_TABLE_DOESNT_EXIST, $param[2]); //duplicated here for on-screen error-reporting break; } else { $line = 'DROP TABLE ' . $table_prefix . substr($line, 11); } break; case substr($line_upper, 0, 13) == 'CREATE TABLE ': // check to see if table exists $table = strtoupper($param[2] . ' ' . $param[3] . ' ' . $param[4]) == 'IF NOT EXISTS' ? $param[5] : $param[2]; $result = install_table_exists($table); if ($result == true) { install_write_to_upgrade_exceptions_table($line, sprintf(REASON_TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS, $table), $sql_file); $ignore_line = true; $result = sprintf(REASON_TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS, $table); //duplicated here for on-screen error-reporting break; } else { $line = strtoupper($param[2] . ' ' . $param[3] . ' ' . $param[4]) == 'IF NOT EXISTS' ? 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . $table_prefix . substr($line, 27) : 'CREATE TABLE ' . $table_prefix . substr($line, 13); } break; case substr($line_upper, 0, 12) == 'INSERT INTO ': //check to see if table prefix is going to match $param[2] = str_replace('`', '', $param[2]); if (!($tbl_exists = install_table_exists($param[2]))) { $result = sprintf(REASON_TABLE_NOT_FOUND, $param[2]) . ' CHECK PREFIXES!'; } // check to see if INSERT command may be safely executed for "configuration" or "product_type_layout" tables if ($param[2] == 'configuration' && ($result = install_check_config_key($line)) or !$tbl_exists) { install_write_to_upgrade_exceptions_table($line, $result, $sql_file); $ignore_line = true; break; } else { $line = 'INSERT INTO ' . $table_prefix . substr($line, 12); } break; case substr($line_upper, 0, 12) == 'ALTER TABLE ': // check to see if ALTER command may be safely executed if ($result = install_check_alter_command($param)) { install_write_to_upgrade_exceptions_table($line, $result, $sql_file); $ignore_line = true; break; } else { $line = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table_prefix . substr($line, 12); } break; case substr($line_upper, 0, 13) == 'RENAME TABLE ': // RENAME TABLE command cannot be parsed to insert table prefixes, so skip if using prefixes if (gen_not_null(DB_PREFIX)) { install_write_to_upgrade_exceptions_table($line, 'RENAME TABLE command not supported by upgrader. Please use phpMyAdmin instead.', $sql_file); $ignore_line = true; } break; case substr($line_upper, 0, 7) == 'UPDATE ': //check to see if table prefix is going to match if (!($tbl_exists = install_table_exists($param[1]))) { install_write_to_upgrade_exceptions_table($line, sprintf(REASON_TABLE_NOT_FOUND, $param[1]) . ' CHECK PREFIXES!', $sql_file); $result = sprintf(REASON_TABLE_NOT_FOUND, $param[1]) . ' CHECK PREFIXES!'; $ignore_line = true; break; } else { $line = 'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . substr($line, 7); } break; case substr($line_upper, 0, 12) == 'DELETE FROM ': $line = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table_prefix . substr($line, 12); break; case substr($line_upper, 0, 11) == 'DROP INDEX ': // check to see if DROP INDEX command may be safely executed if ($result = install_drop_index_command($param)) { install_write_to_upgrade_exceptions_table($line, $result, $sql_file); $ignore_line = true; break; } else { $line = 'DROP INDEX ' . $param[2] . ' ON ' . $table_prefix . $param[4]; } break; case substr($line_upper, 0, 13) == 'CREATE INDEX ' || strtoupper($param[0]) == 'CREATE' && strtoupper($param[2]) == 'INDEX': // check to see if CREATE INDEX command may be safely executed if ($result = install_create_index_command($param)) { install_write_to_upgrade_exceptions_table($line, $result, $sql_file); $ignore_line = true; break; } else { if (strtoupper($param[1]) == 'INDEX') { $line = trim('CREATE INDEX ' . $param[2] . ' ON ' . $table_prefix . implode(' ', array($param[4], $param[5], $param[6], $param[7], $param[8], $param[9], $param[10], $param[11], $param[12], $param[13]))) . ';'; // add the ';' back since it was removed from $param at start } else { $line = trim('CREATE ' . $param[1] . ' INDEX ' . $param[3] . ' ON ' . $table_prefix . implode(' ', array($param[5], $param[6], $param[7], $param[8], $param[9], $param[10], $param[11], $param[12], $param[13]))); // add the ';' back since it was removed from $param at start } } break; case substr($line_upper, 0, 8) == 'SELECT (' && substr_count($line, 'FROM ') > 0: $line = str_replace('FROM ', 'FROM ' . $table_prefix, $line); break; case substr($line_upper, 0, 10) == 'LEFT JOIN ': $line = 'LEFT JOIN ' . $table_prefix . substr($line, 10); break; case substr($line_upper, 0, 5) == 'FROM ': if (substr_count($line, ',') > 0) { // contains FROM and a comma, thus must parse for multiple tablenames $tbl_list = explode(',', substr($line, 5)); $line = 'FROM '; foreach ($tbl_list as $val) { $line .= $table_prefix . trim($val) . ','; // add prefix and comma } //end foreach if (substr($line, -1) == ',') { $line = substr($line, 0, strlen($line) - 1); } // remove trailing ',' } else { //didn't have a comma, but starts with "FROM ", so insert table prefix $line = str_replace('FROM ', 'FROM ' . $table_prefix, $line); } //endif substr_count(,) break; default: break; } //end switch $newline .= $line . ' '; if (substr($line, -1) == ';') { //found a semicolon, so treat it as a full command, incrementing counter of rows to process at once if (substr($newline, -1) == ' ') { $newline = substr($newline, 0, strlen($newline) - 1); } $lines_to_keep_together_counter++; if ($lines_to_keep_together_counter == $keep_together) { // if all grouped rows have been loaded, go to execute. $complete_line = true; $lines_to_keep_together_counter = 0; } else { $complete_line = false; } } //endif found ';' if ($complete_line) { if ($debug == true) { echo (!$ignore_line ? '<br />About to execute.' : 'Ignoring statement. This command WILL NOT be executed.') . '<br />Debug info:<br />$ line=' . $line . '<br />$ complete_line=' . $complete_line . '<br />$ keep_together=' . $keep_together . '<br />SQL=' . $newline . '<br /><br />'; } if (get_magic_quotes_runtime() > 0) { $newline = stripslashes($newline); } if (trim(str_replace(';', '', $newline)) != '' && !$ignore_line) { $output = $db->Execute($newline); } $results++; $string .= $newline . '<br />'; $return_output[] = $output; if (gen_not_null($result)) { $errors[] = $result; } // reset var's $newline = ''; $keep_together = 1; $complete_line = false; if ($ignore_line) { $ignored_count++; } $ignore_line = false; // show progress bar global $zc_show_progress; if ($zc_show_progress == 'yes') { $counter++; if ($counter / 5 == (int) ($counter / 5)) { echo '~ '; } if ($counter > 200) { echo '<br /><br />'; $counter = 0; } @ob_flush(); @flush(); } } //endif $complete_line } //endif ! # or - } // end foreach $lines return array('queries' => $results, 'string' => $string, 'output' => $return_output, 'ignored' => $ignored_count, 'errors' => $errors); }
// define our general functions used application-wide require DIR_FS_FUNCTIONS . 'gen_functions.php'; require DIR_FS_FUNCTIONS . 'html_functions.php'; // setup our boxes require DIR_FS_CLASSES . 'table_block.php'; require DIR_FS_CLASSES . 'box.php'; // set the session name and save path $http_domain = gen_get_top_level_domain(HTTP_SERVER); $https_domain = gen_get_top_level_domain(HTTPS_SERVER); $current_domain = $request_type == 'NONSSL' ? $http_domain : $https_domain; if (SESSION_USE_FQDN == 'False') { $current_domain = '.' . $current_domain; } // set the session cookie parameters // if (function_exists('session_set_cookie_params')) { session_set_cookie_params(0, '/', gen_not_null($current_domain) ? $current_domain : ''); // } elseif (function_exists('ini_set')) { // @ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', '0'); // @ini_set('session.cookie_path', DIR_WS_ADMIN); // } // lets start our session // session_save_path(DIR_FS_MY_FILES . 'sessions/'); // @ini_set('session.gc_probability', 1); // @ini_set('session.gc_divisor', 2); @ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', SESSION_TIMEOUT_ADMIN < 900 ? SESSION_TIMEOUT_ADMIN + 900 : SESSION_TIMEOUT_ADMIN); session_start(); $session_started = true; // see if the user is logged in $user_validated = $_SESSION['admin_id'] ? true : false; // determine what theme to use if (isset($_POST['theme'])) {
break; case 'search': case 'search_reset': case 'go_page': default: } /***************** prepare to display templates *************************/ // generate address arrays for javascript $js_arrays = gen_build_acct_arrays(); // build the list header $heading_array = array('m.bill_primary_name' => GEN_PRIMARY_NAME, 'm.bill_city_town, m.bill_state_province' => GEN_CITY_TOWN, 'm.bill_state_province, m.bill_city_town' => GEN_STATE_PROVINCE, 'm.postal_code' => GEN_POSTAL_CODE, 'total_amount' => TEXT_BALANCE . (ENABLE_MULTI_CURRENCY ? ' (' . DEFAULT_CURRENCY . ')' : '')); $result = html_heading_bar($heading_array, $_GET['list_order'], array()); $list_header = $result['html_code']; $disp_order = $result['disp_order']; // build the list for the page selected if (isset($search_text) && gen_not_null($search_text)) { $search_fields = array('c.short_name', 'm.bill_primary_name', 'm.bill_contact', 'm.bill_address1', 'm.bill_address2', 'm.bill_city_town', 'm.bill_postal_code', 'm.purchase_invoice_id'); // hook for inserting new search fields to the query criteria. if (is_array($extra_search_fields)) { $search_fields = array_merge($search_fields, $extra_search_fields); } $search = ' and (' . implode(' like \'%' . $search_text . '%\' or ', $search_fields) . ' like \'%' . $search_text . '%\')'; } else { $search = ''; } $field_list = array('m.bill_acct_id', 'm.bill_primary_name', 'm.bill_city_town', 'm.bill_state_province', 'm.bill_postal_code', 'sum(m.total_amount) as ztotal_amount'); // hook to add new fields to the query return results if (is_array($extra_query_list_fields) > 0) { $field_list = array_merge($field_list, $extra_query_list_fields); } $query_raw = "select " . implode(', ', $field_list) . " \r\n\tfrom " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " m inner join " . TABLE_CONTACTS . " c on m.bill_acct_id =\r\n\twhere c.type = '" . (ACCOUNT_TYPE == 'v' ? 'v' : 'c') . "' \r\n\tand m.journal_id in " . (ACCOUNT_TYPE == 'v' ? '(6, 7)' : '(12, 13)') . " and m.closed = '0'" . $search . " \r\n\tgroup by m.bill_acct_id order by {$disp_order}";
function install_check_alter_command($param) { global $db; if (!gen_not_null($param)) { return "Empty SQL Statement"; } if (!($checkprivs = db_check_database_privs('ALTER'))) { return sprintf(REASON_NO_PRIVILEGES, DB_SERVER_USERNAME, DB_SERVER, 'ALTER'); } switch (strtoupper($param[3])) { case "ADD": if (strtoupper($param[4]) == 'INDEX') { // check that the index to be added doesn't already exist $index = $param[5]; $sql = "show index from " . DB_PREFIX . $param[2]; $result = $db->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3 == true) { echo 'KEY: ' . $result->fields['Key_name'] . '<br />'; } if ($result->fields['Key_name'] == $index) { return sprintf(REASON_INDEX_ALREADY_EXISTS, $index, $param[2]); } $result->MoveNext(); } } elseif (strtoupper($param[4]) == 'PRIMARY') { // check that the primary key to be added doesn't exist if ($param[5] != 'KEY') { return; } $sql = "show index from " . DB_PREFIX . $param[2]; $result = $db->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3 == true) { echo $result->fields['Key_name'] . '<br />'; } if ($result->fields['Key_name'] == 'PRIMARY') { return sprintf(REASON_PRIMARY_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS, $param[2]); } $result->MoveNext(); } } elseif (!in_array(strtoupper($param[4]), array('CONSTRAINT', 'UNIQUE', 'PRIMARY', 'FULLTEXT', 'FOREIGN', 'SPATIAL'))) { // check that the column to be added does not exist $colname = $param[4] == 'COLUMN' ? $param[5] : $param[4]; $sql = "show fields from " . DB_PREFIX . $param[2]; $result = $db->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3 == true) { echo $result->fields['Field'] . '<br />'; } if ($result->fields['Field'] == $colname) { return sprintf(REASON_COLUMN_ALREADY_EXISTS, $colname); } $result->MoveNext(); } //endif COLUMN /* * @TODO -- add check for AFTER parameter, to check that the AFTER colname specified actually exists first * -- same with FIRST */ } break; case "DROP": if (strtoupper($param[4]) == 'INDEX') { // check that the index to be dropped exists $index = $param[5]; $sql = "show index from " . DB_PREFIX . $param[2]; $result = $db->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3 == true) { echo $result->fields['Key_name'] . '<br />'; } if ($result->fields['Key_name'] == $index) { return; // exists, so return with no error } $result->MoveNext(); } // if we get here, then the index didn't exist return sprintf(REASON_INDEX_DOESNT_EXIST_TO_DROP, $index, $param[2]); } elseif (strtoupper($param[4]) == 'PRIMARY') { // check that the primary key to be dropped exists if ($param[5] != 'KEY') { return; } $sql = "show index from " . DB_PREFIX . $param[2]; $result = $db->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3 == true) { echo $result->fields['Key_name'] . '<br />'; } if ($result->fields['Key_name'] == 'PRIMARY') { return; // exists, so return with no error } $result->MoveNext(); } // if we get here, then the primary key didn't exist return sprintf(REASON_PRIMARY_KEY_DOESNT_EXIST_TO_DROP, $param[2]); } elseif (!in_array(strtoupper($param[4]), array('CONSTRAINT', 'UNIQUE', 'PRIMARY', 'FULLTEXT', 'FOREIGN', 'SPATIAL'))) { // check that the column to be dropped exists $colname = $param[4] == 'COLUMN' ? $param[5] : $param[4]; $sql = "show fields from " . DB_PREFIX . $param[2]; $result = $db->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3 == true) { echo $result->fields['Field'] . '<br />'; } if ($result->fields['Field'] == $colname) { return; // exists, so return with no error } $result->MoveNext(); } // if we get here, then the column didn't exist return sprintf(REASON_COLUMN_DOESNT_EXIST_TO_DROP, $colname); } //endif 'DROP' break; case "ALTER": case "MODIFY": case "CHANGE": // just check that the column to be changed 'exists' $colname = $param[4] == 'COLUMN' ? $param[5] : $param[4]; $sql = "show fields from " . DB_PREFIX . $param[2]; $result = $db->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3 == true) { echo $result->fields['Field'] . '<br />'; } if ($result->fields['Field'] == $colname) { return; // exists, so return with no error } $result->MoveNext(); } // if we get here, then the column didn't exist return sprintf(REASON_COLUMN_DOESNT_EXIST_TO_CHANGE, $colname); break; default: // if we get here, then we're processing an ALTER command other than what we're checking for, so let it be processed. return; break; } //end switch }