Exemple #1

require './example_bootstrap.php';
require 'support/generic_table.php';
\Amp\run(function () {
    $db = new \Amp\Mysql\Pool("host=" . DB_HOST . ";user="******";pass="******";db=" . DB_NAME);
    /* create same table than in 003_generic_with_yield.php */
    (yield genTable($db));
    /* yeah, we need a lot of yields and assigns here... With PHP 7 we finally can drop a lot of stupid parenthesis! */
    $query = (yield $db->query("SELECT a * b FROM tmp"));
    while ((list($result) = (yield $query->fetchRow())) !== null) {
        // outputs each row of the resultset returned by SELECT a * b FROM tmp
    /* or, maybe, wait until they're all fetched (because you anyway only can continue after having full resultset */
    $query = (yield $db->query("SELECT a * b FROM tmp"));
    $objs = (yield $query->fetchObjects());
    // outputs all the rows as objects of the resultset returned by SELECT a * b FROM tmp
Exemple #2

require './example_bootstrap.php';
require 'support/generic_table.php';
\Amp\run(function () {
    $db = new \Amp\Mysql\Pool("host=" . DB_HOST . ";user="******";pass="******";db=" . DB_NAME);
    /* create same table than in 003_generic_with_yield.php */
    (yield \Amp\resolve(genTable($db)));
    /* yeah, we need a lot of yields and assigns here... With PHP 7 we finally can drop a lot of stupid parenthesis! */
    $query = (yield $db->query("SELECT a * b FROM tmp"));
    while ((list($result) = (yield $query->fetchRow())) !== null) {
        // outputs each row of the resultset returned by SELECT a * b FROM tmp
    /* or, maybe, wait until they're all fetched (because you anyway only can continue after having full resultset */
    $query = (yield $db->query("SELECT a * b FROM tmp"));
    $objs = (yield $query->fetchObjects());
    // outputs all the rows as objects of the resultset returned by SELECT a * b FROM tmp
    (yield $db->query("DROP TABLE tmp"));