if (isset($mods[$forum]) and is_array($mods[$forum])) {
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                        $moderatorsList .= $modsForums[$ms] . ', ';
                if ($moderatorsList != '') {
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} else {
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            header("Location: {$main_url}/{$indexphp}action=vtopic&forum={$forum}&page={$return}&h={$h}");
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            echo ParseTpl(makeUp($metaLocation));
        } else {
            header("Location: {$urlp}");
} else {
    $errorMSG = $l_forbidden;
    $correctErr = '';
 } else {
     $lastPostText = 'N/A';
 if ($cols[3] == '') {
     $cols[3] = $l_anonymous;
 $topicAuthor = $cols[3];
 if ($i > 0) {
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 } else {
     $bg = 'tbCel2';
 if (isset($mod_rewrite) and $mod_rewrite) {
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     $urlForum = addForumURLPage(genForumURL($main_url, $forum, $fTitle[$forum]), PAGE1_OFFSET + 1);
     $urlType = 'Topic';
 } else {
     $urlp = "{$main_url}/{$indexphp}action=vthread&amp;forum={$forum}&amp;topic={$topic}";
     $urlForum = "{$main_url}/{$indexphp}action=vtopic&amp;forum={$forum}";
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 $pageNavCell = pageNav(PAGE1_OFFSET + 1, $numReplies + 1, $urlp, $viewmaxreplys, TRUE, $urlType);
 $whenPosted = convert_date($cols[4]);
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 //Forum icon
 if (isset($fIcon[$forum])) {
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 } else {
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     asort($forums, SORT_NUMERIC);
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     $key2 = '';
     $whatValue = '';
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                 $key2 = "<a href=\"{$urlp}\" {$nof}>{$forumNames[$k]}</a>";
                 $key = "<a href=\"{$urlp}\" {$nof}>...</a>";
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 //if posts
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$queryStr = rawurldecode($queryStr);
if (strstr($queryStr, 'vtopic')) {
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} elseif (strstr($queryStr, 'vthread')) {
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if ($action == 'pthread' and isset($_POST['postText']) and $_POST['postText'] == '' or $action == 'ptopic' and isset($_POST['postText']) and $_POST['postText'] == '') {
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/* */
$urlp = "{$indexphp}{$queryStr}";
if (isset($mod_rewrite) and $mod_rewrite) {
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    $urlp = preg_replace("@" . str_replace('?', '\\?', $indexphp) . "action=vtopic&forum=([0-9]+)&page=([-0-9]+)&mdrw=on(#newtopic)?@", addForumURLPage(genForumURL($main_url, "\\1", '#GET#'), "\\2") . "\\3", $urlp);
    $urlp = preg_replace("@" . str_replace('?', '\\?', $indexphp) . "mdrw=on@", $main_url . '/' . $startIndex, $urlp);
if ($urlp == $indexphp) {
    $urlp = $main_url . '/' . $startIndex;
/* */
if (strlen($admin_pwd) == 32) {
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} else {
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if ($user_usr == $admin_usr or isset($loginsCase) and $loginsCase and strtolower($user_usr) == strtolower($admin_usr)) {
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            $closeTopic = "<a href=\"{$main_url}/{$indexphp}action=locktopic&amp;forum={$forum}&amp;topic={$topic}&amp;chstat=0\">{$l_unlockTopic}</a>";
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    $title .= $tpage;
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//if posts
if (isset($mod_rewrite) and $mod_rewrite) {
    $linkToForums = addForumURLPage(genForumURL($main_url, $forum, $forumsArray[$forum][0]), PAGE1_OFFSET + 1);
} else {
    $linkToForums = "{$main_url}/{$indexphp}action=vtopic&amp;forum={$forum}";
echo load_header();
echo ParseTpl(makeUp('main_posts'));
     $urlType = 'Forum';
 } else {
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         $sburl = '';
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         $sburl = "&amp;sortBy={$user_sort}";
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 //avoiding duplicated content issues
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         $errorMSG .= $l_topicTextUpdated . "<br />";
     $title .= $l_editPost;
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         $furl = $furlCl = addTopicURLPage(genTopicURL($main_url, $forum, '#GET#', $topic, $tt), $page) . "#msg{$anchor}";
         $topicsLink = "<a href=\"" . addTopicURLPage(genForumURL($main_url, $forum, '#GET#'), PAGE1_OFFSET + 1) . "\">{$l_returntotopics}</a><br />";
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         $furl = addGenURLPage("{$main_url}/{$indexphp}action=vthread&amp;forum={$forum}&amp;topic={$topic}", $page) . "#msg{$anchor}";
         $furlCl = addGenURLPage("{$main_url}/{$indexphp}action=vthread&forum={$forum}&topic={$topic}", $page, '&') . "#msg{$anchor}";
         $topicsLink = "<a href=\"" . addGenURLPage("{$main_url}/{$indexphp}action=vtopic&amp;forum={$forum}", PAGE1_OFFSET + 1) . "\">{$l_returntotopics}</a><br />";
     $correctErr = "<a href=\"{$furl}\">{$l_back}</a>";
 if (isset($editMsgReloc)) {
     header("Refresh: 0; url={$furlCl}");
 } else {
     echo load_header();
     echo ParseTpl(makeUp('main_warning'));