
$editor = true;
if ($errors == "name") {
    gdtt_render_alert("Error", __("Name for the taxonomy is invalid. Fix before proceeding.", "gd-taxonomies-tools"));
if (isset($_POST["gdtt_savetax"])) {
    $this->o["force_rules_flush"] = 1;
    update_option('gd-taxonomy-tools', $this->o);
    $tax = $this->edit_tax;
    if ($errors == "") {
        $editor = false;
        gdtt_render_notice("Taxonomy", __("Taxonomy updated.", "gd-taxonomies-tools"));
        <div class="inputbutton" style="margin-top: 10px;"><a href="admin.php?page=gdtaxtools_taxs"><?php 
        _e("Go Back", "gd-taxonomies-tools");
if ($editor) {
    include GDTAXTOOLS_PATH . "forms/admin/taxonomy.form.php";

$editor = true;
$tax = array("id" => 0, "name" => "", "public" => "yes", "ui" => "yes", "nav_menus" => "yes", "cloud" => "yes", "hierarchy" => "no", "rewrite" => "yes_name", "rewrite_custom" => "", "query" => "yes_name", "query_custom" => "", "active" => 1, "domain" => array("post"), "labels" => array("name" => "", "singular_name" => "", "search_items" => "", "popular_items" => "", "all_items" => "", "parent_item" => "", "edit_item" => "", "update_item" => "", "add_new_item" => "", "new_item_name" => ""), "caps" => array("manage_terms" => "manage_categories", "edit_terms" => "manage_categories", "delete_terms" => "manage_categories", "assign_terms" => "edit_posts"));
if ($errors == "name") {
    gdtt_render_alert("Error", __("Name for the taxonomy is invalid. Fix before proceeding.", "gd-taxonomies-tools"));
if (isset($_POST["gdtt_savetax"])) {
    $this->o["force_rules_flush"] = 1;
    update_option('gd-taxonomy-tools', $this->o);
    $tax = $this->edit_tax;
    if ($errors == "") {
        $editor = false;
        gdtt_render_notice("Taxonomy", __("New taxonomy added.", "gd-taxonomies-tools"));
        <div class="inputbutton" style="margin-top: 10px;"><a href="admin.php?page=gdtaxtools_taxs"><?php 
        _e("Go Back", "gd-taxonomies-tools");
if ($editor) {
    include GDTAXTOOLS_PATH . "forms/admin/taxonomy.form.php";
Exemple #3

global $gdtt;
$editor = true;
$cpt = array('id' => 0, 'name' => '', 'active' => 1, 'description' => '', 'public' => 'yes', 'archive' => 'yes', 'archive_slug' => '', 'ui' => 'yes', 'nav_menus' => 'yes', 'hierarchy' => 'no', 'rewrite' => 'yes', 'rewrite_slug' => '', 'rewrite_front' => 'no', 'exclude_from_search' => 'no', 'publicly_queryable' => 'yes', 'show_in_menu' => 'yes', 'show_in_admin_bar' => 'yes', 'can_export' => 'yes', 'rewrite_feeds' => 'yes', 'rewrite_pages' => 'yes', 'query' => 'yes', 'query_slug' => '', 'edit_link' => 'post.php?post=%d', 'menu_position' => '__auto__', 'menu_icon' => '', 'supports' => array('title', 'editor', 'excerpts', 'trackbacks', 'custom-fields', 'comments', 'revisions', 'post-thumbnails'), 'taxonomies' => array('category', 'post_tag'), 'labels' => array('name' => '', 'singular_name' => '', 'add_new' => '', 'add_new_item' => '', 'edit_item' => '', 'new_item' => '', 'view_item' => '', 'search_items' => '', 'not_found' => '', 'not_found_in_trash' => '', 'parent_item_colon' => '', 'all_items' => '', 'menu_item' => ''), 'capabilites' => 'type', 'caps_type' => 'post', 'caps' => $gdtt->post_type_caps);
if ($errors == "name") {
    gdtt_render_alert("Error", __("Name for the custom post type is invalid. Fix before proceeding.", "gd-taxonomies-tools"));
if (isset($_POST["gdtt_savecpt"])) {
    $gdtt->o["force_rules_flush"] = 1;
    update_option('gd-taxonomy-tools', $gdtt->o);
    $cpt = $this->edit_cpt;
    if ($errors == "") {
        $editor = false;
        gdtt_render_notice("Custom Post Type", __("New custom post type added.", "gd-taxonomies-tools"));
        <div class="inputbutton" style="margin-top: 10px;"><a href="admin.php?page=gdtaxtools_postypes"><?php 
        _e("Go Back", "gd-taxonomies-tools");
if ($editor) {
    include GDTAXTOOLS_PATH . "forms/admin/custompost.form.php";
Exemple #4
if (count($tax_custom) > 0) {
    echo '<h3>' . __("Custom Taxonomies:", "gd-taxonomies-tools") . '</h3>';
    include GDTAXTOOLS_PATH . "forms/render/tax.header.php";
    foreach ($tax_custom as $tax_name => $tax_data) {
        $default = false;
        include GDTAXTOOLS_PATH . "forms/render/tax.item.php";
    include GDTAXTOOLS_PATH . "forms/render/tax.footer.php";
if (count($tax_inactive) > 0) {
    echo '<h3>' . __("Inactive Custom Taxonomies:", "gd-taxonomies-tools") . '</h3>';
    include GDTAXTOOLS_PATH . "forms/render/tax.header.php";
    foreach ($tax_inactive as $tax_name => $tax_data) {
        $default = false;
        $tax_data->object_type = array();
        include GDTAXTOOLS_PATH . "forms/render/tax.item.php";
    include GDTAXTOOLS_PATH . "forms/render/tax.footer.php";
if (count($gdtxall) > 0) {
    $notice = $options["delete_taxonomy_db"] == 1 ? __("Deleting the taxonomy will also delete the relationship entries in the database. Backup your database before proceeding with any deletion operation.", "gd-taxonomies-tools") : __("After deleting taxonomy, terms relationships in the database will remain.", "gd-taxonomies-tools");
    $notice .= " " . __("You can change that on the settings panel.", "gd-taxonomies-tools");
    gdtt_render_notice("Warning", $notice);

<div class="inputbutton" style="margin-top: 10px;"><a href="admin.php?page=gdtaxtools_taxs&action=addnew"><?php 
_e("Add New", "gd-taxonomies-tools");