Exemple #1
 * Validate and parse the google map parameters.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @since 1.5.2 Added TERRAIN map type.
 * @param string $value Input value to validate measurement.
 * @return string The measurement valud in valid format.
function gdsc_validate_map_args($params)
    $params['width'] = gdsc_validate_measurements($params['width']);
    $params['height'] = gdsc_validate_measurements($params['height']);
    // Only accept our 4 maptypes. Otherwise, revert to the default.
    if (!in_array(strtoupper($params['maptype']), array('HYBRID', 'SATELLITE', 'ROADMAP', 'TERRAIN'))) {
        $params['maptype'] = 'ROADMAP';
    } else {
        $params['maptype'] = strtoupper($params['maptype']);
    // Zoom accepts a value between 1 and 19
    $params['zoom'] = absint($params['zoom']);
    if (19 < $params['zoom']) {
        $params['zoom'] = '19';
    if (0 == $params['zoom']) {
        $params['zoom'] = '1';
    // Child_collapse must be boolean
    $params['child_collapse'] = gdsc_to_bool_val($params['child_collapse']);
    // Scrollwheel must be boolean
    $params['scrollwheel'] = gdsc_to_bool_val($params['scrollwheel']);
    // Scrollwheel must be boolean
    $params['autozoom'] = gdsc_to_bool_val($params['autozoom']);
    return $params;
* The geodirectory listings shortcode.
* This implements the functionality of the shortcode for displaying geodirectory listings.
* @since 1.4.2
* @param array $atts {
*     Attributes of the shortcode.
*     @type string $title         The title to be displayed above listings.
*     @type string $post_type     Post type of listing. Default gd_place.
*     @type string $category      Category ids to filter listings. Ex: 1,3. Default empty.
*     @type string $list_sort     Sorting for listings. Should be from az, latest, featured, 
                                  high_review, high_rating.Default 'latest'.
*     @type string $event_type    Event type filter. Should today, upcoming, past, all. Default empty.
                                  For post type gd_event only. 
*     @type int    $post_number   No. of post to display. Default 10.
*     @type string $layout        Layout to display listing. Should be gridview_onehalf, gridview_onethird
                                  gridview_onefourth, gridview_onefifth, list. Default 'gridview_onehalf'.
*     @type string $listing_width Listing width. Optional
*     @type int      $character_count     The excerpt length of content
*     @type int|bool $add_location_filter Filter listings using current location. Default 1.
*     @type int|bool $show_featured_only  Display only featured listings. Default empty.
*     @type int|bool $show_special_only   Display only special offers listings. Default empty.
*     @type int|bool $with_pics_only      Display listings which has image available. Default empty.
*     @type int|bool $with_videos_only    Display listings which has video available. Default empty.
*     @type int|bool $with_pagination     Display pagination for listings. Default 1.
*     @type int|bool $top_pagination      Display pagination on top of listings. Default 0.
                                          Required $with_pagination true.
*     @type int|bool $bottom_pagination   Display pagination on bottom of listings. Default 1.
                                          Required $with_pagination true.
* }
* @param string $content The enclosed content. Optional.
* @return string HTML content to display geodirectory listings.
function geodir_sc_gd_listings($atts, $content = '')
    $defaults = array('title' => '', 'post_type' => 'gd_place', 'category' => 0, 'list_sort' => 'latest', 'event_type' => '', 'post_number' => 10, 'layout' => 'gridview_onehalf', 'listing_width' => '', 'character_count' => 20, 'add_location_filter' => 1, 'show_featured_only' => '', 'show_special_only' => '', 'with_pics_only' => '', 'with_videos_only' => '', 'with_pagination' => '1', 'top_pagination' => '0', 'bottom_pagination' => '1');
    $params = shortcode_atts($defaults, $atts);
    $params['title'] = wp_strip_all_tags($params['title']);
    $params['post_type'] = gdsc_is_post_type_valid($params['post_type']) ? $params['post_type'] : 'gd_place';
    // Validate the selected category/ies - Grab the current list based on post_type
    $category_taxonomy = geodir_get_taxonomies($params['post_type']);
    $categories = get_terms($category_taxonomy, array('orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC', 'fields' => 'ids'));
    // Make sure we have an array
    if (!is_array($params['category'])) {
        $params['category'] = explode(',', $params['category']);
    // Array_intersect returns only the items in $params['category'] that are also in our category list
    // Otherwise it becomes empty and later on that will mean "All"
    $params['category'] = array_intersect($params['category'], $categories);
    // Post_number needs to be a positive integer
    $params['post_number'] = absint($params['post_number']);
    $params['post_number'] = $params['post_number'] > 0 ? $params['post_number'] : 10;
    // Validate character_count
    //todo: is this necessary?
    $params['character_count'] = $params['character_count'];
    // Validate our layout choice
    // Outside of the norm, I added some more simple terms to match the existing
    // So now I just run the switch to set it properly.
    $params['layout'] = gdsc_validate_layout_choice($params['layout']);
    // Validate our sorting choice
    $params['list_sort'] = gdsc_validate_sort_choice($params['list_sort']);
    // Validate Listing width, used in the template widget-listing-listview.php
    // The context is in width=$listing_width% - So we need a positive number between 0 & 100
    $params['listing_width'] = gdsc_validate_listing_width($params['listing_width']);
    // Validate the checkboxes used on the widget
    $params['add_location_filter'] = gdsc_to_bool_val($params['add_location_filter']);
    $params['show_featured_only'] = gdsc_to_bool_val($params['show_featured_only']);
    $params['show_special_only'] = gdsc_to_bool_val($params['show_special_only']);
    $params['with_pics_only'] = gdsc_to_bool_val($params['with_pics_only']);
    $params['with_videos_only'] = gdsc_to_bool_val($params['with_videos_only']);
    $params['with_pagination'] = gdsc_to_bool_val($params['with_pagination']);
    $params['top_pagination'] = gdsc_to_bool_val($params['top_pagination']);
    $params['bottom_pagination'] = gdsc_to_bool_val($params['bottom_pagination']);
     * End of validation
    if (isset($atts['geodir_ajax'])) {
        $params['geodir_ajax'] = $atts['geodir_ajax'];
    if (isset($atts['pageno'])) {
        $params['pageno'] = $atts['pageno'];
    $params['shortcode_atts'] = $atts;
    $output = geodir_sc_gd_listings_output($params);
    return $output;
 * The CPT categories widget shortcode.
 * This implements the functionality of the CPT categories widget shortcode for displaying
 * all geodirectory categories.
 * @since 1.5.5
 * @param array $atts {
 *     Attributes of the shortcode.
 *     @type string $title         The title of the widget displayed.
 *     @type string $post_type     Post type of listing. Default empty.
 *     @type bool   $hide_empty    Hide empty categories? Default empty.
 *     @type bool   $show_count    Show category count? Default empty.
 *     @type bool   $hide_icon     Hide category icon? Default empty.
 *     @type bool   $cpt_left      Show CPT on same line? Default empty.
 *     @type string $sort_by       Categories sort by. 'az' or 'count'. Default 'count'.
 *     @type string|int $max_count Max no of sub-categories count. Default 'all'.
 *     @type string|int $max_level Max level of sub-categories depth. Default 1.
 *     @type string $before_widget HTML content to prepend to each widget's HTML output.
 *                                 Default is an opening list item element.
 *     @type string $after_widget  HTML content to append to each widget's HTML output.
 *                                 Default is a closing list item element.
 *     @type string $before_title  HTML content to prepend to the widget title when displayed.
 *                                 Default is an opening h3 element.
 *     @type string $after_title   HTML content to append to the widget title when displayed.
 *                                 Default is a closing h3 element.
 * }
 * @param string $content The enclosed content. Optional.
 * @return string HTML content to display CPT categories.
function geodir_sc_cpt_categories_widget($atts, $content = '')
    $defaults = array('title' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'hide_empty' => '', 'show_count' => '', 'hide_icon' => '', 'cpt_left' => '', 'sort_by' => 'count', 'max_count' => 'all', 'max_level' => '1', 'before_widget' => '<section id="geodir_cpt_categories_widget-1" class="widget geodir-widget geodir_cpt_categories_widget geodir_sc_cpt_categories_widget">', 'after_widget' => '</section>', 'before_title' => '<h3 class="widget-title">', 'after_title' => '</h3>');
    $params = shortcode_atts($defaults, $atts);
     * Validate our incoming params
    // Make sure we have an array
    $params['post_type'] = !is_array($params['post_type']) && trim($params['post_type']) != '' ? explode(',', trim($params['post_type'])) : array();
    // Validate the checkboxes used on the widget
    $params['hide_empty'] = gdsc_to_bool_val($params['hide_empty']);
    $params['show_count'] = gdsc_to_bool_val($params['show_count']);
    $params['hide_icon'] = gdsc_to_bool_val($params['hide_icon']);
    $params['cpt_left'] = gdsc_to_bool_val($params['cpt_left']);
    if ($params['max_count'] != 'all') {
        $params['max_count'] = absint($params['max_count']);
    if ($params['max_level'] != 'all') {
        $params['max_level'] = absint($params['max_level']);
    $params['sort_by'] = $params['sort_by'] == 'az' ? 'az' : 'count';
    the_widget('geodir_cpt_categories_widget', $params, $params);
    $output = ob_get_contents();
    return $output;