} else { $movSaldo -= $row['import']; $avere = gaz_format_number($row['import']); $dare = ''; } $aRiportare['top'][1]['nam'] = gaz_format_number($movSaldo); $aRiportare['bot'][1]['nam'] = gaz_format_number($movSaldo); $pdf->Cell(18,4,$datareg,1,0,'C'); if (!empty($row['partner']) || !empty($row['numdoc'])){ $row['tesdes'].=' ('.$row['partner']; if (!empty($row['numdoc'])){ $row['tesdes'] .= ' n.'.$row['numdoc'].' del '.$datadoc; if ($row['protoc']>0) { $row['tesdes'] .= ' sez.'.$row['seziva'].' p.'.$row['protoc']; } } $row['tesdes'].=')'; } $pdf->Cell(108,4,$row['tesdes'],'LTB',0,'L',0,'',1); $pdf->SetFont('helvetica','',7); $pdf->Cell(20,4,$dare,1,0,'R'); $pdf->Cell(20,4,$avere,1,0,'R'); $pdf->Cell(20,4,gaz_format_number($movSaldo),1,1,'R'); $ctrlConto = $row['codcon']; } $pdf->SetFont('helvetica','B',8); $pdf->Cell($aRiportare['top'][0]['lun'],4,'SALDO al '.$descrDatafin.' : ',1,0,'R'); $pdf->Cell($aRiportare['top'][1]['lun'],4,$aRiportare['top'][1]['nam'],1,0,'R'); $pdf->setRiporti(''); $pdf->Output(); ?>
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if ($chk_add_iva_tes == 0){// se le spese della testata non sono state aggiunte perchè non si è incontrato uno stesso codice IVA $result = gaz_dbi_get_row($gTables['aliiva'],"codice",$form['ivaspe']); $impcast = $form['traspo'] + $form['speban']*$form['numrat'] + $form['spevar']; $ivacast = round($impcast * $result['aliquo'])/ 100; $totimpfat += $impcast; $totivafat += $ivacast; if ($i > 0) { echo "<tr><td align=\"right\">".number_format ($impcast,2, '.', '')."</td><td align=\"right\">".$result['descri']." ".number_format ($ivacast,2, '.', '')."</td>\n"; } $chk_add_iva_tes = 1; } if ($i > 0) { echo "<td align=\"right\">".number_format ($totimpmer,2, '.', '')."</td> <td align=\"right\">".gaz_format_number (($totimpfat-$totimpmer-$form['traspo']-($form['speban']*$form['numrat'])-$form['spevar']),2, '.', '')."</td> <td align=\"right\">".number_format ($totimpfat,2, '.', '')."</td> <td align=\"right\">".number_format ($totivafat,2, '.', '')."</td> <td align=\"right\">".$quatot."</td> <td align=\"right\">".number_format (($totimpfat+$totivafat),2, '.', '')."</td>\n"; if ($toDo == 'update') { echo '<td class="FacetFieldCaptionTD" align="right"><input type="submit" accesskey="m" name="ins" id="preventDuplicate" onClick="chkSubmit();" value="MODIFICA !"></td></tr>'; } else { echo '<td class="FacetFieldCaptionTD" align="right"><input type="submit" accesskey="i" name="ins" id="preventDuplicate" onClick="chkSubmit();" value="INSERISCI !"></td></tr>'; } } echo "</table><br />"; ?> </form> </body> </html>
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' ', 'LR', 1, 'R'); } //azzero il castelletto foreach ($this->docVars->castel as $i => $value) { unset($this->docVars->castel[$i]); } $totimpmer = $this->docVars->totimpmer; $speseincasso = $this->docVars->speseincasso; $totimpfat = $this->docVars->totimpfat; $totivafat = $this->docVars->totivafat; $vettor = $this->docVars->vettor; $impbol = $this->docVars->impbol; $totriport = $this->docVars->totriport; $taxstamp = $this->docVars->taxstamp; //effettuo il calcolo degli importi delle scadenze $totpag = $totimpfat + $impbol + $totriport + $totivafat; $ratpag = CalcolaScadenze($totpag, $this->giorno, $this->mese, $this->anno, $this->pagame['tipdec'], $this->pagame['giodec'], $this->pagame['numrat'], $this->pagame['tiprat'], $this->pagame['mesesc'], $this->pagame['giosuc']); if ($ratpag) { //allungo l'array fino alla 4^ scadenza $ratpag['import'] = array_pad($ratpag['import'], 4, ''); $ratpag['giorno'] = array_pad($ratpag['giorno'], 4, ''); $ratpag['mese'] = array_pad($ratpag['mese'], 4, ''); $ratpag['anno'] = array_pad($ratpag['anno'], 4, ''); } else { for ($i = 0; $i <= 3; $i++) { $ratpag['import'][$i] = ""; $ratpag['giorno'][$i] = ""; $ratpag['mese'][$i] = ""; $ratpag['anno'][$i] = ""; } } //stampo i totali $this->SetY(200); $this->SetFillColor(hexdec(substr($this->colore, 0, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->colore, 2, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->colore, 4, 2))); $this->SetFont('helvetica', '', 9); $this->Cell(36, 6, 'Totale merce', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(16, 6, '% Sconto', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(24, 6, 'Spese Incasso', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(26, 6, 'Trasporto', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(36, 6, 'Tot.Imponibile', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(26, 6, 'Tot. I.V.A.', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(22, 6, 'Bolli', 'LTR', 1, 'C', 1); if ($totimpmer > 0) { $this->Cell(36, 6, gaz_format_number($totimpmer), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(36, 6, '', 'LBR'); } if ($this->tesdoc['sconto'] > 0) { $this->Cell(16, 6, gaz_format_number($this->tesdoc['sconto']), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(16, 6, '', 'LBR'); } if ($speseincasso > 0) { $this->Cell(24, 6, gaz_format_number($speseincasso), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(24, 6, '', 'LBR'); } if ($this->trasporto > 0) { $this->Cell(26, 6, gaz_format_number($this->trasporto), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(26, 6, '', 'LBR'); } if ($totimpfat > 0) { $this->Cell(36, 6, gaz_format_number($totimpfat), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(36, 6, '', 'LBR'); } if ($totivafat > 0) { $this->Cell(26, 6, gaz_format_number($totivafat), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(26, 6, '', 'LBR'); } if ($impbol > 0) { $this->Cell(22, 6, gaz_format_number($impbol), 'LBR', 1, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(22, 6, '', 'LBR'); } $this->SetY(218); $this->Cell(130); $totale = $totimpfat + $totivafat + $impbol; $this->SetFont('helvetica', 'B', 18); $this->Cell(56, 24, '€ ' . gaz_format_number($totale), 'LBR', 1, 'C'); $this->SetY(224); $this->SetFont('helvetica', '', 9); $this->Cell(62, 6, 'Banca d\'appoggio', 'LTR', 1, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(62, 6, $this->banapp['descri'], 'LR', 1, 'L'); if (!empty($this->banapp['descri'])) { $this->Cell(62, 6, ' ABI ' . sprintf("%05d", $this->banapp['codabi']) . ' CAB ' . $this->banapp['codcab'], 'LRB', 1, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(62, 6, '', 'LRB', 1); } $this->Cell(130, 6, 'Date di Scadenza e Importo Rate', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(56, 6, 'Totale dei riporti', 'LTR', 1, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(32, 6, $ratpag['giorno']['0'] . '-' . $ratpag['mese']['0'] . '-' . $ratpag['anno']['0'], 'LR', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(33, 6, $ratpag['giorno']['1'] . '-' . $ratpag['mese']['1'] . '-' . $ratpag['anno']['1'], 'LR', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(32, 6, $ratpag['giorno']['2'] . '-' . $ratpag['mese']['2'] . '-' . $ratpag['anno']['2'], 'LR', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(33, 6, $ratpag['giorno']['3'] . '-' . $ratpag['mese']['3'] . '-' . $ratpag['anno']['3'], 'LR', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(56, 6, '', 'R', 1, 'C'); if ($ratpag['import']['0'] != 0) { $this->Cell(32, 6, gaz_format_number($ratpag['import']['0']), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(32, 6, '', 'LBR'); } if ($ratpag['import']['1'] != 0) { $this->Cell(33, 6, gaz_format_number($ratpag['import']['1']), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(33, 6, '', 'LBR'); } if ($ratpag['import']['2'] != 0) { $this->Cell(32, 6, gaz_format_number($ratpag['import']['2']), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(32, 6, '', 'LBR'); } if ($ratpag['import']['3'] != 0) { $this->Cell(33, 6, gaz_format_number($ratpag['import']['3']), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(33, 6, '', 'LBR'); } if ($totriport != 0) { $this->Cell(56, 6, gaz_format_number($totriport), 'BR', 1, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(56, 6, '', 'BR', 1); } }
} else { $title = ""; } print "<tr>"; print "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"right\"><a class=\"btn btn-xs btn-default btn-edit\" href=\"admin_movcon.php?id_tes=".$a_row["id_tes"]."&Update\" title=\"Modifica\"><i class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-edit\"></i> ".$a_row["id_tes"]."</a>  </td>"; print "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"center\">".gaz_format_date($a_row["datreg"])." </td>"; print "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" title= \"$title\" align=\"center\">".$a_row["caucon"]." </td>"; print "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" title= \"$title\">".$a_row["descri"]." </td>"; if ($a_row["protoc"] > 0) { print "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"center\">".$a_row["protoc"]."/".$a_row["seziva"].""; print "</td>"; } else { print "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\"></td>"; } print "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"center\">".$a_row["numdoc"]."</td>"; print "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" title= \"$title\" align=\"right\">".gaz_format_number($a_row['dare'])." </td>"; print "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"center\">"; $docref=getDocRef($a_row); if (!empty($docref)){ echo "<a class=\"btn btn-xs btn-default btn-default\" title=\"".$script_transl['sourcedoc']."\" href=\"$docref\"><i class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-print\"></i></a>"; } elseif($paymov) { echo "<a class=\"btn btn-xs btn-default btn-default\" title=\"".$script_transl['customer_receipt']."\" href=\"../vendit/print_customer_payment_receipt.php?id_rig=".$paymov."\"><i class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-check\"></i> <i class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-euro\"></i> <i class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-print\"></i></a>"; } print "</td>"; print "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"center\"><a class=\"btn btn-xs btn-default btn-elimina\" href=\"delete_movcon.php?id_tes=".$a_row["id_tes"]."\"><i class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-remove\"></i></a></td>"; print "</tr>\n"; } ?> </table> </body> </html>
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' ', 'LR', 1, 'R'); } else { $this->Cell(62); $this->Cell(68, 4, '', 'LR', 1); } } //azzero il castelletto foreach ($this->docVars->castel as $i => $value) { unset($this->docVars->castel[$i]); } //azzero il trasporto $this->tottraspo = 0.0; $totimpmer = $this->docVars->totimpmer; $speseincasso = $this->docVars->speseincasso; $totimpfat = $this->docVars->totimpfat; $totivafat = $this->docVars->totivafat; $totivasplitpay = $this->docVars->totivasplitpay; $vettor = $this->docVars->vettor; $impbol = $this->docVars->impbol; $totriport = $this->docVars->totriport; $ritenuta = $this->docVars->tot_ritenute; $taxstamp = $this->docVars->taxstamp; if ($this->virtual_taxstamp == 0 || $this->virtual_taxstamp == 3) { // azzero i bolli in caso di non addebito al cliente $taxstamp = 0; } //effettuo il calcolo degli importi delle scadenze $totpag = $totimpfat + $impbol + $totriport + $totivafat - $ritenuta + $taxstamp - $totivasplitpay; $ratpag = CalcolaScadenze($totpag, $this->giorno, $this->mese, $this->anno, $this->pagame['tipdec'], $this->pagame['giodec'], $this->pagame['numrat'], $this->pagame['tiprat'], $this->pagame['mesesc'], $this->pagame['giosuc']); if ($ratpag) { //allungo l'array fino alla 4^ scadenza $ratpag['import'] = array_pad($ratpag['import'], 4, ''); $ratpag['giorno'] = array_pad($ratpag['giorno'], 4, ''); $ratpag['mese'] = array_pad($ratpag['mese'], 4, ''); $ratpag['anno'] = array_pad($ratpag['anno'], 4, ''); } else { for ($i = 0; $i <= 3; $i++) { $ratpag['import'][$i] = ""; $ratpag['giorno'][$i] = ""; $ratpag['mese'][$i] = ""; $ratpag['anno'][$i] = ""; } } //stampo i totali $this->SetY(200); $this->SetFillColor(hexdec(substr($this->colore, 0, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->colore, 2, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->colore, 4, 2))); $this->SetFont('helvetica', '', 9); $this->Cell(36, 6, 'Tot. Corpo', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(16, 6, '% Sconto', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(24, 6, 'Spese Incasso', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(26, 6, 'Trasporto', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(36, 6, 'Tot.Imponibile', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(26, 6, 'Tot. I.V.A.', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(22, 6, 'Bolli (tratte)', 'LTR', 1, 'C', 1); if ($totimpmer > 0) { $this->Cell(36, 6, gaz_format_number($totimpmer), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(36, 6, '', 'LBR'); } if ($this->tesdoc['sconto'] > 0) { $this->Cell(16, 6, gaz_format_number($this->tesdoc['sconto']), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(16, 6, '', 'LBR'); } if ($speseincasso > 0) { $this->Cell(24, 6, gaz_format_number($speseincasso), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(24, 6, '', 'LBR'); } $this->Cell(26, 6, '', 'LBR'); if ($totimpfat > 0) { $this->Cell(36, 6, gaz_format_number($totimpfat), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(36, 6, '', 'LBR'); } if ($totivafat > 0) { $this->Cell(26, 6, gaz_format_number($totivafat), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(26, 6, '', 'LBR'); } if ($impbol > 0) { $this->Cell(22, 6, gaz_format_number($impbol), 'LBR', 1, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(22, 6, '', 'LBR'); } $this->SetY(218); $this->Cell(130); $totale = $totimpfat + $totivafat + $impbol; if ($this->tesdoc['id_tes'] > 0) { if ($ritenuta > 0) { $this->SetFont('helvetica', 'B', 12); $this->Cell(56, 6, '€ ' . gaz_format_number($totale), 'LBR', 2, 'R'); $this->SetFont('helvetica', '', 12); $this->Cell(56, 6, 'Totale ritenute: € ' . gaz_format_number($ritenuta), 'LR', 2, 'R'); $this->SetFont('helvetica', '', 9); $this->Cell(56, 6, 'T O T A L E A P A G A R E', 'LTR', 2, 'C', 1); $this->SetFont('helvetica', 'B', 12); $this->Cell(56, 6, '€ ' . gaz_format_number($totale - $ritenuta), 'LBR', 1, 'R'); } else { $this->SetFont('helvetica', 'B', 18); $this->Cell(56, 24, '€ ' . gaz_format_number($totale), 'LBR', 1, 'C'); } } else { $this->Cell(56, 24, '', 'LBR', 1); } $this->SetY(224); $this->SetFont('helvetica', '', 9); if (!empty($this->banapp['descri']) and $this->pagame['tippag'] != 'D') { $this->Cell(62, 6, 'Banca d\'appoggio', 'LTR', 1, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(62, 6, $this->banapp['descri'], 'LR', 1); $this->Cell(62, 6, ' ABI ' . sprintf("%05d", $this->banapp['codabi']) . ' CAB ' . $this->banapp['codcab'], 'LRB', 1, 'C'); } elseif (!empty($this->banacc['iban'])) { $this->Cell(62, 6, 'Banca d\'accredito', 'LTR', 1, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(62, 5, $this->banacc['ragso1'], 'LR', 1); $this->Cell(62, 6, 'IBAN ' . $this->banacc['iban'], 'LRB', 1, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(62, 6, '', 'LTR', 1, '', 1); $this->Cell(62, 6, '', 'LR', 1); $this->Cell(62, 6, '', 'LRB', 1); } $this->Cell(130, 6, 'Date di Scadenza e Importo Rate', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(56, 6, 'Totale dei riporti', 'LTR', 1, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(32, 6, $ratpag['giorno']['0'] . '-' . $ratpag['mese']['0'] . '-' . $ratpag['anno']['0'], 'LR', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(33, 6, $ratpag['giorno']['1'] . '-' . $ratpag['mese']['1'] . '-' . $ratpag['anno']['1'], 'LR', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(32, 6, $ratpag['giorno']['2'] . '-' . $ratpag['mese']['2'] . '-' . $ratpag['anno']['2'], 'LR', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(33, 6, $ratpag['giorno']['3'] . '-' . $ratpag['mese']['3'] . '-' . $ratpag['anno']['3'], 'LR', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(56, 6, '', 'R', 1, 'C'); if ($ratpag['import']['0'] != 0) { $this->Cell(32, 6, gaz_format_number($ratpag['import']['0']), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(32, 6, '', 'LBR'); } if ($ratpag['import']['1'] != 0) { $this->Cell(33, 6, gaz_format_number($ratpag['import']['1']), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(33, 6, '', 'LBR'); } if ($ratpag['import']['2'] != 0) { $this->Cell(32, 6, gaz_format_number($ratpag['import']['2']), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(32, 6, '', 'LBR'); } if ($ratpag['import']['3'] != 0) { $this->Cell(33, 6, gaz_format_number($ratpag['import']['3']), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(33, 6, '', 'LBR'); } if ($totriport != 0) { $this->Cell(56, 6, gaz_format_number($totriport), 'BR', 1, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(56, 6, '', 'BR', 1); } }
echo "</td></tr>\n"; } //recupero tutti i movimenti contabili del conto insieme alle relative testate... $result = mergeTable($gTables['rigmoc'],"*",$gTables['tesmov'],"*","id_tes","codcon = ".$conto['codice']." ORDER BY datreg asc"); $nummov = gaz_dbi_num_rows($result); if ($nummov > 0) { echo "</table><br \><table class=\"Tlarge\"><tr><td colspan=\"6\">Questi sono i movimenti contabili relativi al fornitore ".$conto['ragso1']." ".$conto['ragso2'].":<td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><th class=\"FacetFieldCaptionTD\">Mov.</th><th class=\"FacetFieldCaptionTD\">Descrizione</th><th class=\"FacetFieldCaptionTD\">N.Doc.</th><th class=\"FacetFieldCaptionTD\">Data Doc.</th><th class=\"FacetFieldCaptionTD\">Importo</th><th class=\"FacetFieldCaptionTD\">D/A</th></tr>\n"; while ($movimenti = gaz_dbi_fetch_array($result)) { $cl="FacetDataTD"; if ($movimenti["id_tes"] == $testata["id_con"]) { $cl="FacetDataTDred"; } echo "<tr><td class=\"$cl\">n.<a href=\"../contab/admin_movcon.php?Update&id_tes=".$movimenti["id_tes"]."\" title=\"Modifica il movimento\">".$movimenti["id_tes"]."</a> del ".gaz_format_date($movimenti["datreg"])." </td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"$cl\">".$movimenti["descri"]." </td>"; echo "<td align=\"center\" class=\"$cl\">".$movimenti["numdoc"]." </td>"; if ( $movimenti['datdoc'] > 0 ){ echo "<td align=\"center\" class=\"$cl\">".gaz_format_date($movimenti['datdoc'])." </td>"; } else { echo "<td class=\"$cl\"></td>"; } echo "<td align=\"right\" class=\"$cl\">".gaz_format_number($movimenti["import"])." </td>"; echo "<td align=\"center\" class=\"$cl\">".$movimenti["darave"]." </td></tr>\n"; } } else { echo "<tr><td colspan=\"6\" class=\"FacetDataTDred\">Non ci sono movimenti contabili relativi al fornitore ".$conto['ragso1']." ".$conto['ragso2']." !<td></tr>\n"; } echo "</table></form>"; ?> </body> </html>
if ($next_row > 0) { if ($form['stamp'] > 0) { $calc->payment_taxstamp($calc->total_imp+$calc->total_vat+$carry-$rit+$form['taxstamp'],$form['stamp'],$form['round_stamp']*$form['numrat']); $stamp=$calc->pay_taxstamp; } else { $stamp = 0; } echo "<td align=\"right\">".gaz_format_number($totimp_body)."</td> <td align=\"right\">".gaz_format_number(($totimp_body-$totimpfat+$somma_spese),2, '.', '')."</td> <td align=\"right\">".gaz_format_number($calc->total_imp)."</td> <td align=\"right\">".gaz_format_number($calc->total_vat)."</td> <td align=\"right\">".gaz_format_number($stamp)."</td> <td align=\"right\" style=\"font-weight:bold;\">".gaz_format_number($calc->total_imp+$calc->total_vat+$stamp+$form['taxstamp'])."</td>\n"; echo '<td colspan ="2" class="FacetFieldCaptionTD" align="center"><input name="ins" id="preventDuplicate" onClick="chkSubmit();" onClick="chkSubmit();" type="submit" value="'.strtoupper($script_transl[$toDo]).'!"></td></tr>'; if ($rit > 0) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td colspan=\"7\" align=\"right\">".$script_transl['ritenuta']."</td>"; echo "<td align=\"right\">".gaz_format_number($rit)."</td>"; echo "</tr>\n"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td colspan=\"7\" align=\"right\">".$script_transl['netpay']."</td>"; echo "<td align=\"right\">".gaz_format_number($totimpfat+$totivafat+$stamp-$rit+$form['taxstamp'])."</td>"; echo "</tr>\n"; } } echo "</table>"; ?> </form> </body> </html>
$pdf->Cell(30,5,gaz_format_number($pdf->tax),1,0,'R',1); $pdf->Cell(30,5,gaz_format_number($pdf->taxable+$pdf->tax),1,1,'R',1); if (count($pdf->acc_castle)>0) { $pdf->Ln(6); $pdf->SetFont('helvetica','B',10); $pdf->Cell(35); $pdf->Cell(120,6,$pdf->script_transl['acc_castle_title'],1,2,'C',1); $pdf->Cell(20,5,'cod.',1,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(75,5,$pdf->script_transl['descri'],1,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(25,5,$pdf->script_transl['amount'],1,1,'R'); $pdf->SetFont('helvetica','',8); foreach($pdf->acc_castle as $k=>$v) { $pdf->Cell(35); $pdf->Cell(20,5,$k,1,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(75,5,$v['descri'],1,0,'L'); $pdf->Cell(25,5,gaz_format_number($v['value']),1,1,'R'); } } } if ($_GET['sd']=='sta_def') { switch($pdf->typbook) { case 2: $azireg='upgve'.intval($_GET['vs']); break; case 4: $azireg='upgco'.intval($_GET['vs']); break; case 6: $azireg='upgac'.intval($_GET['vs']); break; }
$tot=0; while ($r = gaz_dbi_fetch_array($rs_castel)) { if ($r['saldo'] != 0) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\">".$r['codcon']." </td>"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\"><a title=\"Dettagli cliente\" href=\"report_client.php?auxil=".$r["ragso1"]."&search=Cerca\">".$r["ragso1"]."</a> </td>"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\">".$r['telefo']." </td>"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"center\">".$r['nummov']." </td>"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"right\">".gaz_format_number($r['dare'])." </td>"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"right\">".gaz_format_number($r['avere'])." </td>"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"right\">".gaz_format_number($r['saldo'])." </td>"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"center\"><a class=\"btn btn-xs btn-default btn-pagamento\" title=\"Effettuato un pagamento da ".$r["ragso1"]."\" href=\"salcon_credit.php?codice=".$r['codcon']."\"><i class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-euro\"></i></a></td>"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"center\"><a class=\"btn btn-xs btn-default\" title=\"Stampa l'Estratto Conto di {$r['ragso1']}\" href=\"stampa_estcon.php?codice=".$r['codcon']."&annini=".$annini."&annfin=".$annfin."\"><i class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-print\"></i></a></td>"; // Colonna "Mail" echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"center\">"; if (!empty($r["e_mail"])) { echo '<a class="btn btn-xs btn-default" onclick="confirMail(this);return false;" id="doc'.$r["codcon"].'" url="stampa_estcon.php?codice='.$r["codcon"].'&annini='.$annini.'&annfin='.$annfin.'&dest=E" href="#" title="mailto: '.$r["e_mail"].'" mail="'.$r["e_mail"].'" namedoc="Estratto conto '.$annini.'-'.$annfin.'"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-envelope"></i></a>'; } else { echo '<a title="Non hai memorizzato l\'email per questo cliente, inseriscila ora" href="admin_client.php?codice='.substr($r["codice"],3).'&Update"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit"></i></a>'; } echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; $tot += $r['saldo']; } } echo "<tr><td colspan=\"6\"></td><td class='FacetDataTD' style='border: 2px solid #666; text-align: center;'>".gaz_format_number($tot)."</td><td></td><td></td></tr>\n"; ?> </table> </body> </html>
$pdf->Cell(150,8,'TOTALE RISCOSSO',1,0,'R'); $pdf->Cell(40,8,gaz_format_number($importo),1,1,'R',1); if ($pdf->GetY() <= 135) { $pdf->SetY(140); $pdf->SetFont('helvetica','',8); $pdf->MultiCell(190,4,'Copia per il cliente',0,'C',0); $pdf->Ln(8); $pdf->Line(0,145,210,145); $pdf->Header(); } else $pdf->AddPage(); $rs_rig = gaz_dbi_dyn_query("*", $gTables['rigbro'], "id_tes like '$testat'","id_tes desc"); $importo = 0; while ($rigo = gaz_dbi_fetch_array($rs_rig)) { if ($pdf->GetY() <= 280) { $pdf->Cell(150,8,$rigo['descri'],1,0,'L'); $pdf->Cell(40,8,gaz_format_number($rigo['prelis']),1,1,'R'); $importo += $rigo['prelis']; } else { $pdf->SetY(285); $pdf->Cell(190,12,'>>> --- SEGUE SU PAGINA SUCCESSIVA --- >>>',1,1,'C'); $pdf->AddPage(); } } $piede='ad uso amministrativo'; $pdf->Cell(150,8,'TOTALE RISCOSSO',1,0,'R'); $pdf->Cell(40,8,gaz_format_number($importo),1,1,'R',1); $pdf->Output(); ?>
} echo "<tr class=\"FacetDataTD\"> <td align=\"center\">".gaz_format_date($v['tes']['datemi'])."</td> <td align=\"center\">".$v['tes']['numdoc']."</td> <td align=\"center\">".$v['tes']['seziva']."</td> <td>".$v['tes']['ragsoc'].$v['tes']['citta']."</td> <td align=\"right\">".gaz_format_number($v['tot'])."</td> </tr>\n"; } echo "<tr class=\"FacetFieldCaptionTD\">\n"; echo '<td colspan="4" align="right"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="'; echo $script_transl['submit']; echo '">'; echo "</td>\n"; echo '<td align="right" style="font-weight=bolt;">'; echo gaz_format_number($rs['tot']); echo "\t </td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; } else { echo "\t<tr>\n"; echo '<td colspan="3" align="center" class="FacetDataTDred">'; echo $script_transl['message']; echo "\t </td>\n"; echo '<td colspan="2" align="center" class="FacetDataTDred">'; echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"return\" value=\"".$script_transl['return']."\" />\n"; echo "\t </td>\n"; echo "\t </tr>\n"; } ?> </form> </body>
function printTransact($transact,$error) { global $script_transl,$admin_aziend; $nrec=0; echo "<td align=\"center\" class=\"FacetDataTD\" >N.Rec.</td>"; echo "<td align=\"center\" class=\"FacetDataTD\" >N.Mov.</td>"; echo "<td align=\"center\" class=\"FacetDataTD\" >".$script_transl['sourcedoc']."</td>"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" >".$script_transl['soggetto']."</td>"; echo "<td align=\"center\" class=\"FacetDataTD\" >".$script_transl['pariva']."</td>"; echo "<td align=\"center\" class=\"FacetDataTD\" >".$script_transl['codfis']."</td>"; echo "<td align=\"center\" class=\"FacetDataTD\" >".$script_transl['quadro']."</td>"; echo "<td align=\"right\" class=\"FacetDataTD\" >".$script_transl['amount']."</td>"; echo "<td align=\"right\" class=\"FacetDataTD\" >".$script_transl['tax']."</td>"; echo "</tr>\n"; foreach ($transact as $key=>$value ) { $nrec++; $totale = gaz_format_number($value['operazioni_imponibili']+$value['operazioni_nonimp']+$value['operazioni_esente']); $class = ' '; switch ($value['quadro']) { case 'FE': $class = 'style="color:#000000; background-color: #FFDDDD;"'; break; case 'NE': $class = 'style="color:#000000; background-color: #DDFFDD;"'; break; case 'FR': $class = 'style="color:#000000; background-color: #AFC8D8"'; break; case 'NR': $class = 'style="color:#000000; background-color: #D3CFA8;"'; break; case 'DF': $class = 'style="color:#000000; background-color: #DDDDFF;"'; break; } if (isset($error[$key])){ $class = ' class="FacetDataTDred" '; } echo "<tr>"; echo "<td align=\"right\" $class>$nrec</a></td>"; echo "<td align=\"center\" $class><a href=\"../contab/admin_movcon.php?id_tes=".$value['id_tes']."&Update\">n.".$value['id_tes']." - ".gaz_format_date($value['datreg'])."</a></td>"; echo "<td align=\"center\" $class> sez.".$value['seziva']." n.".$value['numdoc'].' del '.gaz_format_date($value['datdoc'])."</td>"; echo "<td $class>".$value['ragso1'].' '.$value['ragso2']."</td>"; if ($value['riepil']== 1 ){ // è un riepilogativo quindi il tracciato dovrà prevedere l'apposito flag echo "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\" style=\"color:#000000; background-color: #DDADAF;\">".$script_transl['riepil']."</td>"; } else { echo "<td align=\"center\" $class>".$value['iso']." ".$value['pariva']."</td>"; echo "<td align=\"center\" $class>".$value['codfis']."</td>"; } echo "<td align=\"center\" $class>".$value['quadro']."</td>"; echo "<td align=\"right\" $class>$totale</td>"; echo "<td align=\"right\" $class>".gaz_format_number($value['imposte_addebitate'])."</td>"; echo "</tr>\n"; if (isset($error[$key])) { foreach ($error[$key] as $val_err ) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTDred\" colspan=\"10\">".$val_err; if (substr($value['clfoco'],0,3) == $admin_aziend['mascli']) { echo ", <a href='../vendit/admin_client"; } else { echo ", <a href='../acquis/admin_fornit"; } echo ".php?codice=".substr($value['clfoco'],3,6)."&Update' target='_NEW'>". $script_transl['errors'][0]."</a><br /></td> </tr>\n"; } } } }
$pdf->Cell(8,4,$key.' - ','L',0,'R'); $pdf->Cell(72,4,$descricon.' non riclassificato','R'); $pdf->Cell(10,4,$admin_aziend['curr_name'],'LR',0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(31,4,$stampaval,'LR',1,'R'); } } if ($totrom > 0) $stampaval = gaz_format_number($totrom); else $stampaval = "(".gaz_format_number(-$totrom).")"; $pdf->Cell(15,4,'','LR'); $pdf->Cell(50,4,'','B'); $pdf->Cell(80,4,"Totale ".$nromani[intval($keyrom)],'BTR',0,'R'); $pdf->Cell(10,4,$admin_aziend['curr_name'],1,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(31,4,$stampaval,1,1,'R'); $totrom=0.00; } if($totlet > 0) $stampaval = gaz_format_number($totlet); else $stampaval = "(".gaz_format_number(-$totlet).")"; $pdf->SetFont('helvetica','B',8); $pdf->Cell(145,4,"Totale ".$keylet,'LB',0,'R'); $pdf->Cell(10,4,$admin_aziend['curr_name'],1,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(31,4,$stampaval,1,1,'R'); $pdf->SetFont('helvetica','',8); $totlet=0.00; } $pdf->SetFont('helvetica','B',12); $pdf->SetTextColor(255,150,50); $pdf->Cell(155,6,"UTILE (PERDITA) D'ESERCIZIO ",1,0,'R'); if($totale > 0) $stampaval = gaz_format_number($totale); else $stampaval = "(".gaz_format_number(-$totale).")"; $pdf->Cell(31,6,$stampaval,1,1,'R'); $totale=0.00; $pdf->SetTextColor(0,0,0); $pdf->Output(); ?>
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' ', 'L', 1, 'R'); } else { $this->Cell(62); $this->Cell(68, 4, '', 'LR', 1); } } $totimpmer = $this->docVars->totimpmer; $speseincasso = $this->docVars->speseincasso; $totimpfat = $this->docVars->totimpfat; $totivafat = $this->docVars->totivafat; $totivasplitpay = $this->docVars->totivasplitpay; $vettor = $this->docVars->vettor; $impbol = $this->docVars->impbol; $totriport = $this->docVars->totriport; $ritenuta = $this->docVars->tot_ritenute; $taxstamp = $this->docVars->taxstamp; if ($this->virtual_taxstamp == 0 || $this->virtual_taxstamp == 3) { // azzero i bolli in caso di non addebito al cliente $taxstamp = 0; } //effettuo il calcolo degli importi delle scadenze $totpag = $totimpfat + $impbol + $totriport + $totivafat - $ritenuta + $taxstamp - $totivasplitpay; $ratpag = CalcolaScadenze($totpag, $this->giorno, $this->mese, $this->anno, $this->pagame['tipdec'], $this->pagame['giodec'], $this->pagame['numrat'], $this->pagame['tiprat'], $this->pagame['mesesc'], $this->pagame['giosuc']); if ($ratpag) { //allungo l'array fino alla 4^ scadenza $ratpag['import'] = array_pad($ratpag['import'], 4, ''); $ratpag['giorno'] = array_pad($ratpag['giorno'], 4, ''); $ratpag['mese'] = array_pad($ratpag['mese'], 4, ''); $ratpag['anno'] = array_pad($ratpag['anno'], 4, ''); } else { for ($i = 0; $i <= 3; $i++) { $ratpag['import'][$i] = ""; $ratpag['giorno'][$i] = ""; $ratpag['mese'][$i] = ""; $ratpag['anno'][$i] = ""; } } //stampo i totali $this->SetY(188); $this->SetFont('helvetica', '', 9); $this->Cell(82, 5, 'Agente', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(26, 5, 'Peso netto', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(26, 5, 'Peso lordo', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(26, 5, 'N.colli', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(26, 5, 'Volume', 'LTR', 1, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(82, 5, $this->agente, 'LR'); if ($this->tesdoc['net_weight'] > 0) { $this->Cell(26, 5, gaz_format_number($this->tesdoc['net_weight']), 'LR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(26, 5, '', 'LR'); } if ($this->tesdoc['gross_weight'] > 0) { $this->Cell(26, 5, gaz_format_number($this->tesdoc['gross_weight']), 'LR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(26, 5, '', 'LR'); } if ($this->tesdoc['units'] > 0) { $this->Cell(26, 5, $this->tesdoc['units'], 'LR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(26, 5, '', 'LR'); } if ($this->tesdoc['volume'] > 0) { $this->Cell(26, 5, gaz_format_number($this->tesdoc['volume']), 'LR', 1, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(26, 5, '', 'LR', 1); } $this->Cell(36, 5, 'Tot. Corpo', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(16, 5, '% Sconto', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(24, 5, 'Spese Incasso', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(26, 5, 'Trasporto', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(36, 5, 'Tot.Imponibile', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(26, 5, 'Tot. I.V.A.', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(22, 5, 'Bolli(tratte)', 'LTR', 1, 'C', 1); if ($totimpmer > 0) { $this->Cell(36, 5, gaz_format_number($totimpmer), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(36, 5, '', 'LBR'); } if ($this->tesdoc['sconto'] > 0) { $this->Cell(16, 5, gaz_format_number($this->tesdoc['sconto']), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(16, 5, '', 'LBR'); } if ($speseincasso > 0) { $this->Cell(24, 5, gaz_format_number($speseincasso), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(24, 5, '', 'LBR'); } if ($this->trasporto > 0) { $this->Cell(26, 5, gaz_format_number($this->trasporto), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(26, 5, '', 'LBR'); } if ($totimpfat > 0) { $this->Cell(36, 5, gaz_format_number($totimpfat), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(36, 5, '', 'LBR'); } if ($totivafat > 0) { $this->Cell(26, 5, gaz_format_number($totivafat), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(26, 5, '', 'LBR'); } if ($impbol > 0) { $this->Cell(22, 5, gaz_format_number($impbol), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(22, 5, '', 'LBR'); } $this->SetY(214); $this->Cell(130); $totale = $totimpfat + $totivafat + $impbol + $taxstamp; if ($this->tesdoc['id_tes'] > 0) { if ($ritenuta > 0) { $this->SetFont('helvetica', 'B', 11); $this->Cell(56, 6, '€ ' . gaz_format_number($totale), 'LBR', 2, 'R'); $this->SetFont('helvetica', '', 11); $this->Cell(56, 4, 'Totale ritenute: € ' . gaz_format_number($ritenuta), 'LR', 2, 'R'); $this->Cell(56, 6, 'Totale a pagare: € ' . gaz_format_number($totale - $ritenuta - $totivasplitpay), 'LBR', 1, 'R'); } else { $this->SetFont('helvetica', 'B', 18); $this->Cell(56, 16, '€ ' . gaz_format_number($totale - $totivasplitpay), 'LBR', 1, 'C'); } } else { $this->Cell(56, 24, '', 'LBR', 1); } $this->SetY(220); $this->SetFont('helvetica', '', 9); if (!empty($this->banapp['descri']) and $this->pagame['tippag'] != 'D') { $this->Cell(62, 5, 'Banca d\'appoggio', 'LTR', 1, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(62, 5, $this->banapp['descri'], 'LR', 1); $this->Cell(62, 5, ' ABI ' . sprintf("%05d", $this->banapp['codabi']) . ' CAB ' . $this->banapp['codcab'], 'LRB', 0, 'C'); } elseif (!empty($this->banacc['iban'])) { $this->Cell(62, 5, 'Banca d\'accredito', 'LTR', 1, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(62, 5, $this->banacc['ragso1'], 'LR', 1); $this->Cell(62, 5, 'IBAN ' . $this->banacc['iban'], 'LRB'); } else { $this->Cell(62, 5, '', 'LTR', 1, '', 1); $this->Cell(62, 5, '', 'LR', 1); $this->Cell(62, 5, '', 'LRB', 0); } $this->Cell(124, 5, 'Date di Scadenza e Importo Rate', 'LTR', 1, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(62, 5, 'Spedizione', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); if ($this->pagame['tippag'] != 'D') { $this->Cell(31, 5, $ratpag['giorno']['0'] . '-' . $ratpag['mese']['0'] . '-' . $ratpag['anno']['0'], 'LR', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(31, 5, $ratpag['giorno']['1'] . '-' . $ratpag['mese']['1'] . '-' . $ratpag['anno']['1'], 'LR', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(31, 5, $ratpag['giorno']['2'] . '-' . $ratpag['mese']['2'] . '-' . $ratpag['anno']['2'], 'LR', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(31, 5, $ratpag['giorno']['3'] . '-' . $ratpag['mese']['3'] . '-' . $ratpag['anno']['3'], 'LR', 1, 'C'); $this->Cell(62, 5, $this->tesdoc['spediz'], 'LRB', 0, 'C'); if ($ratpag['import']['0'] != 0) { $this->Cell(31, 5, gaz_format_number($ratpag['import']['0']), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(31, 5, '', 'LBR'); } if ($ratpag['import']['1'] != 0) { $this->Cell(31, 5, gaz_format_number($ratpag['import']['1']), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(31, 5, '', 'LBR'); } if ($ratpag['import']['2'] != 0) { $this->Cell(31, 5, gaz_format_number($ratpag['import']['2']), 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(31, 5, '', 'LBR'); } if ($ratpag['import']['3'] != 0) { $this->Cell(31, 5, gaz_format_number($ratpag['import']['3']), 'LBR', 1, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(31, 5, '', 'LBR', 1); } } else { $this->Cell(124, 5, '', 'LR', 1); $this->Cell(62, 5, $this->tesdoc['spediz'], 'LRB', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(124, 5, '', 'LBR', 1); } if ($this->pagame['incaut'] == 'S' || $this->pagame['tippag'] == 'C') { $this->docVars->open_drawer(); } if (empty($this->docVars->vettor['ragione_sociale'])) { $signature = ' Firma del conducente :'; } else { $signature = ' Firma/vettore:'; } $this->Cell(35, 5, $signature, 'LT', 0, 'L', 1); $this->Cell(55, 5); $this->Cell(40, 5, 'Inizio trasporto', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(56, 5, 'Firma destinatario', 'LTR', 1, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(90, 5, '', 'L'); if ($this->tesdoc['id_tes'] > 0) { $this->Cell(40, 5, $this->day . '.' . $this->month . '.' . $this->year . ' ore ' . $this->ora . ':' . $this->min, 'LBR', 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(40, 5, 'data: ore: ', 'LBR', 0, 'L'); } $this->Cell(56, 5, '', 'LR', 1); $this->Cell(130, 5, $this->docVars->vettor['ragione_sociale'] . ' ' . $this->docVars->vettor['indirizzo'] . ' ' . $this->docVars->vettor['citta'] . ' ' . $this->docVars->vettor['provincia'], 'LBR', 0, 'L', 0, '', 1); $this->Cell(56, 5, '', 'LBR', 1); if (!empty($this->docVars->vettor['ragione_sociale'])) { $this->StartPageGroup(); $this->appendix = true; $this->addPage(); $this->SchedaTrasporto(); $this->appendix = false; } }
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$row_provvig = round($row_importo*$row['provvigione']/100,3); $tot_prov += $row_provvig; $aRiportare['top'][1]['nam'] = gaz_format_number($tot_prov); $aRiportare['bot'][1]['nam'] = gaz_format_number($tot_prov); if ($ctrlDoc != $row['id_tes']) { if ($row['tipdoc'] == 'FAD') { $desdoc = 'da '.$strScript['admin_docven.php'][0][$row['tipdoc']].' n.'.$row['numdoc'].' del '.$row['datemi'].' -> Fattura n.'.$row['numfat'].'/'.$row['seziva'].' del '.$row['datfat'].' a '.$row['ragso1'].' '.$row['ragso2']; } else { $desdoc = 'da '.$strScript['admin_docven.php'][0][$row['tipdoc']].' n.'.$row['numfat'].'/'.$row['seziva'].' del '.$row['datfat'].' a '.$row['ragso1'].' '.$row['ragso2']; } $pdf -> Cell(187,4,$desdoc,1,1); } $pdf -> Cell(25,4,$row['codart'],1); $pdf -> Cell(74,4,$row['descri'],1); $pdf -> Cell(5,4,$row['unimis'],1); $pdf -> Cell(14,4,gaz_format_number($row['quanti']),1,0,'R'); $pdf -> Cell(14,4,number_format($row['prelis'],$admin_aziend['decimal_price'],',','.'),1,0,'R'); $pdf -> Cell(8,4,$row['sconto'],1,0,'R'); $pdf -> Cell(20,4,gaz_format_number($row_importo),1,0,'R'); $pdf -> Cell(11,4,gaz_format_number($row['provvigione']),1,0,'R'); $pdf -> Cell(16,4,gaz_format_number($row_provvig),1,1,'R'); $ctrlAgente = $row['id_agente']; $ctrlDoc = $row['id_tes']; } $pdf->SetFont('helvetica','B',8); $pdf->Cell($aRiportare['top'][0]['lun'],4,'Totale provvigioni: ',1,0,'R'); $pdf->Cell($aRiportare['top'][1]['lun'],4,$aRiportare['top'][1]['nam'],1,0,'R'); $pdf->SetFont('helvetica','',8); $pdf->setRiporti(''); $pdf->Output(); ?>
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echo "<tr><td class=\"FacetDataTD\" rowspan=\"$r_span\">".gaz_format_date($mv['datreg'])." id:".$mv['id_mov']."</td>"; echo "<td align=\"center\" class=\"FacetDataTD\" rowspan=\"$r_span\">".$mv['caumag'].'-'.substr($mv['descri'],0,20)."</td>"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" rowspan=\"$r_span\">".substr($mv['desdoc'].' del '.gaz_format_date($mv['datdoc']).' - '.$mv['ragso1'].' '.$mv['ragso2'],0,85)."</td>"; echo "<td align=\"right\" class=\"FacetDataTD\" rowspan=\"$r_span\">".number_format($mv['prezzo'],$admin_aziend['decimal_price'],',','.')."</td>"; echo "<td align=\"right\" class=\"FacetDataTD\" rowspan=\"$r_span\">".$mv['unimis']."</td>\n"; } else { echo "<tr>"; } echo "<td align=\"right\" class=\"FacetDataTD\">".gaz_format_quantity($mval['q']*$mv['operat'],1,$admin_aziend['decimal_quantity'])."</td>"; if ($mv['operat']==1) { echo "<td align=\"right\" class=\"FacetDataTD\">".number_format($mval['v'],$admin_aziend['decimal_price'],',','')."</td><td></td>"; } else { echo "<td></td><td align=\"right\" class=\"FacetDataTD\">".number_format($mval['v'],$admin_aziend['decimal_price'],',','')."</td>"; } echo "<td align=\"right\" class=\"FacetDataTD\">".gaz_format_quantity($mval['q_g'],1,$admin_aziend['decimal_quantity'])."</td>"; echo "<td align=\"right\" class=\"FacetDataTD\">".gaz_format_number($mval['v_g'])."</td>"; echo "</tr>"; $ctrl_id = $mv['id_mov']; } $ctr_mv = $mv['artico']; } echo "\t<tr class=\"FacetFieldCaptionTD\">\n"; echo '<td colspan="10" align="right"><input type="submit" name="print" value="'.$script_transl['print'].'">'; echo "\t </td>\n"; echo "\t </tr>\n"; } echo "</table></form>"; } ?> </body> </html>
echo '<div align="center" class="FacetFormHeaderFont">Controllo sbilancio movimenti contabili</div>'; ?> <table class="Tlarge"> <form method="POST"> <?php $where = "codcon not like '%000000' group by ".$gTables['rigmoc'].".id_tes"; $result = gaz_dbi_dyn_query ($gTables['tesmov'].".id_tes, ".$gTables['rigmoc'].".codcon as accnum,descri,sum(import*(darave='D')) as dare,sum(import*(darave='A')) as avere", $gTables['rigmoc']." left join ".$gTables['tesmov']." on ".$gTables['rigmoc'].".id_tes = ".$gTables['tesmov'].".id_tes ", $where, 1); $message = '<tr><th class="FacetFieldCaptionTD">Numero ID</th><th class="FacetFieldCaptionTD">Descrizione </th><th class="FacetFieldCaptionTD">DARE </th><th class="FacetFieldCaptionTD">AVERE </th><th class="FacetFieldCaptionTD">SBILANCIO</th></tr> <tr><td class="FacetDataTDred" align="left" colspan="5">I seguenti movimenti contabili presentano degli errori e quindi sono da modificare cliccando sul numero di ID :</td></tr>'; while ($a_row = gaz_dbi_fetch_array($result)) { if ($a_row['dare'] != $a_row['avere']){ if ($message != "") { echo $message; $message = ""; } echo "<tr><td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"../contab/admin_movcon.php?Update&id_tes=".$a_row["id_tes"]."\" title=\"Modifica il movimento\" >".$a_row["id_tes"]."</a></td><td class=\"FacetDataTD\">".$a_row["descri"]."</td><td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"right\">".$a_row["dare"]."</td><td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"right\">".$a_row["avere"]."</td><td class=\"FacetDataTDred\" align=\"right\">".gaz_format_number($a_row["dare"]-$a_row["avere"])."</td></tr>\n"; } } $where = "codcon < 1"; $result = gaz_dbi_dyn_query ($gTables['tesmov'].".id_tes, ".$gTables['rigmoc'].".codcon as accnum, id_rig,descri ", $gTables['rigmoc']." left join ".$gTables['tesmov']." on ".$gTables['rigmoc'].".id_tes = ".$gTables['tesmov'].".id_tes ", $where, 1); while ($a_row = gaz_dbi_fetch_array($result)) { if ($a_row['accnum'] < 100000000 ){ if ($message != "") { echo $message; $message = ""; } echo "<tr><td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"../contab/admin_movcon.php?Update&id_tes=".$a_row["id_tes"]."\" title=\"Modifica il movimento\" >".$a_row["id_tes"]."</a></td><td class=\"FacetDataTD\">".$a_row["descri"]."</td><td class=\"FacetDataTDred\" colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\">Il rigo ".$a_row["id_rig"]." non ha il conto di riferimento</td></tr>\n"; } }
echo "<td $class align=\"center\">".$v['i_u']."</td>\n"; echo "<td $class align=\"center\" align=\"right\">".gaz_format_quantity($v['v_a'],0,$admin_aziend['decimal_price'])."</td>\n"; echo "<td $class align=\"right\"> <input id=\"vac$k\" name=\"vac$k\" ".$form['vac_on'.$k]." onClick=\"toggle('vac$k', 'a[$k][v_r]')\" type=\"checkbox\" /> <input type=\"text\" size=\"10\" style=\"text-align:right\" onchange=\"document.maschera.chk$k.checked=true\" id=\"a[$k][v_r]\" name=\"a[$k][v_r]\" value=\"".gaz_format_quantity($v['v_r'],0,$admin_aziend['decimal_price'])."\" disabled ></td>\n"; echo "<td $class align=\"center\" align=\"right\">".gaz_format_quantity($v['g_a'],0,$admin_aziend['decimal_quantity'])."</td>\n"; echo "<td $class align=\"right\"><input type=\"text\" style=\"text-align:right\" onchange=\"document.maschera.chk$k.checked=true\" name=\"a[$k][g_r]\" value=\"".$v['g_r']."\"></td>\n"; echo "<td $class align=\"center\" align=\"right\">".gaz_format_quantity($v['v_g'],0,$admin_aziend['decimal_price'])."</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; $ctrl_cm = $v['i_g']; $elem_n++; } echo "<tr> <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"FacetFieldCaptionTD\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"Return\" value=\"".$script_transl['return']."\"> </td> <td align=\"center\" colspan=\"6\" class=\"FacetFooterTD\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"preview\" value=\"".$script_transl['view']."!\"> </td> <td align=\"center\" class=\"FacetFormHeaderFont\">Tot. ".gaz_format_number($tot_val_giac)."</td> </tr>\n"; if (isset($_POST['preview']) && empty($msg)) { // e' possibile confermare, non i sono errori formali echo "</table><table class=\"Tlarge\">\n"; echo "<tr><td colspan=\"8\" class=\"FacetFormHeaderFont\">".$script_transl['preview_title']."</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td class=\"FacetFieldCaptionTD\"></td> <td class=\"FacetFieldCaptionTD\">".$script_transl['code']."</td> <td class=\"FacetFieldCaptionTD\">".$script_transl['descri']."</td> <td class=\"FacetFieldCaptionTD\">".$script_transl['mu']."</td> <td align=\"right\" class=\"FacetFieldCaptionTD\">".$script_transl['load']."</td> <td align=\"right\" class=\"FacetFieldCaptionTD\">".$script_transl['unload']."</td> <td align=\"right\" class=\"FacetFieldCaptionTD\">".$script_transl['v_r']."</td> <td class=\"FacetFieldCaptionTD\">".$script_transl['value']."</td> </tr>\n"; foreach ($form['a'] as $k=>$v) { // ciclo delle singole righe (a) if ($form['chk_on'.$k] == ' checked ') { // e' un rigo da movimentare
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' ', 0, 1, 'R'); } //effettuo il calcolo degli importi delle scadenze $totpag = $totimpfat + $impbol + $totriport + $totivafat - $ritenuta; $ratpag = CalcolaScadenze($totpag, $this->giorno, $this->mese, $this->anno, $this->pagame['tipdec'], $this->pagame['giodec'], $this->pagame['numrat'], $this->pagame['tiprat'], $this->pagame['mesesc'], $this->pagame['giosuc']); if ($ratpag) { //allungo l'array fino alla 4^ scadenza $ratpag['import'] = array_pad($ratpag['import'], 4, ''); $ratpag['giorno'] = array_pad($ratpag['giorno'], 4, ''); $ratpag['mese'] = array_pad($ratpag['mese'], 4, ''); $ratpag['anno'] = array_pad($ratpag['anno'], 4, ''); } else { for ($i = 0; $i <= 3; $i++) { $ratpag['import'][$i] = ""; $ratpag['giorno'][$i] = ""; $ratpag['mese'][$i] = ""; $ratpag['anno'][$i] = ""; } } //stampo i totali $this->SetY(200); $this->SetFillColor(hexdec(substr($this->colore, 0, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->colore, 2, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->colore, 4, 2))); $this->SetFont('helvetica', '', 9); $this->Cell(36, 6, 'Tot. Cuerpo', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(16, 6, '% Descuento', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(24, 6, 'Gasto en efectivo', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(26, 6, 'Trasporte', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(36, 6, 'Tot.Imponible', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(26, 6, 'Tot. 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' CAB ' . $this->banapp['codcab'], 'LRB', 1, 'C'); } elseif (!empty($this->banacc['iban'])) { $this->Cell(62, 6, 'Banca de abono', 'LTR', 1, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(62, 5, $this->banacc['ragso1'], 'LR', 1); $this->Cell(62, 6, 'IBAN ' . $this->banacc['iban'], 'LRB', 1, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(62, 6, '', 'LTR', 1, '', 1); $this->Cell(62, 6, '', 'LR', 1); $this->Cell(62, 6, '', 'LRB', 1); } $this->Cell(130, 6, 'Fecha de vencimiento y el importe a tanto alzado', 'LTR', 0, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(56, 6, 'Total de saldos', 'LTR', 1, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(32, 6, $ratpag['giorno']['0'] . '-' . $ratpag['mese']['0'] . '-' . $ratpag['anno']['0'], 'LR', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(33, 6, $ratpag['giorno']['1'] . '-' . $ratpag['mese']['1'] . '-' . $ratpag['anno']['1'], 'LR', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(32, 6, $ratpag['giorno']['2'] . '-' . $ratpag['mese']['2'] . '-' . $ratpag['anno']['2'], 'LR', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(33, 6, $ratpag['giorno']['3'] . '-' . $ratpag['mese']['3'] . 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