Exemple #1
 * Loads a theme opening page - as stored in the "theme" session key. This is loaded for every
 * page in the Form Tools UI.
 * Note: if the page isn't found in the current theme, it defaults to the
 * "default" theme. This is important (and handy!): it means that only the default theme
 * needs to contain every file. Other themes can just define whatever pages they want to override
 * and omit the others.
 * @param string $template the location of the template file, relative to the theme folder
 * @param array $page_vars a hash of information to provide to the template
 * @param string $g_theme an optional parameter, letting you override the default theme
 * @param string $g_theme an optional parameter, letting you override the default swatch
function ft_display_page($template, $page_vars, $theme = "", $swatch = "")
    global $g_root_dir, $g_root_url, $g_success, $g_message, $g_link, $g_smarty_debug, $g_debug, $LANG, $g_smarty, $g_smarty_use_sub_dirs, $g_js_debug, $g_benchmark_start, $g_enable_benchmarking, $g_upgrade_info, $g_hide_upgrade_link;
    if (empty($theme) && isset($_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["theme"])) {
        $theme = $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["theme"];
        $swatch = isset($_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["swatch"]) ? $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["swatch"] : "";
    } elseif (empty($theme)) {
        $settings = ft_get_settings(array("default_theme", "default_client_swatch"));
        $theme = $settings["default_theme"];
        $swatch = $settings["default_client_swatch"];
    if (!isset($_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["is_logged_in"])) {
        $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["is_logged_in"] = false;
    if (!isset($_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["account_type"])) {
        $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["account_type"] = "";
    // common variables. These are sent to EVERY templates
    $g_smarty->template_dir = "{$g_root_dir}/themes/{$theme}";
    $g_smarty->compile_dir = "{$g_root_dir}/themes/{$theme}/cache";
    // check the compile directory has the write permissions
    if (!is_writable($g_smarty->compile_dir)) {
        ft_display_serious_error("Either the theme cache folder doesn't have write-permissions, or your \$g_root_dir value is invalid. Please update the <b>{$g_smarty->compile_dir}</b> to have full read-write permissions (777 on unix).", "");
    $g_smarty->use_sub_dirs = $g_smarty_use_sub_dirs;
    $g_smarty->assign("LANG", $LANG);
    $g_smarty->assign("SESSION", $_SESSION["ft"]);
    $settings = isset($_SESSION["ft"]["settings"]) ? $_SESSION["ft"]["settings"] : array();
    $g_smarty->assign("settings", $settings);
    $g_smarty->assign("account", $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]);
    $g_smarty->assign("g_root_dir", $g_root_dir);
    $g_smarty->assign("g_root_url", $g_root_url);
    $g_smarty->assign("g_debug", $g_debug);
    $g_smarty->assign("g_js_debug", $g_js_debug ? "true" : "false");
    $g_smarty->assign("g_hide_upgrade_link", $g_hide_upgrade_link);
    $g_smarty->assign("same_page", ft_get_clean_php_self());
    $g_smarty->assign("query_string", $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]);
    $g_smarty->assign("dir", $LANG["special_text_direction"]);
    $g_smarty->assign("g_enable_benchmarking", $g_enable_benchmarking);
    $g_smarty->assign("swatch", $swatch);
    // if this page has been told to dislay a custom message, override g_success and g_message
    if ((!isset($g_upgrade_info["message"]) || empty($g_upgrade_info["message"])) && isset($_GET["message"])) {
        list($g_success, $g_message) = ft_display_custom_page_message($_GET["message"]);
    $g_smarty->assign("g_success", $g_success);
    $g_smarty->assign("g_message", $g_message);
    if (isset($page_vars["page_url"])) {
        $parent_page_url = ft_get_parent_page_url($page_vars["page_url"]);
        $g_smarty->assign("nav_parent_page_url", $parent_page_url);
    // check the "required" vars are at least set so they don't produce warnings when smarty debug is enabled
    if (!isset($page_vars["head_string"])) {
        $page_vars["head_string"] = "";
    if (!isset($page_vars["head_title"])) {
        $page_vars["head_title"] = "";
    if (!isset($page_vars["head_js"])) {
        $page_vars["head_js"] = "";
    if (!isset($page_vars["page"])) {
        $page_vars["page"] = "";
    // if we need to include custom JS messages in the page, add it to the generated JS. Note: even if the js_messages
    // key is defined but still empty, the ft_generate_js_messages function is called, returning the "base" JS - like
    // the JS version of g_root_url. Only if it is not defined will that info not be included.
    $js_messages = isset($page_vars["js_messages"]) ? ft_generate_js_messages($page_vars["js_messages"]) : "";
    if (!empty($page_vars["head_js"]) || !empty($js_messages)) {
        $page_vars["head_js"] = "<script>\n//<![CDATA[\n{$page_vars["head_js"]}\n{$js_messages}\n//]]>\n</script>";
    if (!isset($page_vars["head_css"])) {
        $page_vars["head_css"] = "";
    $g_smarty->assign("modules_dir", "{$g_root_url}/modules");
    // theme-specific vars
    $g_smarty->assign("images_url", "{$g_root_url}/themes/{$theme}/images");
    $g_smarty->assign("theme_url", "{$g_root_url}/themes/{$theme}");
    $g_smarty->assign("theme_dir", "{$g_root_dir}/themes/{$theme}");
    // now add the custom variables for this template, as defined in $page_vars
    foreach ($page_vars as $key => $value) {
        $g_smarty->assign($key, $value);
    // if smarty debug is on, enable Smarty debugging
    if ($g_smarty_debug) {
        $g_smarty->debugging = true;
    extract(ft_process_hook_calls("main", compact("g_smarty", "template", "page_vars"), array("g_smarty")), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
    // if the page or hook actually defined some CSS for inclusion in the page, wrap it in the appropriate style tag. This
    // was safely moved here in 2.2.0, because nothing used it (!)
    if (!empty($g_smarty->_tpl_vars["head_css"])) {
        $g_smarty->assign("head_css", "<style type=\"text/css\">\n{$g_smarty->_tpl_vars["head_css"]}\n</style>");
    $g_smarty->display(ft_get_smarty_template_with_fallback($theme, $template));
 * Also called on the login page. This does a quick test to confirm the database tables exist as they should.
 * If not, it throws a serious error and prevents the user from logging in.
function ft_verify_core_tables_exist()
    global $g_table_prefix, $g_ft_tables, $g_db_name;
    $g_db_name = ft_get_clean_db_entity($g_db_name);
    $result = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES FROM {$g_db_name}");
    $found_tables = array();
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $found_tables[] = $row[0];
    $all_tables_found = true;
    $missing_tables = array();
    foreach ($g_ft_tables as $table_name) {
        if (!in_array("{$g_table_prefix}{$table_name}", $found_tables)) {
            $all_tables_found = false;
            $missing_tables[] = "{$g_table_prefix}{$table_name}";
    if (!$all_tables_found) {
        $missing_tables_str = "<blockquote><pre>" . implode("\n", $missing_tables) . "</pre></blockquote>";
        ft_display_serious_error("Form Tools couldn't find all the database tables. Please check your /global/config.php file to confirm the <b>\$g_table_prefix</b> setting. The following tables are missing: {$missing_tables_str}");