Exemple #1
/** NOTE: This script is used to generate the "Packages" and "Packages.gz" files that Debian-based repositories uses. It can also be used to make OPKG-repositories. */
function ipkg_parse($file)
    require_once "knj/os.php";
    require_once "knj/functions_knj_filesystem.php";
    require_once "knj/strings.php";
    $fileinfo = fileinfo($file);
    if (strpos($fileinfo, "gzip compressed data") !== false) {
        $format = "tar.gz";
    } else {
        $format = "debian";
    $old_dir = getcwd();
    $tmpdir = "./generate_packages_list_" . microtime(true);
    while (true) {
        if (file_exists($tmpdir)) {
            $tmpdir .= "1";
        } else {
    if (!mkdir($tmpdir)) {
        throw new exception("Could not create temp-dir: " . $tmpdir);
    $finfo = pathinfo($file);
    $cmd = "cd " . knj_string_unix_safe($tmpdir) . ";";
    if ($format == "tar.gz") {
        $cmd .= "tar -zxmvf ../" . knj_string_unix_safe($fino["basename"]);
    } else {
        $cmd .= "ar -x ../" . knj_string_unix_safe($finfo["basename"]) . " control.tar.gz";
    $res = knj_os::shellCMD($cmd);
    if (strlen($res["error"]) > 0) {
        throw new exception(trim($res["error"]));
    $res = knj_os::shellCMD("cd " . knj_string_unix_safe($tmpdir) . "; tar -zxmvf control.tar.gz");
    if (strlen($res["error"]) > 0) {
        throw new exception(trim($res["error"]));
    $res = knj_os::shellCMD("cd " . knj_string_unix_safe($tmpdir) . "; cat control");
    if (strlen($res["error"]) > 0) {
        throw new exception(trim($res["error"]));
    $control = substr($res["result"], 0, -1);
    $return = array();
    foreach (explode("\n", $control) as $line) {
        if (preg_match("/^(\\S+):\\s+([\\s\\S]+)\$/", $line, $match)) {
            if (strlen(trim($match[2])) > 0) {
                $return["control"][$match[1]] = $match[2];
    knj_os::shellCMD("cd " . knj_string_unix_safe($old_dir));
    fs_cleanDir($tmpdir, true);
    if (file_exists($tmpdir)) {
        if (!rmdir($tmpdir)) {
            throw new Exception("Could not remove tmp-dir.");
    return $return;
Exemple #2
function killSVN($dir)
    $fp = opendir($dir);
    while (($file = readdir($fp)) !== false) {
        if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
            if ($file == ".svn" || $file == "CVS") {
                fs_cleanDir($dir . "/" . $file, true);
                echo "Removed \"" . $dir . "/" . $file . "\".\n";
            } elseif (is_dir($dir . "/" . $file)) {
                killSVN($dir . "/" . $file);
		static function rmdir($path){
			fs_cleanDir($path, true);