function shipping($sub) { $r1 = ""; $r2 = ""; if ($_SESSION["shipping"] == "standard") { $r1 = "checked"; } else { $r2 = "checked"; } $shipping; echo '<input id = "r1" type="radio" name="option" value="standard" ' . $r1 . ' > Standard Shipping<br>'; echo '<input id = "r2" type="radio" name="option" value="express" ' . $r2 . '> Express Shipping'; echo '<h3 class = "pull-right">Shipping Cost</h3><br>'; //if else that calculates the shipping cost based on it being standard or express. if (isset($_SESSION["shipping"]) && $_SESSION['shipping'] == "express") { if ($sub >= 300) { $shipping = 0; } else { $frameC = frameCount(); if ($frameC == 0) { $shipping = 15; } elseif ($frameC <= 10) { $shipping = 25; } elseif ($frameC > 10) { $shipping = 45; } else { } } } else { if ($sub >= 100) { $shipping = 0; } else { $frameC = frameCount(); if ($frameC == 0) { $shipping = 5; } elseif ($frameC <= 10) { $shipping = 15; } elseif ($frameC > 10) { $shipping = 30; } else { } } } //outptus shipping cost. echo "<br><br><br><div id = 'shipCost' class = 'pull-right'>\$" . number_format((double) $shipping, 2, '.', '') . "</div>"; return $shipping; }
} else { $frameC = frameCount(); if ($frameC == 0) { $shipping = 15; } elseif ($frameC <= 10) { $shipping = 25; } elseif ($frameC > 10) { $shipping = 45; } else { } } } else { if ($sub >= 100) { $shipping = 0; } else { $frameC = frameCount(); if ($frameC == 0) { $shipping = 5; } elseif ($frameC <= 10) { $shipping = 15; } elseif ($frameC > 10) { $shipping = 30; } else { } } } //adds the new shipping cost to the JSON return object. $shipping = number_format((double) $shipping, 2, '.', ''); $serArr["shipCost"] = $shipping; } if (isset($_POST["remove"]) && $_POST["remove"] == "yes") {