$db_data["pro_addr2"] = trim($pro_addr2); } else { //$errors[] = "Missing or Invalid data: "; } if ($pro_addr3) { $db_data["pro_addr3"] = format_street($pro_addr3); } else { $errors[] = "Missing or Invalid data: Street Name"; } if ($pro_area) { $db_data["pro_area"] = $pro_area; } else { $errors[] = "Missing or Invalid data: Area"; } if ($pro_addr5) { $db_data["pro_addr5"] = format_street($pro_addr5); } else { $errors[] = "Missing or Invalid data: City"; } if ($pro_country) { $db_data["pro_country"] = trim($pro_country); } else { //$errors[] = "Missing or Invalid data: Country"; } if (is_valid_uk_postcode($pro_postcode)) { $db_data["pro_postcode"] = format_postcode($pro_postcode); } else { $errors[] = "Missing or Invalid data: Postcode"; } if ($errors) { echo error_message($errors);
'; } elseif ($_POST["action"] == "Insert") { if (!$_POST["Branch"]) { $errors[] = "Branch is a required field"; } else { $Branch = trim($_POST["Branch"]); } if (!$_POST["Neg"]) { $errors[] = "Negotiator is a required field"; } else { $Neg = trim($_POST["Neg"]); } if (!$_POST["Address1"]) { $errors[] = "Street Name is a required field"; } else { $Address1 = trim(format_street($_POST["Address1"])); } if (!$_POST["house_number"]) { $errors[] = "House Number is a required field"; } else { $house_number = trim($_POST["house_number"]); } $Price = trim($_POST["Price"]); $PriceType = trim($_POST["PriceType"]); $Price2 = trim($_POST["Price2"]); $PriceType2 = trim($_POST["PriceType2"]); $lease_free = $_POST["lease_free"]; $state_of_trade_id = $_POST["state_of_trade_id"]; $type_id = $_POST["type_id"]; $area_id = $_POST["area_id"]; if (!$_POST["description"]) {
} else { $intPropID = $_GET["propID"]; $action = "Update"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM property WHERE property.prop_ID = {$intPropID} LIMIT 1"; $q = $db->query($sql); if (DB::isError($q)) { die("property select error: " . $q->getMessage()); } while ($row = $q->fetchRow()) { $intPrice = $row["Price"]; $strPrice = price_format($intPrice); $intPriceType = $row["PriceType"]; $intPrice2 = $row["Price2"]; $intPriceType2 = $row["PriceType2"]; $strNumber = $row["house_number"]; $strStreet = format_street($row["Address1"]); $strPostcode = $row["Postcode"]; $strPC1 = explode(" ", $strPostcode); $strPC1 = $strPC1[0]; $intOSX = $row["osx"]; $intOSY = $row["osy"]; $intTenure = $row["lease_free"]; $intStatus = $row["state_of_trade_id"]; $intType = $row["type_id"]; if ($intType == "1" || $intType == "2" || $intType == "5" || $intType == "7") { $strLinkType = "House"; } elseif ($intType == "3" || $intType == "4" || $intType == "6") { $strLinkType = "Apartment"; } elseif ($intType == "8") { $strLinkType = "Commercial"; } elseif ($intType == "9") {
pro_pcid=-1& pro_addr1=1& pro_addr2=2& pro_addr3=3& pro_addr5=4& pro_postcode=5& pro_country=217& form2=Save+Changes */ if ($_GET["pro_pcid"] == '-1') { $db_data["pro_pcid"] = '-1'; $db_data["pro_addr1"] = format_street($_GET["pro_addr1"]); $db_data["pro_addr2"] = format_street($_GET["pro_addr2"]); $db_data["pro_addr3"] = format_street($_GET["pro_addr3"]); $db_data["pro_addr5"] = format_street($_GET["pro_addr5"]); $db_data["pro_postcode"] = format_postcode($_GET["pro_postcode"]); $db_data["pro_country"] = $_GET["pro_country"]; $_GET["pro_pro_id"] = db_query($db_data, "INSERT", "property", "pro_id"); } // if a property id is given, get info from pro table, deal and client tables if ($_GET["pro_id"]) { $sql = "SELECT\n\tdea_id,pro_pcid,\n\tCONCAT('<a href=tools/edit_property.php?pro_id=',pro_id,'>',property.pro_addr1,' ',property.pro_addr2,' ',property.pro_addr3,' ',property.pro_addr4,' ',property.pro_postcode,'</a>') AS Property,\n\tCONCAT('<a href=deal_summary.php?dea_id=',deal.dea_id,'>',property.pro_addr1,' ',property.pro_addr2,' ',property.pro_addr3,' ',property.pro_postcode,' (',deal.dea_type,' / ',deal.dea_status,')</a>') AS Deal\n\tFROM\n\tproperty\n\tLEFT JOIN deal ON deal.dea_prop\t= property.pro_id\n\tWHERE\n\tpro_id = " . $_GET["pro_id"]; if ($_GET["dea_id"]) { $sql .= " AND deal.dea_id = " . $_GET["dea_id"]; } $q = $db->query($sql); if (DB::isError($q)) { die("db error: " . $q->getMessage()); } //$prop = "<pre>";