Exemple #1
function _one_row($aAddressLine)
    $bNotUsed = isset($aAddressLine['isaddress']) && $aAddressLine['isaddress'] == 'f';
    echo '<tr class="' . ($bNotUsed ? 'notused' : '') . '">';
    echo '  <td class="name">' . (trim($aAddressLine['localname']) ? $aAddressLine['localname'] : '<span class="noname">No Name</span>') . '</td>';
    echo '  <td>' . $aAddressLine['class'] . ':' . $aAddressLine['type'] . '</td>';
    echo '  <td>' . osm_link($aAddressLine) . '</td>';
    echo '  <td>' . (isset($aAddressLine['admin_level']) ? $aAddressLine['admin_level'] : '') . '</td>';
    // echo '<td>' . (isset($aAddressLine['rank_search_label']) ? $aAddressLine['rank_search_label'] : '') .'</td>';
    // echo ', <span class="area">'.($aAddressLine['fromarea']=='t'?'Polygon':'Point').'</span>';
    echo '  <td>' . format_distance($aAddressLine['distance']) . '</td>';
    echo '  <td>' . nominatim_link($aAddressLine, 'details &gt;') . '</td>';
    echo "</tr>\n";
Exemple #2
     //memasukkan row[1] ke track_type_name
     $readable_track_name = $row[0];
     $track_type_name = $row[1];
 } else {
     //tidak ada hasil
     die_nice("Can't find the track name and/or type with the given track id '{$means_detail}'");
 // Construct the human readable form of the walk
 if ($presentation == $proto_presentation_mobile) {
     $humanized_from .= ' %fromicon';
     $humanized_to .= ' %toicon';
 $humanreadable = $message_angkot;
 $humanreadable = str_replace('%from', $humanized_from, $humanreadable);
 $humanreadable = str_replace('%to', $humanized_to, $humanreadable);
 $humanreadable = str_replace('%distance', format_distance($distance, $locale), $humanreadable);
 $humanreadable = str_replace('%trackname', $readable_track_name, $humanreadable);
 $humanreadable = str_replace('%tracktype', $track_type_name, $humanreadable);
 //speed diambil dari row[4] yang dijadikan integer
 $speed = intval($row[4]);
 //menghitung waktu perjalanan
 $travel_time += $distance / $speed;
 //cek url track dan extraParameter kosong tidak
 if (!is_null($row[2]) && !is_null($row[3])) {
     //booking url = url track + extraParameter
     $booking_url = $row[2] . $row[3];
 } else {
     $booking_url = null;
 //cek internalinfo dimulai dengan string angkotwebid:
 if (startsWith($row[5], 'angkotwebid:')) {