Exemple #1
<?php echo $coupon['name']; ?>,米粒券编号:<?php echo formatStrInsertWord($coupon['id'],' ',3); ?>,有效期至<?php echo $coupon['end']; ?>
Exemple #2
     $couponList = DB::LimitQuery('coupon', array('condition' => array('order_id' => $order_id)));
     $html = render('ajax_dialog_order_sendcoupon');
     json($html, 'dialog');
 } else {
     if ($action == 'act_sendcoupon') {
         $order = Table::Fetch('order', $order_id);
         $team = Table::Fetch('team', $order['team_id']);
         $partner = Table::Fetch('partner', $team['partner_id']);
         $coupons = $_POST['coupon'];
         $mobile = $order['mobile'];
         $couponend = date('Y-n-j', $team['expire_time']);
         $sms_cnt = '';
         $sms_cnt .= $team['product'] . ',优券编号:';
         foreach ($coupons as $index => $coupon) {
             $coupon_arr = Table::Fetch('coupon', $coupon);
             $couponid = formatStrInsertWord($coupon, ' ', 3);
             if ($index + 1 == count($coupons)) {
                 $coupon_str = $couponid;
             } else {
                 $coupon_str = $couponid . ';';
             $sms_cnt .= $coupon_str;
             //	update the number of sms
             DB::Update('coupon', $coupon, array('sms' => $coupon_arr['sms'] + 1));
         $sms_cnt .= '。有效期至' . $couponend . '';
         // $sms_cnt .= '。商电:'.$partner['phone'].'';
         //	发送短信
         sms_send($mobile, $sms_cnt);
         Session::Set('notice', "本次优券重发短信成功!如有安装杀毒软件请检查是否被阻截,您也可以下载<a target=_blank href=http://m.milituan.net/m/iphone/index.html>青年优品APP</a>\n\n在线查看或打印抄写优券编号至商家消费");
				  <div><?php echo $team['product']; ?></div>

                  <div style="margin-top:8px; font-size:12px;"><a href="/order/pl_c_p.php?id=<?php echo $order['id']; ?>" target="_blank">打印、下载优券


				  <div class="couponlist">


						<?php if(is_array($couponList)){foreach($couponList AS $index=>$coupon) { ?>

						<li class="<?php if($coupon['consume'] == 'Y'){?>used<?php }?> <?php if(($index+1)==count($couponList)){?>noborder<?php }?>">

							第<?php echo $index+1; ?>张优券&nbsp;:&nbsp;<?php echo formatStrInsertWord($coupon['id'],' ',3); ?><?php if($option['onlycoupon'] == 'N'){?>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;密码&nbsp;:&nbsp;<?php echo $coupon['secret']; ?>

							&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<?php }?>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

						  <?php if($coupon['consume'] == 'Y'){?>

							<!-- <span class="ysy">已使用</span> -->

							<?php } else { ?>

							<!-- <span class="wsy">未使用</span> -->

							<?php }?>

							第<?php echo $index+1; ?>张优券</label>



							<?php if($coupon['consume'] == 'Y'){?>				   <!-- <span class="ysy">已使用</span>-->

							<?php } else { ?>

                            <!--<span class="wsy">未使用</span>-->

                            <?php if($coupon['sms'] >= 2){?>

                            <span class="wenhao">短信发送次数已超,不能重发<a title="&nbsp;&nbsp;请将【 <?php echo formatStrInsertWord($coupon['id'],' ',3); ?>】报给青年优品客服重发短信&nbsp;&nbsp;"></a></span>


<?php }?> 



                            <?php if($coupon['sms'] < 2){?>

							<?php $can_send = true; ?>

							<?php }?>