private function getGridData($gridId) { $grid = array('ID' => $gridId); $securityContext = $this->storage->getCurrentUserSecurityContext(); $parameters = array('with' => array('FILE', 'CREATE_USER'), 'filter' => array('IS_EXPIRED' => false, 'OBJECT.STORAGE_ID' => $this->storage->getId(), 'CREATED_BY' => $this->getUser()->getId())); $parameters = Driver::getInstance()->getRightsManager()->addRightsCheck($securityContext, $parameters, array('OBJECT_ID', 'OBJECT.CREATED_BY')); $items = ExternalLink::getModelList($parameters); Collection::sortByColumn($items, array('CREATE_TIME' => array(SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_ASC))); $urlManager = Driver::getInstance()->getUrlManager(); $rows = array(); foreach ($items as $externalLink) { /** @var ExternalLink $externalLink */ $exportData = $externalLink->toArray(); $nameSpecialChars = htmlspecialcharsbx($externalLink->getFile()->getName()); $createDateText = htmlspecialcharsbx((string) $externalLink->getCreateTime()); $columnName = "\n\t\t\t\t<table class=\"bx-disk-object-name\"><tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td style=\"width: 45px;\"><div data-object-id=\"{$externalLink->getId()}\" class=\"draggable bx-file-icon-container-small bx-disk-file-icon\"></div></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><a class=\"bx-disk-folder-title\" id=\"disk_obj_{$externalLink->getId()}\" href=\"\" data-bx-dateModify=\"{$createDateText}\">{$nameSpecialChars}</a></td>\n\t\t\t\t</tr></table>\n\t\t\t"; $createdByLink = \CComponentEngine::makePathFromTemplate($this->arParams['PATH_TO_USER'], array("user_id" => $externalLink->getCreatedBy())); $rows[] = array('data' => $exportData, 'columns' => array('CREATE_TIME' => formatDate('x', $externalLink->getCreateTime()->getTimestamp(), time() + CTimeZone::getOffset()), 'UPDATE_TIME' => formatDate('x', $externalLink->getCreateTime()->getTimestamp(), time() + CTimeZone::getOffset()), 'NAME' => $columnName, 'FORMATTED_SIZE' => CFile::formatSize($externalLink->getFile()->getSize()), 'CREATE_USER' => "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"bx-disk-user-link\"><a target='_blank' href=\"{$createdByLink}\" id=\"\">" . htmlspecialcharsbx($externalLink->getCreateUser()->getFormattedName()) . "</a></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t"), 'actions' => array(array("PSEUDO_NAME" => "download", "DEFAULT" => true, "ICONCLASS" => "download", "TEXT" => Loc::getMessage('DISK_EXTERNAL_LINK_LIST_ACT_DOWNLOAD'), "ONCLICK" => "jsUtils.Redirect(arguments, '" . $urlManager->getUrlForDownloadFile($externalLink->getFile()) . "')"), array("PSEUDO_NAME" => "disable_external_link", "ICONCLASS" => "disable_external_link", "TEXT" => Loc::getMessage('DISK_EXTERNAL_LINK_LIST_ACT_DISABLE_EXTERNAL_LINK'), "SHORT_TEXT" => Loc::getMessage('DISK_EXTERNAL_LINK_LIST_ACT_DISABLE_EXTERNAL_LINK_SHORT'), "ONCLICK" => "BX.Disk['ExternalLinkListClass_{$this->getComponentId()}'].disableExternalLink({$externalLink->getId()}, {$externalLink->getObjectId()})"))); } unset($externalLink); $grid['MODE'] = 'list'; $grid['HEADERS'] = array(array('id' => 'ID', 'name' => 'ID', 'default' => false, 'show_checkbox' => true), array('id' => 'NAME', 'name' => Loc::getMessage('DISK_EXTERNAL_LINK_LIST_COLUMN_NAME'), 'default' => true), array('id' => 'CREATE_TIME', 'name' => Loc::getMessage('DISK_EXTERNAL_LINK_LIST_COLUMN_CREATE_TIME'), 'default' => true), array('id' => 'CREATE_USER', 'name' => Loc::getMessage('DISK_EXTERNAL_LINK_LIST_COLUMN_CREATE_USER'), 'default' => false), array('id' => 'FORMATTED_SIZE', 'name' => Loc::getMessage('DISK_EXTERNAL_LINK_LIST_COLUMN_FORMATTED_SIZE'), 'default' => true)); $grid['ROWS'] = $rows; $grid['ROWS_COUNT'] = count($rows); $grid['FOOTER'] = array(); return $grid; }
/** * Name: getData * * @param type $url link za paginaciju * @param type $cookie_name naziv kolacica * @param type $is_archive da li je anketa arhivira ili nije; 1 - jeste, 0 - nije */ function getData($url, $cookie_name, $is_archive = 0) { $q = get_cookie($cookie_name); $perPage = $this->input->post('perPage'); $perP = $perPage ? $perPage : $q; $has_error = 0; $message = __('Uspesno dobavljeni podaci!!', $this->template['module']); // var_dump($message); exit; if (is_numeric($this->anketa->getTotalRows($is_archive))) { pagination($url, $this->anketa->getTotalRows($is_archive), $perP, '4', 'ankete'); } else { $has_error = 2; $message = "Doslo je do greske."; } $page = uri_segment('4'); if (!($data = $this->anketa->fetch_ankete($perP, $page, $is_archive))) { $has_error = 1; $message = __('Trenutno nema anketa!!! Unesite anketu klikom na', $this->template['module']); } if (!empty($data)) { $redni_broj = isset($page) ? $page : 0; foreach ($data as $anketa) { $anketa->datum_kreiranja = formatDate($anketa->datum_kreiranja); $anketa->redni_broj = ++$redni_broj; } } $links = create_links(); $uri = $page; $result = array('data' => $data, 'links' => $links, 'error' => $has_error, 'uri' => $uri, 'poruka' => $message); $this->response($result); }
function testa_user($s_usuario, $s_nivel, $s_nivel_desc, $permissao, $help = '') { if (!isset($_SESSION['s_logado']) || $_SESSION['s_logado'] == 0) { print "<script>'../../index.php','_parent','')</script>"; exit; } else { //print "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'/>"; if ($help != '') { $help = " <a><img align='absmiddle' src='" . ICONS_PATH . "help-16.png' width='16' height='16' border='0' onClick=\"return popupS('" . HELP_PATH . "" . $help . "')\"></a>"; } if ($s_nivel > $permissao) { $this->saida = "<script>'../../index.php','_parent','')</script>"; exit; } else { if (is_file("./.invmon_dir")) { $this->texto = TRANS('MENU_TTL_MOD_INV'); } else { if (is_file("./.admin_dir")) { $this->texto = TRANS('MENU_TTL_MOD_ADMIN'); } else { $this->texto = TRANS('MENU_TTL_MOD_OCCO'); } } $this->saida = "<TABLE class='header_centro' cellspacing='1' border='0' cellpadding='1' align='center' width='100%'>" . "<TR>" . "<TD nowrap width='75%'><b>" . $this->texto . "</b></td>" . "<td width='25%' nowrap><p class='parag' align='right'><b>" . TRANS(date("l")) . ", " . formatDate(date("Y/m/d H:i"), " %H:%M") . "</b>" . $help . "</p></TD>"; $this->saida .= "</TR>" . "</TABLE>"; } print $this->saida; } }
/** * Returns (safe) HTML which displays a field * @access public * @param array $task task data * @param array $parents parents for a category item * @param bool $plain this is **not** meant to be safe, but basically to display content where HTML tags are disturbing * @return string */ function view($task = array(), $parents = array(), $plain = false) { if (!isset($task['field' . $this->id]) || !$task['field' . $this->id]) { $html = sprintf('<span class="fade">%s</span>', eL('notspecified')); } else { $html = ''; switch ($this->prefs['field_type']) { case FIELD_LIST: if ($this->prefs['list_type'] == LIST_CATEGORY && isset($parents[$this->id])) { foreach ($parents[$this->id] as $cat) { $html .= Filters::noXSS($cat) . '→'; } } $html .= Filters::noXSS($task['field' . $this->id . '_name']); break; case FIELD_DATE: $html .= formatDate($task['field' . $this->id]); break; case FIELD_TEXT: $html .= Filters::noXSS($task['field' . $this->id]); break; case FIELD_USER: $html .= Filters::noXSS($task['field' . $this->id . '_name']); break; } } return $plain ? strip_tags(htmlspecialchars_decode($html, ENT_QUOTES)) : $html; }
function getExperienceEnd($date) { if ($date == 0) { return "Present"; } else { return formatDate($date); } }
function prepareComment($msg, $timestamp, $uid, $cid, $event_id) { $date = formatDate($timestamp); // $time = formatDate($timestamp); $name = getUserName($uid); $msg = formatMsg($msg); $delbtn = deleteBtnComment($cid, $uid, $event_id); return "<div class='eventComment'>\n <span style='font-size:50%;'>\n <span>{$date}</span>\n \n |\n \n <span style='font-size:75%;'>\n {$name}</span>\n </span>\n <span>\n {$delbtn}\n </span>\n <br />\n <span class='eventCommentText'>\n " . strip_tags($msg) . "\n </span>\n </div>\n "; }
function dayReferance($date, $format = "d-m-Y") { if (formatDate($date) == formatDate(getCurrentDateTime())) { return "Today"; } elseif (formatDate($date) == formatDate(getPreviousDate(getCurrentDateTime()))) { return "Yesterday"; } else { return formatDate($date, $format); } }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store() { // $data = Input::All(); $data['tanggal'] = formatDate($data['tanggal']); $riwayat = new Seminar($data); if ($riwayat->save()) { return Response::json(array('success' => true)); } }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store() { // $data = Input::All(); $data['tanggal_sertifikat'] = formatDate($data['tanggal_sertifikat']); $riwayat = new PelatihanPegawai($data); if ($riwayat->save()) { return Response::json(array('success' => true)); } }
public function getList($newsletterID = 0) { $db = MySQL::getInstance(); $db->query("SELECT c.CommentID, c.Content, c.LeftKey, u.Name, u.Email, c.Created,\n\t\t\t\tIF (c.Level > 20, 20, c.Level) AS Level\n\t\t\tFROM `newsletter_comment` AS c\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN `newsletter` AS n ON n.NewsletterID = c.NewsletterID\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN `user` AS u ON c.UserID = u.UserID\n\t\t\tWHERE c.NewsletterID=" . $db->escape((int) $newsletterID) . "\n\t\t\tORDER BY c.LeftKey"); $items = array(); while ($row = $db->fetchRow()) { $row['Date'] = formatDate($row['Created'], 'j F Y в H:i'); $items[] = $row; } return new Object($items); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store() { // $data = Input::All(); $data['tanggal_sttb'] = formatDate($data['tanggal_sttb']); $data['tanggal_lulus'] = formatDate($data['tanggal_lulus']); $pendidikan = new Pendidikan($data); if ($pendidikan->save()) { return Response::json(array('success' => true)); } }
function editperiod_GET(Web $w) { list($periodid) = $w->pathMatch("a"); $period = new BendWorkPeriod($w); if (!empty($periodid)) { $period = $w->Bend->getWorkPeriodForId($periodid); } $form["Work Period"] = array(array(array("Date From", "date", "d_start", !empty($period->d_start) ? formatDate($period->d_start) : ""), array("Date To", "date", "d_end", !empty($period->d_end) ? formatDate($period->d_end) : "")), array(array("Monthly Person Hours", "text", "monthly_person_hours", $period->monthly_person_hours), array("Is Closed?", "select", "is_closed", $period->is_closed, booleanNoYesForSelect()))); $w->setLayout(null); $w->out(Html::multiColForm($form, "/bend-workhours/editperiod/{$periodid}", "POST", "Save")); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store() { // $data = Input::All(); $data['tanggal_sk'] = formatDate($data['tanggal_sk']); $data['tanggal_mulai'] = formatDate($data['tanggal_mulai']); $data['tanggal_selesai'] = formatDate($data['tanggal_selesai']); $riwayat = new RiwayatJabatan($data); if ($riwayat->save()) { return Response::json(array('success' => true)); } }
function showperiod_GET(Web $w) { list($id) = $w->pathMatch("a"); $wp = $w->Bend->getWorkperiodForId($id); if (empty($wp)) { $w->error("Workperiod does not exist", "/bend-workhours/admin"); } History::add("Work Period: " . formatDate($wp->d_start)); $w->ctx("workperiod", $wp); $w->ctx("categories", $w->Bend->getTopLevelWorkCategories()); $w->ctx("households", $w->Bend->getAllHouseholds()); }
public function execute($dataContainer) { //No direct access defined('_WEXEC') or die("Access denied"); require_once PATH_ACCESS . '/GlobalSettingsManager.php'; require_once PATH_ACCESS . '/OrderManager.php'; require_once PATH_ACCESS . '/MealManager.php'; $smarty = $dataContainer->getSmarty(); $orderManager = new OrderManager('BabeskOrders'); $mealManager = new MealManager('BabeskMeals'); $meal = array(); $orders_existing = true; $meal_problems = false; $mealHistory = array(); try { $orders = $orderManager->getAllOrdersOfUser($_SESSION['uid'], strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))); } catch (MySQLVoidDataException $e) { $smarty->assign('error', 'Keine Bestellungen vorhanden.'); $orders_existing = false; } catch (Exception $e) { die('Error: ' . $e); } if ($orders_existing) { $today = date('Y-m-d'); $hour = date('H', time()); $this->_lastCancel = $this->lastOrdercancelDatemodGet(); foreach ($orders as $order) { try { $mealname = $mealManager->getEntryData($order['MID'], 'name'); } catch (MySQLVoidDataException $e) { $meal_problems = true; $smarty->assign('error', '<p class="error">Zu bestimmten Bestellung(-en) fehlen Daten einer Mahlzeit! Bitte benachrichtigen sie den Administrator!</p>'); continue; } if (!$order['fetched'] and $order['date'] >= $today) { //fetch last_order_time from database and compare with actual time $hour = date('H:i', time()); $cancelAllowed = $this->isAllowedToCancel($order['date']); $meal[] = array('date' => formatDate($order["date"]), 'name' => $mealname["name"], 'orderID' => $order['ID'], 'cancel' => $cancelAllowed); } else { $mealHistory[] = array('date' => formatDate($order["date"]), 'name' => $mealname["name"], 'orderID' => $order['ID'], 'cancel' => false, 'fetched' => $order['fetched']); } } } if (!count($meal) && !count($mealHistory) && !$meal_problems) { //no new meals there $smarty->assign('error', 'Keine Bestellungen vorhanden.'); } $smarty->assign('meal', $meal); $smarty->assign('mealHistory', $mealHistory); $smarty->display($this->smartyPath . 'menu.tpl'); }
public function getTagHeadline($whereCond = '', $offset = 0, $limit = 5) { if ($whereCond) { $this->where($whereCond); } $this->limit($offset, $limit); $this->orderby(array('tag_order' => 'ASC')); $row = $this->get($this->table); foreach ($row as $no => $r) { $row[$no]['date_modified_formated'] = formatDate($r['date_modified'], 2); } return $row; }
function getLast12Months($format = "%b %Y") { $currentDate = today(); $currentMonth = formatDate($currentDate, "%m"); $currentYear = formatDate($currentDate, "%Y"); $startingYear = $currentYear - 1; $last_12_months = array(); for ($i = (int) $currentMonth + 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { $last_12_months[] = formatDate($startingYear . "-" . $i . "-01", $format); } for ($i = 1; $i <= $currentMonth; $i++) { $last_12_months[] = formatDate($currentYear . "-" . $i . "-01", $format); } return $last_12_months; }
function editworkentry_GET(Web $w) { list($workentry_id) = $w->pathMatch("id"); if (empty($workentry_id)) { $w->error("Missing an ID"); } $workentry = $w->Bend->getWorkEntryForId($workentry_id); if (empty($workentry)) { $w->error("No work entry found for this id: " . $workentry_id); } $category = $workentry->getWorkCategory(); list($category_1, $category_2, $category_3) = $category->getPath(); $form["Work Hours"] = array(array($w->Auth->hasRole("bend_admin") ? array("Who did the work?", "select", "user_id", $workentry->user_id, $w->Bend->getOccupantUsers()) : array("Who did the work?", "static", "", $w->Auth->getUser($workentry->user_id)->getFullName()), array("Who to credit to", "select", "attributed_user_id", $workentry->attributed_user_id, $w->Bend->getOccupantUsers()), array("Date", "date", "d_date", formatDate($workentry->d_date)), array("Hours", "text", "hours", $workentry->hours)), array(array("Focus Group", "select", "category_1", defaultVal($category_1->id), $w->Bend->getTopLevelWorkCategories()), array("Team or Activity", "select", "category_2", defaultVal($category_2->id), !empty($category_1) ? $category_1->getChildren() : null), array("Activity", "select", "category_3", defaultVal($category_3->id), !empty($category_2) ? $category_2->getChildren() : null)), array(array("Description", "text", "description", $workentry->description))); $w->ctx("form", Html::multiColForm($form, "/bend-workhours/editworkentry/{$workentry_id}", "POST", "Save")); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store() { // $data = Input::All(); $data['tanggal_sk'] = formatDate($data['tanggal_sk']); $data['tanggal_mulai'] = formatDate($data['tanggal_mulai']); $data['tanggal_selesai'] = formatDate($data['tanggal_selesai']); $diff = getDateDiff($data['tanggal_mulai'], $data['tanggal_selesai']); if ($diff->y > 0) { $data['masa_berlaku'] = $diff->y . ' Tahun ' . $diff->m . ' Bulan'; } $riwayat = new HukumanPegawai($data); if ($riwayat->save()) { return Response::json(array('success' => true)); } }
public function getByID($newsletterID) { $db = MySQL::getInstance(); $db->query("SELECT n.*, IF (c.Count, c.Count, 0) AS CommentCount\n\t\t\tFROM newsletter AS n\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN newsletter_comment_count AS c ON c.NewsletterID = n.NewsletterID\n\t\t\tWHERE n.NewsletterID = " . $db->escape((int) $newsletterID)); $item = array(); if ($db->numRows() > 0) { $item = $db->fetchRow(); $item['DateFormat'] = formatDate($item['Date'], 'Y-m-d'); $oCommentList = new Newsletter_Comment(); $item['CommentList'] = $oCommentList->getList((int) $newsletterID); $oImageList = new Newsletter_Image(); $item['ImageList'] = $oImageList->getList((int) $newsletterID); } else { return false; } return new Object($item); }
public function afterFind($results, $primary = false) { foreach ($results as $key => $val) { if (isset($val[$this->alias]['date_joined']) && $val[$this->alias]['date_joined'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $results[$key][$this->alias]['date_joined'] = formatDate($val[$this->alias]['date_joined']); } if (isset($val[$this->alias]['last_login']) && $val[$this->alias]['last_login'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $results[$key][$this->alias]['last_login'] = formatDate($val[$this->alias]['last_login']); } else { $results[$key][$this->alias]['last_login'] = __('Never'); } // if (isset($val[$this->alias]['active'])){ // $states = $this->stateOptions(); // $results[$key][$this->alias]['active'] = $states[$results[$key][$this->alias]['active']]; // } } return $results; }
public function edit($id) { $this->Deliverable->id = $id; if (!$this->Deliverable->exists()) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid Deliverable')); } // Deliverable fields: id name type 0: free 1: not free date project_id no_of_changes if ($this->request->is(array('post', 'put'))) { $this->request->data['Deliverable']['id'] = $id; if ($this->Deliverable->saveAll($this->request->data)) { $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Deliverable has been saved')); $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index')); } } else { $this->request->data = $this->Deliverable->read(null, $id); $this->request->data['Deliverable']['date'] = formatDate($this->request->data['Deliverable']['date']); } }
public function getSurveyDetails($bID, $cID) { // Load the data from the database $db = Loader::db(); $v = array(intval($bID), intval($cID)); $q = 'SELECT btSurveyOptions.optionName, Users.uName, ipAddress, timestamp, question FROM btSurveyResults, Users, btSurveyOptions, btSurvey WHERE Users.uID = btSurveyResults.uID AND btSurveyOptions.optionID = btSurveyResults.optionID AND btSurvey.bID= btSurveyResults.bID AND btSurveyResults.bID = ? AND btSurveyResults.cID = ?'; $r = $db->query($q, $v); // Set default information in case query returns nothing $current_survey = 'Unknown Survey'; $details = array(); if ($row = $r->fetchRow()) { // Build array of information we need $i = 0; foreach ($r as $row) { $details[$i]['option'] = $row['optionName']; $details[$i]['ipAddress'] = $row['ipAddress']; $details[$i]['date'] = formatDate($row['timestamp']); $details[$i]['user'] = $row['uName']; $current_survey = $row['question']; $i++; } } else { // If there is no user-submitted information pertaining to this survey, just get the name $q = 'SELECT question FROM btSurvey WHERE bID = ?'; $v = array($bID); $r = $db->query($q, $v); if ($row = $r->fetchRow()) { $current_survey = $row['question']; } } // Store local data in larger scope $this->set('survey_details', $details); $this->set('current_survey', $current_survey); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store() { // $destinationPath = public_path() . '/upload'; $data = Input::except('file'); $data['tanggal_lahir'] = formatDate($data['tanggal_lahir']); $data['tanggal_pengangkatan_cpns'] = formatDate($data['tanggal_pengangkatan_cpns']); $data["tanggal_sk_pangkat"] = formatDate($data['tanggal_sk_pangkat']); $data["tanggal_mulai_pangkat"] = formatDate($data['tanggal_mulai_pangkat']); $data["tanggal_selesai_pangkat"] = formatDate($data['tanggal_selesai_pangkat']); $pegawai = new Pegawai($data); if (Input::hasFile('file')) { Input::file('file')->move($destinationPath); $pegawai->foto = Input::file('file')->getClientOriginalName(); } if ($pegawai->save()) { return Response::json(array('success' => TRUE)); } }
function displayTranslation($id, $src) { global $doc, $table; $src = e($src); $res = "\r\n <div id='view'>\r\n <div class='text'>{$src}</div>\r\n <ol id='revisions'>"; $qq = "\r\n select t1.translation as translation, t1.revision as revision, t1.revert_to as revert_to, t1.comment as comment, t1.user_id as user_id, if(t1.user_id = 0,, as name, unix_timestamp( as _date\r\n from {$table['translation']} t1 left join {$table['ip_data']} ip on t1.user_ip = ip.ip left join {$table['user']} u1 on t1.user_id =\r\n where t1.source_id = ? order by desc;\r\n "; $q = query($qq, $id); $i = 0; while ($row = $q->fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC)) { ++$i; $name = constructName($row['user_id'], $row['name']); $comment = $row['comment'] ? "<div class='comment'>" . f($row[comment]) . '</div>' : ""; if ($row['revert_to'] == -1) { $revtype = 'Deleted'; $text = ''; } else { $text = "<div class='text'>" . f($row['translation']) . "</div>"; if ($row['revert_to'] != 0) { $revtype = "Reverted to revision <a href='#{$row['revert_to']}'>{$row['revert_to']}</a>"; } else { $revtype = "Submitted"; } } $date = formatDate($row['_date']); if ($i > 1 && $row['revert_to'] != -1) { $revert = "\r\n <div style='display: inline'>\r\n <button class='revert'>Revert to this</button>\r\n <form class='revertform' method='post' action='submit.php'>\r\n <div class='fields'>\r\n <label>Why do you want to revert the translation?<br>\r\n <textarea name='comment'></textarea>\r\n </label><br>\r\n </div>\r\n <input type='submit' value='Revert translation' />\r\n <input type='hidden' name='src_id' value='{$id}' />\r\n <input type='hidden' name='revert_to' value='{$row['revision']}' />\r\n <input type='hidden' name='from' value='site' />\r\n </form> \r\n </div> \r\n "; } else { $revert = ""; } $res .= "\r\n <a name='{$row['revision']}'></a>\r\n <li value='{$row['revision']}'>\r\n {$revtype} by {$name} on {$date}. {$revert}\r\n {$text}\r\n {$comment}\r\n </li>\r\n "; if ($i == 1) { $res .= "</ol>" . constructSubmitForm($id) . "<ol id='revisions'>"; } } $res .= "</ol>"; if ($i == 0) { $res .= constructSubmitForm($id); } $res .= "</div>"; $res .= "\r\n <script>\r\n function toggleRevertForm(ev)\r\n {\r\n \$(this).parent().find('form.revertform').toggle();\r\n }\r\n \r\n \$(function()\r\n {\r\n \$('button.revert').click(toggleRevertForm);\r\n });\r\n </script>\r\n "; $doc->content = $res; }
function get_imageList($where = '', $limit = array()) { if ($where) { $this->where($where); } if ($limit) { $this->limit($limit[0], $limit[1]); } $sql = $this->table($this->table)->orderby("photo_id", "DESC")->where("photo_path!=''")->create_query(); $row = $this->query($sql)->fetchrow(); foreach ($row as $no => $r) { $row[$no]['photo_date_formated'] = formatDate($r['photo_date'], 2, false); $row[$no]['photo_entry_formated'] = formatDate($r['photo_entry'], 2, false); // $row[$no]['photo_thumb_url'] = $this->config['klimg_url'] . $r['photo_path'] . '200xauto-' . $r['photo_url']; // $row[$no]['crop_url'] = $this->config['base_url'] . $this->ctrler . '/cropPopup/&id=' . $r['photo_id'] . '&t=' . date('s'); $row[$no]['photo_thumb_url'] = Config::App()->get('klimg_url') . $r['photo_path'] . '200xauto-' . $r['photo_url']; $row[$no]['crop_url'] = Config::App()->get('base_url') . $this->ctrler . '/cropPopup/&id=' . $r['photo_id'] . '&t=' . date('s'); } return $row; }
function editoccupant_GET(Web $w) { list($householdid, $occupantid) = $w->pathMatch("a", "b"); if (empty($householdid)) { $w->error("Need a household ID"); } $household = $w->Bend->getHouseholdForId($householdid); if (empty($household)) { $w->error("Household not found"); } $oc = new BendHouseholdOccupant($w); $contact = new Contact($w); if (!empty($occupantid)) { $oc = $w->Bend->getHouseholdOccupantForId($occupantid); $contact = $oc->getContact(); } $form["Household"] = array(array(array("Street Number", "static", "", $household->streetnumber), array("Is CHL?", "static", "", $household->is_chl ? "yes" : "no"), array("Is Occupied?", "static", "", $household->is_occupied ? "yes" : "no"))); $form["Occupant"] = array(array(array("Occupant From", "date", "d_start", !empty($oc->d_start) ? formatDate($oc->d_start) : ""), array("Occupant To", "date", "d_end", !empty($oc->d_end) ? formatDate($oc->d_end) : "")), array(array("Pays Electricity?", "select", "pays_electricity", $oc->pays_electricity, lookupForSelect($w, "YesNo")), array("Does Workhours?", "select", "does_workhours", $oc->does_workhours, lookupForSelect($w, "YesNo")))); $form["Occupant Contact"] = array(array(empty($oc->user_id) ? array("Select Existing User", "select", "user_id", null, $w->Auth->getUsers()) : array("User", "static", "", $oc->getFullName())), array(array("First Name", "text", "firstname", $contact->firstname), array("Last Name", "text", "lastname", $contact->lastname), array("Email", "text", "email", $contact->email)), array(array("Home Phone", "text", "homephone", $contact->homephone), array("Work Phone", "text", "workphone", $contact->workphone), array("Mobile Phone", "text", "mobile", $contact->mobile))); $w->ctx("form", Html::multiColForm($form, "/bend-household/editoccupant/{$householdid}/{$occupantid}", "POST", "Save")); }
function editlotowner_GET(Web $w) { list($lotId, $lotOwnerId) = $w->pathMatch("lotId", "lotOwnerId"); if (empty($lotId)) { $w->out("no lot id provided"); return; } $lot = $w->Bend->getLotForId($lotId); $lotOwner = new BendLotOwner($w); $user = new User($w); $contact = new Contact($w); if (!empty($lotOwnerId)) { $lotOwner = $w->Bend->getBendLotOwnerForId($lotOwnerId); $user = $lotOwner->getUser(); $contact = $lotOwner->getContact(); } $form["Lot"] = array(array(array("Lot Number", "static", "", $lot->lot_number), array("Occupancy", "static", "", $lot->occupancy)), array(array("Owner From", "date", "d_start", !empty($lotOwner->d_start) ? formatDate($lotOwner->d_start) : ""), array("Owner To", "date", "d_end", !empty($lotOwner->d_end) ? formatDate($lotOwner->d_end) : ""))); $form["Owner Contact"] = array(array(empty($lotOwner->user_id) ? array("Select Existing User", "select", "user_id", null, $w->Auth->getUsers()) : array("User", "static", "", $lotOwner->getContact()->getFullName())), array(array("First Name", "text", "firstname", $contact->firstname), array("Last Name", "text", "lastname", $contact->lastname), array("Email", "text", "email", $contact->email)), array(array("Home Phone", "text", "homephone", $contact->homephone), array("Work Phone", "text", "workphone", $contact->workphone), array("Mobile Phone", "text", "mobile", $contact->mobile))); $form["Owner Address"] = array(array(array("Address1", "text", "address1", $lotOwner->address1), array("Address2", "text", "address2", $lotOwner->address2)), array(array("Town", "text", "town", $lotOwner->town), array("Postcode", "text", "postcode", $lotOwner->postcode), array("State", "select", "state", $lotOwner->state, getStateSelectArray()))); $w->ctx("form", Html::multiColForm($form, "/bend-lot/editlotowner/{$lotId}/{$lotOwnerId}", "POST", "Save")); }
function editor() { $date_now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $date_last = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-60 days")); $where = "news_date_publish <= '{$date_now}' AND news_date_publish >= '{$date_last}' AND news_level != 0"; $row = $this->news_model->get_data_news($where, 'all', '0', '10', 'news'); $row = $this->gen_full_url_image($row); $tmp = array(); foreach ($row as $rs) { $tgl = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($rs['news_date_publish'])); $editor = json_decode($rs['news_editor'], true); $categori = $editor[0]['user_fullname']; if ($categori != '') { $tmp[$tgl][$categori][] = $rs; } } $reporter = $this->user_model->get_user_bycondition("user_level_id='5'"); //echoPre($reporter); foreach ($reporter as $rep) { if ($rep != "product") { $opt_rep[$rep['user_id']] = ($rep['user_id'] == $this->search['rep'] ? '#' : '') . $rep['user_realname']; } } $data = $datas = array(); $table = '<table><tr><th>Tanggal</th><th>Categori</th><th>Total</th></tr>'; foreach ($tmp as $tgl => $cat) { $tgl = formatDate($tgl . " 00:00:00", 3, false); foreach ($opt_rep as $rep) { $table .= '<tr> <td>' . $tgl . '</td> <td>' . $rep . '</td> <td>' . (isset($cat[$rep]) ? count($cat[$rep]) : 0) . '</td> </tr>'; } } $table .= '</table>'; header("Content-type: application/vnd-ms-excel"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=news-export-editor.xls"); echo $table; }
function table() { $this->DB->query("SELECT COUNT(*) as TOTAL FROM " . $this->table_name); $result = $this->DB->get_first('array'); $iTotalRecords = $result ? $result['TOTAL'] : 0; $where = ''; $order = ($_REQUEST['iSortCol_0'] ? $_REQUEST['sSortDir_0'] : 'varName') . ' ' . ($_REQUEST['sSortDir_0'] ? $_REQUEST['sSortDir_0'] : 'ASC'); $limit = ''; if ($_REQUEST['sSearch']) { $where = 'varName LIKE "%' . $_REQUEST['sSearch'] . '%"'; } if ($_REQUEST['iDisplayStart']) { $limit = $_REQUEST['iDisplayStart'] . ',' . $_REQUEST['iDisplayLength']; } else { $limit = '0,' . $_REQUEST['iDisplayLength']; } $this->DB->query("SELECT COUNT(*) as TOTAL FROM " . $this->table_name . " " . ($where ? 'WHERE ' . $where : '')); $result = $this->DB->get_first('array'); $iTotalDisplayRecords = $result ? $result['TOTAL'] : 0; $orderP = 'id'; $orderD = 'DESC'; $sortArray = array('id', 'varName', 'varColor', 'dateUpdate'); if ($_REQUEST['iSortCol_0'] && array_key_exists($_REQUEST['iSortCol_0'], $sortArray)) { $orderP = $sortArray[$_REQUEST['iSortCol_0']]; } if ($_REQUEST['sSortDir_0']) { $orderD = $_REQUEST['sSortDir_0']; } $this->DB->select($this->table_name, $orderP . ' ' . $orderD, $where, '*', $limit); $regs = $this->DB->get('array'); $aaData = array(); if ($regs) { foreach ($regs as $r) { $aaData[] = array($r['id'], '<a itemid="' . $r['id'] . '" itemref="Color" href="' . MALETEKPL__BACKEND_CONTROLLER . '?controller=color&action=edit" class="editReg">' . $r['varName'] . '</a>', '<a href="' . MALETEKPL__PLUGIN_URL . 'resources/color/' . $r['varImage'] . '" class="fancybox">Ver</a>', formatDate($r['dateUpdate']), '<input itemid="' . $r['id'] . '" itemref="Color" type="button" class="button deleteReg" value="Eliminar" />'); } } $output = array("sEcho" => intval($_REQUEST['sEcho']), "iTotalRecords" => $iTotalRecords, "iTotalDisplayRecords" => $iTotalDisplayRecords, "aaData" => $aaData); exit(json_encode($output)); }