Exemple #1
 function build()
     if (!isset($this->size)) {
         $this->size = 45;
     $output = "";
     switch ($this->status) {
         case "disabled":
         case "show":
             if (!isset($this->value)) {
                 $output = RAPYD_FIELD_SYMBOL_NULL;
             } elseif ($this->value == "") {
                 $output = "";
             } else {
                 $output = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($this->value));
         case "create":
         case "modify":
             $value = $this->type == "password" ? "" : $this->value;
             $attributes = array('name' => $this->name, 'id' => $this->id, 'type' => $this->type, 'value' => $value, 'maxlength' => $this->maxlength, 'size' => $this->size, 'onclick' => $this->onclick, 'onchange' => $this->onchange, 'class' => $this->css_class, 'style' => $this->style);
             if ($this->readonly) {
                 $attributes['readonly'] = 'readonly';
             $output = form_input($attributes) . $this->extra_output;
         case "hidden":
             $attributes = array('name' => $this->name, 'id' => $this->id, 'type' => "hidden", 'value' => $this->value);
             $output = form_input($attributes) . $this->extra_output;
     $this->output = "\n" . $output . "\n";
Exemple #2
function random_pages_widget_form($num = 1)
    $widget = 'random_pages_widget_' . $num;
    // имя для формы и опций = виджет + номер
    // получаем опции
    $options = mso_get_option($widget, 'plugins', array());
    if (!isset($options['header'])) {
        $options['header'] = '';
    if (!isset($options['count'])) {
        $options['count'] = 3;
    if (!isset($options['page_type'])) {
        $options['page_type'] = 'blog';
    if (!isset($options['page_content'])) {
        $options['page_content'] = false;
    // вывод самой формы
    $CI =& get_instance();
    $form = mso_widget_create_form(t('Заголовок'), form_input(array('name' => $widget . 'header', 'value' => $options['header'])), '');
    $form .= mso_widget_create_form(t('Количество'), form_input(array('name' => $widget . 'count', 'value' => $options['count'])), '');
    $form .= mso_widget_create_form(t('Тип страниц'), form_input(array('name' => $widget . 'page_type', 'value' => $options['page_type'])), '');
    $form .= mso_widget_create_form(' ', form_checkbox(array('name' => $widget . 'page_content', 'checked' => $options['page_content'], 'value' => 'page_content')) . ' ' . t('Показывать содержимое'), '');
    return $form;
Exemple #3
  * Display settings sub-form for this variable type
  * @param      mixed     $var_id        The id of the variable: 'new' or numeric
  * @param      array     $var_settings  The settings of the variable
  * @return     array
 function display_settings($var_id, $var_settings)
     // -------------------------------------
     //  Init return value
     // -------------------------------------
     $r = array();
     // -------------------------------------
     //  Check current value from settings
     // -------------------------------------
     $rows = $this->get_setting('rows', $var_settings);
     // -------------------------------------
     //  Build settings for rows
     // -------------------------------------
     $r[] = array($this->setting_label(lang('variable_rows')), form_input(array('name' => $this->input_name('rows'), 'value' => $rows, 'maxlength' => '4', 'class' => 'x-small')));
     // -------------------------------------
     //  Build settings text_direction
     // -------------------------------------
     $dir_options = '';
     foreach (array('ltr', 'rtl') as $dir) {
         $dir_options .= '<label class="low-radio">' . form_radio($this->input_name('text_direction'), $dir, $this->get_setting('text_direction', $var_settings) == $dir) . ' ' . lang("text_direction_{$dir}") . '</label>';
     $r[] = array($this->setting_label(lang('text_direction')), $dir_options);
     // -------------------------------------
     //  Return output
     // -------------------------------------
     return $r;
Exemple #4
function last_comments_widget_form($num = 1)
    $widget = 'last_comments_widget_' . $num;
    // имя для формы и опций = виджет + номер
    // получаем опции
    $options = mso_get_option($widget, 'plugins', array());
    if (!isset($options['header'])) {
        $options['header'] = '';
    if (!isset($options['count'])) {
        $options['count'] = 5;
    if (!isset($options['words'])) {
        $options['words'] = 20;
    if (!isset($options['maxchars'])) {
        $options['maxchars'] = 20;
    // вывод самой формы
    $CI =& get_instance();
    $form = mso_widget_create_form(t('Заголовок'), form_input(array('name' => $widget . 'header', 'value' => $options['header'])), '');
    $form .= mso_widget_create_form(t('Количество'), form_input(array('name' => $widget . 'count', 'value' => $options['count'])), '');
    $form .= mso_widget_create_form(t('Количество слов'), form_input(array('name' => $widget . 'words', 'value' => $options['words'])), '');
    $form .= mso_widget_create_form(t('Количество символов в одном слове'), form_input(array('name' => $widget . 'maxchars', 'value' => $options['maxchars'])), '');
    return $form;
Exemple #5
 public function get_newsletter_form()
     /* BENCHMARK */
     $newsletter_html = '';
     // only make a newsletter form if users who are not site admins are signed in
     /*if ('super_admin'==$this->user['user_type'] or
           'admin_user'==$this->user['user_type'] or
     $attr = array('name' => 'newsletter_form', 'id' => 'newsletter_form', 'class' => 'form');
     $hidden = array('url' => uri_string());
     // reload url
     $newsletter_html .= form_open('newsletter/signup', $attr, $hidden);
     // email field
     $attr = array('name' => 'newsletter_email', 'id' => 'newsletter_email', 'class' => 'form_field', 'placeholder' => 'enter your email ...', 'value' => get_value(null, 'newsletter_email'));
     $newsletter_html .= form_input($attr, '');
     $newsletter_html .= form_input(array('name' => 'phone_number', 'class' => 'phone_number', 'style' => 'position:absolute;top:-10000px;'));
     // submit button
     $attr = array('name' => 'submit', 'id' => 'newsletter_submit', 'class' => 'checkout submit');
     $newsletter_html .= form_submit($attr, 'sign up');
     $newsletter_html .= form_close();
     /* BENCHMARK */
     return $newsletter_html;
Exemple #6
function top_commentators_widget_form($num = 1)
    $widget = 'top_commentators_widget_' . $num;
    // имя для формы и опций = виджет + номер
    // получаем опции
    $options = mso_get_option($widget, 'plugins', array());
    if (!isset($options['header'])) {
        $options['header'] = '';
    if (!isset($options['format'])) {
        $options['format'] = '[LINK_URL][NAME][/LINK]<sup>[COUNT]</sup>';
    if (!isset($options['commentators_cnt'])) {
        $options['commentators_cnt'] = 10;
    if (!isset($options['days'])) {
        $options['days'] = 30;
    // вывод самой формы
    $CI =& get_instance();
    $form = mso_widget_create_form(t('Заголовок'), form_input(array('name' => $widget . 'header', 'value' => $options['header'])), '');
    $form .= mso_widget_create_form(t('Формат'), form_input(array('name' => $widget . 'format', 'value' => $options['format'])), t('Возможные подстановки: [LINK_URL]ссылка[/LINK] [LINK_PAGE]ссылка[/LINK] [NAME] [COUNT]'));
    $form .= mso_widget_create_form('Количество комментаторов', form_input(array('name' => $widget . 'commentators_cnt', 'value' => $options['commentators_cnt'])), '');
    $form .= mso_widget_create_form(t('За сколько дней учитывать комментарии'), form_input(array('name' => $widget . 'days', 'value' => $options['days'])), '');
    return $form;
 public function display_settings($data = [])
     if (!ee()->subscribe_model->check()) {
         ee()->table->add_row('<h3>Error</h3>', '<div class="subtext ss_notice">Your configuration is not working, please visit the settings page and update your username/password.</div>');
     $list = isset($data['list']) ? $data['list'] : false;
     $type = isset($data['type']) ? $data['type'] : false;
     $text = isset($data['text']) ? $data['text'] : false;
     $auto = isset($data['auto']) ? $data['auto'] : false;
     $field = isset($data['field']) ? $data['field'] : false;
     $groups = ee()->subscribe_model->lists();
     $options = [];
     foreach ($groups->all() as $id => $group) {
         $options[$group['id']] = $group['name'];
     ee()->table->add_row('List <div class="subtext">Selet the list users will sign up to.</div>', form_dropdown('subscribe_list', $options, $list));
     ee()->table->add_row('Type of Signup <div class="subtext">
             <strong>Always</strong> - user will automatically be added to the list<br>
             <strong>Opt-In</strong> - user will need to Opt-In to be added to the list
             </div>', '<label style="padding:0 5px">Always</label>' . form_radio('subscribe_type', 'always', $type == 'always') . '<label style="padding:0 5px">Opt-In</label>' . form_radio('subscribe_type', 'opt-in', $type != 'always'));
     ee()->table->add_row('Opt-In Autocheck <div class="subtext">Autocheck Checkbox if Opt-In is selected</div>', '<label style="padding:0 5px">Enabled</label>' . form_checkbox('subscribe_auto', 'true', $auto == 'true'));
     ee()->table->add_row('Opt-In Text <div class="subtext">Displayed with Checkbox if Opt-In is selected</div>', form_input('subscribe_opt-in_text', $text));
     ee()->table->add_row('Email Field<div class="subtext">If the input field on the page is not "email" please entrer the name. (exp. the marketo form used "work_email")</div>', form_input('subscribe_field', $field));
 function _display_field($name, $data)
     $this->EE->cp->add_to_head('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $this->EE->config->item('theme_folder_url') . 'third_party/color_picker/jscolor.js"></script>');
     $input = form_input(array('name' => $name, 'value' => $data, 'type' => 'text', 'size' => '6', 'maxlength' => '6', 'class' => 'color {pickerFaceColor:\'#ecf1f4\', pickerBorderColor:\'#b6c0c2 #b6c0c2 #b6c0c2 #b6c0c2\'}'));
     return $input;
Exemple #9
 function revenueForm()
     $revenueForm = array();
     $economic = $this->expenditure_model->exp_economic();
     $donor = $this->agreement_model->getDonor();
     $source = $this->expenditure_model->getsource_Ndese();
     $budget = $this->agreement_model->getBudget();
     //REVENUE MASTER-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $revenueForm['VOUCHER_NUM'] = array(form_label('भौचर नम्बर :', 'VOUCHER_NUM'), form_input(array('name' => 'VOUCHER_NUM', 'class' => 'number')));
     $revenueForm['VOUCHER_EDATE'] = array(form_label('भौचर मिति :', 'VOUCHER_EDATE'), form_input(array('name' => 'VOUCHER_EDATE', 'class' => 'number', 'id' => 'rvoucherEdate')));
     $revenueForm['VOUCHER_NDATE'] = array(form_input(array('name' => 'VOUCHER_NDATE', 'class' => 'number', 'id' => 'rvoucherNdate')));
     $revenueForm['ACC_CODE'] = array(form_label('बुद्गेत सिर्सक ', 'ACC_CODE'), form_input(array('name' => 'ACC_CODE', 'id' => 'typeauto', 'class' => 'number')), form_input(array('name' => 'ACC_CODE', 'id' => 'autocomplete', 'width' => '500px')));
     //form_dropdown('ACC_CODE', $budget, '', 'class="dropdown"'));
     $revenueForm['CREATED_BY'] = array(form_label(' प्रतिपादन BY:', 'CREATED_BY'), form_input(array('name' => 'CREATED_BY')));
     $revenueForm['CREATED_DATE'] = array(form_label('प्रतिपादन मिति :', 'CREATED_DATE'), form_input(array('name' => 'CREATED_DATE')));
     $revenueForm['AGREEMENET_ID'] = array(form_label(' agreement id :', 'AGREEMENET_ID'), form_input(array('name' => 'AGREEMENET_ID')));
     //  REVENUE DETAIL--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // $revenueForm['INFO_ID'] = array(form_label('राजस्व कोड :', 'INFO_ID'), form_input(array('name' => 'INFO_ID[]', 'class' => 'number')));
     $revenueForm['AMOUNT_EDESC'] = array(form_label('मूल्य EDESC :', 'AMOUNT_EDESC'), form_input(array('name' => 'AMOUNT_EDESC[]', 'class' => 'number')));
     $revenueForm['AMOUNT_NDESC'] = array(form_input(array('name' => 'AMOUNT_NDESC[]', 'class' => 'number')));
     $revenueForm['BANK_VOUCHER_NUM'] = array(form_label('बैंक भौचर नम्बर :', 'BANK_VOUCHER_NUM'), form_input(array('name' => 'BANK_VOUCHER_NUM[]', 'class' => 'number')));
     $revenueForm['BANK_VOUCHER_DATE'] = array(form_label('बैंक भौचर मिति :', 'BANK_VOUCHER_DATE'), form_input(array('name' => 'BANK_VOUCHER_DATE[]', 'class' => 'number')));
     $revenueForm['BANK_CODE'] = array(form_label('बैंक कोड :', 'BANK_CODE'), form_input(array('name' => 'BANK_CODE[]')));
     // $revenueForm['REVENUE_DETAIL'] = array(form_label('revenu detail :', 'REVENUE_DETAIL'), form_input(array('name' => 'REVENUE_DETAIL', 'class' => 'REVENUE_DETAIL')));
     // REVENUE DETAIL DROPDOWNS----------------------------------------------------------------------
     $revenueForm['AMOUNT'] = array(form_label('मुल्य :', 'AMOUNT'), form_input(array('name' => 'AMOUNT[]', 'class' => 'AMOUNT')));
     $revenueForm['ECONOMIC_CODE5'] = array(form_dropdown('ECONOMIC_CODE5[]', $economic, '', ' class="dropdown"', 'id="reve_economic"'));
     $revenueForm['AMOUNT_TYPE'] = array(form_dropdown('AMOUNT_TYPE[]', array('d' => 'डेबिट ', 'c' => 'क्रेडिट ')));
     $revenueForm['SOURCE_TYPE_CODE'] = array(form_dropdown('SOURCE_TYPE_CODE[]', $source, '', 'class="source"'));
     $revenueForm['DONOR_CODE'] = array(form_dropdown('DONOR_CODE[]', $donor, '', 'class="donor"'));
     $revenueForm['TRANSIT'] = array(form_dropdown('TRANSIT', array('कोलेनिका ', 'बा . ख '), '', 'class="transit"'));
     $revenueForm['SUBMIT'] = array(form_submit('SUBMIT', 'Submit'));
     return $revenueForm;
Exemple #10
 public function editar()
     if (!($this->dados['infos'] = $this->curso_model->listar($this->id))) {
     $dadosCurso = $this->dados['infos'][0];
     $form = form_open('#', array('class' => 'niceform'));
     $form .= '<table class="cadForm">';
     $form .= '<tr>';
     $form .= '<td>';
     $form .= form_label('Nome:', '', array('for' => 'email'));
     $form .= form_input('curso_nome', $dadosCurso['curso_nome'], array('size' => 30));
     $form .= form_hidden('curso_id', $dadosCurso['curso_id']);
     $form .= form_hidden('lixeira', $dadosCurso['lixeira']);
     $form .= '</td>';
     $form .= '<td>';
     $form .= form_label('Quantidade de aulas:', '', array('for' => 'email'));
     $form .= form_input('curso_qtd_aulas', $dadosCurso['curso_qtd_aulas'], array('size' => 20));
     $form .= '</td>';
     $form .= '</tr>';
     $form .= '<tr>';
     $form .= '<td></td>';
     $form .= '<td>';
     $form .= form_submit('cadastrar', 'Enviar', 'id="submit"');
     $form .= '</td>';
     $form .= '</tr>';
     $form .= '</table>';
     $form .= form_close();
     $form .= '<span class="obs">Todos os campos são obrigatórios.</span>';
     $this->dados['form'] = $form;
     $this->load->view('editar', $this->dados);
Exemple #11
function search_form_widget_form($num = 1)
    $widget = 'search_form_widget_' . $num;
    // имя для формы и опций = виджет + номер
    // получаем опции
    $options = mso_get_option($widget, 'plugins', array());
    if (!isset($options['header'])) {
        $options['header'] = '';
    if (!isset($options['text'])) {
        $options['text'] = t('Что искать?');
    if (!isset($options['submit'])) {
        $options['submit'] = t('Поиск');
    if (!isset($options['style_text'])) {
        $options['style_text'] = '';
    if (!isset($options['style_submit'])) {
        $options['style_submit'] = '';
    if (!isset($options['text_posle'])) {
        $options['text_posle'] = '';
    // вывод самой формы
    $CI =& get_instance();
    $form = mso_widget_create_form(t('Заголовок'), form_input(array('name' => $widget . 'header', 'value' => $options['header'])));
    $form .= mso_widget_create_form(t('Текст подсказки'), form_input(array('name' => $widget . 'text', 'value' => $options['text'])));
    $form .= mso_widget_create_form(t('Текст на кнопке'), form_input(array('name' => $widget . 'submit', 'value' => $options['submit'])));
    $form .= mso_widget_create_form(t('CSS-стиль текста'), form_input(array('name' => $widget . 'style_text', 'value' => $options['style_text'])));
    $form .= mso_widget_create_form(t('CSS-стиль кнопки'), form_input(array('name' => $widget . 'style_submit', 'value' => $options['style_submit'])));
    $form .= mso_widget_create_form(t('Текст внизу'), form_textarea(array('name' => $widget . 'text_posle', 'value' => $options['text_posle'], 'rows' => '3')));
    return $form;
Exemple #12
    function menu_child($parent, $level = 1)
        $query = $this->CI->db->get_where('menu_detail', array('menu_parent' => $parent))->result();
        if (!empty($query)) {
            foreach ($query as $row) {
                echo form_hidden('menuid[]', $row->id);
                echo $row->menu_name;
                if ($row->menu_type == "link") {
                    echo $row->menu_link;
                } else {
                    echo site_url() . '/' . $row->menu_link;
                echo form_input(array('value' => $row->menu_order, 'name' => 'menuorder[]', 'class' => 'form-control input-sm', 'style' => 'width:50px;'));
                echo anchor('adminmenu/deletedetail/' . $row->id, 'Delete', array('class' => 'btn btn-sm btn-danger'));
                $this->menu_child($row->id, $level + 1);
  * Output form input
  * @param	array
  * @param	array
  * @return	string
 public function form_output($data)
     $options['name'] = $data['form_slug'];
     $options['id'] = $data['form_slug'];
     $options['value'] = Keywords::get_string($data['value']);
     return form_input($options);
Exemple #14
	 * Display Cell
	function display_cell($data)
		if (! isset($this->cache['displayed']))
			// include matrix_text.js
			$theme_url = $this->EE->session->cache['matrix']['theme_url'];
			$this->EE->cp->add_to_foot('<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$theme_url.'scripts/matrix_date.js"></script>');

			$this->cache['displayed'] = TRUE;

		$r['class'] = 'matrix-date matrix-text';

		if (preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{1,2}:\d{2} \w{2}$/', $data))
			// convert human time to a unix timestamp
			$data = $this->EE->localize->convert_human_date_to_gmt($data);

		// pass the default date to the JS
		$r['settings']['defaultDate'] = ($data ? $this->EE->localize->set_localized_time($data) : $this->EE->localize->set_localized_time()) * 1000;

		// get the initial input value
		$formatted_date = $data ? $this->EE->localize->set_human_time($data) : '';

		$r['data'] = form_input(array(
			'name'  => $this->cell_name,
			'value' => $formatted_date,
			'class' => 'matrix-textarea'

		return $r;
Exemple #15
  * Creates an input
  * @param string
  * @param string
  * @param array Used to repopulate the field in case of an edit
 function input($name, $label, $values = array())
     if (is_array($name)) {
         $opts = $name;
         $name = $opts['name'];
         $label = $opts['label'];
         $options = $opts['options'];
         foreach (array('value', 'hint') as $v) {
             if (isset($opts[$v])) {
                 ${$v} = $opts[$v];
         $value = $opts['value'];
         $hint = $opts['hint'];
     $html = '<div class="input">';
     $html .= "<label>{$label}</label>";
     $config = array('name' => $name, 'value' => get_form_value($name, $values), 'size' => '30');
     $html .= form_input($config);
     $html .= form_error($name);
     if (isset($hint)) {
         $html .= "<quote>{$hint}</quote>";
     $html .= '</div>';
     return $html;
Exemple #16
 function build()
     if (!isset($this->size)) {
         $this->size = 10;
     $output = "";
     switch ($this->status) {
         case "disabled":
         case "show":
             $output = "";
         case "create":
         case "modify":
             $value = "";
             $attributes = array('name' => $this->name, 'id' => $this->name, 'type' => "text", 'value' => $value, 'maxlength' => $this->maxlength, 'size' => $this->size, 'onclick' => $this->onclick, 'onchange' => $this->onchange, 'class' => $this->css_class, 'style' => $this->style);
             $output = '<img src="' . RAPYD_LIBRARIES . 'captcha/captchaimg.php?' . time() . '" style="vertical-align:middle;" />';
             $output .= form_input($attributes) . $this->extra_output;
         case "hidden":
             $attributes = array('name' => $this->name, 'id' => $this->name, 'type' => "hidden", 'value' => $this->value);
             $output = form_input($attributes);
     $this->output = "\n" . $output . "\n";
Exemple #17
  * displays field for publish/saef
  * @access	public
  * @param	string	$data	any incoming data from the channel entry
  * @return	string	html output view
 public function display_field($data)
     $data = $this->prep_data($data);
     if (!$this->fob()->data->show_all_sites()) {
         ee()->freeform_form_model->where('site_id', ee()->config->item('site_id'));
     $c_forms = ee()->freeform_form_model->key('form_id', 'form_label')->where('composer_id !=', 0)->get();
     $return = '<p>' . lang('no_available_composer_forms', $this->field_name . '[form]') . '</p>';
     if ($c_forms !== FALSE) {
         $output_array = array(0 => '--');
         foreach ($c_forms as $form_id => $form_label) {
             $output_array[$form_id] = $form_label;
         $return = '<p>';
         $return .= lang('choose_composer_form', $this->field_name . '[form]');
         $return .= form_dropdown($this->field_name . '[form]', $output_array, isset($data['form']) ? $data['form'] : '');
         $return .= '</p>';
         $return .= '<p>';
         $return .= lang('return_page_field', $this->field_name . '[return]');
         $return .= '<p>' . form_input(array('name' => $this->field_name . '[return]', 'value' => isset($data['return']) ? $data['return'] : '', 'style' => 'width:25%;'));
         $return .= '</p>';
     return $return;
Exemple #18
 public function __construct()
     // hardcoded the width, which is used several places for image size etc.
     if (is_numeric($this->config->item('base_image_width'))) {
         $this->width = $this->config->item('base_image_width');
     } else {
         $this->width = 940;
     // common additions to the 'data' array
     $this->data['upload'] = array();
     // holds data about the upload
     $this->data['message'] = '';
     $this->data['image_upload_js'] = "<script type='text/javascript' src='/js/jquery.imgareaselect.pack.js'></script>";
     $input_data = array('id' => 'image_name', 'name' => 'image_name', 'value' => set_value('image_name'));
     $this->data['form']['image_name'] = form_input($input_data);
     // create a new directory if this is the first time the user is uploading images
     $this->path = $this->image_upload_model->create_image_directory($this->user['user_id']);
Exemple #19
 public function output()
     //automatically filtered
     echo anchor('url', 'linkname', 'attributes');
     echo form_input('name', set_value('name'));
 function foundation_form_input($name, $args = array())
     $isValid = form_error($name) ? false : true;
     if (!empty($args['default_value'])) {
         $default_value = $args['default_value'];
     } else {
         $default_value = null;
     $class = !empty($args['class']) ? $args['class'] : '';
     $node = "<label>" . humanize($name);
     if (!empty($args['as'])) {
         switch ($args['as']) {
             case 'collection':
                 if (!empty($args['collection'])) {
                     if ($args['allow_blank']) {
                         $args['collection'] = array_merge(array(" " => " "), $args['collection']);
                     $node .= form_dropdown($name, $args['collection'], set_value($name));
             case 'text':
                 $node .= form_textarea($name, set_value($name, $default_value));
                 # ...
     } else {
         $node .= form_input($name, set_value($name, $default_value));
     $node .= form_error($name, '<div class="error">', '</div>');
     $node .= "</label>";
     return $node;
Exemple #21
 public function index($type = null)
     switch ($type) {
         case null:
             $this->form_validation->set_rules('verify', 'Verification Code', 'required|xss_clean|max_length[111]');
             if ($this->form_validation->run() !== false) {
                 redirect('verify/code/' . $this->input->post('verify'));
             echo form_open('verify');
             echo form_label('Verify:', 'verify');
             echo form_input('verify', '', 'id="verify_input"');
             echo form_submit('submit', 'Verify');
             echo form_close();
         case 'newAccount':
             echo "<h1>Verify New Account</h1>";
             echo anchor('verify/send/newAccount', 'Send Confirmation Email', 'title="Send Confirmation Email"');
         case 'connectAccounts':
             echo "<h1>Connect Accounts</h1><h2>An account with that email already exists.</h2>";
             echo anchor('verify/send/connectAccounts', 'Connect Accounts', 'title="Connect Accounts"');
Exemple #22
 function form_control(&$setting)
     switch ($setting->type) {
         case 'text':
             $form_control = form_input(array('id' => $setting->slug, 'name' => $setting->slug, 'value' => $setting->value, 'class' => 'text width-20'));
         case 'textarea':
             $form_control = form_textarea(array('id' => $setting->slug, 'name' => $setting->slug, 'value' => $setting->value, 'class' => 'width-20'));
         case 'password':
             $form_control = form_password(array('id' => $setting->slug, 'name' => $setting->slug, 'value' => $setting->value, 'class' => 'text width-20'));
         case 'select':
             $form_control = form_dropdown($setting->slug, $this->_format_options($setting->options), $setting->value, 'class="width-20"');
         case 'checkbox':
         case 'radio':
             $func = $setting->type == 'checkbox' ? 'form_checkbox' : 'form_radio';
             $form_control = '';
             foreach ($this->_format_options($setting->options) as $value => $label) {
                 $form_control .= ' ' . form_radio(array('id' => $setting->slug, 'name' => $setting->slug, 'checked' => $setting->value == $value, 'value' => $value)) . ' ' . $label;
     return $form_control;
Exemple #23
 * Text Input Field With Enable/Disable Checkbox
 * @access	public
 * @param	mixed
 * @param	string
 * @param	string
 * @param	string
 * @param	string
 * @param	bool
 * @return	string
function fpbx_form_input_check($data = '', $value = '', $extra = '', $label = 'Enable', $disabled_value = 'DEFAULT', $check_enables = true)
    if (!is_array($data)) {
        $data['name'] = $data['id'] = $data;
    if (!isset($data['id'])) {
        $data['id'] = $data['name'];
    if (!isset($data['value'])) {
        $data['value'] = $value;
    if (!empty($data['disabled'])) {
        $data['value'] = $disabled_value;
    $cbdata['name'] = $data['name'] . '_cb';
    $cbdata['id'] = $data['id'] . '_cb';
    $cbdata['checked'] = isset($data['disabled']) ? !$data['disabled'] : true;
    $cbdata['data-disabled'] = $disabled_value;
    if ($check_enables) {
        $cbdata['class'] = "input_checkbox_toggle_false";
    } else {
        $cbdata['class'] = "input_checkbox_toggle_true";
        $cbdata['checked'] = !$cbdata['checked'];
    return form_input($data) . form_checkbox($cbdata) . form_label($label, $cbdata['id']);
Exemple #24
 function ver($id = NULL)
     $table = new DataTable(null);
     $table->cell_attributes = 'style="vertical-align:middle;"';
     $select = array("envia", "mensaje", "recibe");
     $table->db->orderby("codigo DESC");
     $table->per_row = 1;
     $table->per_page = 20;
     $table->cell_template = "<div class='marco1' ><#mensaje#><br><b class='mininegro'>Usuario: <#envia#></b></div><br>";
     if ($this->datasis->login()) {
         $prop = array('type' => 'button', 'value' => 'Agregar', 'name' => 'mas', 'onclick' => "javascript:window.location='" . site_url("supervisor/noticias/dataedit/create") . "'");
         $form = form_input($prop);
     } else {
         $form = '';
     $data['content'] = $table->output . $form;
     $data["head"] = $this->rapyd->get_head() . style('marcos.css') . style('estilos.css');
     $data['title'] = " Noticias ";
     $this->load->view('view_ventanas', $data);
Exemple #25
 function set_form()
     $i_user = array('name' => 'username', 'value' => set_value('username'), 'placeholder' => 'ชื่อผู้ใช้', 'autofocus' => true, 'class' => 'form-control');
     $i_pass = array('name' => 'password', 'placeholder' => 'รหัสผ่าน', 'class' => 'form-control');
     $data = array('username' => form_input($i_user), 'password' => form_password($i_pass));
     return $data;
Exemple #26
function comments($comments, $object_id, $object, $usernames, $format, $return = 'agilan/index')
    $string = "";
    $string .= "<ol class='comments'>";
    if (isset($comments[$object_id]) && count($comments[$object_id]) > 0) {
        foreach ($comments[$object_id] as $kk => $ll) {
            $CID = $ll->user_id;
            $CU = $usernames[$ll->user_id];
            $stamp = mysql_to_unix($ll->created);
            $string .= "<li><b>" . $CU . ":</b> <small>" . $ll->comment . "<br/>" . mdate($format, $stamp) . "</small></li>";
    } else {
        $string .= nbs();
    $string .= "<li class='last'>";
    $string .= form_open('comments/index');
    $input = array('name' => 'comment', 'id' => 'comment', 'size' => 35);
    $string .= form_input($input);
    $string .= form_hidden('object', $object);
    $string .= form_hidden('object_id', $object_id);
    $string .= form_hidden('return_url', $return);
    $string .= form_submit('add comment', 'comment');
    $string .= form_close();
    $string .= "</li>";
    $string .= "</ol>";
    echo $string;
 function _display_field($name, $data)
     $this->EE->cp->add_to_head('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $this->EE->config->item('theme_folder_url') . 'third_party/md_color_picker/js/colorpicker.js"></script>');
     $this->EE->cp->add_to_head('<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="' . $this->EE->config->item('theme_folder_url') . 'third_party/md_color_picker/css/colorpicker.css" />');
     return form_input(array('name' => $name, 'value' => $data, 'size' => '6', 'maxlength' => '6', 'class' => 'input', 'style' => 'width:60px;'));
Exemple #28
function page_views_widget_form($num = 1)
    $widget = 'page_views_widget_' . $num;
    // имя для формы и опций = виджет + номер
    // получаем опции
    $options = mso_get_option($widget, 'plugins', array());
    if (!isset($options['header'])) {
        $options['header'] = '';
    if (!isset($options['limit'])) {
        $options['limit'] = 10;
    if (!isset($options['page_type'])) {
        $options['page_type'] = 0;
    if (!isset($options['format'])) {
        $options['format'] = '[A][TITLE][/A] <sup>[COUNT]</sup>';
    // вывод самой формы
    $CI =& get_instance();
    $CI->db->select('page_type_id, page_type_name');
    $query = $CI->db->get('page_type');
    $types = array(0 => t('Все типы'));
    if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
        foreach ($query->result_array() as $page) {
            $types[$page['page_type_id']] = $page['page_type_name'];
    $form = mso_widget_create_form(t('Заголовок'), form_input(array('name' => $widget . 'header', 'value' => $options['header'])), '');
    $form .= mso_widget_create_form(t('Количество записей'), form_input(array('name' => $widget . 'limit', 'value' => $options['limit'])), '');
    $form .= mso_widget_create_form(t('Тип записей'), form_dropdown($widget . 'page_type', $types, array('value' => $options['page_type'])), '');
    $form .= mso_widget_create_form(t('Формат'), form_input(array('name' => $widget . 'format', 'value' => $options['format'])), t('<strong>[TITLE]</strong> - название записи<br><strong>[COUNT]</strong> - просмотров в день<br><strong>[ALLCOUNT]</strong> - всего просмотров<br><strong>[A]</strong>ссылка<strong>[/A]</strong>'));
    return $form;
Exemple #29
  * Output form input
  * @param	array
  * @param	array
  * @return	string
 public function form_output($data)
     $options['name'] = $data['form_slug'];
     $options['id'] = $data['form_slug'];
     $options['value'] = $data['value'];
     return form_input($options);
  * Display Settings Screen - allow admin to set meaningful lables for boolean
  * @access	public
  * @return	default global settings
 function display_settings($data)
     $true_label = isset($data['true_label']) ? $data['true_label'] : 'Yes';
     $false_label = isset($data['false_label']) ? $data['false_label'] : 'No';
     $this->EE->table->add_row(lang('True Label', 'true_label'), form_input('true_label', $true_label));
     $this->EE->table->add_row(lang('False Label', 'false_label'), form_input('false_label', $false_label));