Exemple #1
function _moduleContent(&$smarty, $module_name)
    include_once "libs/paloSantoGrid.class.php";
    include_once "libs/paloSantoConfig.class.php";
    include_once "libs/paloSantoACL.class.php";
    include_once "libs/paloSantoForm.class.php";
    require_once "libs/misc.lib.php";
    include_once "lib/paloSantoVoiceMail.class.php";
    //include module files
    include_once "modules/{$module_name}/configs/default.conf.php";
    $lang = get_language();
    $base_dir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
    $lang_file = "modules/{$module_name}/lang/{$lang}.lang";
    if (file_exists("{$base_dir}/{$lang_file}")) {
        include_once "{$lang_file}";
    } else {
        include_once "modules/{$module_name}/lang/en.lang";
    //global variables
    global $arrConf;
    global $arrConfModule;
    global $arrLang;
    global $arrLangModule;
    $arrConf = array_merge($arrConf, $arrConfModule);
    $arrLang = array_merge($arrLang, $arrLangModule);
    //folder path for custom templates
    $base_dir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
    $templates_dir = isset($arrConf['templates_dir']) ? $arrConf['templates_dir'] : 'themes';
    $local_templates_dir = "{$base_dir}/modules/{$module_name}/" . $templates_dir . '/' . $arrConf['theme'];
    //segun el usuario que esta logoneado consulto si tiene asignada extension para buscar los voicemails
    $pDB = new paloDB($arrConf['elastix_dsn']['acl']);
    $pConfig = new paloConfig("/etc", "amportal.conf", "=", "[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*");
    $arrAMP = $pConfig->leer_configuracion(false);
    $dsnAsterisk = $arrAMP['AMPDBENGINE']['valor'] . "://" . $arrAMP['AMPDBUSER']['valor'] . ":" . $arrAMP['AMPDBPASS']['valor'] . "@" . $arrAMP['AMPDBHOST']['valor'] . "/asterisk";
    $pDB_ast = new paloDB($dsnAsterisk);
    if (!empty($pDB->errMsg)) {
        echo "ERROR DE DB: {$pDB->errMsg} <br>";
    $arrData = array();
    $pACL = new paloACL($pDB);
    if (!empty($pACL->errMsg)) {
        echo "ERROR DE ACL: {$pACL->errMsg} <br>";
    $arrVoiceData = array();
    $inicio = $fin = $total = 0;
    $extension = $pACL->getUserExtension($_SESSION['elastix_user']);
    $ext = $extension;
    $esAdministrador = $pACL->isUserAdministratorGroup($_SESSION['elastix_user']);
    $bandCustom = true;
    if (is_null($ext) || $ext == "") {
        $bandCustom = false;
        if (!$esAdministrador) {
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", "<b>" . $arrLang["contact_admin"] . "</b>");
            return "";
    if ($esAdministrador) {
        $extension = "[[:digit:]]+";
    $smarty->assign("menu", "voicemail");
    $smarty->assign("Filter", $arrLang['Show']);
    //formulario para el filtro
    $arrFormElements = createFieldFormVoiceList($arrLang);
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
    // Por omision las fechas toman el sgte. valor (la fecha de hoy)
    $date_start = date("Y-m-d") . " 00:00:00";
    $date_end = date("Y-m-d") . " 23:59:59";
    $dateStartFilter = getParameter('date_start');
    $dateEndFilter = getParameter('date_end');
    $report = false;
    if (getParameter('filter')) {
        if ($oFilterForm->validateForm($_POST)) {
            // Exito, puedo procesar los datos ahora.
            $date_start = translateDate($dateStartFilter) . " 00:00:00";
            $date_end = translateDate($dateEndFilter) . " 23:59:59";
            $arrFilterExtraVars = array("date_start" => $dateStartFilter, "date_end" => $dateEndFilter);
        } else {
            // Error
            $smarty->assign("mb_title", $arrLang["Validation Error"]);
            $arrErrores = $oFilterForm->arrErroresValidacion;
            $strErrorMsg = "<b>{$arrLang['The following fields contain errors']}:</b><br>";
            foreach ($arrErrores as $k => $v) {
                $strErrorMsg .= "{$k}, ";
            $strErrorMsg .= "";
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", $strErrorMsg);
        if ($dateStartFilter == "") {
            $dateStartFilter = " ";
        if ($dateEndFilter == "") {
            $dateEndFilter = " ";
        //se añade control a los filtros
        $report = true;
        $arrDate = array('date_start' => $dateStartFilter, 'date_end' => $dateEndFilter);
        $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    } else {
        if (isset($dateStartFilter) and isset($dateEndFilter)) {
            $report = true;
            $date_start = translateDate($dateStartFilter) . " 00:00:00";
            $date_end = translateDate($dateEndFilter) . " 23:59:59";
            $arrDate = array('date_start' => $dateStartFilter, 'date_end' => $dateEndFilter);
            $arrFilterExtraVars = array("date_start" => $dateStartFilter, "date_end" => $dateEndFilter);
            $htmlFilter = $contenidoModulo = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_GET);
        } else {
            $report = true;
            //se añade control a los filtros
            $arrDate = array('date_start' => date("d M Y"), 'date_end' => date("d M Y"));
            $htmlFilter = $contenidoModulo = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", array('date_start' => date("d M Y"), 'date_end' => date("d M Y")));
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    if ($report) {
        $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Start Date") . " = " . $arrDate['date_start'] . ", " . _tr("End Date") . " = " . $arrDate['date_end'], $arrDate, array('date_start' => date("d M Y"), 'date_end' => date("d M Y")), true);
    if (getParameter('submit_eliminar')) {
        if ($oFilterForm->validateForm($_POST)) {
            // Exito, puedo procesar los datos ahora.
            $date_start = translateDate($_POST['date_start']) . " 00:00:00";
            $date_end = translateDate($_POST['date_end']) . " 23:59:59";
            $arrFilterExtraVars = array("date_start" => $_POST['date_start'], "date_end" => $_POST['date_end']);
        $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    if (getParameter('config')) {
        if (!(is_null($ext) || $ext == "")) {
            return form_config($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, $arrLang, $ext, $pDB_ast);
    if (getParameter('save')) {
        if (!save_config($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, $arrLang, $ext, $pDB_ast)) {
            return form_config($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, $arrLang, $ext, $pDB_ast);
    if (getParameter('action') == "display_record") {
        $file = getParameter("name");
        $ext = getParameter("ext");
        $user = isset($_SESSION['elastix_user']) ? $_SESSION['elastix_user'] : "";
        $extension = $pACL->getUserExtension($user);
        $esAdministrador = $pACL->isUserAdministratorGroup($user);
        $path = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default";
        $voicemailPath = "{$path}/{$ext}/INBOX/" . base64_decode($file);
        $tmpfile = basename($voicemailPath);
        $filetmp = "{$path}/{$ext}/INBOX/{$tmpfile}";
        if (!is_file($filetmp)) {
            die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
        if (!$esAdministrador) {
            if ($extension != $ext) {
                die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
            $voicemailPath = "{$path}/{$extension}/INBOX/" . base64_decode($file);
        if (isset($file) && preg_match("/^[[:alpha:]]+[[:digit:]]+\\.(wav|WAV|Wav|mp3|gsm)\$/", base64_decode($file))) {
            if (!is_file($voicemailPath)) {
                die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
            $sContenido = "";
            $name = basename($voicemailPath);
            $format = substr(strtolower($name), -3);
            // This will set the Content-Type to the appropriate setting for the file
            $ctype = '';
            switch ($format) {
                case "mp3":
                    $ctype = "audio/mpeg";
                case "wav":
                    $ctype = "audio/x-wav";
                case "Wav":
                    $ctype = "audio/x-wav";
                case "WAV":
                    $ctype = "audio/x-wav";
                case "gsm":
                    $ctype = "audio/x-gsm";
                    // not downloadable
                // not downloadable
                    die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
            if ($sContenido == "") {
                $session_id = session_id();
            $sContenido = <<<contenido
                    <embed src='index.php?menu={$module_name}&action=download&ext={$ext}&name={$file}&rawmode=yes&elastixSession={$session_id}' width=300, height=20 autoplay=true loop=false type="{$ctype}"></embed><br>
            $smarty->assign("CONTENT", $sContenido);
        } else {
            die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
    if (getParameter('action') == "download") {
        $user = isset($_SESSION['elastix_user']) ? $_SESSION['elastix_user'] : "";
        $extension = $pACL->getUserExtension($user);
        $esAdministrador = $pACL->isUserAdministratorGroup($user);
        $record = getParameter("name");
        $ext = getParameter("ext");
        if (!preg_match("/^[[:digit:]]+\$/", $ext)) {
            Header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
            die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
        $record = base64_decode($record);
        $path = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default";
        $voicemailPath = "{$path}/{$ext}/INBOX/" . $record;
        $tmpfile = basename($voicemailPath);
        $filetmp = "{$path}/{$ext}/INBOX/{$tmpfile}";
        if (!is_file($filetmp)) {
            die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
        if (!$esAdministrador) {
            if ($extension != $ext) {
                Header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
                die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_extension"] . "</b>");
            $voicemailPath = "{$path}/{$extension}/INBOX/" . $record;
        if (isset($record) && preg_match("/^[[:alpha:]]+[[:digit:]]+\\.(wav|WAV|Wav|mp3|gsm)\$/", $record)) {
            // See if the file exists
            if (!is_file($voicemailPath)) {
                Header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
                die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
            // Gather relevent info about file
            $size = filesize($voicemailPath);
            $name = basename($voicemailPath);
            //$extension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($name,"."),1));
            $extension = substr(strtolower($name), -3);
            // This will set the Content-Type to the appropriate setting for the file
            $ctype = '';
            switch ($extension) {
                case "mp3":
                    $ctype = "audio/mpeg";
                case "wav":
                    $ctype = "audio/x-wav";
                case "Wav":
                    $ctype = "audio/x-wav";
                case "WAV":
                    $ctype = "audio/x-wav";
                case "gsm":
                    $ctype = "audio/x-gsm";
                    // not downloadable
                // not downloadable
                    die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
            // need to check if file is mislabeled or a liar.
            $fp = fopen($voicemailPath, "rb");
            if ($size && $ctype && $fp) {
                header("Pragma: public");
                header("Expires: 0");
                header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
                header("Cache-Control: public");
                header("Content-Description: wav file");
                header("Content-Type: " . $ctype);
                header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $name);
                header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
                header("Content-length: " . $size);
        } else {
            Header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
            die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
    $end = 0;
    $url = array('menu' => $module_name);
    //si tiene extension consulto sino, muestro un mensaje de que no tiene asociada extension
    $archivos = array();
    if (!(is_null($ext) || $ext == "") || $esAdministrador) {
        if (is_null($ext) || $ext == "") {
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", "<b>" . $arrLang["no_extension_assigned"] . "</b>");
        $path = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default";
        $folder = "INBOX";
        if ($esAdministrador) {
            if ($handle = opendir($path)) {
                while (false !== ($dir = readdir($handle))) {
                    if ($dir != "." && $dir != ".." && ereg($extension, $dir, $regs) && is_dir($path . "/" . $dir)) {
                        $directorios[] = $dir;
        } else {
            $directorios[] = $extension;
        $arrData = array();
        foreach ($directorios as $directorio) {
            $voicemailPath = "{$path}/{$directorio}/{$folder}";
            if (file_exists($voicemailPath)) {
                if ($handle = opendir($voicemailPath)) {
                    $bExito = true;
                    while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
                        //no tomar en cuenta . y ..
                        //buscar los archivos de texto (txt) que son los que contienen los datos de las llamadas
                        if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && ereg("(.+)\\.[txt|TXT]", $file, $regs)) {
                            //leer la info del archivo
                            $pConfig = new paloConfig($voicemailPath, $file, "=", "[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*");
                            $arrVoiceMailDes = array();
                            $arrVoiceMailDes = $pConfig->leer_configuracion(false);
                            //verifico que tenga datos
                            if (is_array($arrVoiceMailDes) && count($arrVoiceMailDes) > 0 && isset($arrVoiceMailDes['origtime']['valor'])) {
                                //uso las fechas del filtro
                                //si la fecha de llamada esta dentro del rango, la muestro
                                $fecha = date("Y-m-d", $arrVoiceMailDes['origtime']['valor']);
                                $hora = date("H:i:s", $arrVoiceMailDes['origtime']['valor']);
                                if (strtotime("{$fecha} {$hora}") <= strtotime($date_end) && strtotime("{$fecha} {$hora}") >= strtotime($date_start)) {
                                    $arrTmp[0] = "<input type='checkbox' name='" . utf8_encode("voc-" . $file) . ",{$directorio}' />";
                                    $arrTmp[1] = $fecha;
                                    $arrTmp[2] = $hora;
                                    $arrTmp[3] = $arrVoiceMailDes['callerid']['valor'];
                                    $arrTmp[4] = $arrVoiceMailDes['origmailbox']['valor'];
                                    $arrTmp[5] = $arrVoiceMailDes['duration']['valor'] . ' sec.';
                                    $pathRecordFile = base64_encode($regs[1] . '.wav');
                                    $recordingLink = "<a href='#' onClick=\"javascript:popUp('index.php?menu={$module_name}&action=display_record&ext={$directorio}&name={$pathRecordFile}&rawmode=yes',350,100); return false;\">{$arrLang['Listen']}</a>&nbsp;";
                                    $recordingLink .= "<a href='?menu={$module_name}&action=download&ext={$directorio}&name={$pathRecordFile}&rawmode=yes'>{$arrLang['Download']}</a>";
                                    $arrTmp[6] = $recordingLink;
                                    $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
            } else {
                // No vale la ruta
        function sort_voicemails_hora_desc($a, $b) { return ($a[2] == $b[2]) ? 0 : (($a[2] < $b[2]) ? 1 : -1); }
        function sort_voicemails_fecha_desc($a, $b) { return ($a[1] == $b[1]) ? 0 : (($a[1] < $b[1]) ? 1 : -1); }
        usort($arrData, 'sort_voicemails_hora_desc');
        usort($arrData, 'sort_voicemails_fecha_desc');
        $fechas = array();
        $horas = array();
        foreach ($arrData as $llave => $fila) {
            $fechas[$llave] = $fila[1];
            $horas[$llave] = $fila[2];
        array_multisort($fechas, SORT_DESC, $horas, SORT_DESC, $arrData);
        $limit = 15;
        $total = count($arrData);
        $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
        $end = $offset + $limit <= $total ? $offset + $limit : $total;
        // Construyo el URL base
        if (isset($arrFilterExtraVars) && is_array($arrFilterExtraVars) and count($arrFilterExtraVars) > 0) {
            $url = array_merge($url, $arrFilterExtraVars);
        //Fin Paginacion
        $arrVoiceData = array_slice($arrData, $offset, $limit);
    } else {
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", "<b>" . $arrLang["contact_admin"] . "</b>");
    $arrGrid = array("title" => $arrLang["Voicemail List"], "url" => $url, "icon" => "/modules/{$module_name}/images/pbx_voicemail.png", "width" => "99%", "start" => $total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1, "end" => $end, "total" => $total, "columns" => array(0 => array("name" => "", "property1" => ""), 1 => array("name" => $arrLang["Date"], "property1" => ""), 2 => array("name" => $arrLang["Time"], "property1" => ""), 3 => array("name" => $arrLang["CallerID"], "property1" => ""), 4 => array("name" => $arrLang["Extension"], "property1" => ""), 5 => array("name" => $arrLang["Duration"], "property1" => ""), 6 => array("name" => $arrLang["Message"], "property1" => "")));
    if ($bandCustom == true) {
        $oGrid->customAction("config", _tr("Configuration"));
    $oGrid->deleteList(_tr("Are you sure you wish to delete voicemails?"), "submit_eliminar", _tr("Delete"));
    $contenidoModulo = $oGrid->fetchGrid($arrGrid, $arrVoiceData, $arrLang);
    if (strpos($contenidoModulo, '<form') === FALSE) {
        $contenidoModulo = "<form style='margin-bottom:0;' method='POST' action='?menu={$module_name}'>{$contenidoModulo}</form>";
    return $contenidoModulo;
Exemple #2
 if ($admin && isset($_GET['edit']) && isset($snippets[$_GET['edit']])) {
     $form = form($_GET['edit']);
 if ($admin && isset($_GET['toggle']) && isset($snippets[$_GET['toggle']])) {
     inlog('Change status of snippet N° <a href="?snippet=' . $_GET['toggle'] . '">' . $_GET['toggle'] . '</a>');
 if ($admin && isset($_GET['cache_clear'])) {
 if ($admin && isset($_GET['config'])) {
     $tag = msg('Configuration');
     $page .= form_config() . '<br/><h1 class="titre">' . msg('snippetvamp files') . '</h1>' . backup_link() . form_import_file() . form_replace_file() . log_link() . restore_sv_link();
 if ($admin && isset($_GET['log'])) {
     $tag = msg('Log file content');
     $page .= '<a class="button" href="?clearlog">' . msg('clear log file') . '</a><pre class="logfile">' . @file_get_contents($config['log_filename']) . '</pre>';
 if ($admin && isset($_GET['clearlog'])) {
     inlog('log cleared...');
 # update
 if ($admin && isset($_GET['domaj'])) {
     $tag = msg('SnippetVamp Update');
     $page .= maj_auto();