<?php mod('form'); $form = form_create('Continue', 'default', 'process_form', 'post'); function process_form() { global $form, $root, $userid; $f = $_FILES['file']; $name = $f['name']; $f['name'] = md5(rand(0, 1000000000)); $path = $root . '/uploads/midi/' . $f['name']; if (!move_uploaded_file($f['tmp_name'], $path)) { form_add_error($form, 'Error uploading file.'); } else { header('Location: /import2/' . $f['name'] . '?title=' . urlencode($name)); exit; } } form_add_param($form, 'File', 'file', 'file;mid;20000000', '', 100, 14); form_process(); output_header("Upload MIDI File"); output_block_start("Upload MIDI File"); echo '<p>Keep in mind that not all MIDI files will work well! Many MIDI files use features that are not supported by the sequencer; simple ones work best.</p>'; echo '<p>Examples: <a href="http://onlinesequencer.net/4679">Baba Yetu</a>, <a href="http://onlinesequencer.net/4680">Fangad aven korvring</a>, <a href="http://onlinesequencer.net/4681">Cliffs of Dover</a></p>'; form_display($form); output_block_end(); output_footer();
<?php mod("pager"); mod("form"); $gp = pager_init(66); $searchform = form_create('Search', 'inline', null, 'get'); form_add_param($searchform, 'Value', 'search', 'string', '', 100, 12); $search = p_string('search'); $basedon = p_int('basedon', 0); $sort = p_string('sort', 1); $date = p_string('date', empty($search) ? 1 : 4); if (isset($_GET['deleted'])) { $where = ' WHERE deleted=1 '; } else { if ($basedon) { $where = ' WHERE basedon="' . $basedon . '" '; } else { if (!empty($_GET["search"])) { $where = ' WHERE deleted=0 AND MATCH(title) AGAINST("%' . e_mysql($search) . '%") '; } else { $where = ' WHERE deleted=0 '; } } } switch ($sort) { case 2: $order = "accesscount DESC"; break; case 4: $order = "RAND()"; break;