public function generate($force = false) { $filename = $this->getFileName(); if (!is_dir(dirname($filename))) { fn_mkdir(dirname($filename)); } if ($force) { fn_rm($filename); } if (!file_exists($filename)) { fn_set_progress('echo', __('generating_xls'), false); $header = $data = array(); $currencies = Registry::get('currencies'); $currency = $currencies[CART_SECONDARY_CURRENCY]; $currency_format = '#' . $currency['thousands_separator'] . '##0.' . str_repeat('0', $currency['decimals']); $currency_format = $currency['after'] == 'Y' ? $currency_format . $currency['symbol'] : $currency['symbol'] . $currency_format; foreach ($this->selected_fields as $field_id => $field_value) { $header[$this->price_schema['fields'][$field_id]['title']] = $field_id == 'price' ? $currency_format : 'string'; } $this->writer->writeSheetHeader($this->sheet, $header); $this->render(); $this->writer->writeToFile($filename); } return $filename; }
/** * Setup complete action * * @param array $params Request variables * * @return bool Always true */ public function actionComplete($params = array()) { $validator = new Validator(); $app = App::instance(); fn_define('CART_LANGUAGE', $app->getCurrentLangCode()); fn_define('DESCR_SL', $app->getCurrentLangCode()); $database = $app->getFromStorage('database_settings'); if (!empty($database)) { $result = $validator->isMysqlSettingsValid($database['host'], $database['name'], $database['user'], $database['password'], $database['table_prefix'], $database['database_backend'], false); if ($result) { // Delete installer after store was installed. fn_rm(Registry::get('config.dir.root') . '/install'); session_destroy(); $this->_prepareHttpData(); Session::init($params); $user_data = array('user_id' => 1, 'user_type' => 'A', 'area' => 'A', 'login' => 'admin', 'is_root' => 'Y', 'company_id' => 0); $_SESSION['auth'] = fn_fill_auth($user_data, array(), false, 'A'); if (is_file(Registry::get('config.dir.root') . '/install/index.php')) { $_SESSION['notifications']['installer'] = array('type' => 'W', 'title' => 'warning', 'message' => 'delete_install_folder', 'message_state' => 'S', 'new' => true, 'extra' => '', 'init_message' => true); } $redirect_url = Registry::get('config.http_location') . '/' . Registry::get('config.admin_index') . '?welcome'; fn_redirect($redirect_url); } } fn_redirect('install/index.php'); return true; }
public function updateViaFtp($content, $settings) { $this->saveBackup(); $tmp_file = fn_create_temp_file(); fn_put_contents($tmp_file, $content); $ftp_copy_result = fn_copy_by_ftp($tmp_file, $this->path, $settings); fn_rm($tmp_file); $status = $ftp_copy_result === true; return array($status, $ftp_copy_result); }
function fn_rus_dellin_uninstall() { $service_ids = db_get_fields('SELECT service_id FROM ?:shipping_services WHERE module = ?s', 'dellin'); if (!empty($service_ids)) { db_query('DELETE FROM ?:shipping_services WHERE service_id IN (?a)', $service_ids); db_query('DELETE FROM ?:shipping_service_descriptions WHERE service_id IN (?a)', $service_ids); } db_query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ?:rus_dellin_cities'); $file_dir = fn_get_files_dir_path() . "dellin/"; fn_rm($file_dir); }
/** * Check if mod_rewrite is active and clean up templates cache */ function fn_settings_actions_addons_seo(&$new_value, $old_value) { if ($new_value == 'A') { $result = fn_http_request('GET', Registry::get('config.http_location') . '/catalog.html?version'); if (strpos($result[0]['RESPONSE'], '200 OK') === false) { $new_value = 'D'; fn_set_notification('W', fn_get_lang_var('warning'), fn_get_lang_var('warning_seo_urls_disabled')); } } fn_rm(DIR_COMPILED . 'customer'); return true; }
static function clear($changed_tables) { $tags = array(); foreach ($changed_tables as $table => $flag) { if (!empty(self::$_cache_handlers[$table])) { $tags = fn_array_merge($tags, array_keys(self::$_cache_handlers[$table]), false); } } foreach ($tags as $tag) { fn_rm(DIR_CACHE . $tag, true); } fn_put_contents(DIR_CACHE . self::$_handlers_name, serialize(self::$_cache_handlers)); return true; }
public function update($id, $params) { $status = Response::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST; $data = array(); $lang_code = $this->safeGet($params, 'lang_code', DEFAULT_LANGUAGE); if (isset($params['processor_params']['certificate_filename']) && !$params['processor_params']['certificate_filename']) { fn_rm(Registry::get('config.dir.certificates') . $id); } $payment_id = fn_update_payment($params, $id, $lang_code); if ($payment_id) { $status = Response::STATUS_OK; $data = array('payment_id' => $payment_id); } return array('status' => $status, 'data' => $data); }
/** * Downloads upgrade package from the Upgade server * * @param array $schema Package schema * @param string $package_path Path where the upgrade pack must be saved * @return bool True if upgrade package was successfully downloaded, false otherwise */ public function downloadPackage($schema, $package_path) { $data = fn_get_contents(Registry::get('config.resources.updates_server') . '/index.php?dispatch=product_updates.get_package&package_id=' . $schema['package_id'] . '&edition=' . PRODUCT_EDITION . '&license_number=' . $this->uc_settings['license_number']); if (!empty($data)) { fn_put_contents($package_path, $data); if (md5_file($package_path) == $schema['md5']) { $result = array(true, ''); } else { fn_rm($package_path); $result = array(false, __('text_uc_broken_package')); } } else { $result = array(false, __('text_uc_cant_download_package')); } return $result; }
public function rotate() { if (file_exists($this->path . $this->filename)) { if (empty($this->save_name)) { $this->save_name = date('log_commerceml.txt', TIME); } fn_rename($this->path . $this->filename, $this->path . $this->save_name); $logs_list = fn_get_dir_contents($this->path, false, true); if (!empty($logs_list) && count($logs_list) > self::MAX_LOGS_FILE) { rsort($logs_list); list(, $old_logs) = array_chunk($logs_list, self::MAX_LOGS_FILE); foreach ($old_logs as $filename) { fn_rm($this->path . $filename); } } } }
public function downloadPackage($schema, $package_path) { if (!empty($schema['download_key'])) { $upgrade_path = $this->settings['packages_server'] . $this->settings['addon'] . '/' . $schema['file']; $addon_upgrades_dir = Registry::get('config.dir.addons') . $this->settings['addon'] . '/upgrades/'; $addon_upgrades_path = $addon_upgrades_dir . $schema['file']; if (!file_exists($addon_upgrades_path)) { fn_mkdir($addon_upgrades_dir); $addon_upgrade_data = fn_get_contents($upgrade_path); fn_put_contents($addon_upgrades_path, $addon_upgrade_data); } $result = fn_copy($addon_upgrades_path, $package_path); if ($result) { fn_rm($addon_upgrades_path); } //cleanup $message = $result ? '' : __('failed') . '-' . $addon_upgrades_path; return array($result, $message); } else { return array(false, __($schema['error_message'])); } }
public function generate($force = false) { $filename = $this->getFileName(); if (!is_dir(dirname($filename))) { fn_mkdir(dirname($filename)); } if ($force) { fn_rm($filename); } // Min column width in percent $min_width = array('product' => 50, 'product_code' => 13, 'image' => 10); if (!file_exists($filename)) { $max_perc = 100; $field_count = count($this->selected_fields); // First step. Check for the min width. $perc = intval($max_perc / $field_count); foreach ($this->selected_fields as $field_name => $active) { if (isset($min_width[$field_name])) { if ($min_width[$field_name] > $perc) { $max_perc -= $min_width[$field_name]; $field_count--; } } } // Second step. Set up the new width values. $perc = intval($max_perc / $field_count); foreach ($this->selected_fields as $field_name => $active) { if (!isset($min_width[$field_name]) || $min_width[$field_name] < $perc) { $this->price_schema['fields'][$field_name]['min_width'] = $perc; } else { $this->price_schema['fields'][$field_name]['min_width'] = $min_width[$field_name]; } } fn_set_progress('echo', __('generating_pdf'), false); $this->render(); } return $filename; }
function fn_sdek_get_ticket_order($data_auth, $order_id, $chek_id) { unset($data_auth['Number']); $xml = ' ' . RusSdek::arraySimpleXml('OrdersPrint', $data_auth, 'open'); $order_sdek = array('Number' => $order_id . '_' . $chek_id, 'Date' => $data_auth['Date']); $xml .= ' ' . RusSdek::arraySimpleXml('Order', $order_sdek); $xml .= ' ' . '</OrdersPrint>'; $response = RusSdek::xmlRequest('', $xml, $data_auth); $download_file_dir = fn_get_files_dir_path() . '/sdek' . '/' . $chek_id . '/'; fn_rm($download_file_dir); fn_mkdir($download_file_dir); $name = $order_id . '.pdf'; $download_file_path = $download_file_dir . $name; if (!fn_is_empty($response)) { fn_put_contents($download_file_path, $response); } }
// // $Id: site_layout.php 9938 2010-07-01 14:18:59Z 2tl $ // if (!defined('AREA')) { die('Access denied'); } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { fn_trusted_vars("lang_data"); $suffix = ''; if ($mode == 'update_design_mode') { db_query("UPDATE ?:settings SET value = ?s WHERE option_name = ?s AND section_id = ?s", $action == $_REQUEST['design_mode'] ? 'Y' : 'N', $_REQUEST['design_mode'], ''); if (!empty($_REQUEST['disable_mode'])) { db_query("UPDATE ?:settings SET value = 'N' WHERE option_name = ?s AND section_id = ?s", $_REQUEST['disable_mode'], ''); } fn_rm(DIR_COMPILED . 'customer', false); fn_rm(DIR_COMPILED . 'admin', false); $suffix = '.design_mode'; } if ($mode == 'update_logos') { $logos = fn_filter_uploaded_data('logotypes'); $areas = fn_get_manifest_definition(); fn_save_logo_alt($areas); // Update customer logotype if (!empty($logos)) { foreach ($logos as $type => $logo) { $area = $areas[$type]; $manifest = parse_ini_file(DIR_SKINS . Registry::get('settings.skin_name_' . $area['skin']) . '/' . SKIN_MANIFEST, true); $filename = DIR_SKINS . Registry::get('settings.skin_name_' . $area['skin']) . '/' . $area['path'] . '/images/' . $logo['name']; if (fn_copy($logo['path'], $filename)) { list($w, $h, ) = fn_get_image_size($filename); $manifest[$area['name']]['filename'] = $logo['name'];
/** * Deletes theme * @param string $theme_name theme name to delete. If empty - deletes all themes * @return boolean true if deleted, false if not */ function fn_delete_theme($theme_name) { $themes_dest = fn_get_theme_path('[themes]/' . $theme_name, 'C'); $can_delete = true; if (fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE')) { $company_themes = Settings::instance()->getAllVendorsValues('theme_name'); if (in_array($theme_name, $company_themes)) { fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('error_delete_theme_company')); $can_delete = false; } } else { if ($theme_name == Registry::get('runtime.layout.theme_name')) { $can_delete = false; fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('cannot_remove_active_theme')); } } $layouts = db_get_array('SELECT layout_id, is_default FROM ?:bm_layouts WHERE theme_name = ?s', $theme_name); if ($can_delete && fn_rm($themes_dest)) { // Delete layout foreach ($layouts as $layout) { Layout::instance()->delete($layout['layout_id']); } return true; } return false; }
$fields = db_get_hash_array("SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$table}", 'Field'); if (!empty($fields['is_global'])) { // Sort table by is_global field fn_echo('.'); db_query("ALTER TABLE {$table} ORDER BY is_global DESC"); } elseif (!empty($fields['position'])) { // Sort table by position field fn_echo('.'); db_query("ALTER TABLE {$table} ORDER BY position"); } } fn_set_notification('N', __('notice'), __('done')); } if ($mode == 'delete') { if (!empty($_REQUEST['backup_file'])) { fn_rm(Registry::get('config.dir.backups') . fn_basename($_REQUEST['backup_file'])); } } return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK, 'datakeeper.manage'); } if ($mode == 'getfile' && !empty($_REQUEST['file'])) { fn_get_file(Registry::get('config.dir.backups') . fn_basename($_REQUEST['file'])); } elseif ($mode == 'manage') { $view = Tygh::$app['view']; // Calculate database size and fill tables array $status_data = db_get_array("SHOW TABLE STATUS"); $database_size = 0; $all_tables = array(); foreach ($status_data as $k => $v) { $database_size += $v['Data_length'] + $v['Index_length']; $all_tables[] = $v['Name'];
$areas = array('customer', 'admin', 'mail'); $installed_skins = fn_get_dir_contents(DIR_SKINS); foreach ($installed_skins as $skin_name) { foreach ($areas as $area) { if (is_dir(DIR_SKINS . $skin_name . '/' . $area . '/addons/' . $addon)) { if (!defined('DEVELOPMENT')) { fn_rm(DIR_SKINS . $skin_name . '/' . $area . '/addons/' . $addon); } } } } $msg = fn_get_lang_var('text_addon_uninstalled'); fn_set_notification('N', fn_get_lang_var('notice'), str_replace('[addon]', $addon_name, $msg)); // Clean cache fn_rm(DIR_COMPILED, false); fn_rm(DIR_CACHE, false); return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK, "addons.manage"); } elseif ($mode == 'update_status') { fn_get_schema('settings', 'actions', 'php', false, true); $old_status = db_get_field("SELECT status FROM ?:addons WHERE addon = ?s", $_REQUEST['id']); $new_status = $_REQUEST['status']; if ($old_status != $new_status) { $func = 'fn_settings_actions_addons_' . $_REQUEST['id']; if (function_exists($func)) { $func($new_status, $old_status); } if ($old_status != $new_status) { db_query("UPDATE ?:addons SET status = ?s WHERE addon = ?s", $_REQUEST['status'], $_REQUEST['id']); fn_set_notification('N', fn_get_lang_var('notice'), fn_get_lang_var('status_changed')); } else { $ajax->assign('return_status', $old_status);
/** * Move addon pack from temporarily folder to specified place and install it if possible * * @param string $from Source path * @param string $to Destination path * @return bool true if installed, false otherwise */ function fn_addons_move_and_install($from, $to) { if (defined('AJAX_REQUEST')) { Registry::get('ajax')->assign('non_ajax_notifications', true); } $struct = fn_get_dir_contents($from, false, true, '', '', true); $addon_name = ''; foreach ($struct as $file) { if (preg_match('/app.+?addons[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+).+?addon.xml$/i', $file, $matches)) { if (!empty($matches[1])) { $addon_name = $matches[1]; break; } } } $relative_addon_path = str_replace(Registry::get('config.dir.root') . '/', '', Registry::get('config.dir.addons')); if (!file_exists($from . $relative_addon_path . $addon_name . '/addon.xml')) { fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('broken_addon_pack')); return false; } fn_copy($from, $to); fn_install_addon($addon_name); fn_rm($from); return true; }
/** * Deletes files using glob pattern * * @param string $pattern glob-compatible pattern * @return boolean true if deleted successfully, false - otherwise */ public function deleteByPattern($pattern) { $files = glob($this->prefix($pattern)); if (!empty($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { fn_rm($file); } } return true; }
/** * Create/Update payments data * * @param array $payment_data * @param int $payment_id * @param string $lang_code 2-letter language code * @return int Payment id */ function fn_update_payment($payment_data, $payment_id, $lang_code = DESCR_SL) { $certificate_file = fn_filter_uploaded_data('payment_certificate'); $certificates_dir = Registry::get('config.dir.certificates'); fn_set_hook('update_payment_pre', $payment_data, $payment_id, $lang_code, $certificate_file, $certificates_dir); /** * Create/update the certificate file * only for an existing payment method. * * Non-existing payment method will be created first, * then will be updated. (fn_update_payment calling at line 450). */ if ($payment_id) { if ($certificate_file) { $file = reset($certificate_file); $filename = $payment_id . '/' . $file['name']; fn_mkdir($certificates_dir . $payment_id); fn_copy($file['path'], $certificates_dir . $filename); $payment_data['processor_params']['certificate_filename'] = $filename; } $old_params = fn_get_processor_data($payment_id); if (empty($payment_data['processor_params']['certificate_filename']) && isset($old_params['processor_params']['certificate_filename'])) { $payment_data['processor_params']['certificate_filename'] = $old_params['processor_params']['certificate_filename']; } if (!empty($payment_data['processor_params']['certificate_filename'])) { if (!empty($old_params['processor_params']['certificate_filename']) && $payment_data['processor_params']['certificate_filename'] != $old_params['processor_params']['certificate_filename']) { fn_rm($certificates_dir . $old_params['processor_params']['certificate_filename']); } if (!file_exists($certificates_dir . $payment_data['processor_params']['certificate_filename'])) { $payment_data['processor_params']['certificate_filename'] = ''; } } } if (!empty($payment_data['processor_id'])) { $payment_data['template'] = db_get_field("SELECT processor_template FROM ?:payment_processors WHERE processor_id = ?i", $payment_data['processor_id']); } $payment_data['localization'] = !empty($payment_data['localization']) ? fn_implode_localizations($payment_data['localization']) : ''; $payment_data['usergroup_ids'] = empty($payment_data['usergroup_ids']) ? USERGROUP_ALL : (is_array($payment_data['usergroup_ids']) ? implode(',', $payment_data['usergroup_ids']) : $payment_data['usergroup_ids']); $payment_data['tax_ids'] = !empty($payment_data['tax_ids']) ? fn_create_set($payment_data['tax_ids']) : ''; // Update payment processor settings $processor_params = array(); if (!empty($payment_data['processor_params'])) { $processor_params = $payment_data['processor_params']; $payment_data['processor_params'] = serialize($payment_data['processor_params']); } if (!empty($payment_id)) { $arow = db_query("UPDATE ?:payments SET ?u WHERE payment_id = ?i", $payment_data, $payment_id); db_query("UPDATE ?:payment_descriptions SET ?u WHERE payment_id = ?i AND lang_code = ?s", $payment_data, $payment_id, $lang_code); if ($arow === false) { fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('object_not_found', array('[object]' => __('payment'))), '', '404'); $payment_id = false; } } else { $payment_data['payment_id'] = $payment_id = db_query("INSERT INTO ?:payments ?e", $payment_data); foreach (fn_get_translation_languages() as $payment_data['lang_code'] => $_v) { db_query("INSERT INTO ?:payment_descriptions ?e", $payment_data); } /** * Update the certificate */ if ($certificate_file && $payment_id) { unset($payment_data['lang_code']); $payment_data['processor_params'] = $processor_params; fn_update_payment($payment_data, $payment_id, $lang_code); } } fn_attach_image_pairs('payment_image', 'payment', $payment_id, $lang_code); fn_set_hook('update_payment_post', $payment_data, $payment_id, $lang_code, $certificate_file, $certificates_dir, $processor_params); return $payment_id; }
if (empty($_REQUEST['pattern_id'])) { fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('error_exim_pattern_not_found')); } else { $pattern = fn_get_pattern_definition($_REQUEST['pattern_id'], 'import'); if (($data = fn_get_csv($pattern, $file[0]['path'], $_REQUEST['import_options'])) != false) { fn_import($pattern, $data, $_REQUEST['import_options']); } } } else { fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('error_exim_no_file_uploaded')); } return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK, 'exim.import?section=' . $_REQUEST['section'] . '&pattern_id=' . $_REQUEST['pattern_id']); } if ($mode == 'delete_file' && !empty($_REQUEST['filename'])) { $file = fn_basename($_REQUEST['filename']); fn_rm(fn_get_files_dir_path() . $file); return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT); } if ($mode == 'delete_range') { unset($_SESSION['export_ranges'][$_REQUEST['section']]); return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, 'exim.export?section=' . $_REQUEST['section'] . '&pattern_id=' . $_REQUEST['pattern_id']); } exit; } if ($mode == 'export') { if (empty($_REQUEST['section'])) { $_REQUEST['section'] = 'products'; } list($sections, $patterns) = fn_get_patterns($_REQUEST['section'], 'export'); if (empty($sections) && empty($patterns) || isset($_REQUEST['section']) && empty($sections[$_REQUEST['section']])) { return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_DENIED);
$pattern_id = empty($_REQUEST['pattern_id']) ? key($patterns) : $_REQUEST['pattern_id']; $patterns = $parser->enchancePattern($patterns); foreach ($patterns as $p_id => $p) { Registry::set('navigation.tabs.' . $p_id, array('title' => $p['name'], 'href' => "exim.import?pattern_id=" . $p_id . '§ion=' . $_REQUEST['section'], 'ajax' => true)); } Registry::set('navigation.dynamic.sections', $sections); Registry::set('navigation.dynamic.active_section', $_REQUEST['section']); $patterns['product_images']['analogs_dev'] = 1; $view->assign('pattern', $patterns[$pattern_id]); $view->assign('sections', $sections); } elseif ($mode == 'get_file' && !empty($_REQUEST['filename'])) { $file = basename($_REQUEST['filename']); fn_get_file(DIR_EXIM . $file); } elseif ($mode == 'delete_file' && !empty($_REQUEST['filename'])) { $file = basename($_REQUEST['filename']); fn_rm(DIR_EXIM . $file); return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT); } elseif ($mode == 'delete_range') { unset($_SESSION['export_ranges'][$_REQUEST['section']]); return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, "exim.export?section={$_REQUEST['section']}&pattern_id={$_REQUEST['pattern_id']}"); } elseif ($mode == 'select_range') { $_SESSION['export_ranges'][$_REQUEST['section']] = array('pattern_id' => $_REQUEST['pattern_id'], 'data' => array()); $pattern = fn_get_pattern_definition($_REQUEST['pattern_id']); return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, $pattern['range_options']['selector_url']); } elseif ($mode == 'export_simple') { $products = db_get_array("SELECT `product_id`, `product_code` FROM `cscart_products`"); $date = date('d-m-Y'); $myFile = '' . DIR_EXIM . 'simple_products_' . $date . '.csv'; //var_dump($myFile); $handle = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die('Cannot open file: ' . $my_file); //implicitly creates file
/** * Recursively remove directory (or just a file) * * @param string $source * @param bool $delete_root * @param string $pattern * @return bool */ function fn_rm($source, $delete_root = true, $pattern = '') { // Simple copy for a file if (is_file($source)) { $res = true; if (empty($pattern) || !empty($pattern) && preg_match('/' . $pattern . '/', basename($source))) { $res = @unlink($source); } return $res; } // Loop through the folder if (is_dir($source)) { $dir = dir($source); while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) { // Skip pointers if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') { continue; } if (fn_rm($source . '/' . $entry, true, $pattern) == false) { return false; } } // Clean up $dir->close(); return $delete_root == true && empty($pattern) ? @rmdir($source) : true; } else { return false; } }
/** * Installs new language from ZIP pack * * @param string $path Path to ZIP file * @param array $params * reinstall: Skip adding new language * validate_lang_code:Check meta information (lang_code) with updated language data (lang_code) and forbid to update if does not match * force_lang_code: Skip meta lang code and use this one in all laguage variables * @return int Language ID */ public static function installZipPack($path, $params = array()) { $result = false; // Extract language pack and check the permissions $extract_path = fn_get_cache_path(false) . 'tmp/language_pack/'; // Re-create source folder fn_rm($extract_path); fn_mkdir($extract_path); fn_copy($path, $extract_path . ''); if (fn_decompress_files($extract_path . '', $extract_path)) { fn_rm($extract_path . ''); $result = self::installCrowdinPack($extract_path, $params); } else { fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('broken_po_pack')); } return $result; }
function fn_delete_image($image_id, $pair_id, $object_type = 'product', $rev_data = array()) { $table = 'images_links'; $itable = 'images'; $cond = ''; $path = DIR_IMAGES . $object_type . '/'; if (AREA == 'A' && Registry::is_exist('revisions') && !Registry::get('revisions.working')) { $revisions = Registry::get('revisions'); $_img_data = db_get_row("SELECT object_type, object_id FROM ?:rev_images_links WHERE pair_id = ?i ORDER BY revision DESC LIMIT 1", $pair_id); if (!empty($_img_data['object_type']) && !empty($revisions['objects'][$_img_data['object_type']]) && !empty($revisions['objects'][$_img_data['object_type']]['tables'])) { $object_data = $revisions['objects'][$_img_data['object_type']]; if ($object_data['images']) { if (empty($rev_data)) { $entry = array($object_data['key'] => $_img_data['object_id']); list($revision, $revision_id) = fn_revisions_get_last($_img_data['object_type'], $entry, 0, $itable); } else { $revision = $rev_data['revision']; $revision_id = $rev_data['revision_id']; } if (!empty($revision_id)) { $table = 'rev_images_links'; $itable = 'rev_images'; $cond = db_quote(" AND revision = ?s AND revision_id = ?i", $revision, $revision_id); $path = DIR_IMAGES . $object_type . '_rev/'; } } } } $path .= floor($image_id / MAX_FILES_IN_DIR) . "/"; $_image_file = db_get_field("SELECT image_path FROM ?:{$itable} WHERE image_id = ?i ?p", $image_id, $cond); if (!empty($_image_file)) { if (!empty($revision_id)) { $use_count = db_get_field("SELECT COUNT(image_path) FROM ?:{$itable} WHERE image_id = ?i AND image_path = ?s", $image_id, $_image_file); if ($use_count == 1) { fn_delete_file($path . $_image_file); } } else { fn_delete_file($path . $_image_file); } } $dir_content = fn_get_dir_contents($path, true, true); if (empty($dir_content)) { fn_rm($path); } db_query("DELETE FROM ?:{$itable} WHERE image_id = ?i ?p", $image_id, $cond); db_query("DELETE FROM ?:common_descriptions WHERE object_id = ?i AND object_holder = 'images'", $image_id); db_query("UPDATE ?:{$table} SET " . ($object_type == 'detailed' ? 'detailed_id' : 'image_id') . " = '0' WHERE pair_id = ?i ?p", $pair_id, $cond); $_ids = db_get_row("SELECT image_id, detailed_id FROM ?:{$table} WHERE pair_id = ?i ?p", $pair_id, $cond); if (empty($_ids['image_id']) && empty($_ids['detailed_id'])) { db_query("DELETE FROM ?:{$table} WHERE pair_id = ?i ?p", $pair_id, $cond); } return true; }
public function clearCache() { return fn_rm($this->getFileName()); }
/** * This is a copy of the fn_uc_is_writable_dest function which was removed in 4.1.5 * * Check if destination is writable * * @param string $dest destination file/directory * @return boolean true if writable, false - if not */ private static function isWritableDest($dest) { $dest = rtrim($dest, '/'); if (is_file($dest)) { $f = @fopen($dest, 'ab'); if ($f === false) { return false; } fclose($f); } elseif (is_dir($dest)) { if (!fn_put_contents($dest . '/zzzz.zz', '1')) { return false; } fn_rm($dest . '/zzzz.zz'); } else { return false; } return true; }
/** * Remove temporary files */ function fn_remove_temp_data() { $fs_data = Registry::get('temp_fs_data'); if (!empty($fs_data)) { foreach ($fs_data as $file) { fn_rm($file); } } }
return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK, 'themes.manage'); } } $non_writable_folders = fn_check_copy_ability($source, $destination); if (!empty($non_writable_folders)) { if (!empty($_REQUEST['ftp_access'])) { Tygh::$app['view']->assign('ftp_access', $_REQUEST['ftp_access']); } Tygh::$app['view']->assign('non_writable', $non_writable_folders); if (defined('AJAX_REQUEST')) { Tygh::$app['view']->display('views/themes/components/correct_permissions.tpl'); exit; } } else { fn_copy($source, $destination); fn_rm($source); if (defined('AJAX_REQUEST')) { Tygh::$app['ajax']->assign('force_redirection', fn_url('themes.manage')); exit; } } } if ($mode == 'install') { if (!empty($_REQUEST['theme_name'])) { // Copy theme files to design/themes directory fn_install_theme_files($_REQUEST['theme_name'], $_REQUEST['theme_name']); } return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK, 'themes.manage?selected_section=general'); } if ($mode == 'delete') { fn_delete_theme($_REQUEST['theme_name']);
/** * Deletes style * @param string $style_id style ID * @return boolean true on succes, false otherwise */ public function delete($style_id) { $style_id = fn_basename($style_id); if (fn_rm($this->getStyleFile($style_id))) { fn_rm($this->getStyleFile($style_id, 'css')); // remove custom css fn_rm($this->getStyleFile($style_id, 'png')); // remove style image fn_rm(Patterns::instance($this->params)->getPath($style_id)); fn_delete_logo('theme', null, $style_id); fn_delete_logo('mail', null, $style_id); fn_delete_logo('favicon', null, $style_id); fn_rm(fn_get_theme_path('[themes]/[theme]/media/images/logos/' . $style_id, 'C')); fn_set_hook('delete_style_post', $style_id); return true; } return false; }
/** * Put file to storage * * @param string $file file path in storage * @param array $params uploaded data and options * @return array file size and file name */ public function put($file, $params) { if (empty($params['overwrite'])) { $file = $this->generateName($file); // check if name is unique and generate new if not } $file = $this->prefix($file); $s3 = $this->s3(); // get object to initialize class and get access to contstants below $data = array('acl' => \AmazonS3::ACL_PUBLIC, 'headers' => array()); if (!empty($params['compress'])) { $data['headers']['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip'; $data['headers']['Cache-control'] = 'private'; if (!empty($params['contents'])) { $params['contents'] = gzencode($params['contents']); } } // File can not be accessible via direct link if ($this->getOption('secured')) { $data['headers']['Content-disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="' . fn_basename($file) . '"'; $data['acl'] = \AmazonS3::ACL_PRIVATE; } $data['contentType'] = fn_get_file_type($file); if (!empty($params['contents'])) { $data['body'] = $params['contents']; } else { $data['fileUpload'] = $params['file']; } $res = $s3->create_object($this->getOption('bucket'), $file, $data); if ($res->isOK()) { if (!empty($params['caching'])) { Registry::set('s3_' . $this->getOption('bucket') . '.' . md5($file), true); } if (!empty($params['file'])) { $filesize = filesize($params['file']); if (empty($params['keep_origins'])) { fn_rm($params['file']); } } else { $filesize = strlen($params['contents']); } return array($filesize, str_replace($this->prefix(), '', $file)); } return false; }