Exemple #1
 * Init localizations
 * @param array $params request parameters
 * @return boolean true if localizations exists, false otherwise
function fn_init_localization($params)
    $locs = db_get_hash_array("SELECT localization_id, custom_weight_settings, weight_symbol, weight_unit FROM ?:localizations WHERE status = 'A'", 'localization_id');
    if (empty($locs)) {
        return false;
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['lc']) && !empty($locs[$_REQUEST['lc']])) {
        $cart_localization = $_REQUEST['lc'];
    } elseif (($l = fn_get_cookie('cart_localization')) && !empty($locs[$l])) {
        $cart_localization = $l;
    } else {
        $_ip = fn_get_ip(true);
        $_country = fn_get_country_by_ip($_ip['host']);
        $_lngs = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT lang_code, 1 as 'l' FROM ?:languages WHERE status = 'A'", array('lang_code', 'l'));
        $_language = fn_get_browser_language($_lngs);
        $cart_localization = db_get_field("SELECT localization_id, COUNT(localization_id) as c FROM ?:localization_elements WHERE (element = ?s AND element_type = 'C') OR (element = ?s AND element_type = 'L') GROUP BY localization_id ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 1", $_country, $_language);
        if (empty($cart_localization) || empty($locs[$cart_localization])) {
            $cart_localization = db_get_field("SELECT localization_id FROM ?:localizations WHERE status = 'A' AND is_default = 'Y'");
    if (empty($cart_localization)) {
        $cart_localization = key($locs);
    if ($cart_localization != fn_get_cookie('cart_localization')) {
        fn_set_cookie('cart_localization', $cart_localization, COOKIE_ALIVE_TIME);
    if ($locs[$cart_localization]['custom_weight_settings'] == 'Y') {
        Registry::set('config.localization.weight_symbol', $locs[$cart_localization]['weight_symbol']);
        Registry::set('config.localization.weight_unit', $locs[$cart_localization]['weight_unit']);
    fn_define('CART_LOCALIZATION', $cart_localization);
    return true;
Exemple #2
function fn_init_store_params_by_host(&$request, $area = AREA)
    if ($area == 'A' && empty($request['allow_initialization'])) {
        return array(INIT_STATUS_OK);
    $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    $short_host = preg_replace('/^www[0-9]*\\./i', '', $host);
    $field = defined('HTTPS') ? 'secure_storefront' : 'storefront';
    $conditions = db_quote("{$field} RLIKE ?l", '^(www[0-9]*.)?' . $short_host);
    if (fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE:FREE')) {
        $company_id = db_get_field("SELECT company_id FROM ?:companies LIMIT 1");
        $conditions .= db_quote(" AND company_id = ?i", $company_id);
    $companies = db_get_array("SELECT company_id, {$field} FROM ?:companies WHERE {$conditions}");
     * Actions before choosing a company by host
     * @param array $request    Request
     * @param string $area       Area
     * @param string $host       Host
     * @param string $short_host Short Host
     * @param string $field      Field name
     * @param array $companies  Companies list
    fn_set_hook('init_store_params_by_host', $request, $area, $host, $short_host, $field, $companies);
    if (!empty($companies)) {
        if (count($companies) == 1) {
            $request['switch_company_id'] = $companies[0]['company_id'];
        } else {
            $found_companies = array();
            foreach ($companies as $company) {
                $parsed_url = parse_url('http://' . $company[$field]);
                // protocol prefix does not matter
                if (empty($parsed_url['path'])) {
                    $found_companies[0] = $company['company_id'];
                } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && preg_match("/^" . preg_quote($parsed_url['path'], '/') . "([\\/\\?].*?)?\$/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $m)) {
                    $priority = count(explode('/', $parsed_url['path']));
                    $found_companies[$priority] = $company['company_id'];
            if (!empty($found_companies)) {
                $request['switch_company_id'] = reset($found_companies);
    if (!empty($request['switch_company_id']) && $request['switch_company_id'] != 'all' && !isset($request['skip_config_changing'])) {
        // theme for company with id = 0 cannot be loaded.
        $company_data = db_get_row('SELECT company_id, storefront, secure_storefront, redirect_customer FROM ?:companies WHERE company_id = ?i', $request['switch_company_id']);
        if (empty($company_data)) {
            return array(INIT_STATUS_OK);
        if ($company_data['redirect_customer'] == 'Y' && !fn_get_cookie('storefront_redirect_' . $request['switch_company_id'])) {
            $_ip = fn_get_ip(true);
            $_country = fn_get_country_by_ip($_ip['host']);
            if (!empty($_country)) {
                // Check if found country assigned to some companies
                $redirect = db_get_hash_array('SELECT company_id, storefront FROM ?:companies WHERE FIND_IN_SET(?s, countries_list) LIMIT 1', 'company_id', $_country);
                if (!empty($redirect) && !isset($redirect[$request['switch_company_id']])) {
                    if (!defined('CRAWLER')) {
                        $redirect_url = reset($redirect);
                        $redirect_url = 'http://' . $redirect_url['storefront'];
                        fn_set_cookie('storefront_redirect_' . $request['switch_company_id'], true);
                        return array(INIT_STATUS_REDIRECT, $redirect_url);
        $config = Registry::get('config');
        $url_data = fn_get_storefront_urls(0, $company_data);
        $config = fn_array_merge($config, $url_data);
        $config['images_path'] = $config['current_path'] . '/media/images/';
        $config['origin_http_location'] = $config['http_location'];
        $config['origin_https_location'] = $config['https_location'];
        Registry::set('config', $config);
        $status = INIT_STATUS_OK;
        $message = '';
    } else {
        $status = INIT_STATUS_FAIL;
        $message = 'No storefronts defined for this domain';
     * Actions after choosing a company by host
     * @param array $request Request
     * @param string $area    Area
     * @param array $config  Config
     * @param string $status  Status
     * @param string $message Message text
    fn_set_hook('init_store_params_by_host_post', $request, $area, $config, $status, $message);
    return array($status, '', $message);
function fn_init_store_params_by_host(&$request, $area = AREA)
    if ($area == 'A' && empty($request['allow_initialization'])) {
        return array(INIT_STATUS_OK);
    $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    $host = preg_replace('#^www.#i', '', $host);
    $field = defined('HTTPS') ? 'secure_storefront' : 'storefront';
    $companies = db_get_array("SELECT company_id, {$field} FROM ?:companies WHERE {$field} LIKE ?l OR {$field} LIKE ?l", $host . '%', 'www.' . $host . '%');
    if (!empty($companies)) {
        if (count($companies) == 1) {
            $request['switch_company_id'] = $companies[0]['company_id'];
        } else {
            $found_companies = array();
            foreach ($companies as $company) {
                $parsed_url = parse_url('http://' . $company[$field]);
                // protocol prefix does not matter
                if (empty($parsed_url['path'])) {
                    $found_companies[0] = $company['company_id'];
                } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && preg_match("/^" . preg_quote($parsed_url['path'], '/') . "([\\/\\?].*?)?\$/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $m)) {
                    $priority = count(explode('/', $parsed_url['path']));
                    $found_companies[$priority] = $company['company_id'];
            if (!empty($found_companies)) {
                $request['switch_company_id'] = reset($found_companies);
    if (!empty($request['switch_company_id']) && $request['switch_company_id'] != 'all' && !isset($request['skip_config_changing'])) {
        // theme for company with id = 0 cannot be loaded.
        $company_data = db_get_row('SELECT company_id, storefront, secure_storefront, redirect_customer FROM ?:companies WHERE company_id = ?i', $request['switch_company_id']);
        if (empty($company_data)) {
            return array(INIT_STATUS_OK);
        if ($company_data['redirect_customer'] == 'Y' && !fn_get_cookie('storefront_redirect_' . $request['switch_company_id'])) {
            $_ip = fn_get_ip(true);
            $_country = fn_get_country_by_ip($_ip['host']);
            if (!empty($_country)) {
                // Check if found country assigned to some companies
                $redirect = db_get_hash_array('SELECT company_id, storefront FROM ?:companies WHERE FIND_IN_SET(?s, countries_list) LIMIT 1', 'company_id', $_country);
                if (!empty($redirect) && !isset($redirect[$request['switch_company_id']])) {
                    if (!defined('CRAWLER')) {
                        $redirect_url = reset($redirect);
                        $redirect_url = 'http://' . $redirect_url['storefront'];
                        fn_set_cookie('storefront_redirect_' . $request['switch_company_id'], true);
                        return array(INIT_STATUS_REDIRECT, $redirect_url);
        $config = Registry::get('config');
        $url_data = fn_get_storefront_urls(0, $company_data);
        $config = fn_array_merge($config, $url_data);
        $config['images_path'] = $config['current_path'] . '/media/images/';
        $config['origin_http_location'] = $config['http_location'];
        $config['origin_https_location'] = $config['https_location'];
        Registry::set('config', $config);
    } else {
        return array(INIT_STATUS_FAIL, '', 'No storefronts defined for this domain');
    return array(INIT_STATUS_OK);
Exemple #4
function fn_stat_save_ip($ip_data)
    if (!empty($ip_data['ip'])) {
        $ip_data['country_code'] = fn_get_country_by_ip(long2ip($ip_data['ip']));
        return db_query('INSERT INTO ?:stat_ips ?e', $ip_data);
    return false;