function content_55db8bdb79d546_98717403($_smarty_tpl) { if (!is_callable('smarty_block_scripts')) { include '/var/www/html/market/app/functions/smarty_plugins/block.scripts.php'; } if (!is_callable('smarty_function_script')) { include '/var/www/html/market/app/functions/smarty_plugins/function.script.php'; } if (!is_callable('smarty_block_inline_script')) { include '/var/www/html/market/app/functions/smarty_plugins/block.inline_script.php'; } if (!is_callable('smarty_block_hook')) { include '/var/www/html/market/app/functions/smarty_plugins/block.hook.php'; } fn_preload_lang_vars(array('cannot_buy', 'no_products_selected', 'error_no_items_selected', 'delete_confirmation', 'text_out_of_stock', 'items', 'text_required_group_product', 'save', 'close', 'loading', 'notice', 'warning', 'error', 'text_are_you_sure_to_proceed', 'text_invalid_url', 'error_validator_email', 'error_validator_phone', 'error_validator_integer', 'error_validator_multiple', 'error_validator_password', 'error_validator_required', 'error_validator_zipcode', 'error_validator_message', 'error_validator_color', 'text_page_loading', 'error_ajax', 'text_changes_not_saved', 'text_data_changed', 'text_block_trial_notice', 'text_expired_license', 'file_browser', 'editing_block', 'editing_grid', 'editing_container', 'adding_grid', 'adding_block_to_grid', 'manage_blocks', 'editing_block', 'add_block', 'text_position_updating', 'more', 'browse', 'enter_new_lang_code', 'no_image')); $_smarty_tpl->smarty->_tag_stack[] = array('scripts', array()); $_block_repeat = true; echo smarty_block_scripts(array(), null, $_smarty_tpl, $_block_repeat); while ($_block_repeat) { ob_start(); ?> <?php echo smarty_function_script(array('src' => "js/lib/jquery/jquery.min.js"), $_smarty_tpl); ?> <?php echo smarty_function_script(array('src' => "js/tygh/core.js"), $_smarty_tpl); ?> <?php echo smarty_function_script(array('src' => "js/tygh/history.js"), $_smarty_tpl); ?> <?php echo smarty_function_script(array('src' => "js/lib/twitterbootstrap/bootstrap.min.js"), $_smarty_tpl); ?> <?php echo smarty_function_script(array('src' => "js/lib/jqueryui/jquery-ui.custom.min.js"), $_smarty_tpl); ?> <?php echo smarty_function_script(array('src' => "js/lib/autonumeric/autoNumeric.js"), $_smarty_tpl); ?> <?php echo smarty_function_script(array('src' => "js/lib/appear/jquery.appear-1.1.1.js"), $_smarty_tpl); ?> <?php echo smarty_function_script(array('src' => "js/lib/tools/tooltip.min.js"), $_smarty_tpl); ?> <?php echo smarty_function_script(array('src' => "js/tygh/editors/" . (string) $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['settings']->value['Appearance']['default_wysiwyg_editor'] . ".editor.js"), $_smarty_tpl); ?> <?php echo smarty_function_script(array('src' => "js/tygh/ajax.js"), $_smarty_tpl); ?> <?php echo smarty_function_script(array('src' => "js/tygh/quick_menu.js"), $_smarty_tpl); ?> <?php if ($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['settings']->value['General']['feedback_type'] == "auto") { ?> <?php echo $_smarty_tpl->getSubTemplate("common/analytics.tpl", $_smarty_tpl->cache_id, $_smarty_tpl->compile_id, 0, null, array(), 0); ?> <?php } ?> <?php $_smarty_tpl->_capture_stack[0][] = array("promo_data", null, null); ob_start(); ?> <div class="commercial-promotion-text"> <p><?php echo $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['addon_permissions_text']->value['text']; ?> </p> <div> <?php list($_capture_buffer, $_capture_assign, $_capture_append) = array_pop($_smarty_tpl->_capture_stack[0]); if (!empty($_capture_buffer)) { if (isset($_capture_assign)) { $_smarty_tpl->assign($_capture_assign, ob_get_contents()); } if (isset($_capture_append)) { $_smarty_tpl->append($_capture_append, ob_get_contents()); } Smarty::$_smarty_vars['capture'][$_capture_buffer] = ob_get_clean(); } else { $_smarty_tpl->capture_error(); } ?> <?php $_smarty_tpl->smarty->_tag_stack[] = array('inline_script', array()); $_block_repeat = true; echo smarty_block_inline_script(array(), null, $_smarty_tpl, $_block_repeat); while ($_block_repeat) { ob_start(); echo '<script'; ?> type="text/javascript"> (function(_, $) {{ cannot_buy: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("cannot_buy"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', no_products_selected: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("no_products_selected"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', error_no_items_selected: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("error_no_items_selected"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', delete_confirmation: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("delete_confirmation"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', text_out_of_stock: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("text_out_of_stock"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', items: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("items"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', text_required_group_product: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("text_required_group_product"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', save: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("save"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', close: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("close"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', loading: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("loading"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', notice: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("notice"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', warning: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("warning"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', error: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("error"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', text_are_you_sure_to_proceed: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("text_are_you_sure_to_proceed"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', text_invalid_url: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("text_invalid_url"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', error_validator_email: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("error_validator_email"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', error_validator_phone: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("error_validator_phone"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', error_validator_integer: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("error_validator_integer"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', error_validator_multiple: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("error_validator_multiple"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', error_validator_password: '******'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', error_validator_required: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("error_validator_required"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', error_validator_zipcode: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("error_validator_zipcode"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', error_validator_message: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("error_validator_message"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', error_validator_color: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("error_validator_color"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', text_page_loading: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("text_page_loading"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', error_ajax: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("error_ajax"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', text_changes_not_saved: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("text_changes_not_saved"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', text_data_changed: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("text_data_changed"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', trial_notice: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("text_block_trial_notice", array("[href]" => $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['config']->value['resources']['license_url'])), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', expired_license: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("text_expired_license", array("[product]" => @constant('PRODUCT_NAME'))), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', file_browser: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("file_browser"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', editing_block: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("editing_block"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', editing_grid: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("editing_grid"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', editing_container: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("editing_container"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', adding_grid: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("adding_grid"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', adding_block_to_grid: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("adding_block_to_grid"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', manage_blocks: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("manage_blocks"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', editing_block: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("editing_block"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', add_block: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("add_block"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', text_position_updating: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("text_position_updating"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', more: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("more"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', browse: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("browse"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', enter_new_lang_code: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("enter_new_lang_code"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', no_image: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("no_image"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ' }); $.extend(_, { index_script: '<?php if ($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['user_info']->value['user_type'] == 'V') { echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['config']->value['vendor_index'], array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); } else { echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['config']->value['admin_index'], array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); } ?> ', changes_warning: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['settings']->value['Appearance']['changes_warning'], array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', currencies: { 'primary': { 'decimals_separator': '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['currencies']->value[$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['primary_currency']->value]['decimals_separator'], array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', 'thousands_separator': '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['currencies']->value[$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['primary_currency']->value]['thousands_separator'], array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', 'decimals': '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['currencies']->value[$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['primary_currency']->value]['decimals'], array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ' }, 'secondary': { 'decimals_separator': '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['currencies']->value[$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['secondary_currency']->value]['decimals_separator'], array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', 'thousands_separator': '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['currencies']->value[$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['secondary_currency']->value]['thousands_separator'], array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', 'decimals': '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['currencies']->value[$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['secondary_currency']->value]['decimals'], array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', 'coefficient': '<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['currencies']->value[$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['secondary_currency']->value]['coefficient'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?> ' } }, default_editor: '<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['settings']->value['Appearance']['default_wysiwyg_editor'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?> ', default_previewer: '<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['settings']->value['Appearance']['default_image_previewer'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?> ', current_path: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['config']->value['current_path'], array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', current_location: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['config']->value['current_location'], array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', images_dir: '<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['images_dir']->value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?> ', notice_displaying_time: <?php if ($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['settings']->value['Appearance']['notice_displaying_time']) { echo htmlspecialchars($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['settings']->value['Appearance']['notice_displaying_time'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } else { ?> 0<?php } ?> , cart_language: '<?php echo htmlspecialchars(@constant('CART_LANGUAGE'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?> ', default_language: '<?php echo htmlspecialchars(@constant('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?> ', cart_prices_w_taxes: <?php if ($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['settings']->value['Appearance']['cart_prices_w_taxes'] == 'Y') { ?> true<?php } else { ?> false<?php } ?> , theme_name: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['settings']->value['theme_name'], array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', current_url: '<?php echo strtr(fn_url($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['config']->value['current_url']), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', <?php if ($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['config']->value['tweaks']['anti_csrf']) { ?> security_hash: '<?php echo htmlspecialchars(fn_generate_security_hash(''), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?> ', // CSRF form protection key <?php } ?> promo_data: { title: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['addon_permissions_text']->value['title'], array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', text: '<?php echo strtr(Smarty::$_smarty_vars['capture']['promo_data'], array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ' } }); $(document).ready(function(){ $.runCart('A'); }); }(Tygh, Tygh.$)); <?php echo '</script'; ?> ><?php $_block_content = ob_get_clean(); $_block_repeat = false; echo smarty_block_inline_script(array(), $_block_content, $_smarty_tpl, $_block_repeat); } array_pop($_smarty_tpl->smarty->_tag_stack); ?> <?php $_smarty_tpl->smarty->_tag_stack[] = array('hook', array('name' => "index:scripts")); $_block_repeat = true; echo smarty_block_hook(array('name' => "index:scripts"), null, $_smarty_tpl, $_block_repeat); while ($_block_repeat) { ob_start(); ?> <?php $_block_content = ob_get_clean(); $_block_repeat = false; echo smarty_block_hook(array('name' => "index:scripts"), $_block_content, $_smarty_tpl, $_block_repeat); } array_pop($_smarty_tpl->smarty->_tag_stack); ?> <?php $_block_content = ob_get_clean(); $_block_repeat = false; echo smarty_block_scripts(array(), $_block_content, $_smarty_tpl, $_block_repeat); } array_pop($_smarty_tpl->smarty->_tag_stack); ?> <?php }
/** * Output filter: adds unique field to all forms to protect from CSRF attacks * @param string $content template content * @param \Smarty_Internal_Template $template template instance * @return string template content */ public static function outputSecurityHash($content, \Smarty_Internal_Template $template) { $content = preg_replace('/<input type="hidden" name="security_hash".*?>/i', '', $content); $content = str_replace('</form>', '<input type="hidden" name="security_hash" class="cm-no-hide-input" value="' . fn_generate_security_hash() . '" /></form>', $content); return $content; }
/** * Prepare all settings, wich should be passed to js */ function fn_twg_get_all_settings() { $settings = fn_twg_get_boot_settings(); $addon_settings = TwigmoSettings::get(); $settings['access_id'] = $addon_settings['access_id']; $settings['currency'] = Registry::get('currencies.' . CART_SECONDARY_CURRENCY); $settings['primaryCurrency'] = Registry::get('currencies.' . CART_PRIMARY_CURRENCY); $settings['url_for_facebook'] = isset($addon_settings['url_for_facebook']) ? fn_twg_get_external_info_url($addon_settings['url_for_facebook']) : ''; $settings['url_for_twitter'] = isset($addon_settings['url_for_twitter']) ? fn_twg_get_external_info_url($addon_settings['url_for_twitter']) : ''; $settings['lang'] = array_merge(fn_twg_get_default_customer_langvars(), Lang::getCustomerLangVars()); // Countries/states list($countries) = fn_get_countries(array('only_avail' => true)); $settings = array_merge($settings, Api::getAsList('countries', $countries)); $settings['states'] = fn_twg_get_states(); // Info pages $pages_location = $addon_settings['home_page_content'] == 'tw_home_page_blocks' ? '' : 'index.index'; $pages = TwigmoBlock::getBlocksForLocation($pages_location, array('pages')); $settings['info_pages'] = array(); foreach ($pages as $page) { $settings['info_pages'] = array_merge($settings['info_pages'], $page['pages']['page']); } // If page link begin with # then interpret this link as twigmo page foreach ($settings['info_pages'] as $k => $page) { if (preg_match('/^\\#.*$/', $page['link'])) { $settings['info_pages'][$k]['twigmo_page'] = substr($page['link'], 1); } } // Only required profile fields $only_required = isset($addon_settings['only_req_profile_fields']) ? $addon_settings['only_req_profile_fields'] : 'N'; $settings['profileFields'] = fn_twg_prepare_profile_fields(fn_get_profile_fields(), $only_required); $settings['profileFieldsCheckout'] = fn_twg_prepare_profile_fields(fn_get_profile_fields('O'), $only_required); $settings['show_product_code'] = isset($addon_settings['show_product_code']) ? $addon_settings['show_product_code'] : 'N'; $settings['titles'] = array(); $settings['profile'] = fn_twg_get_user_info($_SESSION['auth']['user_id']); $settings['cart'] = fn_twg_api_get_session_cart($_SESSION['cart']); $settings['sortings'] = fn_twg_get_sortings(); $settings['security_hash'] = fn_generate_security_hash(); $settings['productType'] = PRODUCT_EDITION; $settings['languages'] = array_values(Lang::getLanguages()); $settings['cart_language'] = CART_LANGUAGE; $settings['cart_prices_w_taxes'] = Registry::get('settings.Appearance.cart_prices_w_taxes'); $settings['show_prices_taxed_clean'] = Registry::get('settings.Appearance.show_prices_taxed_clean'); $settings['no_image_path'] = Registry::get('config.no_image_path'); // Suppliers $settings['suppliers_vendor'] = Registry::get('settings.Suppliers.apply_for_vendor'); $settings['display_supplier'] = Registry::get('settings.Suppliers.display_supplier') === 'Y' || Registry::get('settings.Vendors.display_vendor') === 'Y'; $settings['display_supplier'] = $settings['display_supplier'] ? 'Y' : 'N'; // General section $fields = array('use_email_as_login', 'min_order_amount', 'min_order_amount_type', 'allow_negative_amount', 'inventory_tracking', 'allow_anonymous_shopping', 'tax_calculation'); foreach ($fields as $field) { $settings[$field] = Registry::get('settings.General.' . $field); } $settings = array_merge($settings, fn_twg_get_checkout_settings()); if (version_compare(PRODUCT_VERSION, '4.0.2', '>=')) { $anonymous_shopping_settings_map = array('allow_shopping' => 'Y', 'hide_price_and_add_to_cart' => 'P', 'hide_add_to_cart' => 'B'); $settings['allow_anonymous_shopping'] = $anonymous_shopping_settings_map[$settings['allow_anonymous_shopping']]; } $settings['default_location'] = array('country' => Registry::get('settings.General.default_country'), 'state' => Registry::get('settings.General.default_state')); $settings['show_modifiers'] = Registry::get('settings.General.display_options_modifiers'); $settings['SEOEnabled'] = Registry::get('addons.seo.status') == 'A'; $settings['GATrackEcommerce'] = Registry::get('addons.google_analytics.status') == 'A' && Registry::get('addons.google_analytics.track_ecommerce') == 'Y' && file_exists(Registry::get('config.dir.addons') . 'google_analytics/controllers/frontend/'); if (fn_allowed_for('MULTIVENDOR')) { $settings['company_data'] = !empty($_SESSION['auth']['company_id']) ? fn_get_company_data($_SESSION['auth']['company_id']) : array(); } else { $settings['company_data'] = array(); } $settings['checkout'] = Registry::get('settings.Checkout'); fn_set_hook('twg_get_all_settings', $settings); $settings['lang'] = fn_twg_process_langvars($settings['lang']); return $settings; }
Registry::get('view')->display('views/orders/components/placing_order.tpl'); fn_flush(); } } elseif ($mode == 'cancel') { $pp_response['order_status'] = 'N'; $pp_response['reason_text'] = __('text_transaction_cancelled'); fn_finish_payment($order_id, $pp_response, false); fn_order_placement_routines('route', $order_id); } elseif ($mode == 'finish') { fn_order_placement_routines('route', $order_id); } exit; } else { $paypal_total = fn_format_price($order_info['total']); $cancel_url = fn_url("payment_notification.cancel?payment=paypal_advanced&order_id={$order_id}"); $post_data = array('VENDOR' => $processor_data['processor_params']['merchant_login'], 'PARTNER' => $processor_data['processor_params']['api_partner'], 'USER' => $processor_data['processor_params']['api_user'], 'PWD' => $processor_data['processor_params']['api_password'], 'TRXTYPE' => 'S', 'AMT' => $paypal_total, 'TENDER' => 'C', 'CREATESECURETOKEN' => 'Y', 'SECURETOKENID' => uniqid(rand()), 'DISABLERECEIPT' => 'TRUE', 'RETURNURL' => fn_url("payment_notification.return?payment=paypal_advanced&order_id={$order_id}&security_hash=" . fn_generate_security_hash()), 'CANCELURL' => $cancel_url, 'ERRORURL' => fn_url("payment_notification.return?payment=paypal_advanced&order_id={$order_id}&security_hash=" . fn_generate_security_hash()), 'URLMETHOD' => 'POST', 'TEMPLATE' => $processor_data['processor_params']['layout'], 'PAGECOLLAPSEBGCOLOR' => $processor_data['processor_params']['collapse_bg_color'], 'PAGECOLLAPSETEXTCOLOR' => $processor_data['processor_params']['collapse_text_color'], 'PAGEBUTTONBGCOLOR' => $processor_data['processor_params']['button_bgcolor'], 'PAGEBUTTONTEXTCOLOR' => $processor_data['processor_params']['button_text_color'], 'BUTTONTEXT' => $processor_data['processor_params']['label_text_color'], 'PAYFLOWCOLOR' => $processor_data['processor_params']['payflowcolor'], 'HDRIMG' => $processor_data['processor_params']['header_image'], 'BILLTOFIRSTNAME' => $order_info['b_firstname'], 'BILLTOLASTNAME' => $order_info['b_lastname'], 'BILLTOSTREET' => $order_info['b_address'], 'BILLTOCITY' => $order_info['b_city'], 'BILLTOSTATE' => fn_pp_get_state($order_info, 'b_'), 'BILLTOZIP' => $order_info['b_zipcode'], 'BILLTOCOUNTRY' => $order_info['b_country'], 'SHIPTOFIRSTNAME' => $order_info['s_firstname'], 'SHIPTOLASTNAME' => $order_info['s_firstname'], 'SHIPTOSTREET' => $order_info['s_address'], 'SHIPTOCITY' => $order_info['s_city'], 'SHIPTOSTATE' => fn_pp_get_state($order_info, 's_'), 'SHIPTOZIP' => $order_info['s_zipcode'], 'SHIPTOCOUNTRY' => $order_info['s_country'], 'EMAIL' => $order_info['email'], 'PHONENUM' => $order_info['phone']); $result = fn_pp_request($post_data, $processor_data['processor_params']['testmode']); if ($result['RESULT'] == '0') { $query_data = array('SECURETOKEN' => $result['SECURETOKEN'], 'SECURETOKENID' => $result['SECURETOKENID'], 'MODE' => $processor_data['processor_params']['testmode'] == 'Y' ? 'TEST' : ''); $iframe_url = '' . http_build_query($query_data); Registry::get('view')->assign('iframe_url', $iframe_url); Registry::get('view')->assign('cancel_url', $cancel_url); Registry::get('view')->display('views/checkout/processors/paypal_advanced.tpl'); exit; } else { $pp_response['order_status'] = 'F'; $pp_response["reason_text"] = 'RESULT:' . $result['RESULT'] . '; RESPMSG:' . $result['RESPMSG']; } } function fn_pp_get_state($order_info, $prefix = 's_') {
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?> ', default_language: '<?php echo htmlspecialchars(@constant('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?> ', cart_prices_w_taxes: <?php if ($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['settings']->value['Appearance']['cart_prices_w_taxes'] == 'Y') { ?> true<?php } else { ?> false<?php } ?> , theme_name: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['settings']->value['theme_name'], array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', regexp: [], current_url: '<?php echo strtr(fn_url($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['config']->value['current_url']), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', current_host: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['config']->value['current_host'], array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', init_context: '<?php echo strtr($_REQUEST['init_context'], array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); 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?> ', delete_confirmation: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("delete_confirmation"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', text_out_of_stock: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("text_out_of_stock"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', items: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("items"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', text_required_group_product: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("text_required_group_product"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', save: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("save"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', close: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("close"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', notice: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("notice"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', warning: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("warning"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', error: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("error"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', empty: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("empty"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', text_are_you_sure_to_proceed: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("text_are_you_sure_to_proceed"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', text_invalid_url: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("text_invalid_url"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); 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?> ', error_validator_zipcode: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("error_validator_zipcode"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', error_validator_message: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("error_validator_message"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', text_page_loading: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("text_page_loading"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', error_ajax: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("error_ajax"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', text_changes_not_saved: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("text_changes_not_saved"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', text_data_changed: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("text_data_changed"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); 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?> ', default_previewer: '<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['settings']->value['Appearance']['default_image_previewer'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?> ', current_path: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['config']->value['current_path'], array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', current_location: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['config']->value['current_location'], array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', images_dir: '<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['images_dir']->value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?> ', notice_displaying_time: <?php if ($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['settings']->value['Appearance']['notice_displaying_time']) { echo htmlspecialchars($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['settings']->value['Appearance']['notice_displaying_time'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } else { ?> 0<?php } ?> , cart_language: '<?php echo htmlspecialchars(@constant('CART_LANGUAGE'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); 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?> ' }); <?php if ($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['live_editor_objects']->value) { ?> $.extend(_, { live_editor_mode: true, live_editor_objects: <?php echo json_encode($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['live_editor_objects']->value); ?> }); <?php } ?> <?php if (!$_REQUEST['init_context']) { ?> $(document).ready(function(){ $.runCart('C'); }); <?php } ?> <?php if ($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['config']->value['tweaks']['anti_csrf']) { ?> // CSRF form protection key _.security_hash = '<?php echo htmlspecialchars(fn_generate_security_hash(''), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?> '; <?php } ?> }(Tygh, Tygh.$)); <?php echo '</script'; ?> > <?php $_smarty_tpl->smarty->_tag_stack[] = array('hook', array('name' => "index:scripts")); $_block_repeat = true; echo smarty_block_hook(array('name' => "index:scripts"), null, $_smarty_tpl, $_block_repeat); while ($_block_repeat) { ob_start(); ?> <?php $_block_content = ob_get_clean(); $_block_repeat = false; echo smarty_block_hook(array('name' => "index:scripts"), $_block_content, $_smarty_tpl, $_block_repeat); 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?> ', error_validator_integer: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("error_validator_integer"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', error_validator_multiple: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("error_validator_multiple"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', error_validator_password: '******'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', error_validator_required: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("error_validator_required"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', error_validator_zipcode: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("error_validator_zipcode"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); ?> ', error_validator_message: '<?php echo strtr($_smarty_tpl->__("error_validator_message"), array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'", "\"" => "\\\"", "\r" => "\\r", "\n" => "\\n", "</" => "<\\/")); 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