Exemple #1
  * Makes DB backup
  *  db_filename - string name of result pack. Will be stored in Registry::get('config.dir.database') . $db_filename;
  *  db_tables - array List of tables to be backuped
  *  db_schema - bool Backup tables schema
  *  db_data - bool Backup data from tables
  * @param array $params
  * @return string Path to backuped DB sql/tgz file
 public static function backupDatabase($params = array())
     $default_params = array('db_tables' => array(), 'db_schema' => false, 'db_data' => false, 'db_compress' => false, 'move_progress' => true);
     $params = array_merge($default_params, $params);
     $db_filename = empty($params['db_filename']) ? 'dump_' . date('mdY') . '.sql' : fn_basename($params['db_filename']);
     if (!fn_mkdir(Registry::get('config.dir.backups'))) {
         fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('text_cannot_create_directory', array('[directory]' => fn_get_rel_dir(Registry::get('config.dir.backups')))));
         return false;
     $dump_file = Registry::get('config.dir.backups') . $db_filename;
     if (is_file($dump_file)) {
         if (!is_writable($dump_file)) {
             fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('dump_file_not_writable'));
             return false;
     $result = db_export_to_file($dump_file, $params['db_tables'], $params['db_schema'], $params['db_data'], true, true, $params['move_progress']);
     if (!empty($params['db_compress'])) {
         fn_set_progress('echo', __('compress_dump'), false);
         $ext = $params['db_compress'] == 'tgz' ? '.tgz' : '.zip';
         $result = fn_compress_files($db_filename . $ext, $db_filename, dirname($dump_file));
         $dump_file .= $ext;
     if ($result) {
         return $dump_file;
     return false;
Exemple #2
  * Creates PO file for specified Language
  * @param string $lang_code 2-letters language code (Example: "en", "ru")
  * @param string $output    Output destination
  *      screen - Output countent direct to browser page
  *      download - Force file downloading
  *      server - upload file to the config.dir.lang_packs directory
 public static function export($lang_code, $output = 'download')
     $mve_lang_variables = array();
     // Translation packs should not include "Not translated" language data
     $allow_overlap = $lang_code == 'en' ? true : false;
     $default_lang = Registry::get('settings.Appearance.backend_default_language');
     $langs = self::get(array('lang_code' => $lang_code));
     $lang = $langs[$lang_code];
     $pack_path = fn_get_cache_path(false) . 'lang_pack/';
     $core_pack_path = $pack_path . 'core.po';
     $mve_pack_path = $pack_path . 'editions/mve.po';
     if (fn_allowed_for('MULTIVENDOR') && is_file(Registry::get('config.dir.lang_packs') . $default_lang . '/editions/mve.po')) {
         $mve_lang_variables = Po::getValues(Registry::get('config.dir.lang_packs') . $default_lang . '/editions/mve.po');
         Po::createHeader($mve_pack_path, $lang);
     Po::createHeader($core_pack_path, $lang);
     // Export Language values
     list($values) = LanguageValues::getVariables(array(), 0, $lang_code);
     foreach ($values as $_id => $value) {
         $values[$_id]['msgctxt'] = 'Languages' . \I18n_Pofile::DELIMITER . $value['name'];
     $values = fn_array_value_to_key($values, 'msgctxt');
     $addons_lang_vars = array();
     list($addons) = fn_get_addons(array('type' => 'installed'), 0, $lang_code);
     foreach ($addons as $addon_id => $addon) {
         $addons_lang_vars = array_merge($addons_lang_vars, self::exportAddonsPo($addon_id, $pack_path . 'addons/' . $addon_id . '.po', $lang_code, $values));
     $original_values = self::getOriginalValues('Languages');
     $values = array_diff_key($values, $addons_lang_vars);
     foreach ($values as $_id => $value) {
         $values[$_id]['original_value'] = isset($original_values['Languages::' . $value['name']]) ? $original_values['Languages::' . $value['name']]['msgid'] : '';
     $values = Po::convert($values, array(), $allow_overlap);
     list($values, $excluded) = self::excludeEditionVariables('Languages', $values, $mve_lang_variables);
     Po::putValues('Languages', $values, $core_pack_path);
     if (!empty($excluded)) {
         Po::putValues('Languages', $excluded, $mve_pack_path);
     // Export Settings Sections
     $sections = Settings::instance()->getCoreSections($lang_code);
     $original_values = self::getOriginalValues('SettingsSections');
     foreach ($sections as $_id => $value) {
         $sections[$_id]['original_value'] = isset($original_values['SettingsSections::' . $value['section_id']]) ? $original_values['SettingsSections::' . $value['section_id']]['msgid'] : '';
     $_sections = Po::convert($sections, array('id' => 'section_id', 'value' => 'description'), $allow_overlap);
     list($_sections, $excluded) = self::excludeEditionVariables('SettingsSections', $_sections, $mve_lang_variables);
     Po::putValues('SettingsSections', $_sections, $core_pack_path);
     if (!empty($excluded)) {
         Po::putValues('SettingsSections', $excluded, $mve_pack_path);
     $original_options = self::getOriginalValues('SettingsOptions');
     $original_variants = self::getOriginalValues('SettingsVariants');
     $original_tooltips = self::getOriginalValues('SettingsTooltips');
     foreach ($sections as $section) {
         $options = Settings::instance()->getList($section['object_id'], 0, false, null, $lang_code);
         $_options = array();
         $_tooltips = array();
         foreach ($options['main'] as $option) {
             $_options[] = array('name' => $option['name'], 'value' => $option['description'], 'original_value' => isset($original_options['SettingsOptions' . \I18n_Pofile::DELIMITER . $option['name']]) ? $original_options['SettingsOptions' . \I18n_Pofile::DELIMITER . $option['name']]['msgid'] : '');
             if (!empty($option['variants'])) {
                 $_variants = array();
                 foreach ($option['variants'] as $variant_id => $variant) {
                     $_variants[] = array('name' => $variant_id, 'value' => $variant, 'original_value' => isset($original_variants['SettingsVariants' . \I18n_Pofile::DELIMITER . $option['name'] . \I18n_Pofile::DELIMITER . $variant_id]) ? $original_variants['SettingsVariants' . \I18n_Pofile::DELIMITER . $option['name'] . \I18n_Pofile::DELIMITER . $variant_id]['msgid'] : '');
                 $_variants = Po::convert($_variants, array(), $allow_overlap);
                 list($_variants, $excluded) = self::excludeEditionVariables('SettingsVariants', $_variants, $mve_lang_variables);
                 Po::putValues('SettingsVariants' . \I18n_Pofile::DELIMITER . $option['name'], $_variants, $core_pack_path);
                 if (!empty($excluded)) {
                     Po::putValues('SettingsVariants', $excluded, $mve_pack_path);
             if (!empty($option['tooltip'])) {
                 $_tooltips[] = array('name' => $option['name'], 'value' => $option['tooltip'], 'original_value' => isset($original_tooltips['SettingsTooltips' . \I18n_Pofile::DELIMITER . $option['name']]) ? $original_tooltips['SettingsTooltips' . \I18n_Pofile::DELIMITER . $option['name']]['msgid'] : '');
         $_options = Po::convert($_options, array(), $allow_overlap);
         list($_options, $excluded) = self::excludeEditionVariables('SettingsOptions', $_options, $mve_lang_variables);
         Po::putValues('SettingsOptions', $_options, $core_pack_path);
         if (!empty($excluded)) {
             Po::putValues('SettingsOptions', $excluded, $mve_pack_path);
         $_tooltips = Po::convert($_tooltips, array(), $allow_overlap);
         list($_tooltips, $excluded) = self::excludeEditionVariables('SettingsTooltips', $_tooltips, $mve_lang_variables);
         Po::putValues('SettingsTooltips', $_tooltips, $core_pack_path);
         if (!empty($excluded)) {
             Po::putValues('SettingsTooltips', $excluded, $mve_pack_path);
     // Export Profile fields
     $profile_fields = fn_get_profile_fields('ALL', array(), $lang_code);
     $original_values = self::getOriginalValues('ProfileFields');
     $values = array();
     foreach ($profile_fields as $zone => $fields) {
         foreach ($fields as $field_id => $field) {
             $values[] = array('name' => $field['field_name'], 'value' => $field['description'], 'original_value' => isset($original_values['ProfileFields::' . $field['field_name']]) ? $original_values['ProfileFields::' . $field['field_name']]['msgid'] : '');
     $values = Po::convert($values, array(), $allow_overlap);
     list($values, $excluded) = self::excludeEditionVariables('ProfileFields', $values, $mve_lang_variables);
     Po::putValues('ProfileFields', $values, $core_pack_path);
     if (!empty($excluded)) {
         Po::putValues('ProfileFields', $excluded, $mve_pack_path);
     fn_compress_files($lang_code . '.zip', './', $pack_path);
     $filename = $pack_path . $lang_code . '.zip';
     switch ($output) {
         case 'server':
             fn_copy($filename, Registry::get('config.dir.lang_packs') . $lang_code . '.zip');
         case 'download':
             fn_get_file($filename, $lang_code . '.zip');
     return true;
Exemple #3
             for ($i = 0; $i < $total_rows; $i = $i + $it) {
                 $table_data = db_get_array("SELECT * FROM {$table} LIMIT {$i}, {$it}");
                 foreach ($table_data as $_tdata) {
                     $_tdata = fn_add_slashes($_tdata, true);
                     fwrite($fd, "INSERT INTO {$table} (`" . implode('`, `', array_keys($_tdata)) . "`) VALUES ('" . implode('\', \'', array_values($_tdata)) . "');\n");
                 fn_echo(' .');
     @chmod(DIR_DATABASE . 'backup/' . $dbdump_filename, DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS);
     if ($_REQUEST['dbdump_compress'] == 'Y') {
         fn_echo('<br />' . fn_get_lang_var('compressing_backup') . '...');
         fn_compress_files($dbdump_filename . '.tgz', $dbdump_filename, dirname($dump_file));
 // Restore
 if ($mode == 'restore') {
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['backup_files'])) {
         // Log database restore
         fn_log_event('database', 'restore');
         foreach ($_REQUEST['backup_files'] as $file) {
             fn_echo('<br />' . fn_get_lang_var('restoring_from') . ': <b>' . $file . '</b><hr width="100%" />');
             if (strpos($file, '.tgz') !== false) {
                 fn_decompress_files($file, DIR_DATABASE . '/backup');
                 $file = substr($file, 0, strpos($file, '.tgz'));
Exemple #4
 public function backupYml()
     if (file_exists($this->filepath)) {
         $path = fn_get_files_dir_path() . 'yml/';
         $archive_path = $path . 'archives/';
         $archive_name = 'ym_' . date('dmY_His', TIME) . '.tgz';
         fn_compress_files($archive_name, $this->filename . '.yml', $path);
         fn_rename($path . $archive_name, $archive_path . $archive_name);
         $archives_list = fn_get_dir_contents($archive_path, false, true);
         if (!empty($archives_list) && count($archives_list) > self::ARCHIVES_LIMIT) {
             list(, $old_archives) = array_chunk($archives_list, self::ARCHIVES_LIMIT);
             foreach ($old_archives as $filename) {
                 fn_rm($archive_path . $filename);
    return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, 'file_editor.init_view?dir=' . $_REQUEST['file_path'] . '/' . $_REQUEST['file']);
} elseif ($mode == 'decompress') {
    $pname = fn_te_normalize_path($_REQUEST, $section_root_dir);
    if (fn_te_check_path($pname, $_SESSION['active_section'])) {
        fn_decompress_files($pname, dirname($pname));
    return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, 'file_editor.init_view?dir=' . $_REQUEST['file_path']);
} elseif ($mode == 'compress') {
    $pname = fn_te_normalize_path($_REQUEST, $section_root_dir);
    if (fn_te_check_path($pname, $_SESSION['active_section']) && file_exists($pname)) {
        $archive_file = $pname . '.zip';
        if (file_exists($archive_file)) {
        fn_compress_files(fn_basename($archive_file), array(fn_basename($pname)), dirname($pname));
    return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, 'file_editor.init_view?dir=' . $_REQUEST['file_path']);
 * Gets file/directory permissions in human-readable notation
 * @param string $path path to file/directory
 * @return string readable permissions
function fn_te_get_permissions($path)
    if (defined('IS_WINDOWS')) {
        return '';
    $mode = fileperms($path);
    $owner = array();