public static function apiUpdateOrder($order, $response) { if (!defined('ORDER_MANAGEMENT')) { define('ORDER_MANAGEMENT', true); } if (!empty($order['status'])) { $statuses = fn_get_statuses(STATUSES_ORDER, false, true); if (!isset($statuses[$order['status']])) { $response->addError('ERROR_OBJECT_UPDATE', str_replace('[object]', 'orders', __('twgadmin_wrong_api_object_data'))); } else { fn_change_order_status($order['order_id'], $order['status']); } } $cart = array(); fn_clear_cart($cart, true); $customer_auth = fn_fill_auth(array(), array(), false, 'C'); fn_form_cart($order['order_id'], $cart, $customer_auth); $cart['order_id'] = $order['order_id']; // update only profile data $profile_data = fn_check_table_fields($order, 'user_profiles'); $cart['user_data'] = fn_array_merge($cart['user_data'], $profile_data); $cart['user_data'] = fn_array_merge($cart['user_data'], $order); fn_calculate_cart_content($cart, $customer_auth, 'A', true, 'I'); if (!empty($order['details'])) { db_query('UPDATE ?:orders SET details = ?s WHERE order_id = ?i', $order['details'], $order['order_id']); } if (!empty($order['notes'])) { $cart['notes'] = $order['notes']; } fn_update_payment_surcharge($cart, $customer_auth); list($order_id, $process_payment) = fn_place_order($cart, $customer_auth, 'save'); return array($order_id, $process_payment); }
if (is_array($_REQUEST['delete'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['delete'] as $k => $v) { db_query("DELETE FROM ?:countries WHERE code = ?s", $k); db_query("DELETE FROM ?:country_descriptions WHERE code = ?s", $k); } } } // // Adding new countries // if ($mode == 'add') { foreach ($_REQUEST['country_data_add'] as $key => $value) { if (!empty($value['code']) && !empty($_REQUEST['country_description_add'][$key]['country'])) { if (db_get_field("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?:countries WHERE code = ?s", $value['code'])) { continue; } $_data = fn_check_table_fields($value, 'countries'); db_query('INSERT INTO ?:countries ?e', $_data); unset($_data); $_data = fn_check_table_fields($_REQUEST['country_description_add'][$key], 'country_descriptions'); $_data['code'] = $value['code']; foreach ((array) Registry::get('languages') as $_data['lang_code'] => $v) { db_query("INSERT INTO ?:country_descriptions ?e", $_data); } } } } return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK, "countries.manage"); } $view->assign('countries', fn_get_countries(DESCR_SL, false, true)); /** /Body **/
* @version 4.1.x * @license ****************************************************************************/ use Tygh\Registry; if (!defined('BOOTSTRAP')) { die('Access denied'); } if ($mode == 'likes') { if ($auth['user_id'] && isset($_REQUEST['post_id'])) { $data = array(); $data['user_id'] = $auth['user_id']; $data['post_id'] = $_REQUEST['post_id']; $data['is_like'] = $_REQUEST['like']; $vote = db_get_field('SELECT is_like FROM ?:review_likes WHERE user_id=?i AND post_id=?i', $data['user_id'], $data['post_id']); if ($vote !== $data['is_like']) { $_data = fn_check_table_fields($data, 'review_likes'); db_query('REPLACE INTO ?:review_likes ?e', $data); $title = $data['is_like'] ? __('you_like_this') : __('you_not_like_this'); $msg = __('thanks_for_vote'); fn_set_notification('N', $title, $msg); } else { fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('no_more_vote'), 'I'); } } exit; } if ($mode == 'view_posts') { $posts = array(); $object_id = $_REQUEST["object_id"]; if ($object_id) { $object_type = $_REQUEST['object_type'];
} $suffix = ".update?selected_section=products&event_id={$_REQUEST['event_id']}"; } // Add products to the event if ($mode == 'add_products') { foreach ($_REQUEST['product_data'] as $product_id => $data) { $data['item_id'] = fn_generate_cart_id($product_id, array("product_options" => @$data['product_options']), false); $existent_amount = db_get_field("SELECT amount FROM ?:giftreg_event_products WHERE item_id = ?i", $data['item_id']); if (!empty($data['product_options'])) { $data['extra'] = serialize($data['product_options']); } $data['product_id'] = $product_id; $data['event_id'] = $_REQUEST['event_id']; if (!empty($data['amount'])) { $data['amount'] += $existent_amount; $data = fn_check_table_fields($data, 'giftreg_event_products'); db_query("REPLACE INTO ?:giftreg_event_products ?e", $data); } } $suffix = ".update?selected_section=products&event_id={$_REQUEST['event_id']}"; } // Add new event if ($mode == 'add') { $event_data = $_REQUEST['event_data']; list($event_id, $access_key) = fn_update_event($event_data); $suffix = ".update?event_id={$event_id}"; $suffix .= !empty($access_key) ? "&access_key={$access_key}" : ''; } // Update the event if ($mode == 'update') { if (AREA == 'C' && !defined('EVENT_OWNER') && Registry::get('addons.gift_registry.event_creators') != 'all') {
} } // Check if post needs to be approved if (AREA != 'A' && !empty($discussion_settings[$object_name . '_post_approval'])) { if ($discussion_settings[$object_name . '_post_approval'] == 'any' || $discussion_settings[$object_name . '_post_approval'] == 'anonymous' && empty($auth['user_id'])) { fn_set_notification('W', fn_get_lang_var('text_thank_you_for_post'), fn_get_lang_var('text_post_pended')); $post_data['status'] = 'D'; } } $_data = fn_check_table_fields($post_data, 'discussion_posts'); $_data['timestamp'] = TIME; $_data['user_id'] = $auth['user_id']; $post_data['post_id'] = db_query("INSERT INTO ?:discussion_posts ?e", $_data); $_data = fn_check_table_fields($post_data, 'discussion_messages'); db_query("REPLACE INTO ?:discussion_messages ?e", $_data); $_data = fn_check_table_fields($post_data, 'discussion_rating'); db_query("REPLACE INTO ?:discussion_rating ?e", $_data); // For orders - set notification to admin or customer if ($object['object_type'] == 'O') { $email_to = AREA == 'A' ? db_get_field("SELECT email FROM ?:orders WHERE order_id = ?i", $object['object_id']) : Registry::get('settings.Company.company_orders_department'); $email_from = AREA == 'A' ? Registry::get('settings.Company.company_orders_department') : db_get_field("SELECT email FROM ?:orders WHERE order_id = ?i", $object['object_id']); $view_mail->assign('url', fn_url("orders.details?order_id={$object['object_id']}", AREA == 'A' ? 'C' : 'A', 'http', '&')); } elseif (!empty($discussion_settings[$object_name . '_notification_email'])) { $email_to = $discussion_settings[$object_name . '_notification_email']; $email_from = Registry::get('settings.Company.company_site_administrator'); $url = "discussion_manager.manage?object_type={$object['object_type']}&post_id={$post_data['post_id']}"; $view_mail->assign('url', fn_url($url, 'A', 'http', '&')); } $view_mail->assign('object_data', $object_data); $view_mail->assign('post_data', $post_data); $view_mail->assign('object_name', $object_name);
function fn_report_table_clone($report_id, $table_id) { //tables for report $table_data = db_get_row("SELECT a.*, b.description FROM ?:sales_reports_tables as a LEFT JOIN ?:sales_reports_table_descriptions as b ON a.table_id = b.table_id AND lang_code = ?s WHERE a.table_id = ?i", CART_LANGUAGE, $table_id); $data['report_id'] = $table_data['report_id']; $data['type'] = $table_data['type']; $table_id_new = db_query("INSERT INTO ?:sales_reports_tables ?e", $data); fn_create_description('sales_reports_table_descriptions', "table_id", $table_id_new, array("description" => $table_data["description"] . '[CLONE]')); //Orders element for table $_elements = db_get_array("SELECT a.* FROM ?:sales_reports_table_elements as a WHERE a.report_id = ?i AND a.table_id = ?i AND a.time_interval = 'N' ORDER BY a.position", $report_id, $table_id); foreach ($_elements as $k => $element) { $data = $element; $data['table_id'] = $table_id_new; $data['condition'] = db_get_fields("SELECT ids FROM ?:sales_reports_table_element_conditions WHERE table_id = ?i AND element_hash = ?s", $table_id, $element['element_hash']); $data['element_hash'] = fn_generate_element_hash($table_id_new, $data['element_id'], $data['condition']); $_data = fn_check_table_fields($data, 'sales_reports_table_elements'); db_query("INSERT INTO ?:sales_reports_table_elements ?e", $_data); $_cond['table_id'] = $table_id_new; $_cond['element_hash'] = $data['element_hash']; foreach ($data['condition'] as $kk => $value) { $_cond['ids'] = $value; db_query("INSERT INTO ?:sales_reports_table_element_conditions ?e", $_cond); } } //Intervals for table $_intervals = db_get_array("SELECT a.*, b.description FROM ?:sales_reports_table_elements as a WHERE a.report_id = ?i AND a.table_id = ?i AND a.time_interval = 'Y'", $report_id, $table_id); foreach ($_intervals as $k => $interval) { $data = $interval; $data['table_id'] = $table_id_new; $_data = fn_check_table_fields($data, 'sales_reports_table_elements'); db_query("INSERT INTO ?:sales_reports_table_elements ?e", $_data); } return $table_id; }
function fn_create_description($table_name, $id_name = '', $field_id = '', $data) { if (empty($field_id) || empty($data) || empty($id_name)) { return false; } $_data = fn_check_table_fields($data, $table_name); $_data[$id_name] = $field_id; foreach ((array) Registry::get('languages') as $_data['lang_code'] => $v) { db_query("REPLACE INTO ?:{$table_name} ?e", $_data); } return true; }
<?php /***************************************************************************** * This is a commercial software, only users who have purchased a valid * license and accepts the terms of the License Agreement can install and use * this program. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * @copyright LCC Alt-team: * @module "Alt-team: Extended reviews with attributes" * @version 4.1.x * @license ****************************************************************************/ if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { if ($mode == 'update') { if (!empty($_REQUEST['posts']) && is_array($_REQUEST['posts'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['posts'] as $p_id => $post) { if (!empty($post['attributes'])) { foreach ($post['attributes'] as $attr_id => $rate) { $_data['rating'] = $rate; $_data['attr_id'] = $attr_id; $_data['post_id'] = $p_id; $_data = fn_check_table_fields($_data, 'review_rating'); db_query("REPLACE INTO ?:review_rating ?e", $_data); } } } } } }
function fn_rma_recalculate_order($order_id, $recalculate_type, $return_id, $is_refund, $ex_data) { if (empty($recalculate_type) || empty($return_id) || empty($order_id) || !is_array($ex_data) || $recalculate_type == 'R' && !isset($ex_data['shipping_costs']) || $recalculate_type == 'M' && !isset($ex_data['total'])) { return false; } $order = db_get_row("SELECT total, subtotal, discount, shipping_cost FROM ?:orders WHERE order_id = ?i", $order_id); $order_items = db_get_hash_array("SELECT * FROM ?:order_details WHERE ?:order_details.order_id = ?i", 'item_id', $order_id); $additional_data = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT type, data FROM ?:order_data WHERE order_id = ?i", array('type', 'data'), $order_id); $order_return_info = @unserialize(@$additional_data[ORDER_DATA_RETURN]); $order_tax_info = @unserialize(@$additional_data['T']); if ($recalculate_type == 'R') { $shipping_info = @unserialize(@$additional_data['L']); if ($is_refund == 'Y') { $sign = $ex_data['inventory_to'] == 'I' ? -1 : 1; // What for is this section ??? if (!empty($order_return_info['returned_products'])) { foreach ($order_return_info['returned_products'] as $item_id => $item) { if (isset($item['extra']['returns'][$return_id])) { $r_item = $o_item = $item; unset($r_item['extra']['returns'][$return_id]); $r_item['amount'] = $item['amount'] - $item['extra']['returns'][$return_id]['amount']; fn_rma_recalculate_order_routine($order, $r_item, $item, 'O-', $ex_data); if (empty($r_item['amount'])) { unset($order_return_info['returned_products'][$item_id]); } else { $order_return_info['returned_products'][$item_id] = $r_item; } $o_item['primordial_amount'] = (isset($order_items[$item_id]) ? $order_items[$item_id]['amount'] : 0) + $item['extra']['returns'][$return_id]['amount']; $o_item['primordial_discount'] = @$o_item['extra']['discount']; fn_rma_recalculate_order_routine($order, $o_item, $item, 'M+'); $o_item['amount'] = (isset($order_items[$item_id]) ? $order_items[$item_id]['amount'] : 0) + $item['extra']['returns'][$return_id]['amount']; if (isset($order_items[$item_id]['extra'])) { $o_item['extra'] = @unserialize($order_items[$item_id]['extra']); } $o_item['extra']['returns'][$return_id] = $item['extra']['returns'][$return_id]; $o_item['extra'] = serialize($o_item['extra']); $o_item = fn_check_table_fields($o_item, 'order_details'); if (!isset($order_items[$item_id])) { db_query("REPLACE INTO ?:order_details ?e", $o_item); } else { db_query("UPDATE ?:order_details SET ?u WHERE item_id = ?i AND order_id = ?i", $o_item, $item_id, $order_id); } } } } // Check all the products and update their amount and cost. foreach ($order_items as $item_id => $item) { $item['extra'] = @unserialize($item['extra']); if (isset($item['extra']['returns'][$return_id])) { $o_item = $item; $o_item['amount'] = $o_item['amount'] + $sign * $item['extra']['returns'][$return_id]['amount']; unset($o_item['extra']['returns'][$return_id]); if (empty($o_item['extra']['returns'])) { unset($o_item['extra']['returns']); } fn_rma_recalculate_order_routine($order, $o_item, $item); if (empty($o_item['amount'])) { db_query("DELETE FROM ?:order_details WHERE item_id = ?i AND order_id = ?i", $item_id, $order_id); } else { $o_item['extra'] = serialize($o_item['extra']); $o_item = fn_check_table_fields($o_item, 'order_details'); db_query("UPDATE ?:order_details SET ?u WHERE item_id = ?i AND order_id = ?i", $o_item, $item_id, $order_id); } if (!isset($order_return_info['returned_products'][$item_id])) { $r_item = $item; unset($r_item['extra']['returns']); $r_item['amount'] = $item['extra']['returns'][$return_id]['amount']; } else { $r_item = $order_return_info['returned_products'][$item_id]; $r_item['amount'] = $r_item['amount'] + $item['extra']['returns'][$return_id]['amount']; } fn_rma_recalculate_order_routine($order, $r_item, $item, 'M-O+', $ex_data); $r_item['extra']['returns'][$return_id] = $item['extra']['returns'][$return_id]; $order_return_info['returned_products'][$item_id] = $r_item; fn_rma_update_order_taxes($order_tax_info, $item_id, $item['amount'], $o_item['amount'], $order); } } $_ori_data = array('order_id' => $order_id, 'type' => ORDER_DATA_RETURN, 'data' => $order_return_info); } if ($shipping_info) { foreach ((array) $ex_data['shipping_costs'] as $shipping_id => $cost) { $_total = array_sum($shipping_info[$shipping_id]['rates']); foreach ($shipping_info[$shipping_id]['rates'] as $s_id => $rate) { $shipping_info[$shipping_id]['rates'][$s_id] = fn_format_price($_total ? $rate / $_total * $cost : $cost / count($shipping_info[$shipping_id]['rates'])); } // Correct cost FIXME if ($cost != ($new_total = array_sum($shipping_info[$shipping_id]['rates']))) { $deviation = $new_total - $cost; foreach ($shipping_info[$shipping_id]['rates'] as $s_id => $rate) { $shipping_info[$shipping_id]['rates'][$s_id] = fn_format_price($rate + $deviation); break; } } } db_query("UPDATE ?:order_data SET ?u WHERE order_id = ?i AND type = 'L'", array('data' => serialize($shipping_info)), $order_id); fn_update_shipping_taxes($order_tax_info, $shipping_info, $order); } $order['total'] -= $order['shipping_cost']; $order['shipping_cost'] = array_sum($ex_data['shipping_costs']); $order['total'] += $order['shipping_cost']; if (!empty($order_tax_info)) { db_query("UPDATE ?:order_data SET ?u WHERE order_id = ?i AND type = 'T'", array('data' => serialize($order_tax_info)), $order_id); } } elseif ($recalculate_type == 'M') { $order['total'] = $order['total'] + $ex_data['total']; $_ori_data = array('order_id' => $order_id, 'type' => ORDER_DATA_RETURN, 'data' => array('return' => fn_format_price((isset($order_return_info['return']) ? $order_return_info['return'] : 0) - $ex_data['total']), 'returned_products' => isset($order_return_info['returned_products']) ? $order_return_info['returned_products'] : '')); $return_products = db_get_hash_array("SELECT * FROM ?:rma_return_products WHERE return_id = ?i AND type = ?s", 'item_id', $return_id, RETURN_PRODUCT_ACCEPTED); foreach ((array) $return_products as $item_id => $v) { $v['extra']['product_options'] = @unserialize($v['extra']['product_options']); if ($ex_data['inventory_to'] == 'D' || $ex_data['status_to'] == RMA_DEFAULT_STATUS) { fn_update_product_amount($v['product_id'], $v['amount'], @$v['extra']['product_options'], '-'); } elseif ($ex_data['inventory_to'] == 'I') { fn_update_product_amount($v['product_id'], $v['amount'], $v['extra']['product_options'], '+'); } } } if ($is_refund == 'Y') { if (isset($_ori_data['data']['return']) && floatval($_ori_data['data']['return']) == 0) { unset($_ori_data['data']['return']); } if (empty($_ori_data['data']['returned_products'])) { unset($_ori_data['data']['returned_products']); } if (!empty($_ori_data['data'])) { $_ori_data['data'] = serialize($_ori_data['data']); db_query("REPLACE INTO ?:order_data ?e", $_ori_data); } else { db_query("DELETE FROM ?:order_data WHERE order_id = ?i AND type = ?s", $order_id, ORDER_DATA_RETURN); } } foreach ($order as $k => $v) { $order[$k] = fn_format_price($v); } db_query("UPDATE ?:orders SET ?u WHERE order_id = ?i", $order, $order_id); }
if (is_array($_REQUEST['add_fields_data'])) { fn_giftreg_add_fields($_REQUEST['add_fields_data']); } $suffix = ".field_editor"; } // Update event fields if ($mode == 'update_fields') { if (@is_array($_REQUEST['fields_data'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['fields_data'] as $field_id => $data) { $_data = fn_check_table_fields($data, 'giftreg_fields'); db_query("UPDATE ?:giftreg_fields SET ?u WHERE field_id = ?i", $_data, $field_id); $_data = array('object_id' => $field_id, 'object_type' => 'F', 'description' => $data['description'], 'lang_code' => DESCR_SL); db_query("REPLACE INTO ?:giftreg_descriptions ?e", $_data); if (@is_array($data['variants'])) { foreach ($data['variants'] as $variant_id => $vdata) { $_data = fn_check_table_fields($vdata, 'giftreg_field_variants'); db_query("UPDATE ?:giftreg_field_variants SET ?u WHERE variant_id = ?i", $_data, $variant_id); $_data = array('object_id' => $variant_id, 'object_type' => 'V', 'description' => $vdata['description'], 'lang_code' => DESCR_SL); db_query("REPLACE INTO ?:giftreg_descriptions ?e", $_data); } } if (substr_count('SR', $data['field_type']) && is_array($data['add_variants'])) { fn_giftreg_add_field_variants($data['add_variants'], $field_id); } else { fn_giftreg_delete_field_variants($field_id); } } } $suffix = ".field_editor"; } // Delete fields and/or variants
function fn_gift_certificates_place_order($order_id, $fake, $fake1, &$cart) { if (!empty($order_id)) { if (defined('ORDER_MANAGEMENT')) { // If the purchased certificate was deleted when editing, then it should be updated in the database if (!empty($cart['gift_certificates_previous_state'])) { $flip_gcps = array_flip(array_keys($cart['gift_certificates_previous_state'])); $flip_gc = array_flip(array_keys(!empty($cart['gift_certificates']) ? $cart['gift_certificates'] : array())); $diff = array_diff_key($flip_gcps, $flip_gc); if (!empty($diff)) { foreach ($diff as $gift_cert_cart_id => $v) { db_query("UPDATE ?:gift_certificates SET order_ids = ?p WHERE gift_cert_id = ?i", fn_remove_from_set('order_ids', $order_id), $cart['gift_certificates_previous_state'][$gift_cert_cart_id]['gift_cert_id']); } db_query("DELETE FROM ?:order_data WHERE order_id = ?i AND type = ?s", $order_id, ORDER_DATA_PURCHASED_GIFT_CERTIFICATES); } } } if (isset($cart['reset_use_gift_certificates'])) { foreach ($cart['reset_use_gift_certificates'] as $v) { db_query("UPDATE ?:gift_certificates SET order_ids = ?p WHERE gift_cert_id = ?i", fn_remove_from_set('order_ids', $order_id), $v); } unset($cart['reset_use_gift_certificates']); } if (isset($cart['gift_certificates'])) { foreach ($cart['gift_certificates'] as $k => $v) { if (defined('ORDER_MANAGEMENT') && !empty($v['gift_cert_code'])) { $code = $v['gift_cert_code']; } else { do { $code = fn_generate_gift_certificate_code(); } while (true == fn_check_gift_certificate_code($code)); } $_data = fn_check_table_fields($v, 'gift_certificates'); $_data = fn_array_merge($_data, array('gift_cert_code' => $code, 'timestamp' => TIME, 'status' => 'P')); $_data['products'] = !empty($_data['products']) ? serialize($_data['products']) : ''; $gift_cert_id = db_query('REPLACE INTO ?:gift_certificates ?e', $_data); $cart['gift_certificates'][$k] = fn_array_merge($v, array('gift_cert_id' => $gift_cert_id, 'gift_cert_code' => $code)); db_query("UPDATE ?:gift_certificates SET order_ids = ?p WHERE gift_cert_id = ?i", fn_add_to_set('order_ids', $order_id), $gift_cert_id); if (defined('ORDER_MANAGEMENT')) { //If the certificate was not removed from the order, it is necessary to check whether the products and amount have been changed and modify the log. $debit_info = db_get_row("SELECT debit AS amount, debit_products AS products FROM ?:gift_certificates_log WHERE gift_cert_id = ?i ORDER BY timestamp DESC", $gift_cert_id); if (empty($debit_info)) { $debit_info = db_get_row("SELECT amount, products FROM ?:gift_certificates WHERE gift_cert_id = ?i", $gift_cert_id); } if ($_data['amount'] - $debit_info['amount'] != 0 || md5($_data['products']) != md5($debit_info['products'])) { $_info = array('amount' => $_data['amount'], 'products' => $_data['products']); fn_add_gift_certificate_log_record($gift_cert_id, $debit_info, $_info); } } } $order_data = array('order_id' => $order_id, 'type' => ORDER_DATA_PURCHASED_GIFT_CERTIFICATES, 'data' => serialize($cart['gift_certificates'])); db_query("REPLACE INTO ?:order_data ?e", $order_data); } //--> FIXME: optimize this code: if (!empty($cart['use_gift_certificates_previous_state'])) { $flip_ugcps = array_flip(array_keys($cart['use_gift_certificates_previous_state'])); $flip_ugc = array_flip(array_keys(!empty($cart['use_gift_certificates']) ? $cart['use_gift_certificates'] : array())); $diff = array_diff_key($flip_ugcps, $flip_ugc); if (!empty($diff)) { foreach ($diff as $gift_cert_code => $v) { $gc_data = $cart['use_gift_certificates_previous_state'][$gift_cert_code]['previous_state']; $log_records = db_get_array("SELECT log_id, amount, debit, products, debit_products FROM ?:gift_certificates_log WHERE log_id >= ?i AND gift_cert_id = ?i ORDER BY timestamp ASC", $gc_data['log_id'], $gc_data['gift_cert_id']); foreach ($log_records as $record) { if (!empty($gc_data['products'])) { if ($record['log_id'] != $gc_data['log_id']) { $record['products'] = unserialize($record['products']); foreach ($gc_data['products'] as $po_product_id => $po_quantity) { if (!isset($record['products'][$po_product_id])) { $record['products'][$po_product_id] = $po_quantity; } else { $record['products'][$po_product_id] += $po_quantity; } if (empty($record['products'][$po_product_id])) { unset($record['products'][$po_product_id]); } } $record['products'] = serialize($record['products']); } $record['debit_products'] = unserialize($record['debit_products']); foreach ($gc_data['products'] as $po_product_id => $po_quantity) { if (!isset($record['debit_products'][$po_product_id])) { $record['debit_products'][$po_product_id] = $po_quantity; } else { $record['debit_products'][$po_product_id] += $po_quantity; } if (empty($record['debit_products'][$po_product_id])) { unset($record['debit_products'][$po_product_id]); } } $record['debit_products'] = serialize($record['debit_products']); } if ($record['log_id'] != $gc_data['log_id']) { $record['amount'] += $gc_data['cost']; } $record['debit'] += $gc_data['cost']; db_query("UPDATE ?:gift_certificates_log SET ?u WHERE log_id = ?i", $record, $record['log_id']); if (floatval($record['debit']) > 0 || unserialize($record['debit_products']) != array() && db_get_field("SELECT status FROM ?:gift_certificates WHERE gift_cert_id = ?", $gc_data['gift_cert_id']) == 'U') { fn_change_gift_certificate_status($gc_data['gift_cert_id'], 'A'); } } } } } if (isset($cart['use_gift_certificates'])) { $debit_products = array(); $use_gift_certificates = array(); if (!empty($cart['deleted_exclude_products'][GIFT_CERTIFICATE_EXCLUDE_PRODUCTS])) { foreach ($cart['deleted_exclude_products'][GIFT_CERTIFICATE_EXCLUDE_PRODUCTS] as $cart_id => $v) { foreach ($v['in_use_certificate'] as $gift_cert_code => $amount) { $debit_products[$gift_cert_code]['products'][$v['product_id']] = $amount; } } } $use_gift_certificate_products = array(); if (!empty($cart['products'])) { foreach ($cart['products'] as $product) { if (!empty($product['extra']['exclude_from_calculate']) && $product['extra']['exclude_from_calculate'] == GIFT_CERTIFICATE_EXCLUDE_PRODUCTS) { foreach ($product['extra']['in_use_certificate'] as $gift_cert_code => $quantity) { $use_gift_certificate_products[$gift_cert_code][$product['product_id']] = $quantity; } } } } foreach ($cart['use_gift_certificates'] as $k => $v) { if (!empty($v['log_id'])) { $product_odds = array(); $amount_odds = $v['previous_state']['cost'] - $v['cost']; $current_state_products = !empty($use_gift_certificate_products[$k]) ? $use_gift_certificate_products[$k] : array(); if (sizeof($v['previous_state']['products']) != sizeof($current_state_products) || serialize($v['previous_state']['products']) != serialize($current_state_products)) { if (!empty($v['previous_state']['products'])) { foreach ($v['previous_state']['products'] as $product_id => $quantity) { if (!isset($current_state_products[$product_id])) { $product_odds[$product_id] = $quantity; } else { $product_odds[$product_id] = $quantity - $current_state_products[$product_id]; } if (empty($product_odds[$product_id])) { unset($product_odds[$product_id]); } } } elseif (!empty($current_state_products)) { foreach ($current_state_products as $product_id => $quantity) { $product_odds[$product_id] = -$quantity; } } } if ($amount_odds != 0 || !empty($product_odds)) { $log_records = db_get_array("SELECT log_id, amount, debit, products, debit_products FROM ?:gift_certificates_log WHERE log_id >= ?i AND gift_cert_id = ?i ORDER BY timestamp ASC", $v['log_id'], $v['gift_cert_id']); foreach ($log_records as $record) { if (!empty($product_odds)) { if ($record['log_id'] != $v['log_id']) { $record['products'] = unserialize($record['products']); foreach ($product_odds as $po_product_id => $po_quantity) { if (!isset($record['products'][$po_product_id])) { $record['products'][$po_product_id] = $po_quantity; } else { $record['products'][$po_product_id] += $po_quantity; } if (empty($record['products'][$po_product_id])) { unset($record['products'][$po_product_id]); } } $record['products'] = serialize($record['products']); } $record['debit_products'] = unserialize($record['debit_products']); foreach ($product_odds as $po_product_id => $po_quantity) { if (!isset($record['debit_products'][$po_product_id])) { $record['debit_products'][$po_product_id] = $po_quantity; } else { $record['debit_products'][$po_product_id] += $po_quantity; } if (empty($record['debit_products'][$po_product_id])) { unset($record['debit_products'][$po_product_id]); } } $record['debit_products'] = serialize($record['debit_products']); } else { if ($record['log_id'] != $v['log_id']) { $record['amount'] += $amount_odds; } $record['debit'] += $amount_odds; } db_query("UPDATE ?:gift_certificates_log SET ?u WHERE log_id = ?i", $record, $record['log_id']); $use_gift_certificates[$k] = array('gift_cert_id' => $v['gift_cert_id'], 'amount' => $v['previous_state']['amount'], 'cost' => $v['cost'], 'log_id' => $v['log_id']); if (floatval($record['debit']) <= 0 && unserialize($record['debit_products']) == array()) { fn_change_gift_certificate_status($v['gift_cert_id'], 'U'); } elseif (floatval($record['debit']) > 0 || unserialize($record['debit_products']) != array() && db_get_field("SELECT status FROM ?:gift_certificates WHERE gift_cert_id = ?i", $v['gift_cert_id']) == 'U') { fn_change_gift_certificate_status($v['gift_cert_id'], 'A'); } } } //<-- FIXME: optimize this code } else { $before_info = array('amount' => $v['amount'], 'products' => serialize(!empty($v['products']) ? $v['products'] : array())); $after_info = array('amount' => fn_format_price($v['amount'] - $v['cost']), 'products' => serialize(!empty($debit_products[$k]['products']) ? $debit_products[$k]['products'] : array())); $log_id = fn_add_gift_certificate_log_record($v['gift_cert_id'], $before_info, $after_info, $order_id); $use_gift_certificates[$k] = array('gift_cert_id' => $v['gift_cert_id'], 'amount' => $v['amount'], 'cost' => $v['cost'], 'log_id' => $log_id); if (floatval($v['amount'] - $v['cost']) <= 0 && !isset($debit_products[$k]['products'])) { fn_change_gift_certificate_status($v['gift_cert_id'], 'U'); } } db_query("UPDATE ?:gift_certificates SET order_ids = ?p WHERE gift_cert_id = ?i", fn_add_to_set('order_ids', $order_id), $v['gift_cert_id']); } $order_data = array('order_id' => $order_id, 'type' => 'U', 'data' => serialize($use_gift_certificates)); db_query("REPLACE INTO ?:order_data ?e", $order_data); } } }
function fn_update_discussion($params) { $_data = fn_check_table_fields($params, 'discussion'); $discussion = fn_get_discussion($params['object_id'], $params['object_type']); if (!empty($discussion['thread_id'])) { db_query("UPDATE ?:discussion SET ?u WHERE thread_id = ?i", $_data, $discussion['thread_id']); } else { db_query("REPLACE INTO ?:discussion ?e", $_data); } return true; }
/** * Parse query and replace placeholders with data * * @param string $query unparsed query * @param array $data data for placeholders * @return parsed query */ function db_process($pattern, $data = array(), $replace = true) { static $session_vars_updated = false; $command = 'get'; $group_concat_len = 3000; // 3Kb // Check if query updates data in the database if (preg_match("/^(UPDATE|INSERT INTO|REPLACE INTO|DELETE FROM) \\?\\:(\\w+) /", $pattern, $m)) { $table_name = $m[2]; //str_replace(TABLE_PREFIX, '', $m[2]); Registry::set_changed_tables($table_name); Registry::register_cache('cached_queries', array(), CACHE_LEVEL_STATIC, true); $cached_queries = Registry::if_get('cached_queries', array()); if (!empty($cached_queries)) { foreach ($cached_queries as $cquery => $ctables) { if (in_array($table_name, $ctables)) { unset($cached_queries[$cquery]); } } Registry::set('cached_queries', empty($cached_queries) ? array(0 => array()) : $cached_queries); } $command = $m[1] == 'DELETE FROM' ? 'delete' : 'set'; } if (strpos($pattern, 'GROUP_CONCAT(') !== false && $session_vars_updated == false) { db_query('SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = ?i', $group_concat_len); $session_vars_updated = true; } if (!empty($data) && preg_match_all("/\\?(i|s|l|d|a|n|u|e|p|w|f)+/", $pattern, $m)) { $offset = 0; foreach ($m[0] as $k => $ph) { if ($ph == '?u' || $ph == '?e') { $data[$k] = fn_check_table_fields($data[$k], $table_name); if (empty($data[$k])) { return false; } } if ($ph == '?i') { // integer $pattern = db_str_replace($ph, db_intval($data[$k]), $pattern, $offset); // Trick to convert int's and longint's } elseif ($ph == '?s') { // string $pattern = db_str_replace($ph, "'" . addslashes($data[$k]) . "'", $pattern, $offset); } elseif ($ph == '?l') { // string for LIKE operator $pattern = db_str_replace($ph, "'" . addslashes(str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $data[$k])) . "'", $pattern, $offset); } elseif ($ph == '?d') { // float $pattern = db_str_replace($ph, sprintf('%01.2f', $data[$k]), $pattern, $offset); } elseif ($ph == '?a') { // array FIXME: add trim $data[$k] = !is_array($data[$k]) ? array($data[$k]) : $data[$k]; $pattern = db_str_replace($ph, "'" . implode("', '", array_map('addslashes', $data[$k])) . "'", $pattern, $offset); } elseif ($ph == '?n') { // array of integer FIXME: add trim $data[$k] = !is_array($data[$k]) ? array($data[$k]) : $data[$k]; $pattern = db_str_replace($ph, !empty($data[$k]) ? implode(', ', array_map('db_intval', $data[$k])) : "''", $pattern, $offset); } elseif ($ph == '?u' || $ph == '?w') { // update/condition with and $q = ''; $clue = $ph == '?u' ? ', ' : ' AND '; foreach ($data[$k] as $field => $value) { $q .= ($q ? $clue : '') . '`' . db_field($field) . "` = '" . addslashes($value) . "'"; } $pattern = db_str_replace($ph, $q, $pattern, $offset); } elseif ($ph == '?e') { // insert $pattern = db_str_replace($ph, '(`' . implode('`, `', array_map('addslashes', array_keys($data[$k]))) . "`) VALUES ('" . implode("', '", array_map('addslashes', array_values($data[$k]))) . "')", $pattern, $offset); } elseif ($ph == '?f') { // field/table/database name $pattern = db_str_replace($ph, db_field($data[$k]), $pattern, $offset); } elseif ($ph == '?p') { // prepared statement // $pattern = db_str_replace($ph, str_replace('?:', TABLE_PREFIX, $data[$k]), $pattern, $offset); $pattern = db_str_replace($ph, $data[$k], $pattern, $offset); } } } if ($replace) { if (Registry::is_exist('revisions') && !Registry::get('revisions.working')) { if (strpos($pattern, 'SELECT') === 0) { fn_revisions_process_select($pattern); } if (strpos($pattern, 'UPDATE') === 0) { fn_revisions_process_update($pattern); } if (strpos($pattern, 'INSERT') === 0 || strpos($pattern, 'REPLACE') === 0) { Registry::set('revisions.db_insert_id', 0); fn_revisions_process_insert($pattern); } if (strpos($pattern, 'DELETE') === 0) { fn_revisions_process_delete($pattern); } } // Replace table prefixes $pattern = str_replace('?:', TABLE_PREFIX, $pattern); } return $pattern; }
$suffix = ".table.edit?report_id={$_REQUEST['report_id']}&table_id={$_REQUEST['table_id']}"; // ************************************ TABLE *************************** // if ($action == 'add') { // Add table $table = $_REQUEST['table']; if (empty($table['description'])) { return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, "sales_reports.table.add?report_id={$_REQUEST['report_id']}"); } if ($table['type'] == 'P' || $table['type'] == 'C') { $table['interval_id'] = '1'; } $table['report_id'] = $_REQUEST['report_id']; $table_id = db_query("REPLACE INTO ?:sales_reports_tables ?e", $table); fn_create_description('sales_reports_table_descriptions', "table_id", $table_id, array('description' => $table['description'])); // Create parameters $_data = fn_check_table_fields($_REQUEST['update_element'], 'sales_reports_table_elements'); $_data['table_id'] = $table_id; $_data['report_id'] = $_REQUEST['report_id']; $_data['element_hash'] = fn_generate_element_hash($table_id, $_data['element_id'], ''); db_query("INSERT INTO ?:sales_reports_table_elements ?e", $_data); foreach ($_REQUEST['conditions'] as $section => $ids) { db_query("DELETE FROM ?:sales_reports_table_conditions WHERE table_id = ?i AND code = ?s", $table_id, $section); $object_ids = is_array($ids) ? $ids : (empty($ids) ? array() : explode(',', $ids)); foreach ($object_ids as $o_id) { $data = array('sub_element_id' => $o_id, 'table_id' => $table_id, 'code' => $section); db_query('REPLACE INTO ?:sales_reports_table_conditions ?e', $data); } } $suffix = ".table.edit?report_id={$_REQUEST['report_id']}&table_id={$table_id}"; } if ($action == 'update') {
function fn_form_cart($order_id, &$cart, &$auth) { $order_info = fn_get_order_info($order_id, false, false); if (empty($order_info)) { fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('object_not_found', array('[object]' => __('order'))), '', '404'); return false; } // Fill the cart foreach ($order_info['products'] as $_id => $item) { $_item = array($item['product_id'] => array('amount' => $item['amount'], 'product_options' => !empty($item['extra']['product_options']) ? $item['extra']['product_options'] : array(), 'price' => $item['original_price'], 'stored_discount' => 'Y', 'stored_price' => 'Y', 'discount' => !empty($item['extra']['discount']) ? $item['extra']['discount'] : 0, 'original_amount' => $item['amount'], 'original_product_data' => array('cart_id' => $_id, 'amount' => $item['amount']))); if (isset($item['extra'])) { $_item[$item['product_id']]['extra'] = $item['extra']; } fn_add_product_to_cart($_item, $cart, $auth); } // Workaround for the add-ons that do not add a product to cart unless the parent product is already added. if (count($order_info['products']) > count($cart['products'])) { foreach ($order_info['products'] as $_id => $item) { if (empty($cart['products'][$_id])) { $_item = array($item['product_id'] => array('amount' => $item['amount'], 'product_options' => !empty($item['extra']['product_options']) ? $item['extra']['product_options'] : array(), 'price' => $item['original_price'], 'stored_discount' => 'Y', 'stored_price' => 'Y', 'discount' => !empty($item['extra']['discount']) ? $item['extra']['discount'] : 0, 'original_amount' => $item['amount'], 'original_product_data' => array('cart_id' => $_id, 'amount' => $item['amount']))); if (isset($item['extra'])) { $_item[$item['product_id']]['extra'] = $item['extra']; } fn_add_product_to_cart($_item, $cart, $auth); } } } // Restore custom files $dir_path = 'order_data/' . $order_id; if (Storage::instance('custom_files')->isExist($dir_path)) { Storage::instance('custom_files')->copy($dir_path, 'sess_data'); } $cart['payment_id'] = $order_info['payment_id']; $cart['stored_taxes'] = 'Y'; $cart['stored_discount'] = 'Y'; $cart['taxes'] = $order_info['taxes']; $cart['promotions'] = !empty($order_info['promotions']) ? $order_info['promotions'] : array(); $cart['shipping'] = !empty($order_info['shipping']) ? $order_info['shipping'] : array(); $cart['stored_shipping'] = array(); foreach ($cart['shipping'] as $sh_id => $v) { if (!empty($v['rates'])) { $cart['stored_shipping'][$sh_id] = array_sum($v['rates']); } } if (!empty($order_info['product_groups'])) { $cart['product_groups'] = $order_info['product_groups']; foreach ($order_info['product_groups'] as $group) { if (!empty($group['chosen_shippings'])) { foreach ($group['chosen_shippings'] as $key => $chosen_shipping) { foreach ($group['shippings'] as $shipping_id => $shipping) { if ($shipping_id == $chosen_shipping['shipping_id']) { $cart['chosen_shipping'][$chosen_shipping['group_key']] = $shipping_id; } } } } } } else { $cart['product_groups'] = array(); } $cart['order_timestamp'] = $order_info['timestamp']; $cart['notes'] = $order_info['notes']; $cart['details'] = $order_info['details']; $cart['payment_info'] = @$order_info['payment_info']; $cart['profile_id'] = $order_info['profile_id']; // Add order discount if (floatval($order_info['subtotal_discount'])) { $cart['stored_subtotal_discount'] = 'Y'; $cart['subtotal_discount'] = $cart['original_subtotal_discount'] = fn_format_price($order_info['subtotal_discount']); } // Fill the cart with the coupons if (!empty($order_info['coupons'])) { $cart['coupons'] = $order_info['coupons']; } // Set the customer if exists $_data = array(); if (!empty($order_info['user_id'])) { $_data = db_get_row("SELECT user_id, user_login as login FROM ?:users WHERE user_id = ?i", $order_info['user_id']); } $auth = fn_fill_auth($_data, array(), false, 'C'); $auth['tax_exempt'] = $order_info['tax_exempt']; // Fill customer info $cart['user_data'] = fn_array_merge(fn_check_table_fields($order_info, 'users'), fn_check_table_fields($order_info, 'user_profiles')); if (!empty($order_info['fields'])) { $cart['user_data']['fields'] = $order_info['fields']; } fn_add_user_data_descriptions($cart['user_data']); fn_set_hook('form_cart', $order_info, $cart, $auth); return true; }
function fn_import($pattern, $import_data, $options) { $processed_data = array('E' => 0, 'N' => 0, 'S' => 0); if (defined('COMPANY_ID')) { $vendors_import_data = array(); if ($pattern['pattern_id'] == 'products') { // Importing products when in vendor mode: // Override company_id with current vendor's company_id // If product already exists but belongs to another vendor: skip record $product_codes = db_get_fields('SELECT product_code FROM ?:products'); foreach ($import_data as $v) { if (!in_array($v['product_code'], $product_codes) || $v['company_id'] == COMPANY_ID) { $v['company_id'] = COMPANY_ID; $vendors_import_data[] = $v; } else { $processed_data['S']++; } } } if ($pattern['pattern_id'] == 'product_images' || $pattern['pattern_id'] == 'qty_discounts') { // Importing images and qty discounts when in vendor mode: // Get a list of current vendor's products codes // Leave only current vendor's images and qty discounts $product_codes = db_get_fields('SELECT product_code FROM ?:products WHERE company_id = ' . COMPANY_ID); foreach ($import_data as $v) { if (in_array($v['product_code'], $product_codes)) { $vendors_import_data[] = $v; } else { $processed_data['S']++; } } } $import_data = $vendors_import_data; } $alt_keys = array(); $primary_fields = array(); $table_groups = array(); $processing_groups = array(); $default_groups = array(); $converting_groups = array(); $add_fields = array(); fn_start_scroller(); if (!empty($pattern['pre_processing'])) { $func = $pattern['pre_processing']; $function = array_shift($func); $args = $func; foreach ($args as $k => $v) { if (strpos($v, '@') !== false) { $_opt = str_replace('@', '', $v); $args[$k] = isset($options[$_opt]) ? $options[$_opt] : ''; } } call_user_func_array($function, $args); } fn_echo('<br />' . fn_get_lang_var('importing_data') . '<br />'); if (!empty($pattern['references'])) { foreach ($pattern['references'] as $table => $data) { $table_groups[$table] = $data; } } // Get keys to detect primary record foreach ($pattern['export_fields'] as $field => $data) { $_db_field = empty($data['db_field']) ? $field : $data['db_field']; // Collect fields with default values if (!empty($data['default'])) { if (is_array($data['default'])) { $default_groups[$_db_field] = call_user_func_array(array_shift($data['default']), $data['default']); } else { $default_groups[$_db_field] = $data['default']; } } // Get alt keys for primary table if (!empty($data['alt_key'])) { $alt_keys[$field] = $_db_field; } if (!isset($data['linked']) || $data['linked'] == true) { // Get fields for primary table if (empty($data['table']) || $data['table'] == $pattern['table']) { $primary_fields[$field] = $_db_field; } // Group fields by tables if (!empty($data['table'])) { $table_groups[$data['table']]['fields'][$_db_field] = true; } } // Create set with fields that must be added to data import if they are not exist // %'s are for compatibility with %% field type in "process_put" key if (!empty($data['use_put_from'])) { $_f = str_replace('%', '', $data['use_put_from']); $_f = !empty($pattern['export_fields'][$_f]['db_field']) ? $pattern['export_fields'][$_f]['db_field'] : $_f; $add_fields[$_f] = true; } // Generate processing groups if (!empty($data['process_put'])) { $args = $data['process_put']; $function = array_shift($args); $processing_groups[] = array('function' => $function, 'args' => $args, 'this_field' => $_db_field, 'table' => !empty($data['table']) ? $data['table'] : '', 'return_result' => !empty($data['return_result']) ? $data['return_result'] : false); } // Generate converting groups if (!empty($data['convert_put'])) { $args = $data['convert_put']; $function = array_shift($args); $converting_groups[] = array('function' => $function, 'this_field' => $_db_field, 'args' => $args); } } foreach ($import_data as $k => $v) { foreach ($add_fields as $_f => $_val) { if (!isset($v[$_f])) { $v[$_f] = ''; } } $_alt_keys = array(); $object_exists = true; // Check if converting groups exist and convert fields if it is so if (!empty($converting_groups)) { foreach ($converting_groups as $group) { if (!isset($v[$group['this_field']])) { continue; } $params = array(); $params[] = $v[$group['this_field']]; foreach ($group['args'] as $arg) { if (strpos($arg, '@') !== false) { $_opt = str_replace('@', '', $arg); $params[] = isset($options[$_opt]) ? $options[$_opt] : ''; } } $v[$group['this_field']] = call_user_func_array($group['function'], $params); } } foreach ($alt_keys as $import_field => $real_field) { if (!isset($v[$real_field])) { continue; } $_alt_keys[$real_field] = $v[$real_field]; } foreach ($primary_fields as $import_field => $real_field) { if (!isset($v[$real_field])) { continue; } $_primary_fields[$real_field] = $v[$real_field]; } $primary_object_id = db_get_row('SELECT ' . implode(', ', $pattern['key']) . ' FROM ?:' . $pattern['table'] . ' WHERE ?w', $_alt_keys); if (!(isset($pattern['import_skip_db_processing']) && $pattern['import_skip_db_processing'])) { if (empty($primary_object_id)) { // If scheme is used for update objects only, skip this record if (!empty($pattern['update_only'])) { fn_echo(fn_get_lang_var('object_does_not_exist') . ' ('); $_a = array(); foreach ($alt_keys as $_d => $_v) { if (!isset($v[$_v])) { continue; } $_a[] = $_d . ' = ' . $v[$_v]; } fn_echo(implode(', ', $_a) . ')...<br />'); $processed_data['S']++; continue; } $object_exists = false; fn_echo(fn_get_lang_var('creating') . ' ' . $pattern['name'] . '...'); $processed_data['N']++; // For new objects - fill the default values if (!empty($default_groups)) { foreach ($default_groups as $field => $value) { if (empty($v[$field])) { $v[$field] = $value; } } } } else { fn_echo(fn_get_lang_var('updating') . ' ' . $pattern['name'] . '...'); $processed_data['E']++; } $_data = fn_check_table_fields($v, $pattern['table']); if ($object_exists == true) { db_query('UPDATE ?:' . $pattern['table'] . ' SET ?u WHERE ?w', $_data, $primary_object_id); } else { $o_id = db_query('INSERT INTO ?:' . $pattern['table'] . ' ?e', $_data); if ($o_id !== true) { $primary_object_id = array(reset($pattern['key']) => $o_id); } else { foreach ($pattern['key'] as $_v) { $primary_object_id[$_v] = $_data[$_v]; } } } if ($pattern['table'] == 'products' && $object_exists == false) { require_once "products.php"; fn_add_to_new_items_block($primary_object_id['product_id']); } fn_echo('<b>' . implode(',', $primary_object_id) . '</b>. '); } if (!empty($processing_groups)) { foreach ($processing_groups as $group) { $args = array(); $use_this_group = true; $_refs = array(); foreach ($group['args'] as $ak => $av) { if ($av == '#key') { $args[$ak] = sizeof($primary_object_id) == 1 ? reset($primary_object_id) : $primary_object_id; } elseif ($av == '#this') { // If we do not have this field in the import data, do not apply the function if (!isset($v[$group['this_field']])) { $use_this_group = false; break; } $args[$ak] = $v[$group['this_field']]; } elseif ($av == '#counter') { $args[$ak] =& $processed_data; } elseif (strpos($av, '%') !== false) { $_ref = str_replace('%', '', $av); $_ref = !empty($pattern['export_fields'][$_ref]['db_field']) ? $pattern['export_fields'][$_ref]['db_field'] : $_ref; // FIXME!!! Move to code, which builds processing_groups $args[$ak] = isset($v[$_ref]) ? $v[$_ref] : ''; $_refs[] = $_ref; } elseif (strpos($av, '@') !== false) { $_opt = str_replace('@', '', $av); $args[$ak] = $options[$_opt]; } else { $args[$ak] = $av; } } if ($use_this_group == false) { continue; } $result = call_user_func_array($group['function'], $args); // FIXME - add checking for returned value if ($group['return_result'] == true) { $v[$group['this_field']] = $result; } else { // Remove processed fields from table groups if (!empty($group['table'])) { unset($table_groups[$group['table']]['fields'][$group['this_field']]); foreach ($_refs as $_ref) { unset($table_groups[$group['table']]['fields'][$_ref]); } } } } } if (!(isset($pattern['import_skip_db_processing']) && $pattern['import_skip_db_processing'])) { // Update referenced tables fn_echo(fn_get_lang_var('updating_links') . '... '); foreach ($table_groups as $table => $tdata) { if (isset($tdata['import_skip_db_processing']) && $tdata['import_skip_db_processing']) { break; } $_data = array(); // First, build condition $where_insert = array(); // If alternative key is defined, use it if (!empty($tdata['alt_key'])) { foreach ($tdata['alt_key'] as $akey) { if (strval($akey) == '#key') { $where_insert = fn_array_merge($where_insert, $primary_object_id); } elseif (strpos($akey, '@') !== false) { $_opt = str_replace('@', '', $akey); $where_insert[$akey] = $options[$_opt]; } else { $where_insert[$akey] = $v[$akey]; } } // Otherwise - link by reference fields } else { foreach ($tdata['reference_fields'] as $field => $value) { if (strval($value) == '#key') { $_val = sizeof($primary_object_id) == 1 ? reset($primary_object_id) : $primary_object_id; } elseif (strpos($value, '@') !== false) { $_opt = str_replace('@', '', $value); $_val = $options[$_opt]; } else { $_val = $value; } $where_insert[$field] = $_val; } } // Now, build update fields array foreach ($tdata['fields'] as $import_field => $set) { if (!isset($v[$import_field])) { continue; } $_data[$import_field] = $v[$import_field]; } // Check if object exists $is_exists = db_get_field("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?:{$table} WHERE ?w", $where_insert); if ($is_exists == true && !empty($_data)) { db_query("UPDATE ?:{$table} SET ?u WHERE ?w", $_data, $where_insert); } elseif (empty($is_exists)) { // if reference does not exist, we should insert it anyway to avoid inconsistency $_data = fn_array_merge($_data, $where_insert); if (substr($table, -13) == '_descriptions' && isset($_data['lang_code'])) { // add description for all cart languages when adding object data foreach ((array) Registry::get('languages') as $_data['lang_code'] => $lang_v) { db_query("REPLACE INTO ?:{$table} ?e", $_data); } } else { db_query("INSERT INTO ?:{$table} ?e", $_data); } } } fn_echo('<b>' . fn_get_lang_var('uc_ok') . '</b><br />'); } } $msg = fn_get_lang_var('text_exim_data_imported'); $msg = str_replace('[new]', $processed_data['N'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('[exist]', $processed_data['E'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('[skipped]', $processed_data['S'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('[total]', $processed_data['E'] + $processed_data['N'] + $processed_data['S'], $msg); fn_set_notification('N', fn_get_lang_var('notice'), $msg); fn_stop_scroller(); return true; }
function fn_stat_save_session_data(&$stat_data) { $stat_data['user_agent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $ip = fn_get_ip(true); $stat_data['host_ip'] = $ip['host']; $stat_data['proxy_ip'] = $ip['proxy']; $stat_data['client_language'] = strtoupper(empty($stat_data['client_language']) ? empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']) ? '' : $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] : $stat_data['client_language']); $stat_data['session'] = Session::get_id(); $stat_data['host_ip'] = $ip['host']; $stat_data['proxy_ip'] = $ip['proxy']; $stat_data['ip_id'] = fn_stat_ip_exist($ip); if (!empty($stat_data['browser'])) { $browser_id = db_get_field("SELECT browser_id FROM ?:stat_browsers WHERE browser = ?s AND version = ?s", $stat_data['browser'], $stat_data['browser_version']); if (empty($browser_id)) { $browser_id = db_query('INSERT INTO ?:stat_browsers ?e', array('browser' => $stat_data['browser'], 'version' => $stat_data['browser_version'])); } $stat_data['browser_id'] = $browser_id; } $parse_url = parse_url(@$stat_data['referrer']); $stat_data['referrer_scheme'] = empty($parse_url['scheme']) ? '' : $parse_url['scheme']; $stat_data['referrer_host'] = empty($parse_url['host']) ? '' : $parse_url['host']; $search_data = fn_get_search_words(@$stat_data['referrer']); if (!empty($search_data['engine'])) { //$stat_data['engine'] = $search_data['engine']; $engine_id = db_get_field("SELECT engine_id FROM ?:stat_search_engines WHERE engine = ?s", $search_data['engine']); if (empty($engine_id)) { $engine_id = db_query('INSERT INTO ?:stat_search_engines ?e', array('engine' => $search_data['engine'])); } $stat_data['engine_id'] = empty($engine_id) ? 0 : $engine_id; } if (!empty($search_data['phrase'])) { $phrase_id = db_get_field("SELECT phrase_id FROM ?:stat_search_phrases WHERE phrase = ?s", $search_data['phrase']); if (empty($phrase_id)) { $phrase_id = db_query('INSERT INTO ?:stat_search_phrases ?e', array('phrase' => $search_data['phrase'])); } $stat_data['phrase_id'] = empty($phrase_id) ? 0 : $phrase_id; } if (!empty($stat_data['client_language'])) { $is_lang = db_get_field("SELECT lang_code FROM ?:stat_languages WHERE lang_code = ?s", $stat_data['client_language']); // If there is not long language code in DB then save short language code if (empty($is_lang)) { $stat_data['client_language'] = substr($stat_data['client_language'], 0, 2); } } $stat_data['expiry'] = TIME + SESSION_ALIVE_TIME; $session_data = fn_check_table_fields($stat_data, 'stat_sessions'); $sess_id = db_query('INSERT INTO ?:stat_sessions ?e', $session_data); // Set the cookie 'stat_uniq_code' to identify unique clients. $stat_uniq_code = fn_get_cookie('stat_uniq_code'); if (!empty($sess_id) && (empty($stat_uniq_code) || $stat_uniq_code >= $sess_id)) { $stat_uniq_code = $sess_id; } fn_set_cookie('stat_uniq_code', $stat_uniq_code, 365 * 24 * 3600); if (!empty($sess_id)) { db_query('UPDATE ?:stat_sessions SET ?u WHERE sess_id = ?i', array('uniq_code' => $stat_uniq_code), $sess_id); } return $sess_id; }
function fn_reward_points_clone_product($from_product_id, $to_product_id) { $reward_points = fn_get_reward_points($from_product_id); if (!empty($reward_points)) { foreach ($reward_points as $v) { $_data = fn_check_table_fields($v, 'reward_points'); fn_add_reward_points($_data, $to_product_id, PRODUCT_REWARD_POINTS); } } $fake = ''; $price_in_points = fn_get_price_in_points($from_product_id, $fake); fn_add_price_in_points(array('point_price' => $price_in_points), $to_product_id); }
function fn_form_cart($order_id, &$cart, &$auth) { $order_info = fn_get_order_info($order_id, false, false); // Fill the cart foreach ($order_info['items'] as $_id => $item) { $_item = array($item['product_id'] => array('amount' => $item['amount'], 'product_options' => @$item['extra']['product_options'], 'price' => $item['original_price'], 'stored_discount' => 'Y', 'stored_price' => 'Y', 'discount' => @$item['extra']['discount'], 'original_amount' => $item['amount'], 'original_product_data' => array('cart_id' => $_id, 'amount' => $item['amount']))); if (isset($item['extra'])) { $_item[$item['product_id']]['extra'] = $item['extra']; } fn_add_product_to_cart($_item, $cart, $auth); } // Restore custom files $dir_path = DIR_CUSTOM_FILES . 'order_data/' . $order_id; if (is_dir($dir_path)) { fn_mkdir(DIR_CUSTOM_FILES . 'sess_data'); fn_copy($dir_path, DIR_CUSTOM_FILES . 'sess_data'); } $cart['payment_id'] = $order_info['payment_id']; $cart['stored_taxes'] = 'Y'; $cart['stored_discount'] = 'Y'; $cart['taxes'] = $order_info['taxes']; $cart['promotions'] = !empty($order_info['promotions']) ? $order_info['promotions'] : array(); $cart['shipping'] = !empty($order_info['shipping']) ? $order_info['shipping'] : array(); $cart['stored_shipping'] = array(); foreach ($cart['shipping'] as $sh_id => $v) { if (!empty($v['rates'])) { $cart['stored_shipping'][$sh_id] = array_sum($v['rates']); } } $cart['notes'] = $order_info['notes']; $cart['payment_info'] = @$order_info['payment_info']; // Add order discount if (floatval($order_info['subtotal_discount'])) { $cart['stored_subtotal_discount'] = 'Y'; $cart['subtotal_discount'] = $cart['original_subtotal_discount'] = fn_format_price($order_info['subtotal_discount']); } // Fill the cart with the coupons if (!empty($order_info['coupons'])) { $cart['coupons'] = $order_info['coupons']; } // Set the customer if exists $_data = array(); if (!empty($order_info['user_id'])) { $_data = db_get_row("SELECT user_id, user_login as login FROM ?:users WHERE user_id = ?i", $order_info['user_id']); } $auth = fn_fill_auth($_data, array(), false, 'C'); $auth['tax_exempt'] = $order_info['tax_exempt']; // Fill customer info $cart['user_data'] = fn_check_table_fields($order_info, 'user_profiles'); $cart['user_data'] = fn_array_merge(fn_check_table_fields($order_info, 'users'), $cart['user_data']); if (!empty($order_info['fields'])) { $cart['user_data']['fields'] = $order_info['fields']; } fn_add_user_data_descriptions($cart['user_data']); fn_set_hook('form_cart', $order_info, $cart); }
function fn_altteam_review_attributes_redirect($location) { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { if ($_REQUEST['dispatch'] == 'discussion.add') { // $view_mail = Registry::get('view_mail'); $post_data = Registry::get('view')->getTemplateVars('post_data'); $rating_data = $post_data['attributes'] ? $post_data['attributes'] : array(); foreach ($rating_data as $attr_id => $rate) { $_data['rating'] = $rate; $_data['attr_id'] = $attr_id; $_data['post_id'] = $post_data['post_id']; $_data = fn_check_table_fields($_data, 'review_rating'); db_query("REPLACE INTO ?:review_rating ?e", $_data); } } elseif ($_REQUEST['dispatch'] == 'discussion.delete') { if (AREA == 'A' && !empty($_REQUEST['delete_posts']) && is_array($_REQUEST['delete_posts'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['delete_posts'] as $p_id => $v) { db_query("DELETE FROM ?:review_rating WHERE post_id = ?i", $p_id); db_query("DELETE FROM ?:review_likes WHERE post_id = ?i", $p_id); } } } } }
function fn_giftreg_add_field_variants($variants = array(), $field_id = 0) { if (empty($variants) || empty($field_id)) { return false; } foreach ($variants as $_v) { if (empty($_v['description'])) { continue; } // Insert main data $_data = fn_check_table_fields($_v, 'giftreg_field_variants'); $_data['field_id'] = $field_id; $variant_id = db_query("INSERT INTO ?:giftreg_field_variants ?e", $_data); // Insert descriptions $_data = array('object_id' => $variant_id, 'object_type' => 'V', 'description' => $_v['description']); foreach ((array) Registry::get('languages') as $_data['lang_code'] => $_v) { db_query("INSERT INTO ?:giftreg_descriptions ?e", $_data); } } return true; }
// $Id: gift_certificates.php 10229 2010-07-27 14:21:39Z 2tl $ // if (!defined('AREA')) { die('Access denied'); } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { // Define trusted variables that shouldn't be stripped fn_trusted_vars('gift_cert_data'); if ($mode == 'add') { if (!empty($_REQUEST['gift_cert_data'])) { do { $code = fn_generate_gift_certificate_code(); } while (true == fn_check_gift_certificate_code($code)); $gift_cert_data = $_REQUEST['gift_cert_data']; fn_correct_gift_certificate($gift_cert_data); $_data = fn_check_table_fields($gift_cert_data, 'gift_certificates'); $_data = fn_array_merge($_data, array('gift_cert_code' => $code, 'timestamp' => TIME)); if (!empty($_data['products'])) { $_data['products'] = serialize($_data['products']); } $gift_cert_id = db_query("INSERT INTO ?:gift_certificates ?e", $_data); $gift_cert_data = fn_get_gift_certificate_info($gift_cert_id); fn_gift_certificate_notification($gift_cert_data, fn_get_notification_rules($_REQUEST)); $suffix = ".update?gift_cert_id={$gift_cert_id}"; } } if ($mode == 'update') { if (!empty($_REQUEST['gift_cert_data'])) { $gift_cert_data = $_REQUEST['gift_cert_data']; fn_correct_gift_certificate($gift_cert_data); if (!isset($gift_cert_data['products'])) {
function fn_add_partner_action($action, $banner_id, $partner_id, $customer_id = '', $additional_data = '', $amount = '0', $multi_tier_account = false) { $auth =& $_SESSION['auth']; $payout_types =& Registry::get('payout_types'); if (empty($action) || empty($partner_id)) { return false; } if (!$multi_tier_account && AREA != 'A') { fn_set_partner_cookie($partner_id); } $data = array(); $data['banner_id'] = $banner_id; $data['partner_id'] = $partner_id; $data['customer_id'] = $customer_id; $data['date'] = TIME; $data['ip'] = $action == 'init_balance' ? '' : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $data['action'] = $action; $data['approved'] = Registry::get('addons.affiliate.automatic_approval_commissions') == 'Y' && $action != 'sale' ? 'Y' : 'N'; $data['plan_id'] = db_get_field("SELECT plan_id FROM ?:aff_partner_profiles WHERE user_id = ?i", $partner_id); if (empty($data['plan_id'])) { return false; } if ($multi_tier_account) { $data['amount'] = round($amount, 2); } elseif (!empty($payout_types[$action])) { $plan_data = fn_get_affiliate_plan_data($data['plan_id']); $payout_values = $plan_data['payout_types']; $p_value = false; if ($action == 'sale' && !empty($additional_data['P'])) { $p_value = fn_get_payout_value($data['plan_id'], $additional_data['P'], 'product'); if ($p_value === false) { $product_data = fn_get_product_data($additional_data['P'], $auth); if (!empty($product_data['main_category'])) { $p_value = fn_get_payout_value($data['plan_id'], $product_data['main_category'], 'category'); } } } elseif ($action == 'use_coupon' && !empty($additional_data['D'])) { $p_value = fn_get_payout_value($data['plan_id'], $additional_data['D'], 'promotion'); } if ($p_value === false) { if (empty($payout_values[$action]) || $action != 'init_balance' && (empty($payout_types[$action]['default']) || $payout_types[$action]['default'] != 'Y')) { $p_value = array('value' => 0, 'value_type' => 'A'); } else { $p_value = $payout_values[$action]; } } $data['amount'] = @$p_value['value_type'] == 'A' ? @$p_value['value'] : $amount * $p_value['value'] / 100; $data['amount'] = round($data['amount'], 2); } $data = fn_check_table_fields($data, 'aff_partner_actions'); $action_id = db_query("INSERT INTO ?:aff_partner_actions ?e", $data); if (!empty($action_id)) { if (Registry::get('addons.affiliate.automatic_approval_commissions') == 'Y' && $action != 'sale') { fn_update_partner_balance($data['partner_id'], $data['amount'], '+'); } if (!empty($additional_data) && is_array($additional_data)) { foreach ($additional_data as $object_type => $object_data) { $object_type = substr($object_type, 0, 1); $object_type = strtoupper($object_type); $_data = array('action_id' => $action_id, 'object_data' => $object_data, 'object_type' => $object_type); $_data = fn_check_table_fields($_data, 'aff_action_links'); db_query("INSERT INTO ?:aff_action_links ?e", $_data); } } if (!$multi_tier_account && $action != 'init_balance') { fn_add_commissions_to_multi_tier_affiliates($action, $data['partner_id'], array('commission' => $data['amount'], 'price' => round($amount, 2)), $action_id, $data['customer_id'], $data['banner_id'], $additional_data); } } return true; }
fn_delete_banner($banner_id); } if (!empty($banners_names)) { $banners_names = ' - ' . implode('<br /> - ', $banners_names); fn_set_notification('N', fn_get_lang_var('information'), fn_get_lang_var('deleted_banners') . ':<br />' . $banners_names); } } else { fn_set_notification('E', fn_get_lang_var('error'), fn_get_lang_var('error_no_data')); } $suffix = ".manage?banner_type={$_REQUEST['banner_type']}&link_to={$_REQUEST['link_to']}"; } if ($mode == 'm_update') { if (!empty($_REQUEST['banners_data']) && is_array($_REQUEST['banners_data'])) { $banners_data = $_REQUEST['banners_data']; foreach ($banners_data as $banner_id => $b_data) { $_b_data = fn_check_table_fields($b_data, 'aff_banners'); db_query("UPDATE ?:aff_banners SET ?u WHERE banner_id = ?i", $_b_data, $banner_id); } } $suffix = ".manage&banner_type={$_REQUEST['banner_type']}&link_to={$_REQUEST['link_to']}"; } if ($mode == 'update') { $banner_id = fn_update_banner($_REQUEST['banner'], $_REQUEST['banner_id'], DESCR_SL); $suffix = ".update?banner_id={$banner_id}"; } return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK, "banners_manager{$suffix}"); } if ($mode == 'update') { $banner = fn_get_aff_banner_data($_REQUEST['banner_id'], DESCR_SL); if (empty($banner)) { return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_NO_PAGE);
continue; } else { $v['currency_code'] = strtoupper($v['currency_code']); } if (empty($v['coefficient']) || floatval($v['coefficient']) <= 0) { fn_set_notification('W', fn_get_lang_var('warning'), fn_get_lang_var('currency_rate_greater_than_null')); continue; } $is_exists = db_get_field("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?:currencies WHERE currency_code = ?s", $v['currency_code']); if (!empty($is_exists)) { $msg = fn_get_lang_var('error_currency_exists'); $msg = str_replace('[code]', $v['currency_code'], $msg); fn_set_notification('E', fn_get_lang_var('error'), $msg); continue; } $__data = fn_check_table_fields($v, 'currencies'); db_query("INSERT INTO ?:currencies ?e", $__data); fn_create_description('currency_descriptions', "currency_code", $v['currency_code'], $_REQUEST['currency_description'][$k]); } } } return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK, "currencies.manage"); } // ---------------------- GET routines --------------------------------------- if ($mode == 'manage') { $currencies = db_get_array("SELECT a.*, b.description FROM ?:currencies as a LEFT JOIN ?:currency_descriptions as b ON a.currency_code = b.currency_code AND lang_code = ?s ORDER BY position", DESCR_SL); $view->assign('currencies_data', $currencies); } elseif ($mode == 'delete') { if (!empty($_REQUEST['currency_code'])) { if ($_REQUEST['currency_code'] != CART_PRIMARY_CURRENCY) { db_query("DELETE FROM ?:currencies WHERE currency_code = ?s", $_REQUEST['currency_code']);