public function test_garbage_collection() { $term_option = new Fieldmanager_Textfield(array('name' => 'term_option')); // check normal save and fetch behavior $text = rand_str(); $this->save_values($term_option, $this->term, $text); $data = fm_get_term_meta($this->term->term_id, $this->term->taxonomy, 'term_option', true); $this->assertEquals($text, $data); // Verify the FM term post exists $post = get_page_by_path("fm-term-meta-{$this->term->term_id}-category", OBJECT, 'fm-term-meta'); $this->assertTrue(!empty($post->ID)); $this->assertEquals('fm-term-meta', $post->post_type); $post_id = $post->ID; $this->assertEquals($text, get_post_meta($post_id, 'term_option', true)); // Delete the term wp_delete_term($this->term->term_id, 'category'); // The post and meta should be deleted $post = get_page_by_path("fm-term-meta-{$this->term->term_id}-category", OBJECT, 'fm-term-meta'); $this->assertEmpty($post); $this->assertEquals('', get_post_meta($post_id, 'term_option', true)); }
/** * @group term_splitting */ public function test_term_splitting() { // Ensure that term splitting exists if (!function_exists('wp_get_split_terms')) { return; } global $wpdb; // Add our first term. This is the one that will split off. $t1 = wp_insert_term('Joined Term', 'category'); // Add term meta to the term $value = rand_str(); $term_id_1 = $t1['term_id']; fm_add_term_meta($term_id_1, 'category', 'split_test', $value); // Add a second term to a custom taxonomy register_taxonomy('fm_test_tax', 'post'); $t2 = wp_insert_term('Second Joined Term', 'fm_test_tax'); // Manually modify the second term to setup the term splitting // condition. Shared terms don't naturally occur any longer. $wpdb->update($wpdb->term_taxonomy, array('term_id' => $term_id_1), array('term_taxonomy_id' => $t2['term_taxonomy_id']), array('%d'), array('%d')); // Verify that we can retrieve the term meta $this->assertEquals($value, fm_get_term_meta($term_id_1, 'category', 'split_test', true)); // Update the term to cause it to split $new_t1 = wp_update_term($term_id_1, 'category', array('name' => 'Split Term')); // Verify that the term updated and split $this->assertTrue(isset($new_t1['term_id'])); $this->assertNotEquals($new_t1['term_id'], $term_id_1); // Verify that the term meta works at the new term id $this->assertEquals($value, fm_get_term_meta($new_t1['term_id'], 'category', 'split_test', true)); // Verify that we CANNOT access the term meta at the old term id $this->assertEquals('', fm_get_term_meta($term_id_1, 'category', 'split_test', true)); }
/** * Callback to get term meta for the given term ID and current taxonomy. * * @see get_term_meta(). * @see Fieldmanager_Util_Term_Meta::get_term_meta() (Deprecated). */ protected function get_data($term_id, $meta_key, $single = false) { if ($this->use_fm_meta) { return fm_get_term_meta($term_id, $this->current_taxonomy, $meta_key, $single); } else { return get_term_meta($term_id, $meta_key, $single); } }
/** * @group serialize_data */ public function test_unserialize_data_mixed_depth() { $base = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'base_group', 'serialize_data' => false, 'children' => array('test_text' => new Fieldmanager_TextField(), 'test_group' => new Fieldmanager_Group(array('serialize_data' => false, 'children' => array('deep_text' => new Fieldmanager_TextArea())))))); $data = array('test_text' => rand_str(), 'test_group' => array('deep_text' => rand_str())); $html = $this->_get_html_for($base, $data); $this->assertEquals($data['test_text'], fm_get_term_meta($this->term_id, $this->taxonomy, 'base_group_test_text', true)); $this->assertEquals($data['test_group']['deep_text'], fm_get_term_meta($this->term_id, $this->taxonomy, 'base_group_test_group_deep_text', true)); $this->assertContains('name="base_group[test_text]"', $html); $this->assertContains('value="' . $data['test_text'] . '"', $html); $this->assertContains('name="base_group[test_group][deep_text]"', $html); $this->assertContains('>' . $data['test_group']['deep_text'] . '</textarea>', $html); }
/** * Migrate all FM term meta to core term meta * * ## OPTIONS * * [--destructive] * : If present, FM term meta will be deleted after it is migrated, and * each FM term meta post will be deleted once its meta is migrated. * * [--dry-run] * : If present, no updates will be made. * * [--verbose] * : If present, script will output additional details. * * ## EXAMPLES * * wp fm-term-meta migrate_term_meta * * @synopsis [--destructive] [--dry-run] [--verbose] */ public function migrate_term_meta($args, $assoc_args) { $dry_run = !empty($assoc_args['dry-run']); $verbose = !empty($assoc_args['verbose']); $destructive = !empty($assoc_args['destructive']); WP_CLI::line("Starting term meta migration"); if ($dry_run) { WP_CLI::warning('THIS IS A DRY RUN'); } elseif ($destructive) { WP_CLI::warning('With the --destructive flag set, this will delete all FM term meta after it is successfully migrated. There is no undo for this.'); WP_CLI::confirm('Do you want to continue?'); } if (get_option('db_version') < 34370) { WP_CLI::error('This WordPress installation is not ready for term meta! You must be running WordPress 4.4 and the database update must be complete.'); } WP_CLI::warning("Muting user-generated PHP notices for this command in order to hide deprecation notices"); error_reporting(error_reporting() & ~E_USER_NOTICE); $terms = $this->get_terms_with_fm_term_meta(); foreach ($terms as $term) { if ($verbose) { WP_CLI::line("Processing {$term->taxonomy} `{$term->name}' ({$term->slug}, {$term->term_id})"); } $term_meta = fm_get_term_meta($term->term_id, $term->taxonomy); if ($verbose) { WP_CLI::line(sprintf("\tFound %d meta entries", count($term_meta))); } foreach ($term_meta as $meta_key => $meta_values) { if ($verbose) { WP_CLI::line(sprintf("\tMigrating %d meta values for meta key %s", count($meta_values), $meta_key)); } $result = true; foreach ($meta_values as $meta_value) { if ($dry_run || $verbose) { WP_CLI::line(sprintf("\tadd_term_meta( %d, '%s', '%s' );", $term->term_id, $meta_key, strlen($meta_value) < 50 ? $meta_value : '[too long to output]')); } if (!$dry_run) { $this_result = add_term_meta($term->term_id, $meta_key, $meta_value); if (!is_int($this_result)) { $result = false; WP_CLI::warning(sprintf("\tError running add_term_meta( %d, '%s', '%s' );", $term->term_id, $meta_key, $meta_value)); if (is_wp_error($this_result)) { WP_CLI::warning(sprintf("\t\t%s: %s", $this_result->get_error_code(), $this_result->get_error_message())); } else { WP_CLI::warning(sprintf("\t\t%s", var_export($this_result, 1))); } } } } if ($destructive) { if (!$result) { WP_CLI::warning("\tSkipping FM term meta deletion for {$meta_key} because an error was encountered while adding data"); } else { if ($dry_run || $verbose) { WP_CLI::line("\tDeleting this term's FM term meta for {$meta_key}"); } if (!$dry_run) { fm_delete_term_meta($term->term_id, $term->taxonomy, $meta_key); } } } } if (empty($term_meta)) { WP_CLI::line("\tNo FM term meta remaining for this term."); if ($destructive && get_post($term->post_id)) { if ($verbose || $dry_run) { WP_CLI::line("\tDeleting post ID {$term->post_id}"); } if (!$dry_run) { wp_delete_post($term->post_id, true); } } } } // Print a success message WP_CLI::success("Process complete!"); if (!$dry_run) { WP_CLI::line("\n"); WP_CLI::line("You're almost done! To use the new term meta, you need to update Fieldmanager, then update your code accordingly:"); WP_CLI::line("- Replace any call to Fieldmanager_Field::add_term_form() with Fieldmanager_Field::add_term_meta_box()."); WP_CLI::line("- You need to update the arguments anywhere you're instantiating Fieldmanager_Context_Term directly."); WP_CLI::line("See for details."); WP_CLI::line("Happy coding!"); WP_CLI::line("\n"); } }