<script type="text/javascript"> //当前主题 Mo.store.model = "<?php echo $config['ui-model'] ? $config['ui-model'] : 'modern'; ?> "; //当前主题 Mo.store.theme = "<?php echo $_G['manager']['theme']; ?> "; //当前头像 Mo.store.avatar = "<?php echo fix_thumb($_G['manager']['avatar']); ?> "; //当前UID Mo.store.aid = "<?php echo $_G['manager']['id']; ?> "; //当前用户 Mo.store.account= "<?php echo $_G['manager']['account']; ?> ";
if ($_G['manager']['id']) { //查询用户最后登录时间 $sql = "SELECT last_login from `sys:admin` WHERE id=" . $_G['manager']['id'] . " AND `state`>0"; //时间 $last = System::$db->getValue($sql); if ($last) { //更新用户最后活动时间 $sql = "UPDATE `sys:admin` SET last_active=" . time() . " WHERE id=" . $_G['manager']['id']; System::$db->execute($sql); //写入日志 $sql = "UPDATE `sys:event` SET `modify`=" . time() . ",ip='" . GetIP() . "' WHERE aid=" . $_G['manager']['id'] . " AND event='login' AND dateline='" . $last . "'"; System::$db->execute($sql); } } //返回数据 echo $callback . '({ "id":"' . $_G['manager']['id'] . '", "account":"' . $_G['manager']['account'] . '", "avatar":"' . fix_thumb($_G['manager']["avatar"]) . '", "group":"' . $_CACHE['system']['group'][$_G['manager']["gid"]]["name"] . '" });'; break; ///////////////////////////////////////////// //退出登录 ///////////////////////////////////////////// //退出登录 case "logout": if ($_G['manager']['id']) { unset($_SESSION['manager'], $_G['manager']); } //返回数据 echo $callback . '( true );'; break; ///////////////////////////////////////////// //设置主题 /////////////////////////////////////////////
&jump={self}"> <td width="30"> <?php echo (time() - $row["last_active"] > 30 ? '<a href="?line=off">' . loader_image("icon/offline.png", "离线") . '</a>' : '<a href="?line=on">' . loader_image("icon/online.png", "在线")) . '</a>'; ?> <div id="card-<?php echo $row['id']; ?> " style="display:none;"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td rowspan="2" width="60"><img src="<?php echo fix_thumb($row["avatar"]); ?> " class="avatar" /></td> <td><strong><?php echo $row['account']; ?> </strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <?php echo $row["gender"] ? loader_image("icon/male.png", "男士") : loader_image("icon/female.png", "女士"); ?> <?php $bdmonth = date("m", strtotime($row["birthday"])); $bdday = date("d", strtotime($row["birthday"]));
public static function delete_remote($file, $param) { global $_G; require VI_ROOT . 'source/class/ftp.php'; //转换成相对路径 $file = str_replace($_G['setting']['attach']['FTP_SITE'], $_G['setting']['attach']['FTP_ROOT'], $file); //连接 FTP $ftp = new ClsFTP($_G['setting']["attach"]["FTP_USER"], $_G['setting']["attach"]["FTP_PASS"], $_G['setting']["attach"]["FTP_HOST"], $_G['setting']["attach"]["FTP_PORT"]); //FTP 模式 $ftp->pasv($_G['setting']['attach']['FTP_PASV'] == 'true'); if (in_array(fileext($file), $_G['upload']['image'])) { if ($param['thumb']) { //删除图片缩略图 $thumb = fix_thumb($file); $ftp->delete($thumb); } if (is_array($param['group'])) { foreach ($param['group'] as $g) { $thumb = explode("*", $g); if (is_array($thumb)) { //删除图片缩略图 $thumb = fix_thumb($file, $thumb); $ftp->delete($thumb); } } } } //删除文件 $res = $ftp->delete($file); //关闭 FTP $ftp->close(); return $res; }