/** * This function imports the old CSV data from 1.50 to 1.87 or older. Starting with 1.90 (DBVersion 143) there is an XML format instead * * @param array $sFullFilepath * @returns array Information of imported questions/answers/etc. */ function CSVImportSurvey($sFullFilepath, $iDesiredSurveyId = NULL, $bTranslateLinks = true) { Yii::app()->loadHelper('database'); $clang = Yii::app()->lang; $handle = fopen($sFullFilepath, "r"); while (!feof($handle)) { $buffer = fgets($handle); $bigarray[] = $buffer; } fclose($handle); $aIgnoredAnswers = array(); $aSQIDReplacements = array(); $aLIDReplacements = array(); $aGIDReplacements = array(); $substitutions = array(); $aQuotaReplacements = array(); $importresults['error'] = false; $importresults['importwarnings'] = array(); $importresults['question_attributes'] = 0; if (isset($bigarray[0])) { $bigarray[0] = removeBOM($bigarray[0]); } // Now we try to determine the dataformat of the survey file. $importversion = 0; if (isset($bigarray[1]) && isset($bigarray[4]) && substr($bigarray[1], 0, 22) == "# SURVEYOR SURVEY DUMP") { $importversion = 100; // Version 0.99 or 1.0 file } elseif (substr($bigarray[0], 0, 24) == "# LimeSurvey Survey Dump" || substr($bigarray[0], 0, 25) == "# PHPSurveyor Survey Dump") { // Seems to be a >1.0 version file - these files carry the version information to read in line two $importversion = substr($bigarray[1], 12, 3); } else { $importresults['error'] = $clang->gT("This file is not a LimeSurvey survey file. Import failed.") . "\n"; return $importresults; } if ((int) $importversion < 112) { $importresults['error'] = $clang->gT("This file is too old. Only files from LimeSurvey version 1.50 (DBVersion 112) and newer are supported."); return $importresults; } // okay.. now lets drop the first 9 lines and get to the data // This works for all versions for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++) { unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //SURVEYS if (array_search("# GROUPS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# GROUPS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# GROUPS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# GROUPS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $surveyarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //GROUPS if (array_search("# QUESTIONS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUESTIONS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# QUESTIONS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUESTIONS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $grouparray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //QUESTIONS if (array_search("# ANSWERS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# ANSWERS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# ANSWERS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# ANSWERS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $questionarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //ANSWERS if (array_search("# CONDITIONS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# CONDITIONS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# CONDITIONS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# CONDITIONS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $answerarray[] = str_replace("`default`", "`default_value`", $bigarray[$i]); } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //CONDITIONS if (array_search("# LABELSETS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# LABELSETS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# LABELSETS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# LABELSETS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $conditionsarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //LABELSETS if (array_search("# LABELS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# LABELS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# LABELS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# LABELS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $labelsetsarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //LABELS if (array_search("# QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $labelsarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //Question attributes if (array_search("# ASSESSMENTS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# ASSESSMENTS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# ASSESSMENTS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# ASSESSMENTS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $question_attributesarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //ASSESSMENTS if (array_search("# SURVEYS_LANGUAGESETTINGS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# SURVEYS_LANGUAGESETTINGS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# SURVEYS_LANGUAGESETTINGS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# SURVEYS_LANGUAGESETTINGS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { // if ($i<$stoppoint-2 || $i==count($bigarray)-1) if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $assessmentsarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //LANGAUGE SETTINGS if (array_search("# QUOTA TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUOTA TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# QUOTA TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUOTA TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { // if ($i<$stoppoint-2 || $i==count($bigarray)-1) //$bigarray[$i]= trim($bigarray[$i]); if (isset($bigarray[$i]) && trim($bigarray[$i]) != '') { if (strpos($bigarray[$i], "#") === 0) { unset($bigarray[$i]); unset($bigarray[$i + 1]); unset($bigarray[$i + 2]); break; } else { $surveylsarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //QUOTA if (array_search("# QUOTA_MEMBERS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUOTA_MEMBERS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# QUOTA_MEMBERS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUOTA_MEMBERS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { // if ($i<$stoppoint-2 || $i==count($bigarray)-1) if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $quotaarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //QUOTA MEMBERS if (array_search("# QUOTA_LANGUAGESETTINGS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUOTA_LANGUAGESETTINGS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# QUOTA_LANGUAGESETTINGS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUOTA_LANGUAGESETTINGS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { // if ($i<$stoppoint-2 || $i==count($bigarray)-1) if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $quotamembersarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //Whatever is the last table - currently //QUOTA LANGUAGE SETTINGS $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; for ($i = 0; $i < $stoppoint - 1; $i++) { if ($i <= $stoppoint) { $quotalsarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); if (isset($surveyarray)) { $importresults['surveys'] = count($surveyarray); } else { $importresults['surveys'] = 0; } if (isset($surveylsarray)) { $importresults['languages'] = count($surveylsarray) - 1; } else { $importresults['languages'] = 1; } if (isset($grouparray)) { $importresults['groups'] = count($grouparray) - 1; } else { $importresults['groups'] = 0; } if (isset($questionarray)) { $importresults['questions'] = count($questionarray); } else { $importresults['questions'] = 0; } if (isset($answerarray)) { $importresults['answers'] = count($answerarray); } else { $importresults['answers'] = 0; } if (isset($conditionsarray)) { $importresults['conditions'] = count($conditionsarray); } else { $importresults['conditions'] = 0; } if (isset($labelsetsarray)) { $importresults['labelsets'] = count($labelsetsarray); } else { $importresults['labelsets'] = 0; } if (isset($assessmentsarray)) { $importresults['assessments'] = count($assessmentsarray); } else { $importresults['assessments'] = 0; } if (isset($quotaarray)) { $importresults['quota'] = count($quotaarray); } else { $importresults['quota'] = 0; } if (isset($quotamembersarray)) { $importresults['quotamembers'] = count($quotamembersarray); } else { $importresults['quotamembers'] = 0; } if (isset($quotalsarray)) { $importresults['quotals'] = count($quotalsarray); } else { $importresults['quotals'] = 0; } // CREATE SURVEY if ($importresults['surveys'] > 0) { $importresults['surveys']--; } if ($importresults['answers'] > 0) { $importresults['answers'] = ($importresults['answers'] - 1) / $importresults['languages']; } if ($importresults['groups'] > 0) { $countgroups = ($importresults['groups'] - 1) / $importresults['languages']; } if ($importresults['questions'] > 0) { $importresults['questions'] = ($importresults['questions'] - 1) / $importresults['languages']; } if ($importresults['assessments'] > 0) { $importresults['assessments']--; } if ($importresults['conditions'] > 0) { $importresults['conditions']--; } if ($importresults['labelsets'] > 0) { $importresults['labelsets']--; } if ($importresults['quota'] > 0) { $importresults['quota']--; } $sfieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($surveyarray[0], ',', '"'); $sfieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($surveyarray[1], ',', '"'); $surveyrowdata = array_combine($sfieldorders, $sfieldcontents); $iOldSID = $surveyrowdata["sid"]; if (!$iOldSID) { if ($importingfrom == "http") { $importsurvey .= "<br /><div class='warningheader'>" . $clang->gT("Error") . "</div><br />\n"; $importsurvey .= $clang->gT("Import of this survey file failed") . "<br />\n"; $importsurvey .= $clang->gT("File does not contain LimeSurvey data in the correct format.") . "<br /><br />\n"; //Couldn't find the SID - cannot continue $importsurvey .= "<input type='submit' value='" . $clang->gT("Main Admin Screen") . "' onclick=\"window.open('{$scriptname}', '_top')\" />\n"; $importsurvey .= "</div>\n"; unlink($sFullFilepath); //Delete the uploaded file return; } else { $clang->eT("Import of this survey file failed") . "\n" . $clang->gT("File does not contain LimeSurvey data in the correct format.") . "\n"; return; } } if ($iDesiredSurveyId != NULL) { $iNewSID = GetNewSurveyID($iDesiredSurveyId); } else { $iNewSID = GetNewSurveyID($iOldSID); } $insert = $surveyarray[0]; $sfieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($surveyarray[0], ',', '"'); $sfieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($surveyarray[1], ',', '"'); $surveyrowdata = array_combine($sfieldorders, $sfieldcontents); // Set new owner ID $surveyrowdata['owner_id'] = Yii::app()->session['loginID']; // Set new survey ID $surveyrowdata['sid'] = $iNewSID; $surveyrowdata['active'] = 'N'; if (validateTemplateDir($surveyrowdata['template']) !== $surveyrowdata['template']) { $importresults['importwarnings'][] = sprintf($clang->gT('Template %s not found, please review when activating.'), $surveyrowdata['template']); } //if (isset($surveyrowdata['datecreated'])) {$surveyrowdata['datecreated'] = $connect->BindTimeStamp($surveyrowdata['datecreated']);} unset($surveyrowdata['expires']); unset($surveyrowdata['attribute1']); unset($surveyrowdata['attribute2']); unset($surveyrowdata['usestartdate']); unset($surveyrowdata['notification']); unset($surveyrowdata['useexpiry']); unset($surveyrowdata['url']); unset($surveyrowdata['lastpage']); if (isset($surveyrowdata['private'])) { $surveyrowdata['anonymized'] = $surveyrowdata['private']; unset($surveyrowdata['private']); } if (isset($surveyrowdata['startdate'])) { unset($surveyrowdata['startdate']); } $surveyrowdata['bounce_email'] = $surveyrowdata['adminemail']; if (empty($surveyrowdata['datecreated'])) { $surveyrowdata['datecreated'] = new CDbExpression('NOW()'); } $iNewSID = Survey::model()->insertNewSurvey($surveyrowdata) or safeDie("<br />" . $clang->gT("Import of this survey file failed") . "<br />{$surveyarray[0]}<br /><br />\n"); // Now import the survey language settings $fieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($surveylsarray[0], ',', '"'); unset($surveylsarray[0]); foreach ($surveylsarray as $slsrow) { $fieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($slsrow, ',', '"'); $surveylsrowdata = array_combine($fieldorders, $fieldcontents); // convert back the '\'.'n' char from the CSV file to true return char "\n" $surveylsrowdata = array_map('convertCSVReturnToReturn', $surveylsrowdata); // Convert the \n return char from welcometext to <br /> // translate internal links if ($bTranslateLinks) { $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_title'] = translateLinks('survey', $iOldSID, $iNewSID, $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_title']); $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_description'] = translateLinks('survey', $iOldSID, $iNewSID, $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_description']); $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_welcometext'] = translateLinks('survey', $iOldSID, $iNewSID, $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_welcometext']); $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_urldescription'] = translateLinks('survey', $iOldSID, $iNewSID, $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_urldescription']); $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_email_invite'] = translateLinks('survey', $iOldSID, $iNewSID, $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_email_invite']); $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_email_remind'] = translateLinks('survey', $iOldSID, $iNewSID, $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_email_remind']); $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_email_register'] = translateLinks('survey', $iOldSID, $iNewSID, $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_email_register']); $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_email_confirm'] = translateLinks('survey', $iOldSID, $iNewSID, $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_email_confirm']); } unset($surveylsrowdata['lastpage']); $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_survey_id'] = $iNewSID; $lsiresult = Surveys_languagesettings::model()->insertNewSurvey($surveylsrowdata) or safeDie("<br />" . $clang->gT("Import of this survey file failed") . "<br />"); } // The survey languagesettings are imported now $aLanguagesSupported = array(); // this array will keep all the languages supported for the survey $sBaseLanguage = Survey::model()->findByPk($iNewSID)->language; $aLanguagesSupported[] = $sBaseLanguage; // adds the base language to the list of supported languages $aLanguagesSupported = array_merge($aLanguagesSupported, Survey::model()->findByPk($iNewSID)->additionalLanguages); // DO SURVEY_RIGHTS Survey_permissions::model()->giveAllSurveyPermissions(Yii::app()->session['loginID'], $iNewSID); $importresults['deniedcountls'] = 0; $qtypes = getQuestionTypeList("", "array"); $results['labels'] = 0; $results['labelsets'] = 0; $results['answers'] = 0; $results['subquestions'] = 0; //Do label sets if (isset($labelsetsarray) && $labelsetsarray) { $csarray = buildLabelSetCheckSumArray(); // build checksums over all existing labelsets $count = 0; foreach ($labelsetsarray as $lsa) { $fieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($labelsetsarray[0], ',', '"'); $fieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($lsa, ',', '"'); if ($count == 0) { $count++; continue; } $labelsetrowdata = array_combine($fieldorders, $fieldcontents); // Save old labelid $oldlid = $labelsetrowdata['lid']; unset($labelsetrowdata['lid']); $lblsets = Labelsets::model(); $lsiresult = $lblsets->insertRecords($labelsetrowdata); $results['labelsets']++; // Get the new insert id for the labels inside this labelset $newlid = Yii::app()->db->createCommand('Select LAST_INSERT_ID()')->query()->read(); $newlid = $newlid['LAST_INSERT_ID()']; if ($labelsarray) { $count = 0; foreach ($labelsarray as $la) { $lfieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($labelsarray[0], ',', '"'); $lfieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($la, ',', '"'); if ($count == 0) { $count++; continue; } // Combine into one array with keys and values since its easier to handle $labelrowdata = array_combine($lfieldorders, $lfieldcontents); $labellid = $labelrowdata['lid']; if ($importversion <= 132) { $labelrowdata["assessment_value"] = (int) $labelrowdata["code"]; } if ($labellid == $oldlid) { $labelrowdata['lid'] = $newlid; // translate internal links if ($bTranslateLinks) { $labelrowdata['title'] = translateLinks('label', $oldlid, $newlid, $labelrowdata['title']); } $liresult = Label::model()->insertRecords($labelrowdata); if ($liresult !== false) { $results['labels']++; } } } } //CHECK FOR DUPLICATE LABELSETS $thisset = ""; $query2 = "SELECT code, title, sortorder, language, assessment_value\n FROM {{labels}}\n WHERE lid=" . $newlid . "\n ORDER BY language, sortorder, code"; $result2 = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query2)->query() or die("Died querying labelset {$lid}<br />"); foreach ($result2->readAll() as $row2) { $row2 = array_values($row2); $thisset .= implode('.', $row2); } // while $newcs = dechex(crc32($thisset) * 1); unset($lsmatch); if (isset($csarray)) { foreach ($csarray as $key => $val) { if ($val == $newcs) { $lsmatch = $key; } } } if (isset($lsmatch) || Yii::app()->session['USER_RIGHT_MANAGE_LABEL'] != 1) { //There is a matching labelset or the user is not allowed to edit labels - // So, we will delete this one and refer to the matched one. $query = "DELETE FROM {{labels}} WHERE lid={$newlid}"; $result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query)->execute(); $results['labels'] = $results['labels'] - $result; $query = "DELETE FROM {{labelsets}} WHERE lid={$newlid}"; $result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query)->execute(); $results['labelsets'] = $results['labelsets'] - $result; $newlid = $lsmatch; } else { //There isn't a matching labelset, add this checksum to the $csarray array $csarray[$newlid] = $newcs; } //END CHECK FOR DUPLICATES $aLIDReplacements[$oldlid] = $newlid; } } // Import groups if (isset($grouparray) && $grouparray) { // do GROUPS $gafieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($grouparray[0], ',', '"'); unset($grouparray[0]); foreach ($grouparray as $ga) { $gacfieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($ga, ',', '"'); $grouprowdata = array_combine($gafieldorders, $gacfieldcontents); //Now an additional integrity check if there are any groups not belonging into this survey if ($grouprowdata['sid'] != $iOldSID) { $results['fatalerror'] = $clang->gT("A group in the CSV/SQL file is not part of the same survey. The import of the survey was stopped.") . "<br />\n"; return $results; } $grouprowdata['sid'] = $iNewSID; // remember group id $oldgid = $grouprowdata['gid']; //update/remove the old group id if (isset($aGIDReplacements[$oldgid])) { $grouprowdata['gid'] = $aGIDReplacements[$oldgid]; } else { unset($grouprowdata['gid']); } // Everything set - now insert it $grouprowdata = array_map('convertCSVReturnToReturn', $grouprowdata); // translate internal links if ($bTranslateLinks) { $grouprowdata['group_name'] = translateLinks('survey', $iOldSID, $iNewSID, $grouprowdata['group_name']); $grouprowdata['description'] = translateLinks('survey', $iOldSID, $iNewSID, $grouprowdata['description']); } if (isset($grouprowdata['gid'])) { switchMSSQLIdentityInsert('groups', true); } $gres = Groups::model()->insertRecords($grouprowdata) or safeDie($clang->gT('Error') . ": Failed to insert group<br />\\<br />\n"); if (isset($grouprowdata['gid'])) { switchMSSQLIdentityInsert('groups', false); } if (!isset($grouprowdata['gid'])) { $aGIDReplacements[$oldgid] = Yii::app()->db->createCommand('Select LAST_INSERT_ID()')->query()->read(); $aGIDReplacements[$oldgid] = $aGIDReplacements[$oldgid]['LAST_INSERT_ID()']; } } // Fix sortorder of the groups - if users removed groups manually from the csv file there would be gaps fixSortOrderGroups($iNewSID); } // GROUPS is DONE // Import questions if (isset($questionarray) && $questionarray) { $qafieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($questionarray[0], ',', '"'); unset($questionarray[0]); foreach ($questionarray as $qa) { $qacfieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($qa, ',', '"'); $questionrowdata = array_combine($qafieldorders, $qacfieldcontents); $questionrowdata = array_map('convertCSVReturnToReturn', $questionrowdata); $questionrowdata["type"] = strtoupper($questionrowdata["type"]); // Skip not supported languages if (!in_array($questionrowdata['language'], $aLanguagesSupported)) { continue; } // replace the sid $questionrowdata["sid"] = $iNewSID; // Skip if gid is invalid if (!isset($aGIDReplacements[$questionrowdata['gid']])) { continue; } $questionrowdata["gid"] = $aGIDReplacements[$questionrowdata['gid']]; if (isset($aQIDReplacements[$questionrowdata['qid']])) { $questionrowdata['qid'] = $aQIDReplacements[$questionrowdata['qid']]; } else { $oldqid = $questionrowdata['qid']; unset($questionrowdata['qid']); } unset($oldlid1); unset($oldlid2); if (isset($questionrowdata['lid']) && $questionrowdata['lid'] > 0) { $oldlid1 = $questionrowdata['lid']; } if (isset($questionrowdata['lid1']) && $questionrowdata['lid1'] > 0) { $oldlid2 = $questionrowdata['lid1']; } unset($questionrowdata['lid']); unset($questionrowdata['lid1']); if ($questionrowdata['type'] == 'W') { $questionrowdata['type'] = '!'; } elseif ($questionrowdata['type'] == 'Z') { $questionrowdata['type'] = 'L'; $aIgnoredAnswers[] = $oldqid; } if (!isset($questionrowdata["question_order"]) || $questionrowdata["question_order"] == '') { $questionrowdata["question_order"] = 0; } // translate internal links if ($bTranslateLinks) { $questionrowdata['question'] = translateLinks('survey', $iOldSID, $iNewSID, $questionrowdata['question']); $questionrowdata['help'] = translateLinks('survey', $iOldSID, $iNewSID, $questionrowdata['help']); } if (isset($questionrowdata['qid'])) { switchMSSQLIdentityInsert('questions', true); } $qres = Questions::model()->insertRecords($questionrowdata) or safeDie($clang->gT("Error") . ": Failed to insert question<br />"); if (isset($questionrowdata['qid'])) { switchMSSQLIdentityInsert('questions', false); $saveqid = $questionrowdata['qid']; } else { $aQIDReplacements[$oldqid] = Yii::app()->db->createCommand('Select LAST_INSERT_ID()')->query()->read(); $aQIDReplacements[$oldqid] = $aQIDReplacements[$oldqid]['LAST_INSERT_ID()']; $saveqid = $aQIDReplacements[$oldqid]; } // Now we will fix up old label sets where they are used as answers if ((isset($oldlid1) && isset($aLIDReplacements[$oldlid1]) || isset($oldlid2) && isset($aLIDReplacements[$oldlid2])) && ($qtypes[$questionrowdata['type']]['answerscales'] > 0 || $qtypes[$questionrowdata['type']]['subquestions'] > 1)) { $query = "select * from {{labels}} where lid={$aLIDReplacements[$oldlid1]} and language='{$questionrowdata['language']}'"; $oldlabelsresult = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query)->query(); foreach ($oldlabelsresult->readAll() as $labelrow) { if (in_array($labelrow['language'], $aLanguagesSupported)) { if ($qtypes[$questionrowdata['type']]['subquestions'] < 2) { $qinsert = "insert INTO {{answers}} (qid,code,answer,sortorder,language,assessment_value)\n VALUES ({$aQIDReplacements[$oldqid]},'" . $labelrow['code'] . "','" . $labelrow['title'] . "','" . $labelrow['sortorder'] . "','" . $labelrow['language'] . "','" . $labelrow['assessment_value'] . "')"; $qres = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($qinsert)->query() or safeDie($clang->gT("Error") . ": Failed to insert answer (lid1) <br />\n{$qinsert}<br />\n"); } else { if (isset($aSQIDReplacements[$labelrow['code'] . '_' . $saveqid])) { $fieldname = 'qid,'; $data = $aSQIDReplacements[$labelrow['code'] . '_' . $saveqid] . ','; } else { $fieldname = ''; $data = ''; } $qinsert = "insert INTO {{questions}} ({$fieldname} parent_qid,title,question,question_order,language,scale_id,type, sid, gid)\n VALUES ({$data}{$aQIDReplacements[$oldqid]},'" . $labelrow['code'] . "','" . $labelrow['title'] . "','" . $labelrow['sortorder'] . "','" . $labelrow['language'] . "',1,'{$questionrowdata['type']}',{$questionrowdata['sid']},{$questionrowdata['gid']})"; $qres = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($qinsert)->query() or safeDie($clang->gT("Error") . ": Failed to insert question <br />\n{$qinsert}<br />\n"); if ($fieldname == '') { $aSQIDReplacements[$labelrow['code'] . '_' . $saveqid] = Yii::app()->db->getCommandBuilder()->getLastInsertID('{{questions}}'); } } } } if (isset($oldlid2) && $qtypes[$questionrowdata['type']]['answerscales'] > 1) { $query = "select * from {{labels}} where lid={$aLIDReplacements[$oldlid2]} and language='{$questionrowdata['language']}'"; $oldlabelsresult = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query)->query(); foreach ($oldlabelsresult->readAll() as $labelrow) { $qinsert = "insert INTO {{answers}} (qid,code,answer,sortorder,language,assessment_value,scale_id)\n VALUES ({$aQIDReplacements[$oldqid]},'" . $labelrow['code'] . "','" . $labelrow['title'] . "','" . $labelrow['sortorder'] . "','" . $labelrow['language'] . "','" . $labelrow['assessment_value'] . "',1)"; $qres = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($qinsert)->query() or safeDie($clang->gT("Error") . ": Failed to insert answer (lid2)<br />\n{$qinsert}<br />\n"); } } } } } //Do answers if (isset($answerarray) && $answerarray) { $answerfieldnames = convertCSVRowToArray($answerarray[0], ',', '"'); unset($answerarray[0]); foreach ($answerarray as $aa) { $answerfieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($aa, ',', '"'); $answerrowdata = array_combine($answerfieldnames, $answerfieldcontents); if (in_array($answerrowdata['qid'], $aIgnoredAnswers)) { // Due to a bug in previous LS versions there may be orphaned answers with question type Z (which is now L) // this way they are ignored continue; } if ($answerrowdata === false) { $importquestion .= '<br />' . $clang->gT("Faulty line in import - fields and data don't match") . ":" . implode(',', $answerfieldcontents); } // Skip not supported languages if (!in_array($answerrowdata['language'], $aLanguagesSupported)) { continue; } // replace the qid for the new one (if there is no new qid in the $aQIDReplacements array it mean that this answer is orphan -> error, skip this record) if (isset($aQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata["qid"]])) { $answerrowdata["qid"] = $aQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata["qid"]]; } else { continue; } // a problem with this answer record -> don't consider if ($importversion <= 132) { $answerrowdata["assessment_value"] = (int) $answerrowdata["code"]; } // Convert default values for single select questions $query1 = 'select type,gid from {{questions}} where qid=' . $answerrowdata["qid"]; $resultquery1 = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query1)->query(); $questiontemp = $resultquery1->read(); $oldquestion['newtype'] = $questiontemp['type']; $oldquestion['gid'] = $questiontemp['gid']; if ($answerrowdata['default_value'] == 'Y' && ($oldquestion['newtype'] == 'L' || $oldquestion['newtype'] == 'O' || $oldquestion['newtype'] == '!')) { $insertdata = array(); $insertdata['qid'] = $newqid; $insertdata['language'] = $answerrowdata['language']; $insertdata['defaultvalue'] = $answerrowdata['answer']; $qres = Defaultvalues::model()->insertRecords($insertdata) or safeDie("Error: Failed to insert defaultvalue <br />"); } // translate internal links if ($bTranslateLinks) { $answerrowdata['answer'] = translateLinks('survey', $iOldSID, $iNewSID, $answerrowdata['answer']); } // Everything set - now insert it $answerrowdata = array_map('convertCSVReturnToReturn', $answerrowdata); if ($qtypes[$oldquestion['newtype']]['subquestions'] > 0) { $questionrowdata = array(); if (isset($aSQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata['code'] . $answerrowdata['qid']])) { $questionrowdata['qid'] = $aSQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata['code'] . $answerrowdata['qid']]; } $questionrowdata['parent_qid'] = $answerrowdata['qid']; $questionrowdata['sid'] = $iNewSID; $questionrowdata['gid'] = $oldquestion['gid']; $questionrowdata['title'] = $answerrowdata['code']; $questionrowdata['question'] = $answerrowdata['answer']; $questionrowdata['question_order'] = $answerrowdata['sortorder']; $questionrowdata['language'] = $answerrowdata['language']; $questionrowdata['type'] = $oldquestion['newtype']; if (isset($questionrowdata['qid'])) { switchMSSQLIdentityInsert('questions', true); } if ($questionrowdata) { XSSFilterArray($questionrowdata); } $qres = Questions::model()->insertRecords($questionrowdata) or safeDie("Error: Failed to insert subquestion <br />"); if (!isset($questionrowdata['qid'])) { $aSQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata['code'] . $answerrowdata['qid']] = Yii::app()->db->createCommand('Select LAST_INSERT_ID()')->query()->read(); $aSQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata['code'] . $answerrowdata['qid']] = $aSQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata['code'] . $answerrowdata['qid']]['LAST_INSERT_ID()']; } else { switchMSSQLIdentityInsert('questions', false); } $results['subquestions']++; // also convert default values subquestions for multiple choice if ($answerrowdata['default_value'] == 'Y' && ($oldquestion['newtype'] == 'M' || $oldquestion['newtype'] == 'P')) { $insertdata = array(); $insertdata['qid'] = $newqid; $insertdata['sqid'] = $aSQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata['code']]; $insertdata['language'] = $answerrowdata['language']; $insertdata['defaultvalue'] = 'Y'; if ($insertdata) { XSSFilterArray($insertdata); } $qres = Defaultvalues::model()->insertRecords($insertdata) or safeDie("Error: Failed to insert defaultvalue <br />"); } } else { unset($answerrowdata['default_value']); if ($answerrowdata) { XSSFilterArray($answerrowdata); } $ares = Answers::model()->insertRecords($answerrowdata) or safeDie("Error: Failed to insert answer<br />"); $results['answers']++; } } } // get all group ids and fix questions inside each group $gquery = "SELECT gid FROM {{groups}} where sid={$iNewSID} group by gid ORDER BY gid"; //Get last question added (finds new qid) $gres = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($gquery)->query(); foreach ($gres->readAll() as $grow) { Questions::model()->updateQuestionOrder($grow['gid'], $iNewSID); } //We've built two arrays along the way - one containing the old SID, GID and QIDs - and their NEW equivalents //and one containing the old 'extended fieldname' and its new equivalent. These are needed to import conditions and question_attributes. if (isset($question_attributesarray) && $question_attributesarray) { //ONLY DO THIS IF THERE ARE QUESTION_ATTRIBUES $fieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($question_attributesarray[0], ',', '"'); unset($question_attributesarray[0]); foreach ($question_attributesarray as $qar) { $fieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($qar, ',', '"'); $qarowdata = array_combine($fieldorders, $fieldcontents); $newqid = ""; $qarowdata["qid"] = $aQIDReplacements[$qarowdata["qid"]]; unset($qarowdata["qaid"]); $result = Question_attributes::model()->insertRecords($qarowdata); if ($result > 0) { $importresults['question_attributes']++; } } } if (isset($assessmentsarray) && $assessmentsarray) { //ONLY DO THIS IF THERE ARE QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES $fieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($assessmentsarray[0], ',', '"'); unset($assessmentsarray[0]); foreach ($assessmentsarray as $qar) { $fieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($qar, ',', '"'); $asrowdata = array_combine($fieldorders, $fieldcontents); if (isset($asrowdata['link'])) { if (trim($asrowdata['link']) != '') { $asrowdata['message'] = $asrowdata['message'] . '<br /><a href="' . $asrowdata['link'] . '">' . $asrowdata['link'] . '</a>'; } unset($asrowdata['link']); } if ($asrowdata["gid"] > 0) { $asrowdata["gid"] = $aGIDReplacements[$asrowdata["gid"]]; } $asrowdata["sid"] = $iNewSID; unset($asrowdata["id"]); $result = Assessments::model()->insertRecords($asrowdata) or safeDie("Couldn't insert assessment<br />"); unset($newgid); } } if (isset($quotaarray) && $quotaarray) { //ONLY DO THIS IF THERE ARE QUOTAS $fieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($quotaarray[0], ',', '"'); unset($quotaarray[0]); foreach ($quotaarray as $qar) { $fieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($qar, ',', '"'); $asrowdata = array_combine($fieldorders, $fieldcontents); $iOldSID = $asrowdata["sid"]; foreach ($substitutions as $subs) { if ($iOldSID == $subs[0]) { $iNewSID = $subs[3]; } } $asrowdata["sid"] = $iNewSID; $oldid = $asrowdata["id"]; unset($asrowdata["id"]); $quotadata[] = $asrowdata; //For use later if needed $result = Quota::model()->insertRecords($asrowdata) or safeDie("Couldn't insert quota<br />"); $aQuotaReplacements[$oldid] = Yii::app()->db->createCommand('Select LAST_INSERT_ID()')->query()->read(); $aQuotaReplacements[$oldid] = $aQuotaReplacements[$oldid]['LAST_INSERT_ID()']; } } if (isset($quotamembersarray) && $quotamembersarray) { //ONLY DO THIS IF THERE ARE QUOTA MEMBERS $count = 0; foreach ($quotamembersarray as $qar) { $fieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($quotamembersarray[0], ',', '"'); $fieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($qar, ',', '"'); if ($count == 0) { $count++; continue; } $asrowdata = array_combine($fieldorders, $fieldcontents); $iOldSID = $asrowdata["sid"]; $newqid = ""; $newquotaid = ""; $oldqid = $asrowdata['qid']; $oldquotaid = $asrowdata['quota_id']; foreach ($substitutions as $subs) { if ($iOldSID == $subs[0]) { $iNewSID = $subs[3]; } if ($oldqid == $subs[2]) { $newqid = $subs[5]; } } $newquotaid = $aQuotaReplacements[$oldquotaid]; $asrowdata["sid"] = $iNewSID; $asrowdata["qid"] = $newqid; $asrowdata["quota_id"] = $newquotaid; unset($asrowdata["id"]); $result = Quota_members::model()->insertRecords($asrowdata) or safeDie("Couldn't insert quota<br />"); } } if (isset($quotalsarray) && $quotalsarray) { //ONLY DO THIS IF THERE ARE QUOTA LANGUAGE SETTINGS $count = 0; foreach ($quotalsarray as $qar) { $fieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($quotalsarray[0], ',', '"'); $fieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($qar, ',', '"'); if ($count == 0) { $count++; continue; } $asrowdata = array_combine($fieldorders, $fieldcontents); $newquotaid = ""; $oldquotaid = $asrowdata['quotals_quota_id']; $newquotaid = $aQuotaReplacements[$oldquotaid]; $asrowdata["quotals_quota_id"] = $newquotaid; unset($asrowdata["quotals_id"]); $result = Quota_languagesettings::model()->insertRecords($asrowdata) or safeDie("Couldn't insert quota<br />"); } } //if there are quotas, but no quotals, then we need to create default dummy for each quota (this handles exports from pre-language quota surveys) if ($importresults['quota'] > 0 && (!isset($importresults['quotals']) || $importresults['quotals'] == 0)) { $i = 0; $defaultsurveylanguage = isset($defaultsurveylanguage) ? $defaultsurveylanguage : "en"; foreach ($aQuotaReplacements as $oldquotaid => $newquotaid) { $asrowdata = array("quotals_quota_id" => $newquotaid, "quotals_language" => $defaultsurveylanguage, "quotals_name" => $quotadata[$i]["name"], "quotals_message" => $clang->gT("Sorry your responses have exceeded a quota on this survey."), "quotals_url" => "", "quotals_urldescrip" => ""); $i++; } $result = Quota_languagesettings::model()->insertRecords($asrowdata) or safeDie("Couldn't insert quota<br />"); $countquotals = $i; } // Do conditions if (isset($conditionsarray) && $conditionsarray) { //ONLY DO THIS IF THERE ARE CONDITIONS! $fieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($conditionsarray[0], ',', '"'); unset($conditionsarray[0]); // Exception for conditions based on attributes $aQIDReplacements[0] = 0; foreach ($conditionsarray as $car) { $fieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($car, ',', '"'); $conditionrowdata = array_combine($fieldorders, $fieldcontents); unset($conditionrowdata["cid"]); if (!isset($conditionrowdata["method"]) || trim($conditionrowdata["method"]) == '') { $conditionrowdata["method"] = '=='; } if (!isset($conditionrowdata["scenario"]) || trim($conditionrowdata["scenario"]) == '') { $conditionrowdata["scenario"] = 1; } $oldcqid = $conditionrowdata["cqid"]; $query = 'select gid from {{questions}} where qid=' . $aQIDReplacements[$conditionrowdata["cqid"]]; $res = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query)->query(); $resrow = $res->read(); $oldgid = array_search($resrow['gid'], $aGIDReplacements); $conditionrowdata["qid"] = $aQIDReplacements[$conditionrowdata["qid"]]; $conditionrowdata["cqid"] = $aQIDReplacements[$conditionrowdata["cqid"]]; $oldcfieldname = $conditionrowdata["cfieldname"]; $conditionrowdata["cfieldname"] = str_replace($iOldSID . 'X' . $oldgid . 'X' . $oldcqid, $iNewSID . 'X' . $aGIDReplacements[$oldgid] . 'X' . $conditionrowdata["cqid"], $conditionrowdata["cfieldname"]); $result = Conditions::model()->insertRecords($conditionrowdata) or safeDie("Couldn't insert condition<br />"); } } LimeExpressionManager::RevertUpgradeConditionsToRelevance($iNewSID); LimeExpressionManager::UpgradeConditionsToRelevance($iNewSID); LimeExpressionManager::SetSurveyId($iNewSID); $importresults['importversion'] = $importversion; $importresults['newsid'] = $iNewSID; $importresults['oldsid'] = $iOldSID; return $importresults; }
/** * Action to delete a question group. * * @access public * @return void */ public function delete($iSurveyId, $iGroupId) { $iSurveyId = sanitize_int($iSurveyId); if (Permission::model()->hasSurveyPermission($iSurveyId, 'surveycontent', 'delete')) { LimeExpressionManager::RevertUpgradeConditionsToRelevance($iSurveyId); $iGroupId = sanitize_int($iGroupId); $iGroupsDeleted = QuestionGroup::deleteWithDependency($iGroupId, $iSurveyId); if ($iGroupsDeleted > 0) { fixSortOrderGroups($iSurveyId); Yii::app()->setFlashMessage(gT('The question group was deleted.')); } else { Yii::app()->setFlashMessage(gT('Group could not be deleted'), 'error'); } LimeExpressionManager::UpgradeConditionsToRelevance($iSurveyId); $this->getController()->redirect(array('admin/survey/sa/view/surveyid/' . $iSurveyId)); } }
/** * RPC Routine to set group properties. * * @access public * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials * @param integer $iGroupID - ID of the survey * @param array|struct $aGroupData - An array with the particular fieldnames as keys and their values to set on that particular survey * @return array Of succeeded and failed modifications according to internal validation. */ public function set_group_properties($sSessionKey, $iGroupID, $aGroupData) { if ($this->_checkSessionKey($sSessionKey)) { $oGroup = QuestionGroup::model()->findByAttributes(array('gid' => $iGroupID)); if (is_null($oGroup)) { return array('status' => 'Error: Invalid group ID'); } if (Permission::model()->hasSurveyPermission($oGroup->sid, 'survey', 'update')) { $aResult = array(); // Remove fields that may not be modified unset($aGroupData['sid']); unset($aGroupData['gid']); // Remove invalid fields $aDestinationFields = array_flip(QuestionGroup::model()->tableSchema->columnNames); $aGroupData = array_intersect_key($aGroupData, $aDestinationFields); $aGroupAttributes = $oGroup->getAttributes(); if (empty($aGroupData)) { return array('status' => 'No valid Data'); } foreach ($aGroupData as $sFieldName => $sValue) { //all dependencies this group has $has_dependencies = getGroupDepsForConditions($oGroup->sid, $iGroupID); //all dependencies on this group $depented_on = getGroupDepsForConditions($oGroup->sid, "all", $iGroupID, "by-targgid"); //We do not allow groups with dependencies to change order - that would lead to broken dependencies if ((isset($has_dependencies) || isset($depented_on)) && $sFieldName == 'group_order') { $aResult[$sFieldName] = 'Group with dependencies - Order cannot be changed'; continue; } $oGroup->setAttribute($sFieldName, $sValue); try { // save the change to database - one by one to allow for validation to work $bSaveResult = $oGroup->save(); fixSortOrderGroups($oGroup->sid); $aResult[$sFieldName] = $bSaveResult; //unset failed values if (!$bSaveResult) { $oGroup->{$sFieldName} = $aGroupAttributes[$sFieldName]; } } catch (Exception $e) { //unset values that cause exception $oGroup->{$sFieldName} = $aGroupAttributes[$sFieldName]; } } return $aResult; } else { return array('status' => 'No permission'); } } else { return array('status' => 'Invalid Session key'); } }
// Checked $connect->Execute("DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}defaultvalues WHERE qid={$row['qid']}"); // Checked $connect->Execute("DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}quota_members WHERE qid={$qid}"); } } $query = "DELETE FROM " . db_table_name('assessments') . " WHERE sid={$surveyid} AND gid={$gid}"; $result = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die($connect->ErrorMsg()); // Checked $query = "DELETE FROM " . db_table_name('groups') . " WHERE sid={$surveyid} AND gid={$gid}"; $result = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die($connect->ErrorMsg()); // Checked if ($result) { $gid = ""; $groupselect = getgrouplist($gid); fixSortOrderGroups($surveyid); $_SESSION['flashmessage'] = $clang->gT("The question group was deleted."); } else { $databaseoutput .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n<!--\n alert(\"" . $clang->gT("Group could not be deleted", "js") . "\n{$error}\")\n //-->\n</script>\n"; } LimeExpressionManager::UpgradeConditionsToRelevance($surveyid); } elseif ($action == "insertquestion" && bHasSurveyPermission($surveyid, 'surveycontent', 'create')) { $baselang = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($postsid); if (strlen($_POST['title']) < 1) { $databaseoutput .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n<!--\n " . "alert(\"" . $clang->gT("The question could not be added. You must enter at least enter a question code.", "js") . "\")\n " . "//-->\n</script>\n"; } else { if (!isset($_POST['lid']) || $_POST['lid'] == '') { $_POST['lid'] = "0"; } if (!isset($_POST['lid1']) || $_POST['lid1'] == '') { $_POST['lid1'] = "0";
/** * Action to delete a question group. * * @access public * @return void */ public function delete($iSurveyId, $iGroupId) { $iSurveyId = sanitize_int($iSurveyId); if (hasSurveyPermission($iSurveyId, 'surveycontent', 'delete')) { LimeExpressionManager::RevertUpgradeConditionsToRelevance($iSurveyId); $iGroupId = sanitize_int($iGroupId); $clang = $this->getController()->lang; $iGroupsDeleted = Groups::deleteWithDependency($iGroupId, $iSurveyId); if ($iGroupsDeleted !== 1) { fixSortOrderGroups($iSurveyId); Yii::app()->user->setFlash('flashmessage', $clang->gT('The question group was deleted.')); } else { Yii::app()->user->setFlash('flashmessage', $clang->gT('Group could not be deleted')); } $this->getController()->redirect($this->getController()->createUrl('admin/survey/sa/view/surveyid/' . $iSurveyId)); LimeExpressionManager::UpgradeConditionsToRelevance($iSurveyId); } }
/** * importing a group into an existing survey * * @param int $iVid SurveyID * @param string $sMod Group that should be loaded into the Survey */ function importGroup($surveyid, $sMod) { global $connect; global $dbprefix; $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC; include "lsrc.config.php"; $newsid = $surveyid; $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); $the_full_file_path = $modDir . $sMod . ".csv"; $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK {$the_full_file_path} "); $handle = fopen($the_full_file_path, "r"); while (!feof($handle)) { $buffer = fgets($handle); $bigarray[] = $buffer; } fclose($handle); if (substr($bigarray[0], 0, 23) != "# LimeSurvey Group Dump" && substr($bigarray[0], 0, 24) != "# PHPSurveyor Group Dump") { //$importgroup .= "<strong><font color='red'>".("Error")."</font></strong>\n"; //$importgroup .= ("This file is not a LimeSurvey group file. Import failed.")."\n"; //$importgroup .= "<input type='submit' value='".("Main Admin Screen")."' onclick=\"window.open('$scriptname', '_top')\">\n"; //$importgroup .= "</td></tr></table>\n"; //unlink($the_full_file_path); return false; } for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++) { unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //GROUPS if (array_search("# QUESTIONS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUESTIONS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# QUESTIONS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUESTIONS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $grouparray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); //QUESTIONS if (array_search("# ANSWERS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# ANSWERS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# ANSWERS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# ANSWERS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $questionarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); //ANSWERS if (array_search("# CONDITIONS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# CONDITIONS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# CONDITIONS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# CONDITIONS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $answerarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); //CONDITIONS if (array_search("# LABELSETS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# LABELSETS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# LABELSETS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# LABELSETS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray); } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $conditionsarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); //LABELSETS if (array_search("# LABELS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# LABELS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# LABELS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# LABELS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $labelsetsarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); //LABELS if (array_search("# QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $labelsarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); //LAST LOT (now question_attributes) if (!isset($noconditions) || $noconditions != "Y") { // stoppoint is the last line number // this is an empty line after the QA CSV lines $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i <= $stoppoint - 1) { $question_attributesarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); $countgroups = 0; if (isset($questionarray)) { $questionfieldnames = convertCSVRowToArray($questionarray[0], ',', '"'); unset($questionarray[0]); $countquestions = 0; } if (isset($answerarray)) { $answerfieldnames = convertCSVRowToArray($answerarray[0], ',', '"'); unset($answerarray[0]); $countanswers = 0; } $countconditions = 0; $countlabelsets = 0; $countlabels = 0; $countquestion_attributes = 0; $countanswers = 0; $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); // first check that imported group, questions and labels support the // current survey's baselang $langcode = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($newsid); if (isset($grouparray)) { $groupfieldnames = convertCSVRowToArray($grouparray[0], ',', '"'); $langfieldnum = array_search("language", $groupfieldnames); $gidfieldnum = array_search("gid", $groupfieldnames); $groupssupportbaselang = bDoesImportarraySupportsLanguage($grouparray, array($gidfieldnum), $langfieldnum, $langcode, true); if (!$groupssupportbaselang) { //$importgroup .= "<strong><font color='red'>".("Error")."</font></strong>\n"; //$importgroup .= ("You can't import a group which doesn't support the current survey's base language.")."\n"; //$importgroup .= "<input type='submit' value='".("Main Admin Screen")."' onclick=\"window.open('$scriptname', '_top')\">\n"; //$importgroup .= "</td></tr></table>\n"; //unlink($the_full_file_path); return "Group does not support Surveys Baselanguage ({$langcode})"; } } $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); if (isset($questionarray)) { $langfieldnum = array_search("language", $questionfieldnames); $qidfieldnum = array_search("qid", $questionfieldnames); $questionssupportbaselang = bDoesImportarraySupportsLanguage($questionarray, array($qidfieldnum), $langfieldnum, $langcode, false); if (!$questionssupportbaselang) { //$importgroup .= "<strong><font color='red'>".("Error")."</font></strong>\n"; //$importgroup .= ("You can't import a question which doesn't support the current survey's base language.")."\n"; //$importgroup .= "<input type='submit' value='".("Main Admin Screen")."' onclick=\"window.open('$scriptname', '_top')\">\n"; //$importgroup .= "</td></tr></table>\n"; //unlink($the_full_file_path); return "Group does not support Surveys Baselanguage ({$langcode})"; } } $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); if (isset($labelsetsarray)) { $labelsetfieldname = convertCSVRowToArray($labelsetsarray[0], ',', '"'); $langfieldnum = array_search("languages", $labelsetfieldname); $lidfilednum = array_search("lid", $labelsetfieldname); $labelsetssupportbaselang = bDoesImportarraySupportsLanguage($labelsetsarray, array($lidfilednum), $langfieldnum, $langcode, true); if (!$labelsetssupportbaselang) { $importquestion .= "<strong><font color='red'>" . "Error" . "</font></strong>\n" . "You can't import label sets which don't support the current survey's base language" . "\n" . "</td></tr></table>\n"; //unlink($the_full_file_path); return "Group does not support Surveys Baselanguage ({$langcode})"; } } $newlids = array(); // this array will have the "new lid" for the label sets, the key will be the "old lid" $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); //DO ANY LABELSETS FIRST, SO WE CAN KNOW WHAT THEIR NEW LID IS FOR THE QUESTIONS if (isset($labelsetsarray) && $labelsetsarray) { $csarray = buildLabelSetCheckSumArray(); // build checksums over all existing labelsets $count = 0; foreach ($labelsetsarray as $lsa) { $fieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($labelsetsarray[0], ',', '"'); $fieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($lsa, ',', '"'); if ($count == 0) { $count++; continue; } $countlabelsets++; $labelsetrowdata = array_combine($fieldorders, $fieldcontents); // Save old labelid $oldlid = $labelsetrowdata['lid']; // set the new language unset($labelsetrowdata['lid']); $newvalues = array_values($labelsetrowdata); $newvalues = array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"), $newvalues); // quote everything accordingly $lsainsert = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}labelsets (" . implode(',', array_keys($labelsetrowdata)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(',', $newvalues) . ")"; //handle db prefix $lsiresult = $connect->Execute($lsainsert); // Get the new insert id for the labels inside this labelset $newlid = $connect->Insert_ID("{$dbprefix}labelsets", 'lid'); if ($labelsarray) { $count = 0; foreach ($labelsarray as $la) { $lfieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($labelsarray[0], ',', '"'); $lfieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($la, ',', '"'); if ($count == 0) { $count++; continue; } // Combine into one array with keys and values since its easier to handle $labelrowdata = array_combine($lfieldorders, $lfieldcontents); $labellid = $labelrowdata['lid']; if ($labellid == $oldlid) { $labelrowdata['lid'] = $newlid; // translate internal links $labelrowdata['title'] = translink('label', $oldlid, $newlid, $labelrowdata['title']); $newvalues = array_values($labelrowdata); $newvalues = array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"), $newvalues); // quote everything accordingly $lainsert = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}labels (" . implode(',', array_keys($labelrowdata)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(',', $newvalues) . ")"; //handle db prefix $liresult = $connect->Execute($lainsert); $countlabels++; } } } //CHECK FOR DUPLICATE LABELSETS $thisset = ""; $query2 = "SELECT code, title, sortorder, language\r\n\t\t FROM {$dbprefix}labels\r\n\t\t WHERE lid=" . $newlid . "\r\n\t\t ORDER BY language, sortorder, code"; $result2 = db_execute_num($query2) or $this->debugLsrc("Died querying labelset {$lid}{$query2}" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); while ($row2 = $result2->FetchRow()) { $thisset .= implode('.', $row2); } // while $newcs = dechex(crc32($thisset) * 1); unset($lsmatch); if (isset($csarray)) { foreach ($csarray as $key => $val) { if ($val == $newcs) { $lsmatch = $key; } } } if (isset($lsmatch)) { //There is a matching labelset. So, we will delete this one and refer //to the matched one. $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}labels WHERE lid={$newlid}"; $result = $connect->Execute($query) or $this->debugLsrc("Couldn't delete labels{$query}" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}labelsets WHERE lid={$newlid}"; $result = $connect->Execute($query) or $this->debugLsrc("Couldn't delete labelset{$query}" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $newlid = $lsmatch; } else { //There isn't a matching labelset, add this checksum to the $csarray array $csarray[$newlid] = $newcs; } //END CHECK FOR DUPLICATES $labelreplacements[] = array($oldlid, $newlid); $newlids[$oldlid] = $newlid; } } $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); //these arrays will aloud to insert correctly groups an questions multi languague survey imports correctly, and will eliminate the need to "searh" the imported data //$newgids = array(); // this array will have the "new gid" for the groups, the kwy will be the "old gid" <-- not needed when importing groups $newqids = array(); // this array will have the "new qid" for the questions, the kwy will be the "old qid" // DO GROUPS, QUESTIONS FOR GROUPS, THEN ANSWERS FOR QUESTIONS IN A __NOT__ NESTED FORMAT! if (isset($grouparray) && $grouparray) { $surveylanguages = GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($surveyid); $surveylanguages[] = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid); // do GROUPS $gafieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($grouparray[0], ',', '"'); unset($grouparray[0]); $newgid = 0; $group_order = 0; // just to initialize this variable foreach ($grouparray as $ga) { //GET ORDER OF FIELDS $gacfieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($ga, ',', '"'); $grouprowdata = array_combine($gafieldorders, $gacfieldcontents); // Skip not supported languages if (!in_array($grouprowdata['language'], $surveylanguages)) { $skippedlanguages[] = $grouprowdata['language']; // this is for the message in the end. continue; } // replace the sid $oldsid = $grouprowdata['sid']; $grouprowdata['sid'] = $newsid; // replace the gid or remove it if needed (it also will calculate the group order if is a new group) $oldgid = $grouprowdata['gid']; if ($newgid == 0) { unset($grouprowdata['gid']); // find the maximum group order and use this grouporder+1 to assign it to the new group $qmaxgo = "select max(group_order) as maxgo from " . db_table_name('groups') . " where sid={$newsid}"; $gres = db_execute_assoc($qmaxgo) or $this->debugLsrc("Error" . " Failed to find out maximum group order value\n{$qmaxqo}\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $grow = $gres->FetchRow(); $group_order = $grow['maxgo'] + 1; } else { $grouprowdata['gid'] = $newgid; } $grouprowdata["group_order"] = $group_order; // Everything set - now insert it $grouprowdata = array_map('convertCsvreturn2return', $grouprowdata); // translate internal links $grouprowdata['group_name'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $grouprowdata['group_name']); $grouprowdata['description'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $grouprowdata['description']); $newvalues = array_values($grouprowdata); $newvalues = array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"), $newvalues); // quote everything accordingly $ginsert = "insert INTO {$dbprefix}groups (" . implode(',', array_keys($grouprowdata)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(',', $newvalues) . ")"; $gres = $connect->Execute($ginsert) or $this->debugLsrc("Error: " . ": Failed to insert group\n{$ginsert}\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); //GET NEW GID .... if is not done before and we count a group if a new gid is required if ($newgid == 0) { $newgid = $connect->Insert_ID("{$dbprefix}groups", 'gid'); $countgroups++; } } // GROUPS is DONE // do QUESTIONS if (isset($questionarray) && $questionarray) { foreach ($questionarray as $qa) { $qacfieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($qa, ',', '"'); $questionrowdata = array_combine($questionfieldnames, $qacfieldcontents); // Skip not supported languages if (!in_array($questionrowdata['language'], $surveylanguages)) { continue; } // replace the sid $questionrowdata["sid"] = $newsid; // replace the gid (if the gid is not in the oldgid it means there is a problem with the exported record, so skip it) if ($questionrowdata['gid'] == $oldgid) { $questionrowdata['gid'] = $newgid; } else { continue; } // a problem with this question record -> don't consider // replace the qid or remove it if needed $oldqid = $questionrowdata['qid']; if (isset($newqids[$oldqid])) { $questionrowdata['qid'] = $newqids[$oldqid]; } else { unset($questionrowdata['qid']); } // replace the lid for the new one (if there is no new lid in the $newlids array it mean that was not imported -> error, skip this record) if (in_array($questionrowdata["type"], array("F", "W", "Z", "H", "1", ":", ";"))) { // only fot the questions that uses a label set. if (isset($newlids[$questionrowdata["lid"]])) { $questionrowdata["lid"] = $newlids[$questionrowdata["lid"]]; if (isset($newlids[$questionrowdata["lid1"]])) { $questionrowdata["lid1"] = $newlids[$questionrowdata["lid1"]]; } } else { continue; // a problem with this question record -> don't consider } } // $other = $questionrowdata["other"]; //Get 'other' field value // $oldlid = $questionrowdata['lid']; // Everything set - now insert it $questionrowdata = array_map('convertCsvreturn2return', $questionrowdata); // translate internal links ///XXX rakete may change question data here // $questionrowdata['title']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $questionrowdata['title']); // $questionrowdata['question']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $questionrowdata['question']); // $questionrowdata['help']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $questionrowdata['help']); $newvalues = array_values($questionrowdata); $newvalues = array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"), $newvalues); // quote everything accordingly $qinsert = "insert INTO {$dbprefix}questions (" . implode(',', array_keys($questionrowdata)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(',', $newvalues) . ")"; $qres = $connect->Execute($qinsert) or $this->debugLsrc("Error: " . "Failed to insert question\n{$qinsert}\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); //GET NEW QID .... if is not done before and we count a question if a new qid is required if (!isset($newqids[$oldqid])) { $newqids[$oldqid] = $connect->Insert_ID("{$dbprefix}questions", 'qid'); $myQid = $newqids[$oldqid]; $countquestions++; } else { $myQid = $newqids[$oldqid]; } } } // QESTIONS is DONE $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); // do ANSWERS if (isset($answerarray) && $answerarray) { foreach ($answerarray as $aa) { $aacfieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($aa, ',', '"'); $answerrowdata = array_combine($answerfieldnames, $aacfieldcontents); // Skip not supported languages if (!in_array($answerrowdata['language'], $surveylanguages)) { continue; } // replace the qid for the new one (if there is no new qid in the $newqids array it mean that this answer is orphan -> error, skip this record) if (isset($newqids[$answerrowdata["qid"]])) { $answerrowdata["qid"] = $newqids[$answerrowdata["qid"]]; } else { continue; } // a problem with this answer record -> don't consider // Everything set - now insert it $answerrowdata = array_map('convertCsvreturn2return', $answerrowdata); // translate internal links $answerrowdata['answer'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $answerrowdata['answer']); $newvalues = array_values($answerrowdata); $newvalues = array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"), $newvalues); // quote everything accordingly $ainsert = "insert INTO {$dbprefix}answers (" . implode(',', array_keys($answerrowdata)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(',', $newvalues) . ")"; $ares = $connect->Execute($ainsert) or $this->debugLsrc("Error: " . "Failed to insert answer\n{$ainsert}\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $countanswers++; } } // ANSWERS is DONE $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); // Fix question group sortorder fixSortOrderGroups($surveyid); $baselang = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid); $cdresult = db_execute_assoc("SELECT gid FROM " . db_table_name('groups') . " WHERE sid='{$surveyid}' AND language='{$baselang}' ORDER BY group_order, group_name"); $position = 0; while ($cdrow = $cdresult->FetchRow()) { $cd2query = "UPDATE " . db_table_name('groups') . " SET group_order='{$position}' WHERE gid='{$cdrow['gid']}' "; $cd2result = $connect->Execute($cd2query) or $this->debugLsrc("Couldn't update group_order{$cd2query}" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); //Checked $position++; } //... and for the questions inside the groups // get all group ids and fix questions inside each group $gquery = "SELECT gid FROM {$dbprefix}groups where sid={$newsid} group by gid ORDER BY gid"; //Get last question added (finds new qid) $gres = db_execute_assoc($gquery); while ($grow = $gres->FetchRow()) { //fixsortorderQuestions(0,$grow['gid']); $qid = sanitize_int(0); $gid = sanitize_int($grow['gid']); $baselang = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid); if ($gid == 0) { $result = db_execute_assoc("SELECT gid FROM " . db_table_name('questions') . " WHERE qid='{$qid}' and language='{$baselang}'"); //Checked $row = $result->FetchRow(); $gid = $row['gid']; } $cdresult = db_execute_assoc("SELECT qid FROM " . db_table_name('questions') . " WHERE gid='{$gid}' and language='{$baselang}' ORDER BY question_order, title ASC"); //Checked $position = 0; while ($cdrow = $cdresult->FetchRow()) { $cd2query = "UPDATE " . db_table_name('questions') . " SET question_order='{$position}' WHERE qid='{$cdrow['qid']}' "; $cd2result = $connect->Execute($cd2query) or $this->debugLsrc("Couldn't update question_order{$cd2query}" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); //Checked $position++; } } } $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); // do ATTRIBUTES if (isset($question_attributesarray) && $question_attributesarray) { $fieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($question_attributesarray[0], ',', '"'); unset($question_attributesarray[0]); foreach ($question_attributesarray as $qar) { $fieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($qar, ',', '"'); $qarowdata = array_combine($fieldorders, $fieldcontents); // replace the qid for the new one (if there is no new qid in the $newqids array it mean that this attribute is orphan -> error, skip this record) if (isset($newqids[$qarowdata["qid"]])) { $qarowdata["qid"] = $newqids[$qarowdata["qid"]]; } else { continue; } // a problem with this answer record -> don't consider unset($qarowdata["qaid"]); // Everything set - now insert it $newvalues = array_values($qarowdata); $newvalues = array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"), $newvalues); // quote everything accordingly $qainsert = "insert INTO {$dbprefix}question_attributes (" . implode(',', array_keys($qarowdata)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(',', $newvalues) . ")"; $result = $connect->Execute($qainsert) or $this->debugLsrc("Couldn't insert question_attribute{$qainsert}" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $countquestion_attributes++; } } // ATTRIBUTES is DONE $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FILE__ . " - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", OK "); // do CONDITIONS if (isset($conditionsarray) && $conditionsarray) { $fieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($conditionsarray[0], ',', '"'); unset($conditionsarray[0]); foreach ($conditionsarray as $car) { $fieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($car, ',', '"'); $conditionrowdata = array_combine($fieldorders, $fieldcontents); $oldqid = $conditionrowdata["qid"]; $oldcqid = $conditionrowdata["cqid"]; // replace the qid for the new one (if there is no new qid in the $newqids array it mean that this condition is orphan -> error, skip this record) if (isset($newqids[$oldqid])) { $conditionrowdata["qid"] = $newqids[$oldqid]; } else { continue; } // a problem with this answer record -> don't consider // replace the cqid for the new one (if there is no new qid in the $newqids array it mean that this condition is orphan -> error, skip this record) if (isset($newqids[$oldcqid])) { $conditionrowdata["cqid"] = $newqids[$oldcqid]; } else { continue; } // a problem with this answer record -> don't consider list($oldcsid, $oldcgid, $oldqidanscode) = explode("X", $conditionrowdata["cfieldname"], 3); if ($oldcgid != $oldgid) { // this means that the condition is in another group (so it should not have to be been exported -> skip it continue; } unset($conditionrowdata["cid"]); // recreate the cfieldname with the new IDs $newcfieldname = $newsid . "X" . $newgid . "X" . $conditionrowdata["cqid"] . substr($oldqidanscode, strlen($oldqid)); $conditionrowdata["cfieldname"] = $newcfieldname; if (!isset($conditionrowdata["method"]) || trim($conditionrowdata["method"]) == '') { $conditionrowdata["method"] = '=='; } $newvalues = array_values($conditionrowdata); $newvalues = array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"), $newvalues); // quote everything accordingly $conditioninsert = "insert INTO {$dbprefix}conditions (" . implode(',', array_keys($conditionrowdata)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(',', $newvalues) . ")"; $result = $connect->Execute($conditioninsert) or $this->debugLsrc("Couldn't insert condition{$conditioninsert}" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $countconditions++; } } $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in - " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", FERTIG "); // CONDITIONS is DONE return array('gid' => $newgid, 'qid' => $myQid); //return $newgid; }
/** * This function imports the old CSV data from 1.50 to 1.87 or older. Starting with 1.90 (DBVersion 143) there is an XML format instead * * @param array $sFullFilepath * @returns array Information of imported questions/answers/etc. */ function CSVImportSurvey($sFullFilepath,$iDesiredSurveyId=NULL) { global $dbprefix, $connect, $timeadjust, $clang; $handle = fopen($sFullFilepath, "r"); while (!feof($handle)) { $buffer = fgets($handle); $bigarray[] = $buffer; } fclose($handle); $aIgnoredAnswers=array(); $aSQIDReplacements=array(); $aLIDReplacements=array(); $aGIDReplacements=array(); $substitutions=array(); $aQuotaReplacements=array(); $importresults['error']=false; $importresults['importwarnings']=array(); $importresults['question_attributes']=0; if (isset($bigarray[0])) $bigarray[0]=removeBOM($bigarray[0]); // Now we try to determine the dataformat of the survey file. $importversion=0; if (isset($bigarray[1]) && isset($bigarray[4])&& (substr($bigarray[1], 0, 22) == "# SURVEYOR SURVEY DUMP")) { $importversion = 100; // Version 0.99 or 1.0 file } elseif (substr($bigarray[0], 0, 24) == "# LimeSurvey Survey Dump" || substr($bigarray[0], 0, 25) == "# PHPSurveyor Survey Dump") { // Seems to be a >1.0 version file - these files carry the version information to read in line two $importversion=substr($bigarray[1], 12, 3); } else // unknown file - show error message { $importresults['error'] = $clang->gT("This file is not a LimeSurvey survey file. Import failed.")."\n"; return $importresults; } if ((int)$importversion<112) { $importresults['error'] = $clang->gT("This file is too old. Only files from LimeSurvey version 1.50 (DBVersion 112) and newer are supported."); return $importresults; } // okay.. now lets drop the first 9 lines and get to the data // This works for all versions for ($i=0; $i<9; $i++) { unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //SURVEYS if (array_search("# GROUPS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# GROUPS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# GROUPS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# GROUPS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } for ($i=0; $i<=$stoppoint+1; $i++) { if ($i<$stoppoint-2) {$surveyarray[] = $bigarray[$i];} unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //GROUPS if (array_search("# QUESTIONS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUESTIONS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# QUESTIONS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUESTIONS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray)-1; } for ($i=0; $i<=$stoppoint+1; $i++) { if ($i<$stoppoint-2) {$grouparray[] = $bigarray[$i];} unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //QUESTIONS if (array_search("# ANSWERS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# ANSWERS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# ANSWERS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# ANSWERS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray)-1; } for ($i=0; $i<=$stoppoint+1; $i++) { if ($i<$stoppoint-2) { $questionarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //ANSWERS if (array_search("# CONDITIONS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# CONDITIONS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# CONDITIONS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# CONDITIONS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray)-1; } for ($i=0; $i<=$stoppoint+1; $i++) { if ($i<$stoppoint-2) { $answerarray[] = str_replace("`default`", "`default_value`", $bigarray[$i]); } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //CONDITIONS if (array_search("# LABELSETS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# LABELSETS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# LABELSETS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# LABELSETS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } for ($i=0; $i<=$stoppoint+1; $i++) { if ($i<$stoppoint-2) {$conditionsarray[] = $bigarray[$i];} unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //LABELSETS if (array_search("# LABELS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# LABELS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# LABELS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# LABELS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray)-1; } for ($i=0; $i<=$stoppoint+1; $i++) { if ($i<$stoppoint-2) {$labelsetsarray[] = $bigarray[$i];} unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //LABELS if (array_search("# QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray)-1; } for ($i=0; $i<=$stoppoint+1; $i++) { if ($i<$stoppoint-2) {$labelsarray[] = $bigarray[$i];} unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //Question attributes if (array_search("# ASSESSMENTS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# ASSESSMENTS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# ASSESSMENTS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# ASSESSMENTS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray)-1; } for ($i=0; $i<=$stoppoint+1; $i++) { if ($i<$stoppoint-2) {$question_attributesarray[] = $bigarray[$i];} unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //ASSESSMENTS if (array_search("# SURVEYS_LANGUAGESETTINGS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# SURVEYS_LANGUAGESETTINGS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# SURVEYS_LANGUAGESETTINGS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# SURVEYS_LANGUAGESETTINGS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray)-1; } for ($i=0; $i<=$stoppoint+1; $i++) { // if ($i<$stoppoint-2 || $i==count($bigarray)-1) if ($i<$stoppoint-2) { $assessmentsarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //LANGAUGE SETTINGS if (array_search("# QUOTA TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUOTA TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# QUOTA TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUOTA TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray)-1; } for ($i=0; $i<=$stoppoint+1; $i++) { // if ($i<$stoppoint-2 || $i==count($bigarray)-1) //$bigarray[$i]= trim($bigarray[$i]); if (isset($bigarray[$i]) && (trim($bigarray[$i])!='')) { if (strpos($bigarray[$i],"#")===0) { unset($bigarray[$i]); unset($bigarray[$i+1]); unset($bigarray[$i+2]); break ; } else { $surveylsarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //QUOTA if (array_search("# QUOTA_MEMBERS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUOTA_MEMBERS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# QUOTA_MEMBERS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUOTA_MEMBERS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray)-1; } for ($i=0; $i<=$stoppoint+1; $i++) { // if ($i<$stoppoint-2 || $i==count($bigarray)-1) if ($i<$stoppoint-2) { $quotaarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //QUOTA MEMBERS if (array_search("# QUOTA_LANGUAGESETTINGS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUOTA_LANGUAGESETTINGS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# QUOTA_LANGUAGESETTINGS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUOTA_LANGUAGESETTINGS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray)-1; } for ($i=0; $i<=$stoppoint+1; $i++) { // if ($i<$stoppoint-2 || $i==count($bigarray)-1) if ($i<$stoppoint-2) { $quotamembersarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //Whatever is the last table - currently //QUOTA LANGUAGE SETTINGS $stoppoint = count($bigarray)-1; for ($i=0; $i<$stoppoint-1; $i++) { if ($i<=$stoppoint) {$quotalsarray[] = $bigarray[$i];} unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); if (isset($surveyarray)) {$importresults['surveys'] = count($surveyarray);} else {$importresults['surveys'] = 0;} if (isset($surveylsarray)) {$importresults['languages'] = count($surveylsarray)-1;} else {$importresults['languages'] = 1;} if (isset($grouparray)) {$importresults['groups'] = count($grouparray)-1;} else {$importresults['groups'] = 0;} if (isset($questionarray)) {$importresults['questions'] = count($questionarray);} else {$importresults['questions']=0;} if (isset($answerarray)) {$importresults['answers'] = count($answerarray);} else {$importresults['answers']=0;} if (isset($conditionsarray)) {$importresults['conditions'] = count($conditionsarray);} else {$importresults['conditions']=0;} if (isset($labelsetsarray)) {$importresults['labelsets'] = count($labelsetsarray);} else {$importresults['labelsets']=0;} if (isset($assessmentsarray)) {$importresults['assessments']=count($assessmentsarray);} else {$importresults['assessments']=0;} if (isset($quotaarray)) {$importresults['quota']=count($quotaarray);} else {$importresults['quota']=0;} if (isset($quotamembersarray)) {$importresults['quotamembers']=count($quotamembersarray);} else {$importresults['quotamembers']=0;} if (isset($quotalsarray)) {$importresults['quotals']=count($quotalsarray);} else {$importresults['quotals']=0;} // CREATE SURVEY if ($importresults['surveys']>0){$importresults['surveys']--;}; if ($importresults['answers']>0){$importresults['answers']=($importresults['answers']-1)/$importresults['languages'];}; if ($importresults['groups']>0){$countgroups=($importresults['groups']-1)/$importresults['languages'];}; if ($importresults['questions']>0){$importresults['questions']=($importresults['questions']-1)/$importresults['languages'];}; if ($importresults['assessments']>0){$importresults['assessments']--;}; if ($importresults['conditions']>0){$importresults['conditions']--;}; if ($importresults['labelsets']>0){$importresults['labelsets']--;}; if ($importresults['quota']>0){$importresults['quota']--;}; $sfieldorders =convertCSVRowToArray($surveyarray[0],',','"'); $sfieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($surveyarray[1],',','"'); $surveyrowdata=array_combine($sfieldorders,$sfieldcontents); $oldsid=$surveyrowdata["sid"]; if($iDesiredSurveyId!=NULL) $oldsid = $iDesiredSurveyId; if (!$oldsid) { if ($importingfrom == "http") { $importsurvey .= "<br /><div class='warningheader'>".$clang->gT("Error")."</div><br />\n"; $importsurvey .= $clang->gT("Import of this survey file failed")."<br />\n"; $importsurvey .= $clang->gT("File does not contain LimeSurvey data in the correct format.")."<br /><br />\n"; //Couldn't find the SID - cannot continue $importsurvey .= "<input type='submit' value='".$clang->gT("Main Admin Screen")."' onclick=\"window.open('$scriptname', '_top')\" />\n"; $importsurvey .= "</div>\n"; unlink($sFullFilepath); //Delete the uploaded file return; } else { echo $clang->gT("Import of this survey file failed")."\n".$clang->gT("File does not contain LimeSurvey data in the correct format.")."\n"; return; } } $newsid = GetNewSurveyID($oldsid); $insert=$surveyarray[0]; $sfieldorders =convertCSVRowToArray($surveyarray[0],',','"'); $sfieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($surveyarray[1],',','"'); $surveyrowdata=array_combine($sfieldorders,$sfieldcontents); // Set new owner ID $surveyrowdata['owner_id']=$_SESSION['loginID']; // Set new survey ID $surveyrowdata['sid']=$newsid; $surveyrowdata['active']='N'; if (validate_templatedir($surveyrowdata['template'])!==$surveyrowdata['template']) $importresults['importwarnings'][] = sprintf($clang->gT('Template %s not found, please review when activating.'),$surveyrowdata['template']); if (isset($surveyrowdata['datecreated'])) {$surveyrowdata['datecreated']=$connect->BindTimeStamp($surveyrowdata['datecreated']);} unset($surveyrowdata['expires']); unset($surveyrowdata['attribute1']); unset($surveyrowdata['attribute2']); unset($surveyrowdata['usestartdate']); unset($surveyrowdata['notification']); unset($surveyrowdata['useexpiry']); unset($surveyrowdata['url']); unset($surveyrowdata['lastpage']); if (isset($surveyrowdata['private'])){ $surveyrowdata['anonymized']=$surveyrowdata['private']; unset($surveyrowdata['private']); } if (isset($surveyrowdata['startdate'])) {unset($surveyrowdata['startdate']);} $surveyrowdata['bounce_email']=$surveyrowdata['adminemail']; if (!isset($surveyrowdata['datecreated']) || $surveyrowdata['datecreated']=='' || $surveyrowdata['datecreated']=='null') {$surveyrowdata['datecreated']=$connect->BindTimeStamp(date_shift(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "Y-m-d", $timeadjust));} $values=array_values($surveyrowdata); $values=array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"),$values); // quote everything accordingly $insert = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}surveys (".implode(',',array_keys($surveyrowdata)).") VALUES (".implode(',',$values).")"; //handle db prefix $iresult = $connect->Execute($insert) or safe_die("<br />".$clang->gT("Import of this survey file failed")."<br />\n[$insert]<br />{$surveyarray[0]}<br /><br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); // Now import the survey language settings $fieldorders=convertCSVRowToArray($surveylsarray[0],',','"'); unset($surveylsarray[0]); foreach ($surveylsarray as $slsrow) { $fieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($slsrow,',','"'); $surveylsrowdata=array_combine($fieldorders,$fieldcontents); // convert back the '\'.'n' char from the CSV file to true return char "\n" $surveylsrowdata=array_map('convertCsvreturn2return', $surveylsrowdata); // Convert the \n return char from welcometext to <br /> // translate internal links $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_title']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_title']); $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_description']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_description']); $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_welcometext']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_welcometext']); $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_urldescription']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_urldescription']); $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_email_invite']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_email_invite']); $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_email_remind']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_email_remind']); $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_email_register']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_email_register']); $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_email_confirm']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_email_confirm']); unset($surveylsrowdata['lastpage']); $surveylsrowdata['surveyls_survey_id']=$newsid; $newvalues=array_values($surveylsrowdata); $newvalues=array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"),$newvalues); // quote everything accordingly $lsainsert = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}surveys_languagesettings (".implode(',',array_keys($surveylsrowdata)).") VALUES (".implode(',',$newvalues).")"; //handle db prefix $lsiresult=$connect->Execute($lsainsert) or safe_die("<br />".$clang->gT("Import of this survey file failed")."<br />\n[$lsainsert]<br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg() ); } // The survey languagesettings are imported now $aLanguagesSupported = array(); // this array will keep all the languages supported for the survey $sBaseLanguage = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($newsid); $aLanguagesSupported[]=$sBaseLanguage; // adds the base language to the list of supported languages $aLanguagesSupported=array_merge($aLanguagesSupported,GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($newsid)); // DO SURVEY_RIGHTS GiveAllSurveyPermissions($_SESSION['loginID'],$newsid); $importresults['deniedcountls'] =0; $qtypes = getqtypelist("" ,"array"); $results['labels']=0; $results['labelsets']=0; $results['answers']=0; $results['subquestions']=0; //Do label sets if (isset($labelsetsarray) && $labelsetsarray) { $csarray=buildLabelSetCheckSumArray(); // build checksums over all existing labelsets $count=0; foreach ($labelsetsarray as $lsa) { $fieldorders =convertCSVRowToArray($labelsetsarray[0],',','"'); $fieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($lsa,',','"'); if ($count==0) {$count++; continue;} $labelsetrowdata=array_combine($fieldorders,$fieldcontents); // Save old labelid $oldlid=$labelsetrowdata['lid']; unset($labelsetrowdata['lid']); $newvalues=array_values($labelsetrowdata); $newvalues=array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"),$newvalues); // quote everything accordingly $lsainsert = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}labelsets (".implode(',',array_keys($labelsetrowdata)).") VALUES (".implode(',',$newvalues).")"; //handle db prefix $lsiresult=$connect->Execute($lsainsert); $results['labelsets']++; // Get the new insert id for the labels inside this labelset $newlid=$connect->Insert_ID("{$dbprefix}labelsets",'lid'); if ($labelsarray) { $count=0; foreach ($labelsarray as $la) { $lfieldorders =convertCSVRowToArray($labelsarray[0],',','"'); $lfieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($la,',','"'); if ($count==0) {$count++; continue;} // Combine into one array with keys and values since its easier to handle $labelrowdata=array_combine($lfieldorders,$lfieldcontents); $labellid=$labelrowdata['lid']; if ($importversion<=132) { $labelrowdata["assessment_value"]=(int)$labelrowdata["code"]; } if ($labellid == $oldlid) { $labelrowdata['lid']=$newlid; // translate internal links $labelrowdata['title']=translink('label', $oldlid, $newlid, $labelrowdata['title']); $newvalues=array_values($labelrowdata); $newvalues=array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"),$newvalues); // quote everything accordingly $lainsert = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}labels (".implode(',',array_keys($labelrowdata)).") VALUES (".implode(',',$newvalues).")"; //handle db prefix $liresult=$connect->Execute($lainsert); if ($liresult!==false) $results['labels']++; } } } //CHECK FOR DUPLICATE LABELSETS $thisset=""; $query2 = "SELECT code, title, sortorder, language, assessment_value FROM {$dbprefix}labels WHERE lid=".$newlid." ORDER BY language, sortorder, code"; $result2 = db_execute_num($query2) or safe_die("Died querying labelset $lid<br />$query2<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); while($row2=$result2->FetchRow()) { $thisset .= implode('.', $row2); } // while $newcs=dechex(crc32($thisset)*1); unset($lsmatch); if (isset($csarray)) { foreach($csarray as $key=>$val) { if ($val == $newcs) { $lsmatch=$key; } } } if (isset($lsmatch) || ($_SESSION['USER_RIGHT_MANAGE_LABEL'] != 1)) { //There is a matching labelset or the user is not allowed to edit labels - // So, we will delete this one and refer to the matched one. $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}labels WHERE lid=$newlid"; $result=$connect->Execute($query) or safe_die("Couldn't delete labels<br />$query<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); $results['labels']=$results['labels']-$connect->Affected_Rows(); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}labelsets WHERE lid=$newlid"; $result=$connect->Execute($query) or safe_die("Couldn't delete labelset<br />$query<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); $results['labelsets']=$results['labelsets']-$connect->Affected_Rows(); $newlid=$lsmatch; } else { //There isn't a matching labelset, add this checksum to the $csarray array $csarray[$newlid]=$newcs; } //END CHECK FOR DUPLICATES $aLIDReplacements[$oldlid]=$newlid; } } // Import groups if (isset($grouparray) && $grouparray) { // do GROUPS $gafieldorders=convertCSVRowToArray($grouparray[0],',','"'); unset($grouparray[0]); foreach ($grouparray as $ga) { $gacfieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($ga,',','"'); $grouprowdata=array_combine($gafieldorders,$gacfieldcontents); //Now an additional integrity check if there are any groups not belonging into this survey if ($grouprowdata['sid'] != $oldsid) { $results['fatalerror'] = $clang->gT("A group in the CSV/SQL file is not part of the same survey. The import of the survey was stopped.")."<br />\n"; return $results; } $grouprowdata['sid']=$newsid; // remember group id $oldgid=$grouprowdata['gid']; //update/remove the old group id if (isset($aGIDReplacements[$oldgid])) $grouprowdata['gid'] = $aGIDReplacements[$oldgid]; else unset($grouprowdata['gid']); // Everything set - now insert it $grouprowdata=array_map('convertCsvreturn2return', $grouprowdata); // translate internal links $grouprowdata['group_name']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $grouprowdata['group_name']); $grouprowdata['description']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $grouprowdata['description']); if (isset($grouprowdata['gid'])) db_switchIDInsert('groups',true); $tablename=$dbprefix.'groups'; $ginsert = $connect->GetinsertSQL($tablename,$grouprowdata); $gres = $connect->Execute($ginsert) or safe_die($clang->gT('Error').": Failed to insert group<br />\n$ginsert<br />\n".$connect->ErrorMsg()); if (isset($grouprowdata['gid'])) db_switchIDInsert('groups',false); //GET NEW GID if (!isset($grouprowdata['gid'])) {$aGIDReplacements[$oldgid]=$connect->Insert_ID("{$dbprefix}groups","gid");} } // Fix sortorder of the groups - if users removed groups manually from the csv file there would be gaps fixSortOrderGroups($newsid); } // GROUPS is DONE // Import questions if (isset($questionarray) && $questionarray) { $qafieldorders=convertCSVRowToArray($questionarray[0],',','"'); unset($questionarray[0]); foreach ($questionarray as $qa) { $qacfieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($qa,',','"'); $questionrowdata=array_combine($qafieldorders,$qacfieldcontents); $questionrowdata=array_map('convertCsvreturn2return', $questionrowdata); $questionrowdata["type"]=strtoupper($questionrowdata["type"]); // Skip not supported languages if (!in_array($questionrowdata['language'],$aLanguagesSupported)) continue; // replace the sid $questionrowdata["sid"] = $newsid; // Skip if gid is invalid if (!isset($aGIDReplacements[$questionrowdata['gid']])) continue; $questionrowdata["gid"] = $aGIDReplacements[$questionrowdata['gid']]; if (isset($aQIDReplacements[$questionrowdata['qid']])) { $questionrowdata['qid']=$aQIDReplacements[$questionrowdata['qid']]; } else { $oldqid=$questionrowdata['qid']; unset($questionrowdata['qid']); } unset($oldlid1); unset($oldlid2); if ((isset($questionrowdata['lid']) && $questionrowdata['lid']>0)) { $oldlid1=$questionrowdata['lid']; } if ((isset($questionrowdata['lid1']) && $questionrowdata['lid1']>0)) { $oldlid2=$questionrowdata['lid1']; } unset($questionrowdata['lid']); unset($questionrowdata['lid1']); if ($questionrowdata['type']=='W') { $questionrowdata['type']='!'; } elseif ($questionrowdata['type']=='Z') { $questionrowdata['type']='L'; $aIgnoredAnswers[]=$oldqid; } if (!isset($questionrowdata["question_order"]) || $questionrowdata["question_order"]=='') {$questionrowdata["question_order"]=0;} // translate internal links $questionrowdata['title']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $questionrowdata['title']); $questionrowdata['question']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $questionrowdata['question']); $questionrowdata['help']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $questionrowdata['help']); if (isset($questionrowdata['qid'])) { db_switchIDInsert('questions',true); } $tablename=$dbprefix.'questions'; $qinsert = $connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename,$questionrowdata); $qres = $connect->Execute($qinsert) or safe_die ($clang->gT("Error").": Failed to insert question<br />\n$qinsert<br />\n".$connect->ErrorMsg()); if (isset($questionrowdata['qid'])) { db_switchIDInsert('questions',false); $saveqid=$questionrowdata['qid']; } else { $aQIDReplacements[$oldqid]=$connect->Insert_ID("{$dbprefix}questions",'qid'); $saveqid=$aQIDReplacements[$oldqid]; } // Now we will fix up old label sets where they are used as answers if (((isset($oldlid1) && isset($aLIDReplacements[$oldlid1])) || (isset($oldlid2) && isset($aLIDReplacements[$oldlid2]))) && ($qtypes[$questionrowdata['type']]['answerscales']>0 || $qtypes[$questionrowdata['type']]['subquestions']>1)) { $query="select * from ".db_table_name('labels')." where lid={$aLIDReplacements[$oldlid1]} and language='{$questionrowdata['language']}'"; $oldlabelsresult=db_execute_assoc($query); while($labelrow=$oldlabelsresult->FetchRow()) { if (in_array($labelrow['language'],$aLanguagesSupported)) { if ($qtypes[$questionrowdata['type']]['subquestions']<2) { $qinsert = "insert INTO ".db_table_name('answers')." (qid,code,answer,sortorder,language,assessment_value) VALUES ({$aQIDReplacements[$oldqid]},".db_quoteall($labelrow['code']).",".db_quoteall($labelrow['title']).",".db_quoteall($labelrow['sortorder']).",".db_quoteall($labelrow['language']).",".db_quoteall($labelrow['assessment_value']).")"; $qres = $connect->Execute($qinsert) or safe_die ($clang->gT("Error").": Failed to insert answer (lid1) <br />\n$qinsert<br />\n".$connect->ErrorMsg()); } else { if (isset($aSQIDReplacements[$labelrow['code'].'_'.$saveqid])){ $fieldname='qid,'; $data=$aSQIDReplacements[$labelrow['code'].'_'.$saveqid].','; } else{ $fieldname='' ; $data=''; } $qinsert = "insert INTO ".db_table_name('questions')." ($fieldname parent_qid,title,question,question_order,language,scale_id,type, sid, gid) VALUES ($data{$aQIDReplacements[$oldqid]},".db_quoteall($labelrow['code']).",".db_quoteall($labelrow['title']).",".db_quoteall($labelrow['sortorder']).",".db_quoteall($labelrow['language']).",1,'{$questionrowdata['type']}',{$questionrowdata['sid']},{$questionrowdata['gid']})"; $qres = $connect->Execute($qinsert) or safe_die ($clang->gT("Error").": Failed to insert question <br />\n$qinsert<br />\n".$connect->ErrorMsg()); if ($fieldname=='') { $aSQIDReplacements[$labelrow['code'].'_'.$saveqid]=$connect->Insert_ID("{$dbprefix}questions","qid"); } } } } if (isset($oldlid2) && $qtypes[$questionrowdata['type']]['answerscales']>1) { $query="select * from ".db_table_name('labels')." where lid={$aLIDReplacements[$oldlid2]} and language='{$questionrowdata['language']}'"; $oldlabelsresult=db_execute_assoc($query); while($labelrow=$oldlabelsresult->FetchRow()) { $qinsert = "insert INTO ".db_table_name('answers')." (qid,code,answer,sortorder,language,assessment_value,scale_id) VALUES ({$aQIDReplacements[$oldqid]},".db_quoteall($labelrow['code']).",".db_quoteall($labelrow['title']).",".db_quoteall($labelrow['sortorder']).",".db_quoteall($labelrow['language']).",".db_quoteall($labelrow['assessment_value']).",1)"; $qres = $connect->Execute($qinsert) or safe_die ($clang->gT("Error").": Failed to insert answer (lid2)<br />\n$qinsert<br />\n".$connect->ErrorMsg()); } } } } } //Do answers if (isset($answerarray) && $answerarray) { $answerfieldnames = convertCSVRowToArray($answerarray[0],',','"'); unset($answerarray[0]); foreach ($answerarray as $aa) { $answerfieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($aa,',','"'); $answerrowdata = array_combine($answerfieldnames,$answerfieldcontents); if (in_array($answerrowdata['qid'],$aIgnoredAnswers)) { // Due to a bug in previous LS versions there may be orphaned answers with question type Z (which is now L) // this way they are ignored continue; } if ($answerrowdata===false) { $importquestion.='<br />'.$clang->gT("Faulty line in import - fields and data don't match").":".implode(',',$answerfieldcontents); } // Skip not supported languages if (!in_array($answerrowdata['language'],$aLanguagesSupported)) continue; // replace the qid for the new one (if there is no new qid in the $aQIDReplacements array it mean that this answer is orphan -> error, skip this record) if (isset($aQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata["qid"]])) $answerrowdata["qid"] = $aQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata["qid"]]; else continue; // a problem with this answer record -> don't consider if ($importversion<=132) { $answerrowdata["assessment_value"]=(int)$answerrowdata["code"]; } // Convert default values for single select questions $questiontemp=$connect->GetRow('select type,gid from '.db_table_name('questions').' where qid='.$answerrowdata["qid"]); $oldquestion['newtype']=$questiontemp['type']; $oldquestion['gid']=$questiontemp['gid']; if ($answerrowdata['default_value']=='Y' && ($oldquestion['newtype']=='L' || $oldquestion['newtype']=='O' || $oldquestion['newtype']=='!')) { $insertdata=array(); $insertdata['qid']=$newqid; $insertdata['language']=$answerrowdata['language']; $insertdata['defaultvalue']=$answerrowdata['answer']; $query=$connect->GetInsertSQL($dbprefix.'defaultvalues',$insertdata); $qres = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die ("Error: Failed to insert defaultvalue <br />{$query}<br />\n".$connect->ErrorMsg()); } // translate internal links $answerrowdata['answer']=translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $answerrowdata['answer']); // Everything set - now insert it $answerrowdata = array_map('convertCsvreturn2return', $answerrowdata); if ($qtypes[$oldquestion['newtype']]['subquestions']>0) //hmmm.. this is really a subquestion { $questionrowdata=array(); if (isset($aSQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata['code'].$answerrowdata['qid']])){ $questionrowdata['qid']=$aSQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata['code'].$answerrowdata['qid']]; } $questionrowdata['parent_qid']=$answerrowdata['qid'];; $questionrowdata['sid']=$newsid; $questionrowdata['gid']=$oldquestion['gid']; $questionrowdata['title']=$answerrowdata['code']; $questionrowdata['question']=$answerrowdata['answer']; $questionrowdata['question_order']=$answerrowdata['sortorder']; $questionrowdata['language']=$answerrowdata['language']; $questionrowdata['type']=$oldquestion['newtype']; $tablename=$dbprefix.'questions'; $query=$connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename,$questionrowdata); if (isset($questionrowdata['qid'])) db_switchIDInsert('questions',true); $qres = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die ("Error: Failed to insert subquestion <br />{$query}<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); if (!isset($questionrowdata['qid'])) { $aSQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata['code'].$answerrowdata['qid']]=$connect->Insert_ID("{$dbprefix}questions","qid"); } else { db_switchIDInsert('questions',false); } $results['subquestions']++; // also convert default values subquestions for multiple choice if ($answerrowdata['default_value']=='Y' && ($oldquestion['newtype']=='M' || $oldquestion['newtype']=='P')) { $insertdata=array(); $insertdata['qid']=$newqid; $insertdata['sqid']=$aSQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata['code']]; $insertdata['language']=$answerrowdata['language']; $insertdata['defaultvalue']='Y'; $tablename=$dbprefix.'defaultvalues'; $query=$connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename,$insertdata); $qres = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die ("Error: Failed to insert defaultvalue <br />{$query}<br />\n".$connect->ErrorMsg()); } } else // insert answers { unset($answerrowdata['default_value']); $tablename=$dbprefix.'answers'; $query=$connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename,$answerrowdata); $ares = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die ("Error: Failed to insert answer<br />{$query}<br />\n".$connect->ErrorMsg()); $results['answers']++; } } } // get all group ids and fix questions inside each group $gquery = "SELECT gid FROM {$dbprefix}groups where sid=$newsid group by gid ORDER BY gid"; //Get last question added (finds new qid) $gres = db_execute_assoc($gquery); while ($grow = $gres->FetchRow()) { fixsortorderQuestions($grow['gid'], $newsid); } //We've built two arrays along the way - one containing the old SID, GID and QIDs - and their NEW equivalents //and one containing the old 'extended fieldname' and its new equivalent. These are needed to import conditions and question_attributes. if (isset($question_attributesarray) && $question_attributesarray) {//ONLY DO THIS IF THERE ARE QUESTION_ATTRIBUES $fieldorders =convertCSVRowToArray($question_attributesarray[0],',','"'); unset($question_attributesarray[0]); foreach ($question_attributesarray as $qar) { $fieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($qar,',','"'); $qarowdata=array_combine($fieldorders,$fieldcontents); $newqid=""; $qarowdata["qid"]=$aQIDReplacements[$qarowdata["qid"]]; unset($qarowdata["qaid"]); $newvalues=array_values($qarowdata); $newvalues=array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"),$newvalues); // quote everything accordingly $qainsert = "insert INTO {$dbprefix}question_attributes (".implode(',',array_keys($qarowdata)).") VALUES (".implode(',',$newvalues).")"; $result=$connect->Execute($qainsert); // no safe_die since some LimeSurvey version export duplicate question attributes - these are just ignored if ($connect->Affected_Rows()>0) {$importresults['question_attributes']++;} } } if (isset($assessmentsarray) && $assessmentsarray) {//ONLY DO THIS IF THERE ARE QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES $fieldorders=convertCSVRowToArray($assessmentsarray[0],',','"'); unset($assessmentsarray[0]); foreach ($assessmentsarray as $qar) { $fieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($qar,',','"'); $asrowdata=array_combine($fieldorders,$fieldcontents); if (isset($asrowdata['link'])) { if (trim($asrowdata['link'])!='') $asrowdata['message']=$asrowdata['message'].'<br /><a href="'.$asrowdata['link'].'">'.$asrowdata['link'].'</a>'; unset($asrowdata['link']); } if ($asrowdata["gid"]>0) { $asrowdata["gid"]=$aGIDReplacements[$asrowdata["gid"]]; } $asrowdata["sid"]=$newsid; unset($asrowdata["id"]); $tablename=$dbprefix.'assessments'; $asinsert = $connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename,$asrowdata); $result=$connect->Execute($asinsert) or safe_die ("Couldn't insert assessment<br />$asinsert<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); unset($newgid); } } if (isset($quotaarray) && $quotaarray) {//ONLY DO THIS IF THERE ARE QUOTAS $fieldorders=convertCSVRowToArray($quotaarray[0],',','"'); unset($quotaarray[0]); foreach ($quotaarray as $qar) { $fieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($qar,',','"'); $asrowdata=array_combine($fieldorders,$fieldcontents); $oldsid=$asrowdata["sid"]; foreach ($substitutions as $subs) { if ($oldsid==$subs[0]) {$newsid=$subs[3];} } $asrowdata["sid"]=$newsid; $oldid = $asrowdata["id"]; unset($asrowdata["id"]); $quotadata[]=$asrowdata; //For use later if needed $tablename=$dbprefix.'quota'; $asinsert = $connect->getInsertSQL($tablename,$asrowdata); $result=$connect->Execute($asinsert) or safe_die ("Couldn't insert quota<br />$asinsert<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); $aQuotaReplacements[$oldid] = $connect->Insert_ID(db_table_name_nq('quota'),"id"); } } if (isset($quotamembersarray) && $quotamembersarray) {//ONLY DO THIS IF THERE ARE QUOTA MEMBERS $count=0; foreach ($quotamembersarray as $qar) { $fieldorders =convertCSVRowToArray($quotamembersarray[0],',','"'); $fieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($qar,',','"'); if ($count==0) {$count++; continue;} $asrowdata=array_combine($fieldorders,$fieldcontents); $oldsid=$asrowdata["sid"]; $newqid=""; $newquotaid=""; $oldqid=$asrowdata['qid']; $oldquotaid=$asrowdata['quota_id']; foreach ($substitutions as $subs) { if ($oldsid==$subs[0]) {$newsid=$subs[3];} if ($oldqid==$subs[2]) {$newqid=$subs[5];} } $newquotaid=$aQuotaReplacements[$oldquotaid]; $asrowdata["sid"]=$newsid; $asrowdata["qid"]=$newqid; $asrowdata["quota_id"]=$newquotaid; unset($asrowdata["id"]); $tablename=$dbprefix.'quota_members'; $asinsert = $connect->getInsertSQL($tablename,$asrowdata); $result=$connect->Execute($asinsert) or safe_die ("Couldn't insert quota<br />$asinsert<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); } } if (isset($quotalsarray) && $quotalsarray) {//ONLY DO THIS IF THERE ARE QUOTA LANGUAGE SETTINGS $count=0; foreach ($quotalsarray as $qar) { $fieldorders =convertCSVRowToArray($quotalsarray[0],',','"'); $fieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($qar,',','"'); if ($count==0) {$count++; continue;} $asrowdata=array_combine($fieldorders,$fieldcontents); $newquotaid=""; $oldquotaid=$asrowdata['quotals_quota_id']; $newquotaid=$aQuotaReplacements[$oldquotaid]; $asrowdata["quotals_quota_id"]=$newquotaid; unset($asrowdata["quotals_id"]); $tablename=$dbprefix.'quota_languagesettings'; $asinsert = $connect->getInsertSQL($tablename,$asrowdata); $result=$connect->Execute($asinsert) or safe_die ("Couldn't insert quota<br />$asinsert<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); } } //if there are quotas, but no quotals, then we need to create default dummy for each quota (this handles exports from pre-language quota surveys) if ($importresults['quota'] > 0 && (!isset($importresults['quotals']) || $importresults['quotals'] == 0)) { $i=0; $defaultsurveylanguage=isset($defaultsurveylanguage) ? $defaultsurveylanguage : "en"; foreach($aQuotaReplacements as $oldquotaid=>$newquotaid) { $asrowdata=array("quotals_quota_id" => $newquotaid, "quotals_language" => $defaultsurveylanguage, "quotals_name" => $quotadata[$i]["name"], "quotals_message" => $clang->gT("Sorry your responses have exceeded a quota on this survey."), "quotals_url" => "", "quotals_urldescrip" => ""); $i++; } $tablename=$dbprefix.'quota_languagesettings'; $asinsert = $connect->getInsertSQL($tablename,$asrowdata); $result=$connect->Execute($asinsert) or safe_die ("Couldn't insert quota<br />$asinsert<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); $countquotals=$i; } // Do conditions if (isset($conditionsarray) && $conditionsarray) {//ONLY DO THIS IF THERE ARE CONDITIONS! $fieldorders =convertCSVRowToArray($conditionsarray[0],',','"'); unset($conditionsarray[0]); // Exception for conditions based on attributes $aQIDReplacements[0]=0; foreach ($conditionsarray as $car) { $fieldcontents=convertCSVRowToArray($car,',','"'); $conditionrowdata=array_combine($fieldorders,$fieldcontents); unset($conditionrowdata["cid"]); if (!isset($conditionrowdata["method"]) || trim($conditionrowdata["method"])=='') { $conditionrowdata["method"]='=='; } if (!isset($conditionrowdata["scenario"]) || trim($conditionrowdata["scenario"])=='') { $conditionrowdata["scenario"]=1; } $oldcqid=$conditionrowdata["cqid"]; $oldgid=array_search($connect->GetOne('select gid from '.db_table_name('questions').' where qid='.$aQIDReplacements[$conditionrowdata["cqid"]]),$aGIDReplacements); $conditionrowdata["qid"]=$aQIDReplacements[$conditionrowdata["qid"]]; $conditionrowdata["cqid"]=$aQIDReplacements[$conditionrowdata["cqid"]]; $oldcfieldname=$conditionrowdata["cfieldname"]; $conditionrowdata["cfieldname"]=str_replace($oldsid.'X'.$oldgid.'X'.$oldcqid,$newsid.'X'.$aGIDReplacements[$oldgid].'X'.$conditionrowdata["cqid"],$conditionrowdata["cfieldname"]); $tablename=$dbprefix.'conditions'; $conditioninsert = $connect->getInsertSQL($tablename,$conditionrowdata); $result=$connect->Execute($conditioninsert) or safe_die ("Couldn't insert condition<br />$conditioninsert<br />".$connect->ErrorMsg()); } } $importresults['importversion']=$importversion; $importresults['newsid']=$newsid; $importresults['oldsid']=$oldsid; return $importresults; }
/** * This function imports an old-school question group file (*.csv,*.sql) * * @param mixed $sFullFilepath Full file patch to the import file * @param mixed $newsid Survey ID to which the question is attached */ function CSVImportGroup($sFullFilepath, $newsid) { global $dbprefix, $connect, $clang; $aLIDReplacements = array(); $aQIDReplacements = array(); // this array will have the "new qid" for the questions, the key will be the "old qid" $aGIDReplacements = array(); $handle = fopen($sFullFilepath, "r"); while (!feof($handle)) { $buffer = fgets($handle); $bigarray[] = $buffer; } fclose($handle); if (substr($bigarray[0], 0, 23) != "# LimeSurvey Group Dump") { $results['fatalerror'] = $clang->gT("This file is not a LimeSurvey question file. Import failed."); $importversion = 0; } else { $importversion = (int) trim(substr($bigarray[1], 12)); } if ((int) $importversion < 112) { $results['fatalerror'] = $clang->gT("This file is too old. Only files from LimeSurvey version 1.50 (DBVersion 112) and newer are supported."); } for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++) { unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //GROUPS if (array_search("# QUESTIONS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUESTIONS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# QUESTIONS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUESTIONS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $grouparray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //QUESTIONS if (array_search("# ANSWERS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# ANSWERS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# ANSWERS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# ANSWERS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $questionarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //ANSWERS if (array_search("# CONDITIONS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# CONDITIONS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# CONDITIONS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# CONDITIONS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $answerarray[] = str_replace("`default`", "`default_value`", $bigarray[$i]); } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //CONDITIONS if (array_search("# LABELSETS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# LABELSETS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# LABELSETS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# LABELSETS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $conditionsarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //LABELSETS if (array_search("# LABELS TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# LABELS TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# LABELS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# LABELS TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $labelsetsarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //LABELS if (array_search("# QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES TABLE\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES TABLE\n", $bigarray); } elseif (array_search("# QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES TABLE\r\n", $bigarray)) { $stoppoint = array_search("# QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES TABLE\r\n", $bigarray); } else { $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i < $stoppoint - 2) { $labelsarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); //Question attributes if (!isset($noconditions) || $noconditions != "Y") { // stoppoint is the last line number // this is an empty line after the QA CSV lines $stoppoint = count($bigarray) - 1; for ($i = 0; $i <= $stoppoint + 1; $i++) { if ($i <= $stoppoint - 1) { $question_attributesarray[] = $bigarray[$i]; } unset($bigarray[$i]); } } $bigarray = array_values($bigarray); $countgroups = 0; if (isset($questionarray)) { $questionfieldnames = convertCSVRowToArray($questionarray[0], ',', '"'); unset($questionarray[0]); $countquestions = 0; } if (isset($answerarray)) { $answerfieldnames = convertCSVRowToArray($answerarray[0], ',', '"'); unset($answerarray[0]); $countanswers = count($answerarray); } else { $countanswers = 0; } $aLanguagesSupported = array(); // this array will keep all the languages supported for the survey $sBaseLanguage = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($newsid); $aLanguagesSupported[] = $sBaseLanguage; // adds the base language to the list of supported languages $aLanguagesSupported = array_merge($aLanguagesSupported, GetAdditionalLanguagesFromSurveyID($newsid)); // Let's check that imported objects support at least the survey's baselang $langcode = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($newsid); if (isset($grouparray)) { $groupfieldnames = convertCSVRowToArray($grouparray[0], ',', '"'); $langfieldnum = array_search("language", $groupfieldnames); $gidfieldnum = array_search("gid", $groupfieldnames); $groupssupportbaselang = bDoesImportarraySupportsLanguage($grouparray, array($gidfieldnum), $langfieldnum, $sBaseLanguage, true); if (!$groupssupportbaselang) { $results['fatalerror'] = $clang->gT("You can't import a group which doesn't support at least the survey base language."); return $results; } } if (isset($questionarray)) { $langfieldnum = array_search("language", $questionfieldnames); $qidfieldnum = array_search("qid", $questionfieldnames); $questionssupportbaselang = bDoesImportarraySupportsLanguage($questionarray, array($qidfieldnum), $langfieldnum, $sBaseLanguage, true); if (!$questionssupportbaselang) { $results['fatalerror'] = $clang->gT("You can't import a question which doesn't support at least the survey base language."); return $results; } } if ($countanswers > 0) { $langfieldnum = array_search("language", $answerfieldnames); $answercodefilednum1 = array_search("qid", $answerfieldnames); $answercodefilednum2 = array_search("code", $answerfieldnames); $answercodekeysarr = array($answercodefilednum1, $answercodefilednum2); $answerssupportbaselang = bDoesImportarraySupportsLanguage($answerarray, $answercodekeysarr, $langfieldnum, $sBaseLanguage); if (!$answerssupportbaselang) { $results['fatalerror'] = $clang->gT("You can't import answers which doesn't support at least the survey base language."); return $results; } } if (count($labelsetsarray) > 1) { $labelsetfieldname = convertCSVRowToArray($labelsetsarray[0], ',', '"'); $langfieldnum = array_search("languages", $labelsetfieldname); $lidfilednum = array_search("lid", $labelsetfieldname); $labelsetssupportbaselang = bDoesImportarraySupportsLanguage($labelsetsarray, array($lidfilednum), $langfieldnum, $sBaseLanguage, true); if (!$labelsetssupportbaselang) { $results['fatalerror'] = $clang->gT("You can't import label sets which don't support the current survey's base language"); return $results; } } // I assume that if a labelset supports the survey's baselang, // then it's labels do support it as well //DO ANY LABELSETS FIRST, SO WE CAN KNOW WHAT THEIR NEW LID IS FOR THE QUESTIONS $results['labelsets'] = 0; $qtypes = getqtypelist("", "array"); $results['labels'] = 0; $results['labelsets'] = 0; $results['answers'] = 0; $results['subquestions'] = 0; //Do label sets if (isset($labelsetsarray) && $labelsetsarray) { $csarray = buildLabelSetCheckSumArray(); // build checksums over all existing labelsets $count = 0; foreach ($labelsetsarray as $lsa) { $fieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($labelsetsarray[0], ',', '"'); $fieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($lsa, ',', '"'); if ($count == 0) { $count++; continue; } $labelsetrowdata = array_combine($fieldorders, $fieldcontents); // Save old labelid $oldlid = $labelsetrowdata['lid']; unset($labelsetrowdata['lid']); $newvalues = array_values($labelsetrowdata); $newvalues = array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"), $newvalues); // quote everything accordingly $lsainsert = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}labelsets (" . implode(',', array_keys($labelsetrowdata)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(',', $newvalues) . ")"; //handle db prefix $lsiresult = $connect->Execute($lsainsert); $results['labelsets']++; // Get the new insert id for the labels inside this labelset $newlid = $connect->Insert_ID("{$dbprefix}labelsets", 'lid'); if ($labelsarray) { $count = 0; foreach ($labelsarray as $la) { $lfieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($labelsarray[0], ',', '"'); $lfieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($la, ',', '"'); if ($count == 0) { $count++; continue; } // Combine into one array with keys and values since its easier to handle $labelrowdata = array_combine($lfieldorders, $lfieldcontents); $labellid = $labelrowdata['lid']; if ($importversion <= 132) { $labelrowdata["assessment_value"] = (int) $labelrowdata["code"]; } if ($labellid == $oldlid) { $labelrowdata['lid'] = $newlid; // translate internal links $labelrowdata['title'] = translink('label', $oldlid, $newlid, $labelrowdata['title']); $newvalues = array_values($labelrowdata); $newvalues = array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"), $newvalues); // quote everything accordingly $lainsert = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}labels (" . implode(',', array_keys($labelrowdata)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(',', $newvalues) . ")"; //handle db prefix $liresult = $connect->Execute($lainsert); if ($liresult !== false) { $results['labels']++; } } } } //CHECK FOR DUPLICATE LABELSETS $thisset = ""; $query2 = "SELECT code, title, sortorder, language, assessment_value\n FROM {$dbprefix}labels\n WHERE lid=" . $newlid . "\n ORDER BY language, sortorder, code"; $result2 = db_execute_num($query2) or safe_die("Died querying labelset {$lid}<br />{$query2}<br />" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); while ($row2 = $result2->FetchRow()) { $thisset .= implode('.', $row2); } // while $newcs = dechex(crc32($thisset) * 1); unset($lsmatch); if (isset($csarray)) { foreach ($csarray as $key => $val) { if ($val == $newcs) { $lsmatch = $key; } } } if (isset($lsmatch) || $_SESSION['USER_RIGHT_MANAGE_LABEL'] != 1) { //There is a matching labelset or the user is not allowed to edit labels - // So, we will delete this one and refer to the matched one. $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}labels WHERE lid={$newlid}"; $result = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die("Couldn't delete labels<br />{$query}<br />" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $results['labels'] = $results['labels'] - $connect->Affected_Rows(); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}labelsets WHERE lid={$newlid}"; $result = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die("Couldn't delete labelset<br />{$query}<br />" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $results['labelsets'] = $results['labelsets'] - $connect->Affected_Rows(); $newlid = $lsmatch; } else { //There isn't a matching labelset, add this checksum to the $csarray array $csarray[$newlid] = $newcs; } //END CHECK FOR DUPLICATES $aLIDReplacements[$oldlid] = $newlid; } } // Import groups if (isset($grouparray) && $grouparray) { // do GROUPS $gafieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($grouparray[0], ',', '"'); unset($grouparray[0]); $newgid = 0; $group_order = 0; // just to initialize this variable foreach ($grouparray as $ga) { $gacfieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($ga, ',', '"'); $grouprowdata = array_combine($gafieldorders, $gacfieldcontents); // Skip not supported languages if (!in_array($grouprowdata['language'], $aLanguagesSupported)) { $skippedlanguages[] = $grouprowdata['language']; // this is for the message in the end. continue; } // replace the sid $oldsid = $grouprowdata['sid']; $grouprowdata['sid'] = $newsid; // replace the gid or remove it if needed (it also will calculate the group order if is a new group) $oldgid = $grouprowdata['gid']; if ($newgid == 0) { unset($grouprowdata['gid']); // find the maximum group order and use this grouporder+1 to assign it to the new group $qmaxgo = "select max(group_order) as maxgo from " . db_table_name('groups') . " where sid={$newsid}"; $gres = db_execute_assoc($qmaxgo) or safe_die($clang->gT("Error") . " Failed to find out maximum group order value<br />\n{$qmaxqo}<br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $grow = $gres->FetchRow(); $group_order = $grow['maxgo'] + 1; } else { $grouprowdata['gid'] = $newgid; } $grouprowdata["group_order"] = $group_order; // Everything set - now insert it $grouprowdata = array_map('convertCsvreturn2return', $grouprowdata); // translate internal links $grouprowdata['group_name'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $grouprowdata['group_name']); $grouprowdata['description'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $grouprowdata['description']); db_switchIDInsert('groups', true); $tablename = $dbprefix . 'groups'; $ginsert = $connect->GetinsertSQL($tablename, $grouprowdata); $gres = $connect->Execute($ginsert) or safe_die($clang->gT('Error') . ": Failed to insert group<br />\n{$ginsert}<br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); db_switchIDInsert('groups', false); //GET NEW GID .... if is not done before and we count a group if a new gid is required if ($newgid == 0) { $newgid = $connect->Insert_ID("{$dbprefix}groups", 'gid'); $countgroups++; } } // GROUPS is DONE // Import questions if (isset($questionarray) && $questionarray) { foreach ($questionarray as $qa) { $qacfieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($qa, ',', '"'); $questionrowdata = array_combine($questionfieldnames, $qacfieldcontents); $questionrowdata = array_map('convertCsvreturn2return', $questionrowdata); $questionrowdata["type"] = strtoupper($questionrowdata["type"]); // Skip not supported languages if (!in_array($questionrowdata['language'], $aLanguagesSupported)) { continue; } // replace the sid $questionrowdata["sid"] = $newsid; // replace the gid (if the gid is not in the oldgid it means there is a problem with the exported record, so skip it) if ($questionrowdata['gid'] == $oldgid) { $questionrowdata['gid'] = $newgid; } else { continue; } // a problem with this question record -> don't consider if (isset($aQIDReplacements[$questionrowdata['qid']])) { $questionrowdata['qid'] = $aQIDReplacements[$questionrowdata['qid']]; } else { $oldqid = $questionrowdata['qid']; unset($questionrowdata['qid']); } // Save the following values - will need them for proper conversion later if ((int)$questionrowdata['lid']>0) unset($oldlid1); unset($oldlid2); if (isset($questionrowdata['lid']) && $questionrowdata['lid'] > 0) { $oldlid1 = $questionrowdata['lid']; } if (isset($questionrowdata['lid1']) && $questionrowdata['lid1'] > 0) { $oldlid2 = $questionrowdata['lid1']; } unset($questionrowdata['lid']); unset($questionrowdata['lid1']); if ($questionrowdata['type'] == 'W') { $questionrowdata['type'] = '!'; } elseif ($questionrowdata['type'] == 'Z') { $questionrowdata['type'] = 'L'; } if (!isset($questionrowdata["question_order"]) || $questionrowdata["question_order"] == '') { $questionrowdata["question_order"] = 0; } $questionrowdata = array_map('convertCsvreturn2return', $questionrowdata); // translate internal links $questionrowdata['title'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $questionrowdata['title']); $questionrowdata['question'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $questionrowdata['question']); $questionrowdata['help'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $questionrowdata['help']); $newvalues = array_values($questionrowdata); $newvalues = array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"), $newvalues); // quote everything accordingly if (isset($questionrowdata['qid'])) { db_switchIDInsert('questions', true); } $tablename = $dbprefix . 'questions'; $qinsert = $connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename, $questionrowdata); $qres = $connect->Execute($qinsert) or safe_die($clang->gT("Error") . ": Failed to insert question<br />\n{$qinsert}<br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $results['questions']++; //GET NEW QID .... if is not done before and we count a question if a new qid is required if (isset($questionrowdata['qid'])) { $saveqid = $questionrowdata['qid']; } else { $aQIDReplacements[$oldqid] = $connect->Insert_ID("{$dbprefix}questions", 'qid'); $saveqid = $aQIDReplacements[$oldqid]; } $qtypes = getqtypelist("", "array"); $aSQIDReplacements = array(); db_switchIDInsert('questions', false); // Now we will fix up old label sets where they are used as answers if ((isset($oldlid1) || isset($oldlid2)) && ($qtypes[$questionrowdata['type']]['answerscales'] > 0 || $qtypes[$questionrowdata['type']]['subquestions'] > 1)) { $query = "select * from " . db_table_name('labels') . " where lid={$aLIDReplacements[$oldlid1]} and language='{$questionrowdata['language']}'"; $oldlabelsresult = db_execute_assoc($query); while ($labelrow = $oldlabelsresult->FetchRow()) { if (in_array($labelrow['language'], $aLanguagesSupported)) { if ($qtypes[$questionrowdata['type']]['subquestions'] < 2) { $qinsert = "insert INTO " . db_table_name('answers') . " (qid,code,answer,sortorder,language,assessment_value)\n VALUES ({$aQIDReplacements[$oldqid]}," . db_quoteall($labelrow['code']) . "," . db_quoteall($labelrow['title']) . "," . db_quoteall($labelrow['sortorder']) . "," . db_quoteall($labelrow['language']) . "," . db_quoteall($labelrow['assessment_value']) . ")"; $qres = $connect->Execute($qinsert) or safe_die($clang->gT("Error") . ": Failed to insert answer (lid1) <br />\n{$qinsert}<br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); } else { if (isset($aSQIDReplacements[$labelrow['code'] . '_' . $saveqid])) { $fieldname = 'qid,'; $data = $aSQIDReplacements[$labelrow['code'] . '_' . $saveqid] . ','; } else { $fieldname = ''; $data = ''; } $qinsert = "insert INTO " . db_table_name('questions') . " ({$fieldname} parent_qid,title,question,question_order,language,scale_id,type, sid, gid)\n VALUES ({$data}{$aQIDReplacements[$oldqid]}," . db_quoteall($labelrow['code']) . "," . db_quoteall($labelrow['title']) . "," . db_quoteall($labelrow['sortorder']) . "," . db_quoteall($labelrow['language']) . ",1,'{$questionrowdata['type']}',{$questionrowdata['sid']},{$questionrowdata['gid']})"; $qres = $connect->Execute($qinsert) or safe_die($clang->gT("Error") . ": Failed to insert question <br />\n{$qinsert}<br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); if ($fieldname == '') { $aSQIDReplacements[$labelrow['code'] . '_' . $saveqid] = $connect->Insert_ID("{$dbprefix}questions", "qid"); } } } } if (isset($oldlid2) && $qtypes[$questionrowdata['type']]['answerscales'] > 1) { $query = "select * from " . db_table_name('labels') . " where lid={$aLIDReplacements[$oldlid2]} and language='{$questionrowdata['language']}'"; $oldlabelsresult = db_execute_assoc($query); while ($labelrow = $oldlabelsresult->FetchRow()) { $qinsert = "insert INTO " . db_table_name('answers') . " (qid,code,answer,sortorder,language,assessment_value,scale_id)\n VALUES ({$aQIDReplacements[$oldqid]}," . db_quoteall($labelrow['code']) . "," . db_quoteall($labelrow['title']) . "," . db_quoteall($labelrow['sortorder']) . "," . db_quoteall($labelrow['language']) . "," . db_quoteall($labelrow['assessment_value']) . ",1)"; $qres = $connect->Execute($qinsert) or safe_die($clang->gT("Error") . ": Failed to insert answer (lid2)<br />\n{$qinsert}<br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); } } } } } //Do answers $results['subquestions'] = 0; if (isset($answerarray) && $answerarray) { foreach ($answerarray as $aa) { $answerfieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($aa, ',', '"'); $answerrowdata = array_combine($answerfieldnames, $answerfieldcontents); if ($answerrowdata === false) { $importquestion .= '<br />' . $clang->gT("Faulty line in import - fields and data don't match") . ":" . implode(',', $answerfieldcontents); } // Skip not supported languages if (!in_array($answerrowdata['language'], $aLanguagesSupported)) { continue; } // replace the qid for the new one (if there is no new qid in the $aQIDReplacements array it mean that this answer is orphan -> error, skip this record) if (isset($aQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata["qid"]])) { $answerrowdata["qid"] = $aQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata["qid"]]; } else { continue; } // a problem with this answer record -> don't consider if ($importversion <= 132) { $answerrowdata["assessment_value"] = (int) $answerrowdata["code"]; } // Convert default values for single select questions $questiontemp = $connect->GetRow('select type,gid from ' . db_table_name('questions') . ' where qid=' . $answerrowdata["qid"]); $oldquestion['newtype'] = $questiontemp['type']; $oldquestion['gid'] = $questiontemp['gid']; if ($answerrowdata['default_value'] == 'Y' && ($oldquestion['newtype'] == 'L' || $oldquestion['newtype'] == 'O' || $oldquestion['newtype'] == '!')) { $insertdata = array(); $insertdata['qid'] = $newqid; $insertdata['language'] = $answerrowdata['language']; $insertdata['defaultvalue'] = $answerrowdata['answer']; $query = $connect->GetInsertSQL($dbprefix . 'defaultvalues', $insertdata); $qres = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die("Error: Failed to insert defaultvalue <br />{$query}<br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); } // translate internal links $answerrowdata['answer'] = translink('survey', $oldsid, $newsid, $answerrowdata['answer']); // Everything set - now insert it $answerrowdata = array_map('convertCsvreturn2return', $answerrowdata); if ($qtypes[$oldquestion['newtype']]['subquestions'] > 0) { $questionrowdata = array(); if (isset($aSQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata['code'] . $answerrowdata['qid']])) { $questionrowdata['qid'] = $aSQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata['code'] . $answerrowdata['qid']]; } $questionrowdata['parent_qid'] = $answerrowdata['qid']; $questionrowdata['sid'] = $newsid; $questionrowdata['gid'] = $oldquestion['gid']; $questionrowdata['title'] = $answerrowdata['code']; $questionrowdata['question'] = $answerrowdata['answer']; $questionrowdata['question_order'] = $answerrowdata['sortorder']; $questionrowdata['language'] = $answerrowdata['language']; $questionrowdata['type'] = $oldquestion['newtype']; $tablename = $dbprefix . 'questions'; $query = $connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename, $questionrowdata); if (isset($questionrowdata['qid'])) { db_switchIDInsert('questions', true); } $qres = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die("Error: Failed to insert subquestion <br />{$query}<br />" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); if (!isset($questionrowdata['qid'])) { $aSQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata['code'] . $answerrowdata['qid']] = $connect->Insert_ID("{$dbprefix}questions", "qid"); } else { db_switchIDInsert('questions', false); } $results['subquestions']++; // also convert default values subquestions for multiple choice if ($answerrowdata['default_value'] == 'Y' && ($oldquestion['newtype'] == 'M' || $oldquestion['newtype'] == 'P')) { $insertdata = array(); $insertdata['qid'] = $newqid; $insertdata['sqid'] = $aSQIDReplacements[$answerrowdata['code']]; $insertdata['language'] = $answerrowdata['language']; $insertdata['defaultvalue'] = 'Y'; $tablename = $dbprefix . 'defaultvalues'; $query = $connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename, $insertdata); $qres = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die("Error: Failed to insert defaultvalue <br />{$query}<br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); } } else { unset($answerrowdata['default_value']); $tablename = $dbprefix . 'answers'; $query = $connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename, $answerrowdata); $ares = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die("Error: Failed to insert answer<br />{$query}<br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $results['answers']++; } } } // ANSWERS is DONE // Fix sortorder of the groups - if users removed groups manually from the csv file there would be gaps fixSortOrderGroups($surveyid); //... and for the questions inside the groups // get all group ids and fix questions inside each group $gquery = "SELECT gid FROM {$dbprefix}groups where sid={$newsid} group by gid ORDER BY gid"; //Get last question added (finds new qid) $gres = db_execute_assoc($gquery); while ($grow = $gres->FetchRow()) { fixsortorderQuestions($grow['gid'], $newsid); } } $results['question_attributes'] = 0; // Finally the question attributes - it is called just once and only if there was a question if (isset($question_attributesarray) && $question_attributesarray) { //ONLY DO THIS IF THERE ARE QUESTION_ATTRIBUES $fieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($question_attributesarray[0], ',', '"'); unset($question_attributesarray[0]); foreach ($question_attributesarray as $qar) { $fieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($qar, ',', '"'); $qarowdata = array_combine($fieldorders, $fieldcontents); // replace the qid for the new one (if there is no new qid in the $aQIDReplacements array it mean that this attribute is orphan -> error, skip this record) if (isset($aQIDReplacements[$qarowdata["qid"]])) { $qarowdata["qid"] = $aQIDReplacements[$qarowdata["qid"]]; } else { continue; } // a problem with this answer record -> don't consider unset($qarowdata["qaid"]); $tablename = "{$dbprefix}question_attributes"; $qainsert = $connect->GetInsertSQL($tablename, $qarowdata); $result = $connect->Execute($qainsert); if ($result !== false) { $results['question_attributes']++; } } } // ATTRIBUTES is DONE // do CONDITIONS $results['conditions'] = 0; if (isset($conditionsarray) && $conditionsarray) { $fieldorders = convertCSVRowToArray($conditionsarray[0], ',', '"'); unset($conditionsarray[0]); foreach ($conditionsarray as $car) { $fieldcontents = convertCSVRowToArray($car, ',', '"'); $conditionrowdata = array_combine($fieldorders, $fieldcontents); $oldqid = $conditionrowdata["qid"]; $oldcqid = $conditionrowdata["cqid"]; // replace the qid for the new one (if there is no new qid in the $aQIDReplacements array it mean that this condition is orphan -> error, skip this record) if (isset($aQIDReplacements[$oldqid])) { $conditionrowdata["qid"] = $aQIDReplacements[$oldqid]; } else { continue; } // a problem with this answer record -> don't consider // replace the cqid for the new one (if there is no new qid in the $aQIDReplacements array it mean that this condition is orphan -> error, skip this record) if (isset($aQIDReplacements[$oldcqid])) { $conditionrowdata["cqid"] = $aQIDReplacements[$oldcqid]; } else { continue; } // a problem with this answer record -> don't consider list($oldcsid, $oldcgid, $oldqidanscode) = explode("X", $conditionrowdata["cfieldname"], 3); if ($oldcgid != $oldgid) { // this means that the condition is in another group (so it should not have to be been exported -> skip it continue; } unset($conditionrowdata["cid"]); // recreate the cfieldname with the new IDs if (preg_match("/^\\+/", $oldcsid)) { $newcfieldname = '+' . $newsid . "X" . $newgid . "X" . $conditionrowdata["cqid"] . substr($oldqidanscode, strlen($oldqid)); } else { $newcfieldname = $newsid . "X" . $newgid . "X" . $conditionrowdata["cqid"] . substr($oldqidanscode, strlen($oldqid)); } $conditionrowdata["cfieldname"] = $newcfieldname; if (!isset($conditionrowdata["method"]) || trim($conditionrowdata["method"]) == '') { $conditionrowdata["method"] = '=='; } $newvalues = array_values($conditionrowdata); $newvalues = array_map(array(&$connect, "qstr"), $newvalues); // quote everything accordingly $conditioninsert = "insert INTO {$dbprefix}conditions (" . implode(',', array_keys($conditionrowdata)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(',', $newvalues) . ")"; $result = $connect->Execute($conditioninsert) or safe_die("Couldn't insert condition<br />{$conditioninsert}<br />" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); $results['conditions']++; } } LimeExpressionManager::RevertUpgradeConditionsToRelevance($newsid); LimeExpressionManager::UpgradeConditionsToRelevance($newsid); $results['groups'] = 1; $results['newgid'] = $newgid; return $results; }