public static function installPluginsThemesResponseProcessor($historyID, $responseData) { $errorDetail = array(); $errorDetail['download_failed'] = 'Download failed: '; $errorDetail['folder_exists'] = 'Folder exists: '; $errorDetail['mkdir_failed'] = 'Create directory failed: '; $errorDetail['incompatible_archive'] = 'Incompatible archive: '; $errorDetail['copy_failed'] = 'Copy failed: '; responseDirectErrorHandler($historyID, $responseData); if (empty($responseData['success'])) { return false; } $successUniqueName = array(); $siteID = DB::getField("?:history", "siteID", "historyID='" . $historyID . "'"); if (!empty($responseData['success']['error'])) { DB::update("?:history_additional_data", array('status' => 'error', 'errorMsg' => $responseData['success']['error'], 'error' => $responseData['success']['error_code']), "historyID='" . $historyID . "'"); return false; } $pluginsThemes = $responseData['success']; $successUniqueName = array(); foreach ($pluginsThemes as $name => $nameResponse) { if (gettype($nameResponse) == 'object' && !is_object($nameResponse)) { $nameResponse = fixObject($nameResponse); } if (gettype($nameResponse) == 'object' || gettype($nameResponse) == 'array') { if (gettype($nameResponse) == 'object') { $nameResponse = get_object_vars($nameResponse); } if (isset($nameResponse['errors']) && !empty($nameResponse['errors'])) { $errors = $nameResponse['errors']; $errorData = $nameResponse['error_data']; $errorCode = $nameResponse['error_codes'][0]; DB::update("?:history_additional_data", array('status' => 'error', 'error' => $errorCode, 'errorMsg' => $errorDetail[$errorCode] . $errorData), "historyID='" . $historyID . "' AND uniqueName = '" . $name . "'"); // DB::update("?:history_additional_data", array('status' => 'error', 'error' => key($errorData), 'errorMsg' => $errorDetail[key($errorData)].reset($errorData) ), "historyID='".$historyID."' AND uniqueName = '".$name."'"); } else { $successUniqueName[] = $name; } } elseif (!empty($pluginsThemes[$name]['source'])) { $successUniqueName[] = $name; } } if (!empty($successUniqueName)) { DB::update("?:history_additional_data", array('status' => 'success'), "historyID='" . $historyID . "' AND uniqueName IN ('" . implode("', '", $successUniqueName) . "')"); } $allParams = array('action' => 'getStats', 'args' => array('siteIDs' => array($siteID), 'extras' => array('sendAfterAllLoad' => false, 'doNotShowUser' => true))); panelRequestManager::handler($allParams); }
//echo '<pre>'; //print_r( get_include_path() ); //print_r( getcwd() ); drupal_session_start(); //echo "Da"; //print_r($_SESSION); exit; include_once $econtrol_path . '/' . 'soap/classDef.php'; include_once $econtrol_path . '/' . 'soap/login.php'; include $econtrol_path . '/' . 'soap/GetTariffDetailsService.php'; // go back chdir($dir_before); //session_start(); //echo "Da"; //print_r($_SESSION); exit; $result = $_SESSION['current-tariff']; $result = fixObject($result); //print_r($result); /* $result = preg_replace('!\s*\w+\:\:__set_state\(!', '', $result); $result = preg_replace('!\)\),\s*(\n|$)!', '),', $result); $result = preg_replace('!\)\)\s*(\n|$)!', ')', $result); $result = eval('return ' . $result . ';'); */ $supplier = $result->supplier; $kwh = $_SESSION['current-tariff-kwh']; $postcode = $_SESSION['current-tariff-postcode']; $productname = $_SESSION['current-tariff-name']; $productbindingperiod = $_SESSION['current-tariff-binding']; $productcancellationperiod = $_SESSION['current-tariff-cancellation']; $energytype = $_SESSION['current-tariff-et']; $product = $result->product;