Exemple #1
 public function index()
     - Figure the state of things by URL
     // Get URI segments
     $segments = $this->uri->segment_array();
     $lookup = isset($segments[2]) && !empty($segments[2]) ? strtolower(trim(urldecode($segments[2]))) : 'all';
     $finish = isset($segments[3]) && !empty($segments[3]) ? strtolower(trim(urldecode($segments[3]))) : null;
     $lookup = is_numeric($lookup) && empty($finish) ? 'all' : $lookup;
     // Get limit
     $this->limit = isset($this->clean->limit) && is_numeric($this->clean->limit) && $this->clean->limit < $this->limit ? $this->clean->limit : $this->limit;
     // Set sort
     $sort = isset($this->clean->sort) && !empty($this->clean->sort) ? strtolower($this->clean->sort) : 'newest';
     $sort = $sort != 'newest' && $sort != 'oldest' ? 'newest' : $sort;
     $sort = $sort == 'oldest' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
     $this->user_marks->sort = $lookup == 'archive' ? 'archived_on ' . $sort : 'created_on ' . $sort;
     // Set allowable textual starts
     $valid_lookups = array('all' => array('start' => null, 'finish' => null), 'archive' => array('start' => null, 'finish' => null), 'search' => array('start' => null, 'finish' => null), 'today' => array('start' => strtotime('today'), 'finish' => strtotime('tomorrow')), 'yesterday' => array('start' => strtotime('yesterday'), 'finish' => strtotime('today')), 'last-week' => array('start' => strtotime('6 days ago'), 'finish' => strtotime('tomorrow')), 'last-month' => array('start' => strtotime('29 days ago'), 'finish' => strtotime('tomorrow')), 'last-three-months' => array('start' => strtotime('89 days ago'), 'finish' => strtotime('tomorrow')), 'last-six-months' => array('start' => strtotime('179 days ago'), 'finish' => strtotime('tomorrow')), 'last-year' => array('start' => strtotime('364 days ago'), 'finish' => strtotime('tomorrow')), 'ages-ago' => array('start' => strtotime('20 years ago'), 'finish' => strtotime('364 days ago')));
     // If $lookup is one of the following, search by time is disabled
     $no_time = array('all', 'archive', 'search');
     $options = array();
     // Figure when
     $where_time = null;
     if (array_key_exists($lookup, $valid_lookups)) {
         $where_time .= !in_array($lookup, $no_time) ? " AND users_to_marks.created_on >= '" . date('Y-m-d', $valid_lookups[$lookup]['start']) . "'" : '';
         $where_time .= !in_array($lookup, $no_time) ? " AND users_to_marks.created_on < '" . date('Y-m-d', $valid_lookups[$lookup]['finish']) . "'" : '';
         $this->data['lookup_type'] = $lookup;
     } elseif ($lookup == 'label') {
         // Get label ID
         $label_id = $finish;
         $this->load->model('labels_model', 'label');
         if (!is_numeric($label_id)) {
             $label = $this->label->read("slug = '" . $this->db->escape_str($label_id) . "'", 1, 1, 'label_id, name');
             $label_id = isset($label->label_id) ? $label->label_id : 0;
             $label_name = isset($label->name) ? $label->name : null;
         } else {
             $label = $this->label->read("label_id = '" . $this->db->escape_str($label_id) . "'", 1, 1, 'name');
             $label_name = isset($label->name) ? $label->name : null;
         // Set the new where clause
         // Set lookup type
         $where_time = " AND users_to_marks.label_id = '" . $label_id . "'";
         $this->data['lookup_type'] = 'label';
         // Give Tim Tim his Active Label Array already!
         if (parent::isWebView() === true || parent::isPJAX() === true) {
             $this->data['active_label'] = array('label_id' => $label_id, 'label_name' => $label_name);
     } elseif ($lookup == 'tag') {
         // Get label ID
         $tag_id = $finish;
         $this->load->model('tags_model', 'tag');
         if (!is_numeric($tag_id)) {
             $tag = $this->tag->read("slug = '" . $this->db->escape_str($tag_id) . "'", 1, 1, '*');
             $tag_id = isset($tag->tag_id) ? $tag->tag_id : 0;
             $tag_slug = isset($tag->slug) ? $tag->slug : null;
             $tag_name = isset($tag->name) ? $tag->name : null;
         } else {
             $tag = $this->tag->read("tag_id = '" . $this->db->escape_str($tag_id) . "'", 1, 1, '*');
             $tag_slug = isset($tag->slug) ? $tag->slug : null;
             $tag_name = isset($tag->name) ? $tag->name : null;
         // Set the new where clause
         // Set lookup type
         $this->data['lookup_type'] = 'tag';
         $options['tag_id'] = $tag_id;
         // Set active tag
         if (parent::isWebView() === true || parent::isPJAX() === true) {
             $this->data['active_tag'] = array('tag_id' => $tag_id, 'tag_name' => $tag_name, 'tag_slug' => $tag_slug);
     } else {
         // Check for valid dates
         $dates = findStartFinish($lookup, $finish);
         $where_time .= " AND users_to_marks.created_on >= '" . $dates['start'] . "'";
         $where_time .= " AND users_to_marks.created_on < '" . $dates['finish'] . "'";
         $this->data['lookup_type'] = 'custom_date';
     // Figure the page number
     $page = findPage();
     // Archives
     $search_archives = isset($this->clean->archive) && !empty($this->clean->archive) && $lookup == 'search' ? true : false;
     $archive = $lookup == 'archive' || $search_archives == true ? 'IS NOT NULL' : 'IS NULL';
     // Search it up
     $search = null;
     if (isset($this->db_clean->q) && !empty($this->db_clean->q)) {
         $search = " AND users_to_marks.notes LIKE '%" . $this->db_clean->q . "%'";
         $options['search'] = $this->db_clean->q;
         $options['user_id'] = $this->user_id;
         $options['archive'] = $archive;
     // Set where
     $where = "users_to_marks.user_id='" . $this->user_id . "' AND users_to_marks.active = '1' AND users_to_marks.archived_on " . $archive . $where_time . $search;
     // Set actual sort
     // Get all the marks
     $marks = $this->user_marks->readComplete($where, $this->limit, $page, null, $options);
     // Check for marks
     // If false, return error; set total to 0
     if ($marks === false) {
         $this->data['errors'] = formatErrors(2);
         $this->data['total'] = 0;
     } else {
         // Set marks
         $this->data['marks'] = $marks;
         // If a search, get totals here
         if (isset($options['search'])) {
             $this->data = $this->user_marks->getTotalsSearch($page, $this->limit, $this->data, $options['search'], $options['user_id'], $options['archive']);
         } else {
             $join = isset($options['tag_id']) && !empty($options['tag_id']) ? "INNER JOIN user_marks_to_tags UMTT ON users_to_marks.users_to_mark_id = UMTT.users_to_mark_id AND UMTT.tag_id = '" . $options['tag_id'] . "'" : null;
             $this->data = $this->user_marks->getTotals($where, $page, $this->limit, $this->data, $join);
     // If web view
     // Get stats, labels and tags
     // else skip this section and just return the marks
     if (parent::isWebView() === true) {
     // Figure if web, redirect, internal ajax call or API
 public function getTotal($type, $user_id, $start = null, $finish = null)
     $type = trim(strtolower($type));
     $types = array('archived' => 'archived_on', 'saved' => 'created_on', 'marks' => 'created_on');
     // If type not found, return 0
     if (!array_key_exists($type, $types)) {
         return 0;
     // Set column from type
     $column = $types[$type];
     // Figure start & finish
     if (!empty($start)) {
         $dates = findStartFinish($start, $finish);
     // Figure date range
     $when = " AND active = '1'";
     // If from is not empty, figure timestamp
     if (isset($dates['start']) && !empty($dates['start'])) {
         //$when .= " AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(" . $column . ") >= '" . $dates['start'] . "'";
         $when .= " AND " . $column . " >= '" . $dates['start'] . "'";
     // if to is not empty, figure timestamp
     if (isset($dates['finish']) && !empty($dates['finish'])) {
         //$when .= " AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(" . $column . ") <= '" . $dates['finish'] . "'";
         $when .= " AND " . $column . " < '" . $dates['finish'] . "'";
     // If when is empty, set to IS NOT NULL
     if ($type == 'marks') {
         $when .= " AND archived_on IS NULL";
     } elseif ($type == 'archived') {
         $when .= " AND archived_on IS NOT NULL";
     return $this->count("user_id='" . $user_id . "'" . $when);