Exemple #1
     $oldThumFile = get_media_firewall_path($oldThumFile);
     $newThumFile = get_media_firewall_path($newThumFile);
 $isMain = file_exists(filename_decode($oldMainFile));
 $okMain = !file_exists(filename_decode($newMainFile));
 $isThum = file_exists(filename_decode($oldThumFile));
 $okThum = !file_exists(filename_decode($newThumFile));
 if ($okMain && $okThum) {
     // make sure the directories exist before moving the files
     mkdirs(dirname($newMainFile) . "/");
     mkdirs(dirname($newThumFile) . "/");
     if ($isMain) {
         $okMain = @rename(filename_decode($oldMainFile), filename_decode($newMainFile));
     if ($isThum) {
         $okThum = @rename(filename_decode($oldThumFile), filename_decode($newThumFile));
 // Build text to tell Admin about the success or failure of the requested operation
 $GLOBALS["oldMediaName"] = $oldFilename;
 $GLOBALS["newMediaName"] = $filename;
 $GLOBALS["oldMediaFolder"] = $oldFolder;
 $GLOBALS["newMediaFolder"] = $folder;
 $GLOBALS["oldThumbFolder"] = str_replace($MEDIA_DIRECTORY, $MEDIA_DIRECTORY . "thumbs/", $oldFolder);
 $GLOBALS["newThumbFolder"] = str_replace($MEDIA_DIRECTORY, $MEDIA_DIRECTORY . "thumbs/", $folder);
 $mediaAction = 0;
 if ($filename != $oldFilename) {
     $mediaAction = 1;
 if ($folder != $oldFolder) {
     $mediaAction = $mediaAction + 2;
    echo '<p>', htmlspecialchars(filename_decode($export)), ' => ', $filename, '</p>';
    $gedout = fopen($filename . '.tmp', 'w');
    if ($gedout) {
        $start = microtime(true);
        $exportOptions = array();
        $exportOptions['privatize'] = 'none';
        $exportOptions['toANSI'] = 'no';
        $exportOptions['noCustomTags'] = 'no';
        $exportOptions['path'] = $MEDIA_DIRECTORY;
        $exportOptions['slashes'] = 'forward';
        export_gedcom($export, $gedout, $exportOptions);
        $end = microtime(true);
        rename($filename . '.tmp', $filename);
        $stat = stat($filename);
        echo sprintf('<p>%d bytes, %0.3f seconds</p>', $stat['size'], $end - $start);
    } else {
        echo '<p>Error: could not open file for writing</p>';
} else {
    echo '<h1>Export data from database to gedcom file</h1>';
    echo '<ul>';
    foreach ($gedcoms as $ged_id => $gedcom) {
        echo '<li><a href="?export=', urlencode($gedcom), '">', $gedcom, ' => ', htmlspecialchars(filename_decode(realpath(get_gedcom_setting($ged_id, 'path')))), '</a></li>';
    echo '</ul>';
echo '<p><a href="javascript: ', $pgv_lang['close_window'], '" onclick="window.close();">', $pgv_lang['close_window'], '</a></p>';
            export_gedcom($GEDCOM, $gedout, $exportOptions);
        case 'gramps':
            export_gramps($GEDCOM, $gedout, $exportOptions);
    $comment = "Created by " . PGV_PHPGEDVIEW . " " . PGV_VERSION_TEXT . " on " . date("r") . ".";
    $archive = new PclZip(filename_decode($zipfile));
    $v_list = $archive->create(filename_decode($gedname), PCLZIP_OPT_COMMENT, $comment, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, filename_decode($temppath));
    if ($v_list == 0) {
        print "Error : " . $archive->errorInfo(true);
    } else {
        if ($removeTempDir) {
        header("Location: " . encode_url("downloadbackup.php?fname={$zipname}", false));
if ($action == "download") {
    header("Content-Type: text/plain; charset={$CHARACTER_SET}");
    // We could open "php://compress.zlib" to create a .gz file or "php://compress.bzip2" to create a .bz2 file
    $gedout = fopen('php://output', 'w');
    switch ($filetype) {
        case 'gedcom':
            header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $ged . '"');
            export_gedcom($GEDCOM, $gedout, $exportOptions);
Exemple #4
 if ($isvalid) {
     if ($media["EXISTS"] && media_filesize($media["FILE"]) != 0) {
         $imgsize = findImageSize($media["FILE"]);
         $imgwidth = $imgsize[0] + 40;
         $imgheight = $imgsize[1] + 150;
     } else {
         $imgwidth = 0;
         $imgheight = 0;
     echo "<tr>";
     //-- thumbnail field
     if ($showthumb) {
         echo "<td class=\"list_value {$TEXT_DIRECTION} width10\">";
         if (isset($media["THUMB"])) {
             echo "<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"return openImage('", rawurlencode($media["FILE"]), "', {$imgwidth}, {$imgheight});\"><img src=\"", filename_decode($media["THUMB"]), "\" border=\"0\" width=\"50\" alt=\"\" /></a>";
         } else {
             echo "&nbsp;";
     //-- name and size field
     echo "<td class=\"list_value {$TEXT_DIRECTION}\">";
     if ($media["TITL"] != "") {
         echo "<b>", PrintReady($media["TITL"]), "</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
         if ($TEXT_DIRECTION == "rtl") {
             echo getRLM();
         echo "(", $media["XREF"], ")";
         if ($TEXT_DIRECTION == "rtl") {
             echo getRLM();
  * generate the backup zip file
 function backup()
     $this->flist = array();
     // Backup user information
     if (isset($_POST["um_usinfo"])) {
         // If in pure DB mode, we must first create new .dat files and authenticate.php
         // First delete the old files
         if (file_exists($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "authenticate.php")) {
             unlink($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "authenticate.php");
         if (file_exists($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "news.dat")) {
             unlink($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "news.dat");
         if (file_exists($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "messages.dat")) {
             unlink($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "messages.dat");
         if (file_exists($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "blocks.dat")) {
             unlink($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "blocks.dat");
         if (file_exists($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "favorites.dat")) {
             unlink($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "favorites.dat");
         // Then make the new ones
         // Make filelist for files to ZIP
         if (file_exists($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "authenticate.php")) {
             $this->flist[] = $INDEX_DIRECTORY . "authenticate.php";
         if (file_exists($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "news.dat")) {
             $this->flist[] = $INDEX_DIRECTORY . "news.dat";
         if (file_exists($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "messages.dat")) {
             $this->flist[] = $INDEX_DIRECTORY . "messages.dat";
         if (file_exists($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "blocks.dat")) {
             $this->flist[] = $INDEX_DIRECTORY . "blocks.dat";
         if (file_exists($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "favorites.dat")) {
             $this->flist[] = $INDEX_DIRECTORY . "favorites.dat";
     // Backup config.php
     if (isset($_POST["um_config"])) {
         $this->flist[] = "config.php";
     // Backup gedcoms and media
     if (isset($_POST["um_gedcoms"]) || isset($_POST["um_media"])) {
         $exportOptions = array();
         $exportOptions['privatize'] = 'none';
         $exportOptions['toANSI'] = 'no';
         $exportOptions['noCustomTags'] = 'no';
         $exportOptions['slashes'] = 'forward';
         foreach ($GEDCOMS as $key => $gedcom) {
             //-- load the gedcom configuration settings
             require get_config_file($key);
             if (isset($_POST["um_gedcoms"])) {
                 //-- backup the original gedcom file
                 if (file_exists($gedcom["path"])) {
                     $this->flist[] = $gedcom["path"];
                 //-- recreate the GEDCOM file from the DB
                 //-- backup the DB in case of GEDCOM corruption
                 $gedname = $INDEX_DIRECTORY . $key . ".bak";
                 $gedout = fopen(filename_decode($gedname), "wb");
                 $exportOptions['path'] = $MEDIA_DIRECTORY;
                 export_gedcom($key, $gedout, $exportOptions);
                 $this->flist[] = $gedname;
             if (isset($_POST["um_media"])) {
                 // backup media files
                 $dir = dir($MEDIA_DIRECTORY);
                 while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) {
                     if ($entry[0] != ".") {
                         if ($entry != "thumbs") {
                             $this->flist[] = $MEDIA_DIRECTORY . $entry;
                 if ($USE_MEDIA_FIREWALL) {
                     $dir = dir($MEDIA_FIREWALL_ROOTDIR . $MEDIA_DIRECTORY);
                     while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) {
                         if ($entry[0] != ".") {
                             if ($entry != "thumbs" && $entry != "watermark") {
                                 $this->flist[] = $MEDIA_FIREWALL_ROOTDIR . $MEDIA_DIRECTORY . $entry;
         //-- restore the old configuration file
         require get_config_file($GEDCOM);
         $this->flist[] = $INDEX_DIRECTORY . "pgv_changes.php";
     // Backup gedcom settings
     if (isset($_POST["um_gedsets"])) {
         // Gedcoms file
         if (file_exists($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "gedcoms.php")) {
             $this->flist[] = $INDEX_DIRECTORY . "gedcoms.php";
         foreach ($GEDCOMS as $key => $gedcom) {
             // Config files
             if (file_exists($INDEX_DIRECTORY . $gedcom["gedcom"] . "_conf.php")) {
                 $this->flist[] = $INDEX_DIRECTORY . $gedcom["gedcom"] . "_conf.php";
             // Privacy files
             if (file_exists($INDEX_DIRECTORY . $gedcom["gedcom"] . "_priv.php")) {
                 $this->flist[] = $INDEX_DIRECTORY . $gedcom["gedcom"] . "_priv.php";
     // Backup logfiles and counters
     if (isset($_POST["um_logs"])) {
         foreach ($GEDCOMS as $key => $gedcom) {
             // Gedcom counters
             if (file_exists($INDEX_DIRECTORY . $gedcom["gedcom"] . "pgv_counters.php")) {
                 $this->flist[] = $INDEX_DIRECTORY . $gedcom["gedcom"] . "pgv_counters.php";
             // Gedcom searchlogs and changelogs
             $dir_var = opendir($INDEX_DIRECTORY);
             while ($file = readdir($dir_var)) {
                 if (strpos($file, ".log") > 0 && (strstr($file, "srch-" . $gedcom["gedcom"]) !== false || strstr($file, "ged-" . $gedcom["gedcom"]) !== false)) {
                     $this->flist[] = $INDEX_DIRECTORY . $file;
         // PhpGedView logfiles
         $dir_var = opendir($INDEX_DIRECTORY);
         while ($file = readdir($dir_var)) {
             if (strpos($file, ".log") > 0 && strstr($file, "pgv-") !== false) {
                 $this->flist[] = $INDEX_DIRECTORY . $file;
     // Make the zip
     if (count($this->flist) > 0) {
         require_once "includes/pclzip.lib.php";
         $this->buname = date("YmdHis") . ".zip";
         $this->fname = $INDEX_DIRECTORY . $this->buname;
         $comment = "Created by " . PGV_PHPGEDVIEW . " " . PGV_VERSION_TEXT . " on " . date("r") . ".";
         $archive = new PclZip($this->fname);
         //-- remove ../ from file paths when creating zip
         $ct = preg_match("~((\\.\\./)+)~", $INDEX_DIRECTORY, $match);
         $rmpath = "";
         if ($ct > 0) {
             $rmpath = $match[1];
         $this->v_list = $archive->create($this->flist, PCLZIP_OPT_COMMENT, $comment, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $rmpath);
         if ($this->v_list == 0) {
             $this->errorMsg = "Error : " . $archive->errorInfo(true);
         if (isset($_POST["um_usinfo"])) {
             // Remove temporary files again
             if (file_exists($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "authenticate.php")) {
                 unlink($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "authenticate.php");
             if (file_exists($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "news.dat")) {
                 unlink($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "news.dat");
             if (file_exists($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "messages.dat")) {
                 unlink($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "messages.dat");
             if (file_exists($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "blocks.dat")) {
                 unlink($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "blocks.dat");
             if (file_exists($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "favorites.dat")) {
                 unlink($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "favorites.dat");
 static function includeFile($params = null)
     if (!isset($_GET['ctype']) || $_GET['ctype'] != 'gedcom') {
         return '';
     if ($params === null) {
         $params = array();
     if (isset($params[0]) && $params[0] != '') {
         $fn = $params[0];
     } else {
         return '';
     if (!file_exists($fn) || stristr($fn, 'config.php')) {
         return '';
     include filename_decode(real_path($fn));
     return trim(ob_get_clean());