public function index()
     $path = TMPL_PATH . 'Home/pigcms';
     foreach (glob($path . '/*') as $k => $item) {
         if (is_file($item)) {
             if (strstr($item, 'about')) {
                 $list[$k]['name'] = '关于我们';
                 $list[$k]['m_name'] = $item;
                 $list[$k]['m_time'] = filemtime($item);
                 $list[$k]['c_time'] = filectime($item);
                 $list[$k]['a_time'] = fileatime($item);
             } elseif (strstr($item, 'fc')) {
                 $list[$k]['name'] = '功能介绍';
                 $list[$k]['m_name'] = $item;
                 $list[$k]['m_time'] = filemtime($item);
                 $list[$k]['c_time'] = filectime($item);
                 $list[$k]['a_time'] = fileatime($item);
             } elseif (strstr($item, 'price')) {
                 $list[$k]['name'] = '资费';
                 $list[$k]['m_name'] = $item;
                 $list[$k]['m_time'] = filemtime($item);
                 $list[$k]['c_time'] = filectime($item);
                 $list[$k]['a_time'] = fileatime($item);
             } elseif (strstr($item, 'help')) {
                 $list[$k]['name'] = '帮助';
                 $list[$k]['m_name'] = $item;
                 $list[$k]['m_time'] = filemtime($item);
                 $list[$k]['c_time'] = filectime($item);
                 $list[$k]['a_time'] = fileatime($item);
     $this->assign('list', $list);
 public static function sweep()
     $watch_path = LookoutController::watchPath();
     $inactive_users = array();
     $orig_dir = getcwd();
     $worked = false;
     $watch_files = glob('*.sess');
     foreach ($watch_files as $file) {
         $file_access_time = fileatime($file);
         $current_time = time();
         $inactive = $current_time - $file_access_time > MAX_INACTIVE_TIME;
         if ($inactive) {
             $userid = explode('.', $file);
             array_push($inactive_users, $userid[0]);
         $worked = true;
     if (sizeof($inactive_users) > 0) {
         $worked = true;
     return $worked;
 public function execute()
     global $CFG, $DB;
     $deleted_files_num = 0;
     $deleted_filesize_num = 0;
     $undeleted_filesize_num = 0;
     $directory = $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache';
     $now = strtotime('now');
     $handle = opendir($directory);
     while (FALSE !== ($item = readdir($handle))) {
         $path = $directory . '/' . $item;
         if ($item != '.' || $item != '..') {
             if ($now >= fileatime($path) + 21600 || $now >= filectime($path) + 21600 || $now >= filemtime($path) + 21600) {
                 $deleted_filesize_num += filesize($path);
             } else {
                 $undeleted_filesize_num += filesize($path);
     echo "... Deleted files: " . $deleted_files_num . " \r\n";
     echo "... Free Space: " . number_format($deleted_filesize_num / 1048576, 2, '.', '') . " MB \r\n";
     echo "... Busy Space: " . number_format($undeleted_filesize_num / 1048576, 2, '.', '') . " MB \r\n";
 public function getContent()
     $url = $this->getConfigVar('feed_url');
     if ($url == '') {
         return 'Enter a RSS Feed in this Widget configuration.';
     // Cache File path
     $cacheFile = PATH_site . 'typo3temp/mydashboard' . substr(md5($url . $this->getConfigVar('feed_title')), 0, 15) . '.cache';
     // Update rules
     $updateRSS = isset($_POST['ajax']) && isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'refresh';
     // Load a Cache File
     if (file_exists($cacheFile) && !$updateRSS) {
         $fileinfo = fileatime($cacheFile);
         if ($fileinfo > time() - (int) $this->getConfigVar('cache_time_h')) {
             $data = $this->loadRSSData($cacheFile);
             return $this->renderRSSArray($data);
         # if
     # if
     // Load the rss2array class and fetch the RSS Feed
     require_once \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath('mydashboard', 'widgets/helper/rss2array.php');
     $rss_array = rss2array($url);
     // Safe the Feed in a Cache File
     $this->safeRSSData($cacheFile, $rss_array);
     return $this->renderRSSArray($rss_array);
Exemple #5
	public function index($id=null)
		if ($id==null)
			$maxtime=(isset($_GET['refresh'])) ? -300 : 300;
			if ((file_exists($data)) && (fileatime($data)>(time()-$maxtime)))
			return array(
				'slice' => null,
				'slices' => $slices
		$slice=new SliceResource($this->slicehost,$id);		

		return array(
			'slice' => $slice,
			'slices' => null,
			'images' => $this->slicehost->images,
			'backups' => $this->slicehost->backups,
			'flavors' => $this->slicehost->flavors
 public function testComprobarArchivos()
     $CarpetaRespaldos = POS_PATH_TO_SERVER_ROOT . "/../static_content/db_backups/";
     $nArchivos = 0;
     $directorio = dir($CarpetaRespaldos);
     $d1 = date("d", time());
     //Dia Actual
     $d2 = null;
     $m1 = date("m", time());
     //Mes actual
     $m2 = null;
     $a1 = date("y", time());
     //Año actual
     $a2 = null;
     while ($archivo = $directorio->read()) {
         //Cada nombre de archivo debe medir 30 caracteres
         if (strlen($archivo) > 2) {
             $d2 = date("d", fileatime($CarpetaRespaldos . $archivo));
             $m2 = date("m", fileatime($CarpetaRespaldos . $archivo));
             $a2 = date("y", fileatime($CarpetaRespaldos . $archivo));
             if (substr($archivo, 10, 14) == "_pos_instance_" && substr($archivo, strlen($archivo) - 4, 4) == ".sql") {
             if ($d1 > $d2 + 7 || $m1 > $m2 || $a1 > $a2 && (substr($archivo, 10, 14) == "_pos_instance_" && substr($archivo, strlen($archivo) - 3, 3) == "sql")) {
                 //Comprueba que se borró correctamente el archivo viejo
                 $this->assertTrue(unlink($CarpetaRespaldos . $archivo));
Exemple #7
 public function build($file, $mode = false)
     $files = $this->getBuilderArr($this->getBuilderJsonArr(), $file);
     if (count($files) == 0) {
         throw NGS()->getDebugException("Please add less files in builder");
     $options = array();
     if ($mode) {
         $options["compress"] = true;
     $this->lessParser = new \Less_Parser($options);
     $this->lessParser->parse('@NGS_PATH: "' . NGS()->getHttpUtils()->getHttpHost(true) . '";');
     $this->lessParser->parse('@NGS_MODULE_PATH: "' . NGS()->getPublicHostByNS() . '";');
     if ($mode) {
         $outFileName = $files["output_file"];
         if ($this->getOutputFileName() != null) {
             $outFileName = $this->getOutputFileName();
         $outFile = $this->getOutputDir() . "/" . $outFileName;
         touch($outFile, fileatime($this->getBuilderFile()));
         file_put_contents($outFile, $this->lessParser->getCss());
         return true;
     header('Content-type: ' . $this->getContentType());
     echo $this->lessParser->getCss();
Exemple #8
 public function listFile($pathname, $pattern = "*")
     static $_listDirs = array();
     $guid = md5($pathname . $pattern);
     if (!isset($_listDirs[$guid])) {
         $dir = array();
         $list = glob($pathname . $pattern);
         foreach ($list as $i => $file) {
             $dir[$i]["filename"] = preg_replace("/^.+[\\\\\\/]/", "", $file);
             $dir[$i]["pathname"] = realpath($file);
             $dir[$i]["owner"] = fileowner($file);
             $dir[$i]["perms"] = fileperms($file);
             $dir[$i]["inode"] = fileinode($file);
             $dir[$i]["group"] = filegroup($file);
             $dir[$i]["path"] = dirname($file);
             $dir[$i]["atime"] = fileatime($file);
             $dir[$i]["ctime"] = filectime($file);
             $dir[$i]["size"] = filesize($file);
             $dir[$i]["type"] = filetype($file);
             $dir[$i]["ext"] = is_file($file) ? strtolower(substr(strrchr(basename($file), "."), 1)) : "";
             $dir[$i]["mtime"] = filemtime($file);
             $dir[$i]["isDir"] = is_dir($file);
             $dir[$i]["isFile"] = is_file($file);
             $dir[$i]["isLink"] = is_link($file);
             $dir[$i]["isReadable"] = is_readable($file);
             $dir[$i]["isWritable"] = is_writable($file);
         $cmp_func = create_function("\$a,\$b", "\r\n\t\t\t\$k  =  \"isDir\";\r\n\t\t\tif(\$a[\$k]  ==  \$b[\$k])  return  0;\r\n\t\t\treturn  \$a[\$k]>\$b[\$k]?-1:1;\r\n\t\t\t");
         usort($dir, $cmp_func);
         $this->_values = $dir;
         $_listDirs[$guid] = $dir;
     } else {
         $this->_values = $_listDirs[$guid];
  * Gets last access time.
  * @return DateTime
 public function getLastAccessedAt()
     $timestamp = fileatime($this->pathname);
     $time = new DateTime();
     return $time;
 protected function doBuild($file)
     $files = $this->getBuilderArr(json_decode(file_get_contents($this->getBuilderFile())), $file);
     if (!$files) {
     $outDir = $this->getOutputDir();
     $buf = "";
     foreach ($files["files"] as $value) {
         $module = "";
         if ($value["module"] == null) {
             $module = "ngs";
         $inputFile = realpath(NGS()->getCssDir($module) . "/" . trim($value["file"]));
         if (!$inputFile) {
             throw new DebugException($filePath . " not found");
         $buf .= file_get_contents($inputFile) . "\n\r";
     if ($files["compress"] == true) {
         $buf = $this->doCompress($buf);
     touch($outDir . "/" . $files["output_file"], fileatime($this->getBuilderFile()));
     file_put_contents($outDir . "/" . $files["output_file"], $buf);
	 * Clear cache post processor
	 * This method deletes all temporary files that are older than one month and
	 * if the deletion of the whole cache is requested.
	 * @param object $params parameter array
	 * @return void
	public function clearCachePostProc(&$params) {
		if ($params['cacheCmd'] !== 'all') {

		$now = time();
		foreach ($this->tempDirectories as $tempDirectory => $maxAge) {
			if (!is_dir($tempDirectory)) {

			$handle = opendir($tempDirectory);
			while (FALSE !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {

				if ($file === '.' || $file === '..') {

				if (is_file($tempDirectory . $file)) {
					// get last modification time
					$lastAccess = fileatime($tempDirectory . $file);
					$age = $now - $lastAccess;

					if ($age >= $maxAge) {
						unlink($tempDirectory . $file);
Exemple #12
function cleanup_location($temp_disk)
    global $id;
    $list = scandir($temp_disk);
    if ($list === false) {
        return false;
    $wait_seconds = 60;
    // After a minute of not being accessed or modified,
    // we assume that the file is an orphan.
    foreach ($list as $entry) {
        $path = "{$temp_disk}/{$entry}";
        if (is_file($path)) {
            $access_interval = time() - fileatime($path);
            $modify_interval = time() - filemtime($path);
            if ($access_interval > $wait_seconds && $modify_interval > $wait_seconds) {
                syslog(LOG_WARNING, "get_archive.php?id={$id}: found what appears to be orphan file {$path}: has not been (accessed,modified) for ({$access_interval},{$modify_interval}) seconds.  Deleting it.");
                if (unlink($path)) {
                    syslog(LOG_ERR, "get_archive.php?id={$id}: error unlinking {$path}");
    return true;
 public function cacheData($key, $value = '', $cacheTime = 0)
     $filename = $this->_dir . $key . self::EXT;
     if ($value !== '') {
         if (is_null($value)) {
             return @unlink($filename);
         $dir = dirname($filename);
         if (!is_dir($dir)) {
             mkdir($dir, 0777);
         $cacheTime = sprintf('%011d', $cacheTime);
         return file_put_contents($filename, $cacheTime . json_encode($value));
     if (!is_file($filename)) {
         return FALSE;
     $contents = file_get_contents($filename, true);
     $cacheTime = (int) substr($contents, 0, 11);
     $value = substr($contents, 11);
     if ($cacheTime != 0 && $cacheTime + fileatime($filename) < time()) {
         return FALSE;
     return json_decode($value, true);
function find_old_files($dirname, $before_date)
    $dir = new DirectoryIterator($dirname);
    foreach ($dir as $file) {
        if ($file->isDot()) {
        if ($file->getFilename() == 'kfm') {
        $fname = $dirname . '/' . $file->getFilename();
        if (is_dir($fname)) {
            find_old_files($fname, $before_date);
        } else {
            $delete = fileatime($fname) < $before_date;
            if (!$delete) {
            $GLOBALS['saved'] += filesize($fname);
            echo date('Y-m-d', fileatime($fname)) . ' ' . $fname . '<br />';
Exemple #15
 public function getLastAccessTime()
     if (!$this->isExists()) {
         throw new FileNotFoundException($this->originalPath);
     return fileatime($this->getPhysicalPath());
function get_recent_audiomark()
    // get the most recent filename
    $files_in_directory = scandir(AUDIO_FOLDER);
    $recent_file_name = '';
    $recent_file_access_time = 0;
    foreach ($files_in_directory as $file) {
        if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') {
        $file_time = fileatime(AUDIO_FOLDER . $file);
        if ($file_time > $recent_file_access_time) {
            $recent_file_access_time = $file_time;
            $recent_file_name = $file;
    // get file as binary string
    $filename = AUDIO_FOLDER . $file;
    try {
        $handle = fopen($filename, "rb");
        $filecontent = fread($handle, filesize($filename));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo 'Problem: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
    $filecontent = addslashes($filecontent);
    return $filecontent;
Exemple #17
 public function listFile($pathname, $pattern = '*')
     static $_listDirs = array();
     $guid = md5($pathname . $pattern);
     if (!isset($_listDirs[$guid])) {
         $dir = array();
         $list = glob($pathname . $pattern);
         foreach ($list as $i => $file) {
             $dir[$i]['filename'] = basename($file);
             $dir[$i]['pathname'] = realpath($file);
             $dir[$i]['owner'] = fileowner($file);
             $dir[$i]['perms'] = fileperms($file);
             $dir[$i]['inode'] = fileinode($file);
             $dir[$i]['group'] = filegroup($file);
             $dir[$i]['path'] = dirname($file);
             $dir[$i]['atime'] = fileatime($file);
             $dir[$i]['ctime'] = filectime($file);
             $dir[$i]['size'] = filesize($file);
             $dir[$i]['type'] = filetype($file);
             $dir[$i]['ext'] = is_file($file) ? strtolower(substr(strrchr(basename($file), '.'), 1)) : '';
             $dir[$i]['mtime'] = filemtime($file);
             $dir[$i]['isDir'] = is_dir($file);
             $dir[$i]['isFile'] = is_file($file);
             $dir[$i]['isLink'] = is_link($file);
             $dir[$i]['isReadable'] = is_readable($file);
             $dir[$i]['isWritable'] = is_writable($file);
         $cmp_func = create_function('$a,$b', '' . "\r\n" . '			$k  =  "isDir";' . "\r\n" . '			if($a[$k]  ==  $b[$k])  return  0;' . "\r\n" . '			return  $a[$k]>$b[$k]?-1:1;' . "\r\n" . '			');
         usort($dir, $cmp_func);
         $this->_values = $dir;
         $_listDirs[$guid] = $dir;
     } else {
         $this->_values = $_listDirs[$guid];
  * collect all fileinformations of given file and
  * save them to the global fileinformation array
  * @param string $file
  * @return boolean is valid file?
 protected function setFileInformations($file)
     $this->fileInfo = array();
     // reset previously information to have a cleaned object
     $this->file = $file instanceof \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\File ? $file : NULL;
     if (is_string($file) && !empty($file)) {
         $this->fileInfo = TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::split_fileref($file);
         $this->fileInfo['mtime'] = filemtime($file);
         $this->fileInfo['atime'] = fileatime($file);
         $this->fileInfo['owner'] = fileowner($file);
         $this->fileInfo['group'] = filegroup($file);
         $this->fileInfo['size'] = filesize($file);
         $this->fileInfo['type'] = filetype($file);
         $this->fileInfo['perms'] = fileperms($file);
         $this->fileInfo['is_dir'] = is_dir($file);
         $this->fileInfo['is_file'] = is_file($file);
         $this->fileInfo['is_link'] = is_link($file);
         $this->fileInfo['is_readable'] = is_readable($file);
         $this->fileInfo['is_uploaded'] = is_uploaded_file($file);
         $this->fileInfo['is_writeable'] = is_writeable($file);
     if ($file instanceof \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\File) {
         $pathInfo = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\PathUtility::pathinfo($file->getName());
         $this->fileInfo = array('file' => $file->getName(), 'filebody' => $file->getNameWithoutExtension(), 'fileext' => $file->getExtension(), 'realFileext' => $pathInfo['extension'], 'atime' => $file->getCreationTime(), 'mtime' => $file->getModificationTime(), 'owner' => '', 'group' => '', 'size' => $file->getSize(), 'type' => 'file', 'perms' => '', 'is_dir' => FALSE, 'is_file' => $file->getStorage()->getDriverType() === 'Local' ? is_file($file->getForLocalProcessing(FALSE)) : TRUE, 'is_link' => $file->getStorage()->getDriverType() === 'Local' ? is_link($file->getForLocalProcessing(FALSE)) : FALSE, 'is_readable' => TRUE, 'is_uploaded' => FALSE, 'is_writeable' => FALSE);
     return $this->fileInfo !== array();
Exemple #19
function rmdirr($dirname, $oc = 0)
    // Sanity check
    if (!file_exists($dirname)) {
        return false;
    // Simple delete for a file
    if (is_file($dirname) && time() - fileatime($dirname) > 3600) {
        return unlink($dirname);
    // Loop through the folder
    if (is_dir($dirname)) {
        $dir = dir($dirname);
        while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) {
            // Skip pointers
            if ($entry === '.' || $entry === '..') {
            // Recurse
            rmdirr($dirname . '/' . $entry, $oc);
    // Clean up
    if ($oc == 1) {
        return rmdir($dirname);
Exemple #20
  * 遍历目录内容
  * @param string $dirName 目录名
  * @param string $exts 读取的文件扩展名
  * @param int $son 是否显示子目录
  * @param array $list
  * @return array
 public static function tree($dirName = null, $exts = '', $son = 0, $list = array())
     if (is_null($dirName)) {
         $dirName = '.';
     $dirPath = self::dirPath($dirName);
     static $id = 0;
     if (is_array($exts)) {
         $exts = implode("|", $exts);
     foreach (glob($dirPath . '*') as $v) {
         if (is_dir($v) || !$exts || preg_match("/\\.({$exts})/i", $v)) {
             $list[$id]['name'] = basename($v);
             $list[$id]['path'] = str_replace("\\", "/", realpath($v));
             $list[$id]['type'] = filetype($v);
             $list[$id]['filemtime'] = filemtime($v);
             $list[$id]['fileatime'] = fileatime($v);
             $list[$id]['size'] = is_file($v) ? filesize($v) : self::get_dir_size($v);
             $list[$id]['iswrite'] = is_writeable($v) ? 1 : 0;
             $list[$id]['isread'] = is_readable($v) ? 1 : 0;
         if ($son) {
             if (is_dir($v)) {
                 $list = self::tree($v, $exts, $son = 1, $list);
     return $list;
 * 获取文件夹细信息
function folder_info($path, $date_formate = false)
    if (!$date_formate) {
        $date_formate = $GLOBALS['L']['time_type'];
    $info = array('name' => iconv_app(get_path_this($path)), 'path' => iconv_app(get_path_father($path)), 'type' => 'folder', 'mode' => get_mode($path), 'atime' => date($date_formate, fileatime($path)), 'ctime' => date($date_formate, filectime($path)), 'mtime' => date($date_formate, filemtime($path)), 'is_readable' => intval(is_readable($path)), 'is_writeable' => intval(is_writeable($path)));
    return $info;
Exemple #22
 function testGetFileTime()
     $p = PMVC\plug($this->_plug);
     $f = $p->file(__FILE__);
     $atime = fileatime($f->realPath());
     $time = date('Y/m/d H:i:s', $atime);
     $this->assertEquals($time, (string) $f->getTime()->atime());
Exemple #23
	function get_info_file($url_file) {
		$tab_infos['name'] 		= basename($url_file);
		$tab_infos['size'] 		= filesize($url_file);
		$tab_infos['ctime'] 	= date("Y-m-d H:i:s", filectime($url_file));
		$tab_infos['mtime'] 	= date("Y-m-d H:i:s", filemtime($url_file));
		$tab_infos['atime'] 	= date("Y-m-d H:i:s", fileatime($url_file));
		return $tab_infos;
Exemple #24
 function vio_atime($fname)
     if (time() - fileatime($fname) - $this->_timelimit > 0) {
         return $this->_timelimit;
     return false;
Exemple #25
  * Cleanup old sessions
  * @link
  * @param int $maxlifetime <p>
  * Sessions that have not updated for
  * the last maxlifetime seconds will be removed.
  * </p>
  * @return bool <p>
  * The return value (usually TRUE on success, FALSE on failure).
  * Note this value is returned internally to PHP for processing.
  * </p>
  * @since 5.4.0
 public function gc($maxlifetime)
     $files = glob(Configuration::getInstance()->get("Session/FileHandler/directory") . '/*');
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if (file_exists($file) and time() - fileatime($file) <= $maxlifetime) {
     return true;
Exemple #26
  * @inheritdoc
  * @param mixed $default The value returned if the key does not exists. Defaults to `null`.
 public function retrieve($key, $default = null)
     $pathname = $this->format_pathname($key);
     $ttl_mark = $this->format_pathname_with_ttl($pathname);
     if (file_exists($ttl_mark) && fileatime($ttl_mark) < time() || !file_exists($pathname)) {
         return $default;
     return $this->unserialize(file_get_contents($pathname));
Exemple #27
 public function GC()
     $files = IO::AllFile($this->path);
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         Log::Debug("{$file} =" . date('[Y-m-d H:i:s]', fileatime($file)));
         if (time() - fileatime($file) > 1440) {
 protected function _loadMetaData()
     $this->_format = strtolower(pathinfo($this->_filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
     $this->_size = filesize($this->_filename);
     $this->_modificationTime = filemtime($this->_filename);
     $this->_accessTime = fileatime($this->_filename);
     $this->_isExecutable = is_executable($this->_filename);
     $this->_isReadable = is_readable($this->_filename);
     $this->_isWritable = is_writable($this->_filename);
Exemple #29
  * Cleans form states older than two hours
 public static function CleanStaleFormStates()
     $arrFileList = self::ListDirectory(__FILE_FORM_STATE_HANDLER_PATH__, '/qformstate_.*/');
     if (is_array($arrFileList)) {
         foreach ($arrFileList as $strFile) {
             if (fileatime($strFile) < time() - 7200) {
Exemple #30
 public function testTimestamp()
     $data = 'FooFooBarBar';
     $id = hash('sha1', $data);
     $file = Config::get('page') . '/object/' . $id;
     $time = fileatime($file);
     $object = new Object($data, 'data');
     $this->assertEquals($time, fileatime($file));