if (empty($_FILES['newfile'])) {
     // file was just uploaded
 if (!is_uploaded_file($_FILES['newfile']['tmp_name']) or $_FILES['newfile']['size'] == 0) {
 } else {
     // Valid file is found
     if (readdata($course->id, 'game', $dirtemp, $r_levels, $r_titles, $r_texts, $dirfordelete)) {
         // first try to reall all of the data in
         $subchapter = $_POST['subchapter'] != 0;
         $overwrite = (int) $_POST['overwrite'] != 0;
         if ($overwrite) {
             game_bookquiz_deletebook($course->id, $bookid);
         $pageobjects = extract_data($course->id, 'book', $bookid, $dirtemp, $subchapter, $r_levels, $r_titles, $r_texts);
         // parse all the html files into objects
         // all done with files so dump em
         $objects = game_bookquiz_create_objects($pageobjects, $bookid);
         // function to preps the data to be sent to DB
         if (!game_bookquiz_save_objects($objects)) {
             // sends it to DB
             error("could not save");
     } else {
         error('could not get data');
Exemple #2
$strimportppt = get_string("importppt", "lesson");
$strlessons = get_string("modulenameplural", "lesson");
print_header_simple("{$strimportppt}", " {$strimportppt}", "<a href=\"index.php?id={$course->id}\">{$strlessons}</a> -> <a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/{$modname}/view.php?id={$cm->id}\">" . format_string($mod->name, true) . "</a>-> {$strimportppt}");
if ($form = data_submitted()) {
    /// Filename
    if (empty($_FILES['newfile'])) {
        // file was just uploaded
    if (!is_uploaded_file($_FILES['newfile']['tmp_name']) or $_FILES['newfile']['size'] == 0) {
    } else {
        // Valid file is found
        if ($rawpages = readdata($_FILES, $course->id, $modname)) {
            // first try to reall all of the data in
            $pageobjects = extract_data($rawpages, $course->id, $mod->name, $modname);
            // parse all the html files into objects
            // all done with files so dump em
            $mod_create_objects = $modname . '_create_objects';
            $mod_save_objects = $modname . '_save_objects';
            $objects = $mod_create_objects($pageobjects, $mod->id);
            // function to preps the data to be sent to DB
            if (!$mod_save_objects($objects, $mod->id, $pageid)) {
                // sends it to DB
                error("could not save");
        } else {
            error('could not get data');
        echo "<hr>";
function parse_detail($AppNo)
    global $applications;
    $url = 'http://www.planning.wealden.gov.uk/aspxpages/ResultsDetail.aspx?appref=' . $AppNo . '&Category=DC';
    list($junk, $data) = explode('<span id="lblSearchDetails">', fetch_page($url), 2);
    list($data, $junk) = explode('<div class="linkborder">', $data, 2);
    $data = explode('</li>', $data);
    $applications[$AppNo]['AppType'] = extract_data($data[1]);
    $applications[$AppNo]['DateRec'] = extract_data($data[2]);
    $applications[$AppNo]['DateExp'] = extract_data($data[3]);
    $applications[$AppNo]['Parish'] = extract_data($data[6]);
    $applications[$AppNo]['GridRef'] = extract_data($data[7]);
    $applications[$AppNo]['UPRN'] = extract_data($data[8]);
    list($status, $junk) = explode(' - ', extract_data($data[9]));
    $applications[$AppNo]['Status'] = trim($status);
    $applications[$AppNo]['DateConExp'] = extract_data($data[10]);
    $applications[$AppNo]['DateComDel'] = extract_data($data[11]);
    $applications[$AppNo]['Decision'] = extract_data($data[12]);
    $applications[$AppNo]['DateDec'] = extract_data($data[13]);
    $applications[$AppNo]['CaseOfficer'] = extract_data($data[14]);
        $item = trim($item);
        if ($item == '') {
            exit("Empty string");
        if ($item[1] == ' ' && 1 == preg_match('/[A-Za-z]/', $item[0])) {
            $item = trim(substr($item, 1));
    // sanitizes time
    foreach ($matches[2] as &$item) {
        $item = trim($item);
    return $matches;
$perimeter_data = extract_data($perimeter_data);
$central_data = extract_data($perimeter_data);
$times_raw = $perimeter_data[2];
$times_array = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($times_raw as $times) {
    $times_array[$i++] = explode('M', $times);
foreach ($times_array as &$times) {
    foreach ($times as &$time) {
        $time = trim($time) . 'M';
        if (strlen($time) < 5) {
            $time = 'INVALID';
$output = "";
Exemple #5
//ini_set( "display_errors", 0);
$connection = connect_to_database('', 'root', '');
//Read all search results
//Hardcoded page size!
for ($i = 0; $i < 27; $i++) {
    extract_data('http://meklesanas-rezultats.zl.lv/?p=' . $i . '&QProdukts=%22Viesn%C4%ABcas%22');
function extract_data($page)
    $html = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
    //Turn off validation for html
    $html->validateOnParse = false;
    //Load html data , skip error handling
    $html->loadHTML('<?xml encoding="UTF-8">' . file_get_contents($page));
    $html->preserveWhiteSpace = true;
    //Get list element
    $list = $html->getElementById("List");
    //return if result is empty
    if ($list == NULL) {
    //Dig deeper, to get all list <li> elements
    $list = $list->childNodes;
    //Process each li element
    for ($i = 0, $il = $list->length; $i < $il; $i++) {
        $result = array('title' => '', 'adress' => '', 'telephone' => '', 'map' => '', 'mail' => '', 'web' => '');
        //Check if this is really a <li> element
        if ($list->item($i)->localName == 'li') {
Exemple #6
function extrato_financeiro($inicio, $termino)
    // termino é maior que inicio ou data é inválida, retorna false representando erro:
    if ($ts_termino < $ts_inicio or !\DateTime::createFromFormat("Ymd", $termino) or !\DateTime::createFromFormat("Ymd", $inicio)) {
        return false;
    // chama página e pega o html:
    $form = array("comboPeriod" => "120", "finalDate" => \DateTime::createFromFormat("Ymd", $termino)->format("d/m/Y"), "finalDateHid" => \DateTime::createFromFormat("Ymd", $termino)->format("d/m/Y"), "initialDate" => \DateTime::createFromFormat("Ymd", $inicio)->format("d/m/Y"), "sendfilter" => "Filtrar");
    $html = http_read("https://pagseguro.uol.com.br/statement/period.jhtml", http_build_query($form));
    // verificamos se sessão não encerrou e refaz login se necessário
    if (!preg_match('#table.*id="available_extract"([^>]*)>(.*?)</table>#s', $html, $matches)) {
        $html = http_read("https://pagseguro.uol.com.br/statement/period.jhtml", http_build_query($form));
        // ainda não é o esperado, sai fora
        if (!preg_match('#table.*id="available_extract"([^>]*)>(.*?)</table>#s', $html, $matches)) {
            return false;
    // dados extraídos do html: são 3 tabelas a serem lidas:
    // disponível (available_extract), a receber (escrow_extract), bloqueado (contest_extract):
    $dados_fim = array();
    $pagina = 1;
    do {
        $dados = array();
        $tables = array("disponivel" => "available_extract", "receber" => "escrow_extract", "bloqueado" => "contest_extract");
        foreach ($tables as $ntable => $table) {
            // pega tabela html:
            $ok = preg_match('#table.*id="' . $table . '"([^>]*)>(.*?)</table>#s', $html, $matches);
            // pega somente a tabela
            if (!$ok) {
                $dados[$ntable] = array();
            // extrai dados da tabela html:
            $tabela_html = preg_replace("#(<b>|</b>|<a href='|</a>|<font.*?>|</font>| class=\"[^\"]*\"|<span.*?>|</span>)#s", "", $matches[2]);
            // retira formatação
            $tabela_html = preg_replace("#(' title=\"[^\"]*\">)#s", ";", $tabela_html);
            // link id
            $tabela = extract_data($tabela_html);
            // cabeçalho e corpo:
            $head = $tabela["thead"]["tr"]["th"];
            if (array_key_exists("td", $tabela["tbody"]["tr"])) {
                $tabela["tbody"]["tr"] = array($tabela["tbody"]["tr"]);
                // só tem 1 item
            $body = array_map(create_function('$i', 'return $i[td];'), $tabela["tbody"]["tr"]);
            // normaliza data (p/ iso), números. Coloca informação normalizada em body:
            foreach ($body as $k => $v) {
                $id_chave = explode(";", trim($v[1]));
                preg_match("#id=(.*)#", $id_chave[0], $matches);
                // extrai o id do link
                $id = $matches[1];
                $ts = \DateTime::createFromFormat("d/m/Y H:i", $v[0]);
                $dia = $ts ? $ts->format("Ymd\\THi") : "";
                $body[$k] = array($dia, $id_chave[0], $id_chave[1], $id, trim($v[2]), str_replace(",", ".", str_replace(".", "", $v[3])) + 0, str_replace(",", ".", str_replace(".", "", $v[4])) + 0);
            // separa dados extraídos e normalizados ($body) em resumos (saldo anterior / saldo_final) e listagem analítica:
            $saldo_anterior = array_shift($body);
            // todo: retornar ao usuario
            $saldo_final = array_pop($body);
            // todo: retornar ao usuario
            $dados[$ntable] = $body;
        // antes de ir para próxima página, juntamos com nosso somatório:
        foreach ($dados as $k => $v) {
            if (!isset($dados_fim[$k])) {
                $dados_fim[$k] = array();
            $dados_fim[$k] = array_merge($dados_fim[$k], $v);
        // próxima página
        $form["page"] = $pagina;
        $form["pageCmd"] = "page";
        $form["paginatorSize"] = 1651;
        // detecta fim de paginação (páginas ficam iguais)
        $old_md5 = md5($html);
        $html = http_read("https://pagseguro.uol.com.br/statement/period.jhtml", http_build_query($form));
        $ok = $old_md5 != md5($html);
        // proteção contra loops infinitos caso alterem a página
        if ($pagina > 40) {
            $ok = false;
    } while ($ok);
    // aproveitamos para alimentar cache de ids:
    // agrupamos as listagens das 3 tabelas:
    $lst_itens = array();
    foreach ($dados_fim as $table) {
        $lst_itens = array_merge($lst_itens, $table);
    // cada dia é um índice
    $lst_index = array();
    foreach ($lst_itens as $item) {
        $dia = substr($item[0], 0, 8);
        $lst_index[$dia][$item[2]] = $item[3];
    // dias que não tiveram movimentação devem ficar em caché também
    $ts = \DateTime::createFromFormat("Ymd", $inicio)->getTimestamp();
    $ts_termino = \DateTime::createFromFormat("Ymd", $termino)->getTimestamp();
    while ($ts <= $ts_termino) {
        $dia = date("Ymd", $ts);
        $ts += 60 * 60 * 24;
        if (!array_key_exists($dia, $lst_index)) {
            $lst_index[$dia] = array();
    // armazena cada índice. Considera o usuário logado para evitar conflito de cachés
    foreach ($lst_index as $dia => $vetor) {
        $index_name = md5($dia . $_SESSION["__ps_user"]);
        cache_update_index($index_name, $vetor, 0);
    // fim: retorna dados das 3 tabelas de todas as páginas
    return $dados_fim;
    print $when->format(DATE_ISO8601) . "\n";
function extract_data($value)
    $htmlvalue = str_get_html($value);
    //print $htmlvalue;
    $link = $htmlvalue->find('li[class="first last"] a', 0);
    $title = $htmlvalue->find('li[class="first last"] a', 0);
    $description = $htmlvalue->find('li[class="first last"] a', 0);
    $date = $htmlvalue->find('span[class="date-display-single"]', 0);
    $processdate = substr($date->plaintext, -10);
    //print $link->href. "\n";
    //print $title->plaintext. "\n";
    //print $description->plaintext. "\n";
    $when = date_create_from_format('d/m/Y', $processdate);
    $data = array('link' => $link->href, 'title' => $title->plaintext, 'description' => $description->plaintext, 'date' => $when);
    scraperwiki::save(array('title'), $data);
require 'scraperwiki/simple_html_dom.php';
$html_content = scraperWiki::scrape("http://www.aagbi.org/education/educational-resources/tutorial-week/my-events/tutorial");
$html = str_get_html($html_content);
$html_el = $html->find(".view-content", 0);
foreach ($html_el->children() as $child1) {
    //need to add code to extract and process the individual div strings
    if (preg_match("/www.aagbi.org/i", $child1)) {
    } else {
Exemple #8
            echo $acomodacao->hos_nome;
    foreach ($acomodacoesSaida as $acomodacao) {
        if (extract_data($acomodacao->aco_saida) == $dia->selected_date) {
									<td><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-home" aria-hidden="true"></span> <a href="<?php 
            echo base_url();
            echo $acomodacao->aco_id;
">Check-out</a> da atração <a href="<?php 
            echo base_url();
            echo $acomodacao->atracao->atr_id;

Exemple #10
    return $person;
function open_file($code)
    return "http://localhost/~iainemsley/text/F-{$code}.xml";
    #return "http://firstfolio.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/download/xml/F-$code.xml";
*  Load the data into Couch
function load_couch($data)
    $url = '';
    //foreach ($data as $value) {
    foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
        //post the data into the db
        $context = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'header' => "Content-Type: application/json\r\n", 'content' => json_encode($value))));
        $result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
if (sizeof($argv) < 1) {
    die('Usage: xml_transform.php <shortcode here>');
$code = $argv[1];
echo "Extracting the data from {$code}. \n";
$drama_coords = extract_data($code);
echo "Writing the data to file";
Exemple #11
function hack_movimentacao_vendas($data_inicial, $data_final)
    $url = "https://services.redecard.com.br";
    $url .= "/novoportal/portals/servicoSharepoint/extratoonline/IS_ExtratosRedecard_Extrato.aspx";
    $url .= "?BankLine=&txtnu_pdv=&box_sel=010&data_inicial={$data_inicial}&data_final={$data_final}&moeda=R&Selpvs=0&Box=010&flgTrava=0";
    $html = http_read($url, "");
    // extrai info do html
    $ok = preg_match('#table class="frm_INS"([^>]*)>(.*?)</table>#s', $html, $matches);
    // somente a tabela
    if (!$ok) {
        return array();
    $html = preg_replace("#(<b>|</b>|<a.*?>|</a>|<font.*?>|</font>)#s", "", $matches[2]);
    // retira formatação
    $dados = extract_data($html);
    $dados = array_map(create_function('$i', 'return $i["td"];'), $dados["tr"]);
    // header / resumo
    $header = array_shift($dados);
    $resumo = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i <= 2; $i++) {
        $resumo_ = array_pop($dados);
        $nome = array_pop(explode(" ", $resumo_[0]));
        $resumo[$nome]["VALOR_LIQUIDO"] = str_replace(",", ".", str_replace(".", "", array_pop($resumo_))) + 0;
        $resumo[$nome]["DESCONTO_TAXAS"] = str_replace(",", ".", str_replace(".", "", array_pop($resumo_))) + 0;
        $resumo[$nome]["VALOR_CORRECOES"] = str_replace(",", ".", str_replace(".", "", array_pop($resumo_))) + 0;
        $resumo[$nome]["VALOR_VENDAS"] = str_replace(",", ".", str_replace(".", "", array_pop($resumo_))) + 0;
    // normaliza data (p/ iso), números
    foreach ($dados as $k => $v) {
        $dados[$k][0] = \DateTime::createFromFormat("d/m/Y", $v[0])->format("Ymd");
        $dados[$k][1] = \DateTime::createFromFormat("d/m/Y", $v[1])->format("Ymd");
        $dados[$k][7] = str_replace(",", ".", str_replace(".", "", $v[7])) + 0;
        $dados[$k][8] = str_replace(",", ".", str_replace(".", "", $v[8])) + 0;
        $dados[$k][9] = str_replace(",", ".", str_replace(".", "", $v[9])) + 0;
        $dados[$k][10] = str_replace(",", ".", str_replace(".", "", $v[10])) + 0;
    // fim
    return array("resumo" => $resumo, "cabecalho" => $header, "dados" => $dados);