$result = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); foreach ($result as $r) { $out[] = array((double) $r['datetime'], (double) $r['hiveweight']); } break; case "weight_data": $sth = $conn->prepare("SELECT hiveid, date, hiveweight, hiverawweight FROM allhivedata WHERE date > datetime('now','{$sqlperiod}') ORDER BY date"); $sth->execute(); break; } switch ($output) { case "csv": export_csv($sth, $type, $period); break; case "json": export_json($sth); break; case "highcharts": export_highcharts($out); break; } #echo "Period is $sqlperiod"; #echo "Type is $type"; // Get Weather/Hive Data First - from a DB view, this may be very slow function export_highcharts($out) { //?type=temp&period=month&output=highcharts' // Convert time to Unix EPOCH, output one value only. // Format should be in JSON format, and look like this // [122869440000000,14.25], // for each series.
// double check total processed with running totals if ($total != $cat_checksum) { exit("ERR: MISMATCH! in category: " . $cat_name); } } ## FINSHING // puts categorized data in Android XML resource file file_put_contents($oufile_xml, export_xml($output_xml_cat)); // puts un-categorized data into a single string-array in Android XML file_put_contents($oufile_xml_single, export_xml_single($output_xml_cat)); // puts categorized TSV data into an outfile file_put_contents($oufile_tsv, export_tsv($output_tsv_arr, $tsv_headers)); // puts categorized JSON into an outfile file_put_contents($oufile_json, export_json($output_json_arr)); // puts categorized (pretty) JSON into an outfile file_put_contents($oufile_json_pretty, export_json($output_json_arr, true)); exit; // returns input text in an XML comment function android_xml_comments($str) { return str_repeat(" ", 4) . "<!-- {$str} -->"; } // returns XML string at beginning of XML resource file function android_xml_start() { $now = date(DATE_RSS); return join(PHP_EOL, array("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>", "", "<!-- Updated: {$now} -->", "<!-- Generated by Project 26 ETL Solution found here: -->", "<!-- https://github.com/pffy/data-mcdonalds-nutrition-facts -->", "", "<resources>", "", "")); } // returns XML string at end of XML resource file function android_xml_end() {
$ext = 'redis'; $ct = 'text/plain'; } header('Content-type: ' . $ct . '; charset=utf-8'); header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="export.' . $ext . '"'); // JSON if ($_POST['type'] == 'json') { // Single key if (isset($_GET['key'])) { echo json_encode(export_json($_GET['key'])); } else { // All keys $keys = $redis->keys('*'); $vals = array(); foreach ($keys as $key) { $vals[$key] = export_json($key); } echo json_encode($vals); } } else { // Single key if (isset($_GET['key'])) { export_redis($_GET['key']); } else { // All keys $keys = $redis->keys('*'); foreach ($keys as $key) { export_redis($key); } } }