Exemple #1
function embed_youtube_video($url)
    $u = parse_url(html_entity_decode($url));
    if ($u == null) {
        return null;
    if (preg_match("#(\\w+\\.)*youtube\\.com#", $u["host"])) {
        $q = explode_query($u["query"]);
        $p = explode("/", $u["path"]);
        if (array_key_exists('v', $q)) {
            $tag = $q["v"];
            # http://youtube.com/?v=tag
        } else {
            if (count($p) == 3 && ($p[1] == "v" || $p[1] == "embed")) {
                $tag = $p[2];
                # http://youtube.com/(v|embed)/tag
    } else {
        if (preg_match("#(\\w+\\.)*youtu\\.be#", $u["host"])) {
            $p = explode("/", $u["path"]);
            if (count($p) == 2) {
                $tag = $p[1];
                # http://youtu.be/tag
    if ($tag == null) {
        return null;
    $indent = '     ';
    $width = 800;
    $height = 480;
    /* IFrame */
    $out = "{$indent}<iframe id=\"ytplayer\" type=\"text/html\"\n" . "{$indent} width=\"{$width}\"  height=\"{$height}\"\n" . "{$indent} src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/{$tag}\"\n" . "{$indent} frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"1\">\n" . "{$indent}</iframe><br>\n";
    /* AS3 */
      $url = "https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/$tag?version=2&fs=1";
      $out =
        "<object width=\"$width\" height=\"$height\">\n".
        "<param name=\"movie\" value=\"$url\"></param>\n".
        "<param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"></param>\n".
        "<param name=\"allowScriptAccess\" value=\"always\"></param>\n".
        "<embed src=\"$url\"\n".
    	  " type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\"\n".
    	  " width=\"$width\" height=\"$height\"\n".
    	  " allowfullscreen=\"true\"\n".
    	  " allowscriptaccess=\"always\"\n>".
    return tag_media($out, "YouTube ", "http://youtu.be/{$tag}", $tag, "youtube");
Exemple #2
 function item($q, $menuId)
     /* Call new FQuery */
     $db = new FQuery();
     /* Set Access_Level */
     $accessLevel = Level_Access;
     $q = str_replace("'", "", $q);
     $q = str_replace("/", "", $q);
     $q = str_replace("\\", "", $q);
     $q = str_replace('"', "", $q);
     $q = str_replace('  ', " ", $q);
     if (empty($q)) {
         $q = $_SESSION['search'];
     /* Call new paging */
     $paging = new paging();
     $rowsPerPage = 10;
     $keyword = trim($q);
     //remove space before and after
     $article = explode_query($q, 'article');
     $title = explode_query($q, 'title');
     $author = explode_query($q, 'author');
     $tag = explode_query($q, 'tags');
     $condition = "{$article} {$title} {$author} {$tag}";
     $user = FQuery('user', "`name` LIKE  '%{$q}%'", 'id');
     /* Check total article by query */
     FQuery('article', "status=1 AND (`author_id` ='{$user}' {$condition}) {$accessLevel}");
     $total = mysql_affected_rows();
     /* paging query */
     $result = $paging->pagerQuery(FDBPrefix . 'article', "*,DATE_FORMAT(date,'%d %M %Y') as date,DATE_FORMAT(date,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as order_date", "status=1 AND (`author_id` ='{$user}' {$condition}) \n\t\t{$accessLevel}", 'order_date DESC', $rowsPerPage);
     $no = 0;
     $jml = mysql_affected_rows();
     while ($qr = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
         $category = oneQuery('article_category', 'id', $qr['category'], 'name');
         $catlink = make_permalink("?app=article&view=category&id={$qr['category']}");
         if (!empty($qr['author_id'])) {
             if (!empty($qr['author'])) {
                 $author = $qr['author'];
             } else {
                 $author = oneQuery('user', 'id', $qr['author_id'], 'name');
         } else {
             $author = "Administrator";
         $strpos = 0;
         $article = stripTags($qr['article']);
         $article2 = strtolower($article);
         $strpos = strpos("{$article2}", "{$q}");
         $query = str_replace(", ", ",", $q);
         $query = str_replace(" ,", ",", $q);
         $query = trim($query);
         if (strpos($query, ",")) {
             $query = explode(",", $query);
         } else {
             $query = explode(" ", $q);
         $i = 0;
         $z = '';
         $y = '';
         foreach ($query as $v) {
             $y[$i] = $v;
         for ($n = $i * $i - 1; $n >= 0; $n--) {
         if ($strpos >= 40) {
             $strpos = $strpos - 40;
             $article2 = substr("{$article2}", $strpos);
             $strpos2 = strpos("{$article2}", " ");
             $article = substr("{$article}", $strpos + $strpos2);
             $article = "..." . $article;
         $article = cutWords($article, 35);
         $article .= "...";
         $link = "?app=article&view=item&id={$qr['id']}";
         $link = make_permalink($link, Page_ID);
         $qr['title'] = search_match($qr['title'], $q);
         $article = search_match($article, $q);
         $author = search_match($author, $q);
         $category = search_match($category, $q);
         $title = "<a href=\"{$link}\">{$qr['title']}</a>";
         $readmore = null;
         $this->category[$no] = $category;
         $this->catlink[$no] = $catlink;
         $this->readmore[$no] = $readmore;
         $this->author[$no] = $author;
         $this->title[$no] = $title;
         $this->date[$no] = $qr['date'];
         $this->article[$no] = $article;
         $this->perrows = $jml;
         $this->total = $total;
         if (defined('SEF_URL')) {
             $link = link_paging('?');
         } else {
             $link = "?app=article&view=category&id={$categoryId}";
             $link = make_permalink($link, Page_ID);
             $link = $link . "&";
     FQuery('article', "status=1 AND (`author_id` ='{$user}' {$condition}) {$accessLevel}");
     $jml = mysql_affected_rows();
     if ($jml > $rowsPerPage) {
         $pagelink = $paging->createPaging($link);
     } else {
         $pagelink = null;
     if (strpos(getUrl(), '?q')) {
         $pagelink = str_replace("?page=", "&page=", $pagelink);
     $this->pglink = $pagelink;