				<input tabindex="<?php 
" type="checkbox" id="EventShowMapLink" name="EventShowMapLink" size="6" value="true" <?php 
if (get_post_meta($postId, '_EventShowMapLink', true) == 'true') {
    echo 'checked="checked"';
if (eventsGetOptionValue('embedGoogleMaps') == 'on') {
			<tr id="google_map_toggle"<?php 
    if (!tec_address_exists($postId)) {
        echo ' class="tec_hide"';
    _e('Show Google Map:', $this->pluginDomain);
				<td><input tabindex="<?php 
" type="checkbox" id="EventShowMap" name="EventShowMap" size="6" value="true" <?php 
Exemple #2
				<div class="entry">
if (function_exists('the_event_ticket_form')) {
edit_post_link('Edit', '<span class="edit-link">', '</span>');
			</div><!-- post -->

if (eventsGetOptionValue('showComments', 'no') == 'yes') {

	</div><!-- tec-content -->

Exemple #3

$cat_id = get_query_var('cat');
if (!$cat_id) {
    $cat_id = $spEvents->eventCategory();
$link = get_category_link($cat_id);
if ('' == get_option('permalink_structure') || 'off' == eventsGetOptionValue('useRewriteRules', 'on')) {
    $link .= '&eventDisplay=month&eventDate=';
<script type="text/javascript">
	jQuery(document).ready(function() {
echo $prefix;
events-dropdown').change(function() {
			location.href = '<?php 
echo $link;
' + jQuery('#<?php 
echo $prefix;
events-year').val() + '-' + jQuery('#<?php 
echo $prefix;
<select id='<?php 
 function widget($args, $instance)
     global $wp_query;
     /* User-selected settings. */
     $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']);
     $limit = $instance['limit'];
     $noUpcomingEvents = $instance['no_upcoming_events'];
     $start = $instance['start'];
     $startTime = $instance['start-time'];
     $end = $instance['end'];
     $endTime = $instance['end-time'];
     $venue = $instance['venue'];
     $address = $instance['address'];
     $city = $instance['city'];
     $state = $instance['state'];
     $province = $instance['province'];
     $zip = $instance['zip'];
     $country = $instance['country'];
     $phone = $instance['phone'];
     $cost = $instance['cost'];
     if (eventsGetOptionValue('viewOption') == 'upcoming') {
         $event_url = events_get_listview_link();
     } else {
         $event_url = events_get_gridview_link();
     if (function_exists('get_events')) {
         $old_display = $wp_query->get('eventDisplay');
         $wp_query->set('eventDisplay', 'upcoming');
         $posts = get_events($limit, The_Events_Calendar::CATEGORYNAME);
     /* Before widget (defined by themes). */
     /* Title of widget (before and after defined by themes). */
     if ($title && !$noUpcomingEvents) {
         echo $before_widget . $before_title . $title . $after_title;
     if ($posts) {
         /* Display list of events. */
         if (function_exists('get_events')) {
             echo '<ul class="upcoming">';
             $templateOverride = locate_template(array('events/events-list-load-widget-display.php'));
             $templateLoc = $templateOverride ? $templateOverride : dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/events-list-load-widget-display.php';
             foreach ($posts as $post) {
                 include $templateLoc;
             echo "</ul>";
             $wp_query->set('eventDisplay', $old_display);
         /* Display link to all events */
         echo '<div class="dig-in"><a href="' . $event_url . '">' . __('View All Events', $this->pluginDomain) . '</a></div>';
     } else {
         if (!$noUpcomingEvents) {
             _e('There are no upcoming events at this time.', $this->pluginDomain);
     /* After widget (defined by themes). */
     if (!$noUpcomingEvents) {
         echo $after_widget;
Exemple #5
 function events_get_listview_past_link()
     global $spEvents;
     $mainEventsCat = $spEvents->eventCategory();
     $currentCat = get_query_var('cat');
     $cat_id = cat_is_ancestor_of($mainEventsCat, $currentCat) ? $currentCat : $mainEventsCat;
     $link = get_category_link($cat_id);
     if ('' == get_option('permalink_structure') || 'off' == eventsGetOptionValue('useRewriteRules', 'on')) {
         return add_query_arg(array('eventDisplay' => 'past'), $link);
     } else {
         return trailingslashit($link) . 'past';
Exemple #6
				<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Use Pretty URLs', $this->pluginDomain);
		                <legend class="screen-reader-text">
    _e('Use Pretty URLs', $this->pluginDomain);
		                <label title='Yes'>
    $useRewriteRules = eventsGetOptionValue('useRewriteRules', 'on');
		                    <input type="radio" name="useRewriteRules" value="off" <?php 
    checked($useRewriteRules, 'off');
    _e('Off', $this->pluginDomain);
		                <label title='List View'>
	                    <input type="radio" name="useRewriteRules" value="on" <?php 
    checked($useRewriteRules, 'on');
* Custom Query Shortcode
* Uses WordPress shortcode api to insert a custom query into contant areas with shortcode support.
* Format is [list-events] using standard WP_Query arguments [list-posts more=1 tag='tag' category_name='category' cat=cat_num gs_content=number]
* container_style to set the style attribute for container
* container_class to set the class attribute for container
* Currently accespet WP_Query values are:
* posts_per_page, tag, cat, category_name
* @since 1.0
* @echo string
function the_events_shortcode($atts)
    global $wp_query, $posts, $post, $more, $spEvents;
    // Defaults
    $qs_query_arr = shortcode_atts(array('title_tag' => 'div', 'container_style' => false, 'container_class' => false, 'limit' => 5, 'category_name' => 'Events'), $atts);
    // Set the temporary variables so we can restore them later
    $more_temp = $more;
    $temp_query = fnbx_clone($wp_query);
    $temp_posts = $posts;
    $temp_post = fnbx_clone($post);
    $list_posts_container_defaults = array('tag_type' => 'open', 'tag' => 'div', 'class' => 'list-events-container', 'return' => true);
    if (isset($qs_query_arr['container_style'])) {
        $list_posts_container_defaults['style'] = $qs_query_arr['container_style'];
    if (isset($qs_query_arr['container_class'])) {
        $list_posts_container_defaults['class'] .= ' ' . $qs_query_arr['container_class'];
    $output = jacket_core_html_tag($list_posts_container_defaults);
    if (function_exists('get_events')) {
        $old_display = $wp_query->get('eventDisplay');
        $wp_query->set('eventDisplay', 'upcoming');
        $event_posts = get_events($qs_query_arr['limit'], $qs_query_arr['category_name']);
    if ($event_posts) {
        /* Display list of events. */
        if (function_exists('get_events')) {
            $output .= jacket_core_html_tag(array('tag_type' => 'open', 'tag' => 'ul', 'class' => 'list-events-list', 'return' => true));
            foreach ($event_posts as $event_post) {
                $output .= jacket_core_html_tag(array('tag' => 'li', 'tag_type' => 'open', 'class' => 'list-events-item', 'return' => true));
                $temp_title = get_the_title($event_post->ID);
                $entry_title_link = jacket_core_html_tag(array('tag' => 'a', 'class' => 'permalink', 'title' => $temp_title, 'href' => get_permalink($event_post->ID), 'tag_content' => $temp_title, 'return' => true));
                $output .= jacket_core_html_tag(array('tag' => $qs_query_arr['title_tag'], 'class' => 'list-events-item-title', 'tag_content' => $entry_title_link, 'return' => true));
                $the_event = the_events_abbr($event_post->ID, '_EventStartDate', the_event_start_date($event_post->ID), 'date-start');
                if (!the_event_all_day($post->ID)) {
                    $the_event .= ' to ' . the_events_abbr($event_post->ID, '_EventEndDate', the_event_end_date($event_post->ID), 'date-end');
                $output .= jacket_core_html_tag(array('tag' => 'div', 'class' => 'list-events-item-event', 'tag_content' => $the_event, 'return' => true));
                $output .= jacket_core_html_tag(array('tag' => 'li', 'tag_type' => 'close', 'return' => true));
            $output .= jacket_core_html_tag(array('tag' => 'ul', 'tag_type' => 'close', 'return' => true));
            if (eventsGetOptionValue('viewOption') == 'upcoming') {
                $event_url = events_get_listview_link();
            } else {
                $event_url = events_get_gridview_link();
            $events_link = jacket_core_html_tag(array('tag' => 'a', 'class' => 'link-events', 'title' => 'Vew All Events', 'href' => $event_url, 'tag_content' => 'Vew All Events', 'return' => true));
            $output .= jacket_core_html_tag(array('tag' => 'div', 'class' => 'list-events-link-events', 'tag_content' => $events_link, 'return' => true));
    $wp_query->set('eventDisplay', $old_display);
    $output .= jacket_core_html_tag(array('tag' => 'div', 'tag_type' => 'close', 'return' => true));
    // Reset the temporary variables so we can restore them later
    $more = $more_temp;
    $wp_query = fnbx_clone($temp_query);
    $posts = $temp_posts;
    $post = fnbx_clone($temp_post);
    return $output;
  * Sets event options based on the current query string
  * @return void
 public function setOptions()
     global $wp_query;
     $display = isset($wp_query->query_vars['eventDisplay']) ? $wp_query->query_vars['eventDisplay'] : eventsGetOptionValue('viewOption', 'month');
     switch ($display) {
         case "past":
             $this->displaying = "past";
             $this->startOperator = "<=";
             $this->order = "DESC";
             $this->date = date_i18n(The_Events_Calendar::DBDATETIMEFORMAT);
         case "upcoming":
             $this->displaying = "upcoming";
             $this->startOperator = ">=";
             $this->order = "ASC";
             $this->date = date_i18n(The_Events_Calendar::DBDATETIMEFORMAT);
         case "month":
         case "default":
             $this->displaying = "month";
             $this->startOperator = ">=";
             $this->order = "ASC";
             // TODO date set to YYYY-MM
             // TODO store DD as an anchor to the URL
             if (isset($wp_query->query_vars['eventDate'])) {
                 $this->date = $wp_query->query_vars['eventDate'] . "-01";
             } else {
                 $date = date_i18n(The_Events_Calendar::DBDATEFORMAT);
                 $this->date = substr_replace($date, '01', -2);