Exemple #1
function espresso_display_wepay($payment_data)
    // Setup class
    if (empty($event_name)) {
        $event_name = "Event number #" . $event_id;
    include_once 'Wepay.php';
    echo '<!-- Event Espresso WePay Gateway Version ' . Espresso_Wepay::$version . '-->';
    $wepay_settings = get_option('event_espresso_wepay_settings');
    global $org_options;
    if ($wepay_settings['use_sandbox']) {
        Espresso_Wepay::useStaging($wepay_settings['wepay_client_id'], $wepay_settings['wepay_client_secret']);
    } else {
        Espresso_Wepay::useProduction($wepay_settings['wepay_client_id'], $wepay_settings['wepay_client_secret']);
    $quantity = isset($quantity) && $quantity > 0 ? $quantity : espresso_count_attendees_for_registration($attendee_id);
    $fields['account_id'] = $wepay_settings['account_id'];
    $fields['short_description'] = stripslashes_deep($event_name);
    $fields['long_description'] = stripslashes_deep($event_name) . ' | ' . __('Name:', 'event_espresso') . ' ' . stripslashes_deep($fname . ' ' . $lname) . ' | ' . __('Registrant Email:', 'event_espresso') . ' ' . $attendee_email . ' | ' . __('Total Registrants:', 'event_espresso') . ' ' . $quantity;
    $fields['type'] = 'SERVICE';
    $fields['reference_id'] = $attendee_id;
    $fields['amount'] = number_format($event_cost, 2, '.', '');
    $fields['redirect_uri'] = add_query_arg(array('id' => $attendee_id, 'r_id' => $registration_id, 'event_id' => $event_id, 'attendee_action' => 'post_payment', 'form_action' => 'payment', 'type' => 'wepay'), get_permalink($org_options['return_url']));
    $fields['callback_uri'] = add_query_arg(array('id' => $attendee_id, 'r_id' => $registration_id, 'event_id' => $event_id, 'attendee_action' => 'post_payment', 'form_action' => 'payment', 'type' => 'wepay'), get_permalink($org_options['notify_url']));
    //	$fields['redirect_uri'] = $home . '/?page_id=' . $org_options['return_url'] . '&id=' . $attendee_id . '&r_id=' . $registration_id . '&event_id=' . $event_id . '&attendee_action=post_payment&form_action=payment&type=wepay';
    //	$fields['callback_uri'] = $home . '/?page_id=' . $org_options['notify_url'] . '&id=' . $attendee_id . '&r_id=' . $registration_id . '&event_id=' . $event_id . '&attendee_action=post_payment&form_action=payment&type=wepay';
    if ($wepay_settings['force_ssl_return']) {
        $fields['redirect_uri'] = str_replace("http://", "https://", $fields['redirect_uri']);
        $fields['callback_uri'] = str_replace("http://", "https://", $fields['callback_uri']);
    if (empty($wepay_settings['access_token'])) {
    try {
        $wepay = new Espresso_Wepay($wepay_settings['access_token']);
        $raw = $wepay->request('checkout/create', $fields);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        printf(__("WePay seems to be misconfigured. Error: %s", "event_espresso"), $e->getMessage());
    if (empty($raw->checkout_uri)) {
    $uri = $raw->checkout_uri;
    if ($wepay_settings['bypass_payment_page'] == 'Y') {
        //Enable auto redirect to payment site
    } else {
        $wepay->submitButton($uri, $wepay_settings['button_url'], 'wepay');
        //Display payment button
    if ($wepay_settings['use_sandbox']) {
        echo '<h3 style="color:#ff0000;" title="Payments will not be processed">' . __('Debug Mode Is Turned On', 'event_espresso') . '</h3>';
        // for debugging, output a table of all the fields
function espresso_display_wepay($payment_data)
    // Setup class
    include_once 'Wepay.php';
    echo '<!-- Event Espresso Wepay Gateway Version ' . Wepay::$version . '-->';
    $wepay_settings = get_option('event_espresso_wepay_settings');
    global $org_options;
    if ($wepay_settings['use_sandbox']) {
        Wepay::useStaging($wepay_settings['wepay_client_id'], $wepay_settings['wepay_client_secret']);
    } else {
        Wepay::useProduction($wepay_settings['wepay_client_id'], $wepay_settings['wepay_client_secret']);
    $quantity = isset($quantity) && $quantity > 0 ? $quantity : espresso_count_attendees_for_registration($attendee_id);
    $fields['account_id'] = $wepay_settings['account_id'];
    $fields['short_description'] = stripslashes_deep($event_name);
    $fields['long_description'] = stripslashes_deep($event_name) . ' | ' . __('Name:', 'event_espresso') . ' ' . stripslashes_deep($fname . ' ' . $lname) . ' | ' . __('Registrant Email:', 'event_espresso') . ' ' . $attendee_email . ' | ' . __('Total Registrants:', 'event_espresso') . ' ' . $quantity;
    $fields['type'] = 'SERVICE';
    $fields['reference_id'] = $attendee_id;
    $fields['amount'] = number_format($event_cost, 2, '.', '');
    $fields['redirect_uri'] = home_url() . '/?page_id=' . $org_options['return_url'] . '&id=' . $attendee_id . '&event_id=' . $event_id . '&attendee_action=post_payment&form_action=payment';
    $fields['callback_uri'] = home_url() . '/?page_id=' . $org_options['notify_url'] . '&id=' . $attendee_id . '&event_id=' . $event_id . '&attendee_action=post_payment&form_action=payment';
    if (empty($wepay_settings['access_token'])) {
    $wepay = new Wepay($wepay_settings['access_token']);
    $raw = $wepay->request('checkout/create', $fields);
    if (empty($raw->checkout_uri)) {
    $uri = $raw->checkout_uri;
    if ($wepay_settings['bypass_payment_page'] == 'Y') {
        //Enable auto redirect to payment site
    } else {
        $wepay->submitButton($uri, $wepay_settings['button_url'], 'wepay');
        //Display payment button
    if ($wepay_settings['use_sandbox']) {
        echo '<h3 style="color:#ff0000;" title="Payments will not be processed">' . __('Debug Mode Is Turned On', 'event_espresso') . '</h3>';
        // for debugging, output a table of all the fields
function espresso_display_exact($payment_data)
    // Setup class
    include_once 'Exact.php';
    global $org_options;
    $myExact = new Espresso_Exact();
    // initiate an instance of the class
    echo '<!--Event Espresso Exact.com Gateway Version ' . $myExact->gateway_version . '-->';
    $exact_settings = get_option('event_espresso_exact_settings');
    $exact_login_id = empty($exact_settings['exact_login_id']) ? '' : $exact_settings['exact_login_id'];
    $exact_transaction_key = empty($exact_settings['exact_transaction_key']) ? '' : $exact_settings['exact_transaction_key'];
    $button_type = empty($exact_settings['button_type']) ? '' : $exact_settings['button_type'];
    //$button_url = $exact_settings['button_url'];
    $image_url = empty($exact_settings['image_url']) ? '' : $exact_settings['image_url'];
    $use_sandbox = $exact_settings['use_sandbox'];
    $use_testmode = $exact_settings['test_transactions'];
    if ($use_testmode == true) {
        // Enable test mode if needed
    if ($use_sandbox) {
        // Enable test mode if needed
    $quantity = isset($quantity) && $quantity > 0 ? $quantity : espresso_count_attendees_for_registration($attendee_id);
    $myExact->setUserInfo($exact_login_id, $exact_transaction_key);
    $myExact->addField('x_amount', number_format($event_cost, 2));
    $myExact->addField('x_show_form', 'PAYMENT_FORM');
    $myExact->addField('x_reference_3', $registration_id . '|exact');
    $myExact->addField('x_relay_response', 'TRUE');
    if ($exact_settings['force_ssl_return']) {
        $home = str_replace("http://", "https://", home_url());
    } else {
        $home = home_url();
    $myExact->addField('x_relay_url', $home . '/?type=exact&page_id=' . $org_options['return_url']);
    $myExact->addField('x_description', stripslashes_deep($event_name) . ' | ' . __('Reg. ID:', 'event_espresso') . ' ' . $attendee_id . ' | ' . __('Name:', 'event_espresso') . ' ' . stripslashes_deep($fname . ' ' . $lname) . ' | ' . __('Total Registrants:', 'event_espresso') . ' ' . $quantity);
    $myExact->addField('x_logo_url', $image_url);
    $myExact->addField('x_invoice_num', event_espresso_session_id());
    //Post variables
    $myExact->addField('x_cust_id', $attendee_id);
    $myExact->addField('x_first_name', $fname);
    $myExact->addField('x_last_name', $lname);
    $myExact->addField('x_email', $attendee_email);
    $myExact->addField('x_address', $address);
    $myExact->addField('x_city', $city);
    $myExact->addField('x_state', $state);
    $myExact->addField('x_zip', $zip);
    $myExact->addField('x_fp_sequence', $attendee_id);
    //Enable this function if you want to send payment notification before the person has paid.
    //This function is copied on the payment processing page
    //event_espresso_send_payment_notification($attendee_id, $txn_id, $amount_pd);
    //Decide if you want to auto redirect to your payment website or display a payment button.
    if (!empty($exact_settings['bypass_payment_page']) && $exact_settings['bypass_payment_page'] == 'Y') {
        //Enable auto redirect to payment site
    } else {
        if (empty($exact_settings['button_url'])) {
            //$button_url = EVENT_ESPRESSO_GATEWAY_URL . "exact/exact-logo.png";
            if (file_exists(EVENT_ESPRESSO_GATEWAY_DIR . "/exact/exact-logo.png")) {
                $button_url = EVENT_ESPRESSO_GATEWAY_DIR . "/exact/exact-logo.png";
            } else {
                $button_url = EVENT_ESPRESSO_PLUGINFULLURL . "gateways/exact/exact-logo.png";
        } elseif (file_exists($exact_settings['button_url'])) {
            $button_url = $exact_settings['button_url'];
        } else {
            //If no other buttons exist, then use the default location
            $button_url = EVENT_ESPRESSO_PLUGINFULLURL . "gateways/exact/exact-logo.png";
        $myExact->submitButton($button_url, 'exact');
        //Display payment button
    if ($use_sandbox) {
        echo '<p>Test credit card # 4007000000027</p>';
        echo '<h3 style="color:#ff0000;" title="Payments will not be processed">' . __('Debug Mode Is Turned On', 'event_espresso') . '</h3>';
        // for debugging, output a table of all the fields
function espresso_display_nab($payment_data)
    include_once 'Nab.php';
    $mynab = new Espresso_nab();
    // initiate an instance of the class
    global $org_options;
    do_action('action_hook_espresso_log', __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, '');
    $nab_result_url = home_url() . '/?page_id=' . $org_options['return_url'] . '&id=' . $payment_data['attendee_id'] . '&r_id=' . $payment_data['registration_id'] . '&event_id=' . $payment_data['event_id'] . '&attendee_action=post_payment&form_action=payment&type=nab';
    $nab_settings = get_option('event_espresso_nab_settings');
    $nab_id = $nab_settings['nab_merchant_id'];
    $nab_pass = $nab_settings['nab_merchant_password'];
    $use_sandbox = $nab_settings['nab_use_sandbox'];
    $temp_timezone_holder = date_default_timezone_get();
    $timestamp = date('YmdHis');
    if ($use_sandbox == 1) {
        $nab_post_url = "https://transact.nab.com.au/test/directpost/authorise";
    } else {
        $nab_post_url = "https://transact.nab.com.au/live/directpost/authorise";
    $quantity = isset($quantity) && $quantity > 0 ? $quantity : espresso_count_attendees_for_registration($payment_data['attendee_id']);
    $mynab->addField('EPS_MERCHANT', $nab_id);
    $mynab->addField('EPS_PASSWORD', $nab_pass);
    $mynab->addField('EPS_REFERENCEID', $payment_data['registration_id']);
    $mynab->addField('EPS_AMOUNT', number_format($payment_data['event_cost'], 2, '.', ''));
    $mynab->addField('EPS_TIMESTAMP', $timestamp);
<div id="nab-payment-option-dv" class="payment-option-dv">

	<a id="nab-payment-option-lnk" class="payment-option-lnk display-the-hidden" rel="nab-payment-option-form" style="cursor:pointer;">
		<img alt="Pay using a Credit Card" src="<?php 

	<div id="nab-payment-option-form-dv" class="hide-if-js">	
	<div class = "event_espresso_form_wrapper">
		<form method="post" action="<?php 
    echo $nab_post_url;
			<input type="hidden" name="EPS_MERCHANT" value="<?php 
    echo $nab_id;
			<input type="hidden" name="EPS_PASSWORD" value="<?php 
    echo $nab_pass;
			<input type="hidden" name="EPS_REFERENCEID" value="<?php 
    echo $payment_data['registration_id'];
			<input type="hidden" name="EPS_AMOUNT" value="<?php 
    echo number_format($payment_data['event_cost'], 2, '.', '');
			<input type="hidden" name="EPS_TIMESTAMP" value="<?php 
    echo $timestamp;
			<input type="hidden" name="EPS_FINGERPRINT" value="<?php 
    echo $mynab->prepareSubmit();
			<input type="hidden" name="EPS_RESULTURL" value="<?php 
    echo $nab_result_url;
			<input type="hidden" name="EPS_FIRSTNAME" value="<?php 
    echo $payment_data['fname'];
			<input type="hidden" name="EPS_LASTNAME" value="<?php 
    echo $payment_data['lname'];
			<input type="hidden" name="EPS_ZIPCODE" value="<?php 
    echo $payment_data['zip'];
			<input type="hidden" name="EPS_TOWN" value="<?php 
    echo $payment_data['city'];
			<input type="hidden" name="EPS_EMAILADDRESS" value="<?php 
    echo $payment_data['attendee_email'];

			<fieldset id="nab-billing-info-dv">
				<h4 class="section-title"><?php 
    _e('Credit Card Information', 'event_espresso');
					<label for="EPS_CARDTYPE"><?php 
    _e('Card Type:', 'event_espresso');
					<select name="EPS_CARDTYPE" class="inputbox" style="width:167px">
						<option value="visa"><?php 
    _e('Visa', 'event_espresso');
						<option value="mastercard"><?php 
    _e('MasterCard', 'event_espresso');
						<option value="amex"><?php 
    _e('Amex', 'event_espresso');
					<label for="EPS_CARDNUMBER"><?php 
    _e('Card Number:', 'event_espresso');
						<input type="text" class="inputbox" name="EPS_CARDNUMBER" size="27" autocomplete="off"/>
					<label for="EPS_CCV"><?php 
    _e('Card CCV:', 'event_espresso');
					<input type="text"   class="inputbox" name="EPS_CCV" size="27" autocomplete="off" />
					<label for="EPS_EXPIRYMONTH"><?php 
    _e('Card Expires:', 'event_espresso');
					<select name="EPS_EXPIRYMONTH" class="inputbox">
							<option value="">- <?php 
    _e('Month', 'event_espresso');
							<option value="1">01</option>
							<option value="2">02</option>
							<option value="3">03</option>
							<option value="4">04</option>
							<option value="5">05</option>
							<option value="6">06</option>
							<option value="7">07</option>
							<option value="8">08</option>
							<option value="9">09</option>
							<option value="10">10</option>
							<option value="11">11</option>
							<option value="12">12</option>
						<select name="EPS_EXPIRYYEAR" class="inputbox">
							<option value="">- <?php 
    _e('Year', 'event_espresso');
							<option value="2009">2009</option>
							<option value="2010">2010</option>
							<option value="2011">2011</option>
							<option value="2012">2012</option>
							<option value="2013">2013</option>
							<option value="2014">2014</option>
							<option value="2015">2015</option>
							<option value="2016">2016</option>
							<option value="2017">2017</option>
							<option value="2018">2018</option>
							<option value="2019">2019</option>
							<option value="2020">2020</option>
							<option value="2021">2021</option>
							<option value="2022">2022</option>
							<option value="2023">2023</option>
							<option value="2024">2024</option>
							<option value="2025">2025</option>
				<p class="event_form_submit">
					<input type="submit" value="<?php 
    _e('Complete Purchase', 'event_espresso');
" class="submit-payment-btn"/>
    if ($use_sandbox == true) {
        echo '<h3 style="color:#ff0000;" title="Payments will not be processed">' . __('Debug Mode Is Turned On', 'event_espresso') . '</h3>';

		<p class="choose-diff-pay-option-pg">
			<a class="hide-the-displayed" rel="nab-payment-option-form" style="cursor:pointer;"><?php 
    _e('Choose a different payment option', 'event_espresso');

    function event_espresso_add_attendees_to_db_multi()
        global $wpdb, $org_options;
        //Added by Imon
        $primary_registration_id = NULL;
        $events_in_session = $_SESSION['espresso_session']['events_in_session'];
        if (event_espresso_invoke_cart_error($events_in_session)) {
            return false;
        $count_of_events = count($events_in_session);
        $current_session_id = $_SESSION['espresso_session']['id'];
        //echo "<pre>", print_r($_SESSION), "</pre>";
        //echo '<pre>'.print_r($_POST, true).'</pre>';
        //echo "<pre>", print_r($events_in_session), "</pre>";
        //echo "<pre>", print_r($org_options), "</pre>";
        $event_name = $count_of_events . ' ' . $org_options['organization'] . __(' events', 'event_espresso');
        $event_cost = $_SESSION['espresso_session']['grand_total'];
        $multi_reg = true;
        // If there are events in the session, add them one by one to the attendee table
        if ($count_of_events > 0) {
            //first event key will be used to find the first attendee
            $first_event_id = key($events_in_session);
            //echo '<pre>$events_in_session - '.print_r($events_in_session, true).'</pre>';
            foreach ($events_in_session as $key => $_event_id) {
                //echo '<p>$_event_id - '. $_event_id.'</p>';
                //echo '<pre>'.print_r($_event_id, true).'</pre>';
                $event_meta = event_espresso_get_event_meta($key);
                $event_attendees = $_event_id['event_attendees'];
                $session_vars['data'] = $_event_id;
                //echo '<p>$_event_id - '. $_event_id.'</p>';
                //echo '<pre>'.print_r($session_vars['data'], true).'</pre>';
                if (is_array($event_attendees)) {
                    $counter = 1;
                    foreach ($event_attendees as $k_price_id => $v_attendees) {
                        //foreach price type in event attendees
                        $session_vars['data'] = $_event_id;
                        //echo '<pre>$session_vars[\'data\' - ]'.print_r($session_vars['data'], true).'</pre>';
                        foreach ($v_attendees as $vkey => $vval) {
                            //Added by Imon
                            $vval['price_id'] = $k_price_id;
                            $session_vars['event_attendees'] = $vval;
                            //this has all the attendee information, name, questions....
                            $session_vars['data']['price_type'] = $_event_id['price_id'][$k_price_id]['price_type'];
                            if (isset($event_meta['additional_attendee_reg_info']) && $event_meta['additional_attendee_reg_info'] == 1) {
                                //Getting he wrong number of attendees at this point
                                //echo '<p>$_REQUEST[\'num_people\'] - '.$_REQUEST['num_people'].'</p>';
                                //echo '<p>$_event_id[\'price_id\'][$k_price_id] - '.$_event_id['price_id'][$k_price_id].'</p>';
                                //echo '<pre>$_event_id[\'price_id\'][$k_price_id] - '.print_r($_event_id['price_id'][$k_price_id]['attendee_quantity'], true).'</pre>';
                                //echo '<pre>'.print_r($_POST, true).'</pre>';
                                $num_people = $_event_id['price_id'][$k_price_id]['attendee_quantity'];
                                $session_vars['data']['num_people'] = empty($num_people) || $num_people == 0 ? 1 : $num_people;
                                //echo '<p>$session_vars[\'data\'][\'num_people\'] - '.$session_vars['data']['num_people'].'</p>';
                            /* echo $key.'<br />';
                            	  echo '<pre>$session_vars - '.print_r($session_vars, true).'</pre>';
                            	  echo '<br />'; */
                            $tmp_registration_id = event_espresso_add_attendees_to_db($key, $session_vars);
                            //echo 'tmp_registration_id =' . $tmp_registration_id.'<br />';
                            if ($primary_registration_id === NULL) {
                                $primary_registration_id = $tmp_registration_id;
                            $c2_sql = "select * from " . EVENTS_MULTI_EVENT_REGISTRATION_ID_GROUP_TABLE . " where primary_registration_id = '{$primary_registration_id}' and registration_id = '{$tmp_registration_id}'";
                            //echo $c2_sql.'<br />';
                            $check = $wpdb->get_row($c2_sql);
                            if ($check === NULL) {
                                $tmp_data = array("primary_registration_id" => $primary_registration_id, "registration_id" => $tmp_registration_id);
                                $wpdb->insert(EVENTS_MULTI_EVENT_REGISTRATION_ID_GROUP_TABLE, $tmp_data);
            //Post the gateway page with the payment options
            if ($event_cost != '0.00') {
                //find first registrant's name, email, count of registrants
                $sql = "SELECT id, fname, lname, email, address, city, state, zip, event_id, registration_id,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT count( id )\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE . " WHERE attendee_session = '" . $wpdb->escape($current_session_id) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) AS quantity\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE . " WHERE event_id = " . $wpdb->escape($first_event_id) . " AND attendee_session = '" . $wpdb->escape($current_session_id) . "' LIMIT 1";
                //echo $sql;
                $r = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
                $event_id = $r->event_id;
                $attendee_id = $r->id;
                $fname = $r->fname;
                $lname = $r->lname;
                $address = $r->address;
                $city = $r->city;
                $state = $r->state;
                $zip = $r->zip;
                $attendee_email = $r->email;
                $registration_id = $r->registration_id;
                $quantity = espresso_count_attendees_for_registration($r->registration_id);
                /* //removing edit links for now...will fix edit attendee page in 3.2 cb #830
                			<a href="?page_id=<?php echo $org_options['event_page_id']; ?>&regevent_action=show_shopping_cart">  <?php _e('Edit Cart', 'event_espresso'); ?> </a>
                			<?php _e(' or ', 'event_espresso'); ?>
                			<a href="?page_id=<?php echo $org_options['event_page_id']; ?>&regevent_action=load_checkout_page"> <?php _e('Edit Registrant Information', 'event_espresso'); ?></a>

                _e('Your registration is not complete until payment is received.', 'event_espresso');

				<p><strong class="event_espresso_name">
                _e('Amount due: ', 'event_espresso');
					</strong> <span class="event_espresso_value"><?php 
                echo $org_options['currency_symbol'];
                echo $event_cost;

                echo $org_options['email_before_payment'] == 'Y' ? __('A confirmation email has been sent with additional details of your registration.', 'event_espresso') : '';

                //Show payment options
                if (file_exists(EVENT_ESPRESSO_GATEWAY_DIR . "gateway_display.php")) {
                    require_once EVENT_ESPRESSO_GATEWAY_DIR . "gateway_display.php";
                } else {
                    require_once EVENT_ESPRESSO_PLUGINFULLPATH . "gateways/gateway_display.php";
                //Check to see if the site owner wants to send an confirmation eamil before payment is recieved.
                if ($org_options['email_before_payment'] == 'Y') {
                    event_espresso_email_confirmations(array('session_id' => $_SESSION['espresso_session']['id'], 'send_admin_email' => 'true', 'send_attendee_email' => 'true', 'multi_reg' => true));
            } else {

                _e('Thank you! Your registration is confirmed for', 'event_espresso');
                echo stripslashes_deep($event_name);

                _e('A confirmation email has been sent with additional details of your registration.', 'event_espresso');

                event_espresso_email_confirmations(array('session_id' => $_SESSION['espresso_session']['id'], 'send_admin_email' => 'true', 'send_attendee_email' => 'true', 'multi_reg' => true));
function events_payment_page($attendee_id, $price_id = 0, $coupon_code = '', $groupon_code = '')
    global $wpdb, $org_options, $simpleMath;
    $today = date("m-d-Y");
    $num_people = 0;
    $Organization = $org_options['organization'];
    $Organization_street1 = $org_options['organization_street1'];
    $Organization_street2 = $org_options['organization_street2'];
    $Organization_city = $org_options['organization_city'];
    $Organization_state = $org_options['organization_state'];
    $Organization_zip = $org_options['organization_zip'];
    $contact = $org_options['contact_email'];
    $registrar = $org_options['contact_email'];
    $currency_format = getCountryFullData($org_options['organization_country']);
    $message = $org_options['message'];
    $return_url = $org_options['return_url'];
    $cancel_return = $org_options['cancel_return'];
    $notify_url = $org_options['notify_url'];
    $event_page_id = $org_options['event_page_id'];
    $attendees = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE . " WHERE id ='" . $attendee_id . "'");
    foreach ($attendees as $attendee) {
        //$attendee_id = $attendee->id;
        $attendee_last = $attendee->lname;
        $attendee_first = $attendee->fname;
        $attendee_address = $attendee->address;
        $attendee_address2 = $attendee->address2;
        $attendee_city = $attendee->city;
        $attendee_state = $attendee->state;
        $attendee_zip = $attendee->zip;
        $attendee_email = $attendee->email;
        //$attendee_organization_name = $attendee->organization_name;
        //$attendee_country = $attendee->country_id;
        $phone = $attendee->phone;
        $attendee_phone = $attendee->phone;
        $date = $attendee->date;
        $quantity = $attendee->quantity;
        $payment_status = $attendee->payment_status;
        $txn_type = $attendee->txn_type;
        //$event_cost = $attendee->amount_pd;
        $payment_date = $attendee->payment_date;
        $event_id = $attendee->event_id;
        $registration_id = $attendee->registration_id;
    //$event_meta = event_espresso_get_event_meta($event_id);
    //Get the questions for the attendee
    $questions = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ea.answer, eq.question\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . EVENTS_ANSWER_TABLE . " ea\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . EVENTS_QUESTION_TABLE . " eq ON eq.id = ea.question_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ea.attendee_id = '" . $attendee_id . "' and eq.admin_only = 'N' ORDER BY eq.sequence asc ");
    //echo $wpdb->last_query;
    $display_questions = '';
    foreach ($questions as $question) {
        $display_questions .= '<p>' . $question->question . ':<br /> ' . str_replace(',', '<br />', $question->answer) . '</p>';
    $num_peoplea = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT COUNT(registration_id) FROM " . EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE . " WHERE registration_id ='" . $registration_id . "'", ARRAY_N);
    $num_people = $num_peoplea[0][0];
    //If we are using the number of attendees dropdown, and
    if ($quantity > 1) {
        $num_people = $quantity;
    $events = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . EVENTS_DETAIL_TABLE . " WHERE id ='" . $event_id . "'");
    foreach ($events as $event) {
        //$event_id = $event->id;
        $event_name = stripslashes_deep($event->event_name);
        $event_desc = stripslashes_deep($event->event_desc);
        $event_description = stripslashes_deep($event->event_desc);
        $event_identifier = $event->event_identifier;
        $send_mail = $event->send_mail;
        $active = $event->is_active;
        $conf_mail = $event->conf_mail;
        //$alt_email = $event->alt_email; //This is used to get the alternate email address that a payment can be made to using PayPal
        if (function_exists('event_espresso_coupon_payment_page')) {
            $use_coupon_code = $event->use_coupon_code;
        if (function_exists('event_espresso_groupon_payment_page')) {
            $use_groupon_code = $event->use_groupon_code;
    $attendee_name = stripslashes_deep($attendee_first . ' ' . $attendee_last);
    //Figure out if the person has registered using a price selection
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['price_select']) && $_REQUEST['price_select'] == true) {
        $price_options = explode('|', $_REQUEST['price_option'], 2);
        $price_id = $price_options[0];
        $price_type = $price_options[1];
        $p_id = $price_id;
        $event_cost = event_espresso_get_final_price($price_id, $event_id);
    } elseif ($price_id > 0) {
        $event_cost = event_espresso_get_final_price($price_id, $event_id);
        $p_id = $price_id;
    } else {
        //$event_cost = $_POST['event_cost'];
        $event_cost = event_espresso_get_final_price($_POST['price_id'], $event_id);
        $p_id = $_POST['price_id'];
    //Test the early discount amount to make sure we are getting the right amount
    //print_r(early_discount_amount($event_id, $event_cost));
    $event_price = number_format($event_cost, 2, '.', '');
    $event_price_x_attendees = number_format($event_cost * $num_people, 2, '.', '');
    $event_original_cost = number_format($simpleMath->multiply($event_cost, $num_people), 2, '.', '');
     * Added for seating chart addon
     * This code block overrides the cost using seating chart add-on price
    if (defined('ESPRESSO_SEATING_CHART')) {
        if (seating_chart::check_event_has_seating_chart($event_id) !== false) {
            $sc_cost_row = $wpdb->get_row("select sum(sces.purchase_price) as purchase_price from " . EVENTS_SEATING_CHART_EVENT_SEAT_TABLE . " sces inner join " . EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE . " ea on sces.attendee_id = ea.id where ea.registration_id = '{$registration_id}'");
            if ($sc_cost_row !== NULL) {
                $event_cost = number_format($sc_cost_row->purchase_price, 2, '.', '');
                $event_original_cost = $event_cost;
                $event_price_x_attendees = $event_cost;
     * End seating chart addon
    if (function_exists('event_espresso_coupon_payment_page') && (!empty($_REQUEST['coupon_code']) || !empty($coupon_code))) {
        $event_cost = event_espresso_coupon_payment_page($use_coupon_code, $event_id, $event_original_cost, $attendee_id, $num_people);
         * at this point , the $event_cost is correct
         * The next line divided by the number of people and reassigned it to the same $even_cost var, making the event cost less
         * I renamed it to another variable
        $event_price_x_attendees = number_format($event_cost, 2, '.', '');
        $coupon_code = $_REQUEST['coupon_code'];
    } else {
        if (function_exists('event_espresso_groupon_payment_page') && ($_REQUEST['groupon_code'] != '' || $coupon_code != '')) {
            $event_cost = event_espresso_groupon_payment_page($use_groupon_code, $event_id, $event_original_cost, $attendee_id);
            $groupon_code = $_REQUEST['groupon_code'];
        } else {
            $event_cost = $event_original_cost;
    if ($num_people != 0) {
        $event_individual_cost = number_format($event_cost / $num_people, 2, '.', '');
    $event_discount_label = $event_original_cost > $event_cost ? ' (' . __('Discount of ', 'event_espresso') . $org_options['currency_symbol'] . number_format($event_original_cost - $event_cost, 2, ".", ",") . __(' applied', 'event_espresso') . ')' : '';
    if ($event_cost == '0.00') {
        $event_cost = '0.00';
        $payment_status = 'Completed';
        $sql = array('amount_pd' => $event_cost, 'payment_status' => $payment_status, 'payment_date' => $today);
        $sql_data = array('%s', '%s', '%s');
    } else {
        $sql = array('amount_pd' => $event_cost, 'payment_status' => $payment_status);
        $sql_data = array('%s', '%s');
    //Add the cost and payment status to the attendee
    $update_id = array('id' => $attendee_id);
    $wpdb->update(EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE, $sql, $update_id, $sql_data, array('%d'));
    //If this is a group registration, we need to make sure all attendees have the same payment status
    if (espresso_count_attendees_for_registration($attendee_id) > 1) {
        $wpdb->query("UPDATE " . EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE . " SET payment_status = '{$payment_status}' WHERE registration_id ='" . $registration_id . "'");
    $display_cost = $event_cost != "0.00" ? $org_options['currency_symbol'] . $event_individual_cost : __('Free', 'event_espresso');
    //Pull in the template
    if (file_exists(EVENT_ESPRESSO_TEMPLATE_DIR . "confirmation_display.php")) {
        require_once EVENT_ESPRESSO_TEMPLATE_DIR . "confirmation_display.php";
        //This is the path to the template file if available
    } else {
        require_once EVENT_ESPRESSO_PLUGINFULLPATH . "templates/confirmation_display.php";
function espresso_display_eway($payment_data)
    // Setup class
    include_once 'Eway.php';
    echo '<!-- Event Espresso eway Gateway Version ' . $eway_gateway_version . '-->';
    $myeway = new eway();
    // initiate an instance of the class
    global $org_options;
    //global $attendee_id;
    $eway_settings = get_option('event_espresso_eway_settings');
    $eway_id = $eway_settings['eway_id'];
    $eway_username = $eway_settings['eway_username'];
    //$image_url = $eway_settings['button_url'];
    $eway_cur = $eway_settings['currency_format'];
    $use_sandbox = $eway_settings['use_sandbox'];
    $quantity = isset($quantity) && $quantity > 0 ? $quantity : espresso_count_attendees_for_registration($attendee_id);
    if ($use_sandbox) {
        // Enable test mode if needed
        $myeway->addField('CustomerID', '87654321');
        $myeway->addField('UserName', 'TestAccount');
    } else {
        $myeway->addField('CustomerID', $eway_id);
        $myeway->addField('UserName', $eway_username);
    $myeway->addField('Amount', number_format($event_cost, 2, '.', ''));
    $myeway->addField('Currency', $eway_cur);
    $myeway->addField('PageTitle', '');
    $myeway->addField('PageDescription', '');
    $myeway->addField('PageFooter', '');
    $myeway->addField('Language', '');
    $myeway->addField('CompanyName', str_replace("&", "%26", $org_options['organization']));
    $myeway->addField('CustomerFirstName', $fname);
    $myeway->addField('CustomerLastName', $lname);
    $myeway->addField('CustomerAddress', $address);
    $myeway->addField('CustomerCity', $city);
    $myeway->addField('CustomerState', $state);
    $myeway->addField('CustomerPostCode', $zip);
    $myeway->addField('CustomerCountry', '');
    $myeway->addField('CustomerEmail', $attendee_email);
    $myeway->addField('CustomerPhone', $phone);
    $myeway->addField('InvoiceDescription', stripslashes_deep($event_name) . ' | ' . __('Name:', 'event_espresso') . ' ' . stripslashes_deep($fname . ' ' . $lname) . ' | ' . __('Registrant Email:', 'event_espresso') . ' ' . $attendee_email . ' | ' . __('Total Registrants:', 'event_espresso') . ' ' . $quantity);
    $myeway->addField('CancelURL', str_replace("&", "%26", home_url() . '/?page_id=' . $org_options['cancel_return']));
    if ($eway_settings['force_ssl_return']) {
        $home = str_replace("http://", "https://", home_url());
    } else {
        $home = home_url();
    $myeway->addField('ReturnURL', $home . '/?page_id=' . $org_options['notify_url'] . '&id=' . $attendee_id . '&registration_id=' . $registration_id . '&event_id=' . $event_id . '&attendee_action=post_payment&form_action=payment&type=eway');
    $myeway->addField('CompanyLogo', $eway_settings['image_url']);
    $myeway->addField('PageBanner', '');
    $myeway->addField('MerchantReference', '');
    $myeway->addField('MerchantInvoice', '');
    $myeway->addField('MerchantOption1', '');
    $myeway->addField('MerchantOption2', '');
    $myeway->addField('MerchantOption3', '');
    $myeway->addField('ModifiableCustomerDetails', 'false');
    if ($eway_settings['bypass_payment_page'] == 'Y') {
        //Enable auto redirect to payment site
    } else {
        if (empty($eway_settings['button_url'])) {
            if (file_exists(EVENT_ESPRESSO_GATEWAY_DIR . "eway/eway_logo.png")) {
                $button_url = EVENT_ESPRESSO_GATEWAY_URL . "eway/eway_logo.png";
            } else {
                $button_url = EVENT_ESPRESSO_PLUGINFULLURL . "gateways/eway/eway_logo.png";
        } else {
            $button_url = $eway_settings['button_url'];
        $myeway->submitButton($button_url, 'eway');
        //Display payment button
    if ($use_sandbox) {
        echo '<h3 style="color:#ff0000;" title="Payments will not be processed">' . __('Debug Mode Is Turned On', 'event_espresso') . '</h3>';
        // for debugging, output a table of all the fields
function espresso_display_authnet($payment_data)
    // Setup class
    include_once 'Authorize.php';
    global $org_options, $wpdb;
    $myAuthorize = new Espresso_Authorize();
    // initiate an instance of the class
    echo '<!--Event Espresso Authorize.net Gateway Version ' . $myAuthorize->gateway_version . '-->';
    $authnet_settings = get_option('event_espresso_authnet_settings');
    $authnet_login_id = empty($authnet_settings['authnet_login_id']) ? '' : $authnet_settings['authnet_login_id'];
    $authnet_transaction_key = empty($authnet_settings['authnet_transaction_key']) ? '' : $authnet_settings['authnet_transaction_key'];
    $image_url = empty($authnet_settings['image_url']) ? '' : $authnet_settings['image_url'];
    $use_sandbox = $authnet_settings['use_sandbox'];
    $use_testmode = $authnet_settings['test_transactions'];
    if ($use_testmode) {
        // Enable test mode if needed
    if ($use_sandbox) {
        // Enable test mode if needed
    $quantity = !empty($quantity) ? $quantity : espresso_count_attendees_for_registration($attendee_id);
    $myAuthorize->setUserInfo($authnet_login_id, $authnet_transaction_key);
    if ($authnet_settings['force_ssl_return']) {
        $home = str_replace('http:', 'https:', home_url());
    } else {
        $home = home_url();
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_Relay_URL', $home . '/?page_id=' . $org_options['return_url'] . '&r_id=' . $registration_id . '&type=authnet');
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_Description', stripslashes_deep($event_name) . ' | ' . __('Reg. ID:', 'event_espresso') . ' ' . $attendee_id . ' | ' . __('Name:', 'event_espresso') . ' ' . stripslashes_deep($fname . ' ' . $lname) . ' | ' . __('Total Registrants:', 'event_espresso') . ' ' . $quantity);
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_Amount', number_format($event_cost, 2));
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_Logo_URL', $image_url);
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_Invoice_num', 'au-' . event_espresso_session_id());
    //Post variables
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_cust_id', $attendee_id);
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_first_name', $fname);
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_last_name', $lname);
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_Email', $attendee_email);
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_Address', $address);
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_City', $city);
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_State', $state);
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_Zip', $zip);
    $sql = "SELECT attendee_session FROM " . EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE . " WHERE id='" . $attendee_id . "'";
    $session_id = $wpdb->get_var($sql);
    $sql = "SELECT a.final_price, a.quantity, ed.event_name, a.price_option, a.fname, a.lname FROM " . EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE . " a JOIN " . EVENTS_DETAIL_TABLE . " ed ON a.event_id=ed.id ";
    $sql .= " WHERE attendee_session='" . $session_id . "' ORDER BY a.id ASC";
    $items = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
    foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
        $item_num = $key + 1;
        $myAuthorize->addLineItem($item_num, strlen($item->event_name) > 30 ? substr_replace($item->event_name, '', 30) : $item->event_name, substr_replace($item->price_option . ' for ' . $item->event_name . '. Attendee: ' . $item->fname . ' ' . $item->lname, '', 255), $item->quantity, $item->final_price, FALSE);
    //Enable this function if you want to send payment notification before the person has paid.
    //This function is copied on the payment processing page
    //event_espresso_send_payment_notification($attendee_id, $txn_id, $amount_pd);
    //Decide if you want to auto redirect to your payment website or display a payment button.
    if (!empty($authnet_settings['bypass_payment_page']) && $authnet_settings['bypass_payment_page'] == 'Y') {
        //Enable auto redirect to payment site
    } else {
        if (empty($authnet_settings['button_url'])) {
            //$button_url = EVENT_ESPRESSO_GATEWAY_URL . "authnet/authnet-logo.png";
            if (file_exists(EVENT_ESPRESSO_GATEWAY_DIR . "/pay-by-credit-card.png")) {
                $button_url = EVENT_ESPRESSO_GATEWAY_DIR . "/pay-by-credit-card.png";
            } else {
                $button_url = EVENT_ESPRESSO_PLUGINFULLURL . "gateways/pay-by-credit-card.png";
        } elseif (file_exists($authnet_settings['button_url'])) {
            $button_url = $authnet_settings['button_url'];
        } else {
            //If no other buttons exist, then use the default location
            $button_url = EVENT_ESPRESSO_PLUGINFULLURL . "gateways/pay-by-credit-card.png";
        $myAuthorize->submitButton($button_url, 'authnet');
        //Display payment button
    if ($use_sandbox) {
        echo '<p>Test credit card # 4007000000027</p>';
        echo '<h3 style="color:#ff0000;" title="Payments will not be processed">' . __('Debug Mode Is Turned On', 'event_espresso') . '</h3>';
        // for debugging, output a table of all the fields
function espresso_display_authnet($payment_data)
    // Setup class
    include_once 'Authorize.php';
    global $org_options;
    $myAuthorize = new Authorize();
    // initiate an instance of the class
    echo '<!--Event Espresso Authorize.net Gateway Version ' . $myAuthorize->gateway_version . '-->';
    $authnet_settings = get_option('event_espresso_authnet_settings');
    $authnet_login_id = empty($authnet_settings['authnet_login_id']) ? '' : $authnet_settings['authnet_login_id'];
    $authnet_transaction_key = empty($authnet_settings['authnet_transaction_key']) ? '' : $authnet_settings['authnet_transaction_key'];
    $button_type = empty($authnet_settings['button_type']) ? '' : $authnet_settings['button_type'];
    //$button_url = $authnet_settings['button_url'];
    $image_url = empty($authnet_settings['image_url']) ? '' : $authnet_settings['image_url'];
    $use_sandbox = $authnet_settings['use_sandbox'];
    $use_testmode = $authnet_settings['test_transactions'];
    if ($use_testmode == true) {
        // Enable test mode if needed
    if ($use_sandbox) {
        // Enable test mode if needed
    $quantity = !empty($quantity) ? $quantity : espresso_count_attendees_for_registration($attendee_id);
    $myAuthorize->setUserInfo($authnet_login_id, $authnet_transaction_key);
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_Relay_URL', home_url() . '/?page_id=' . $org_options['notify_url']);
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_Description', stripslashes_deep($event_name) . ' | ' . __('Reg. ID:', 'event_espresso') . ' ' . $attendee_id . ' | ' . __('Name:', 'event_espresso') . ' ' . stripslashes_deep($fname . ' ' . $lname) . ' | ' . __('Total Registrants:', 'event_espresso') . ' ' . $quantity);
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_Amount', number_format($event_cost, 2));
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_Logo_URL', $image_url);
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_Invoice_num', 'au-' . event_espresso_session_id());
    //Post variables
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_cust_id', $attendee_id);
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_first_name', $fname);
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_last_name', $lname);
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_Email', $attendee_email);
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_Address', $address);
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_City', $city);
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_State', $state);
    $myAuthorize->addField('x_Zip', $zip);
    //Enable this function if you want to send payment notification before the person has paid.
    //This function is copied on the payment processing page
    //event_espresso_send_payment_notification($attendee_id, $txn_id, $amount_pd);
    //Decide if you want to auto redirect to your payment website or display a payment button.
    if (!empty($authnet_settings['bypass_payment_page']) && $authnet_settings['bypass_payment_page'] == 'Y') {
        //Enable auto redirect to payment site
    } else {
        if (empty($authnet_settings['button_url'])) {
            //$button_url = EVENT_ESPRESSO_GATEWAY_URL . "authnet/btn_cc_vmad.gif";
            if (file_exists(EVENT_ESPRESSO_GATEWAY_DIR . "/authnet/btn_cc_vmad.gif")) {
                $button_url = EVENT_ESPRESSO_GATEWAY_DIR . "/authnet/btn_cc_vmad.gif";
            } else {
                $button_url = EVENT_ESPRESSO_PLUGINFULLURL . "gateways/authnet/btn_cc_vmad.gif";
        } elseif (file_exists($authnet_settings['button_url'])) {
            $button_url = $authnet_settings['button_url'];
        } else {
            //If no other buttons exist, then use the default location
            $button_url = EVENT_ESPRESSO_PLUGINFULLURL . "gateways/authnet/btn_cc_vmad.gif";
        $myAuthorize->submitButton($button_url, 'authnet');
        //Display payment button
    if ($use_sandbox) {
        echo '<p>Test credit card # 4007000000027</p>';
        echo '<h3 style="color:#ff0000;" title="Payments will not be processed">' . __('Debug Mode Is Turned On', 'event_espresso') . '</h3>';
        // for debugging, output a table of all the fields
function events_payment_page($attendee_id = FALSE, $notifications = array())
    do_action('action_hook_espresso_log', __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, '');
    if (!$attendee_id) {
        wp_die(__('An error occured. No Attendee was received.', 'event_espresso'));
    global $wpdb, $org_options;
    $num_people = 0;
    //	$Organization = $org_options['organization'];
    //	$Organization_street1 = $org_options['organization_street1'];
    //	$Organization_street2 = $org_options['organization_street2'];
    //	$Organization_city = $org_options['organization_city'];
    //	$Organization_state = $org_options['organization_state'];
    //	$Organization_zip = $org_options['organization_zip'];
    //	$contact = $org_options['contact_email'];
    //	$registrar = $org_options['contact_email'];
    //	$currency_format = getCountryFullData($org_options['organization_country']);
    $message = $org_options['message'];
    $return_url = $org_options['return_url'];
    $cancel_return = $org_options['cancel_return'];
    $notify_url = $org_options['notify_url'];
    $event_page_id = $org_options['event_page_id'];
    $attendee = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare($SQL, $attendee_id));
    //printr( $attendee, '$attendee  <br /><span style="font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;">' . __FILE__ . '<br />line no: ' . __LINE__ . '</span>', 'auto' );
    $attendee_last = $attendee->lname;
    $attendee_first = $attendee->fname;
    $attendee_name = stripslashes_deep($attendee_first . ' ' . $attendee_last);
    $attendee_address = $attendee->address;
    $attendee_address2 = $attendee->address2;
    $attendee_city = $attendee->city;
    $attendee_state = $attendee->state;
    $attendee_zip = $attendee->zip;
    $attendee_email = $attendee->email;
    $phone = $attendee->phone;
    $attendee_phone = $attendee->phone;
    $date = $attendee->date;
    $quantity = (int) $attendee->quantity;
    $payment_status = $attendee->payment_status;
    $txn_type = $attendee->txn_type;
    $payment_date = $attendee->payment_date;
    $event_id = $attendee->event_id;
    $registration_id = $attendee->registration_id;
    $orig_price = (double) $attendee->orig_price;
    $final_price = (double) $attendee->final_price;
    //Get the questions for the attendee
    $SQL = "SELECT ea.answer, eq.question ";
    $SQL .= "\tFROM " . EVENTS_ANSWER_TABLE . " ea ";
    $SQL .= "LEFT JOIN " . EVENTS_QUESTION_TABLE . " eq ON eq.id = ea.question_id ";
    $SQL .= "\tWHERE ea.attendee_id = %d and eq.admin_only != 'Y' ";
    $SQL .= "\tORDER BY eq.sequence asc ";
    $questions = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($SQL, $attendee_id));
    //	echo '<h4>LQ : ' . $wpdb->last_query . '  <br /><span style="font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;">' . __FILE__ . '<br />line no: ' . __LINE__ . '</span></h4>';
    //	printr( $questions, '$questions  <br /><span style="font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;">' . __FILE__ . '<br />line no: ' . __LINE__ . '</span>', 'auto' );
    $display_questions = '';
    foreach ($questions as $question) {
        $question->question = trim(stripslashes(str_replace('&#039;', "'", $question->question)));
        $question->question = htmlspecialchars($question->question, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
        $question->answer = trim(stripslashes(str_replace('&#039;', "'", $question->answer)));
        $question->answer = htmlspecialchars($question->answer, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
        $display_questions .= '<p>' . $question->question . ':<br /> ' . str_replace(',', '<br />', $question->answer) . '</p>';
    // update total cost for primary attendee
    $total_cost = (double) $final_price * (int) $quantity - $attendee->amount_pd;
    $total_attendees = (int) $quantity;
    $attendee_prices[] = array('option' => $attendee->price_option, 'qty' => (int) $quantity, 'price' => (double) ($final_price - $attendee->amount_pd));
    // get # of attendees
    $SQL = "SELECT price_option, quantity, final_price, amount_pd  FROM " . EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE . " WHERE registration_id =%s";
    $prices = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($SQL, $registration_id));
    //printr( $prices, '$prices  <br /><span style="font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;">' . __FILE__ . '<br />line no: ' . __LINE__ . '</span>', 'auto' );
    if ($prices !== FALSE) {
        $total_cost = 0;
        $total_attendees = 0;
        $attendee_prices = array();
        // ensure prices is an array
        $prices = is_array($prices) ? $prices : array($prices);
        foreach ($prices as $price) {
            // update total cost for all attendees
            $total_cost += (double) ($price->final_price * (int) $price->quantity) - (double) $price->amount_pd;
            $total_attendees += $price->quantity;
            $attendee_prices[] = array('option' => $price->price_option, 'qty' => (int) $price->quantity, 'price' => (double) ($price->final_price - $price->amount_pd));
    $event = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare($SQL, $event_id));
    $event_name = isset($event->event_name) ? stripslashes_deep($event->event_name) : '';
    $event_description = $event_desc = isset($event->event_desc) ? stripslashes_deep($event->event_desc) : '';
    $event_identifier = isset($event->event_identifier) ? $event->event_identifier : '';
    $send_mail = isset($event->send_mail) ? $event->send_mail : '';
    $active = isset($event->is_active) ? $event->is_active : TRUE;
    $conf_mail = isset($event->conf_mail) ? $event->conf_mail : '';
    //$event_price_x_attendees = number_format( $final_price * $num_people, 2, '.', '' );
    $event_original_cost = $orig_price;
    // Added for seating chart addon
    // This code block overrides the cost using seating chart add-on price
    if (defined('ESPRESSO_SEATING_CHART') && class_exists("seating_chart") && seating_chart::check_event_has_seating_chart($event_id) !== false) {
        $SQL = "SELECT sum(sces.purchase_price) as purchase_price ";
        $SQL .= "INNER JOIN " . EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE . " ea ON sces.attendee_id = ea.id ";
        $SQL .= "WHERE ea.registration_id = %s";
        if ($seat = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare($SQL, $registration_id))) {
            $total_cost = number_format($seat->purchase_price, 2, '.', '');
            //$event_price_x_attendees = (float)$final_price;
    if ($total_cost == 0) {
        $payment_status = 'Completed';
        $today = date(get_option('date_format'));
        $data = array('amount_pd' => 0.0, 'payment_status' => $payment_status, 'payment_date' => $today);
        $format = array('%f', '%s', '%s');
        $update_id = array('id' => $attendee_id);
        $wpdb->update(EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE, $data, $update_id, $format, array('%d'));
        //If this is a group registration, we need to make sure all attendees have the same payment status
        if (espresso_count_attendees_for_registration($attendee_id) > 1) {
            $wpdb->query("UPDATE " . EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE . " SET payment_status = '{$payment_status}' WHERE registration_id ='" . $registration_id . "'");
    if (function_exists('espresso_update_attendee_coupon_info') && $attendee_id && !empty($attendee->coupon_code)) {
        espresso_update_attendee_coupon_info($attendee_id, $attendee->coupon_code);
    if (function_exists('espresso_update_groupon') && $attendee_id && !empty($attendee->coupon_code)) {
        espresso_update_groupon($attendee_id, $attendee->coupon_code);
    //	echo '<h4>$attendee_id : ' . $attendee_id . '  <br /><span style="font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;">' . __FILE__ . '<br />line no: ' . __LINE__ . '</span></h4>';
    //	echo '<h4>$total_cost : ' . $total_cost . '  <br /><span style="font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;">' . __FILE__ . '<br />line no: ' . __LINE__ . '</span></h4>';
    espresso_update_primary_attendee_total_cost($attendee_id, $total_cost, __FILE__);
    if (!empty($notifications['coupons']) || !empty($notifications['groupons'])) {
        echo '<div id="event_espresso_notifications" class="clearfix event-data-display no-hide">';
        echo $notifications['coupons'];
        // add space between $coupon_notifications and  $groupon_notifications ( if any $groupon_notifications exist )
        echo !empty($notifications['coupons']) && !empty($notifications['groupons']) ? '<br/>' : '';
        echo $notifications['groupons'];
        echo '</div>';
    if (isset($org_options['skip_confirmation_page']) && $org_options['skip_confirmation_page'] == 'Y') {
        $redirect_url = home_url() . '/?page_id=' . $org_options['event_page_id'] . '&regevent_action=confirm_registration';
        $_POST['regevent_action'] = 'confirm_registration';
        $_POST['confirm'] = 'Confirm Registration';
        $_POST['confirm_registration'] = TRUE;
        $_POST['attendee_id'] = $attendee_id;
        $_POST['event_id'] = $event_id;
        $_POST['registration_id'] = $registration_id;
    } else {
        $display_cost = $total_cost > 0 ? $org_options['currency_symbol'] . number_format($total_cost, 2, '.', '') : __('Free', 'event_espresso');
        // Pull in the template
        if (file_exists(EVENT_ESPRESSO_TEMPLATE_DIR . "confirmation_display.php")) {
            require_once EVENT_ESPRESSO_TEMPLATE_DIR . "confirmation_display.php";
            //This is the path to the template file if available
        } else {
            require_once EVENT_ESPRESSO_PLUGINFULLPATH . "templates/confirmation_display.php";
function espresso_display_nab($payment_data)
    include_once 'Nab.php';
    echo '<!-- Event Espresso nab Gateway Version ' . $nab_gateway_version . '-->';
    $mynab = new nab();
    // initiate an instance of the class
    global $org_options, $wpdb;
    do_action('action_hook_espresso_log', __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, '');
    $nab_result_url = home_url() . '/?page_id=' . $org_options['notify_url'] . '&id=' . $attendee_id . '&event_id=' . $event_id . '&attendee_action=post_payment&form_action=payment&type=nab';
    $nab_settings = get_option('event_espresso_nab_settings');
    $nab_id = $nab_settings['nab_merchant_id'];
    $nab_pass = $nab_settings['nab_merchant_password'];
    $use_sandbox = $nab_settings['nab_use_sandbox'];
    $registration_id = $wpdb->get_var("select registration_id from " . EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE . " where id = {$attendee_id}");
    $temp_timezone_holder = date_default_timezone_get();
    $timestamp = date('YmdHis');
    if ($use_sandbox == 1) {
        $nab_post_url = "https://transact.nab.com.au/test/directpost/authorise";
    } else {
        $nab_post_url = "https://transact.nab.com.au/live/directpost/authorise";
    $quantity = isset($quantity) && $quantity > 0 ? $quantity : espresso_count_attendees_for_registration($attendee_id);
    $mynab->addField('EPS_MERCHANT', $nab_id);
    $mynab->addField('EPS_PASSWORD', $nab_pass);
    $mynab->addField('EPS_REFERENCEID', $registration_id);
    $mynab->addField('EPS_AMOUNT', number_format($event_cost, 2, '.', ''));
    $mynab->addField('EPS_TIMESTAMP', $timestamp);
    if (empty($nab_settings['button_url'])) {
        if (file_exists(EVENT_ESPRESSO_GATEWAY_DIR . "nab/nab_logo.png")) {
            $button_url = EVENT_ESPRESSO_GATEWAY_URL . "nab/nab_logo.png";
        } else {
            $button_url = EVENT_ESPRESSO_PLUGINFULLURL . "gateways/nab/nab_logo.png";
    } else {
        $button_url = $nab_settings['button_url'];
	<form method="post" action="<?php 
    echo $nab_post_url;
		<input type="hidden" name="EPS_MERCHANT" value="<?php 
    echo $nab_id;
		<input type="hidden" name="EPS_PASSWORD" value="<?php 
    echo $nab_pass;
		<input type="hidden" name="EPS_REFERENCEID" value="<?php 
    echo $registration_id;
		<input type="hidden" name="EPS_AMOUNT" value="<?php 
    echo number_format($event_cost, 2, '.', '');
		<input type="hidden" name="EPS_TIMESTAMP" value="<?php 
    echo $timestamp;
		<input type="hidden" name="EPS_FINGERPRINT" value="<?php 
    echo $mynab->prepareSubmit();
		<input type="hidden" name="EPS_RESULTURL" value="<?php 
    echo $nab_result_url;
		<input type="hidden" name="EPS_FIRSTNAME" value="<?php 
    echo $fname;
		<input type="hidden" name="EPS_LASTNAME" value="<?php 
    echo $lname;
		<input type="hidden" name="EPS_ZIPCODE" value="<?php 
    echo $zip;
		<input type="hidden" name="EPS_TOWN" value="<?php 
    echo $city;
		<input type="hidden" name="EPS_EMAILADDRESS" value="<?php 
    echo $attendee_email;
					<td colspan="2"><b>Enter Account Details</b></td>
					<td>Card Type :</td>
					<td><select name="EPS_CARDTYPE" class="inputbox" style="width:167px">
							<option value="visa">Visa</option>
							<option value="mastercard">MasterCard</option>
							<option value="amex">Amex</option>
					<td>Card Number :</td>
					<td><input type="text" class="inputbox" name="EPS_CARDNUMBER" value="4444333322221111" size="27"/></td>
					<td> Card CCV :</td>
					<td><input type="text"   class="inputbox" name="EPS_CCV" value="234" size="27" /></td>
					<td>Card Expires :</td>
					<td><select name="EPS_EXPIRYMONTH" class="inputbox">
							<option value="">- Month -</option>
							<option value="1">01</option>
							<option value="2">02</option>
							<option value="3">03</option>
							<option value="4" selected>04</option>
							<option value="5">05</option>
							<option value="6">06</option>
							<option value="7">07</option>
							<option value="8">08</option>
							<option value="9">09</option>
							<option value="10">10</option>
							<option value="11">11</option>
							<option value="12">12</option>
						<select name="EPS_EXPIRYYEAR" class="inputbox">
							<option value="">- Year -</option>
							<option value="2009">2009</option>
							<option value="2010">2010</option>
							<option value="2011">2011</option>
							<option value="2012" selected>2012</option>
							<option value="2013">2013</option>
							<option value="2014">2014</option>
							<option value="2015">2015</option>
							<option value="2016">2016</option>
							<option value="2017">2017</option>
							<option value="2018">2018</option>
							<option value="2019">2019</option>
							<option value="2020">2020</option>
							<option value="2021">2021</option>
							<option value="2022">2022</option>
							<option value="2023">2023</option>
							<option value="2024">2024</option>
							<option value="2025">2025</option>
				<tr height=''50px''>
						<td align="left" colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="Post Payment" class="submit_button"/></td>
    if ($use_sandbox == true) {
        echo '<h3 style="color:#ff0000;" title="Payments will not be processed">' . __('Debug Mode Is Turned On', 'event_espresso') . '</h3>';