function sync_object($object_type, $object_name)
    # Should only provide error information on stderr: put stdout to syslog
    $cmd = "geni-sync-wireless {$object_type} {$object_name}";
    error_log("SYNC(cmd) " . $cmd);
    $descriptors = array(0 => array("pipe", "r"), 1 => array("pipe", "w"), 2 => array("pipe", "w"));
    $process = proc_open($cmd, $descriptors, $pipes);
    $std_output = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);
    # Should be empty
    $err_output = stream_get_contents($pipes[2]);
    $proc_value = proc_close($process);
    $full_output = $std_output . $err_output;
    foreach (split("\n", $full_output) as $line) {
        if (strlen(trim($line)) == 0) {
        error_log("SYNC(output) " . $line);
    if ($proc_value != RESPONSE_ERROR::NONE) {
        error_log("WIRELESS SYNC error: {$proc_value}");
    return $proc_value;
  * @param array $current_import
  * @return bool
 function import(array $current_import)
     // fetch the remote content
     $html = wp_remote_get($current_import['file']);
     // Something failed
     if (is_wp_error($html)) {
         $redirect_url = get_admin_url(get_current_blog_id(), '/tools.php?page=pb_import');
         error_log('\\PressBooks\\Import\\Html import error, wp_remote_get() ' . $html->get_error_message());
         $_SESSION['pb_errors'][] = $html->get_error_message();
     $url = parse_url($current_import['file']);
     // get parent directory (with forward slash e.g. /parent)
     $path = dirname($url['path']);
     $domain = $url['scheme'] . '://' . $url['host'] . $path;
     // get id (there will be only one)
     $id = array_keys($current_import['chapters']);
     // front-matter, chapter, or back-matter
     $post_type = $this->determinePostType($id[0]);
     $chapter_parent = $this->getChapterParent();
     $body = $this->kneadandInsert($html['body'], $post_type, $chapter_parent, $domain);
     // Done
     return $this->revokeCurrentImport();
Exemple #3
 public function cpanel()
     $whmusername = "******";
     $whmhash = "somelonghash";
     # some hash value
     $query = "";
     $curl = curl_init();
     # Create Curl Object
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
     # Allow certs that do not match the domain
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
     # Allow self-signed certs
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
     # Return contents of transfer on curl_exec
     $header[0] = "Authorization: WHM {$whmusername}:" . preg_replace("'(\r|\n)'", "", $whmhash);
     # Remove newlines from the hash
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header);
     # Set curl header
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $query);
     # Set your URL
     $result = curl_exec($curl);
     # Execute Query, assign to $result
     if ($result == false) {
         error_log("curl_exec threw error \"" . curl_error($curl) . "\" for {$query}");
     print $result;
  * Remove the record IF there are no records referencing this user.
 function updateDatabase($form, $myvalues)
     //Perform some data quality checks now.
     if (!isset($myvalues['protocol_shortname'])) {
         die("Cannot delete record because missing protocol_shortname in array!\n" . var_dump($myvalues));
     $updated_dt = date("Y-m-d H:i", time());
     $protocol_shortname = $myvalues['protocol_shortname'];
     //Backup all the existing records.
     //Delete all the records.
     $num_deleted = db_delete('raptor_protocol_lib')->condition('protocol_shortname', $protocol_shortname)->execute();
     $num_deleted = db_delete('raptor_protocol_keywords')->condition('protocol_shortname', $protocol_shortname)->execute();
     $num_deleted = db_delete('raptor_protocol_template')->condition('protocol_shortname', $protocol_shortname)->execute();
     if ($num_deleted == 1) {
         $feedback = 'The ' . $protocol_shortname . ' protocol has been succesfully deleted.';
         return 1;
     //We are here because we failed.
     $feedback = 'Trouble deleting ' . $protocol_shortname . ' protocol!';
     error_log($feedback . ' delete reported ' . $num_deleted);
     drupal_set_message($feedback, 'warning');
     return 0;
  * Prints the stack trace for this exception.
 public function printStackTrace()
     if (null === $this->wrappedException) {
     $exception = $this->wrappedException;
     if (!sfConfig::get('sf_test')) {
         // log all exceptions in php log
         // clean current output buffer
         while (ob_get_level()) {
             if (!ob_end_clean()) {
         ob_start(sfConfig::get('sf_compressed') ? 'ob_gzhandler' : '');
         header('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error');
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     if (!sfConfig::get('sf_test')) {
  * SetLogFiles
 function GoogleLog($errorLogFile, $messageLogFile, $logLevel = L_ERR_RQST, $die = true)
     $this->logLevel = $logLevel;
     if ($logLevel == L_OFF) {
         $this->logLevel = L_OFF;
     } else {
         if (!($this->errorLogFile = @fopen($errorLogFile, "a"))) {
             header('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error');
             $log = "Cannot open " . $errorLogFile . " file.\n" . "Logs are not writable, set them to 777";
             error_log($log, 0);
             if ($die) {
             } else {
                 echo $log;
                 $this->logLevel = L_OFF;
         if (!($this->messageLogFile = @fopen($messageLogFile, "a"))) {
             header('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error');
             $log = "Cannot open " . $messageLogFile . " file.\n" . "Logs are not writable, set them to 777";
             error_log($log, 0);
             if ($die) {
             } else {
                 echo $log;
                 $this->logLevel = L_OFF;
     $this->logLevel = $logLevel;
 protected function prepareSubmitData($key)
   $var = $this->getArg($key, array());
   if (!$type = $this->getArg('_type')) {
       error_log("Type data not found");
       return $var;
   if (!is_array($var)) {
       $type = isset($type[$key]) ? $type[$key] : null;
       return $this->prepareSubmitValue($var, $type);
   } elseif (!isset($type[$key])) {
       error_log("Type data not found for $key");
       return $var;
   $types = $type[$key];
   foreach ($types as $key=>$type) {
       if (is_array($type)) {
           foreach ($type as $_key=>$_type) {
               $value = isset($var[$key][$_key]) ? $var[$key][$_key] : null;
               $var[$key][$_key] = $this->prepareSubmitValue($value, $_type);
       } else {
           $value = isset($var[$key]) ? $var[$key] : null;
           $var[$key] = $this->prepareSubmitValue($value, $type);
   return $var;    
 public function service($request, $response)
     $result = $this->callCenterApi->returnSuccess();
     $function = $request->service;
     if(method_exists($this, $function))
             $lockName = $this->getLockerName($request);
             $cacher= DAL::get()->getCache(Cacher::CACHETYPE_LOCKER);
             $locker  = LockUtil::factory(LockUtil::LOCK_TYPE_MEMCACHE, array('memcache' => $cacher));
             $result = $this->$function($request,$response);
         catch(LockException $ex)
             error_log(XDateTime::now()->toString()."并发锁错误 $lockName\n", 3 , $this->logFileName);
         catch(Exception $ex)
             error_log(XDateTime::now()->toString()."释放锁 $lockName\n", 3 , $this->logFileName);
     echo $result;
     $this->logTxt .= XDateTime::now()->toString().'--->'.print_r($result, true)."\n";
     header('Content-Length: ' . ob_get_length());
     return parent::DIRECT_OUTPUT;
Exemple #9
  * Formatea y guarda el mensaje en el archivo de log. Además se le agrega la fecha y hora 
  * y un salto de linea
  * @access public
  * @param $message (string) mensaje a logear
  * @return void
 function log2file($message)
     // Agregar la fecha y hora en la cual ocurrió en error
     $fecha = date('d/m/Y H:i:s');
     $message = $fecha . ';' . $message . "\r\n";
     error_log($message, 3, $this->filename);
		function raise($e_message) {
      global $page;
			array_push($this->e_list, $e_message);
      error_log("StreamOnTheFly error: $msg", 0);
Exemple #11
 public static function log_errors($msg = null, $strip = false)
     if (defined('LOG_XPM4_ERRORS')) {
         if (is_string(LOG_XPM4_ERRORS) && is_string($msg) && is_bool($strip)) {
             if (is_array($arr = unserialize(LOG_XPM4_ERRORS)) && isset($arr['type']) && is_int($arr['type']) && ($arr['type'] == 0 || $arr['type'] == 1 || $arr['type'] == 3)) {
                 $msg = "\r\n" . '[' . date('m-d-Y H:i:s') . '] XPM4 ' . ($strip ? str_replace(array('<br />', '<b>', '</b>', "\r\n"), '', $msg) : $msg);
                 if ($arr['type'] == 0) {
                 } else {
                     if ($arr['type'] == 1 && isset($arr['destination'], $arr['headers']) && is_string($arr['destination']) && strlen(trim($arr['destination'])) > 5 && count(explode('@', $arr['destination'])) == 2 && is_string($arr['headers']) && strlen(trim($arr['headers'])) > 3) {
                         error_log($msg, 1, trim($arr['destination']), trim($arr['headers']));
                     } else {
                         if ($arr['type'] == 3 && isset($arr['destination']) && is_string($arr['destination']) && strlen(trim($arr['destination'])) > 1) {
                             error_log($msg, 3, trim($arr['destination']));
                         } else {
                             if (defined('DISPLAY_XPM4_ERRORS') && DISPLAY_XPM4_ERRORS == true) {
                                 trigger_error('invalid LOG_XPM4_ERRORS constant value', E_USER_WARNING);
             } else {
                 if (defined('DISPLAY_XPM4_ERRORS') && DISPLAY_XPM4_ERRORS == true) {
                     trigger_error('invalid LOG_XPM4_ERRORS constant type', E_USER_WARNING);
         } else {
             if (defined('DISPLAY_XPM4_ERRORS') && DISPLAY_XPM4_ERRORS == true) {
                 trigger_error('invalid parameter(s) type', E_USER_WARNING);
Exemple #12
 protected function closed($user)
     error_log("[echoServer.closed] closed .." . $user->id);
     // Do nothing: This is where cleanup would go, in case the user had any sort of
     // open files or other objects associated with them. This runs after the socket
     // has been closed, so there is no need to clean up the socket itself here.
Exemple #13
 static function cachableDataset($n)
     $flg_exit = false;
     if(isset($_SESSION['cache_' . $n ])){
     	$gmdate_mod = $_SESSION['cache_' . $n ];
     	$flg_exit = true;
     	$gmdate_mod = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT';
     	$_SESSION['cache_' . $n ] = $gmdate_mod;
     $gmdate_mod = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT';
     header("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified");
     header("Date: {$gmdate_mod}");
     header("Last-Modified: {$gmdate_mod}");
     header("Cache-Control: public, max-age=86400, must-revalidate");
     header("Pragma: cache");
     header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + 86400) . ' GMT');
     error_log("============ Called cachableDataset {$n} {$gmdate_mod} ==========================================");
     if ($flg_exit) {
     error_log("============ Creating cachableDataset {$n} {$gmdate_mod} ==========================================");
     $a = new rea_ui_dataset();
     return $a;
Exemple #14
 public static function debug($str, $level = false)
     if (self::$debug) {
     //Z_Log::log(Z_CONFIG::$LOG_TARGET_DEFAULT, $str);
Exemple #15
    public function validate()
        $msg = '';
        foreach ($this->dbreads as $dbread){
            $link = mysql_connect($dbread['host'], $this->account['user'], $this->account['pass']);
            $res = mysql_query('show slave status', $link);
            $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
            if (empty($row)) {
                $msg .= $dbread['host'].' can\'t be connected;';
            } else if ($this->max < $row['Seconds_Behind_Master']) {
                error_log("\n".date('Y-m-d H:i:s').":\n".print_r($row, true), 3, '/tmp/db.log');
                $msg .= $dbread['host'].' delay '.$row['Seconds_Behind_Master'].';';
            } else if ('' != $row['Last_Error']) {
                $msg .= $dbread['host'].' has error!';
	    } else if ('Yes' != $row['Slave_IO_Running'] || 'Yes' != $row['Slave_SQL_Running']) {
                $msg .= $dbread['host'].' has repl error!';
	    } else if ('' != $row['Last_IO_Error']) {
                $msg .= $dbread['host'].' has io error!';
	    } else if ('' != $row['Last_SQL_Error']) {
                $msg .= $dbread['host'].' has sql error!';

        return $msg;
Exemple #16
  * Print a warning, as a call to this function means that $SIMPLESAML_INCPREFIX is referenced.
  * @return A blank string.
 function __toString()
     $backtrace = debug_backtrace();
     $where = $backtrace[0]['file'] . ':' . $backtrace[0]['line'];
     error_log('Deprecated $SIMPLESAML_INCPREFIX still in use at ' . $where . '. The simpleSAMLphp library now uses an autoloader.');
     return '';
 function log($msg, $subject = null)
     if ($this->_debugLogDestination) {
         if ($this->_debugLogDestination == 'stdout') {
             if ($this->_debugHtml) {
                 if ($subject) {
                     print_r("{$subject} :<br/>");
                 print_r(htmlentities($msg) . "\r\n");
             } else {
                 if ($subject) {
                     print_r($subject . ' : ' . "\r\n");
                 print_r($msg . "\r\n");
         } else {
             echo date('r') . "\t" . $subject . "\t";
             echo "\r\n";
             error_log(ob_get_clean(), 3, $this->_debugLogDestination);
  * susbscribe valid, unique $request['email'] to
  * boston meshnet mailing list -- thank you finn!
 public function subscribe($email)
     $base_uri = '';
     $client = new \Guzzle\Service\Client(['base_uri' => '', 'timeout' => 7]);
     $randStrng = str_random(12);
     error_log(json_encode(['$randStrng' => $randStrng]));
     $request = $client->post($base_uri, ['content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'], []);
     $data = ['email' => $email, 'pw' => $randStrng, 'pw-conf' => $randStrng, 'digest' => 0, 'email-button' => 'Subscribe'];
     $response = $request->send();
     /* Pending mailserver install..
             $data = (object) [
                         'lists'   => '*****@*****.**',
                         'lists_public' => '*****@*****.**',
                         'from'    => $email,
                         'subject' => 'Mailing List Request from Boston Meshnet (via Website)',
                         'artisan' => '*****@*****.**',
                     ] ;
             $success = Mail::send('emails.subscribe', [ 'data' => $data ], function ($message) use($data) {
             error_log(json_encode(['subscribe' => $success]));
     $success = true;
     return ['success' => $success];
Exemple #19
function debuglog($mit)
    global $release;
    if ($release == "dev") {
        error_log(date("[G:i:s] ") . $mit, 3, "/tmp/php3-ibusz.log");
 public function updateQuestion($question_id, $array)
     $this->db->where('question_id', $question_id);
     if (isset($array['question_name'])) {
         $this->db->set('question_name', $array['question_name']);
     if (isset($array['question_url_name'])) {
         $this->db->set('question_url_name', $array['question_url_name']);
     if (isset($array['question_desc'])) {
         $this->db->set('question_desc', $array['question_desc']);
     if (isset($array['question_status'])) {
         $this->db->set('question_status', $array['question_status']);
     if (isset($array['question_answer'])) {
         $this->db->set('question_answer', $array['question_answer']);
     if (isset($array['flag_reason'])) {
         $this->db->set('flag_reason', $array['flag_reason']);
     if (isset($array['flag_reason_other'])) {
         $this->db->set('flag_reason_other', $array['flag_reason_other']);
     log_message('debug', "updateQuestion:" . trim($this->db->last_query()));
     return $this->db->affected_rows();
Exemple #21
 function &create(&$root, &$pipeline)
     $name = $root->get_attribute('name');
     $value = $root->get_attribute('value');
     $url_autofix = new AutofixUrl();
     $src = $url_autofix->apply(trim($root->get_attribute("src")));
     $src_img = ImageFactory::get($pipeline->guess_url($src), $pipeline);
     if (is_null($src_img)) {
         error_log(sprintf("Cannot open image at '%s'", $src));
         if ($root->has_attribute('width')) {
             $width = px2pt($root->get_attribute('width'));
         } else {
             $width = px2pt(BROKEN_IMAGE_DEFAULT_SIZE_PX);
         if ($root->has_attribute('height')) {
             $height = px2pt($root->get_attribute('height'));
         } else {
             $height = px2pt(BROKEN_IMAGE_DEFAULT_SIZE_PX);
         $alt = $root->get_attribute('alt');
         $css_state =& $pipeline->get_current_css_state();
         $box =& new ButtonBrokenImagebox($width, $height, $alt, $name, $value, $css_state->get_property(CSS_HTML2PS_FORM_ACTION));
         return $box;
     $css_state =& $pipeline->get_current_css_state();
     $box =& new ButtonImageBox($src_img, $name, $value, $css_state->get_property(CSS_HTML2PS_FORM_ACTION));
     return $box;
Exemple #22
 * 自定义错误处理
 * @param $errorNo
 * @param $errorStr
 * @param $errorFile
 * @param $errorLine
 * @return bool
function custom_error_handler($errorNo, $errorStr, $errorFile, $errorLine)
    $logFile = "PHP_log_%s_" . date('Ynd') . '.log';
    $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $templateStr = "[{$now}] %s on line {$errorLine} in file {$errorFile} : {$errorStr}" . PHP_EOL;
    $logStr = '';
    switch ($errorNo) {
        case E_USER_ERROR:
            $logFile = sprintf($logFile, 'ERROR');
            $logStr = sprintf($templateStr, 'Fatal error');
        case E_USER_WARNING:
            $logFile = sprintf($logFile, 'WARNING');
            $logStr = sprintf($templateStr, 'WARNING');
        case E_USER_NOTICE:
            $logFile = sprintf($logFile, 'NOTICE');
            $logStr = sprintf($templateStr, 'NOTICE');
    if ($logStr != '') {
        error_log($logStr, 3, $logFile);
    return true;
 protected function attempt_upload()
     // If there was an attempt to upload a file
     if (isset($_FILES[$this->fileindex]) && (!isset($_FILES[$this->fileindex]['error']) || $_FILES[$this->fileindex]['error'] != 4)) {
         // error 4 = no file chosen anyway
         if (isset($_FILES[$this->fileindex]['error']) && $_FILES[$this->fileindex]['error'] != 0) {
             error_log('JSON Key file upload error number ' . $_FILES[$this->fileindex]['error']);
             // Some import errors have error explanations
             $this->error = 'file_upload_error' . (in_array($_FILES[$this->fileindex]['error'], array(2, 6, 7)) ? $_FILES[$this->fileindex]['error'] : '');
         if (isset($_FILES[$this->fileindex]['size']) && $_FILES[$this->fileindex]['size'] <= 0) {
             $this->error = 'no_content';
         $filepath = $_FILES[$this->fileindex]['tmp_name'];
         $this->contents = @file_get_contents($filepath);
     } else {
         if (strlen(trim($this->jsontext)) > 0) {
             $this->contents = strpos($this->jsontext, '\\\\') !== false ? stripslashes($this->jsontext) : $this->jsontext;
     if ($this->contents !== null) {
  * Performs the actual image manipulation,
  * including saving the target file.
  * @param  string $load_filename filepath (not URL) to source file
  *                               (ex: /src/var/www/wp-content/uploads/my-pic.jpg)
  * @param  string $save_filename filepath (not URL) where result file should be saved
  *                               (ex: /src/var/www/wp-content/uploads/my-pic@2x.jpg)
  * @return bool                  true if everything went fine, false otherwise
 function run($load_filename, $save_filename)
     $image = wp_get_image_editor($load_filename);
     if (!is_wp_error($image)) {
         $current_size = $image->get_size();
         $src_w = $current_size['width'];
         $src_h = $current_size['height'];
         // Get ratios
         $w = $src_w * $this->factor;
         $h = $src_h * $this->factor;
         $image->crop(0, 0, $src_w, $src_h, $w, $h);
         $result = $image->save($save_filename);
         if (is_wp_error($result)) {
             error_log('Error resizing image');
             error_log(print_r($result, true));
             return false;
         } else {
             return true;
     } else {
         if (isset($image->error_data['error_loading_image'])) {
             TimberHelper::error_log('Error loading ' . $image->error_data['error_loading_image']);
         } else {
     return false;
Exemple #25
  * Get the words from each language
  * @return array 
 public function getLangaugeWord()
     $langPath = $this->_config->getLanguageFolder();
     $root = PathService::getRootDir();
     $absLangPath = $root . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $langPath;
     $ignore = array('.', '..', '.svn', '.DS_Store');
     $langArray = array();
     if ($handle = opendir($absLangPath)) {
         while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
             $absFile = $absLangPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
             $tLangArr = array();
             if (!in_array($file, $ignore) && !is_dir($absFile)) {
                 try {
                     if (($tLangArr = @parse_ini_file($absFile, true)) == false) {
                         throw new Exception('Cannot Parse INI file: ' . $absFile);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $langArray = array_merge($langArray, $tLangArr);
     return $langArray;
 function updateChangedPages()
     $task = new BackgroundProcess_UpdateChangedPages();
     $task->changedTranslationMemories = $this->changedTranslationMemories;
     error_log('Added task UpdateChangedPages');
Exemple #27
 public function err($msg, $file = null)
     if (!empty($this->_emailFrom) && !empty($this->_emailTo) && !empty($this->_emailSubject) && $msg instanceof Exception) {
         if (!$msg instanceof Wk_Exception) {
             $body = print_r($msg, true);
             $subject = "=?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode($this->_emailSubject) . "?=";
             $header = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";
             $header .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8" . "\r\n";
             $header .= 'From: <' . $this->_emailFrom . '>' . "\r\n";
             mail($this->_emailTo, $subject, $body, $header);
         $msg = $msg->getMessage() . $msg->getTraceAsString();
     if ($msg instanceof Exception) {
         $msg = $msg->getMessage() . $msg->getTraceAsString();
     if (empty($file) && empty($this->_errPath)) {
     if (empty($file)) {
         $file = $this->_errPath;
     if ($this->_rotate) {
         $file .= '.' . date('Ymd');
     error_log(self::formatLogMessage($msg, 'error', true), 3, $file);
 public function send()
     $di = \Phalcon\DI::getDefault();
     $res = $di->get('response');
     $req = $di->get('request');
     //query string, filter, default
     if (!$req->get('suppress_response_codes', null, null)) {
         $res->setStatusCode($this->getCode(), $this->response)->sendHeaders();
     } else {
         $res->setStatusCode('200', 'OK')->sendHeaders();
     $error = array('errorCode' => $this->getCode(), 'messages' => $this->messages);
     if (!$req->get('type') || $req->get('type') == 'json') {
         $response = new \Base\Framework\Responses\JSONResponse();
         $response->send($error, true);
     } else {
         if ($req->get('type') == 'csv') {
             $response = new \Base\Framework\Responses\CSVResponse();
     error_log('HTTPException: ' . $this->getFile() . ' at ' . $this->getLine());
     return true;
Exemple #29
 protected function execute($report, $query, $parameters)
     $rs = $report->DB()->Execute($query, $parameters);
     if (!$rs) {
         return array("ERROR", "Error generating report");
     $reportNamesFilled = false;
     $columnNames = array();
     $reportData = array();
     foreach ($rs as $rowId => $row) {
         $reportData[] = array();
         if (!$reportNamesFilled) {
             $countIt = 0;
             foreach ($row as $name => $value) {
                 $columnNames[$countIt] = $name;
                 $reportData[count($reportData) - 1][] = $value;
             $reportNamesFilled = true;
         } else {
             foreach ($row as $name => $value) {
                 $reportData[count($reportData) - 1][] = $value;
     array_unshift($reportData, $columnNames);
     return $reportData;
Exemple #30
function PQuery($query)
    require "config.php";
    global $connection;
    //error_log( $query );
    //print $query."<br>";
    $res = pg_query($connection, $query);
    if (!$res) {
        //print_r (debug_backtrace());
        list(, $caller) = debug_backtrace(false);
        error_log($caller['function'] . ', ' . $caller['line'] . ": {$query}");
        $result['count'] = 0;
        $result['rows'] = NULL;
        $result['error'] = pg_last_error($connection);
        return $result;
    $result['count'] = pg_num_rows($res);
    $i = 0;
    $rowarr = array();
    while ($row = pg_fetch_array($res, NULL, PGSQL_ASSOC)) {
        $rowarr[$i++] = $row;
    $result['rows'] = $rowarr;
    return $result;