 * Adds custom columns to Event CPT table
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @access private
 * @ignore
function eventorganiser_event_add_columns($columns)
    //Unset unnecessary columns
    //Set 'title' column title
    $columns['title'] = __('Event', 'eventorganiser');
    //If displaying 'author', change title
    if (isset($columns['author'])) {
        $columns['author'] = __('Organiser', 'eventorganiser');
    if (isset($columns['author']) && !eo_is_multi_event_organiser()) {
    if (taxonomy_exists('event-venue')) {
        $tax = get_taxonomy('event-venue');
        $columns['venue'] = $tax->labels->singular_name;
    $columns['eventcategories'] = __('Categories');
    $columns['datestart'] = __('Start Date/Time', 'eventorganiser');
    $columns['dateend'] = __('End Date/Time', 'eventorganiser');
    $columns['reoccurence'] = __('Reoccurrence', 'eventorganiser');
    return $columns;
Exemple #2
 * Ajax response for the admin full calendar. 
 * This gets events and generates summaries for events to be displayed.
 * in the admin 'calendar view'. 
 * Applies 'eventorganiser_admin_cal_summary' to event summary
 * Applies eventorganiser_admin_calendar to the event array
 *@since 1.0
 *@access private
function eventorganiser_admin_calendar()
    $request = array('event_end_after' => $_GET['start'], 'event_start_before' => $_GET['end']);
    $presets = array('posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_type' => 'event', 'group_events_by' => '', 'perm' => 'readable');
    $calendar = get_transient('eo_full_calendar_admin');
    $key = $_GET['start'] . '--' . $_GET['end'] . 'u=' . get_current_user_id();
    if ((!defined('WP_DEBUG') || !WP_DEBUG) && $calendar && is_array($calendar) && isset($calendar[$key])) {
        echo json_encode($calendar[$key]);
    //Create query
    $query_array = array_merge($presets, $request);
    $query = new WP_Query($query_array);
    //Retrieve events
    $eventsarray = array();
    //Blog timezone
    $tz = eo_get_blog_timezone();
    //Loop through events
    global $post;
    if ($query->have_posts()) {
        while ($query->have_posts()) {
            $event = array();
            $colour = '';
            //Get title, append status if applicable
            $title = get_the_title();
            if (!empty($post->post_password)) {
                $title .= ' - ' . __('Protected');
            } elseif ($post->post_status == 'private') {
                $title .= ' - ' . __('Private');
            } elseif ($post->post_status == 'draft') {
                $title .= ' - ' . __('Draft');
            $event['title'] = html_entity_decode($title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
            $event['event_id'] = $post->ID;
            $event['occurrence_id'] = $post->occurrence_id;
            $schedule = eo_get_event_schedule($post->ID);
            //Check if all day, set format accordingly
            if ($schedule['all_day']) {
                $event['allDay'] = true;
                $format = get_option('date_format');
            } else {
                $event['allDay'] = false;
                $format = get_option('date_format') . '  ' . get_option('time_format');
            //Get author (or organiser)
            $organiser = get_userdata($post->post_author)->display_name;
            //Get Event Start and End date, set timezone to the blog's timzone
            $event_start = new DateTime($post->StartDate . ' ' . $post->StartTime, $tz);
            $event_end = new DateTime($post->EndDate . ' ' . $post->FinishTime, $tz);
            $event['start'] = $event_start->format('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z');
            $event['end'] = $event_end->format('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z');
            //Produce summary of event
            $summary = "<table class='form-table' >" . "<tr><th> " . __('Start', 'eventorganiser') . ": </th><td> " . eo_format_datetime($event_start, $format) . "</td></tr>" . "<tr><th> " . __('End', 'eventorganiser') . ": </th><td> " . eo_format_datetime($event_end, $format) . "</td></tr>";
            if (eo_is_multi_event_organiser()) {
                $summary .= "<tr><th> " . __('Organiser', 'eventorganiser') . ": </th><td>" . $organiser . "</td></tr>";
            $event['className'] = array('event');
            $now = new DateTime(null, $tz);
            if ($event_start <= $now) {
                $event['className'][] = 'past-event';
            //Include venue if this is set
            $venue = eo_get_venue($post->ID);
            if ($venue && !is_wp_error($venue)) {
                $summary .= "<tr><th>" . __('Where', 'eventorganiser') . ": </th><td>" . eo_get_venue_name($venue) . "</td></tr>";
                $event['className'][] = 'venue-' . eo_get_venue_slug($post->ID);
                $event['venue'] = $venue;
             * Filters the summary of the event as it appears in the admin 
             * calendar's modal.
             * **Note:** As the calendar is cached, changes made using this filter
             * will not take effect immediately. You can clear the cache by
             * updating an event.
             * @package admin-calendar
             * @param string  $summary       The event (admin) summary,
             * @param int     $event_id      The event's post ID.
             * @param int     $occurrence_id The event's occurrence ID.
             * @param WP_Post $post          The event (post) object.
            $summary = apply_filters('eventorganiser_admin_cal_summary', $summary, $post->ID, $post->occurrence_id, $post);
            $summary .= "</table><p>";
            //Include schedule summary if event reoccurrs
            if ($schedule['schedule'] != 'once') {
                $summary .= '<em>' . __('This event reoccurs', 'eventorganiser') . ' ' . eo_get_schedule_summary() . '</em>';
            $summary .= '</p>';
            //Include edit link in summary if user has permission
            if (current_user_can('edit_event', $post->ID)) {
                $edit_link = get_edit_post_link($post->ID, '');
                $summary .= "<span class='edit'><a title='Edit this item' href='" . $edit_link . "'> " . __('Edit Event', 'eventorganiser') . "</a></span>";
                $event['url'] = $edit_link;
            //Include a delete occurrence link in summary if user has permission
            if (current_user_can('delete_event', $post->ID)) {
                $admin_url = admin_url('edit.php');
                $delete_url = add_query_arg(array('post_type' => 'event', 'page' => 'calendar', 'series' => $post->ID, 'event' => $post->occurrence_id, 'action' => 'delete_occurrence'), $admin_url);
                $delete_url = wp_nonce_url($delete_url, 'eventorganiser_delete_occurrence_' . $post->occurrence_id);
                $summary .= sprintf('<span class="delete"><a class="submitdelete" style="color:red;float:right" title="%1$s" href="%2$s">%1$s</a></span>', esc_attr__('Delete this occurrence', 'eventorganiser'), $delete_url);
                if ($schedule['schedule'] != 'once') {
                    $break_url = add_query_arg(array('post_type' => 'event', 'page' => 'calendar', 'series' => $post->ID, 'event' => $post->occurrence_id, 'action' => 'break_series'), $admin_url);
                    $break_url = wp_nonce_url($break_url, 'eventorganiser_break_series_' . $post->occurrence_id);
                    $summary .= sprintf('<span class="break"><a class="submitbreak" style="color:red;float:right;padding-right:2em;" title="%1$s" href="%2$s">%1$s</a></span>', esc_attr__('Break this series', 'eventorganiser'), $break_url);
            //Event categories
            $terms = get_the_terms($post->ID, 'event-category');
            $event['category'] = array();
            if ($terms) {
                foreach ($terms as $term) {
                    $event['category'][] = $term->slug;
                    $event['className'][] = 'category-' . $term->slug;
            //Event colour
            $event['textColor'] = '#ffffff';
            //default text colour
            if (eo_get_event_color()) {
                $event['color'] = eo_get_event_color();
                $event['textColor'] = eo_get_event_textcolor($event['color']) ? eo_get_event_textcolor($event['color']) : '#ffffff';
            //Event summary
            $event['summary'] = '<div id="eo-cal-meta">' . $summary . '</div>';
            //Filter the event array
             * @ignore
            $event = apply_filters('eventorganiser_admin_calendar', $event, $post);
             * Filters the event before its sent to the admin calendar.
             * **Note:** As the calendar is cached, changes made using this filter
             * will not take effect immediately. You can clear the cache by
             * updating an event.
             * @package admin-calendar
             * @param array $event         The event array.
             * @param int   $event_id      The event's post ID.
             * @param int   $occurrence_id The event's occurrence ID.
            $event = apply_filters('eventorganiser_admin_fullcalendar_event', $event, $post->ID, $post->occurrence_id);
            //Add event to array
            $eventsarray[] = $event;
    if (!$calendar || !is_array($calendar)) {
        $calendar = array();
    $calendar[$key] = $eventsarray;
    set_transient('eo_full_calendar_admin', $calendar, 60 * 60 * 24);
    //Echo result and exit
    echo json_encode($eventsarray);