function definition()
     global $CFG;
     $mform =& $this->_form;
     $category = $this->_customdata;
     ensure_context_subobj_present($category, CONTEXT_COURSECAT);
     $this->_category = $category;
     /// Check permissions, to see if it OK to give the option to delete
     /// the contents, rather than move elsewhere.
     /// Are there any subcategories of this one, can they be deleted?
     $candeletecontent = true;
     $tocheck = get_child_categories($category->id);
     $containscategories = !empty($tocheck);
     $categoryids = array($category->id);
     while (!empty($tocheck)) {
         $checkcat = array_pop($tocheck);
         $childcategoryids[] = $checkcat->id;
         $tocheck = $tocheck + get_child_categories($checkcat->id);
         if ($candeletecontent && !has_capability('moodle/category:manage', $checkcat->context)) {
             $candeletecontent = false;
     /// Are there any courses in here, can they be deleted?
     $containedcourses = get_records_sql("\n                SELECT id,1 FROM {$CFG->prefix}course c\n                        WHERE c.category IN (" . implode(',', $categoryids) . ")");
     $containscourses = false;
     if ($containedcourses) {
         $containscourses = true;
         foreach ($containedcourses as $courseid => $notused) {
             if ($candeletecontent && !can_delete_course($courseid)) {
                 $candeletecontent = false;
     /// Are there any questions in the question bank here?
     $containsquestions = question_context_has_any_questions($category->context);
     /// Get the list of categories we might be able to move to.
     $testcaps = array();
     if ($containscourses) {
         $testcaps[] = 'moodle/course:create';
     if ($containscategories || $containsquestions) {
         $testcaps[] = 'moodle/category:manage';
     $displaylist = array();
     $notused = array();
     if (!empty($testcaps)) {
         make_categories_list($displaylist, $notused, $testcaps, $category->id);
     /// Now build the options.
     $options = array();
     if ($displaylist) {
         $options[0] = get_string('movecontentstoanothercategory');
     if ($candeletecontent) {
         $options[1] = get_string('deleteallcannotundo');
     /// Now build the form.
     $mform->addElement('header', 'general', get_string('categorycurrentcontents', '', format_string($category->name)));
     if ($containscourses || $containscategories || $containsquestions) {
         if (empty($options)) {
             print_error('youcannotdeletecategory', 'error', 'index.php', format_string($category->name));
         /// Describe the contents of this category.
         $contents = '<ul>';
         if ($containscategories) {
             $contents .= '<li>' . get_string('subcategories') . '</li>';
         if ($containscourses) {
             $contents .= '<li>' . get_string('courses') . '</li>';
         if ($containsquestions) {
             $contents .= '<li>' . get_string('questionsinthequestionbank') . '</li>';
         $contents .= '</ul>';
         $mform->addElement('static', 'emptymessage', get_string('thiscategorycontains'), $contents);
         /// Give the options for what to do.
         $mform->addElement('select', 'fulldelete', get_string('whattodo'), $options);
         if (count($options) == 1) {
             $mform->setConstant('fulldelete', reset(array_keys($options)));
         if ($displaylist) {
             $mform->addElement('select', 'newparent', get_string('movecategorycontentto'), $displaylist);
             if (in_array($category->parent, $displaylist)) {
                 $mform->setDefault('newparent', $category->parent);
             $mform->disabledIf('newparent', 'fulldelete', 'eq', '1');
     } else {
         $mform->addElement('hidden', 'fulldelete', 1);
         $mform->setType('fulldelete', PARAM_INT);
         $mform->addElement('static', 'emptymessage', '', get_string('deletecategoryempty'));
     $mform->addElement('hidden', 'delete');
     $mform->setType('delete', PARAM_ALPHANUM);
     $mform->addElement('hidden', 'sure');
     $mform->setType('sure', PARAM_ALPHANUM);
     $mform->setDefault('sure', md5(serialize($category)));
     $this->add_action_buttons(true, get_string('delete'));
 * This function recursively travels the categories, building up a nice list
 * for display. It also makes an array that list all the parents for each
 * category.
 * For example, if you have a tree of categories like:
 *   Miscellaneous (id = 1)
 *      Subcategory (id = 2)
 *         Sub-subcategory (id = 4)
 *   Other category (id = 3)
 * Then after calling this function you will have
 * $list = array(1 => 'Miscellaneous', 2 => 'Miscellaneous / Subcategory',
 *      4 => 'Miscellaneous / Subcategory / Sub-subcategory',
 *      3 => 'Other category');
 * $parents = array(2 => array(1), 4 => array(1, 2));
 * If you specify $requiredcapability, then only categories where the current
 * user has that capability will be added to $list, although all categories
 * will still be added to $parents, and if you only have $requiredcapability
 * in a child category, not the parent, then the child catgegory will still be
 * included.
 * If you specify the option $excluded, then that category, and all its children,
 * are omitted from the tree. This is useful when you are doing something like
 * moving categories, where you do not want to allow people to move a category
 * to be the child of itself.
 * @param array $list For output, accumulates an array categoryid => full category path name
 * @param array $parents For output, accumulates an array categoryid => list of parent category ids.
 * @param string/array $requiredcapability if given, only categories where the current
 *      user has this capability will be added to $list. Can also be an array of capabilities,
 *      in which case they are all required.
 * @param integer $excludeid Omit this category and its children from the lists built.
 * @param object $category Build the tree starting at this category - otherwise starts at the top level.
 * @param string $path For internal use, as part of recursive calls.
function make_categories_list(&$list, &$parents, $requiredcapability = '', $excludeid = 0, $category = NULL, $path = "")
    // initialize the arrays if needed
    if (!is_array($list)) {
        $list = array();
    if (!is_array($parents)) {
        $parents = array();
    if (empty($category)) {
        // Start at the top level.
        $category = new stdClass();
        $category->id = 0;
    } else {
        // This is the excluded category, don't include it.
        if ($excludeid > 0 && $excludeid == $category->id) {
        // Update $path.
        if ($path) {
            $path = $path . ' / ' . format_string($category->name);
        } else {
            $path = format_string($category->name);
        // Add this category to $list, if the permissions check out.
        if (empty($requiredcapability)) {
            $list[$category->id] = $path;
        } else {
            ensure_context_subobj_present($category, CONTEXT_COURSECAT);
            $requiredcapability = (array) $requiredcapability;
            if (has_all_capabilities($requiredcapability, $category->context)) {
                $list[$category->id] = $path;
    // Add all the children recursively, while updating the parents array.
    if ($categories = get_child_categories($category->id)) {
        foreach ($categories as $cat) {
            if (!empty($category->id)) {
                if (isset($parents[$category->id])) {
                    $parents[$cat->id] = $parents[$category->id];
                $parents[$cat->id][] = $category->id;
            make_categories_list($list, $parents, $requiredcapability, $excludeid, $cat, $path);