function enp_btns_HTML($args)
    // get the user
    $enp_user = new Enp_Button_User();
    $enp_btn_HTML = '';
    // get the button objects
    $enp_btns = enp_get_all_btns($args);
    if (empty($enp_btns)) {
        return false;
        // quit now if there aren't any buttons
    // classes array for outputting in our HTML
    $classes = array("enp-btns");
    if ($args['btn_type'] === 'comment') {
        $btn_type = 'comment';
    } else {
        $btn_type = 'post';
    $classes[] = 'enp-btns-' . $btn_type . '-' . $args['post_id'];
    // check if logged in is set
    $enp_btn_clickable = enp_btn_clickable();
    // check if the first one is full of null values
    if (enp_button_exists($enp_btns[0])) {
        // check on icon status
        $enp_btn_icons = get_option('enp_button_icons');
        if ($enp_btn_icons === '0') {
            $enp_btn_icon_class = 'no-enp-icon-state';
            $display_enp_btn_icons = false;
        } else {
            $enp_btn_icon_class = 'enp-icon-state';
            $display_enp_btn_icons = true;
        $enp_btn_HTML = '<div id="enp-btns-wrap-' . $btn_type . '-' . $args['post_id'] . '" class="enp-btns-wrap--disabled enp-btns-wrap ' . $enp_btn_icon_class . '" data-btn-type="' . $btn_type . '">
                            <ul class="';
        foreach ($classes as $class) {
            $enp_btn_HTML .= $class . ' ';
        $enp_btn_HTML .= '">';
        foreach ($enp_btns as $enp_btn) {
            if (enp_button_exists($enp_btn)) {
                $enp_btn_HTML .= enp_btn_append_btn_HTML($enp_btn, $args, $enp_btn_clickable, $enp_user, $display_enp_btn_icons);
            // process button names to pass to the Promote option later
            $enp_btn_names[] = $enp_btn->get_btn_name();
        $enp_btn_HTML .= '</ul>';
        $enp_btn_HTML .= enp_user_clicked_buttons_HTML($enp_user, $enp_btns, $btn_type, $args['post_id']);
        if ($enp_btn_clickable === false) {
            // append a login link and message
            // redirect them back to this button section
            if ($btn_type === 'post') {
                $redirect = get_permalink() . '/#enp-btns-wrap-' . $btn_type . '-' . $args['post_id'];
            } elseif ($btn_type === 'comment') {
                $redirect = get_comment_link($args['post_id']);
            } else {
                // hmmm... which type are they on?
                $redirect = site_url();
            $enp_btn_HTML .= '<p class="enp-btn-hint enp-hint--please-log-in">Please <a href="' . wp_login_url($redirect) . '">Log In</a> to click the buttons</p>';
        if ($btn_type === 'post' && !empty($enp_btn_names)) {
            $return = true;
            $enp_btn_HTML .= promote_enp_HTML($enp_btn_names, $return);
            // true returns instead of echos
        // no script reference
        $enp_btn_HTML .= '<noscript><p class="enp-btn-hint">Enable Javascript to click a button</p></noscript>';
        $enp_btn_HTML .= '</div>';
        // close enp-btns-wrap
    return $enp_btn_HTML;
function enp_process_update_button_count($pid, $btn_slug, $btn_type, $operator, $user_id)
    // Instantiate WP_Ajax_Response
    $response = new WP_Ajax_Response();
    // Verify Nonces
    if (wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['nonce'], 'enp_button_' . $btn_type . '_' . $btn_slug . '_' . $pid)) {
        global $wpdb;
        if ($btn_type === 'post') {
            // set our function names
            $get_meta = 'get_post_meta';
            $update_meta = 'update_post_meta';
        } elseif ($btn_type === 'comment') {
            // set our function names
            $get_meta = 'get_comment_meta';
            $update_meta = 'update_comment_meta';
        } else {
            // wait, what kind of post is it then?
        // get post or comment meta and update it
        $prev_clicks = $get_meta($pid, 'enp_button_' . $btn_slug, true);
        // increase the click by one
        $new_clicks = changeClickCount($prev_clicks, $operator);
        // update the post or comment meta
        $update_meta($pid, 'enp_button_' . $btn_slug, $new_clicks);
        // switch the operator for the next post
        if ($operator === '+') {
            $new_operator = '-';
        } else {
            $new_operator = '+';
        // update the user if there's an ID to use
        $enp_clicked_btn_HTML = '';
        if ($user_id !== '0') {
            // get their previous clicks
            $user_clicks = get_user_meta($user_id, 'enp_button_' . $btn_type . '_' . $btn_slug, true);
            if (empty($user_clicks)) {
                // if it's empty, it'll return an empty string, but we want an array
                $user_clicks = array();
            // are we increasing or decreasing?
            if ($operator === '+') {
                // add the Button ID to the Array
                $key = array_search($pid, $user_clicks);
                if ($key === false) {
                    // They haven't clicked this one before, so add it
                    $user_clicks[] = $pid;
            } else {
                // search the array and return the key/index
                $key = array_search($pid, $user_clicks);
                if ($key !== false) {
                    // remove this one from the array
                    array_splice($user_clicks, $key, 1);
            update_user_meta($user_id, 'enp_button_' . $btn_type . '_' . $btn_slug, $user_clicks);
            // Build button message text
            $args = array('post_id' => $pid, 'btn_type' => $btn_type);
            $enp_btns = enp_get_all_btns($args);
            $enp_user = new Enp_Button_User(array('user_id' => $user_id));
            $enp_clicked_btn_HTML = enp_user_clicked_buttons_HTML($enp_user, $enp_btns, $btn_type, $pid);
        } else {
            $enp_clicked_btn_HTML = '';
            // we need to check localStorage for button clicks
        // update our rebuild flag
        update_option('enp_rebuild_popular_data', '1');
        $response->add(array('data' => 'success', 'supplemental' => array('pid' => $pid, 'slug' => $btn_slug, 'type' => $btn_type, 'message' => 'The click on ' . $pid . ' has been registered!', 'count' => $new_clicks, 'old_count' => $prev_clicks, 'new_operator' => $new_operator, 'user_clicked_message' => $enp_clicked_btn_HTML)));
    } else {
        $response->add(array('data' => 'error', 'supplemental' => array('pid' => $pid, 'slug' => $btn_slug, 'type' => $btn_type, 'message' => 'We couldn\'t update the ' . ucfirst($btn_slug) . ' button count. Reload this page and try again.')));
    // Send the response back
    // Always end with an exit on ajax