Exemple #1
  *  @param string $filePath - path+filename (often just filename)
  * relative to physical_path AND request_url, no leading slash
 public static function get($filePath)
     $c =& self::$config;
     // shorthand
     enforce(is_file($c->STATICPATH . $filePath), 'getStatic: requested file ' . $c->STATICPATH . $filePath . ' does not exist');
     $ts = filemtime($c->STATICPATH . $filePath);
     return $c->STATICURL . $filePath . ($c->REWRITE ? '-' . $ts : '');
     // go through rewrite
Exemple #2
function staticCacheExpired($key)
    if (!version_development) {
        return false;
    static $resultCache = array();
    if (!array_key_exists($key, $resultCache)) {
        $timestampFile = $_SERVER['cachePath'] . '/staticCacheExpired_' . sha1($key) . '.timestamp';
        $resultCache[$key] = !is_file($timestampFile) || filemtime($timestampFile) < lastCodeChangeTimestamp();
        $touchResult = touch($timestampFile);
        enforce($touchResult, "Could not touch '{$timestampFile}'");
    return $resultCache[$key];
Exemple #3
function codeChanged()
    static $includedFiles = array();
    static $result = true;
    $newIncludedFiles = includedFile();
    if (count($includedFiles) != count($newIncludedFiles)) {
        $fingerprintFile = $_SERVER['cachePath'] . '/codeBase_' . sha1(serialize($newIncludedFiles)) . '.timestamp';
        $result = !is_file($fingerprintFile) || codeTimestamp() > filemtime($fingerprintFile);
        if ($result) {
            $touchResult = touch($fingerprintFile);
            enforce($touchResult, "Could not touch '{$fingerprintFile}'");
        $includedFiles = $newIncludedFiles;
    return $result;
Exemple #4
function symbolicLink($link, $dir)
    $_setup_bin_path = _setup_bin_path();
    switch (strtolower(strtok(php_uname('s'), ' '))) {
        case 'linux':
        case 'mac':
        case 'darwin':
            `ln -s {$dir} {$link}`;
        case 'windows':
            enforce(is_file("{$_setup_bin_path}/junction.exe"), 'junction executable not found');
            `{$_setup_bin_path}/junction.exe {$link} {$dir}`;
Exemple #5
function error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
    throw new ErrorException($errstr, $errno, 1, $errfile, $errline);
function error($message = 'An error occurred')
    throw new Exception($message);
function enforce($condition, $message = 'Enforcement failed')
    if (!$condition) {
    return $condition;
enforce(!get_magic_quotes_gpc(), "Magic quotes are on!");
$count = $_REQUEST['count'];
$dir = uniqid('', true) . '-' . urlencode($_REQUEST['program']);
mkdir($dir, 0700, true);
$filelist = "";
foreach ($_FILES as $name => $file) {
    if ($file["error"] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
        $tmp_name = $file["tmp_name"];
        $filename = $file["name"];
        $filename = basename($filename);
        move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, "{$dir}/{$filename}");
        $filelist .= $url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . "/{$dir}/{$filename}\n";
mail(EMAIL, 'Sleepy Crashback', $filelist);
Exemple #6
function byte_to_human($b, $precision = 1)
    $b = 0 + $b;
    // convert to int, if needed
    enforce(is_long($b), '$b is not an int');
    if ($b < 1024) {
        return $b . ' byte';
    if ($b < 0.9 * 1048576) {
        // 0.9 round higher levels if close enough
        return round($b / 1024, $precision) . ' kb';
    if ($b < 0.9 * 1073741824) {
        return round($b / 1048576, $precision) . ' MB';
    if ($b < 0.9 * 1099511627776) {
        return round($b / 1073741824, $precision) . ' GB';
Exemple #7
function execute($callback)
    $exitCode = 0;
    try {
        $result = $callback();
        enforce($result == 0, 'Exit code: ' . $result);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo "\nFail\n\n";
        echo $e;
        $exitCode = $e->getCode();
        if ($exitCode == 0) {
            $exitCode = 1;
        echo "\nExit code: {$exitCode}\n";
Exemple #8
function generateStubs($destinationDirectory)
    enforce(isset($_SERVER['basePath']), 'basePath is required for stubs generation');
    $timestamp = microtime(true);
    echo 'Listing files ..';
    $files = array();
    foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($_SERVER['basePath'])) as $file) {
        if (microtime(true) > $timestamp + 1) {
            $timestamp = microtime(true);
            echo '.';
        if (!in_array($file->getExtension(), array('php'))) {
        if (strpos(realpath($file), realpath($destinationDirectory) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === 0) {
        $fileContent = file_get_contents($file);
        if (preg_match('/(?si)function\\s*stub/', $fileContent) == 0) {
        $files[] = $file;
    echo ' ' . count($files) . "\n";
    echo 'Including files ..';
    $i = 0;
    // php include can overwrite variable values so we need to isolate include in a function
    $includeFile = function ($file) {
        include_once (string) $file;
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        if (microtime(true) > $timestamp + 1) {
            $timestamp = microtime(true);
            echo '.';
        if (in_array(realpath($file), get_included_files())) {
    echo ' ' . $i . "\n";
    $callables = array();
    echo 'Listing stub generators ..';
    $functions = get_defined_functions();
    foreach (array_merge($functions['internal'], $functions['user']) as $function) {
        if (microtime(true) > $timestamp + 1) {
            $timestamp = microtime(true);
            echo '.';
        if (strpos(strtolower($function), 'stub') === 0) {
            $callables[] = $function;
    foreach (get_declared_classes() as $class) {
        foreach (get_class_methods($class) as $method) {
            if (microtime(true) > $timestamp + 1) {
                $timestamp = microtime(true);
                echo '.';
            if (strpos(strtolower($method), 'stub') === 0) {
                $callables[] = array($class, $method);
    echo ' ' . count($callables) . "\n";
    echo "\nRunning " . count($callables) . " stub generator(s):\n";
    $stubsTree = (object) array();
    foreach ($callables as $callable) {
        $id = (is_string($callable) ? $callable : $callable[0] . '::' . $callable[1]) . '()';
        echo '  ' . $id;
        $stubs = call_user_func($callable);
        foreach (is_array($stubs) ? $stubs : array($stubs) as $stub) {
            generateStub($stubsTree, $stub);
        echo "\n";
    echo "\nGenerating stub files:\n";
    foreach ($stubsTree as $stub) {
        if (isset($stub->{'class'})) {
            $stubFile = $stub->{'class'};
            $stubString = generateStubString($stub);
        echo "  {$stubFile}\n";
        file_put_contents($destinationDirectory . '/' . $stubFile . '.stubs.php', "<?php\n\n{$stubString}\n\n");
    echo "Done\n";
Exemple #9
  * verifies existence of a thumb in a particular resolution
  * returns the url, false if there is no source image!
  * - smart "semi-static" caching including thumbnail timestamp in url
  *   ==> be sure to understand the rewrite rules
  *   ==> be sure to have a proper cache/ to _cache/ rewrite in your root .htaccess
  * @param string $file   - path to original file
  * @param string $mode   - scale mode. currently only 'b' (boxing in) supported
  * @param int $sizeX  - target width (must be within $c->PERMITTED_SIZES)
  * @param int $sizeY  - target height (must be within $c->PERMITTED_SIZES)
  * @param bool $force  - ignore cache and always reproduce (maybe during development)
  * @param bool $timestamp - attach timestamp to url (and remove leading underscore?)
  * @param int $dstW   - CBR - passes back resulting size (<=$sizeX)
  * @param int $dstH   - CBR -    "   , important for alignment, especially vertical
  * @param float $scale - deliver Thumb bigger by this factor. dstW, dstH remain unaffected. (used to prep for CSS3 scalings)
  * @return string the url (which to use in the img tag, gets rewritten to actual path)
 public static function getThumb($file, $mode, $sizeX, $sizeY, $force = false, $timestamp = true, $scale = 1.0, &$dstW = false, &$dstH = false)
     $c =& self::$config;
     // shorthand
     enforce(self::$config !== false, 'you neet to call config() first');
     //convert int and save pre-scae
     $origSizeX = $sizeX = 0 + $sizeX;
     $origSizeY = $sizeY = 0 + $sizeY;
     enforce(is_int($sizeX), "sizeX is not an int");
     enforce(is_int($sizeY), "sizeX is not an int");
     enforce(in_array($sizeX, $c->PERMITTED_SIZES, true), 'not a permitted sizeX');
     enforce(in_array($sizeY, $c->PERMITTED_SIZES, true), 'not a permitted sizeY');
     enforce(in_array($scale, $c->PERMITTED_SCALINGS, true), 'scale not allowed');
     if ($scale !== 1.0) {
         $sizeX = intval(round($sizeX * $scale));
         $sizeY = intval(round($sizeY * $scale));
     // for the moment only boxed mode is supported...
     enforce(in_array($mode, array('b'), true), 'invalid dimension (read: not boxed mode)');
     $srcUrl = $c->ROOT . '/' . $file;
      * fallback image in case thumb creation fails (likely cases: broken files, and still in upload)
      * benefit of this approach: if upload continues and eventuell gets final, it does have a newer
      * timestamp than what got created from '$broken'... ==> subsequent reloads have a chance.
     if (!file_exists($srcUrl)) {
         out("file {$srcUrl} does not exist");
         $dstW = $dstH = 0;
         return false;
         // (also important, to not show thumb, if orig gone...)
     // computing dstUrl, must also take local path to source into account etc... -----------------------------
     // -arguably- obfuscation might be desirable, although this stands against SEO
     // REF:
     // dstUrl: Dörte A一B二CÖDE _cache/c7_u/bearbeitet-7_upload_b300-226.jpg
     // dstUrl: D__rte_A___B___C__DE__cache/c7_u/bearbeitet-7_upload_b300-226.jpg
     $parts[0] = str_replace(array('ö', 'ü', 'ä', 'ß', '@'), array('oe', 'ue', 'ae', 'ss', ' at '), strtolower($file));
     $parts[0] = trim(str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '-', $parts[0]), ' -');
     $parts[0] = preg_replace('/([^\\w\\/\\-\\.])/', '_', $parts[0]);
     $parts[] = $mode;
     $parts[] = $sizeX;
     $parts[] = $sizeY;
     $dstUrl = implode('-', $parts);
     // spread out into subDirs: safer/better performance
     // avoids limitations with certain file systems (too many files in a single dir)
     $subDir = preg_replace('/([^\\w\\d])/', '', $dstUrl);
     // hint:bump letter if something basic about thumbnailing changes
     // (as a hack to invalidate all prior thumbs, also on live)
     $subDir = 'd' . substr($subDir, 0, 3);
     $subDirPath = $c->CACHEPATH . $subDir;
     // for mkdir, below
     // turn into absolute path, and add thumb extension
     $dstCore = $subDir . '/' . $dstUrl . '.jpg';
     $dstUrl = $c->CACHEURL . $dstCore;
     $dstPath = $c->CACHEPATH . $dstCore;
     if ($force || !isNewer($dstPath, $srcUrl)) {
         try {
             // just peeking for errors
             $srcImg = false;
             switch (strtolower(pathinfo($srcUrl, PATHINFO_EXTENSION))) {
                 case 'jpg':
                 case 'jpeg':
                     $srcImg = imagecreatefromjpeg($srcUrl);
                 case 'png':
                     $srcImg = imagecreatefrompng($srcUrl);
                     fail('unknown extension for thumbnailing');
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             enforce(is_file($c->BROKENURL), 'image for failed thumbs does not exist: ' . $c->BROKENURL);
             $srcUrl = $c->BROKENURL;
             $srcImg = imagecreatefrompng($srcUrl);
             $fallbackImage = true;
         if (!file_exists($subDirPath)) {
             enforce(mkdir($subDirPath, 0777, true));
         $srcW = $srcH = $dstW = $dstH = $image_type = false;
         list($srcW, $srcH, $image_type) = getimagesize($srcUrl);
         enforce($srcW > 0 && $srcH > 0, 'sanity');
         list($dstW, $dstH) = self::getScaledBox($mode, $srcW, $srcH, $sizeX, $sizeY);
         $dstImg = imagecreatetruecolor($dstW, $dstH);
         enforce(imagecopyresampled($dstImg, $srcImg, 0, 0, 0, 0, $dstW, $dstH, $srcW, $srcH), 'resizing failed');
         // Output and free memory
         imagejpeg($dstImg, $dstPath, $c->JPEG_QUALITY);
         chmod($dstPath, 0666);
         // do not enforce
         // recompute unscaled values, if needed
         if ($scale !== 1.0) {
             list($dstW, $dstH) = self::getScaledBox($mode, $srcW, $srcH, $origSizeX, $origSizeY);
     } else {
         list($dstW, $dstH) = getimagesize($dstPath);
         // COULDDO: take from a to-be meta-sidecar
         // this is akward.
         $dstW = intval(round($dstW / $scale));
         $dstH = intval(round($dstH / $scale));
     if ($timestamp) {
         // also remove leading underscores (those would trigger a Rewrite)
         $dstUrl = ltrim($dstUrl, '_') . '/' . filemtime($dstPath);
     return $dstUrl;
Exemple #10
  * Data validation can be done by creating a validateKey method, where 
  * key is the name of the property to validate.
  * For generic rules, use addRule($rule, $key1[, $key2...]);
 private function validate($key, $value)
     if (method_exists($this, "validate{$key}")) {
         return call_user_func_array(array($this, "validate{$key}"), $value);
     foreach ($this->__rules as $r) {
         if (array_key_exists($key, $r)) {
             return enforce($rule, $value);
Exemple #11
 function redirect($url)
     if (strpos($url, '://') == false) {
         enforce('unitTestEnvironmentException', isset($_SERVER['baseUrl']), "baseUrl not set");
         $url = $_SERVER['baseUrl'] . (substr($url, 0, 1) == '/' ? substr($url, 1) : $url);
     assertTrue(!$this->hasError(), 'Error in page: ' . $this->errorMessage());
Exemple #12
function compile()
    enforce(isset($_SERVER['basePath']), 'basePath is required for compile');
    $isExcluded = function ($path) {
        $sPath = rtrim(str_replace(array('\\', '/'), array('/', '/'), $path), '/');
        if (array_key_exists('excludePath', $_SERVER)) {
            foreach ($_SERVER['excludePath'] as $excludePath) {
                $sExcludePath = rtrim(str_replace(array('\\', '/'), array('/', '/'), $excludePath), '/');
                if (substr($sPath, 0, strlen($sExcludePath)) === $sExcludePath) {
                    return true;
        return false;
    $timestamp = microtime(true);
    echo 'Listing files ..';
    $files = array();
    foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($_SERVER['basePath'])) as $file) {
        if (microtime(true) > $timestamp + 1) {
            $timestamp = microtime(true);
            echo '.';
        if ($isExcluded($file)) {
        if (!in_array($file->getExtension(), array('php'))) {
        $fileContent = file_get_contents($file);
        if (preg_match('/(?si)function\\s*compile_/', strtolower($fileContent)) === 0) {
        $files[] = $file;
    echo ' ' . count($files) . "\n";
    echo 'Including files ..';
    $i = 0;
    // php include can overwrite variable values so we need to isolate include in a function
    $includeFile = function ($file) {
        include_once (string) $file;
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        if (microtime(true) > $timestamp + 1) {
            $timestamp = microtime(true);
            echo '.';
        if (in_array(realpath($file), get_included_files())) {
    echo ' ' . $i . "\n";
    $callables = array();
    echo 'Listing compilers ..';
    $functions = get_defined_functions();
    foreach (array_merge($functions['internal'], $functions['user']) as $function) {
        if (microtime(true) > $timestamp + 1) {
            $timestamp = microtime(true);
            echo '.';
        if (strpos(strtolower($function), 'compile_') === 0) {
            $callables[] = $function;
    foreach (get_declared_classes() as $class) {
        foreach (get_class_methods($class) as $method) {
            if (microtime(true) > $timestamp + 1) {
                $timestamp = microtime(true);
                echo '.';
            if (strpos(strtolower($method), 'compile_') === 0) {
                $callables[] = array($class, $method);
    echo ' ' . count($callables) . "\n";
    echo "\nRunning " . count($callables) . " compiler(s):\n";
    foreach ($callables as $callable) {
        $id = (is_string($callable) ? $callable : $callable[0] . '::' . $callable[1]) . '()';
        echo '  ' . $id;
        echo "\n";
    echo "Done\n";
Exemple #13
  * actually renders the file set
 public function render($mode = 'auto', $size = 'auto')
     $c =& $this->config;
     // shorthand
     if ($mode === 'auto') {
         // do not count readme for decision (otherwise 2 pics and one readme would be only 66% ...)
         // ignorereadmeCompensate (otherwise 2 pics and one readme would be only 66% ...)
         $total = $this->totalFiles() - (empty($this->readme_content) ? 0 : 1);
         if ($total > 0 && $this->thumbCount / $total > $c->GRID_THRESHOLD) {
             $mode = 'grid';
         } else {
             $mode = 'list';
     if ($size === 'auto') {
         if ($mode === 'gallery') {
             $size = 1280;
         if ($mode === 'grid') {
             $size = 128;
         } else {
             $size = 32;
     if ($mode === 'gallery') {
         foreach ($this->fileList as $file) {
             $o = (object) $file;
             // shorthand
             // only images matter
             if (!isset(self::$thumb_support[$o->ext])) {
             $url = Cache::getThumb($c->origUrl . '/' . $o->filename, 'b', $size, $size, false, true, $c->thumbScale, $imgW, $imgH);
             out("<a href='{$url}' id='" . $file['thumbID'] . "'></a>");
     //for (potentially larger thumbs)
     enforce(in_array($size, array(32, 64, 128, 256)), 'non-available icon size');
     // OLD enforce( in_array($thumbSize, Cache::$PERMITTED_SIZES),'invalid thumb size' );
     $ulClass = array("dirList");
     $ulClass[] = "dirList-{$mode}";
     $ulClass[] = "dirList-{$size}";
     $ulClass[] = "dirList-{$mode}-{$size}";
     /* use singleCol rather than styling dirList list width 780px
      * since singeCol is already adjust-styled for Mobile... */
     if ($mode === 'list') {
         $ulClass[] = 'singleCol';
     outPush("<ul class='" . implode(' ', $ulClass) . "'>", $c->indent);
     if (count($this->fileList) < 2) {
         //if empty aka only .. in there
         out("<li class='item item-empty'>This directory is empty.</li>");
     // odd-even class
     $even = true;
     // iterate file-list
     foreach ($this->fileList as $file) {
         $o = (object) $file;
         // shorthand
         $liClass = array('item');
         if ($even) {
             $liClass[] = 'item-even';
         $even = !$even;
         // links open in external tab
         $target = $o->type === 'link' ? " target='_blank'" : '';
         // single-column (folders and other no-downloaders)
         $hasDownload = $o->type === 'file';
         $singleCol = !$hasDownload;
         if ($singleCol) {
             $liClass[] = 'item-singleCol';
         // computer right icon and path, default fallback.
         $iconBaseUrl = $c->ICONURL . $size . '/';
         $iconUrl = $iconBaseUrl . $o->icon;
         $iconPath = $this->ROOT . '/' . $c->ICONPATH . $size . '/';
         if (!is_file($iconPath . $o->icon)) {
             error_log("missing ICONPATH: " . $iconPath . $o->icon);
             $iconUrl = $iconBaseUrl . $c->ICON_DEFAULT;
         //get prior .meta(data) file
         $meta = array();
         // assume empty array for now
         $metaFile = $this->ROOT . $c->origUrl . '/' . $o->filename . '.meta';
         if (is_file($metaFile)) {
             $metaString = file_get_contents($metaFile);
             $metaString = str_replace('\\\\r\\\\n', '<br>', $metaString);
             $meta = json_decode($metaString);
         $title = $o->filename;
         if (isset($meta->caption)) {
             $title = json_clean($meta->caption);
         // COULDO:
         // $download-Only stuff gets singleCol and download-Button...
         $iconOrThumb = isset(self::$thumb_support[$o->ext]) ? 'thumb' : 'icon';
         $liClass[] = $iconOrThumb;
         outPush("<li class='" . implode(' ', $liClass) . "'>");
         $thumbID = isset($o->thumbID) ? " data-thumbid='{$o->thumbID}'" : '';
         outPush("<a class='view'{$thumbID}{$target} href='{$o->link}' title='{$o->title}'>");
         if ($iconOrThumb === 'thumb') {
             $imgW = $imgH = 0;
             $url = Cache::getThumb($c->origUrl . '/' . $o->filename, 'b', $size, $size, false, true, $c->thumbScale, $imgW, $imgH);
             $marginTop = floor(($size - $imgH) / 2) . 'px';
             $marginLeft = floor(($size - $imgW) / 2) . 'px';
             out("<img src='{$url}' alt='{$title}' width='{$imgW}' height='{$imgH}' style='margin-top:{$marginTop};margin-left:{$marginLeft}'>");
         } else {
             out("<img src='{$iconUrl}' alt='' width='{$size}' height='{$size}'>");
         if ($o->size !== null && $o->size !== '') {
             out("<span class='filesize'>" . self::humanSize($o->size) . "</span>");
         out("<span class='filename'>{$title}</span>");
         if ($hasDownload) {
             out("<a class='download neverprint' title='Herunterladen' href='?download={$o->link}'><span>Download</span></a>");
     // foreach $file
     if ($mode !== 'list') {
         out("<hr class='clear'/>");
     out("<div style='text-align:center;font-size: x-small;color:#888'>powered by " . "<a href='http://github.com/fran-kee/dirList' target='_blank'>" . "dirList</a></div>");